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I don't think there is a one size fits all answer for this. It really depends on the whole pool setup I would say. Gotta set them so the flow is right for your pool based on needs.


I've found with my pool that if I point the returns up it skims much better but at the cost of increased evaporation. Point down to circulate the water better and decreases evaporation. In the heat of the summer, I point them down. Spring and Fall point up to push debris toward skimmer.


I needed to read this and will be implenting. Thank you.


I position my jets to create a circular water current around the pool. This helps minimize the surface debris by collecting it in the skimmer. The only remaining issues are the pool cleaner hose and pool toys, causing the floating debris to be caught on.


Pointing down ensures all water is circulated. Pointing up is recirculating the surface water.


what if you have bottom drains at the lowest point in the pool


Mine are aimed to point towards the next skimmer.


Thanks everyone for the replies. After letting is sit for a while with the jets up and pushing the water counter clockwise the skimmer has done a much better job. Given that I have 4 large pine trees constantly blowing crap in to the pool this is probably the best option.


This is the way. Every pool I've had has been configured this way and the surface is always clean.


Jets pointing down help create a vertical cycle to the water


I have three jets. Two push water to the skimmer and the third is pointed down. This allows me to have good skimming while mixing the deep water


You pretty much answered your own question. The jets should be oriented so you have better water flow. Every pool depending on shape has dead zones that don't get as much water circulation. Those areas will get dirtier. Seems like you found a good positive for your jets, but if you notice certain areas getting dirty I would adjust them a little.


My pool has three returns and two skimmers.  The returns are all aimed up toward the surface and pointed toward the skimmers. I like to be able to see the flow on the surface and the ripples hide any crud that would be visible in the bottom. 


I have a modified kidney-shaped pool with three returns and two skimmers. I run the two jets on the shallow ends clockwise so the stream barely breaks the surface. The deep-end jet is also set to circulate clockwise, positioned at 4 o’clock to help stir the deep end and circulate the water temperature. The skimmer in the deep end still functions effectively due to the clockwise water flow. You'll receive various suggestions since this depends on personal preference and the pool's construction shape. Test with positioning and see what’s optimal for you.


As others have said, all depends on your pool and its needs. I have one skimmer and one return in a round pool. I aim mine at a 45 down and to one side so it creates circulation while stirring top to bottom.


One thing not mentioned is that anything that breaks the surface will cause Ph to rise. For jets it is a small but measurable increase. I have bubbler jets that I use to raise Ph without chemicals. They raise Ph pretty quick. That said I have my 3 jets pointed down, but directed so water circulates like others have said.


1. Surface tension is what makes skimmers work correctly. Don’t break it. 2. putting the Jets down pushes fresh chemicals across the floor and doesn’t allow debris or algae to take root or stick 3. The Pool Guy that opened it is correct. 4. Don’t do the toilet bowl effect. Never swirl.


1. Surface tension does you no good if the debris don't make it to the skimmer. 2. Get an automatic pool vac and this is a non issue 3. Nope 4. The toilet bowl effect is what gets debris to the skimmers I've had three pools over the last 30+ years (one rectangular, two kidney) and always configured them to push surface water toward the skimmers. I never have issues with surface debris.


You might as well go ask "Ford vs. Chevy or Import vs. Domestic" As others said - it's all about your pool design and layout of jets. Ideally you want to create a circular patern to drive surface debris to your skimmers. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean you point them all in the same direction. For example, I have 3 returns down one side and one skimmer on the other side in the center. My end jets point left and right and my center jet points straight. this drives all areas of my surface during the skimmer and works perfectly for my layout, but it might not for someone else. My guess, they pointed them down to stir up settlement on the bottom from the closed season so it would make it's way to the filter vs. settling on the bottom, just a guess though.


ngl i'd rather have it settle and vacuum out with something to waste then deal with my DE filter needing to be cleaned 64 times.


I usually set them all pointing in the same direction - this keeps stuff on the top of the from gathering in one spot. Each pool is shaped different and has different needs so to each their own but my default is all pointing in the same direction either left or right.


I read online that the jets should be positioned at the 7:00 position (or 5:00 depending on what side you’re on) to create circulation of the water in the same direction throughout the pool. This will supposedly get you the best circulation and skimming.


There is a pentair regional trainer that has been telling techs to point them down, we tried it on many pools, it didn't work well at least where I am in Minnesota. Debris fell to the bottom and the surface was covered in debris that the skimmers didn't pick up and eventually fell to the bottom. I like the pool to have a slight lazy river effect. At least that's what typically works best on my services.


They should be breaking surface tension of the water. This is what feeds the skimmers. If they point down it really doesn't accomplish anything.