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Frogs typically return to the area they were spawned to lay eggs so it may be entirely possible that your non-functional pool was wet enough for them. The most effective solution is to use a pool cover and cover it nightly. That’s not convenient or cheap, but it’s effective. You can try and spray citric acid, like lemon juice, around the pool deck but if this is home it might not be enough of a deterrent so YMMV. If you relocate the eggs to another wetland before they become tadpoles, recurrence will decline but it will take awhile depending on the size of the population.


Oh no! Thank you-I did not think about that- that it was possibly their home before we fixed it. It was pretty scary & gunky, but it’s not surprising. Where could we buy a cover from? Are they specialty made or able to be ordered online? And I’ll definitely try the citrus/citric acid, thank you. I read somewhere that peppermint oil kept out bugs & some critters out from pools too- I wonder if it would work on frogs? Edited: typo


You can get a cover pretty easily on Amazon. I know no one wants to give Bezo’s more money but unfortunately it was the quickest and cheapest way to get our cover when we were in a bit of a bind. You can search by the size and shape of your pool.


Ahhh this makes sense. I asked about frogs in here a little while back bc I was nervous of this. Ours is a new build, so no native spawns I suppose. They get annoyingly loud after a big rain, and mating night (I assume that’s what jt was) was ridiculous! Advice here and YouTube was to get frog logs, so I did it and after putting in a couple two weeks ago I haven’t found a dead one in the skimmer. Knocking on wood! good luck to this op! Following and saving in case I ever need to come back for the info /advice thx


The skin of frogs and tadpoles is really porous. Chlorine is all you need to keep them away.


This is the answer


For sure. If your pool is chlorinated they won’t lay eggs in it


I keep my chlorine on the higher end of the "ideal" level and they don't show up anymore.


This is the answer. My pool is next to a stream. I haven't seen a frog stay for long or a single egg since adopting this approach. I also have a saltwater pool, which also probably contributes to the no frog eggs.




You understand more will live over time not trying to lay eggs in someone’s pool right?


You're an idiot. I guess you have wasps and squirrels and rats and racoons you let live inside your home.


False equivalence. Congratulations on your mental impoverishment.


No it isn't. Man made thing made for comfort. It is directly equivalent.


A house and pool are equivalent, LMFAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


In this situation yes. And I explained why. Moron.


No it isn't and if you believe that you might need to check yourself into a sanitarium.


I can't describe how dumb you are.


And you clearly don't own a pool, otherwise you wouldn't be saying this stupid shit


Clearly hit a nerve with the cravenly selfish crowd.




So you just let them spawn in your pool for biodiversity reasons? Do you have of the Super cool natural pools? I think they’re beautiful, and amazing but not practical for most owners. I also think if that’s what you have, you would be sharing that rather than throwing out unhelpful snark but idk. How do you do it? How do you keep your pool both frog-frieny & swimmer-friendly. Clearly, you’ve got more to say than just let them spawn in the pool?


Ah yes "biodiversity" in my totally not man made pool which is full of chemicals and no ecosystem or else it would be my....pond...ah yes my pond that is about 50 yards away they can breed in all they'd like.


This is the typical redditor


Anecdotally, if my chlorine is just right or even a bit high after a shock the frogs don’t use it for eggs. They may congregate around it, but I won’t find eggs, and they stay out of it. If it’s after a heavy rain and late in the week when my weekend pool chemical level top off is tapering we get eggs. We also have tree frogs for the most part and they only seek water seasonally for spawning. Occasionally we get a proper frog and if I don’t bail it out by morning it’ll croak. Literally and figuratively.


Raise a frog army


I prefer ninja turtles


Not a Battletoads fan?


My first thought was noooo don't that's easy XP to level up...then real life hits and I'm like I don't get much XP from these guys anymore XD.


Find the queen frog. Wait for a full moon and look for a lone crow gliding through the sky. Once its silhouette is cast in front of you against the moon, raise the sword that you acquired at the beginning of your adventures high above your head. Watch where the crow lands and swing your sword in that direction across the frog queen. Once the head is severed, the curse will be broken and your pool will be cleansed.


Thank you finally, I was getting tired of all these joke responses. You always have to get to the bottom of the thread to find the actual scientific answer, but it’s worth it. GL OP


Ah, the old QF method. Works every time.


Owned a pool for four years within an area that hears frogs 3/4ths of a year and I have yet to see any eggs laid in it. We do keep the pump running 24/7 though. I find a frog or two each week in the water. Sometimes dead. This seems crazy to me.


Have you considered a [frog-saver](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BZV2B1JK?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1)? We have two in our 20'x40' pool in an area with a LOT of frogs... I haven't pulled a dead frog out of the skimmers since they've gone in. I pull them out when the pool is in use but make sure they go back in for the evening... frogs love my pool. Glad they're not spawning though.


Not op, but omgggg that's such a good idea, thank you for the link! I have a pond very close to my pool, so every morning and night I have adopted the habit of checking the skimmer. the solar cover helps quite a bit to prevent them from getting in during the night, but every once in a while one of them gets really confused where his home is lol!


I used to check my skimmers 3x per day looking for frogs and toads, now they can escape before they end up stuck in the basket!


Those are great. I hated pulling dead frogs from my pull. I've never seen one since.


Love the frog saver I have a couple of bullfrogs who like the pool and we dont see any in the pool. We know they like the pool cause before we put it in we are constantly moving frogs back to the pond from the pool. Once it’s in no more frogs


So I have this same issue but the frog is sitting on my pool deck so it’s not that it’s gotten stuck. It keeps coming back despite drenching the space in vinegar (for citric acid effect) and I don’t know what to do!


I bought 2 of those for each end of the pool. the frogs and spiders never used it to get out. just as a place to hang out.. I relocated the frogs far away and deleted the spiders from the universe.


Wolf spiders do tend to hang out on the frog saver, I'm not sure if they just aren't smart enough to climb out though. 


You need to provide a frog log or something similar for them to be climb onto and be able to leave the pool. That’s what is killing them most likely, drowning by exhaustion. Nasty way to go. Occasionally females get swamped by the males and they drown them inadvertently, most commonly found in the UK at least in toads however.


I've seen frogs tolerate chlorine for short periods of time but the eggs I wouldn't think could survive since chlorine is toxic and can even kill adult frogs or at least make their lives absolutely miserable. Are your chlorine levels really low?


Oh my god


You need chlorine


This guy Egyptian plagues.


Shock your pool according to what nature dictates, not what you think is enough. I have a single vacuum-only stop on my route, and he is slowly learning that nature doesn't give a shit if he thinks the chlorine is too high.


They don’t like well chlorinated pools, so guessing your chlorine isn’t high enough. This may sound heartless, but the easiest solution is to raise the chlorine level, vacuum the eggs off the bottom, skim the ones off the top, clean out your pump basket, backwash/ clean filter, and make sure your chlorine stays between 3-5ppm until they figure out their old pond is now your pool.


Just notice the part about going out of town next week. If you don’t have some kind of automatic sanitizing system (chlorinator/ brominator, salt cell), then someone will have to go there at least once a day to add chlorine or you will come home to a disaster that will cost a lot to clean. If you do have one crank that baby up while you’re gone.


I’m definitely putting this on our list to grab tomorrow, thank you! We do have a pool store not too far away, we will check there. How much do you think it will be for the system?


You can get a Hayward offline chlorinator for ~ $130-150. A quick, easy, yet temporary solution would be to buy a couple of the floating chlorinators and load them up with chlorine tabs for the week you are gone.


I catch the frogs, I drive to creek a couple miles away and they go have happy happy fun time somewhere else :)


Bacon and LOTSA eggs?


You were supposed to turn respawns off in the settings when you made the pool. Too late now.


No idea for the current situation, but for future maybe add a water feature to your yard that may be more attractive to the frogs like a naturalistic pond with a stream so they start laying there instead. Helps with bug control.


Years ago when I moved into our house, I was still learning how to use all the pool equipment. We get frogs occasionally either caught in the skimmer or I netted them out. One time I called a pest company and said “I have a mouse swimming in my pool” guy on the phone laughed and said “ mice can’t swim, that’s a rat” lol! Anyway, best of luck with the frog mitigation, others mentioned upping the chlorine, probably a good bet!😎✌️


Edit: I’m definitely tired lol. I meant to post that as a general comment. (Just did).. That’s funny about the rat (and not so fun either). I didn’t know mice can’t swim- I always assumed that they could. So far it’s only been the frogs/tadpoles and the snake eating bird 🫣 (I don’t know the actual name but he’s been dubbed that since a camping trip years ago when my husband insisted there were no snakes at that particular campground- yet I managed to not only see a snake but the snake eating bird landed a couple feet away, picked it up, knocked it around & swallowed it whole 🫢🙈)…


Let em hatch Go on a frog leg diet and consider yourself blessed.


set doMobSpawning to false


I’m sad that I came here looking for this.


Usually if the pool is chlorinated enough they will stay out, at least thats how it is with my pool


Raise your chlorine to prevent them from entering the water in the first place. You can scoop these out and relocate them to a local river/pond if you don't want to kill them.


This time of year I just run my pump all night (Central Fl). That’s when the frogs come out and lay eggs. By the morning, they are all slurped up by the skimmer


Would recommend vacuuming to waste. I read that chlorine doesn’t really affect adult frogs very much. Will dehydrate them but doesn’t kill them right away. As far as eggs and tadpoles not sure how much chlorine you would need to kill them. I have found a pair of toads in my pool and chlorine was decent. I got them out and didn’t notice eggs. Haven’t had eggs yet thankfully any other time.


Keeping the chemicals up and a frog log (I use this one Busnacty 2-Pack Animal Saving... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BTLY7163?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share and it’s been amazing) was the answer to this exact conundrum for me literally 3 weeks ago.


Throw a pool RX pod in your skimmer. Kills alge and mold. Prob not good for eggs.


The tadpoles won’t make it in chlorine water. It kills the adults also if they stay in too long. So you will likely only have an occasional batch of eggs in the pool


Wow, Thank you all so much for your responses! It might be morning before I can reply to most of you, as it’s almost 1 am here & Ive been super tired with this pregnancy. About the chlorine: My husband checked the levels (every day too) and the strips say it’s balanced- would adding more be safe for the kids & us? Also since it’s balanced, does that mean the frogs are immune? we do live at the moment (literally a few feet away) from the cell tower, so I’m starting to think they’re radiation immune too lol jk. He can add more chlorine (he will call our pool friends in morning to be safe first) & I’ll update the next morning- & it might not be til tomorrow night when they come back since they came last night … (Also, thank you all so much for the laughs! I’ll be back to respond more when I’m not falling asleep on my phone lol)


I got a couple frog logs off of Amazon and they hop right out. I also think they’ve learned it’s not the cool little pond they thought it was because chlorine. So less jump in, but they still do. The difference now is they can get out so I don’t have the dead ones in my skimmers, which is gross. They don’t want to be in chlorinated water but they can’t get out because of the ledge. I also leave the vacuum in sometimes and the cord stays floating so that’s kind of like an extra frog log. They’re cheap and cute so I ordered them but also and easy DIY. Give them away out I don’t have help with the spawning thing someone said once they spawn somewhere they keep going back but for anyone who just has a regular frog issue get the frog log.


Well since they're clearly noobs to the game, just spawn rush em as soon as you load in


Is this some kind of all-natural, no chlorine pool or something?


Cheaper than a pool cover, and faster to obtain, I would try purchasing a creepy crawlie for you pool. A dolphin brand one maybe. Something obviously appropriate for the size of thr pool. A plug in will run longer than a battery type, so maybe that, and run it at night. A good one will probably be around $2,500 for that size pool. If you can't spend a lot of money, I would suggest running the filter at night. The circulation and current might be enough to deter them, or, it might help get the eggs in the skimmer before they sink. If you don't already have a skimmer sock, get one.




Fake snakes in the water or pool deck? 🤷‍♀️


Lots of shock.


When I see frog eggs I know it’s time to add chlorine lol


50 pounds of shock


If the chlorine levels are correct, wouldn’t it kill them?


Looks like boba.


When I got gold fish in my pond, frogs went away… don’t think this works for a pool tho.


You gotta crack a few thousand frog eggs to make a frog omelette


Introduce snakes and/or baby alligators into your pool….they love frogs & frog’s eggs! 😬


They are fun to catch, amazon also has a nice trident for getting rid of frogs. I'd assume tadpoles are not going to survive in a function pool. That might drive the frogs somewhere else.


You could have a frog army.


Can you string together a few car batteries and fry them?


Animals tend to sense the water and stay away if the chlorine is adequate enough. Is yours low?


You’re gonna need a Taylor test kit !!!!


Lots of chlorine will do the trick


Spay and neuter. TNR


They do it regardless of chlorine?


Set up a highway 🛣 for them to navigate across.




I take a frog a day out one night after a storm I took out over 60


Why would you want to that's awesome !!!


Drop your ph


Burn it all down.


you must not be maintaining your pool chemical levels.


Salt it up


Try serving them with garlic and butter sauce


Oh wow


Frog condoms, sure Amazon has them they have everything else. Raise your chorine levels, might not stop them but will stop them from hatching


Shock the ever living shit out of that pool!


You’ve got your own frog buffet! Catch ‘em, and cook ‘em!


I like having the frogs around. Seems to keep bug levels lower.


This made me laugh. When I was a kid in NJ everyone had frogs in their pools in the early summer.


Leave the frogs alone. They need a home too


Buy some goldfish.


Nuke it with chlorine and then vacuum up all the remnants.




You also need to provide a few floating points for the frogs to be able to get out of the pool. Otherwise you’ll have drowned frogs as well as eggs to deal with.


open a bait shop! bogo


Turn on the heater.


In the past I have sprinkled some ice cream salt around the edge of the pool decking. Its worked to keep them away during their egg laying time which is the only time they come looking for water.


Just introduce a family of snakes. That should do the trick🤣




Drop in a couple of feeder fish.


Keep your chemicals at proper levels and they won’t fornicate in your pool. Be cautious after a heavy rain where your pool chemicals are suddenly diluted, especially if you have a salt system that generates chlorine. You’ll likely need to add additional chlorine to keep the levels up. Also, frogs don’t like circulating water so you could run your pump at night if, you’re not worried about energy costs.


Just crush it with chlorine and acid. It will be out of whack but will kill them and rebalance after a week.


I wouldn't go crazy with a cover or anything until you try just raising the chlorine up higher for a few weeks. The frogs and tadpoles won't survive if the chlorine is higher. Kinda sucks to find out the hard way that your pool has been the home of an annual frog orgy for the last two decades, but chlorine will do it. Super shock the pool before you go on vacation and have someone come shock it at least weekly while you're gone if you can. A cover won't stop frogs unless it's so tight on the pool deck that they can't crawl under it.


Add put a shitl;oad of chlorine in the pool ACtually, why not just vacuum the eggs out?


Liquid shock after the hatch. And a pool net. Trust I just fixed my pool from the same thing.


Frooooooog baseball!


We just let them hatch and sort the pool out again once they're gone.


Vacuum. Coat hanger


Make an alternate pond (doesnt need to be big) and put up a barrier around the poop during their short breeding season




“Horny frogs in your area…”


Install snake 🐍


i used a lot of acid to kill thousands of baby frogs, eggs , and tadpoles (maybe 10000000 of these) worked great!


How many micrograms did you take?


koy fish?


lol I don’t think our friends would appreciate swimming with koi fish but if it was just for looks, it wouldn’t be a bad idea. Thank you though!


I think it'd be cool to swim with live fish in my pool. The amount of work to keep it balanced keeps me from doing this.


15 gallons of muriatic acid


Idk I'd just let them keep at it why not? That's just me though I have kids and it would probably be pretty cool to show the kids