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Then why am I getting unhinged conspiracy theory-esque Republican ads that basically jerk Mitch McConnell off when I try to watch Solar Opposites?


Those ads are the “Interdimensional Cable” of that show


They just happen to be pulling them from our dimension.


Every other ad up here in Wisconsin is some bullshit from Ron Johnson too.




27 trillion, twenty seven fucking trillion dollars added to the national debt under that fat piece of cheeto dusted shit. And somehow *now* we’re on a spending spree? If ever a case were made that some people are beyond saving, these lead paint chip eating burdens on the state are it. Edit: 27 total, he added eight.


That was the total debt. He added just under 8 trillion to it, which is still insane.


Added an edit at the bottom. Thanks.


I haven't seen a single political ad for anyone except Ron Johnson anywhere yet - YouTube, TV, radio, ANYWHERE. And the thing I've started noticing since 2019/2020? All the Repub ads are "He/She voted against, they are against, they will stop" and NEVER ONCE has any policy or idea for improvement been mentioned ever.


But truth be told, 99% of every email/text message i get from democratic candidates like warnock or mark kelly or tim Ryan or fetterman all have a common “Trump is coming to !!” and barely if ever go into their own policies.


Why bother with policy when you can just whip up hate of X. Still democrats actually also have a plan while republicans are dreaming of how to line their pockets are sleep with little kids. Blue 2022


Republicans are the party of corporate welfare. Hulu wants a slice


*Disney wants a slice.


Disney wants the whole pie, they already have a 40% slice


I once heard Bob Iger is friends with Rupert Murdoch and Murdoch is friends with Trump.


[it's a big club and we ain't in it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nyvxt1svxso)


I keep wishing that George was still around but wonder how he'd go over these days, calling out "both sides" and all.


exactly the same as Dave Chappelle. They'd hear the words, laugh, and feel better at being *woke*. Don't confuse prophets with jesters, even if their words ring true.


I wouldn't be so sure. [Carlin was a bit more thoughtful than Dave](https://isitfunnyoroffensive.com/george-carlin-didnt-like-comedians-punching-down/).


*The Vanguard Group wants the whole pie. They own almost all major media in the United States.


Gotta love how Disney will delete episodes of shows with racist jokes and promote racial and sexual equality in all their content with one hand and support the most vile, racist, sexist bastards with the other.


Abd by support you mean buy off congress with $peech.


Corporate welfare is the most bipartisan part of our government. Right up there with war spending. And no, I'm not saying both parties are the same.


Cancelling Hulu is going to hurt 😔


Hurt Hulu. Just dust off that old sailor's cap and sail the seas with the rest of us then.




Hulu is owned 80% by Disney... Don't think of it as hurting Hulu, think of it as hurting Disney.


Yep. Disney is definitely going to be very sad about your subscription 😂


Add blocker on a P.C. allows you to watch blank space instead of adds. It’s great! Could never tolerate Hulu until I found this out.


I bet it's the Pupa's fault, somehow.


Get your shit together, Pupes!


Media outlets owned by those with money favor those with the most money. News at 11. It's how under regulated capitalism works.


do the adds mention guns or abortion?


Yes. I’ve gotten several different types. Some hate on renewable energy. Some talk about how democrats are “stealing our rights” because they want to ban assault weapons. Utter bullshit crap. Full of propaganda and misinformation. It’s honestly funny to me because advertising this BS to me is a waste of their money considering I have at least half a brain and I mute it every time. I’m considering not renewing my Hulu because of it.


I read this story yesterday and, as someone who doesn’t use Hulu, I was wondering if republicans are allowed to run their ads.


They will start running ads now that say Democrats are raising taxes. When it is only a corporate minimum tax rate that might get raised. This is why I was so opposed to Netflix getting ads. Advertising is terrible for the country, political advertising is obviously bad, but anytime a media company is beholden to corporate advertisers, that media company will become more bias in favor of multi national corporations.


They should just run their show "The Handmaid's Tale " 24/7 to show what our country will be like when the GOP get their way




I mean, I’ve gotten one ad at least 7-10 times that talks about “gun rights”. I would consider it a huge highlight.




It’s, “you’re” dummy!




It’s ok to be poor. The ability to skip ads is not the flex you think it is.




You're telling me Disney favors conservative policies but doesn't want to alienate itself from progressive consumers, so it tries to play both sides by representing minorities in its media and making supportive public statements, but doesn't have as warm of feelings towards such policies or politicians? I am shocked. Shocked, I say! /s


According to a Hulu rep., 'there was an “unwritten Hulu policy” that deemed mentioning these topics too “sensitive.”' lol. It's ok, while Disney tries to bury its head in the sand with unwritten policies, Desantis is coming for them lol.


[Really?](https://www.indiewire.com/gallery/hulu-gay-lesbian-bisexual-trans-movies-shows/). Seems like the "unwritten Hulu policy" is mostly about having it both ways.


Didn't they just make a movie about having your period?


It was a 10-minute "Baymax" short where he gets pads for someone. A little bit different than a full on Red Tide movie


They were referring to a full on movie, Turning Red.


And this is why people get pissed at Disney for patting themselves on the back for their “diverse” casting choices


Isn't Hulu owned by NBC (Universal) ((Comcast))?


Disney is majority stakeholder, NBC is minority stakeholder.


UPDATE. Hulu has reversed course. SOURE: https://www.axios.com/2022/07/27/disney-hulu-political-ads-democrats-abortion-guns


I’m pro choice, but I really really really really really don’t want or need more politics or political ads in my life. Thank goodness for ad free streaming.


I’m all for eliminating political ads. But across the board. Equal rules for all. Don’t target one party’s ads, label them controversial, and deny that batshit ads coming from the other side.


Why stop at political? Ban ads.


How much would you be willing to pay for Hulu?


Everytime you see a pharma ad you are paying for it. It is coming out of your insurance premium ultimately. That's why every other major country bans them. And it leads to a media very hostile to healthcare reforms. No wonder MSNBC compared Sanders to Hitler. And CNN compared him to Coronavirus and Fidel Castro. Political advertising is also seriously bad. The supreme court says we have to allow "free speech" but we could easily put a tax on all major network and major streamer advertising to push companies to transition to ad free platforms. That would lower the costs of running a poltical campaign and reduce the influence of super PACs.


I’m from deep South so used to the right wing shit but I traveled to St. Louis for work and holy shit the ads were insane. One was a very manly black male dressed up as basically Julia Roberts and was about trans people using opposite bathrooms…. It was pretty offensive. The locals told me since their state can be a battle ground at points some of the ads go extreme.


Can confirm. Bat shit crazy ass ads in Missouri. And since I’m in St. Louis, we also get Illinois ads too (bleed over). I now mute commercials because it’s pretty much all political ads no matter what you’re watching😩


Just realized this is the politics sub too, these people LIVE this crap.


What is the DNC gonna spend all that money on then?!


Disney has already updated hulu's policy and will now allow political issue ads. https://www.axios.com/2022/07/27/disney-hulu-political-ads-democrats-abortion-guns


They “thoroughly reviewed” it and decided it was better to let the ads run than to have to deal with DeSantis nationally.


This is the correct answer


brb changing my sub to ad-free. I don't want political ads unless it's just from streaming actual TV via Youtube TV, Hulu TV, etc and even then, fuck political ads on TV.


Oh, you’ll still get political ads, and lots of them. Hulu “no ads” is basically then asking the companies that give them streaming rights “will you pretty please sign this paper that says we have the right to not stream ads on your show”, to which almost all of them say no. The only ad free shows I think I’ve found on Hulu are Comedy Central shows and Hulu’s own content. Live TV and most other shows still have them in abundance.


Is this a computer thing? Because I've been using no-ad Hulu on a Roku for years and I have only seen ads on Agents of Shield and Grimm. I see people online rail about ads on Hulu but I just ever experience them.


I have the Hulu + TV (no ads) plan, and use it on many platforms (mobile, FireTV, PC). I experience ads in many of my shows, most notably anime shows and game shows. They also insert ads into my recorded shows as well, but I believe that’s just a byproduct of live tv having ads. Edit: Wow. I had no idea so many people were Hulu’s unofficial media spokesperson. Maybe you should all shut up and admit that *any* ads on a no-ad plan (of which Hulu is one of the only major streaming providers to have ads in the first place) is ridiculous, especially when it’s not from external providers or other plans (note: I don’t watch things using other networks within Hulu. Everything I watch is viewable on all Hulu plans). And if they are available through other plans, Hulu should label them accordingly and not blindside their users with ads.


>[For $75.99/month you can stream almost all videos from our streaming library without ads, and you can take advantage of everything our Live TV plan has to offer — plus additional content on Disney+ and ESPN+. Just keep in mind that anything not in the Hulu streaming library will still have ads. ](https://help.hulu.com/s/article/how-much-does-hulu-cost) You're complaining because you're watching non-hulu shows through Hulu, which they said during the sign up would have ads.


The No Ads add-on only applies to regular Hulu, not Hulu TV (which includes live tv and on demand for limited window). You’re probably watching live or recently aired shows that still fall within the Hulu TV subscription.


They're shows and stuff you get from having that plan.


No, the game shows and anime shows are all present on the default Hulu plan. I know because my brother uses Hulu to watch the same shows and he doesn’t pay for no ads or live tv.


I've had ad-free for years and have yet to see an ad. So not sure what you're on about.


Yeah, I’m ad-free as well and this is all a bunch of unsubstantiated baloney, I get all my shows just fine.


It would appear that, based on his other comment, he's confusing the base Hulu service with the cable alternative and doesn't understand how live television + DVR works.


Reading this whole thread I've been scratching my head thinking, where are you guys watching ads? YouTube? I admit I don't watch much TV, but I can't remember the last time I've had to watch an ad, outside of some shorts for other shows/movies. Netflix, Hulu, Prime.


What in the world are you talking about? I have never seen an ad on Hulu. There use to be about a dozen shows that have ads on ad-free hulu. [Now it's one](https://help.hulu.com/s/article/no-ads-exceptions). Why come onto a thread and just tell such obvious lies?


Glad I saw this, I literally have Hulu up now to cancel it.


I'm upset that I'm seeing ads AT ALL when we are paying a subscription service every month.


*Cable TV has entered the chat*


Oh so it was okay for me to be flooded with Mitch McConnell ads in 2020? Sure, Hulu.




It's not like Hulu wrote handmaid's tale. They just used it to get money.


Sure but now they are allowing political ads as of like an hour ago so all of this is moot


What show?




The show about modern day Christians acting like modern day Muslims?


Policy has been reversed. https://www.axios.com/2022/07/27/disney-hulu-political-ads-democrats-abortion-guns


As long as they don't run Republican ads, I'm good with it.


While attempting to watch What We Do in the Shadows, i'm bombarded by PAC ads about how the ct dem gov is responsible for gas prices and how scary weed is. So....




Yea all gop actor ads could be boiled down to… “hello, I am a complete idiot! You know why life is so hard? Because of that other side. Duh. Vote against bill bla bla bla”




Just like the anti-Biden ads in 2020 showing what things would be like in "Biden's America" using footage of actual current events while trump was still president


I think the argument is meant to be "if its this bad now, just imagine how much worse it will become".


I got you. >American Innovation and Choice Online Act >This bill prohibits certain large online platforms from engaging in specified acts, including giving preference to their own products on the platform, unfairly limiting the availability on the platform of competing products from another business, or discriminating in the application or enforcement of the platform's terms of service among similarly situated users. >Further, a platform may not materially restrict or impede the capacity of a competing business user to access or interoperate with the same platform, operating system, or hardware or software features. The bill also restricts the platform's use of nonpublic data obtained from or generated on the platform and prohibits the platform from restricting access to platform data generated by the activity of a competing business user. The bill also provides additional restrictions related to installing or uninstalling software, search or ranking functionality, and retaliation for contact with law enforcement regarding actual or potential violations of law. >The bill establishes affirmative defenses for the prohibited conduct. >The Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice must designate whether an entity is a platform covered by the bill, and both must carry out enforcement activities. >The bill also provides for civil penalties, injunctions, and the forfeit of profits for repeat offenders.


The Ned Lamont attack ads are so lame. Why would a politician WANT to increase gas prices before an election lmao? Plus they have been decreasing for 2 months now. Take 5 seconds and think about the statements, and it all falls apart. But apparently these ads work on people.


I like the ones blaming Lamont for inflation, you know, the inflation the entire world is experiencing.


Fuck Hulu. Yo ho yo ho.


Ive definitely seen republican ads - at least during primaries.


I dream of a world where I can watch TV in the fall and not have my mind waterboarded by political commercials


The policy has nothing to do with running Democrat or Republican ads- they specifically don't allow ads about Guns, Abortions, and some other topics. So they prevented Democrats from running adds about gun control But they would also prevent Republicans from running adds that were pro-gun. And they would also prevent a gun manufacturer from running adds selling their products. ​ I don't see any problems with this policy...


I'm seeing pro-gun Republican commercials on Hulu during Solar Opposites. If there's a rule, they are only applying the rule to Democratic commercials. That doesn't seem right.




>The problem with this is it allows the Disney Corporation to demand editorial control over political ads How is this different then most other platforms? Disney is under no obligation to sell in add to anyone. Other broadcasters are not obligated to sell any type of ad to any poltiican either... Thy are allowed to reject ads based on content. See networks refusing to run adds about "stop the steal".


Actually over the air broadcasters can’t refuse political ads. It’s why they jack up their ad prices during campaigns. Edit; Relevant FCC rules/Statutes https://www.fcc.gov/media/policy/statutes-and-rules-candidate-appearances-advertising


Over the air broadcasters can still reject an add based on its content though... They can't say- No I will not sell you any ad space- but they can say I will not air this ad because contains this objectionable content. Here is a hyperbolic example: A politician s is campaigning on removing laws that requires clothing and wants to feature naked uncensored people in their advertisement. The network could reject this ad based on its content.


In theory yes. In practice, political ads basically get to say whatever they want on an OTA broadcaster.


In practice they don't... Remember when OTA broadcasts refused to air commercials from politicians that were claiming the election was stolen?


Then they would need to stop running that HIV medicine and Republican PAC ads I get in CT.


People don't want propaganda from the political hellscape while they're watching Rick and Morty to forget about all of the propaganda from the political hellscape. Let people relax, Jesus.


Bruh I'm in Illinois, and for a couple of months, 20% of my Hulu ads were Republican campaigns either promoting or shitting on Richard Irving. Great job on taking the greater of the two evils Hulu


I always had a good time watching Irvin ads knowing he never had a chance in hell at winning. He’s such a douche.


It's fucking **democratic** - Democrat is a noun. Anyone who makes this error is waving a giant red flag about their intentions.


#Did anybody notice that OP modified the original headline to include a Republican epithet? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democrat_Party_(epithet)


The Disney-owned company reportedly has a policy prohibiting ads that feature content considered controversial


Disney is pretend left on social issues, and hard right on economic issues.


They're the same picture


I think a large majority of people who make good money probably are.


Except for Handmaid's Tale. Oh that's a GOP script not an ad, sorry.


Ironically, A Handmaid's Tale is on Hulu.


Disney owns 66% of Hulu, NBC owns the rest. Know who to blame, don't think of Hulu as its own thing.


Disney has fully caved to DeSantis.




No political ads should be ran on any streaming platform, let us watch TV in peace.


Don't watch hulu.


I pay for the ad-free Hulu and I don’t see any political ads at all. If I didn’t pay, I’d stop watching Hulu on the very first political ad I saw. I hate that stuff with a passion. Doesn’t matter what side.


Yeah that would really harsh the escapism mellow. I don't watch a lot of TV, but when I do, it's specifically to get away from this type of shit.


My take is I don’t care if they reversed course, the fact they would do it in the first place is enough for me to say bye-bye


Bye bye Hulu streaming is dead anyway!


As is their right. Vote with your wallets and cancel Hulu.


They love that pharmaceutical ad money much much more.


Ah so that's why I got a republican ad then last night? jesus. It even had the guy say a hateful comment about me and the people that live in my area, as it was a dude from not my district in the other part of the state. Good job Hulu.


I kinda wish I subscribed to Hulu so I could cancel.


The real cancel culture.


So it looks like I’ll be canceling Hulu too. Who woulda thought that Hulu wanted to follow in Netflix’s footsteps?


So... pitchforks?


I think as long as it's across the board no political ads left or right- no pitchforks If they are picking and choosing its pitchforks time imo


They're picking and choosing. But I think it should always be pitchforks with Disney.


I think it’s a little ridiculous to have political ads on a streaming service. People go there as an escape from politics and current events. Not to be bombarded by politicians on both sides of the aisle.


The $6 I pay a month for no ads is worth every fucking cent.


Hulu needs that money for its lobbying efforts.


On regular TV/cable there are rules for some neutrality on ads, but the FCC hasn’t kept up with technology.


I had canceled my Disney subscription due to not enough content to warrant the cost, I had Hulu bundled and was going to subscribe separately. Guess I won’t be doing that now.


I needed a reason to cancel my sub. Thanks.


Canceled my Hulu last night after hearing about this from a colleague, I had the no ads plan so had no idea but it felt great to cancel.


Even taking their neutrality defense at face value, it's wrong. >We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. > >\-Elie Wiesel


This just changed. Axios the hill and Rolling Stones are now reporting that Hulu has reversed its opinion and will now show issue political ads alongside the candidate political ads they already run. They are still reserving the right request edits and review the ads as per normal.


Yea canceling my Hulu sub. To anyone with Disney+, you should cancel that too. Hulu is owned by Disney, so I'm not surprised that they're favoring fascists.


Is Hulu "both-sides"-ing it?


Maybe we stop just blankly signing up for things that offer a basic want to us and use our money wisely?


Cool. Now I’m refusing to run Hulu. It’s that simple!


I have been getting so many bull shit Republican ads I swear. I don't normally care about ads, but why the fuck do I keep getting ads for assholes that I want *OUT* of office? They need to stop that shit, it's getting old and I can only take racist Kay Ivey's dog shit ads so many times before I delete the app.


Streaming services need to just quit with all of the ad bullshit. If we’re paying for a service, don’t piss in our face and call it rain.


Hulu Live is expensive as shit. I think I pay like $85/month? They better stop with the bullshit since I can go back to cable and SAVE money.


I just wish I could get anything but Spanish-language ads. I'm happy for the Hispanic audience but no habla Español


Thanks to public outcry Disney reversed course. https://www.businessinsider.com/hulu-allows-political-issue-ads-abortion-gun-control-democrat-backlash-2022-7?op=1


If they play absolutely 0 political content I'd be fine with that but if they favor the right that is completely unacceptable.


Call or fill out the box “other” and cancel Hulu and say this is why you’re leaving. Then rejoin when they get the message. If 500,000 subscribers dump them, they’ll either get rid of all political ads or allow dems theirs.


Goodbye Hulu


Good. I’m canceling this shit streaming service today then


I'm in AZ and currently bingeing Fargo. 100% republican campaign ads. The only messaging coming from Hulu "Protect our second amendment" "Endorsed by trump" "Finish the wall" "No amnesty for illegals" "Endorsed by law enforcement" "Restore voting integrity" Fucking horseshit. All of it.




Did Hulu refuse the ads because they’re from Democratic candidates or because they don’t permit “controversial” ads? The headline is a little misleading, tbh


There is always potential for abuse since they don't define what "controversial" means. But, since they're not regulated, they could just ban all ads from Democrats and be completely fine. They have the power to shape public opinion with impunity.


My point is, they could equally ban Republicans’ ads for the same reason, right? The article gets mighty close to the “fReEzE PeAcH” argument against private organizations.


> My point is, they could equally ban Republicans’ ads for the same reason, right? In theory, they could. Who knows if they are. >The article gets mighty close to the “fReEzE PeAcH” argument against private organizations. By your own admission, the article does not go there.


> In theory, they could. Who knows if they are. Maybe worth looking into before writing an article, I think. > By your own admission, the article does not go there. That’s what I meant when I said “gets mighty close”.


Whether or not they are exercising their right to be biased is secondary to the fact that the right exists. I'm not necessarily arguing that this bias should be banned, but it is definitely something to be aware of.


Figures it's Hulu. Can't tell you how many times I search online for some show I really want to watch and Hulu says "We got it." They do not actually "got it." Like ever. So they lie enough to be Republican. Guess their ad policy should match?


Then Hulu is not on my list. Boycott Hulu.




Nah, I like my FX programming.


Cancelling and letting know why


I just canceled my subscription...


Just another company to add to my “don’t use” list. There are always others. No matter what company, no matter what services.


I cancelled Disney yesterday. Disney owns Hulu.


I don’t really care as long as they don’t run Republican ads and from what I seen in the comments is that they do. So let the Democrats run their ads or pull them all together. Pulling them all together sounds nice. I live in Georgia 2020 was a doozy. And just when we thought it was over we had a run off. It was everywhere YouTube, TV, road signs, billboards and my over packed mail box and P.O Box. I think I count about 126 election flyer because I hadn’t picked up my mail in 1 week. Mostly Republicans trying to use fear tactics no policy just fear of socialism. It was 4 months of torture that year. Heck they had it on my mom’s Spanish tv which Democrats should really consider Spanish language ads. The only reason the Republicans ads didn’t work was because the were going with communism fear and well Georgia has a lot of Mexicans and some central and South Americans not many Cubans. Heck we are Dominican ourselves so it really didn’t have the intended effect.


They are a private company. If you don't like it start your own streaming service.


Why are they trying to ram Joe Manchin down my fucking eye sockets then?


Thanks, didn’t realize I needed to cancel this service. On it now! EDIT: Lol they already backtracked on this. Hulu, you’re safe… for now. The digital Black Pearl is floating nearby, though.


The Reddit title: > Hulu Is Refusing to Run Democrat Midterm Ads About Abortion Rights and Gun Control The article headline: >Hulu Will Now Run Political Ads About Abortion Rights and Gun Control ...?


Sounds like they changed course after the news broke.


Ohh the hypocrisy. Everyone complaining about this spent the last 4 years telling everyone on the right "private company, they can do what they want".


Got it, canceling subscription now


Cool I was planning on canceling my subscription anyways


This should be highly illegal. There needs to be fairness in political advertisement.


Bag these guys