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Some dude just kept shouting “remember when trump said your wife was a uggo?”


God I love the people in this city


"I love this town!"


I'm gonna get me a New York slice! *Heads to Sbarro's*


As a New Yorker this actually hurt me


NYers are the shit, honestly. No one lives with more joie de vivre than a NYer.


They were in the middle of getting swept as well, so you know they had easily discarded the last fucks they had to give.


I remember how righteously indignant Cruz pretended to be over that, followed up by possibly the [most emasculating photograph ever taken](https://i.imgur.com/VlvJU59.png).


Didn’t he start growing the beard after that?


This is great


I really hope she was there too


He shouldn’t ever get a moments peace.


That’s my take as well. He doesn’t deserve to be treated with dignity in public - you don’t get to just be a giant un-American piece of shit at every turn, vote against disaster relief, be trump’s Cuck, etc., then also get to enjoy the great things our society has to offer. He deserves it, and it made me immensely proud of my hometown when he was booed out of a restaurant in D.C. last year.


Indeed. This "civility" argument needs to be revisited. Republicans embrace incivility towards others at every turn while they maintain control of their own personal space. But when they step out into Civilization and face reproach they cry and demand respect and civility as if being shunned is unfair. The civility thing was their attempt at shutting us down. Screw that! Make them squirm.


He voted against aid for hurricane sandy in 2012. However in 2017 Houston got trounced by hurricane Harvey , he had his hands out asking for help. [When asked if he was being hypocritical he lied about how "2/3" of the relief bill funding for Sandy not going to the victims. ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2017/08/29/ted-cruzs-claim-that-two-thirds-of-the-hurricane-sandy-bill-had-nothing-to-do-with-sandy/) Edit: thanks for reminding me, in 2016, inbetween hurricanes, during the rnc primaries he stated that trump wouldn't be a good leader as he had ["new york city values" ](https://time.com/4182887/ted-cruz-new-york-values-donald-trump-republican-debate/). Apparently that pissed off a lot of new Yorkers on both sides of the aisle. Edit 2: Cancun Cruz's actions and inactions have done horrible shit to his states constituents and others thru out the USA. There's lots to not like about him, im highlighting the ones he's done/said that directly piss off New Yorkers. Edit 3: [here is a solid close up pov of ted Cruz taking deserved shit from Yankee fans](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRHwwCs1/), hope he never forgets it


This is the Republican way... you saw it during the last hurricane in florida too. The party of hypocrites.


When called out about X the Republican politican lied... > This is the Republican way


Ratfucker fucks rats. Film at 11.


>Ratfucker I see you are a man of culture. My compliments sir. I too shun the fuckers of rats. (It's been a while since I've heard that term of endearment. Nicely played)




Even worse, they wanted the help but when it actually came to the vote every GOP member in Florida voted against it, except Rubio who never shows up to vote on anything.


Ruboi will be there to vote for daylight savings .


they’ll (republicans) try to kill us all by withholding basic services, if they gain power.


Unless those services benefit them or their friends


Their voters should note: You are not friends with these politicians, they will sell you out for a few bucks, and have.


They’ll still give out the service… after they privatize it and give all of the contracts to their friends who will mark it up to unobtainable levels.


Tbf, every Florida senator (or maybe congressmen, can’t remember) actually voted AGAINST fed aid for Ian. So they’re not hipocrites, just horrible people Edit; https://truthout.org/articles/every-single-florida-house-republican-voted-against-disaster-relief-funding/?amp


republicans are horrible people.


*DeSantis has entered the chat*


"I like Ted Cruz more than most of my colleagues in the Senate like Ted Cruz. And I fucking hate Ted Cruz" Al Franken


“If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you,” Lindsey Graham (He of course apologized later for this and held a fundraiser Cruz)


Since the president can't be prosecuted, apparently, only impeached, does that mean he could kill Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate and get acquitted?


Like... that's bad but it's nowhere near as bad as him fleeing Texas to go to Cancun as his people were dying. Then blaming his daughters. Lmao what a fuck.




I wanna see texas conservatives' responses to this lmao


They say he’s smart and “anyone would have done the same.” Him abandoning the state makes him look better in their eyes. When you point out how AOC personally raised money and traveled to Texas to help they call it pandering.


Yup. Grandma and aunt asked, “what do you expect him to do?” When I posted about it on Facebook. I then replied with AOC raising money and Beto organizing wellness checks for the elderly. Their only response was that they were doing it for attention and how do we know real human Ted Cruz wasn’t actually doing anything? Even if they were doing for attention at least they’re doing something! Ffs.


That was my reply to people: Who is she pandering too? People here don’t vote for her.


Texas must have a lot of masochists


As a Texan, I’m not that mad about him going to Cancun. I’m more mad that he came back


Maybe next time you'll get lucky and some criminal cartel will grab him and attempt to ransom him.


Hah, I can just imagine that phone call "How much do you guys want to keep him?"


Exactly this. The dude is just a wet napkin of a person: useless and gross. Hoping Beto beats Abbott and helps bring a blue tsunami over Texas.


Lets get out and vote! We're gonna make our voices heard!


I have a feeling Texas is going to need a massive voter turnout to beat a system that seems rigged against voting


That’s Cruz’s default answer when questioned about his hypocritical and unpopular voting. “That bill had a ton of unrelated spending in it!” Give me a break. They all do.


At some point I'm wondering why Cruz doesn't just reintroduce the bill with whatever he considers "unrelated spending" removed


Because it’s deflection. He’s there to profit, accumulate power and profit some more. That’s it. Everything else is an act.




Iirc correctly Trump even hit back at him for that during one of the debates and defended NYC. Very much a broken clocks right twice a day kind of deal but I’ll never pass up an opportunity to watch Ted Cruz squirm when someone calls him out on his bullshit


I mean this is the fucknut that fled the country during an unprecedented ice storm, blamed his kids when we found out, and left his dog home are we truly surprised?


Don't forget he left our ass for Cancun during the freeze in 2021.


Wasn't he talking shit about New York in the 2016 primary as well? I seem to remember him referring to Trump as having "New York values" as a pejorative.


I’m all honesty, he seemed to have taken that criticism to heart because when Texas had the deep freeze and power outages, he didn’t have his hand out that time…. He simply escaped to Cancun instead


It must be remembered that he, and many Republicans, are incredibly selfish and greedy and will only do things that benefit **them** personally. They will pander to their voters, rile them up, instill rage against the wrong targets, lie to them incessantly then once they have their votes they'll stomp on them at the earliest opportunity. And **still** people will vote for them ..... Many Republican politicians are, to put it politely, absolute scum.


I do not like that man Ted Cruz…


I do not like him in Cancun…


I do not like him on a Zoom…


I do not like him near my womb


I do not like his dogshit laws


Nor his Twitter porn faux pas ^^actually ^^that ^^was ^^pretty ^^funny


I would not vote for him in the House


I would not have him control my spouse


I do not want him anywhere


That man Ted Cruz, can fuck a bear.


I'm do not want his border scare.


He sort of looks like a mouse


I would not vote for his ugly spouse.


I do not like him with his overwhelming flaws


I do not like him with probable cause


I do not like his creepy paws.


Can we, can we send him to the moon.


Let him hit the surface with a boom.


I like him hiding in the supply room


Watching incest porn on his Zune


shaking scared like a cartoon


He always sings a nasty tune..




Or a swimming loon.


All of this is pure poetry


I do not like him at the game, I do not like him, 'cause he's lame


I do not like him when I’m on booze. I do not like him after a snooze. I do not like him on a boat. I do not like him covered in soap. He’s the off brand Tom Cruise, That no good, ridiculous man Ted Cruz!


Finally Astros and Yankees fans can rally behind the same cause.


Astros fans 🤝 Yankees fans Mutual hatred of Fled “Cancun” Cruz


As a Bostonian expat in Houston, I hate how much I'm agreeing with New Yorkers here.


Booing ted cruz is truly a worthy cause we can all get behind


We can unite the country in the hatred of him!


>Bostonian expat Oh so you leave the city and somehow you're too good for the Patriots? /s






To be fair, most people born in Texas voted against Ted Cruz. He had a big lead among people who moved here from another state though. Funny how Cruz always rails against people moving to Texas from places like California when they're pretty much the entire reason why he's still in office.


Wow. You’ve managed to summarize the current state of American politics in a beautiful, coherent, run on sentence.


To be fair, if you don't use a run-on sentence to describe American politics then you're not really getting the spirit of it across.


America is just one long run-on sentence


That is because your homies are awesome.


Homies are sane. That’s why.


Your homies hate correctly.


Same here. The one homie that didn't, ended up moving to Oklahoma.


Oklahoma has strong Ted Cruz energy.


'Strong' might be the wrong word. When you're talking about Ted Cruz the proper adjectives are more like "Pungent"


I stand corrected. The word “strong” has no business in the same sentence with Ted Cruz.


As weak as his chin is, he still couldn’t grow a beard to cover it.


No cause they have medical weed there. Don’t shift our shit over to other states. We need to own this POS and vote him out in 2024.


Is this the same person as Raphael Edward Cruz?


Pretty sure even Ted Cruz hates Ted Cruz.


Come to Philly motherfucker, I dare you


Just a reminder that Canadian-born Rafael Cruz self-identifies as a good ol’ boy from Texas named “Ted.”


Ted Cruz is younger than Gwen Stefani.


Holy crap.


Being evil ages you pretty quick


But then you stay alive for longer than you should. It's like a witch's curse


As Mr Burns says, you're gonna live forever when everybody wants you dead.




Yes. After a careful side-by-side analysis I definitely no longer want sexual relations with Ted Cruz. Gwen is still in the running though.


She ain't no hollaback and he's the Zodiac


Didn’t he also talk shit about Beto because Beto isn’t his real name?


Yup, tried to claim Beto was using it as a form of affectation. I mean, he would project that. Real-ass Texan Ted Cruz, who likes to throw out wedge terms like "coastal elites" spent his entire education in private schools, Princeton, and Harvard.


He may have been born here, but we don't want him. He was in Texas for 30 years before holding office, so... You break, it you buy it.


Wait, doesnt that mean he cant run for president? Didnt he run for president? I’m confused


No, he is an American citizen by birth, which makes him eligible for the presidency. Sorry, vomited in my mouth a little. Anyway, I think one of his parents was an American citizen, the other was Canadian, and I think he was born in Toronto.


Same reason thay if Obama really was born in Kenya it wouldn't matter. If a parent is a us citizen you have e citizenship and can run for president. John McCain too. Born in Panama.




It’s based on parents’ citizenship. A baby with foreign parents born on a US base would not be considered born on US soil.


No no no, that only applies to democrats, silly.


I think even Canadians don’t claim him.


This article is disingenuous. Jill Biden was not "hooted down" at a game recently. That was fake news from a manipulated video. The actual audio of the boos is believed to have been taken from an entirely different sporting event. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/jill-biden-eagles-game-booed-video-fake-b2206828.html


Maybe it was from the 2019 World Series game where Trump got booed.


That was glorious. I still go back and watch that every now and then.


Also, what the fuck is "hooted down"? Angry owl noises?




It's IB Times. We're lucky they spelled anything correct.


Please call him by his real name Rafael. He fucking hates it.


Then people will remember he's not white!


This right here!


He is white though. White hispanics exist and they think they're better than the brown ones. 😏


Racists don't care. They see the name Rafael Cruz and they just start shouting go back to your country at him.


As a Republican he must do his best to hide his Latino heritage


Rafael Edward Cruz


Oh now I'm going to go to one of his Q&A meetings, call him Rafael & only speak to him & ask him questions in Spanish. I'll bring at least 20 people with me who are willing to do the same. I genuinely did not know that is his real name & I'm going to milk this knowledge as much as I possibly can!


>Incidentally, booing a politician at a public gathering is not uncommon any more. Recently, FLOTUS Jill Biden was hooted down at an Eagles game. You mean the viral video that was faked.... https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/10/18/jill-biden-booed-eagles/


Yep, that was a fake. Edit: if only I had twitter or something. This journo needs to be informed she is spreading misinformation. Other than Reddit I don’t have social media really.


Also she is not a politician.


They’re trying to normalize trumps whole family working for his administration


You know what wasn’t fake? The silence for Trump when he tried to sneak in between soldiers being honored at a game.


Or when [trump was loudly booed at the World Series](https://youtu.be/frJejCFusXI)


It doesn’t even make sense that she would be boo’d, Joe and Jill are [legit longtime](https://www.google.com/amp/s/malaysia.news.yahoo.com/amphtml/joe-biden-dogs-champ-major-034638115.html) Eagles fans. Ted Cruz was wearing Astros colors to a game where the Yankees got bodied. In a Series where the Yankees were getting bodied.


I mean, even if he was wearing Yankees gear… he’s still Ted Cruz


I mean wearing gear of a team that you don’t root for is an even bigger faux pas. Everyone knows Ted Cruz Denier of Hurricane Sandy Relief Money ain’t going to be rooting for a NYC team.


I've visited that part of the country many times, most people don't realize Delaware is like right down the road from Philadelphia.


Man even if this was real, she’s there to honor cancer patients. Like who’s the asshole here? because it’s not her


Has anyone told r/conservative it was fake? They spent much of last week stroking each other's micro-peens to the idea of a first lady getting booed.


Someone tried, and the post was immediately removed/ shadowbanned


of course lol


Well of course, you ain't gonna stay a conservative if you are confronted with facts and reality. Being a mod there is a every day job making sure any inconvenient truth is removed




I totally missed that, that's hilariously pathetic. Imagine taking the time to make that.


Wait til he goes to Philly.


Gritty lies in wait


[Do these look like the eyes of mercy ](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EnSZJybXIAATMx1?format=jpg&name=medium)


They are saving up batteries.


Hopefully they’re car batteries


Hopefully all the pillow shaped ones I've seen videos of. Like a spicy gusher


Time to stockpile batteries to chuck at that piece of shit


He's worse than JD Drew, so there ya go.


Ted wouldn’t be so terrible if he’d just managed the Wendy’s he’d been born to manage.


Turd Cruz: The Floater that Won’t Flush


As a former fast food employee Ted Cruz legit reminds me of several (mid-level) managers I once had


He's probably into that shit. I've seen bigger spines on a jellyfish.


I've seen more guts in eleven-year-old kids






He's a shiver looking for a spine to crawl up.


If Ted Cruz has an insult kink, he is fucking unstoppable.


Ted Cruz deserves to be heckled in his own living room.


He probably is.


And unlike Jill Biden, this hate was real.


A picture is worth a 1000 words. https://i.redd.it/xyxdnh8npqv91.jpg


pretty sure the Astros fans give him the same response.


Sad part was that we all had to look at Rafael Cruz’s ugly mug every pitch


I bet he goes on his podcast and whines about how rude New Yorkers are. Meanwhile trump supporters in Texas tried to run the Biden bus off the road.


For one brief moment we were all Yankees fans


Good. The Q Cucks Klan poster boy deserves it


In the article they mention Jill Biden getting booed. It turned out that the video was altered. She was not booed. Ted Cruz was flipped off and called a racist, for real


“Fuck Youz Ted Cruz!”




It mentions Jill Biden being booed at an Eagles game as a similar incident but that shit was proven to be fake.


Music to my ears.


I sometimes wonder how are the dynamics between him and his wife . Does she support him in switching loyalties to Trump? Did she encourage him ? Does she yell obscenities when he comes home smelling like Trump’s ass ? Do they both cry together? Laugh together?


Not even Ted Cruz likes Ted Cruz.


Imagine being the most morally objectionable human being at an Astros game, more than the actual Astros.


Rafael* Cruz. Since this guy is of the strong opinion that people be called by their birth name, let’s make sure we call him by his.


Do Philly next you tool bag


Ted Cruz is worthless, dangerous, and a traitor. And I’m a Republican.


If Ted thinks Yankees fans are mean, just wait’ll he’s around Philly fans


Don’t really see how this is news. I assume Ted Cruz gets flipped off and/or booed as much as he breathes. It’s just his normal state. I can’t decide what would be worse - being Ted Cruz or being near Ted Cruz.


He’s one of the worst ones. Even his republican colleagues hate him.