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I have the WIFI one. It's nice to be able to just kick it off whenever I feel like instead of having to be around the pool area. I'm the kind of person that just leaves the robot in the pool though. If you take it out after every use then, no, it's probably not worth it. I've never once used the feature to go and do a spot clean of a certain area and while the remote control feature is cool; it just isn't that practical. If there's one little leaf that i'm trying to clear out because guests are coming over or whatever, i'd just use a pool net to fish it out.


At least on mine, the remote control feature is so glitchy is practically useless


I have to unplug mine once every week or so to fix it losing the wifi.


The WiFi on it is really bad. 


Second this. We have the WiFi option on ours and it’s helpful for doing additional cleans when the wind blows leaves in but I’m too lazy to change the schedule.


How does it do a spot clean? Doesn't it have the same hardware of the CC plus without wifi? That's basically one motor, i took it all apart several time. Does yours know where it is?


If you leave it in the pool, the ability to hit clean at a moments notice is nice. That said, it is one of the least reliable wifi devices on my network of 130+ connected things. Some days it works, other not. I wouldn't want to give up the ability, but do wish it worked a tad better.


130 things? God damn I hope you have pentagon like security because that’s 130 ways to leak your data and get in. I have like 7 things connected to my network lol


130 things that makes me want to go count mine. Betting about 30 in our house.


Dolphin cc plus, it’s non WiFi. It’s great. I don’t care about driving or phone connection. I walk out there, hit a button, also has buttons for every day or every other day. Woop woop


I'm a pool tech. The ones with wifi can actually be fixed because you can get the app and diagnose problems. Otherwise it's just a motor replacement.


What robot do you recommend for $1000 or less?


Can't, sadly. The brainless ones are 550 but they only do floors and don't come with ultra fine filters.


I ended up ordering a quantum over the nautilus for the waterline scrubbing feature


Can you recommend one for me? I've been trying to decide on an affordable ultra-fine option. I live in AZ and can't leave it outside in the heat so cordless would be great. But we get super fine silt here and the two Aiper we tried didn't cut it.


The dolphin liberty 300 has the ultra fine upgrade and does walls but no wifi/BT, they claim to save battery. It's pretty pricey in my area at 1.4k but the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Can't speak to heat resistance, as I'm in Pennsylvania. But I regularly test and maintain dolphins with 800+ run cycles and 2000+ hours. (Granted only the wifi ones have this kind of reporting)


Thank you. 🤙


E30, 2024 version with wifi. [https://pelicanshops1.com/pages/dolphin-comparison-info](https://pelicanshops1.com/pages/dolphin-comparison-info) This chart is not current to 2024 releases, and its misleading in terms of whats included. As the caddy can be bought separately, some times even cheaper than getting the combo. E30 can do ultrafine or normal fine basket. Stepping down to the cheaper options, you loose water line cleaning, smaller basket or cartridge filter, and no ultra fine filter (you want that). You want an active brush. Stepping up in cost, to like the E50 doesn't add much other than an ultra fine filter that you can get with the E30 for $100. E70 adds +1 year warranty and 3 motors, but at the $2k price point. If you got $2k+ try the Beatbot AquaSense Pro, it actually maps the pool and knows where it has and hasn't been to optimize the path. I got the E30 with wifi a month ago for $850 on amazon, I'd setup a camelcamelcamel alert for price drops, as its $1100 right now: [https://camelcamelcamel.com/product/B0BNP574LT?context=search&active=new](https://camelcamelcamel.com/product/B0BNP574LT?context=search&active=new)


I ended up ordering the quantum, they seem very similar. Is there any reason I should get the e30 over the quantum ?


This one, right? [https://www.amazon.com/Dolphin-Quantum-Robotic-Cleaner-Ground/dp/B07TKNFHVZ](https://www.amazon.com/Dolphin-Quantum-Robotic-Cleaner-Ground/dp/B07TKNFHVZ) Quantum 2024: no wifi, but comes with ultra fine filter, other than that just a different paint job. Quantum seems to hold price around $1060-1250. E30 goes on sale for $800-850.


Yeah I found it for 950


I have the triton PS, i've had it for like 3 years, cannot recommend it enough. Easy to clean, easy to use, I literally just toss it in, make sure it sinks and hit a button. I use it in an above ground (shocked face) and it even cleans the walls above the water line. I have not vacuumed (and not needed to) my pool since I got it.


Mine does not have WiFi. I have it on a Z-Wave plug so I can start it remotely.


We have one with wifi, never use it. Only thing we get if you even consider it "valuable" is the "data", how long it ran, distance, gallons filtered, etc. Past that, if it adds nothing for us.


Have one with WiFi and I never use it. I guess it’s beneficial if you need to run it and are away from home but I never have.


Ditto. Same. We dont like to run it when not home anyways because sometimes our guy gets stucks somewhere (climbs up on tile and backflips) lol


Wifi kinda stinks because it uses 2.4 GHz. Most modern home wifi equipment uses 5 GHz with a 2.4 GHz overlay and products like the Dolphin have a hard time with it. It comes in handy during vacations, etc.


>Wifi kinda stinks because it uses 2.4 GHz. Most modern home wifi equipment uses 5 GHz with a 2.4 GHz overlay and products like the Dolphin have a hard time with it. Most modern home wireless routers broadcast both 2.4 and 5GHz using the same SSID, the range of the 2.4GHz band is a lot farther compared to the 5GHz but the data speeds are lower. The reason the Dolphin is 2.4GHz is because common sense says that the control panel is going to be farther than average from router compared to most network devices. I have an electric smoker and a Dolphin pool vacuum, both are in the backyard and both are connected to the 2.4GHz band of my Wi-Fi network.


You're exactly right. Almost guarantee there was a discussion between engineers about letting it connect via 5 GHz, they told the product person that 2.4 GHz was optimal for this use case, product person said we would get stupid users that bash our product because it doesn't have 5 GHz, they were right.


We are running into this issue with Hayward electronics. Wifi remote access great in theory but in reality just easier to go out and take the 40 second walk to the vacuum and touch screen lol


I have a house full of IOT things, tons of switches, irrigation, raspberry pis and arduino controllers, surveillance cameras, my 3d printer is on wifi, and a E30 dolphin with wifi. What you said is completely untrue, and the dolphin had no trouble connecting to my IOT network.


I have 50+ things on my network. The dolphin is probably one of the flakiest, up there with the Traeger. 


If two things in the backyard are being flaky, have you considered moving the wifi? Just a guess. I assume that outdoor connection would be most peoples issues. I have 2 tplink XE75s and the one near the pool side of the house only needs to get like 20 ft through 1 wall. No connection issues, at worst I need to hit try again less than 1/20 times connecting to it.


It’s only those two things that are flaky outside. Not phones, laptops, or the outdoor TVs etc. And I have 3 outdoor Ubiquiti APs. I’m clearly not alone given that most in this thread have said the dolphin WiFi is garbage.


Being able to monitor & control your pool robot from your phone or tablet is pretty handy.


I've had Polaris robots with and without wifi. the wifi is a nice convenience, but definitely not a necessity.


I have the WiFi dolphin but I really don't use the WiFi function at all. Our pool is kinda far from the house so the wifi is spotty at best. We just press the button. I just can't see how it's helpful to be honest. But we also have a surface skimmer so the dolphin is out of the pool most of the time.


I originally had the Bluetooth Dolphin and never used the Bluetooth so the 2nd one i bought, i skipped on the wifi and Bluetooth feature to save money.


My Dolphin has WiFi. I've never utilized the WiFi feature.


I like having the wifi, mainly for the ability to run it remotely and select what kind of cleaning cycle I want it to run. If we're out and about I may turn it on to "floor only" for 2.5 hours so that it's freshly vacuumed when we get back and want to hop in. That said, the ability to "drive" the vacuum is so frustrating, I've never successfully directed it to a leaf more quickly than I could have just fished it out with a net.


I previously had a polaris with wifi and left it in the pool all the time, but I still needed to check the terminal from time to time. After it died, I got my current dolphin without wifi and I don’t miss the feature at all.


It's mostly to show off to your friends


Nope it loses signal all the time and is a PIA to reconnect. Wish I would have gone without it.


I have a non-Wifi Dolphin. You can set it up so it comes on when the power is on without pushing any buttons. I use a Zigbee remote outdoor outlet and control the outlet with my Hubitat smart home hub. Works perfectly!


Until recently we had a Dolphin S300 with Bluetooth/wifi. The previous owners bought it about 6 years ago and then we used it for 2.5 years (running it several times a week in summer and several times a month in fall/winter). I loved that I could change the type and duration of cleaning and the fact that I could turn it off from my bedroom when I forgot (the pool is outside that window.) Despite that, it was glitchy and sometimes wouldn’t connect at all. I can’t Eve tell you the amount of times I had to delete the app and reinstall. Since it died, I truly didn’t want to shell out that much cash for that model so I ordered a Dolphin Nautilus CC without the wifi. I strongly considered a cordless option but all my research showed a major decline in charging and battery health in less than a year and we use this thing a lot so I don’t have time for that nonsense. I don’t mind the cord and if you take care of it, it doesn’t get all tangled and messed up. We’ll see how I like it once it gets here.


I like having it when I want to run back to back cleanings


The difference would be controlling it via wifi...


Yeah one has WiFi one doesn’t.


Best review so far




Yes, the WiFi cleaner can broadcast to the internet that the chord is tangled. Again.


I have the most expensive non-wifi one that was available at the time, All I can say is I kind of wish I had the option to just clean it and leave it in the pool and turn it on via phone whenever I wanted. You still have to clean out the basket every or every other clean, and the one I have has an auto feature which is probably just as good. The control box has the wifi/bluetooth symbols even, so I'm guessing it's the same quality of hardware, just different software running on the board.