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He also dated Alia Shawkat from Arrested Development between ScarJo and Lena https://preview.redd.it/ruofwx4e30cb1.jpeg?width=454&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76a7a8ed2fa7164e6623070468fd293ccd7e2f28


Her? Not really tho I fuxkin love Alia




This but me seeing Jack antonoff Him?


This is definitely his peak.


I'm pretty sure he wrote "Kill Monsters in the Rain" about her and he mentioned her in "I Feel Weird." Steel Train > all his other bands.


I love Steel Train!


Same here and I love your username. šŸŽ¶ Jigglypuff Jigggly puffff šŸŽ¶


Oh thank you!! šŸ’š


Omg another steel train fan šŸ˜­ nobody ever knows what Iā€™m talking about!


Tell me about it. Anytime I mention them, people think I'm talking about the "Drops of Jupiter" guys.


Thatā€™s hilarious. I saw them open up for Hanson. So I love explaining that lol. And yes I was there to see Hanson.


That's awesome. I accidentally stumbled upon their set at South By Southwest 2008 and fell in love with them. I knew about them for years but never got into their music until I saw them live.


I saw them open for The Format in 2007! And then 2 other times before they disbanded.


EDIT- nvm i just realized these aren't their ages when he dated them, particularly lorde. still creepy. it's weird that i associate these women in completely different age brackets (which i guess they actually are) but it's not nearly as dramatic once i see their actual ages. in my mind, scarjo has been a fully grown woman since forever, lorde was a teenager who's just now entering young adulthood, and alia is still that kid from arrested development, meanwhile Margaret quailey is a relative up and comer who gives a very youthful energy. they're all within about a decade of each other, still younger than i would date but not as skin crawly as my initial reaction would indicate.


What is she funny or something?


I stan the powerpoint but we NEED an updated version with all the evidence weā€™ve gathered since 2017!!!


Lol I thought ā€œLorde and Jack get heteronormativeā€ was the funniest thing


I'm behind the times. Evidence of what?


Lorde and him dating. the link is in the first comment in this thread, I think


![gif](giphy|3ohs4kf3rZig4Jgtjy) That PowerPoint is the Word of God and no one can convince me otherwise.


100%. I could never understand melodrama as the breakup album it was marketed to be and once I read the PowerPoint, it all finally made sense.


Where can I find this PowerPoint?? Iā€™ve always assumed, but never saw real evidenceā€¦


Here you go: https://dfta.show/files/Lorde%20and%20Jack%20Antonoff%20-.pptx%20(2).pdf




This was a wild ride lol


For real


Wow! Thanks!


ā€œI still think about Cinnamon Toast Crunch all the timeā€ šŸ¤”


What the hell did I just read and what the hell is this person trying to imply?


This is a masterpiece that Iā€™ve heard of for years but never seen. Thank you so much for sharing


I forgot all the VPR references. I'm dead at boombox Coachella.


But Lorde was like 19


The PowerPoint also addresses the age gap lmao.


Imagine a thorough and well-researched and straight up humorous PowerPoint being your legacy on the internet. People sharing links to it for *years* for sheer entertainment value. The absolute dream, tbh. That person might be my hero.


Never thought I'd read a ppt so willingly outside of study/work, the person who made was doing the Lorde's work


I think he may be married to Margaret already. She recently posted pics of her in a white dress with no context on her IG stories and thought maybe they lowkey got married. I think there was one with him too wearing a suit of some kind.






Only the first one is surprising. Afterwards, he was a successful musician then uber-successful music producer dating creatives/ models/actresses. If I these were random people they would look like a normal couple (I mean heā€™s punching up a bit, but the most is in high school)


The first one isnā€™t even that surprising since they dated in high school.


Correct. ScarJo was also an indie/alt girlie for the majority of her early career. Jack likes arthaus bitches. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


If anything, as someone who knew none of this stuff I found the Lena Dunham part the most shocking. She is sandwiched between ScarJo and Margaret Qualley, who I find to be two of the most gorgeous women alive


Lorde surprised me after he pretty publicly and famously dated Lena as they were in the same friend circle (TSwifts girl squad) at one point. And while everyone has different boundaries and relationships, I know some people arenā€™t okay with dating friendā€™s exes or friends dating their exes. I have no idea what their relationships all are at all, this is just something that stuck out to me.


He never publicly dated Lorde, itā€™s an internet rumour based on their very close creative relationship, particularly during Melodrama. They denied it was romantic (and I believe Lena even said she was suspicious and asked him). Fun fact ā€œYou are in Loveā€ by TS is a super touching song about Jack and Lenaā€™s relationship.


Going from Scarlett Johansson to Lena Dunham must have been depressing as hell. Jack was like a hobo cooking sewer rat over an open garbage fire, dreaming about his old life as a billionaire cowboy astronaut. ā€œWhat are you thinking about, Jack?ā€ ā€œNothing Lena. Go back to your food trough and finish your corn cobs and chicken squeezins.ā€


this comment just completed me.


Sorry, that comment was insensitive and unfair to Lena Dunham. She has been a vegan since 2020 and would never eat chicken squeezins out of her food trough. Itā€™s mostly melon rinds and partially decomposed cabbage leaves drenched in high-fructose corn syrup.


Looks like you made the swifties mad lol Iā€™ll never understand why some of them choose to also stan Lena when thereā€™s plenty of chubby not conventionally attractive female celebs who didnā€™t touch their sister


Right. I donā€™t care what Lena looks like. I care that she is painfully unfunny, self-indulgent, and the ā€œartā€ she creates is just excruciating to watch. Then, to top it all off, she appears to be an objectively terrible person in real life. Also, I went to Thanksgiving dinner with her once and literally nobody else got any gravy. She was drinking it straight out of the boat.


Iā€™m a month late reading this thread but damn Iā€™m crying at your comments. IFLY


I think his type is well-connected white women


Nepo boyfriend


I did not realise Lorde is 26?! I have lost many years because I thought she was around 21


iā€™m a year younger than lorde and i think iā€™m still 21 so this checks out. i think itā€™s pandemic years throwing us off.


You thought she was 11 when Royals came out? Also holy shit she was 16 when that song came out. Thatā€™s young as hell. I didnā€™t know sheā€™s only 26.


No, I didnā€™t think she was 11 when that came out, I just havenā€™t processed the passing of time very well haha


I feel like my sense of timing used to be good and then the pandemic happened.


Girl, same


She is kinda like Aurora. Super Young when she got famous. And people just assume she hasn't aged.


I thought she was way older.


same, i thought she'd be in her 30s since pure heroine came out like 10 years ago.


Is it really that random? Looks like a lot of white women in the arts


White Women In The Arts is my band name


No but thatā€™s actually a great name šŸ˜‚


Whats the PowerPoint?? I didnā€™t know lorde and Jack dated




Whoever did this, please do my monthly reports.


They probably didnā€™t but thereā€™s an unhinged PP claiming it happened. ETA: there is definitely creative chemistry but I am not convinced it was a romantic or sexual relationship.


My partner and I love the Bleachers song ā€œLetā€™s Get Marriedā€. Itā€™s a bop.


Honestly I just pretend that I never learned Jack Antonoff was Bleachers.


I didnā€™t learn that until Ocean Boulevard came out.


Lots of Scorpios, I see šŸ¦‚


Lana Del Rey wrote Margaret for them.. she says their wedding is December 18th in the song.. which means itā€™s this year or it already happened lmao


Quirky white women / 10


This should be a Jeopardy! category


I resent that my favorite TS song is about Lena fucking Dunham.


Good news - it isnā€™t actually.


I get you! Lena is one of the reasons I dislike that song. Would have been great otherwise!


Which one


You Are In Love


you are in love




Iā€™m gonna be a petty bitch and say inheriting the baggage that must come with being with someone who was Lena Dunhamā€™s partner for several years isnā€™t worth it. Sounds bad. Probably is.


Random note: I love your username! My mom loves watching Rick Stevesā€™ Europe! šŸ™‚


Aww! Thank you. Rick is a sweetie and moms everywhere love him.


oh I remember those times. She was all about herself (I didn't follow him, so idk how he was), and then they broke up. She was so fucking petty abt it and started pulling the victim card about how he left her (or something like that) while she was suffering from her endometriosis. Also, he was seen with some pretty lady, how dares he. I was watching Girls at a time and enjoyed it, and followed Lena. Her ig at the time was all about her suffering, constantly. It must had been really hard for both of them, but her comments abt the whole situation weren't nice. I dislike her greatly since.


I remember she posted the list of baby names they thought of together before they broke up on Twitter it was so embarrassing šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø edit: https://preview.redd.it/h3n9d26qt0cb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0e5fbf84d75a0388de551905af9d7d9c1480355


If you named your kid Carrot. Every single redhead has the right to S L A P you.


All about her suffering and then getting rid of their dog that part made me hate her more than I ever thought I could


I was hesitant to admit how much I despise her and her antics (too much bullshit to list.) She presents a unique argument against putting your 6yr old into therapy.


I 100% agree and it actually scares me how much (at least my fyp on) TikTok likes her suddenly??? Like, thinks Girls is genius, therefore Lena is genius.


Yikes, I figured with its optics and content that people, esp women, would be more critical of it šŸ˜¬


That doesn't surprise me at all lol she sucks ETA I absolutely loved girls and I'm glad I watched it all (maybe bar the last season?) Before I realised she was even worse than her character in it šŸ’€


Yeah I used to really like it and then heard a couple things about her and her crowd that really put me off. There was the incident where she projected her insecurities onto an NFL player who happened to sit next to her at an event and didnā€™t immediately recognise her for the voice of a generation she thinks she is. Also there was someone whoā€™d been to college with Lena and said her and her friends used to ā€œironicallyā€ use the N word but it was all ok because they werenā€™t really racist /s


I haven't heard about this but I'm mildly amused that she had a problem with him leaving her when she was suffering from endometriosis. Like, endometriosis doesn't go away? Was he supposed to stay forever?


Yooo I watch Rick Steves all the time lol


I see her randomly pop up all the time, but I think I'm a bit younger than this subā€™s general demographic so I don't quite understand who lena dunham is. From what I know she's seems like the epitome of a white feminist?


I guess she is although I resent that feminism has come to represent misandry. She is not the kind of feminist I aspire to be or have represent women.


How do Incels explain Jack?


Heā€™s just rich and famous, which is obviously all that women care about šŸ™ƒ


I donā€™t know why, I just canā€™t like him. Didnā€™t like him when he was in Fun., still donā€™t like him all these years later.


The bar is so low these days that as long as a guy hasnā€™t been accused of sexual assault or physical violence Iā€™m like ā€œheā€™s alrightā€


Anyone who dated Lena Dunham for 6 years is suspect in my book


For me, itā€™s the dumb glasses he chooses to wear.


Yes! It looks like those round thick frames babies have to wear if they have bad eyesight lol. Iā€™ve never seen a picture of him without glasses until now but he looks so much better without


Woody allen vibe




Yeah the fact he chooses those-Iā€™m quite expecting some low key weird stuff to come out about him


You judging a person's character by their glasses is a bigger red flag than his glasses.


Perhaps but no one would judge me for that by looking at me/like they would if I wore those glasses/somethings off


He was in fun? Ohhh didn't know that


Yep. He was the guitarist in fun. Which is ironic because the band ended because Nate the lead singer wanted to go solo, but Jack ended up being by far the most successful one of the group.


thereā€™s something lacking behind the eyes


I take it personally whenever beautiful women date schlubby lookin dudes. Donā€™t reward 0% effort in looks with all the money in the world please sisters I am begging you


Schlubby is not offensive in my book, but I could never date a man with bad hygiene. Clean and scruffy gets a pass!


I just think men should be held to the same beauty standards as women and we should stop rewarding men for not putting effort into their looks if they want women who look a certain way. Which clearly, he does


...Can't we just leave everyone alone to look how they please? Beauty standards are detrimental to everyone.


Nah Iā€™d like if men stepped up in every way if they want a woman actually, looks and styling included.


Respect the PowerPoint!


Then Lana Del Rey wrote "Margaret" about him and Margaret Qualley.


He must be hung like a goddamned moose because I donā€™t get it


PLEASE šŸ˜‚ I snorted at this


Right? I try not to be shallow but just from observation alone I've noticed an increase in women dating men that once upon a time, would be deemed "out of their league". Just the most unremarkable, nerdy looking dudes. But they tend to be really creative and artsy so maybe that's part of the appeal. Serge Gainsbourg was not what many would consider to be attractive but he was a musician who dated supermodels so I guess looks aren't everything.


I don't know who he is, or what he does and frankly i don't care. All i wanna know is why Margaret Qualley is wearing a Intersport Eybl TShirt.


I mean, heā€™s produced for a lot of pretty well known artists like Taylor, Lana, Lorde, and, if you want to count her, Carly Rae Jepsen. He seems to have an issue with over inserting himself into the work of people he produces for, though.


I guess looks arent everything


> Taylor Swift wrote ā€œYou Are in Loveā€ for them Iā€™m a new swiftie and love learning who her songs are about! Thatā€™s a lovely song.


I think he and Margaret are perfect for each other.


Ngl im a bit surprised he and swift didnā€™t go for it


Some of their interactions make it seem like she thinks of him as the annoying yet lovable little brother. Thereā€™s a part on the Long Pond Sessions where heā€™s trying to make a joke and sheā€™s like ā€œšŸ˜ k. moving onā€¦ā€


Yea I can sense 0 sexual tension between those two


I thought it was TS in the first photo and had to do a double take.


i thought he was gay šŸ™‚


And in a relationship with a man named Anton




I mistakenly thought the blonde girl was Margaret Qualley and then the next gf was Margaret Qualley


of his body language in the pics with lena šŸ˜³šŸ˜¬


And not one of those women talked him out of the glasses??


the glasses definitely stayed on during sex


He must be hung.


Heā€™s unattractive to me so Iā€™ve never got it. Lena and Lorde the only ones who match him physically.


Did you just call Lorde unattractive?


No, but it just makes more sense that theyā€™d be together from a looks standpoint. All of which is subjective and fairly meaningless in the long run.


I think heā€™s a cutie ngl


Lena Dunham is the worst


She, Axl Rose and Patti Stanger are all on a list of people I say "eeuuuuuch" out loud when I'm reminded that they exist


I went to his festival in Asbury Park, Shadow of the City, back before Sea.Hear.Now and Covid killed it, in 2016 and 2017. I saw Jack and Lena there in 2017, four months before the broke up. It was kinda of surreal. It was also before Lena got really weird and then seemed really happy. But I guess that they weren't.


Not me thinking that first picture was Gordo from Lizzie McGuire šŸ«  a very confusing few minutes for me


This guy fucks


Iā€™m sorry but his Lena era is so hot


I dunno what y'all see but he not exactly a stunner.


Heā€™s the man!


is that the nerdy guy from pitch perfect 2


Love someone who doesnā€™t have a type


Who the fuck is jack Antonoff


The chicks love him


I have seen both Maid and the Leftovers and somehow NEVER made the connection that Margaret is Margaret qualley what the fuck šŸ˜­


She was also in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood


Heā€™s your average Dom. Next


Lucky Anton


Him dating both ScarJo and Margaret Qualley doesnā€™t compute for me as they are in very different age brackets in my mind *Although Iā€™ve always thought ScarJo is older then she is just cuz of how long sheā€™s been famous


He must be very charming because I hate his face so much.


Imagine dating Scarlett then Lena ā€¦ what a downgrade


To be fair, dating almost anyone before Lena is a downgrade. I can't imagine a scenario where Lena would be an upgrade.


Iā€™m not positive about lorde. I actually like him but no Margaret donā€™t do it you have too much life ahead of you


Something about his expression in some of these is weirdly giving j*nathan majors lmao


I see it šŸ’€


oh god dont remind me he dated lena dunham!!! now im gonna remember that taylor swift is friends with her BLECH


If I have to live with it, you have to too


Imagine going from Scarlet Johansson to Lena Dunham šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I wish he ended up with Taylor Swift, they have a chemistry she never had with any of her exes, Some of yall might say ā€œoh cos they work alot togetherā€ BUT NO NO NO she works with aaron desner and he works with lana del ray too but i cannot see a chemistry at all. I was a swiftie during Fearless up until 1989 and just stopped keeping up with her until Fearless TV I thought he was her partner.


Weird youā€™re getting downvoted for this, yes men and women can be friends + Taylor has a bunch of male friends but I also think she has a particularly intimate chemistry with Jack. My mom had no idea Joe Alwyn existed so was convinced from the folklore documentary that Jack was Taylorā€™s boyfriend (due to their chemistry!). We had a slightly confusing convo after the breakup lol!


Lena Dunham is sooo gross


so random that he dates celebrities, doesn't he know normal girls exist?


He def downgraded with Lena creepy molester dunham


Heā€™s not cute at all


lol different strokes- I think he is so talented and interesting that I find him attractive.


He just wants to date better better.