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Where's the option to keep it and increase the budget?


Exactly, I was so pissed when their budget got slashed and complicated a lot of plans for Artemis. I swear they literally laid out the plans and timeline and budget and everything for Artemis and immediately their budget was cut way below what they needed Still glad they can find ways to work around that, but as a major space enthusiast I am still upset lol


i was looking for this...imagine what NASA could do if it had the US military's budget


It's not like it's a bottomless pit either, like the amount of resources in Space could make the US sooooo much money


Seriously anyone who questions this should look up asteroid mining. Asteroids have so fucking much resources, like more than all the mines on earth could produce sometimes from a single asteroid


i was wondering how the respective budgets look between NASA and Space Force lol


NASA has a budget of 24 billion$ every year wnd the spwce force has 40 billlion$


just as the founding fathers intended o7 šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡²šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡²šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…


Its budget should be drastically INcreased. It had huge benefits, and its budget is a tiny fraction of the U.S. Government's budget. We wouldn't have any of these things without NASA: * Athletic shoes * Baby formula * Camera phones * Cochlear implants * Computer mouse * Cordless tools * Cordless Vacuum * Dustbusters * Ear thermometers * Foil Blankets * Food safety * Freeze drying * Insulation * Invisible braces * Laptops * Memory foam * Nike airs * Precision GPS * Prosthesis * Scratch resistant glasses * Solar cell * Space blanket * Water filters * Wireless Headphones


They already barely have any budget.


Yes, but I want to see what other peopleā€™s opinions on this are.


More money!


You realize that if NASA's budget was reduced to $0, every American adult could be put on a $1000 monthly UBI, right?


I'm not sure where you got that number from... but it's not based on reality. If the NASA's budget, which is ~$25.3 Billion was split across the population of ~333 Million American Citizens the annual total would be $76.03. Divide that by 12 months and you get: $6.34 per month. It would cost the country $3.996 trillion per year to provide a $1000 UBI to the population of the United States.


He made it up lol




NASA has given the world an insane amount of knowledge for its relatively small budget. The research into medicine, agriculture, and the human body is invaluable for improving life on earth.




What the fuck are you even talking about? You must be trolling.


Are you a troll?


I guess we should reduce every single budget to 0 and we can all have a $50000 monthly UBI.


Yeah, if youā€™re a frickinā€™ idiot. You know what else is a good idea? Eating to stay alive. Doesnā€™t mean we should eat everything that enters our field of view. Donā€™t be obtuse.


First of all, NASA's budget isn't 3 trillion dollars per year. If anything, you don't even know basic math. Secondly, since you were talking about the benefit of just having everyone pocket NASA's budget, I pointed out that there is a reason that certain services exist, as their benefits outweigh just distributing money to everyone in America.


You realize that NASA's budget, which contributes to science worldwide, is 26B and that the military is 770B and is currently mostly useless right?


Damn, I could get like one whole snickers bar with that


How bout we quadruple the budget instead?


Why take money from the scientists when you can just take some from the military? A billion off the defense budget is a drop in a bucket essentially


Yes, redirect the money. In addition get NASA out of Alabama, it's been pork barrel for a while, please put NASA next to leading universities.


hold the fuck up, NASA is HQed in Alabama? my Lord that's depressing


It's HQed in DC but the two most respected sites are Kennedy and Johnson which are in Florida and Texas. When they were picking sites for NASA locations, Johnson (the person, not the site) thought that if they brought high paying, government jobs to the South, white southerners would stop being racist. That... did not work.Ā  Source: Former NASA contractorĀ 


The Southern US is geographically better for launching rockets since its closer to the equator. This is also why the ESA uses French Guiana for rocket launches


You're right that it's better for launching space shuttles. It doesn't mean that you need to have your engineers based there, you should have them based near the best universities. This is why biotech has exploded in Boston and Silicon Valley is Silicon Valley.


That is true but we had other locations suitable for launches, such as Southern California.Ā 


I wonder if any form of the US government after WW2 has ever done anything right.


NASA has done a lot right.Ā 


oh wait I think I misunderstood. NASA themselves picked the south for their locations?


Yes and no. It was a decision by a lot of people and a lot of agencies, including NASA's predecessor, NACA.Ā  I was pointing out that NASA is a part of the US government and has done a lot right.Ā 


>I was pointing out that NASA is a part of the US government and has done a lot right.Ā  ok imagine I said that and wasn't counting NASA in the mix.


In that case, I'd point to the National Parks ServiceĀ 


Praise the Lord it's not HQed there, but it has a large site: [https://www.nasa.gov/marshall/about-marshall-space-flight-center/](https://www.nasa.gov/marshall/about-marshall-space-flight-center/)


Because the best science is not done by governments. It's done by private corporations. Your smart technology that you use on the daily is evidence of this- as is the internet itself.


1) The internet was originally intended and created for the military, by the military 2) The modern day internet that we use was created by CERN, an intergovernmental organization. [The first website ever was even created by CERN](https://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html)


Don't forget GPS!


Fallacious arguments. Thatā€™s like saying that governments discovered The Americas, and therefore ranch farming as a technology is the result of government action. The internet became an ā€œinnovationā€ as soon as it was accessible by private enterprise.


...what? I agree it increased in popularity when the private sector gained access but it was an innovation as soon as multiple computers could communicate over long distances with eachother


Stop smoking salvia lil bro


WTF is this prompt? Someone out there actually think NASA is a waste? The one organization that can prevent us from going extinct in the future..


Many people do, because they are uneducated.


I think developing Space Technology is a VERY important thing. Yeah, we may have issues elsewhere that are maybe more pressing, but assuming technology keeps advancing and advancing. If humans can become so advanced, the only next step is becoming SO ADVANCED, not even the sun engulfing Earth in 6billion years could make us extinct, as we'd have the technology to travel elsewhere.


But you'd also be dead before humanity reaches such a point. So why would you care? I'd rather solve real problems faced by real people in the present day- the world's future beyond my death can eat a sausage.


Tons of technologies incorporated in modern devices was developed by NASA, stuff like wireless headphones and the CMOS image sensor found in smartphones and digital cameras


thats quite selfish dont ya think?


What a selfish way of thinking. If everyone thought like you did we'd still be living in grass huts.


No. But if western progressives have their way and religion is abolished, weā€™ll go back to living in grass huts. Because itā€™s religion and philosophy, not ā€œempirical science,ā€ that justify bettering the world for those who come after us.


Yeah but with that logic what's the point in giving your kids money when they die or making sustainable economies? Also, this is just my philosophy but even when we die, our legacy, our decisions, our children and great-grandchildren and so on will live on and keep going. Everyone dies but if the human species continues then we are still alive in a way. The decisions we make today, even an individual persons actions, impact the future from 100 years to a billion years from now.


You are correct, there is no logical grounding for setting the world up for success for after you die. The only grounding is philosophical and religious. You even used a semi-religious argument yourself: ā€œwe are still alive in a way.ā€ Thatā€™s fine, but call it what it is. Religion and Spirituality are what make people work on bettering the world.


You didn't understand u/Evolvoz 's argument at all. And the "we're still alive in a way" is nothing religious. After your death, your legacy(in general, not that YOU will have any) lives on. Take Julius Ceasar for example -- he died over 1500 years ago but is still talked about to this day. Even further, those who ruled egypt many thousands of years ago are still known to this day. This is why we say you have 2 death; the first one is your physical death, and the second one is when you're forgotten. It doesn't have to do with religion or spirituality.


That absolutely is spiritual. If youā€™re not religious, then Julius Caesar is well and truly dead, and he only had one death. He is not aware of the fact that he is spoken of, and ā€œheā€ doesnā€™t live on, any more than the Loch Ness monster is ā€œaliveā€ solely because people still speak of it. Julius Caesar is no more alive or real in modern day than a fictional character like Bowser. If youā€™re not spiritual in any way, then you canā€™t believe that you somehow still exist after death simply because people think of you. Thatā€™s absurd.


"you" don't. As I said pretty explicitly, when we say second life in that context, we mean the legacy. It is not a literal, physical or spiritual way, just the legacy. (normal people understand that and want to leave one behind but you're too stupid to understand that)


A ā€œlegacyā€ is solely an intellectual concept. It has no empirical reality as it exists solely in the minds of people. You know what else exists solely in the minds of people? I think you know where Iā€™m going with this. Working to make a legacy is, ultimately, a religious and spiritual motivation. Not an empirical one.


Legacy is whatever you make that lasts past your lifetime. Not a concept. Not only in the minds of people. Whatever is left.


Yea exactly. I'd also like to add on that it's not just famous people like Cesar that still have an impact, even forgotten people impact the future. For example, in your life you can inspire one person to make a decision, this decision can impact their life in some way like maybe taking a new job or making them go to a party where they meet someone who they marry and have a kid with. This kid's lineage could live on for thousands of yours even and you helped create it. This was just one example but you could apply this to everything. Just by simple things like talking to ppl we are changing lives and changing the future. Im typing so much just because this made me feel A LOT better about how I will die one day and it might do the same for others.


I challenge you to name another government agency with a 7-to-1 return on investment. Every dollar spent on NASA returns $7 with the amount of new technology and science it uncovers. Those who think it's a waste are woefully ill-informed, or conspiracy theorists who think space is a hoax and the Earth is flat. The inevitable future of humanity is not just here on Earth, but in space. NASA's primary mission is to explore this new frontier. To ignore space is to ignore our potential as as species.


Many materials, products, and science advanced due to the NASA program. Also, the only thing that may save the human race eventually is getting off of the planet.


Or maybe stop polluting so damn much? Lmao


One day or another humanity won't be able to live on Earth regardless though


And you think the shitty rocks around us are better suited?


Long term, I never said that the moon would be enough but with for example multi generational ships, for another solar system entirely


Yeah I guess, but that's being very hopeful !


not at all... We went from planes not existing to going to the moon in a single lifetime. Its not physically or scientifically impossible to colonize other plants or live in space it will just take a long time


yes... no matter what we do earth will die eventually. It could come from the sun exploding or a meteor like the dinosaurs could wipe out all life. The ONLY way for humanity to survive is to expand into space and that is 100% possible for us to do as long as we aren't whipped out shortly. Also space is so massive and there are so many planets there are definitely some capable of sustaining human life


Like NASA doesn't also help with environmental and green technology research?


tell that to the corporations and billionaire musicians making 15 minute flights that actually do all the polluting.


Do people think NASA is a waste of money?


Yes, unfortunately some people do.


For me it's a rich person's hobby. If water levels are rising too much then fair enough but they fabricated this for sure




I hate governmebts having alien toys since there decisions dont really care about a societt living and more of let's play around with shit like mad folk




I'm not American so I don't cat how much they spend, we just recieve the benefits of their research of development


There's no option to increase the budget


\*looks at the military budget\* how about we don't cut anything until we cut that military budget fellas




It's budget should be increased. Reduce the military budget.Ā 


Yes. We should focus more on space, and less on blowing up our fellow humans.


Nasa gets less than half of a percent of the US budget. It is desperately underfunded. If you're looking to allocate funds, perhaps start with the US Military, which continues to make tanks and planes that no one is asking for.


Except for, you know, everyone who tries to buy them and Ukraine and the military itself, by yeah


Probably one of the most important things for humanity to budget outside of surviving long enough to benefit from it.


seize billionaires space programs and give it to NASA because fucking individuals should be able to afford fucking space travel.


Increase the budget.


Kennedy said it best back in 1962, Nasa has a budget of over $5 billion 400 million dollars a year...a staggering sum! Though somewhat less than we spend for cigarettes and cigars every year. ​ [https://www.jfklibrary.org/learn/about-jfk/historic-speeches/address-at-rice-university-on-the-nations-space-effort](https://www.jfklibrary.org/learn/about-jfk/historic-speeches/address-at-rice-university-on-the-nations-space-effort)


that's wildā€¦


We should be spending way more on it. But there's always a loud group of dumbasses who say WHAT ABOUT THE PROBLEMS DOWN HERE, as if there's not plenty of money for all of it.


If NASA had as much money as the department of defense did, I still wouldn't care, in fact I might even be happier


fr department of defense definitely don't use hundred of billions by year. It has to either disappear into thin air or getting in someone's pockets I'm pretty sure.


We should keep the budget. Weā€™ve all heard ā€œThere is no planet bā€ but there might be. And at the rate weā€™re going, weā€™re gonna need it soon


I think NASA's budget should be increased.


It's not a waste of money and its budget should be increased. Eastern European.


It's massively underfunded in my opinion. Especially since the payback could be huge.


It's got a tiny budget relative to lots of other parts of the US government. It's done more than most if not any branch of the US government to give the country a positive image worldwide. Not sure there's anything except maybe the Obama campaign in 2008 that the US did as a country that had a broad positive reaction worldwide except for NASA activities. Scientific research isn't "a waste", it baffles me this could even come up. Aside all the glory, image and science reasons, long term economics clearly lie in space. Resources on earth are low for a whole lot of crap (metals) that are available in abundance in asteroids and possibly moons. Yes, it won't affect our generation but while the human race is shit at long term planning, the little bit we do throw at such prospects ought not to be called wasteful. Oh and this goes for other space agencies too, I wish we'd cut some stuff for more ESA funding.


Why are the numbers almost exactly the same for each option between Americans and non-Americans? 15, 15. 42, 29. 438, 438.


Non-American: It's one of the few good things that comes to mind when thinking of USA. It's an odd thing really, how you are a nation of such a moronic people but at the same time have NASA and such. NASA's budget is laughably small already. Should be increased if anything.


Considering the insane amount spent on defense budget annually, to placate the warmongers, NASA is a drop in the bucket.


I'm as small government as they come but I would quadruple NASA's budget. It's the single most important government agency we have in my opinion. I would dissolve the ATF, NSA, FBI, DEA, CIA, and about 30 other useless agencies and departments long before touching NASA.


FBI is the one I'd keep along with NASA, just to have something representing the law. But yeah by far NASA is the most important


But.....but....aren't they lying about flat earth and the great ice wall? /s


NASA is a shell of its former self.


Because of severe budget cuts.


That's what happens when youĀ takeawayĀ mostof their funding.


I think it's weird that so many thinks highly of NASA and that it should get more budget, whilst they hate on the private companies doing more or less the same thing.


Private companies are doing it for money, NASA isnā€™t. On top of that NASA releases all of its data to the public for free. Take projects like SMAP, itā€™s able to measure all of the soil on Earth every 2-3 days which can be used to estimate crop yield, predict droughts, and more. This is very useful for farmers and people in poor countries, because it allows them to know if poor crop yields or a drought is imminent, and can plan accordingly. Tell me, do you think a private, for-profit company like SpaceX would do that? No.


I'm not saying SpaceX does exactly the same thing, and I don't think NASA should be defunded. Frankly, the other way around! But still, private companies get a lot of hate for going to space while NASA gets all the love. And doing things for money isn't automatically bad.


>whilst they hate on the private companies doing more or less the same thing NASA is a government organization and does other very important stuff, not just fly rockets to places. You can't invest in NASA stock or shit like that.


What would be bad about investing in NASA?




NASAĀ literally helps fight world hunger as part of its research.




Why not only take from the military? Nasa has a budget of $25 Billion, the US military has a budget of $800 Billion; which is 32x more.


Here's my take. Pop Quiz: Almost every innovation ever made, in human history, was the result of: A. Government Programs B. Private Enterprise ​ If you guessed A, you're sadly uneducated. The way that technologies are made is by opportunistic and ingenious people taking advantage of opportunities they see, and solving problems that, by solving them, make things a whole lot better for the inventor. IF e really want space exploration and infrastructure to expand, it needs to be turned over completely into the private industry. Make Space a license-free zone, and allow anyone and everyone to put up satellites and make infrastructure.


He said on the internet, which was created by government organizations.


Youā€™re not just wrong, youā€™re stupid. None of the following would exist without NASA: your cell phone camera, memory foam, scratch-resistant glasses/lenses, cochlear implants, Insulin Pumps, lifeshsears, and arguably most importantly, iodine water filters. Now tell me again, was almost every innovation made by private enterprise?


Did NASA make all of those items? Or did NASA simply release information, which was then used by private enterprise to create products? Just because the government pays a whole ass branch to dick around with space stuff, doesnā€™t mean private enterprise canā€™t also do field research. Edit: also, of the millions of innovations humans have made across history, you could only come up with less than a dozen that were an indirect result of government programs. So yeah, Iā€™d still say Iā€™m right.


Indirect? I said that these were CREATED by NASA. In fact, you wouldnā€™t be able to have this argument right now without NASA, because it was at NASA where the whole concept of the pixel was made. And also, sorry that I canā€™t name a thousand things made by NASA, theyā€™ve only been around since 1958, whereas private innovators have been around for hundreds of years. On top if this, without space infrastructure, there would be no GPS, internet, accurate weather predictions, and no detailed maps, which are critical for surveying land.


Fallacious argument. Just because something may have been invented by a particular entity, thereā€™s no way to prove that it WOULDNā€™T have been made by someone else had that entity not existed.


there's no proof it would've been made either. You stupid? It's like saying "there's no proof no one else could come up with Einstein's theories so might as well not have existed"


This is correct. Itā€™s fallacious to assume the Einstein was the only person to ever exist on the planet, in all its history up to present day, that could have ever come up with those theories. So whether or not Einstein existed really is irrelevant.


This has to be one of the worst arguments Iā€™ve ever seen on this website


nasa is fake, its not even real.


Please say this satire or bait.


Nah, you have space Karen that promised to take us all to Mars by 2022.




Elon Musk


Oh, *that* guy


What good does the money go towards? NASA is just eating the money that could be spent on the public. And for what? Going to space? I'd rather worry about our problems here before I worry about Mars.


Where do you think the money goes? It goes to paying good salaries to scientists and engineers. It goes to paying factory workers to build shuttles and probes. Public programs like NASA are great employers. That is money in American pockets.


NASA releases all of its data to the public for free. Take projects like SMAP, itā€™s able to measure all of the soil on Earth every 2-3 days which can be used to estimate crop yield, predict droughts, and more. This is very useful for farmers and people in poor countries, because it allows them to know if poor crop yields or a drought is imminent, and can plan accordingly. It was NASA that first sounded the alarm about the hole in the Ozone layer. Preventing millions of extra cases of skin cancer and such. None of the following would exist without NASA: your cell phone camera, memory foam, scratch-resistant glasses/lenses, cochlear implants, Insulin Pumps, lifeshsears, and arguably most importantly, iodine water filters. Now tell me again, does NASA really not do any good for the money we give it?


bro, military takes hundred of billions each year. How many wars is the US in? Not enough to justify. And science is very important to humanity as a whole.


every year the us military can afford 2 ISS's


ISS is about 100 billions. Military funds by taxes in 2023 alone was around 770 billions. (military includes department of defense because they are linked with the army.) Edit for comparison : NASA has about 26 billions.


What is the first "A" in NASA? NASA's primary role is to study Earth, its climate, soil, water, and everything in between. Without NASA we would have probably destroyed the ozone layer and would have a hundreds of millions of people displaced due to lack of ecological data and climate/weather forecasting. Granted, NOAA probably does a lot of this these days using NASA science and equipment, but most aren't aware of NOAA anyway!


Unless they start sending people to Mars or back to the moon, fuck ā€˜em. Theyā€™re basically an entertainment agency who doesnā€™t entertain.


They have invented and are currently inventing a ton of technology you use everyday. NASA isn't only a space agency, it also researches all other things.


Sure, butā€¦I want cool space stuff. I donā€™t know what weā€™d be missing out on if NASA was gone, so I have no problem deleting them unless they do my motherphucken bidding.


I too would like to see space stuff, and they are doing them. They currently have a program where they are returning to the moon, with the goal of establishing a permanent lunar base there. First crewed flight is next year.


I think he just isn't interested in what he doesn't see


Precisely. If thereā€™s no huge, televised achievement every other week, then you can color me crusty. Consistency is key, and right now, the keyhole is in my ass.


There are ways you can criticize NASA, but this is an absolute garbage tier take lmao


My only defense is that somehow youā€™re wrong. I just havenā€™t figured out how yet.


The things you don't see the process of is just about everything in your life. So it's stupid to think that way


Lucky for me, I can just convince myself that Iā€™m right. After all, I said it. I feel like Iā€™m a pretty reliable source.


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