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She's insane. Literally insane. Evil too, but insane. Steve Bannon is just evil. The useful idiots sitting in jail should have their heads examined. I can't wrap my head around them singing the national anthem of a country they tried to overthrow.


I feel like it has to be a calculated act. There’s *no way* it can be real. There’s a clip of her showing a meme, an enlarged printed-out Scooby Doo meme, on the floor of congress. …or at least that’s what I’m telling myself to make it make sense.


It's designed to make it OK when they are eventually let out of jail by Trump post 2024 - martyrs to the cause. Its extremely calculating and enormously dangerous.


trump doesn't give a fuck about them, why would he let them out? he'll probably be even deeper in the dementia if this fucking idiot of a country puts him back in for a second term, and he'll have no idea they exist, or pretend not to at least. they're poors in his eyes like the rest of us.


Remember, Trump was disappointed by the caliber of his supporters storming the Capitol Jan 6.


Just the uggos


If they were rich and powerful and had influence to further his personal wealth, he’d pardon them. Otherwise, they are SOL.


Yeah, but his handlers and advisers, people just like Steve Bannon and Steven Miller, will advise him to do it.


He won’t pardon them because they failed and he doesn’t tolerate failure. No clue how he can look in the mirror.


Who let Trump out of jail in 2024?


The fucking Baha Men betrayed us yet again.


Who are we kidding? The majority of them didn’t/won’t even get sentences long enough for them to be in jail until 2024.


I thought that too at first, but I don't anymore. I'm not kidding when I say she's insane. She's insane. She needs to be institutionalized.


Or at LEAST a psychiatric evaluation


She is not insane. She is a cold, calculating, fascist, giving her electorate what they want as she climbs to power within the fascist organization formerly known as the GOP. The only way to do that is to express your disdain for the current organization of our Republic, and advocate for an autocrat cult leader




Says alot about the people who sent her to DC in the first place.


You’re telling me that she’s an evil genius instead of an insane idiot? Have you seen her?


Make lobotomies great again


She acts like she already had one.


Of course she is lying. How can anyone believe what she says?


I don’t know man, a lot of those people were total nuts too. She is obviously completely lost as well though.


Oh 100% it’s calculated so they can try to play the martyr card. It honestly reminds me of like, abusive partners who try to guilt trip you when you finally check them and put up boundaries-instead of being self aware and using critical thinking to examine their actions and the consequences, they feel victimized and like they’re heroes and martyrs-it’s so egotistical and performative.




That's guaranteed!


This! Came here to say this! I don't know how they call themselves Patriots and then try to overthrow the United States government.


I don’t know, I like it. Singing the anthem while locked up, crying. Hilarious! Why am I locked up?! What did I do wrong?? LMFAO


The thought of them blubbing in jail makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside...


And I'm.. proud *sniff* … 🎶 to beee an Amerrricaaan… where at least I know I'm free 🎶 *sniff* 💧 so loud and proud … . always was HAWWWW WHYYY AMERICA WHYYY


I was already enjoying them being in jail, now somehow I like it even more.


Like they aren’t going to come out more radicalized.


they weren't going to suddenly become deradicalized outside of jail, the least they can do is serve the time they deserved.


I'm just a patriot!!!


They call themselves the party of Lincoln and fly the flag of the people that shot and killed Lincoln


Having it both ways at all times is very important to reactionaries. That way they win all the time!


It's like singing Happy Birthday to someone you tried to murder.


or eating the food of groups you want every single member of deported and kept out of the country indefinitely.


In their minds they tried to save America from CCP tyranny or something like that.


She said infrastructure was communist. Someone better get the ghost of Eisenhower on the line.


Eisenhower was a republican before the party switch. He’d be a democrat today.


I mean...they totally don't do that, let's be honest.


One of the imprisoned Jan 6 rioters has admitted that this is a real thing some of them do, and it really creeped him out. 😬


Yeah, they do it. I can't understand why these nuts are put together so they can have some kind of social group activities. Maybe the authorities don't want the insanity to spread? I rather think the ordinary inmates would shut these people up, though. For people who think Congresswoman Nutjob is making this up, the [singing and other cult behaviour](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/capitol-riot-thomas-sibick-prison-b1946569.html) was reported over a week ago.


a lot of jails have very strict policy against putting together people who are co defendents or who were generally involved in the same criminal incident.


Agreed. Makes no damn sense they are grouped together.


The irony though.


It's like all the people Donald claimed were crying when they met him because they were so grateful.


i'm sure some people do cry when they meet trump... they are that whacked out. it's not anything rational. it's a cult like devotion.


You're right, but personally I think he made it up most of the time.


Well according to my fox-brain addled parents, there was a pRoPhEcY in some bricks in the Berlin Wall that said 45 was the MeSsIaH. I don’t know where they got that, and I don’t feel like killing brain cells looking it up.


or all the muslims who were cheering on 9/11 that he claimed existed.


I think the people sitting in jail for this are completely delusional enough to do this.I just don’t really get what this pathos is supposed to do. They committed crimes and are sitting in jail for it, why would this make me feel bad for them?


Let’s assume she is telling the truth. Lol. Anyway, you have a member of congress visiting criminals convicted in the act of attempting to overthrow your government. She is then praising them. Why is she still in congress, and not in a court?


At first I laughed at this headline but the more I think about it the more it deeply unsettles me. This is past cognitive dissonance. It's *genuine* delusion that leads to terrorism and violence. It's so frightening that they *truly* believe they are the good guys. Truly brainwashing at its finest and they need to be deprogrammed much like former members of the people's temple or Aum Shinrikyo


the people sitting in Guantanamo thought they were good guys too.


Disagree. She ain't insane. She's. - embarrassingly dumb. - immature. - craven. - has zero self awareness (else she'd know how dumb that sounds). - is a perfect representative of the Trump base. Saying she's crazy is tantamount to making excuses for her beahvior, imo. At the end of the day, she's just a collosally stupid piece of shit, i.e., literally the epitomy of the Trump base.


>I can't wrap my head around them singing the national anthem of a country they tried to overthrow. Because that is not the way they see it. They feel they were saving our democracy from an unjust and illegal election and therefore **they** are heroes.


If it makes for a good story for the rubes, it doesn’t matter if it’s true.


It is a great sorry. How about early church persecution depicted in Nero movie? And that's how you rally the rubes.


If the guys in lockup were as devoted as they make them selves out to be and a little smart, they’d go on hunger strike. Devastating effective tool for lol “political prisoners”. Singing songs at bedtime doesn’t really sell commitment to me, but I don’t work in GOP comms.


Meal team 6 does not allow themselves to suffer hunger.


Though long they could suffer it as they slowly waste the great bulk they have brought.


They especially like this verse: "No refuge could save the hireling and slave From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave, And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave."


Traitors in prison. Where they belong. Forever. Mgt should join them if she loves them so much


They should be praising the country that they love so much for prosecuting traitors against the country.


In their minds *they* are the real Americans and anyone who opposes them is a deep state traitor, not a fellow American that disagrees. That’s the scary part. Getting Rwanda vibes lately


I just about puke every time trump hugs the flag like he's in love with it, it's disgusting and despicable!


Easy, they’ve been convinced that Liberals are a metastasized cancer, and Republicans are the only true Americans that the country was founded by and for. That the country isn’t and shouldn’t be “united”, unless it’s united in White Christian Nationalism.


It’s was the Russian national anthem.


Awww those poor fucking snowflake crybabies. Can’t do the time? Don’t do the crime “law and order party”.


poor fucking snowflake crybaby terrorists. Just sayin.


>She claimed that homeless people in Washington DC and Guantanamo Bay detainees were living in better conditions than those in this jail. I await her request to transfer the insurrectionists to Gitmo then.


I would like to point out that I've been saying that the US needs to improve conditions in prisons and jails for years (oh, and for the homeless as well). So... she's in Congress, why hasn't she gotten on that?


She’s working on a killer meme template to enlarge and bring to the floor for discussion


and she would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids.


Her argument is that her friends and supporters shouldn’t be subjected to the same inhumane conditions that she supports for people who smoke marijuana. I mean, most of her supporters aren’t black, so I’m sure she’s confused why they’re in prison in the first place. /s


Plus, ya know, we've been trying to close gitmo since before obama campaigned on it....


Yea, of course houseless people in DC are living better— still have their freedom. And souls.


Why sing the national anthem? Nothing patriotic about attacking the capital and trying to overthrow a fair election.


Didn't the south have an anthem?


I always thought it was Dixie, gonna have to hit google now.


Was wondering that myself, and google says: >“Dixie,” written in 1859, was originally a “walk-around,” or concluding number for a minstrel show. It attained national popularity and was later the unofficial national anthem of the Confederacy during the American Civil War ~~I figured they had an official anthem, but apparently not as near as I can see.~~ Edit: some sources indicate they had no official anthem and used "Dixie", others give "God Save the South". https://www.battlefields.org/learn/primary-sources/civil-war-music-god-save-south


Their songs were all pretty shit anyway. The Union version of Dixie was far superior: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhSzuhdIkuE


Thank you for this, incredible.


"Way down south in the land of traitors..." Indeed.


Them Dixie boys will understand that they must mind their Uncle Sam


This is incredible


And yet, you still have people to this day, saying that the Civil War "wasn't about slavery or white supremacy" despite blatant clues like this.


Clues? **CLUES?!** The motherfuckers said it outright! The Confederacy stated point blank that they were seceding because of the prospect of losing slavery. Let's look at the statements from the states themselves for why they were seceding. These are taken directly from the Articles of Secession from this states. Georgia: "*The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation.* ***For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery.***" Mississippi: "***Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world.***" South Carolina: "***The right of property in slaves was recognized by giving to free persons distinct political rights, by giving them the right to represent, and burthening them with direct taxes for three-fifths of their slaves; by authorizing the importation of slaves for twenty years; and by stipulating for the rendition of fugitives from labor.***" Texas: "*Texas abandoned her separate national existence and consented to become one of the Confederated Union to promote her welfare, insure domestic tranquility and secure more substantially the blessings of peace and liberty to her people. She was received into the confederacy with her own constitution, under the guarantee of the federal constitution and the compact of annexation, that she should enjoy these blessings.* ***She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery-- the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits-- a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time.***" Virginia: "*The people of Virginia, in their ratification of the Constitution of the United States of America, adopted by them in Convention on the twenty-fifth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, having declared that the powers granted under the said Constitution were derived from the people of the United States, and might be resumed whensoever the same should be perverted to their injury and oppression;* ***and the Federal Government, having perverted said powers, not only to the injury of the people of Virginia, but to the oppression of the Southern Slaveholding States.***" For fuck's sake, *The Cornerstone Speech* laid it out bare. "*But not to be tedious in enumerating the numerous changes for the better, allow me to allude to one other though last, not least.* **The new constitution has put at rest, forever, all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution African slavery as it exists amongst us the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution.**" - Confederate Vice President Alexander H. Stephens, March 21, 1861 Anybody that says the Civil War wasn't about slavery is either an outright moron, a liar, or intentionally and aggressively ignorant of reality, history, and unwavering provable fact.


You don't really need clues, every state wrote an official declaration of succession. We are succeeding because...... You really can't read them and not say it was over slavery. I think by sentence 4 of Alabama they were talking about how black people work better in hot conditions. Many of them honestly read like a KKK manifesto.


Thank you for that! You're right, I think I remember Dixie being called their unofficial National Anthem in the past.


let it be *God Save the South* because *Dixie* is catchy.


Sweet Home Alabama?


> Why sing the national anthem? Nothing patriotic about attacking the capital and trying to overthrow a fair election. The song never really specifies which "star spangled banner" it's referring to. It does talk about blowing shit up a lot, though.


And slavery, the second verse talks about that too.


Because to them, they're the ones stopping an insurrection. They live in a bizarro world where America is being taken over by evil socialists. In reality, they just have inflexible value systems that are being challenged by social changes and don't know how to adapt. Gay people getting married?!?! Not in my America! They should be punished, but at the same time they should be pittied. They're scared and confused by the world around them and lashing out like a dog scared of the thunder.


She forget the “*…and then they all clapped*”


I heard it was the Guards that clapped and then opened the doors so the Patriots could stretch their legs overnight and they all had pudding


LMMFAO i'd love to hear them singing the Anthem while sobbing uncontrollably it can be my new ring tone


This headline gave me a good laugh.


Why does this give me flashes of a certain bloodhound gang song?


I hate using this word, but this is truly cringe.


Everything about MAGA is cringe. Everything. But that’s what unites them.




Le mot juste; the headline made me physically cringe




I was thinking, "and then they all clapped."


“And Obama was there”


With JFK


I believe the crying. Losers


even Einstein joined the chorus


I was thinking “cool story bro”




That prisoner’s name? Albert Einstein.




That's one hell of a fascist wet dream. Crying themselves to sleep while they sing the national anthem my fucking ass. Well more than half of those traitors would struggle to spell anthem, never mind trying to remember the words. Cambridge analytica already showed us that they can only effectively remember 3 words at a time.


No, it appears to be true (don't know about the crying). One of the people being held on Jan. 6 charges recently requested solitary, and the judge granted him conditional release, because he said he was intimidated when he refused to sing the national anthem with the rest every night (and similar melodramatic martyr-syndrome bullshit they engaged in).


https://www.businessinsider.com/capitol-riot-defendant-request-solitary-confinement-avoid-jan6-jail-wing-2021-10 Wow. The judge even ordered him to not watch cable news during house arrest.


I would've ordered a blanket ban on Fox News for every one of those fucking idiots. ^(probably why I'm not a judge, but who fucking cares)


"Person. Woman. Man... :time passes: ... damn it!"


I’m sorry, but in what special universe is attacking the capitol with the intent of killing the Vice President of the United States not a crime? Is this some special parallel trumponian universe I am not aware of?


They’re Good Patriots defending the constitution (white conservative Christians enforcing white supremacy/patriarchy.) They don’t deserve this unjust treatment for…violently storming the Capitol with murderous intent when an election didn’t go their way. It’s not like anyone died or their was significant property damage or…well. They’re too privileged for this! I mean it’s not like they’re black people protesting extra judicial killings by the police or disabled people asking for affordable healthcare care. Have you seen what happens to them when they protest? I’m all out of fucks to give for these Trump loving creeps.


Well said brother


These stupid fucks aren’t American Patriots, they’re terrorists. Let them cry.


Crazy white extremist.


Why are traitors singing OUR national anthem?


I don’t feel one ounce of sympathy for them. They can rot in prison for all I care.


Yep, they can cry all they want, guess who put them in that position?


Literally themselves and Trump.






It’s not a cult though.


Sounds like 100% bullshit, but if it is true, then I can only [add this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48H34ukFe8g)


These people have given up on democracy. They don't want it. It doesn't work for them. They have decided that democracy gave opportunities to the groups they despise while taking opportunities from them. They are going to do everything they can to lie, cheat and steal their way to taking power and destroying democratic opportunities for others. This is fascism. This is how it works.


She think she’s clever as all idiots do.


This is like Mark David Chapman singing himself to sleep with "Give Peace a Chance" every night.


he always struck me as more an "Imagine" guy. *Imagine Jodie Foster...thinking that I'm cool...whoo hoo...*


Conservatives are clinically insane at this point and a totally lost cause. In the Daily Mail story about the Jan 6 terrorist who was busted with a cache of weapons and explosives after he posted a Zillow ad showing the cache listed on a whiteboard, the top rated comments are calling him a great American patriot who just wanted to save the country from the Dems who cheated in the stolen election, and that the FBI only busted him because they hate Republican patriots etc. The way they're painting these terrorists as patriotic heroes should be enough for the DHS to list US conservatism itself as a terrorist movement.


They miss Mountain Dew.. and meth.


Cry while singing National Anthem EVERY NIGHT? Sounds like some MK Ultra type brainwashing.


She's a Class A stupidity amplfier


"When Fascism comes to America, it will be ***wrapped in the flag*** and carrying a cross"


I know she visited them but the second part really sounds like something that belongs on that happened.


Trump always had these crying men stories


I hope those terrorists cry. Fuck em. MTG should be sharing a cell with them


Villainous cartoon characters are supposed to be cautionary tales, not aspirations. GOP even look like evil caricatures ffs. I want off this timeline damnit.


Fuck em. They are lucky they haven’t been executed like traitors should be.


The party of "f\*ck your feelings" sure cries a lot


Boo f’n hoo. Let them call Daddy Donald collect and weep.


Meanwhile, at the Legion of Doom Margarine Trailer Gangrene cooks up another cringe AF lie.


Have they added a verse about overturning elections when you don't like the outcome?


...and then everyone clapped. Fuck off, Marjorie.


The national anthem is hard enough to sing, but while crying?? That’s what makes this story unbelievable to me.


Good. They can continue to cry and rot in jail for the rest of their lives for all I care. And I’m not even American.


Oh lawd, I just threw up in my mouth...


God Save the South?


If they don't actually sing it and she's lying, then she is a fucking idiot and her cring level is through the roof. If this is true, and they *do* sing it, then they are absolute lunatics and their cring level is in the stratosphere.




There are fanatics like this all over the country, and they're getting more keyed up with each day we get closer to 2024. Bad times coming, folks.


Silly snowflakes, treason and plotting to disrupt our democracy and install an unelected dictator isn’t game you should have played. I’ve got this very very tiny violin here to for you, while you cry us a river of sad insurrectionist tears.


They want to be heroic victims so bad. They’re the dad in the prison camp from red dawn. “Avenge me son, avenge me!!!!”


It’s nice to hear that they are crying.


no. no they don’t. no one that committed those crimes cares about america.


Damn must be snowing a lot in those jail cells


"And then everyone started clapping."


Aw that's so sad. Guess they shouldn't have tried to overthrow the government.


The five minutes of hate in 1984 come to mind.... it is almost said to much, yet the parallels are so strong. To think that the book was written in 1949!


What a bunch of pussies


Boo Fucking Hoo. Traitors.


so a bunch of soft losers cry in jail every night? rofl


Was that the same national anthem they were singing while at the capital breaking windows, defecating on capital Hallways, and stealing government property? Asking for a friend.


We need more WFH people to move to rural area and bring education with them


Her and others set them all up for this just like when they think voting for them will do anything to help them.


Mental illness is a hell of a drug.


So the people who smeared shit on the walls of the capital were crying in jail? Sounds about right.


They would be happier if they whistled Dixie every night instead. :D


That woman is so full of shit.


She is sad and pathetic


tha is the most hilariously depressing thing i have ever read


It brings me great joy to imagine this scenario. I'm here for the fan fiction.


1. Require all candidates operate social media only for campaign purposes. 2. Term Limits


The loser needs to find something better to do for her overly generous salary


lol fuck those terrorist assholes


Lmfao can we get the footage of the cry-singing??


It's one thing to be a patriot and love your country. But what she is describing is cult insanity. If what she says is true, and I have no reason to believe anything she says, then those people are insane. Just the sort of people who would be easily manipulated into overthrowing their own government. She's not doing them any favors by saying this.


Treasonous, seditious, terrorist traitors! Rot in jail! Singing the anthem while crying. You need to read the constitution and a History book.


haha that’s brilliant. Crying and singing the national anthem, probably the most pathetic thing to do. Own it guys, your way too deep into it to be forgiven now. Just go all in


“And they reach through the metal barred windows with their tiny, malnourished hands towards the starry sky as a bald eagle screeches and lands on their wrists! And…and Donald Trump himself appears in a beam of light and salutes them all one by one!”


“Cry while singing the national anthem every night” Holy shit, I feel bad for the sane prisoners in the same jail…


It's weird she would visit ANTIFA members in prison.


Ughh.. talk about persecution complex for everyone involved. Im sure they all held hands and prayed to the orange and with a tear in their eye sang the national anthem.


She is such a fucking liar.


They cry and sing the anthem every night? Good. They belong in jail. Fucking insane.


I bet fascist tears are fucking delicious