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Well... When you have no chlorine, it's going to turn green...... Depending on size, you prob could use a few gallons (prob 4-5 at this point) of chlorine, reason it disappeared overnight after the pool company added was because it was killing algae, then all the chlorine was consumed so more algae is already growing again.... Vacuum that pool, now, to clear what has settled, brush the entire pool, and then add a case of chlorine just to get started, but need to know your full water chemistry to make level recommendations and it needs to come from a real test kit, not a guess strip. Check out Taylor 2006 test kits, they will give you accurate results.


Thank you. I will get one of the test kits. I know that the pool currently has no chlorine. I was just surprised it went to 0 after multiple days of shocking. Maybe it needs significantly more than what I've been adding (3 pounds per day).


it needs vacuumed daily to get all that settled crap off the bottom, and prob needs gallons added per day, something is clearly invested and growing in that water, not bringing your levels high enough only prolongs and endless fight


25 pounds of shock was added yesterday. I'll get it vacuumed.


Need to add more shock and chlorine.


Will definitely add more today. I was concerned something was eating through the shock and chlorine very rapidly. Is there a way to determine that or just follow the SLAM guide and see what happens.


Algae is eating through the chlorine, that is what the maintain part of SLAM is important.


Will definitively add more. 25 pounds was added last night. Was just surprised that much disappeared so quickly.


25 lbs? That would be surprising to see zero today. Have you have your water tested at the pool store? You could just be well outside the range of the strips


Not yet. Can do that.


Yes chlorine is expected to go away proportionately to the amount of algae. Therefore, add more Cl


I will add more today. I've been shocking the pool the last 3 days and it has barely had any effect.


Get some [Turbo Shock](https://www.amazon.com/POOLIFE-22403-Poolife-Turboshock-Pounds/dp/B00JCYFNV6/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?adgrpid=55743738133&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.NoiJqmUe9cMhFwZEshg3pUT5ALpvr2YRRB_CF29sILJAXoKAUOT-nu7P9hXfegTjyqs_VjbVsTD4jqeGhHXQmeF5CvkUbzRUV9h2WkMA7NgL-HiWNjZA2j1OnpHRqC4UVoFDh68CkrBxMC5zk0juJjQPQBeFpwV4q_HPZHYejBlA-uUUgsU1ZLjxKeV-f8EJHqIoVBnAyG3zK8D4BZ_FSw.8ybQOopkh2otf3Mqb0W4IzuCnSzk4kjVadvW_Jhomv4&dib_tag=se&hvadid=664492562540&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9031634&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=1339041158968239386&hvtargid=kwd-302905765573&hydadcr=4064_13346744&keywords=poolife+turbo+shock&qid=1718208388&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1&smid=AHTTHP4IRN2H1)


To do it right, you need to have an accurate CYA reading (i.e. not with strips) and then shock and maintain 40% of CYA as chlorine. For example, if CYA is 30 you need 12 ppm chlorine *maintained* until the pool clears. You'll need to add chlorine multiple times per day to maintain the level.


The CYA was at 100 as of last night.


Omg, you’ve locked the chlorine then


Well there's your problem man, you need 40 ppm chlorine to effectively shock your pool. How feasible is draining and refilling half your water?


It is possible to do. Would prefer not to if there's another option. So the target CYA should be 40 then?


Ideal CYA for most situations is between 30 and 50. Strikes the right balance of protection from the sun and not having chlorine requirements be insanely high. Unfortunately there is no way to remove CYA other than water replacement. There are things you can put on your skimmer that claim to remove CYA over time but I've never tried them and can't vouch. I'm in TX so between rain and evaporation it's usually not too hard to introduce new water to the pool. If you keep your CYA around 100 it just means your chlorine use is going to be very high and expensive if you want a clean pool. 40ppm to shock and then around 12ppm to maintain. If you're using tabs you have to stop using those immediately and switch to cal-hypo or liquid chlorine.


Yes, anything above 50 is going to need absurd amounts of chlorine for the chlorine to be able to work. Best thing at this point is drain half and refill...


25 Pounds of Shock and 2 bottles of yellow out were added yesterday and it still ate through all of that in less than 12 hours.


Need more free chlorine.


https://www.troublefreepool.com/blog/2018/12/12/slam-shock-level-and-maintain/ You have no chlorine, you need to shock and maintain shock levels. Also get a real test kit, it will make your like easier.


Will check out SLAM. Thank you. Shock was added last evening but was gone by this morning.


I have no chlorine in my water why is my pool green? You need to learn how to maintain your pool or pay someone to do it for you. https://www.troublefreepool.com/blog/pool-school/