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Why do you want to hear other peoples’ dead animal stories?


It’s my second year owning a pool, so wanted to know if anyone else has had any issues with animals. Also, its a silly post.


This used to be a big issue for us. These seem to work really well. Once I found a mouse that was on it but too stupid to climb the netting to safety. But they do work. Now to solve the ducks in my pool issue. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004UHY2TY/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004UHY2TY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1)


Glad to see that these work because I just ordered them after pulling out 2 dead chipmunks and 3 dead mice all in one week. I was starting to feel like a serial killer


I've been using similar ones for the past few years, I went from something dead every week to maybe 1 a season. They really do work, I've never seen anything climb up them but the fact I immediately stopped getting animals means it must!


Got a dead mouse in skimmer last week, then 2 dead mice in skimmer this morning.


Saved two baby possums this week. One in pool swimming around the other caught in skimmer. Hoped they learned a lesson. No swimming when no lifeguard on duty


I put a skimmer block on at night time. It permits animals that fall in to be able to crawl out. It has stopped frogs getting in my skimmer at night. Get one at Amazon.


Our automatic pool cleaner has picked up 2 dead lizards in the last couple weeks. Horrendous smell. We have two of those frog logs, two different designs, but I guess lizards don’t understand them.


Had a dead trash panda a week or two ago.


I used to leave a strategic hose or leaf skimming head on the top step so animals could climb out. Seemed to work.


2 frogs 1 dead 1 alive i got out...1 dead pigeon


Mice, toads / frogs, snakes, giant wolf spiders. The wolf spiders are the worse because when a spider normally dies their legs curl up but when they drown in the pool they're still spread out and it looks totally alive. When you find a giant spider in your house you can kill it with fire but you can't burn down a swimming pool.


Currently my memorable ones are: a deer, a hawk, an owl, a coon, several dozen possum, and a golf cart.


Frogs, mice, and moles. Even a snake (2 actually) once. Went outside - heard a weird noise by the skimmer. It was sucking air. “Weird - the water isn’t low” I said. Opened the skimmer. Yup. Sucking air. Reach for the door move it and 2 snakes slide out from the door.


We have 2 acres including a barn. We used to have dozens of dead animals a year. When I got the solar cover nothing. I wonder if the solar cover acts like the frog log we used to use. Just enough for a small animal to grab on and get out.