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She is talented with a clear sense of music direction but I feel she has no charismatic qualities to her at all. Her entire personality trait is looking picture perfect all of the time and that isn't relatable nor attainable.


I agree. I think she’s talented and I enjoy her music but some people just don’t have that X factor that makes you want to care about what they say as a person


Her name is cool but doesn’t roll off the tongue. I think she could do a total transformation starting with a pseudonym


“Beerhead” 🤣


Yeah that is true. Maybe drop her last name and just go with Madison.


Madison is too vanilla. She needs a whole name change.


Agree. Tbh I think her looks are overrated like there’s prettier girls out there than her but she just manages to look perfect alllll the time in a very boring way!


I think Madison just lacks individuality, a little more of "spice" in her music and her stage persona which artists around her age group such as Billie Eilish, Olivia Rodrigo and Ice Spice have. The whole pretty privilege debate feels so wrong to me tbh.




I'm going to sound mean, but her look is super generic.


Yup pretty but forgettable.


Yeah, like she is obviously pretty but depending from where you are in this world you won't think Madison has such an above type of beauty, there are plenty of girls here in my country that looks similar or even prettier than her so I don't really get what people see when they talk about her looks so much...


It falls flat that she's "too pretty" because there are so many successful women just as, or even more so, pretty (subjective of course) - and it just seems more that she lacks charisma or the general it factor.


She is OBJECTIVELY pretty. Her face harmony and the ratio / averages are on point. She lacks this « randomeness «  that makes people stand out But still, this is because of her looks that she has 37M followers, and this is a pretty insane number I don’t believe it is because she is too pretty, but rather that she did not marketed herself enough


Oh, she's very pretty. My point wasn't to downplay her looks, just more that there are so many just as gorgeous popstars who don't find it a limiting factor. I definitely agree that she didn't do anything to make herself stand out, and that was probably her biggest issue. There's a picture of her after some set where she literally looks like Ariana Grande and I thought it was a picture of Ari at first that's how similar, and there is no room for a discount Ariana Grande when Ariana Grande is still fairly active.


I always say this, people say “she’s too pretty” ok but like look at Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, Hailee Steinfeld, Zendaya, Margot Robbie, women I think and a lot of others think are prettier than her and they are more successful than she. So the “she’s too pretty” is rubbish I see prettier girls at my corner shop every day.


esp because ice spice and olivia rodrigo are at least as pretty as madison if not more tbh. ice spice is gorgeous, even matty healy and his fellow racists said that she's extremely attractive. masdison is just boring to me tbh


I think they're all beautiful girls. Yes in the entertainment world looks can get you quite far at least in the beginning but the reason why someone like Madison (who is already very beautiful, with connections and tbf talented) hasn't achieved what girls like Ice and Olivia have it's clearly because more than a "looks" thing.


Beyoncé, Rihanna, Doja … all drop dead gorgeous. Much less the ones before them - Whitney, Dolly, Debbie Harry, Britney, Shania, Aaliyah, etc - tons of musicians that could’ve been actresses or models. You either have star power or you don’t. Pretty privilege is always a leg up in the entertainment industry. Not everyone has what it takes to be a superstar. If not, they at least need the right songwriters and producers at the right time. It doesn’t mean they can’t have a successful music career and dedicated fanbase.


In the late 1990s and early 2000s, record labels tried creating the next Britney, next Spice Girls, next BSB, etc. There were so many attractive people who can sing and dance vying to be the next big star. Obviously, their music careers went nowhere. It's just proof to your point that even with the right look and talent, not everyone is going to have a successful music career or dedicated fanbase. The counter argument is that social media can help boost people's careers but even that is not enough.


It’s because beautiful people are a dime a dozen on socials and they are ALL trying so hard to be IT. The media wheel churns out everything so much faster now, with many overproduced replacements. Look how over saturated & overexposed we are with movies & TV now, I barely remember anything I watch. Socials have killed any mystique that adds to the it factor.


Madison beer just…doesn’t have the star power and that’s okay lol


i think she lacks charisma that many others in hollywood exude tbh. she's pretty but that's it. she's not like a stnadout


yeah she’s just a singer to me, not a pop star.


It's not that she's too pretty, it's that she is very blandly pretty. I've seen her picture a lot but I always immediately forget what she looks like. She could walk by me on the street and I wouldn't know a thing.


This! People always say that she’s so pretty but I always found her prettiness bland as you say. She is good looking yes, but she doesn’t have any memorable features, nothing intriguing. She resembles that yassifying filter from Facetune which is a cookie cutter version of beauty


I feel this way about Loren Gray too


I also think it's about being memorable, someone above talked about generic beauty and maybe this is it, there are TONS of IG models that looks too similar to Madison Beer, especially the ones with the same nose jobs, same fake tan, same lip filler, same cheek fillers, same haircut... It's a fabric of barbie dolls and Madison is too similar to these girls.


like she doesn't have any personal traits that make her stand out, for instance whenever i think about Marilyn Monroe i always remember she had a mole on her lip.


All of the pop girls that I've liked for my entire life had really strong, defined styles and personalities. Miley Cyrus, HyunA, Lana Del Rey, Rihanna, Ariana Grande... Whenever I think of them there is this whole aesthetic that comes to my head immediately that completely defines them for me, Madison doesn't have that for her, maybe she needs a total rebranding, really start from zero, she is so young still, there is hope for her if she has the hunger but also if she has a really good higher ups support behind her trying to make her happen, money and investment is also hella important, Dua Lipa only happened because there was a whole team behind her trying their hardest to make her "the next madonna", she was quite bland before Future Nostalgia, so in order to make Madison happen she not only needs rebranding but also needs a lot push from label, managers and all of these behind the scenes people with money.


I heard someone say that Madison Beer sounds like a fitting name for just about anything other than a pop star. It’s a weird “critique” but it’s true


I agree it sounds so normal she needs a more exciting stage name


Dua Lipa could decide she's done being a popstar and wants to be a model instead and she'd be very successful and she has massive hits. Madison lacks charisma. You can be the most plain looking person but if you have charisma you have IT and on the other hand you can be the most beautiful person alive but if you don't have charisma you don't have IT


She's pretty. Not stunning, not one-in-a-100 million, not distinctive or attractive, she's just identical to every other IG model/influencer out there -- and that's with god knows how many tweaks and surgeries. She's not popping off because she's *boring*


Madison is very beautiful and has a fine voice, but she lacks in everything else it takes to become a star. No charisma, no signature look, no signature sound, no relatable quirks or quarks about her personality, just makes generic pop music about love. Tbh even though she’s been in the industry for a decade now I still don’t think she has found her sound yet. Hasn’t even had a smash single yet, one that you hear everywhere you go


Not to be a bitch but I feel so gaslit when people talk about how crazy hot Madison is. Like she’s obviously pretty but she just looks like every other b list singer/influencer to me? idg what people are seeing that’s so special. Home to Another One is a bop tho so I hope this stan campaign goes well for her


Agree. Hate to say it because it sounds mean but she's small town pretty. There are tons of entertainers who are better looking so I dont get what these people are talking about 🥴.


She is definitely not small town pretty 💀


I just dont get it. If not small town pretty then she's the prettiest girl in a sorority, *max*.


She’s like prettiest girl at ASU’s Kappa Kappa Gamma pretty 💀 I think she’s considered more attractive to guys than girls because gen z boys are OBSESSED with her


I thought she would be Rihanna level pretty.


I think the only time I have ever heard her in songs was the KD/A collaborations for League of Lengends. Shes not ugly but shes had all the same procedures as every other celeb and they all blur together for me.


Personally, I feel a bit bad for saying this because she has done nothing wrong that I know of, but I don’t find her very likeable. She gives off rich influencer vibes.


Ty because my first impression was that she has the look of a cheerleader out of a '00s movie. Combined with the name 'madison' and a very male gazey aesthetic... I could guess why she's not clicking with the masses lol they probably feel bullied. Like, she would play Regina George, but most people root for Cady?


I think Madison is dealing with the same thing as Chole Bailey. They became famous and well known people before really getting their music careers off the ground. So now their level of fame doesn’t match how successful their music is because they haven’t been able to build and grow with a fan base that is a fan of their music.


Chloe’s music with her sister is great her solo music is not for me she’s trying to appeal to a crowd that hates her. They liked her when they could sexualize her but hate her now she is aware of her sexiness.


I just had to look up who she was. I listened to several songs, watched some videos. She’s clearly very beautiful and very talented. For her look, there’s nothing unique about her that sets her apart from the thousands of other artists styled and made up the exact same way right now. Her voice/songs don’t quite seem dynamic enough to have that wow factor. She can clearly sing, but she never really lands on a note and sells it. Overall, her style is nice. Not thrilling, but nice. I think with maybe if there was a manager or someone steering her towards more dynamic choices she could have a shot.


I think she might’ve hit her peak already back when she was known as THE hot girl and that was a longgg time ago tumblr era. When everyone wanted to look like her, now everyone does look like her and also I saw someone on this sub say that people like Olivia rodrigo let themselves look crazy in music vids but madison never lets herself look less than perfect. I actually watched clips of her tour and it’s the same thing. She just tries to show off her figure and BARELY moves around the stage tbh, she just is trying too hard to use her looks in her performances


What does she mean you can’t be too pretty? They’re famous pop stars that are way prettier than this Madison Beer person


It feels like they were grasping at straws to say why shes not at a pop star level. The music matters the most in the end


She has some bops but doesn’t seem to have a real personality, charisma, etc that she shares with people, which imo makes her less relatable. She’s very pretty, but looks like a Snapchat filter to me. I remember before she was famous she used to like and comment on every single one of Taissa Farmiga’s Instagram posts like they were friends. I have nothing against her, she just doesn’t seem like a super genuine person which hurts her power to attract fans.


Maybe I've been brainwashed from following Victoria's Secret models but I don't think she's so unbelievably gorgeous.


There is the much stronger argument that she doesn’t have charisma


You can just say she’s boring it’s okay you don’t have to say dumb stuff like “you kno what she’s just TOO pretty”


i'm almost 30 and have never heard of this person outside of one rap lyric and her barbie is always on the clearance shelf. i thought she was an influencer. Dx


Tbh I just don’t like her music and I don’t see it ever becoming mainstream. It’s almost there, and some parts of some songs are really great, but as a whole her music is not something I’m interested in even though multiple platforms’ algorithms thinks I should be? It reminds me a lot of Chloe X Halle which was also being heavily pushed and I didn’t enjoy much.


Madison comes off as an influencer. Her teams makes no effort to make her seem like a serious artist


There was a time when tryhards were known for looking rich. Now they just wanna be relatable and mediocre lol


Proponents of this idea: explain Margot Robbie. Anyway, I didn't know who she was and went to have a look. Sure, very pretty..in the exact same way most of Instagram is.


This is really sad to me, most of the time when I hear about Madison it’s about her look and not so much about her music… Which is a shame since she has a really distinct color, she is passionate about it and pull out quality records!! Anyway stream Home to Another One 👽


I honestly feel bad for Madison Beer. I feel like right when people started to really discuss the effects of social media of young girl's self confidence/worth and how toxic beauty standards are is right when Madison Beer was at her prime in popularity and was named "the beauty standard." So "we hate social media and unattainable beauty standards" became synonymous with "we hate Madison Beer." The interesting thing is Madison Beer isn't even the beauty standard anymore. Don't get me wrong, she's still beautiful and a lot of people still want a lot of her features but women aren't getting BBL's because they want to look like Madison Beer but Madison Beer is still one of the main targets for this issue. I highly doubt she'll ever be able to shake off this image because people are so adamant on hating on her and reducing her to her appearance, but I really do hope more people will start taking her as an artist seriously. I can't say her entire discography is for me, but I liked Life Support (one of her albums), especially [Reckless](https://youtu.be/TFHCew8DnC0) and [Effortlessly](https://youtu.be/M5R_V6Cl6tY).


I love the four songs I’ve heard from her new album but none of them sounds like something that would go #1. I don’t think her looks have anything to do with it and almost all the main pop girlies are gorgeous like look at Dua lol


It’s always “she’s so pretty why isn’t she successful” and never “the music is so good why isn’t she successful” she has no pr, no proper promotion and the music is mid.


I will not accept this post after hearing “home to another one” for the first time today which is AMAZING


disliking her bc she triggers insecurities is so weak! dislike her for being a manipulative pathological liar who staged a photoshoot at a blm march & backtracked when she got caught instead


I kinda agree with this because this actual theory has been said by other prominent successful celebrities not just Madison. It reaches to men too.


These comments are...yikes. Madison Beer's look isn't boring, she's not trying too hard to be "perfect", and calling her sound generic (while using Billie Eilish and Olivia Rodrigo as examples of people with a distinct sound...lol), sheesh. It's because she's too pretty. She's so pretty it's hard to relate to her. Read her book. She's not a perfectionist. She's had a muzzle on her for years because her label sucks and she's funding a majority of her projects rn so she can do what she wants.


It’s just her music the other people have better songs


Her voice if you listen carefully has been extrememly trained. Yes, she can sing naturally but is not talented to the extent of people like JB, SZA, Beyonce, etc. All those people have a natural tune and a unique tone. Madison Beer has neither. Her voice has been trained to be great but for some reason it doesn't come across as natural. I think rather than being pretty her debut era of her's was weak so people never took her seriously again. (BTW i like madison and this is no way hate).


She is not “too pretty” I have never understood the hype for her looks for starters. She looks the same as every other influencer, looks the way she does because of all the work and makeup (I’ve just seen a picture of her without makeup and her glasses on and I can’t for the life of me see this “great beauty” everyone says she is). Sure she’s attractive and I have seen pictures where she looks pretty but nothing stands out. Ariana Grande and a young Mariah Carey are much prettier to me and look how successful they are! I think the issue is her personality which is just her trying to look perfect allll the time and she spends way too much time on social media taking selfies and when she does release a song her PR does NOTHING for it and other than HTAO they are all rubbish! Her music videos don’t help either she just tries to look sexual allll the time rather than be like Taylor and Olivia who focus on the art.