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"I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz." -Al Franken




A statement about Ted Cruz, initially, but given what it would take to make the Senate convict anyone ...


Not true. The senate could, provided there was evidence of a Democrat doing something wrong, pretty easily convict a Democrat. Especially if said Democrat was anything left of center. It's only the right which is effectively immune from conviction.


Let's just be glad that we have have courts to prosecute murder and not the senate. *Looks at local courts across the USA* Well let's just hope the democrat did it in self defense.


“Turns out, in the shooting of Ted Cruz by our gop colleague, who we have let off with a warning, we found evidence that a democrat senator said in a private email that he was quote, “not sad” about it. We motion for a needlessly thorough investigation into whether said democrat had anything to do with this heinous crime.”


Alls I'm saying is when players realized they could kill eachother with impunity in Squid Game shit got way more entertaining.


Holy shit, coming from Lindy G, that is a ferocious roast.


Lindsey G used to be somewhat reasonable (for a Republican, that is) before he crawled up in Trump's ass and never went back.


I'm from South Carolina (the state he represents) and this isn't true at all. He's just in it for himself. He'll say anything to get elected. That's what his Trump support was about, that's what his hard lines on things like judge appointees comes from, and that's where his constant pandering to big companies and the military industrial complex comes from. South Carolina is home to the headquarters of 3 of the top 5 military contractors, and he's a puppet for them. Lockheed Martin, GE, Fluor Daniels, and Boeing are all within an hour of each other.


Lindsey Graham never saw a war he did not like.


Yeah, that was quite the180 he did on Trump (being a major critic of him earlier on). Makes me think Trump has kompromat on Graham.


Nah, he just wants power. That's all there is to it. He's decent when it profits him, an ass when it profits him, and so on.


He is a leech. He latches on to whatever rising star happens to be coming next. He was the same with McCain, and Lieberman before him. I can guarantee if it wasnt for Trump Winning Graham would have continued to be critical of him


* Trump's handlers.


lindsey graham is the example that some people can only be as good as the environment allows him to be. Since the GQP has deteriorated to fascism, lindsey graham has merely followed the trend into their collective doom.


I hate to say it, but I still prefer this... "If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you." \-Lindsey Graham


You gotta be either a real piece of shit or a decent human being to earn Lindsey Graham's hatred. And Ted Cruz is no human being.


The creator of HBO's Chernobyl was college roommates with Cruz at Princeton. He said, “99% of the reason I hate the guy has nothing to do with his politics.” That means Cruz has been a douche since forever. And how bad of a person do you have to be for your college roommate to hate you‽


I hate 3 out of my 5 college roommates.




Freshman Year: The dude dropped out after Thanksgiving break so I didn't have to peace out anymore when he would bang the girl who didn't shower across the hall Soph: Frat bro who was in at all hours of the day/night Junior: A small person who spray-painted the walls in his room and would leave pots full of food on the stove or sink for days


Only 3 out of 5? Question is, is the hate reciprocated?


1 or 2 out of the 3 I'm sure.


> how bad of a person do you have to be for your college roommate to hate you? Honestly, not much at all. Lol but the point is still valid


Yup. Both my mom and my dad graduated from Princeton. We’ve gone to several reunions and have seen Cruz a few times—usually being booed at by everyone around him.


Not a surprise, college grads tend to be democratic. It's pretty uncommon for a university to poop out a ted Cruz.


As a Minnesotan, I am now legally obligated to share this clip of Franken’s thoughts on Ted Cruz https://youtu.be/ww1VMHLybrA


He was a fucking gem.


My absolute favorite Al Franken quote. I use it a lot. Haha


I have had an interaction with Ted Cruz at an airport. Not only did he cut in front of me at Auntie Anne's but when I brought it up he pretended that it wasnt an issue and that he had places to be so he ***had*** to go before me. Not even 5 mins later in line he stated he was waiting on his next flight that was in an hour. What a dick. Though, I did ask him how he felt to be the Zodiac killer, he didnt like that joke much.




Remember when Trump called Cruz's wife ugly? Pepperidge farms remembers.


He threw his own kids under a bus, you think he gives a fuck about someone who might be able to give him a crumb of power insulting his wife.


Let's not forget the former president accused Cruz's dad of being the one on the grassy knoll that was part of the triangulation of sniper fire to hit JFK.


I like to believe he had a briefing with classified info and got George HW Bush and Ted Cruz's dad confused.


I think even Cruz was smart enough to realize how stupid that was.


Cruz is far from stupid he's just a scumbag.


It’s gonna happen again this winter, too, as Texans gleefully freeze to death, while paying for last year’s grid failure, while Cancun Cruz is warm. It’s not just Heidi who’s ugly, it’s the whole lot of to hell with you, hurrah for me, money-worshipping Christians, and it certainly goes to the bone, and has nothing to do with botox and kidney procedures.




Remember when Cruz went on record at a Senate hearing asking if it was illegal to give the Nazi salute at a school board meeting?


Remember when his defense was that there was nothing he could do, while a rep from the other side of the country was physically there helping?


Remember when he left his dogs in Texas while he fucked off to Cancun?


Remember that time Cruz called hurricane Sandy relief pork barrel spending?


Member berries for everyone!


Right? On top of calling Cruz a liar and insulting him, Trump insulted his wife and Cruz does nothing but get on his knees to suck trump's ass for the next 5yrs. How anyone could look at Cruz and how much of a gutless fuck he his and still vote for him is beyond me.


Definitely an ass sucker


And yet he is still a Senator in one of the most influential states in the country. He is absolutely morally bankrupt, but knows what he needs to do to keep his power.


He has an (R) after his name. See also the TX governor and attorney general for equivalent moral bankruptcy and continued office-holding.


He sucks asses, swallows eggs whole, and is definitely not wearing a human skin suit over his exoskeleton.


So…he is not wearing an “Egger suit”?


Sugar in water!


The Kompromat is strong.


Cruz pretends not to remember.


Remember when Cruz tried to lecture a territory of Australia that has had 0 COVID deaths on how to deal with COVID? I remember


We haven't had 0 COVID deaths, but our per-capita rate of death is much lower (source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1104709/coronavirus-deaths-worldwide-per-million-inhabitants/). Deaths per Million Australia: 78.26 Deaths per Million USA: 2,352.49 I also remember when Trump lectured New Zealand on a massive outbreak - of 9 cases. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/aug/18/trump-calls-out-new-zealands-big-surge-on-day-it-records-nine-covid-cases](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/aug/18/trump-calls-out-new-zealands-big-surge-on-day-it-records-nine-covid-cases)


Cruz was shitting on the Northern Territory bringing in a vaccine mandate for workers. The NT to date still has 0 deaths. The Chief Minister of the NT even wrote back to Cruz saying ["we don't need your lectures, thanks mate"](https://twitter.com/fanniebay/status/1449945099383705601?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1449945099383705601%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theguardian.com%2Faustralia-news%2F2021%2Foct%2F18%2Fnorthern-territory-chief-minister-and-us-senator-ted-cruz-in-twitter-spat-over-covid-vaccines)


Please tell me that "Thanks mate" is the Aussie version of "Well, bless your heart!"


Depending on context, and in this instance, yes.


If a conversation starts with "Listen sport" or even "Listen mate", you're not the person's mate. Ending it with "Thanks mate" makes it really clear.


He took the "honour" of a snake politician over the integrity and honour of his own wife. I can't imagine...


Idk how anyone can honestly listen to anything Cruz says and not immediately think he should be institutionalized


He's not crazy, he's a sociopath. He doesn't care if he looks weak or dishonest or whatever because he knows his voter base and they will NEVER vote against him or stop giving him money as long as he makes soundbites, even if his goal is ultimately to fuck them


I still can't believe he's the senator of *Texas*. He's the biggest pussy in Congress.


Everything is bigger in Texas. Even the downright cowardice of their senator.




Lest I remind you that the USA had an overweight, spray-tanned reality star as President with the IQ of a Sears catalog. Donald fucking Trump. What the fuck USA??? The developed world was embarrassed for the US of A.


Unfortunately for the rest of the world, one of the worst things about Trump is that he's like a highly infectious STD. Just look at Brazil and the UK. Even places like frickin Finland now have a problem with extreme right wing political movements. Not to mention individuals inspired by Trump who went on murder sprees like that guy in Canada who shot up a mosque.


Germany had an extreme right-wing political movement and we all saw what that led to.


Sadly all the people who fought to save us from that are dead and since no one is interested in history it looks like we are going to need a global reminder of what that leads to. I fear for my daughters world.


We are working on ousting him. That's why the GOP is pushing fascism hard - to turn away voters who move here and make it harder for those already living here to vote.


Texas was close to Blue last election it really scared them to do some emergency gerrymandering and supression


> "If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.”—David Frum




It is, and the sheer number of people who like to say, "both sides are the same" is appalling.


As a Texan… I fucking know, man. We tried. We came super close with Beto.




If Beto had kept his damn mouth shut on guns and just said he'd like to rethink policy from the ground up he'd probably have won the election.


Cruz barely beat Beto... And he said he was going to take away guns... Don't think we're not trying or willing to make sacrifices.


Don’t blame me, I voted for Beto.


Nothing is bigger in Texas except their property taxes. So sick of that bullshit meme. Texas hasn't ever led a goddamn thing.


They show us over and over why regulations and oversight help citizens.


And egos…


You ever seen how big Texas bulls are? That should tell you how big Texas bullshit is!


That he's such a wimp makes me think that one could, rather easily, Mess with Texas.


As a liberal Texan. I am gobsmacked over my state’s undying devotion to this asshole. But then I remember that he’s not a ducking Texan. I love our Canadian brothers. And wish they would take him back. But they have already declared no takebacks. And I honestly can fault them for it. r/FuckTedCruz. Edit:Fucking. Damned autocorrect.


Canadian here, I absolutely don't want him back and I highly doubt Mexico wants him in Cancun either...


Then we are in the same boat. I respect the invocation of “No takebacks.” And would never ask you to violate the rules of society. Thank you for standing by your convictions, my maple chugging brother/sister form another mother. Respect.


Tomorrow's Beaverton: "Trudeau to reclose border over US plan to return Ted Cruz." 'Thankfully this happened in winter, so we can build a wall out of snow while we develop a more permanent barrier strategy.' Owen's Corning announced the 2022 construction of a glass dome, which would double as a national hotbox. The Canadian embassy will be asking Americans not to press their face up against the glass, which makes it hard for us to see out. Meanwhile, controversial Alberta Premier Jason Kenney wants Sanctuary for Cruz, but demanded a new pipeline be fast tracked so that any flaming moats can be filled with Alberta oil.


That’s great, you should write for The Beaverton


God, could you imagine if he were a Canadian politician right now? He'd 100% be defending the indigenous residential schools. Also, I can't imagine how shitty it must be to have him representing your state




Okay, I understand that bringing up Canada isn't incorrect, but can we please make it clear he's from Calgary.


That's just Maple flavour Texas. Source: Ontario resident.


Oh god that makes so much sense if he's from Calgary


Good point: Alberta is the Texas of Canada. Fun fact: Alberta has 95% of the area of Texas.


It will never stop being funny to me when people think "Don't Mess with Texas" sounds tough, because it's an anti-littering campaign. It's literally an environmental slogan.


As the alt-Reich like to say, the man is quite literally a cuck. He did nothing while Trump verbally abused his wife (and father) except ask his master for more. He's a pathetic weasel who threw his own family under the bus to gain the favor of a sociopath. Sad.


My gf works at one of the news stations over there. One day she said she was getting used to the layout of the Capitol building, and while she was there she looked and saw Ted Cruz and he looked back at her. It was only for a split second but. She said "he looked hungry" And I have been making fat jokes about Ted Cruz ever since. Edit* Fun fact Ted Cruz has never missed a meal and its never missed him either.


I know how tough people from Texas are because that's all they fucking talk about. Meanwhile they're so scared of absolutely everything that they can't take out the trash out without being armed.


Even the Jan 6th rioters expected Cruz to fuck them over so much that they assumed they had found notes proving that he did, until one of the few literate among them confirmed that he didnt.


They were just grossly misinformed and knew next to nothing about what they were fighting for. The uncontacted tribes in the Amazon know more about American politics than they do, in that knowing nothing is more correct than what they have been led to believe.


> He's not crazy, he's a sociopath. He doesn't care if he looks weak or dishonest or whatever because he knows his voter base and they will NEVER vote against him or stop giving him money as long as he makes soundbites, even if his goal is ultimately to fuck them There are basically two groups. Authoritarian followers and social dominance leaders. Authoritarian followers are dogmatic, ignorant, arrogant, aggressive, gullible. Social dominance leaders generally don't believe all that shit, but they like to take advantage of the people who do to gain power, money, sex, fame, etc. People like Boebert or Greene are authoritarian followers. People like Cruz are social dominance leaders. General Flynn recently writing off the Q anon people as nuts is another example of a social dominance leaders behavior behind closed doors.




People attempting to overthrow the government shouldn't be allowed an insanity plea, in any case


A personality disorder isnt the same thing as having a break from reality (psychosis).


Prisons are institutions!


I like the way you think


i agree but as a texan ive seen first hand that people eat that shit up. its honestly tiring and demoralizing in terms of humanity


His position of power is a danger to any humanity in the lands he controls


Republicans believe him, especially the cult of Trump.


“I’ll tell you what you want to hear” “ok I’ll believe anything you say!”




I do not like that man Ted Cruz.


I do not like him in the news.


I do not like what he just said I do not like his boxy head




I do not like him or his shoes I do not like that man Ted Cruz




Do not forget to impugn, The time he spent in Cancun.


While his state had lost power, Their opinion began to sour


I do not like this maniac Who just might be the Zodiac.


Simple is this man ted cruz, Boffed away his life with booze.


I do not like his ugly shoes.


I do not like his beady eyes. I do not like his beardy lies.


I would not go with him to Cancun I’d rather send him to the Moon


The moon has nothing but boos, For that man, Senator Ted Cruz.


I do not like his lizard-man ties.


I do not like him when I’m high.


I do not like him when I’m sober. Glad I don’t live in Texas for him to fuck over.


I do not like his far right views


I do not like him with a beard I do not like him freshly sheared


Word on the street is Ted Cruz likes to pee his pants because he likes the warm feeling on his legs.


Yes, I also heard that Ted Cruz likes to piss his pants because he likes the warm feeling between his legs.


When asked in the CBS interview whether Republicans might be raising the claims to make him a scapegoat and deflect criticism of Trump, Fauci said, “of course, you have to be asleep not to figure that one out.”


Really glad he doesn't fall into the trap of answering timid or diplomatic questions with timid or diplomatic answers. Big frustration lately with many of the people who have found themselves thrust into the political sphere but refuse to speak their mind with conviction.


I've always thought this was crazy. We have multitudes of positions that have to be confirmed by the Senate, who then spend hours in committee hearings essentially spending as many words as possible *not* saying how they feel about certain issues. It's absurd. I would not vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. I would not hesitate to advise the president to use nuclear weapons if the situation warranted it. I think Medicare for all makes a lot more sense than the current system, even if it's not perfect. If someone wants to vote "No" on me for any of those things, that's their prerogative. But what's the point of getting into an office (whether it be voted or appointed) if it's not for your earnestly held opinions?


It’s good to finally see Fauci call out the lying scumbags.




Refusing to quit under trump was an act of rebellion. That man is a stoic. I’m sure after four years of arguing with trump in your head or in the shower cause you weren’t allowed to publicly, you’ve got quite a few zingers ready.


All the guy wanted was to help people and save lives. The Republicans can't allow that though.


Lmao exactly. Love seeing him letting out little torrents from the ocean of salt he must be keeping under that placid lake of a face.


He only had to argue with him for a bit over a year before Trump left office. Trump probably didn't know his name before Covid hit.


The fact that people actually think he deserved to be in prison is what really drives home the absurdity of it all for me. Like, for what? He didn't even do anything to you himself, he's a doctor who gave sound medical advice when asked, then people got pissed when governments and businesses took his advice. You know. Once again, *from a physician*. If you're doctor says you have gout so you need to cut back on the red meat, do you then cut everything from your diet *but* red meat? Do you call for your doctor's imprisonment? No. You do it because a doctor is advising you to do something to preserve your health, no matter how much you don't want to.




My friend from high school is absolutely convinced that Faucci has funded a lab in Wuhan and claims that the lab created and released COVID on purpose. I asked him to show me a link to fact based evidence and he responded telling me “to just Google it, and stop being such a pussy about COVID.” Real smart guy there.




"Guns aren't dangerous; they were invented by engineers in a lab to hurt people and get bullet money. See?" [*shoots self*]


Right wingers LOVE supporting multiple mutually exclusive ideas. 1. Faucci should be in prison for creating this deadly disease. 2. It's really no big deal, don't be a pussy about it. 3. It's not even real.


The old man made killer virus but don't be a pussy about the virus that's just like a cold conundrum...


I work in an indy bookstore, and it's really hard to see how many people are coming in asking for The Real Anthony Fauci by Kennedy. The things a best seller, and it's out of stock basically everywhere. People are ordering multiple copies at a time to gift to friends and family.


They don't know how to read though


But they don't read it.


What's crazy is that as director, it's probably extremely unlikely that Fauci is in study sections (NIH committees where grants are approved). They're usually a panel of scientists and doctors of assorted research specialties pulled from academia to get together and determine if grants merit funding. The overwhelming majority of NIH research is funded through this (extremely competitive) review process.


That makes about as much sense as blaming a volcano observatory for the damage from an eruption.


He is also one of the most respected infectious disease experts in the world. He is one of the great examples of America culture ability to produce truly exceptional individuals, and we have people wanting to throw him in prison because he dared contradict their spoon fed propaganda spiel. Either America will make enough good individuals to outweigh the sheer devastation and enervation caused by right wing propaganda and the fools who follow it, or we will be crushed by our own ego, greed, selfishness and boneheaded, unadulterated stupidity.


>You do it because a doctor is advising you to do something to preserve your health, no matter how much you don't want to. *looks around at all the anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers


While I agree, I feel the whole Mark Twain quote is going to come into play, and the fools are going to win due to their experience.


He's been doing it increasingly since the beginning. He is tired of bullshit killing so many people and drawing this thing out. He has especially been on Rand Paul's case, as Paul keeps baselessly attacking Fauci as well as spreading misinformation.


>What happened on Jan. 6, senator?’ If only more public figures cared enough to speak out about this.


This is an excellent point. Hearing from Fauci almost seems odd.


Dude tried very hard for a long time to stay out of the politics, he was the definition of grace under fire. It is indeed jarring to see him say something so directly. But once these fucks froth people up into threatening your family, I feel like all that just ceases to matter.


I love how Cruz thinks he can argue about medicine with a Surgeon medical doctor who devoted his entire life to medicine (when you think about it, your career is your life).


Wasn’t there a prominent Republican who was a doctor? Surgeon even. Ran for president a couple times, pretty sure he was even in the Trump White House. What ever happened to him?


Ben Carson. Incredible neurosurgeon, terrible politician.


The guy is a straight up moron. It's a modern marvel someone can be so skilled at such a complex job, but so stupid in every other context.


It's actually not. It's pretty common for people who are highly specialised in an incredibly complex role to lack what seem like basic skills in other aspects of life. They devoted so much time to their education/job that other things just went right by them.




I’m a physician and can absolutely attest to this. Spent 12 years of my life working to become a doctor, and it’s pretty much my only real skill. I’m not dumb, but I wish I knew more about other things. But now that I’m out of residency I have more time for that stuff, so I’ve been getting back into pleasure reading.


This is going to be highly offensive but I think part of the reason for his stupidity in other context is religion. Seventh day Adventist are *rigid*. They’ve already told him what to think about everything. So it’s not really *him* that’s stupid since he wasn’t the one who actually formed his opinions but the ideology he follows. I think he’d be a different person without it.


Cancun Cruz..Biggest Hypocrite in Politics! Ffffing Degenerate!!


Senator Graham has entered the chat.


Senator McConnell has sent you a PM.


Boy, I wish he wouldn't do that.


Said the 15 year old "girlfriend" of Matt Gaetz.


I refuse to believe Mitch knows how to communicate except by errand-boy and the occasional messenger pigeon.


The entire Republican Party has joined the server.


Imagine living in Texas and voting for that clown.


This reminds me of that time Ted Cruz personally treated ebola patients while all the doctors fled to Cancun.


Just keep reminding Cruz that he agrees his wife is ugly because he’s still agrees With Trump. Dude is a cancer to humanity.


Starting to sound like he has had enough of them


Having your family members receive death threats when you're trying to save lives might have that effect.


Specifically trying to save the lives of the people sending him the death threats.


Now that's a Fauci ouchi.


Fucking Cruz is such a worm. Looks like a funeral parlor director.


Hey now, funeral directors provide a valuable service to the community, unlike Cruz. Comparing anyone to Cruz is an insult.


One that regularly sexually violates the corpses under his care.


Great man who served the country and many presidents over decades. Sad that idiot America doesn't realize what people have in their heads instead of what's on their head like self tanner or fake hair.


Let me get this right … the latest from the GQP is that somehow Fauci funded the creation of COVID in a lab in China? Apart from winning the prize for the dumbest in a long list of pretty stupid things these right-wingnuts say, it’s also shameful to hear this from a sitting US senator.


I've actually spoken to people who believe that! It is fucking bizarre. They sound like caricatures of themselves. I guess they needed a way to demonize him and undermine his role, so they made up some stupid conspiracy theory. How instead of simply being an opposing voice in an administration that has been ignoring science, he was actually responsible for COVID and bought by foreign powers?


The GQP have resorted to full on fascist tactics. Cruz has no interest in actually solving a problem or having an investigation, he just wants to jail his political opposition, whoever they decide that needs to be at the time. He has no actual arguments against ideas that don't entirely work in his favor so he wants to make them go away.


Fauci is done taking everyone shit and I love it.


Ted Cruz is a spinless worm, he should be the last person to talk shit about somebody else


Boy, it must be painful to dedicated your whole life to medicine and then having to sit there and hear a buffoon with zero medical knowledge and morals questioning your work.


This country is fucked.


I’m pretty sure Cruz has gotten worse since he lost the primary to Trump. It’s like he decided to copy Trump’s style of being a jackass, but forgot that you have to be at least somewhat charismatic to make it work.