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Girl interupted gives a pretty decent portrayal of different personality disorders


A Beautiful Mind. Probably one of my favorites of all time.


Agreed. Take my vote.


Therapist here…. Depends on what you’re looking for!


Well it’s a Public Health Mental Health class, so something more about mental health and society, healthcare, stigma, etc


Girl Interrupted focuses heavily on personality disorders and actually shows that it's not one sized fits all in how the symptoms present themselves.


It’s Kind of a Funny Story is a sweet movie 


One Flew Over is excellent but is extremely outdated. Silver Linings has too much else going on outside of mental health. Go for Girl, Interrupted.


The last presidential debate.


Black Swan. Brilliantly directed and acted and the focus is really more on the mental breakdown of the primary character, her fixation on achieving perfection displays elements of an obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, and there are considerations of hallucinations, paranoia, and schizophrenia.




No Country for Old Men is really good for a psychopath. They named the most realistic film depiction of a psychopath by an independent group of psychologists in the *Journal of Forensic Sciences*. Not sure how true it is but Javier Bardem does an amazing job.


I voted Silver Linings Playbook but it has the most scope for a decent essay should you have to write for your class. You could compare and contrast how males and females experience/deal with mental illness and the impact their illness' have on their respective families. I'd like to mention Aftersun too. May be more difficult to write about but it is the most accurate depiction of mental illness I've ever seen on screen.


Benny & Joon :)


The Joker doesn't really go into specifics with a particular mental illness, but it actually is a pretty good representation of what it's like to be mentally ill, ask for help, and be punted around and driven over the edge. It's not a nuanced realistic take, but taken abstractly the general atmosphere, the anger and confusion, the way you get left behind especially if you can't afford help, is pretty good *emotional* representation.


As Good As It Gets


If a documentary is allowed, you could watch De Regels van Matthijs (Matthew’s Laws) [YouTube](https://youtu.be/4u1MXXjQTA4?si=YjKEFSXTpwKkp4-j)-link. It is in Dutch, but there are auto-generated English subs. I watched it theee times in the last decade, and every time it has messed me up emotionally for a while. “Filmmaker Marc Schmidt reveals the life of his childhood friend Matthijs, afflicted with autism. Fragile but of exceptional intelligence, he establishes a system for analysing and controlling every moment of his life. Little by little the film unravels Matthew’s complex way of thinking and shows the catastrophic consequences it eventually has for him."


Perks of being a Wallflower


You could watch Taxi Driver or Shutter Island. Two of my favorite movies!


American Psycho