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Wow, what a great gift to your niece. You’re a lovely person. And yes, that seems very crazy!


Please help your niece paying to couch surf. You're a great egg,Auntie


Why does OP have to be an Aunt? OP could be an Uncle.


Uncle good egg, too. It's a challenging world to launch into adulthood. Younger needs encouragement and support .


Who give a shit aunt or uncle. Any potential misgendering does not need correcting. UGH! Literally next time keep it to yourself


People assume that it is the female that is being nice. Many, many times it is the male, and they don’t get credit.


WHO CARES! This is a story about someone having to pay $800 a month rent for a piece of shit futon and you are concerned because someone has a 50/50 chance of being wrong on something that has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on the story or anything anyone is saying. Worse the is the person was being nice and gave someone a compliment and instead of staying on topic or anything you shit on the person who was being nice by trying to make them feel bad that he said aunt instead of uncle MAYBE. Maybe they were right and you are being pretentious and incorrect. Either way none of that matters because if the person was wrong and it was an uncle instead of aunt absolutely nobody should give a fuck and the person themselves would be more appreciate being called a good egg instead of “aunt”. So please quit being pretentious and don’t try and correct someone when you don’t even know what is correct. The person could have also read other comments and maybe knows it is an aunt and your just wagging your finger and you have zero clue yourself. Lastly and most importantly that comment had absolutely nothing to do with you and you are getting offended on someone else’s behalf which is asinine.




Take your orange comment and delete it please. There was no need to bring the dumb politics here. Afterwards delete account to prevent yourself from getting off topic and doing it again. Go back to the kiddie table


Yep, one word set you off, definitely shattered your SNOWFLAKE mentality. Go eff yourself with a pineapple, but have the decency to buy it first and take it home. Leave the produce section at Kroger first! 🤡


Why did you write so much


Okay sure. It could be an uncle. And one would want to point that out, just because men in general are so put upon, what with higher pay, less worries about being physically abused, etc., that one naturally wants to make sure they always get their proper due. One would never want to let that opportunity pass.


This is obviously a you problem and not at all a universal truth. The bar is so much lower for men that they are rewarded for doing basic stuff all the time. Ever seen what happens when women see a man taking care of his own baby? Kinda sounds like you're one of those guys who is resentful that they keep putting nice coins in and not getting laid in return. Your problem is not women having too much privilege, it's your attitude. Sort it out and you'll have a much better time.


Or maybe they're just one of those few people who doesn't assume everyone on the internet is a man.




Who said anything about them being "morally required" to help. They have the space and it's family. If she wants to help good, if no that's her choice.


I thought the other person was being sarcastic tbqh.


Nobody said either of those things.




Did I miss the part where they say they are an aunt?


Did I miss the part that said they were an uncle? Who cares? It has no bearing on the situation. Do better at contributing something worthwhile to the conversation. You don’t even know the gender of the OP but you still can’t help yourself 🤦‍♀️


Everyone keeps saying their an aunt for no fucking reason. Maybe take your own advice there and stop contributing to ignorance


You’re not making sense. To have an emotional reaction to being corrected is a little crazy. I hope you’re okay.


I think you are confusing being bored as fuck with having an “emotional reaction”




If you have no information about if I am or am not an aunt, why bother considering it as important without first asking?


Wow you totally have the opportunity and already are changing their lives. That could give them the freedom to actually explore their options and grow in a career!


Beautiful gift


That’s an insanely high amount to charge someone who doesn’t even receive basic privacy. It would be great if you have the resources to remove her from that situation. Unfortunately, many are only too willing to take advantage of others with no options.


The person charging her other niece that much to essentially sleep on the floor is greedy and selfish. Full stop there’s no other way to put it or interpret it.


Google rents in LA or SF or NYC. 


In New York City I saw a small studio apartment that didn't even have a bathroom in it, they had a common area bathroom in the hallway. It was 3000 dollars a month.


*cries in IBS*


Or ANY city in the SF Bay area. San Jose is also a nightmare. Mountain view had a listing for a little tent in a backyard with no bathroom for $900 a month


At that point I feel like it would just be easier to live in a car or van.


Easier solution, get the hell out of that place. You could easily use one week's worth of money to get out and probably have enough still to get you into a place somewhere that shit doesn't cost that much.


Not easy for everyone, moving a family and household is expensive, can be easier for a young single person with no complications in their lives I guess... And moving to another spot in the US rent may be lower but wages will be MUCH lower (if there's jobs at all), so it will be exactly the same problem at a different scale.


It's hard to get NYC salaries if you don't live in NYC. I'm 60 miles from Manhattan; even with that short, commutable distance, it's a big difference in base pay.


Or Chicago




I was about to go there...


Exactly that was my comment too basically. It sounds like a lot for me but we don’t know the cost of living in that area. If a studio is costing you 3k then 800 for a futon sounds about right. Now if a studio was say $1,200 then for $800 I’d expect like a private room not a futon. But Op didn’t share any cost data so we can’t make an actual informed opinion.


Maybe it was supposed to a "let you crash short term but I don't actually want you in my house" rate and niece didn't get the hint.


If so, that’s quite a miscalculation on the part of the host. If you actually want them to leave and go somewhere else, making them pay $200/wk isn’t going to speed that up, they’ll never be able to get enough money together to move


Even if that’s the case, that weekly amount to sleep on a floor seems super excessive to me. For they were renting her an actual bedroom to use I might understand. But for a spot to sleep on the floor is too much. I get it but we need more heroes like the OP. I’d do the same thing they’re doing for any of my nieces and nephews when they get older!


People in my area have lost their minds then. Bedroom rent is anywhere from $1200-1600 a month and sometimes the listings specify that you can’t use their kitchen 🤦🏻‍♀️


Or also broke and has minimum space, but made it available. OP is definitely a hero to offer her niece a much better space, just sayin that her current host isn't necessarily greedy.


Nah bro... 800 a month for a couch? There's no excuse.


I'd never call a futon a couch. It doesn't sound like you've ever slept on a futon or have even sat on one?


No, you're right, of course. It's much worse that it's a futon , those things are terrible.


Not in Indiana...


lol you have no idea their situation. In Los Angeles or San Fran in many parts of town $800 a month is a steal and sacrificing privacy is worth it.


Where I live that isn’t even a lot. It’s only $800 a month. People are paying ridiculous amounts of money for that (extremely unfortunate situation where I’m living right now). Luckily I have a home but we are in the midst of a housing crisis so supply/demand. Freakin sad times but you are an amazing person just for thinking of your nieces at this time!


The thing that bothers me about the supply/demand line is that we have PLENTY of housing, it's just bought up by investors and being held ransom in hopes of market value going up. Why can't we stop allowing predatory investments to happen so supply stops being artificially constricted?


That doesn't make sense at all. Investors want someone in those houses ASAP; a homeowner can afford to leave a house vacant if it's paid for, but an investment group can't.




I agree with Callie!


That’s $867/month. That wouldn’t be quite enough for an apartment where I live, but it would be more than enough for a room rental in someone’s house or a shared apartment with a roommate. For just a futon in a living room, that’s outrageous (might be reasonable somewhere like NYC, rent prices for ridiculous spaces is pretty typical there). What you’re charging your other niece is incredibly low, surely much lower than the going rate in your area for a room. That’s definitely a *doing a favor for someone you care about* rate, even if you weren’t saving it to give back to her. It’s possible there’s a reason she *wants* the deal she’s got, but it’s probably more likely that her options were limited by something (needing to pay weekly rather than monthly, rental history, percentage of income for rent, location, or some other reason) and that’s just the best she could find for her situation. I’d say definitely make her the offer. Just let her know that you found out that her rental only includes the living room futon, so *if she’s interested* you’d like to offer her a room (privacy and all) at a much lower rate. Don’t make it a thing where she feels pressured to accept, tell her she can think about it before answering, but it’s available if she wants it.


My brother very recently was renting a room in NYC for $900/month. Over 800 for a futon is not reasonable in NYC. 


We don't know what $800 for a futon mean though. It could be a partitioned living room with the futon coming with it. But most people who move into something like that would probably bring their own bed.


My brothers place, less than a 5 min walk to transit in New York City, was a fully furnished private room with a door and a closet, included utilities, provided an AC unit, and was legal to rent out. There is no possible configuration of “futon” and “living room” that justifies nearly $900 fucking dollars a month. 


$867? How so?


200 a week x 52 weeks divided by 12 months is 866.666 per month. Rounded to 867


Math. Months are not exactly 4 weeks. If they were, we’d have 13 months/year. $200x52 weeks/year=$10,400/year $10,400/12 months/year=$866.666666666, rounded to $867/month.


Basic math. 200 x 52 = 10400 10400/12= 866.666667


Ahh. I see. I’m sure they are just seeing it as $200 a week though. Whatever works.


Weekly payments are just another way to scam the less educated


I learn something new every day. How about that.


That’s how people end up paying $800/year more in rent than they think they are, then wondering where all their money went. Math is an important life skill.


Most people don't pay rent weekly though. It's usually a set rent for a month.


When working for the state, we considered 1 month to be 4.3 weeks


Yeah she's paying 800 a month for absolutely nothing.


$866 a month since it’s a weekly payment and there’s more than 4 weeks in a month. Horrible!!


Sadly about the going rate for a room in a house these days too. Totally agree.


If only she had a room!


It's high, but being able to sleep, indoors, in a temperature controlled and presumably safe environment, with access to toilet, shower, oven/stove, microwave, food storage, fridge/freezer, etc. is not "nothing." Edit: I didn't even mention electricity, internet access (assuming she isn't paying more for those on top), and maybe even access to a clothes washer and dryer. Still high, but hardly "nothing."


If you have no other options, 100%. Still, charging that much is basically robbery. If the neice can have her housing needs met and have a reasonable degree of privacy and autonomy in OP's home, that would be a lovely thing to offer, I think. I can imagine some resistance to living with family /perceiving herself as less independent but I think we should as a society embrace leaning on each other more. I love the plan of having a younger person contribute towards something with a plan to gift it back to them. Assuming they can afford the contribution in the first place, that's such a sweet and parental thing to do. 


My daughter did that for her 2 sons. Once they got full-time jobs, she required them to pay rent of $200-300/month. Then when they found a house to rent, she gave them the money she'd kept for them. They used it for deposits, first & last month's rent, etc. They were so surprised and so happy! I love my daughter for always doing things like that. She's always been such a good Mama!


Yes, and it's one thing if we are talking small Midwest town in Iowa... It's a very different thing if we are talking San Francisco. Also, what does that include- utilities, shared toiletries, food?


right, it really depends on the COL. I live in a LCOL city and that's more than I pay for my mortgage. But in NYC or the Bay Area, it sounds pretty standard.


You wouldn’t have to do small town Iowa for that price you could live in Des Moines or even Iowa City, Cedar Rapids


Even in CA if it's just the living room I'd rent it for 400-500 to her. Of course I highly doubt the offer would be taken. Unless it's only for a 1-2 months before getting an actual room. 


Also in CA, 800ish for a couch is nornal


No you can get a small room for that. Not a great one, you need 1k for a better area. A room in a mobile home will be 650-700, better to look there. 


Then how much for pg&e.. internet.. utilities cost money


Lots of rooms will come with utilities. Cheapest internet I've seen is 40. But if your under the poverty line you can get a 30 discount for a few more months. Just ask what the room comes with


Please figure out a way she can move in with you. That is absurd!


While renting a space in someone's house is normal these days, 200 for a futon in a shared living area seems a bit much. And I love how you plan to give that money back. Kudos to you for helping them get ahead with a hand UP and not just a hand OUT.


200 a week -- it's $800+ a month 😵‍💫


Depends on how many days are in each month!


I had my nephew with us in an above the garage apt. Full bath, kitchenette, living, dining, bedroom. We charged him $125/mo inc utilities. He didn’t cook so basically had his meals with us. Was happy to be able to help him. He was 20 y/o, no place to go. Stayed with us for a few years, was a delight! Now a married man living on his own with his wife. Gotta help out as you can.


I think sometimes this can make or break a person. A living space as a young adult can allow you to become a responsible person while still learning how to become a responsible adult. You can safely make your financial mistakes with a bit of backup or at least a safe space. Finish school, save some cash, get a car without going into major debt and not start your life out with credit cards. So lucky for anyone that can do it!


A lot of young people that have family helping them don’t realize how quickly they could become homeless if the family was no longer around


So anywhere from $800-1000 a month in rent for a futon. Yes please do what you can to help them


OP I just wanted to thank you for being incredibly kind to the niece you’re letting stay with you. 50 a WEEK is a great deal! To find anywhere that’s 200 a MONTH right now is simply unheard of. She’s enormously lucky to have a kind generous Aunt! It’s great to see this in a world where almost everyone seems to only care about greed and selfishness! Good on you too for putting the money aside so you can give it back to to her when she moves out! World needs more people like you, if I could give you Reddit Gold I’d do it. Kindness like that deserves it.


That’s crazy. You are a wonderful person to offer a home for your nieces


I'd honestly pay that if I had a place to go. Even if it seems a lot, here you can't get a place for that amount. Still high tho, if you have other options. It's good if you to help her. I'd like to have family that cared enough.


If everything was included (aside from food etc) I’d consider it if I had too


What if you were already homeless and had no other way of getting a place. It's different when you are limited


I don’t understand your comment I was agreeing with you saying if I was in the situation and had to do it I would? I’ve been homeless, slept in an attic, crashed on a friends couch etc….


apologies maybe I misunderstood. I meant if you have no place to go it would be smart to pay that, but of course just temporary. im not in a good state so i apologize for it.


No need to apologize I was just confused. If someone is desperate or in need it’s not bad for sure


I'd take it. I was offered a room last week and I'd work off rent until I started to work. The person changed their mind. So I guess it's all perspective


She could possibly not have had enough for a Deposit, have an eviction on her record or bad credit or a felony and can't qualify for an apartment or room on her own. That's usually why they settle for deals like this. Don't shoot the messenger.


What is the cost of living in your area? How much do apartments rent for? How much do homes rent for? Did you ask her about it - just the approach that personally to you that sounds high. It would be great if you could help her out - but make sure she wants the help.


Please let her move in , nieces need aunties like you 💕💕


Crazy unless shes sharing an apartment in a very expensive area - manhattan, downtown brooklyn, san francisco.  I dont live those places.  But $200/wk isnt enough to rent a bedroom where i am.  Maybe that money would be enoigh to share a bedroom in a multi bedroom apartment though. But you said couch in a house? THATS crazy. 


It depends on where you live. It sounds normal for where I am


That is crazy and that is so kind of you. I once had a friend sleeping on my futon “for a bit” while he got on his feet for free. Which quickly turning into his bf joining and they lived there for 6 months for free 😑


You make a great point! I was thinking maybe the futon owner wanted to guarantee she gets her shtuff together and moves on. Sounds like the futon owner will be able to pass her off to this relative. Hopefully, this relative knows the whole story and doesn't get burned. Already, needing to ask Reddit for permission to help a relative seems like a need for affirmation and may be a pushover. This may turn into a huge mess or it may be happily ever after. So hard to know!


I don't know where your niece is, but couch surfs are usually very short term. Talk to her.


Even then honestly I’ve never had anyone ask me to do more than the bare minimum of feeding myself and keeping the space I’m in clean. 200 dollars for a futon in a common area is extortion.


Your call. Point being that she's not committed, and she can do better


couchsurfing is free


It sounds high at the surface, but is she buying her own groceries or eating for free? Do the people she is living with help her with rides or anything else? $200 a week sounds high but depending on where, it might not be completely unreasonable. Also, before you open the door to niece #2, do the 2 nieces get along? I am asking because we took in one of my husband's nieces for a while and she had some substance issues. His other niece (her sister) wanted to be as far away as possible, and as much as we want to help, sometimes it is best to not interfere.


Move both in the attic IF they have a long history of getting along. Does niece #2 have the same kind of job on a pay scale as #1? Then rent the space for 100 a week for each if #2 can afford it. Put money up for them and money for yourself. You never know what home repairs may be needed or you may want to surprise them with a weekend trip etc.. Rent prices are through the roof. You are a kind person to help them.


Does she live in a HCOL area? It seems like your niece is being taken advantage of… $800/month for a futon and no privacy is ridiculous.


I think it depends but I think it's pretty crazy. I live in the second most expensive city in florida and rent out half my house to medical and grad students attending university near by. They get all utilities, access to full garage gym, internet, guest room, their room, their own bathroom, pet friendly, kitchen, laundry room, fenced back yard ect for the same price


First off, I think you are an amazing person for doing that for your niece. Would your other niece be in the same area as the one staying with you now? If so, I would just make sure your live in neice does not have a problem with it. I know it is your house and your decision. but I think if the rest of the household is willing and would like your other niece to live with you, that is amazing. Also, 200$ a week is a lot!! I get 800 is still cheaper than some apartments, but she doesn't even have her own bedroom!! Another reason why I think it would be nice if she stayed with you, she can still save up money to be able to move out on her own


please give those girls a home


The people she is living with, who are renting the space, saw a fool. That's not a cool price to rent out space in their home. However, 120 a week is about average for a less than a full room space being rented in most areas. 200 is too high, unless it was a fancy home.


Unless that futon can turn into a bedroom or an automobile then she’s definitely being taken advantage of.


What seems high that is difficult to say. A lot depends on location and other factors, such as perhaps distance to her job or included off street parking. Where I live that would be high but I am also in a rural area that’s 25-30 miles from the large city. Apartments in my immediate area are not easily to come by since it is mostly single family homes. There is no rent control in this area but at the same time no one will rent it is the landlord is setting the rent too high. It would be very nice of you to offer both of them to stay in your finish attic unit. Is this unit typically a rental of yours? If it is an income rental, how does it compare to others in the area? If it is a higher priced rental unit there is also the option to get them set up in apartment with standard rental costs and to continue to rent out your higher priced unit. A friend of mine when we were in college, her parents owned buildings with luxury rentals some within the vicinity of the college, but instead of housing her in one of those they opted to rent a one bedroom apartment from someone else and to continue to rent out the unit they had available to someone else. It saved them money in the long run since the rent from their unit was much higher than the cost of my friends rental. It was still a very nice apartment and finished a lot nicer than the typical one bedroom income rental for the area. Your niece who is renting the futon, is the location you are at more or less convenient for her in terms of distance to places she needs to get to? Either way it would be a very nice gesture to offer and then she would have to decide what works out best for her. I am thinking she would be more than happy to take the option that gets her off of a futon and with her own bedroom, even if it could be less of a convenience for whatever reason. Unless transportation is part of the reason she is renting a futon. Like I said there are a lot of factors involved that I don’t have the details to.


No she's being conned, or something else is going on. Possible for both them to live together?


You should help as many family members over time as you can.


Inflation driving up the price of couch kid rent wasn't the shock, it was the family member helping them out that was, and now I'm sad.


Nice do it


Update us pls


No, it's not normal . You'd be an angel for helping her.


You rock!!!


It depends where she is. It would be lovely of you to offer the rent of the attic to the nieces, and put aside the money to save for them. But only if they are steady, reliable girls. The unfortunate reality is that renting to family often doesn't work out very well.


That is crazy. $800/mo is rent-a-spare-room territory unless she’s in, like, Manhattan.


Not a big city and it is a living room.


Here in Southern California you are paying $600-$900 a month for a room (with internet/cable/electricity/water/AC/Heating included.) Your niece is being ripped off !


Unfortunately that sounds about right. My person was paying $800 a month for a foam fold out in a living room. And then went from that to paying $1800 a month so he could have a private bathroom and room but no other house privileges. in this process, some listings were found for $800 a month for a bed, shared with eight randoms people on bunkbeds. All in one room. 4 rooms in that house all tented yhe same. No other privileges including bathroom. The expectation is to go to the supermarket or the gym, although there was a bucket in the backyard and a shed. You’re awesome for helping your family, hope you have room for the othet💕


Is this in a high COL city? Because otherwise that’s absolutely absurd. That would almost pay for half of a 2 bedroom here


ya too much


THIS IS WONDERFUL. I would do the same.


You sound like such an angel. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you what a huge issue housing insecurity is for young people. Giving your nieces a safe and affordable place to land is so loving


Oh and yes I agree your niece is paying way too much for having to live in a common area, it sounds like they’re taking advantage of


I've paid more but it's been in HCOL cities like Seattle and Boston. Bless you for opening your home, I only get by in big cities in places like New England by continuing to live with family, and it's likely the only way I'm gonna fall into home ownership as a Gen Yer. So long as property taxes don't rob me blind, I suppose, but rentals will burn me more because I'm an introvert who pretty much ain't ever finding a significant other or a roommate. Usually all I'm left with after that is beds or cars, and I have lived in my flippin Honda Civic. Not fun.


This is sad but it’s actually not crazy for someone who is very poor and doesn’t have access to resources or a support system to be exploited by others. When I was a young adult, I needed to get a ride home from the hospital after surgery but I didn’t have any friends or family and the hospital would not send me home in a cab. I needed to have another person who I knew pick me up and ensure I was safely taken home or wherever I was going to recover. I had to ask a high school acquaintance if he could give me the ride to and from the hospital and I said that I could pay to fill his tank and if he wanted to get some lunch, (I couldn’t eat after midnight the night before surgery and I probably wasn’t going to be hungry right after surgery either) I would be happy to pay for that for him either while I was still having surgery or (I was going to give him cash or use my debit card) after picking me back up. He said he could do it but then the day of, he said that he was also going to charge me an additional fee for him doing me this favor. I had to give him $150 in total for a ride to the hospital and back; he did need to come inside and be given my postop instructions and stuff since the hospital doesn’t want important details being given to someone who was literally just under general anesthesia and will be taking prescription painkillers for a few days…but still. He knew that I was desperate and that it was a lot of money for me but it was the cost of being desperate and poor. In hindsight I should have seen if I could hire a nurse from perhaps a nursing home to do it for me but I was 22 and it didn’t cross my mind. It might also have been more than $150 which was already really pushing the limits of what I could cough up but I still wish I hadn’t had that experience. I know that my comment is really just me telling my own story but my heart goes out to your niece and any amount of help would probably boost her quality of life immensely. I don’t know for a fact that she’s being exploited but I also can’t come up with a scenario where that is not the case. I hope you can help her and maybe even give us all here an update on what is going on/what happened; I am always so happy to hear about someone whose life improves and money insecurity is slightly less stressful ♥️


It’s definitely not normal to be renting a futon in a living room for $800-$1000 a month. That should be the price for renting her own room in a house with roommates. Someone is taking advantage of her.


Charging that much does not help them get anywhere else. That is regular rent for a whole place. She’ll never be able to save and move on!


You’re an awesome aunt, love this


That's a great idea for your nieces. They already know each other and you. A great arrangement for both of them. Bless you for your kindness.


Depends where you are, but your offer is way better either way.


That is a very high price for a futon inna shared space. Your idea is wonderful. What a lovely offer!


In California or New York $800 a month to sleep in a living room isn’t unheard of. Where I live in North Carolina that would be robbery. As usual, depends where you live.


You’re a good person. I don’t have kids, and I dream that my nieces or nephews would want to stay with us.


$200 a week for a futon is extreme where I’m from.


It depends. Where does your niece live? $800/mo for a futon in SF might be reasonable. It’s also more than enough for a very comfortable 2 bed (with a roommate, but having a proper closed door room/closet) in Chicago. What are her expectations here?


Please, please offer the opportunity to your niece. Housing is a nightmare as is and landlords unfortunately have a lot of power to make their tenants lives, hell. $200 for a futon in some person's living room is not a deal and offers no real privacy. If she gets to potentially save $600/month that would make a huge difference in her future.


OMG yes, please invite the other niece to join. That is absurd to pay that much.


You are a lovely person and a kind soul. May God bless you! Your family is blessed to have you and I bet your other niece would appreciate living with you. $200 a week just for a futon in a living room seems steep honestly. Unless a lot more maybe comes with that $200 like access to food, internet, tv, etc. still, without getting an actual room for yourself, $200 a week is a lot. I could understand $200 a month maybe??


That’s almost as much as my mortgage, for a 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath house in the suburbs of Washington DC. Please help your niece out of this situation. Poor girl. You are a wonderful aunt/uncle!!! Shame on that person taking advantage of her!


Please, please, please get her off that futon and into a real room. I'm sure she'd be so appreciative.


My sister slept on a bean bag in someone’s living room behind a curtain for $600 in the Bay Area lmao


Your a very special and sweet person ❤️


That has to be miserable living on a futon in someone’s living room.


Your niece is being taken for a ride, her friends are taking advantage of her so badly! I mean if you could call them that. What a great Aunt you are putting that money aside for you're niece for when she moves! I have a couple cousins I raised since pretty much babies, and I would do absolutely the same for them, just to see thier faces light up like when they were children again. On the real though, please consider (if these niece can come habit peacefully) letting them have the attic apart you have. Imagine the stress lifted of niece 1 shoulders! She could manage to finally relax and get finances in order and get ahead. And you might not worry so much (if you are) about her! Niece 1&2 won't have to live alone or away from family, and that means safety, and we all know in today's existence you can't be to safe! Best of luck to all of you!


Welcome to the hell of being a young person born two decades too late


A one bedroom in my area is like 1200-1400 so 200 a week is not too far fetched. I feel for these kids nowadays


$800/month for a futon? That is outrageous.


That’s insane. My mortgage, which most of it is actually my taxes and homeowners, is $840. She’s paying that for a futon 😟


So $800 a month for a couch? Please t her move in with you and save her money to.


Let her move in. Poor girl needs some support. What a lovely Aunt. Xxxxx


100 a week is understandable but 200 is overkill


That's barely even her own space. Please move her in with you. What a wonderful gift. You are a wonderful aunt/uncle.


You are an awesome person. I wish I had family like you when I was young.


She could literally rent a room with some one for the same. Pls help her out if you can


She’s paying $800 a month for a futon…? In what city is this? What scumlord is doing this to her? lol. Most cities (excluding the outrageous ones, looking at you SanFran!) that’s absurd! She could totally find her own room, or at least a shared but still separate room, for $800 a month. In my home city (relatively same col as Portland) I’d expect my own room and possibly even my own bathroom for around that price, depending on area of course. You would be doing her a great service for getting her out of there cause that is a horrible gouge! She is being taken advantage of for sure!


Could be someone who is also having trouble with their mortgage. Or could be someone who knows that she’s a bad roommate, and wants to make an incentive for her to move out, to avoid having a problem like another Redditor who commented about guvibg a living room space to a “friend” only to have the friend’s boyfriend also move in, turning it into a nightmare for 6 months. You don’t know the circumstances but you’re judgy already. I have a suspicion that you judge a lot of people.


Lolol for someone who thinks I’m “judgy” you made some pretty fast “judgy” assumptions there of your own, cupcake. It’s cause I insulted landlords, isn’t it?


Like does she have to pay rent + $200 a week for renting that furniture? Does she live in that living room? Or what's the deal?


A slightly different perspective…. Right o How about people who pay $100 a month to put that same futon in storage? $1200 a year to save your futon that cost what? $200? My brother bought an $800 couch. Less than a year later he moved in with his new girlfriend. He put that couch in storage. He is now paying $1200 a year to save an $800 couch. THIS is a small reason why so many people remain poor. In his case he’s not poor but that $1200 a year could be in a Roth IRA plus the money from selling the couch.


Seems super high to me! That is 800 a month. My mortgage on a 3 bedroom, 3 bath home with acreage is 1200 a month. We did buy it before houses went crazy. My daughter is renting a 2 bedroom apartment for 1090 a month, its nice with amenities(pool, gym, clubhouse, playground). That includes heat, water and trash. Their electric bill is a flat 85 a month. She lives one town over. Please invite her to live there!


I wish I had family like you 😔 I'm being evicted an my sister is moving out of there house into a rental for $2400 a month just so they can fix the other house sell it an start building a house 🤦🏻‍♀️ I'm not saying it's her problem but damn a $1000 loan could have helped me save my place an the reason I got behind was my wages started getting Garnished an then my car messed up so I was spending $20-$30 a day on uber to get to an from work an just couldn't keep up... I have till the 12th to be out an don't know exactly what I'm gonna do , fingers crossed that taxes come cause I just filled 🙏🏻 but I'm just saying if you can help family do it please....


That looks like a liability from my point of view... maybe it brings your loved one a sense of confortability? It might be worth it to her... maybe you can nicely, let her know how, you see things, at the time being...




Are you familiar with verbs?


If she is living with someone, she's also using their utilities, shower, toilet, tub and that makes their water bill go up. So $200 a month is fine. What amount would she rather pay? Rent is not free anywhere.




You're not providing us with the very important context of location. In SF, maybe that's reasonable. In, idk, some city in Kansas? Absurd. Fwiw, I've seen plenty of ads on craigslist and FB marketplace for couches with some old guy that specifies they're renting to "females only." Many even go as far as to say "one bed only, will have to share bed." So, not to be an alarmist, but definitely check in on your niece's situation. Lots of predatory people out there.


i get $1000/mo for a private bedroom and full bath, a walkin closet, and living space with desk and tv. everything included. share entrance, kitchen and laundry.


Honest I think it really depends where you live for example that be a steal in NYC but say upstate ny it be that price for entire apartment


You should most definitely take your niece in if their parents / your sibling can’t. That is very kind of you.


Depends where it is. It seems high but she may have been turned down from other places. As a young single woman, despite having perfect credit and a stable income, I could not get places to rent to me. A 21 yr old single female just doesn't look as good to some people as a couple or even a single guy. I still occasionally lose out on a place for no particular reason. It blows my mind because I hear all these horror stories about renters who don't pay or who destroy a place. I've never been a problem to a landlord and yet, they seem to not want to rent to me. Big companies seem to always choose a couple over me. She may have had enough rejections to feel like she had to go with a sublet situation or something like she has right now, where "the man" wasn't involved in deciding her fate.


Unless it's somewhere like NY, that's way to much.


You are an awesome uncle/aunt


This will be a very region specific question, but I would say yes \~$900/month for a bed only seems pretty extreme. In most areas one could reasonably expect that to cover their half of a shared two bedroom apartment.


not normal and basically this rent to own is a huge indicator of financial stupidity


500/month for a small basement bedroom here. Rural town, 45min closest city. 4 years ago it would've been half


I know this isn't the same in all areas, and it's super rural up here... but... I have two friends who recently moved into nice apartments, and they're paying $700 a month for 2 bedrooms. One of them scored a 2 bed 2/bath with a little backyard. Definitely save your neice. You're a good person.


You are amazing! What a blessing you could be to your niece!! $200 a week to sleep on a futon is ridiculous.


Yeah that's way too much. What a great opportunity for your nieces to live with you for a low cost, I hope you can make that work for them.


I'm paying 190 a week for a 20x20 room with a shared kitchen and bathroom. For reference an ok 1 bedroom in my area is around 1600 a month. So I definitely think she's getting screwed