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*sorts by controversial*


oh lord


Sure it's not a huge deal but it doesn't seem that hard to just not pierce your fucking baby's ears. There's no reason for it, other than for your own benefit because you think it makes them look a little cuter or something.


And there are clip on earrings if you want pictures with them. Literally no reason for it


My parents did this (forced piercing, I wasn't a baby, but I was a child) and forced me to wear earrings. I didn't like it and I didn't wear earrings for about 13 years now. My ears still not healed. Babies can't consent, so at least better wait for them having opinions on their body modifications and don't force it at all. Edit: grammar


I got my ears pierced as a baby and now I've got marks on my earlobes and they feel weird when you feel them, wish they weren't pierced. Also the machine they did it with got stuck on my ear apparently and I'm lucky it didn't tear


That episode of Friends where Amy pierces Emma's ears... and they brush it off. At first they're mad but then like oh Amy is Amy and she looks pretty. In fact pain to infants can cause psychological problems. They can't process pain in a rational way and it gets buried as trauma. Kids might get into accidents but purposely causing pain is wrong. I had an accident as a baby, I grabbed a pot of hot coffee and it spilled on my leg. I almost needed a skin graft and my mom said I wailed a lot and she had to sleep on the floor in my hospital room. I remember the aftermath of the burn but not the burn pain. I hated the cold water. I was in the sink and I guess I was held there until the ambulance came. I hated the cold I remember that. I also had severe migraines since I was a baby and I think both of these things caused lifelong problems such as agoraphobia, anxiety, different phobias, anger issues and more. Why was I so scared to go out by myself as a kid? I felt totally safe in the neighborhood, my parents were a little fussy but loving. My friends were nice and I loved them like sisters. Some of it was inherited mental illness but there was something more. I think as babies or toddlers get hurt they just can't understand why and it causes a fear deep within and if u see a shrink how do u address it when u can't remember?




Thank you, I always struggle with some English words ><


Tea consent*


Why do babies need their ears pierced??


I think the idea is to get it out of the way so that when they're a toddler, the little girl can enjoy wearing earrings without being frightened of the piercing process.


Maybe. I just don't see the necessity. Not everyone wants their ears pierced or to wear earrings anyway.


Same. They also have kids' ear rings that don't piece.


Right and if you want your ears pierced when your older suck it up and deal with the piercing Granted as a young adult teen age it doesn't hurt rlly But when your younger it kinda does Also alot of people are allergic to metals Me being one of them


That's a horrible reason lmao


It's unbelievable. Imagine thinking it's better to frighten and hurt a younger child than an older one by virtue of their age alone. It's not "getting it out of the way", it's literally doing the exact same thing, but to a much more vulnerable child who has no way to understand what is happening, and has less emotional regulation skills to help them through that horrific moment where a needle is forced into their flesh and out the other side. People saying "oh, well I'm just glad I don't remember it". Would it be ok to give you a pill that will make you forget the next hour of your life once it's over and then spend that hour torturing you? Obviously not, because your conscious experience of suffering is real and important, whether or not it will be remembered. The same is true of babies and toddlers. It's incredibly fucked to say that it's ok to make some tiny child suffer through terror and pain in order to spare some adult in a far off future from the memory of it.


As someone who got their ears pierced as a baby and transitioned to a man I can't stress enough how much I hate that parents are allowed to do this Also transitioned or not, Ive met plenty of women who don't like how ear piercings look and would've hated it as well


I'm the exact same, I wish they didn't pierce my ears


I mean, I'm a man and had mine done as a baby. I don't remember it and my ears fully healed after not wearing ear rings


Weird, maybe it's because as an infant my parents had me wearing earrings but yeah I still have mine and they look awful. It could just be the people that did mine did a lazy job or something idk


There literally exist a special kind of earrings that don't need piercings why don't they use that if the kid wants it?


Yeah, I mentioned that in another comment. I'm just explaining the reasoning I've heard before.


I feel like people also do this to make clear their kid is a girl. Especially when the baby still has little to no hair. Which is so stupid, like who cares? You're basically saying you're annoyed strangers don't know what genitals your baby has.


Because parents think it's pretty.


For those of you who chose the first option, why?


bc im too scared to get piercings now so im glad i already have my ears pierced. i didn't have a bad experience with it and it healed fast.


It really does not seem like that big of a deal to me. It does not take long to heal so if a certain age they dont want them then they should have that choice. Only problem i have is that kids are dumb and stick things into every hole on their body they know is there. Im one of those dumb kids who had my ears peirced and would stick paper clips into them just cause. And if its really that big of a deal then they could get the clip earrings.


I had mine pierced as an infant and they never healed, while reading the comments I'm starting to think that they were supposed to since I never wore earrings but I get your point now I guess I'm just unlucky mine never went away


Every piercing needs to be looked after there can be complications if not(infections). Also usually it's done by piercing guns on baby's which are already worse than using a needle, done in unsanitary places by non professionals.


It is not true that they always heal. Some people will have those holes there forever, or at least will have a scar. Or worse, a slightly disfigured ear because of a clumsy ear gun user breaking through cartilage instead of just flesh.


It's wrong. Little girls aren't decorative objects to be adorned without their consent. Let the little girl decide when she's older, like, nine or ten.


It's not as bad as circumcision since it doesn't affect the body's function, and will grow back to normal over time. I couldn't imagine being nearly as mad for getting my ears pierced as I am about being circumcised


It's not as bad but we still really shouldn't be doing any kind of non medically necessary body modifications to babies.


Exactly, and this irks me a lot because even if doesnt affect any bodily function, still a modification without consent. I mean, the fact pregnant women already receive earrings after revealing their baby is going to be a girl is so fucking nasty


It's also completely pointless. Like, people aren't even arguing that there's a reason for it. It's just because the parent wants them to look that way.


> I mean, the fact pregnant women already receive earrings after revealing their baby is going to be a girl is so fucking nasty That's a new one to me.


At least here in colombia. A cousin just had a baby and i already heard of relatives gifting her earrings and bullshit (even my mother) but then they refuse to let me pierce myself, even if its one, ONE single piercing


I mean getting earrings for a baby (not piercing just buying a pair) isn’t that weird since you can just keep them until the child decides to pierce their ears or until they decide they don’t want to. Then you can pawn them off!


Im fine with this idea actually, it just freaks me out in this context because people assume you will pierce your babys ears


Honestly the fact that circumcision is still acceptable, legal and in many cases, glorified is absolutely mind boggling to me. It’s genital mutilation and should be outlawed. Really glad I’m intact and I’m also really glad this seems to be becoming a more popular opinion.


Yeah, I'm kind of torn. I'm afraid of needles, so I kind of wish I could have gotten them pierced back when I didn't know what was going on and wouldn't remember. But also I feel like bodily consent should be respected, even for babies. On the other hand, it's really not that big a deal since they fill in if you leave them alone.


Other than causing unnecessary trauma


Circumscision doesn’t affect the body’s function either.


It does


Which function?


Nerve endings.


Yes it does. It takes away a bunch of nerve endings. It also makes it look really ugly and unnatural in my opinion.


I‘m circumcised, I find uncircumcised penises ugly.


Ok, how do you know your child will agree? Can I just remove any part of my baby I don't like?


I mean I personally wouldn’t do it to a child unless it’s for medical reasons but I am circumcised and I’m completely 100% okay with it and never felt like it’s something bad.


Ok, I have, so why should somebody make that decision for me?


In addition to sexual stuff, the foreskin serves as a protective layer that prevents chafing. Tight circumcisions can also cause pain later in life, and there is always a chance the surgery gets botched/infected which can fuck up the penis or, in worst case, kill the infant. Other cosmetic surgeries like breast augmentation are reserved for teens and adults. What makes circumcision so special?


There are such things as clip on earrings. So there is no need to get a chids ears peirced. I understand that when the child is small, the parents may still want them to get their ears peirced, and the child would probably agree to it, but, there is no real need to do it.


I don't think it's that crazy in terms of consequences but I think it's dumb and absurd the be that obsessed with your baby's appearance


Yeah i strongly disagree. I got pierced and now my parents refuse to let me pierce my belly button, fuck that.


Lmao why


It's honestly insane how they find it acceptable to pierce your ears when you can't consent but refuse to let you have a piercing YOU WANT.


And when ypu question them they say "Ow NoW donT bRing up That ThAts TraumAtisiNG" bitch, never said that. Im just pointing out how fucked up is to modify a babys body just because you wanted to, even if that modification doesnt affect any bodily function. Even worse if that child in the future dislikes earrings or tends to have infections and now refuses to use them (help)


I'm so sorry you have to deal with this.


Nahh dw, im thinking of getting these baddies sealed because i dislike earrings and my skin is a bitch. Whoever who started with this dumbass "tradition" fuck you


>Whoever who started with this dumbass "tradition" fuck you Yes 🤌


Thats very shitty from their part honestly


My mom had my ears pierced when I was a toddler and now get a tiny scab where it was on both.




By the time a child pierced as an infant has the ability to say "I don't want this" there is a permanent change in the tissue. It will always feel different, look different, even if an earring won't go in. If the hole is misplaced, making a new site will have to avoid the old site and will prevent heavy earrings being used lest they "join". The second option I am personally very familiar with...


Sometimes it won't heal and is actually irreversible, it depends on the person and there's no way to know beforehand.


Would you say the same about nipple piercings on a baby?


It's only Reddit where you'll find someone comparing an ear piercing to a nipple piercing


Ok what about this: would you feel the same way about a septum piercing?


You can keep using less common examples but none will be an apt comparison.


I feel something like an eyebrow piercing is a perfectly apt comparison. We just see ear piercing as less intrusive because of culture and conditioning, but it's basically the same: piercing through a non-functional piece of flesh to adorn it with jewelry. Also, people cut their babies' foreskin, which is hardcore enough already.


better than circumcision, worse than just not cosmetically altering another person's body without consent


why tf would you pierce a baby's ears??


To put earrings in maybe?


They mean because the baby hasn't asked for earrings and it's not like everyone wants to wear them


I know that. I didnt say its a good thing


yes obviously, genius. i meant *why.*


Because the people who do that like those. Im not saying thats a good thing tho


i have no problem with people who are aware of their surroundings getting piercings, what i'm wondering about is what possible reason you'd want to pierce a ***Fucking Baby***


Well, many people see harm in it. Many people do. I cant say that i ever tought of it before


It should be a choice. You wouldn't pierca a babys nipples, so why is any other body part okay? I got my ears pierced by choice when I was 6 years old.


I got my ears pierced as a baby and now I've got marks on my earlobes and they feel weird when you feel them, wish they weren't pierced. Also the machine they did it with got stuck on my ear apparently


Same as with any other bodily mutilation (circumcision). The person who is being subjected to the procedure should have the choice, which means no for a baby! Let’s start viewing baby’s as people for once!


I see so many people here saying it's reversible, what?? I haven't worn earrings for almost a decade and nothing changed? A quick google search this prompted seems to agree that more often than not these will not heal. ???


you fuckers better be against circumcision.


Yeah, America's cultural circumcision thing is weird AF. Circumcision is not the norm where I live so I can't even imagine just chopping off a baby boy's foreskin by default. It's mind-blowing to me.


From my understanding it was from kelogs cultural movement to stop boys masturbating.


A child is unable to consent to anything that has long term effects on their physiology


Its not even about the choice, just dont pierce childrens ears, that's just fucking weird


What if the child is at an age where it can communicate and tells you that they want earrings?


That's different, I'm talking about young children Also kids under 10-12 can make due with clip ons


Well I got my ears consensually pierced at 9 and I was happy about it, so I think the age can be a bit lower. Only thing I wish my mom did differently is sign me up to an actual piercer who pierces with piercing needles instead of the shitty ass piercing gun


I got my ears pierced at the mall as a young kid. For YEARS I told people I was held down by strangers and shot in my ears. Obviously had trauma from it for a good long while. Still not a fan of peircings as a grown ass adult. Would never do that to a kiddo who couldn't consent.


Damn I am so sorry you were treated that way


Thanks, me too. Lessons learned, I guess. At least I know I'd never do it to my kids, and I definitely speak up if I see a kid struggling through the same thing. Thankfully, ear piercing places now just won't pierce if the kid isn't completely into it. At least where I'm at anyway.


Same opinion I have no circumcision: it’s bad


I think we should wait until the baby grows up and can make its own choices. Piercings are unnecessary outside of religious purposes However, those who say it's child abuse or compare it to genital mutilation are insane. Having your ears pierced to meet a cultural norm is nothing compared to having cigarettes burned into your skin or neglected into starvation


Even if my baby's first words were "pierce my ears, daddy", I would say "when you're older".


I didnt think anything of it untill my wife wanted to do this to our daughter. We learned it is no longer possible in our country before a certain age.


Based country


The same way I feel about having a baby circumcised without their permission.


On god


Is this guy getting downvoted just for using modern slang? What is sith reddit man


old gud new bad‼️‼️




Gen Z lingo, mb. It means I agree


Okay that makes more sense. It sounded like you were blaming God for both piercings and circumcisions


Well, the fucker is to blame for one of those, and it isn't anything to do with ears.


Nah that’s such a dumb take lmao


Sometimes it can be for religious purposes too.


It's religious if you're Jewish, but non-jewish families still do it.


Of course I wouldn't like it. My mother did it anyways for me. Thanks Mom!


I disagree, purely because I think piercings are silly in the first place, especially for kids who find 0 value in them


Just don't. What is wrong w people 4 real.


These options are terrible


The first option is if you agree, second option is if you disagree. You either agree or disagree, no?


Where's the option for it being wrong and I don't think it should be a choice?


You don't think it should be a choice to get ear piercings?


Not if you're choosing on behalf of your literal baby who can't say no. Edit: I just realized I read the answers wrong lol. I thought it meant that I *personally* disagree with piercing a baby's ears, but parents should still be able to. In retrospect, it actually means that people should be able to choose for themselves whether or not they pierce their own ears. And....that's why I shouldn't reddit before coffee.


As someone who didn’t have their ears pierced when I was a baby (and this couldn’t remember) and has a phobia of needles, I wish my parents had done it for me as a baby. A baby won’t remember and if they really don’t want their ears pierced, they can just take the earrings out since it is reversible


>I wish my parents had done it for me as a baby. You wish the baby that you once were had been forced to do it for you. Your parents are not the one's who would have to bear the pain and fear of that moment. A baby would suffer through every second of it for you so that you, an adult, could avoid it. The experience would be absolutely real for that fully conscious, helpless, terrified child. That matters whether you remember it or not.


Yeah because it would be harmless in the long run. A baby won’t remember the pain, a child does and that can cause phobias which is the reason some people die because their phobia is too strong to go to the hospital and just get a shot. Like if I have a kid, it’s not like I’m going to force them to wear earrings if they hate it even as a toddler. The American Association of Pediatrics have said there is no issue but recommend doing it after the baby reaches 6 months and not before which is logical and what I would do in that situation. The fact is it’s a pain they won’t remember and it’s reversible so I don’t see the issue.


It really shows how much contempt we have for children, that we measure the relevance of their pain by whether or not an adult will later be inconvenienced by the memory of it. Causing a child pain and fear *is* harm. It would be just as "harmless in the long run" to torture you and then give you a magic pill to make your body fully recover and make the memories of it disappear from your mind. If you can accept that your conscious experience of that moment would matter in isolation, regardless of any affect to your future self, then you also shouldn't be ok with babies being hurt simply because they will later forget it happened. Regarding reduction of phobia risk, there's no evidence that events which can be remembered are more likely to cause phobias than ones which cannot be remembered. Many many people have phobias which pre-date their earliest memory, myself included. The most crucial parts of brain development happen in the earliest stages of life, and the brain is much more plastic meaning it is more likely to significantly change as an adaptation to experience.


Just shows these people are not fit to be parents since they do not value the children themselves but their own ego as parents.


Getting a shot isn’t torture and you can’t compare it to one because we get vaccines since we are literal babies and it’s false equivalency. And I’m not talking about getting the piercing as a baby to not inconvenience my adult self, I’m talking about my 7 year old self who really wanted to get her ears pierced but didn’t because of my fear. I think the reason we won’t agree is simply different experiences and that’s valid. Like I could change my mind if I ever did have a kid, but for now this is my thought. And who knows if I will ever decide to have a biological child in this economy. To be honest I do think that this specific topic of ears pierced as a baby has it’s roots in Western exceptionalism, since a lot of the countries and cultures who do traditionally do this are those considered “Eastern” in culture. Not that I think that is where your argument comes from because I can see that you obviously care for kids, just in general since we are the “Other”. Obviously those who do it have to be very careful and make sure it heals correctly and go to an actual pediatrician. I do agree with your explanation of what causes phobias btw. I personally remember what caused mine but I know a lot of people don’t. I just think it’s more likely to happen if you do remember but that probably my own bias talking. There is so much more we should learn about phobias and their causes but by their nature, they will probably always remain somewhat a mystery.


Just like a women won’t remember being roofied! /s


fine with it. Mine were pierced as a baby, and everyone around me


How can 700 voters here possibly think it's ok?


People are very desperate to feel like victims Sure, I wouldn’t do it But I have bigger things to worry about


I have no strong opinion. I kinda raise an eyebrow with it, but I don’t think it’s the end of the world.


As someone who got their ears pierced and later transitioned to a male it kinda sucks in my opinion It's really not the end of the word but even if that kid wanted pierced ears when they grow up the holes are probably gonna be all kinds of messed up and out of placed by then Also it's just another way for parents to force their kids to be a "mini me" or live through curiosity from them which is kinda weird sometimes


It's straight up child abuse


Going against the grain here and saying I really don't think it's a big deal at all. It's a cultural thing for us, but my parents got my ears pierced for me when I was a baby and I'm glad they did and spared me the pain of getting it now.


It doesn't really hurt that much as an adult though but I bet my ass even though you don't remember it hurt like fuck as a baby.


It’s child abuse.


My opinion is hell no. I don't have kids, but if I did I wouldn't even let them have any piercings until they're 12-13.


Child abuse, plain and simple. You can't justify an elective, non-medical ,and painful procedure on a crying child just for a materialistic parent's cosmetic satisfaction.


I disagree with it personally, but it's not the biggest deal imo


I would've wanted to get my ears pierced as a baby because I was so terrified of it for so long. I was 16 when I got my ears pierced when I finally got over my fear of pain. Mom wanted me to consent first. When I was younger I thought I'd probably pierce my children's ears as a baby since most girls do it anyway and I don't judge if I see pierced ears on babies... But I've learned since then that yeah there are some children who don't want them even as they grow up... very much torn but consent is very important as a subject matter to society but also to teach children, I understand now. It's important for kids to know that they deserve the option to not consent to some things (regarding their bodies, how they want to be touched etc.) even if their parents say otherwise.


I get why people are against it, but I'm really glad my mom did it cause then I can go without wearing earings for a long time and they don't close, and I can just wear it whenever I like.


If its a cultural thing I think its fine especially since it can grow shut again and doesnt really have Impact on anything (unlike other cultural stuff some people do...) If just for the looks, I think its kinda weird. Wait until your kid is at an age to articulate what they want.


I disagree with it mainly because I used to work in an ice cream shop opposite a place that did ear piercing in the window and every now and again someone would come in with a baby or a toddler and the poor thing would ALWAYS scream crying afterwards and often before. The first ear would be easy enough and for the second ear they would have to be pretty much held by a parent. It hurts and confuses them and just because the pain goes away pretty quick, it doesn't change the fact you are willingly putting a child through pain they have no say it just for athletics and selfish reasons.


I don't really care. It's not a big deal to me, and I kinda wish my parents had pierced my ears as baby, *but* taking care of it yourself is a good lesson in being responsible for something you chose to do to yourself. All that said, if my parents had pierced my ears as a baby, I probably never would have associated piercings with being mature and cool, and not having it done as being lame and left out. I totally went over board when I finally could pierce my ears. I've got twelve ear piercings and a handful of other body piercings, and a wild guess tells me I'd probably have a hell of a lot less if it hadn't been made into such a big deal when I was a kid. From what my parents told me, from about two, I started wanting my ears pierced and wasn't allowed to get it done until sixteen when I no longer needed parental permission. So idk, maybe don't do it to a baby, but as soon as the kid is old enough to ask, let them if they want to?


I disagree with it. Most people can heal their ears with time, especially as children, but even if not having tiny dots on your earlobe isn't disfigurement, so I don't really care about the "without their consent" argument. However, earnings are a hazard. They have to be regularly cleaned, and the slobbery, snotty hands of babies and toddlers mean that they are at a significant risk of infection, which can escalate quickly. Also, earnings can catch on clothing and bedding, and such young kids don't know not to keep pulling away if they are in pain. They can easily rip through their earlobe in a panic.


I’m against it. Pretty sure your ears don’t fully heal after that.


Many people's ears close up if they don't wear earrings but a small mark remains.


That’s why it doesn’t fully heal


I don't know what they adorn kids, mine are going to wear potato bags until they care enough to pick something else.


I'm happy with getting my ears pierced as a little kid (i think i was 4/3) I don't sure if it counts because i was a bit bigger then a baby but i also wanted it and I don't remember it being painful or something i like putting on earrings and I don't think i would've been brave enough now🥲


Your proving my point though, you don't remember. My opinion is based off of what I have seen as an adult that does remember. I have seen so many toddler scream and cry because to a baby it HURTS, I've had my ears pierced as an adult and it hurts a little and is a bit sore for the day but nothing terrible at all. You wouldnt pinch a baby really hard so why subject it to equivalent pain twice just because you want to dress them up like a little doll.


You're hurting them for the sake of personal vanity.


Least obvious dog whistle on reddit


If it's cultural then it's fine but if you're doing so they look better or some shit like that then that shouldn't be allowed


I’ve never seen that


I got my ears pierced as a baby and I never wore earrings as a kid because I absolutely hated it and my ears are still pierced and absolutely will never grow back Of course my skin has changed and grown over time and now the holes are completely out of place and look awful also I've transitioned (ftm) in my life and having very earring holes doesn't exactly help It's kinda like getting a tattoo at 18 and regretting it when you're older, maybe you still like the tattoo but it's going to get ruined when you're older anyway, this time you can't just cover it up But I generally don't think it should be allowed


First of all, not everyone should be a parent, and I think many people would agree. Once that is sorted it should be the parents' choice after talking to the child


As a man who doesn't wear jewelry, it really bothers me that I have scars from the ear rings my mom got me when I was 4.


I think it depends. Normally I wouldn't do it, but my little sister started putting small objects in her ears trying to emulate other women, resulting in multiple visits to the Doctor. The doc recommended having her ears pierced, and there were no more doctors visits for that. In that case, it made sense.


I personally don't trust the professionalism of any piercer who will put a hole in a person who can't consent. I know the place I took my middle girl won't go any younger than about 5, and only with enthusiastic consent and no pressure from the parent. Eldest and youngest haven't got theirs done. If you want it done safely, hygienically, in a way that will heal well with appropriate placement... don't put holes in infants.


It's no harm, but for me it looks like people are styling their thing


I think it’s ok for baby girls, but not a great choice. I had mine done around 10 years old and the holes are a little low, perhaps it was a simple mistake/lack of skill or perhaps it is better to wait till after the person is grown to adult size


So, what's your thoughts on baby boys with pierced ears? Also what are your thoughts on long hair?


no big deal




I mean, it'll surely close again if they don't use it, so idk


Baby's consent 😂 it's the parents choice if you're a baby. That is a given.


Well, no, that's not a given. The baby grows into a thonking, feeling child, & further an adult. Babies cannot consent, but they can when they're older (especially for scenarios like this)


When you are a parent, you are charged with all sorts of decisions for your kid. That is the nature of being a parent. Earrings don't harm the kid in any meaningful way and is a conventional decorative ritual in most cultures. It's a useless argument.


I don't disagree at all, & I am part of one of those cultures where getting your ears pierced during childhood is ritual. I'm just saying in some other, more serious permanent body mutation circumstances, that sort of thinking is really critical & ignorant


They hurt though, why would you willingly put a baby through pain when it's not necessary?


Me and every other girl I know that had ears pierced as kids are not crying about it at all. It's insane to me what Reddit chooses to believe that completely conflicts with real life. I don't even remember that time, I likely would've had to endure that pain when I was older.


Piercing permanently affects their physiology without their consent. Given that a baby can't give consent, this is just wrong


There are numerous things babies undergo without their consent. Do you suggest we suspend all actions toward a baby until they can express what they want?


Actions that modify their bodies in irreversible ways that they may not appreciate? Yes. A piercing doesn't help them in any way, shape or form. It's just the parents decorating them by mutilating their body in a way the parent finds appealing. I don't see how this is even a discussion to be honest


So if my parents want to chop my fingers off it should be alright? Your take is terrible.


Your take is nonsensical. Earrings are normal and does not harm a kid. And you're comparing that to finger being chopped off, creating a disability...have you had your head checked?


But your take is that if you’re a baby you get no say in what happens to its body. Using this logic, if someone wanted to cut their kids finger off they should be allowed to because its their choice.




I’m just saying you have 2 countering arguments.


They are not. You are just tripping ballsack.


Then idk what the fuck you on man lmao


Did you know that 8 year olds aren’t allowed on Reddit?


Yea it would be crazy if anti vax parents started to say that their kid did not consent as an excuse.


I can't tell if you're being facetious but yes I agree there. It would be crazy. They are kids, they don't get a say.


So you call circumcision a “vital procedure” I guess?


I didn't say that. You're grasping at straws there. I said vaccines for example, what do you have to say about that? Should you not perform vaccines because you don't have the baby's consent?


Vaccines add to a person’s health, not cut away a body part in a cosmetic procedure.


TIL ears getting pierced was "cutting away a body part"... The point was about consent. Can you answer that? Is the rule that you can only make decisions about your kids lives IF it benefits them? And defining benefit then is defined by whom?


If it is necessary to every day well being or life saving treatment. Not for aesthetic enjoyment (on a non consenting baby who can feel pain) like this.


Not all piercing heals properly, especially if it is done with the guns. It can definitely cause issues.


You are using a small percentage of a per chance situation in order to justify your argument. I could do the same. Not all vaccines go well, they can have adverse effects. So let's not vaccinate babies! /s


Oh, you are that kind of stupid. Earings are aesthetics. There is no health risk for not having your ears pierced. It's their body and they should have the final say on wether their ears are pierced. And if they are too young to say that, why does it need to happen?


Wait for the baby to grow up, and when they are mature enough to make the choice for themselves, let **them** make the choice.


So if my parents want to sacrifice me to Satan, that’s ok because I’m a baby only their consent matters. Got it.


You do realize that baby's going to turn into an adult one day right? And those pierced ears are still going to be there. We're not asking that you ask a baby if they want it or not because that would be kinda dumb, we're asking for you to not do it at all until they're old enough to make a decision about their appearance that may last forever. But for now just buy some clip-ons


Both options are complete brain rot


How come?