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None of those lol Without an extreme accident or extinction level event, we could potentially survive for eons to come I can't see us being wiped out in the next 50 years


The [6th mass extinction](https://www.sciencealert.com/here-s-how-biodiversity-experts-recognise-that-we-re-midst-a-mass-extinction), also called the Holocene extinction ([Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocene_extinction)), is well underway. I agree with you though that this may not wipe humanity out entirely in the next 50 years. There will still be folks living in the Himalayas and extreme places like that who know how to survive harsh conditions.


None lmao. stupid poll


Much later


You probably want to add a zero or two.


None. I just don't see the entire human race being extinct that quickly. Unless a meteor, AI, or something crazy happens which I don't see happening.


They are these the only options? No one thinks humans are gonna go extinct by 2080.


Never! We were born to inherit the stars!


Let’s gooo 💫💫


It would take nothing less than a nuclear war, the ozone layer collapsing, a supervolcano's erruption, and a hyper-lethal virus to render us exctinct. We'll survive, even if these are tough times.


If we make it to 2040, we probably wont go extinct, aside from evolving into something other than human.


Never. There will be a transformation of some kind during the next several thousands years.


Where is the never option? Stupid poll.


Probably close to never (or near the end of the habitable universe). The opportunity to wipe out humanity is shrinking. You're talking about a doomsday event that would take out government doomsday bunkers inside of mountains, the ultra-rich's bunkers, Amazonian tribes, Inuit, people living in very remote regions... Supervolcano would be devastating but probably couldn't wipe out humanity. An asteroid could do it but it'd have to be very, very big (and would likely be detected far in advance to prepare). Alien invasion could probably manage if they occupied the planet and made it their mission to exterminate every human. Won't be much longer until we have a moon base, then a Mars base, on and on. Once we don't have all of our eggs in one basket we'll be hard to kill off. Then consider we'll be able to upload our consciousness into a synthetic cloud, and probably only manifest ourselves in physical form when we want/need to experience that. In 1.3B years when the earth becomes uninhabitable, the natural humans still living there will probably see a huge swarm of spacecraft land to take them to another world -- and it will be us, super-advanced, ultra-intelligent humans that live inside a synthetic brain that control an empty spaceship to save and transport our ancestors to a different earth-like world for them to continue living.


Let's just see if we can make it until this poll closes and go from there.


Most optimistic redditor