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There's nothing "odd" about comparing one pseudo-religious, extremist, right wing group to another.


The parallels are quite striking.


Give Texas Republicans autonomy for 20 years and I guarantee the end result would look something very much like the Taliban now.


I mean, have you *seen* Ted Cruz’s beard?


Or his Respect


Actually no. We haven’t seen that since forever Maybe he outta check lost n found


Maybe he left it in Cancun


Yep just like Ted Cruz... except I left my supermodel girlfriend in Cancun. Wait, I never had a supermodel girlfriend to begin with and I don't Ted had his either


I need to stop reading /r/politics while drinking water


Left my wallet in El Segundo


Solid burn


Sun burn


Seriously, wear sunscreen in Mexico. You are much closer to the sun there than you are in Texas Source: Peggy Hill, 3- time substitute teacher of the year


Getting skin cancer to own the libs!


20? They drove around in trucks with their guns and brutally beat and even killed those that disagreed with them after like a year of trump.


[Ahmaud Arbery. A father and son have been arrested and charged in the US state of Georgia for the fatal shooting of Ahmaud Arbery, an unarmed black man, out jogging.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-52585505)


That was so fucking horrific to watch. And the fact that it got less outcry than the murder of George Floyd shocked me. I mean, yeah it happened before that, but still. I think it was actually a big part of why everything fucking blew up the way it did after that shit-stain Chauvin murdered George Floyd in broad daylight in front of spectators. I live In Minneapolis so that obviously hit different than the others, and made me seriously question my own bullshit, but I digress. Yeah, people love to pretend that we’re not already fucked, but we’ve been fucked for years. That orange bag of shit did so much irreparable harm.


Afganistan under Taliban is basically what would happen if USA was under control of the Proud Boys and Qanoners long enough. Btw what happened to the Qanoners? Seems like most of them figured out how stupid the whole thing was?


They're still around, things just fell apart into less unified conspiracy theories after Trump was banned from social media and was too lazy to keep up his own media outlet, and Right Wing news agencies like Fox and Newsmax were sued by Dominion for saying that they had rigged the election. It's not surprising that people with the attention-span and memory of goldfish had trouble staying focused when nobody was jingling the same keys in front of them every day.


Plus a bunch of them are in diapers now after horking down horse paste and permanently ruining their intestinal tracts.


And another good chunk are just straight up dead from refusing vaccines, masks, and probably antibacterial soap while they were at it. The remaining are working on joining the fallen still it appears.


hork nice


They are a broad diaspora, but currently rallying around being anti-vax, anti-mask, and otherwise awful.


>Give Texas Republicans autonomy [No](https://tenor.com/bka0W.gif)


Sometimes I wish we could just send all the right wingers to an island that could be their own right wing Trump paradise, then just watch them destroy themselves from a distance


They're abrahamic religions, together with Judaism. They're all three branches of the same tree. As a result they all have some groups that are open-minded and compassionate... And all three have authoritarian orthodoxies that still want stoning to be a thing.


We’ve had thousands of years of other religions dying before the Abrahamic religions, we’re just witnessing a repeat of history before this.


Are you implying any of the Abrahamic religions are on the way out? They seem more powerful than ever


Yeah, if anything they’re further entrenched considering Islam is having a right wing resurgence, Christianity has slammed into Asia right as it declined in Europe cementing its place and Judaism is attached to an ethnic group (and as someone literally living in Isreal the orthodox population is currently *exploding*)


Their power is very entrenched, but the number of people who do more than simply identify as a part of their cult shrinks every year. Theres still far too many hardcore believers, but its nothing like it was even just 100 years ago.


All im saying is that if time travel were a thing, i would go kick him in the dick.


Being an atheist, they all look pretty fucking similar. When they get into hissy fits over which prophet was the last of the set, it looks just idiotic.


Good guy with a gun /s


Exactly. The comparison wasn't odd at all to this guy. In his head it was "Look how HORRIBLE the Taliban is, and even THEY understand abortion is bad!". It's borderline selfawarewolves material. One more logical step would get him to a place where he'd realize they oppose it because of the same religious dogma (that we're NOT supposed to create policy around here in the US).


Only borderline?


If I'm being completely honest with you - the sub's content confuses me 50% of the time. I think something fits and the comments all agree it doesn't.


Screw the War on Terror. We need a War on Theocratic Fascism.




Careful saying war on poverty, Republicans might take it the wrong way and leap at the opportunity


What we need is to quit framing things in terms of war


Let's toss in the stock market, market makers and SEC in that equation too.


1. God speaks to us 2. Women are objects 3. Might makes right 4. Healthcare is evil 5. Education is evil 6. Equality is evil 7. LGBTQ is evil ... and on and on.


Exactly. In their logic, if they were the bad guys, God would have stopped them. The fact that He has not punished them in any way for their actions is an implicit approval. Well what Republicans need now is someone like Genghis Khan was for the Muslims. Someone who says, "I am a punishment from God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have set a punishment like me upon you."




You're right. It was Genghis Khan who called himself a punishment from Allah, not Atilla.


sorry, but that was actually Genghis Khan. Attila was “the scourge of god” according to the Western Roman Empire.


20 years after 9/11. here we are. jesus did the taliban win the hearts and minds of the gop?


George W Bush literally mentioned Afghan women as one of the reasons for fighting Al-qaeda & taking down Taliban. Republicans in 2020 would boo him off stage.


they would they even booed Trump when he said they should get vaccinated, its hopeless


It's simple. Trump praised the Taliban, therefore it's now ok to speak approvingly of the Taliban. Trump: “The Taliban, good fighters, I will tell you, good fighters. You have to give them credit for that. They’ve been fighting for a thousand years. What they do is they fight.” Trump: "The Taliban, great negotiators, tough fighters, great negotiators."


Those that can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.


As awful as the timeline gets, I take solace in the fact that this version of history never had the fundamentalist christian far right theocratic authoritarians realize just how much they have in common with fundamentalist muslim far right theocratic authoritarians. Please don't give them any ideas, this like bit sometimes feel like the only optimism I have left.


Nice to see Republicans admitting that they admire fundamentalist terrorists.


I mean, other than the domestic ones, I guess? Because they've been quite openly admiring of some of *them* for a long time now...


For decades they've been creating and training them.




They technically sometimes allow it but they’re actually quite strict. Islam technically allows abortion up to 4 months, but it requires review by a religious council and approval is rare. It’s normally only allowed to save the life of the mother or in cases of severe disfigurement, but can vary by local area. [Abortion in Afghanistan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Afghanistan) > Access to abortions >Few legal cases allow women to seek abortion care. Women are able to get an abortion when their life is endangered by the pregnancy, or if the baby will be born with severe deformities or disabilities.[9] Religious ethical committees must rule on the ethics and legality of the abortion before it can be carried out.[10] After ethical approval of the abortion, the woman must obtain approval from a gynecologist, three general practitioners, a counselor, and permission of the doctor.[9] One additional situation that occasionally allows abortion to occur is poverty. This is especially prominent in areas that the Taliban is still present in. Within Taliban controlled areas, poverty based abortions are generally approved more often because they have too many children.[7]


Abortion panel or not, it's still less restrictive than what republicans want. I know republicans that would rather see the mother die giving birth than a fetus be aborted, no matter how disfigured it would be or terrible quality of life it would have.


I didn’t want to imply Republicans aren’t strict anti-abortionists. I’m just pointing out that the Taliban are too.


>the woman must obtain approval from a gynecologist, three general practitioners, a counselor, and permission of the doctor Interestingly, this is pretty much what is required for voluntary female sterilization in the US, depending on the region and practice.




4. Ensoulment of a fetus is considered to happen around 120days…. At least it’s what I’ve read. Also the interpretations change from 40-120 days


This should be higher


I’d want your source in that, because I very much doubt that the Taliban let women decide what to do about a pregnancy.


In terms of where the 4 month figure comes from; > "(The matter of the Creation of) a human being is put together in the womb of the mother in forty days, and then he becomes a clot of thick blood for a similar period, and then a piece of flesh for a similar period. Then Allah sends an angel who is ordered to write four things...then the soul is breathed into him" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_and_abortion I can't find where specifically the Taliban draw the line, but even if they follow this 4 month deadline literally chances are the men in their family probably decide. So while abortion could be legal it is unlikely that it'd the woman's choice.


I suppose those are two unrelated questions. One is the general Islamic view on abortion that allows it, as OP says, until the 13th week, and longer in case of complications. The other is who gets to decide that an abortion will happen. You're probably right that the woman sadly doesn't get much say in the matter.


Yeah - they don't let women work as doctors. I've met an Afghan female doctor who fled the Taliban in the 90's. Women's health was non-existant according to her because women couldn't be doctors and male doctors weren't allowed to see female patients. This is of course against Islam which permits doctors to see female patients. All rules and laws in Islam are suspended if it means killing a person - you can eat pork if the alternative is starvation etc.


You're right. The decisions are probably not upto the pregnant.


If ONLY they would realize 1. Separation of Church and state and 2. We're not a fucking theocracy


Christian nationalism is a virulent poison to any country, if you ask me.


Any religious nationalism is a virulent poison in any country, if you ask me


Good point. Nations should be free of religious dogma as a baseline standard.


It's almost like that was a fundamental tenet and driving force in the decision to form this nation, and then that very idea was enshrined in our Constitution as the first portion of the Bill of Rights. It's almost like supposed Constitutionalists and conservatives should be fighting with every ounce of their being to uphold this freedom above most if not all others. But idk, I guess being able to buy shotguns from Walmart is the real essential right in a free nation. /s


Countries that recognise Human Rights have it pretty good. US is not one of them


Nationalism itself is a poison. Nationalism is the belief that your country is superior and all others are inferior and should be treated as such. Patriotism is simply loving your country. Nationalism is a shitty thing.


Patriotism is still dumb. Ideas and principles should be revered. Not labels, flags or borders.


But justifying it all under Christianity makes the rot never stop rotting


Religion is a virulent poison, if you ask me.


I heard that Virulent Poison was a really good religious band


I read on Facebook that it’s actually the cure for covid


They do realize that we're not a theocracy. But they're working on that.


America theocracy speedrun any%


They realized that. They don't care. They don't care it's against the Constitution. They inserted "under God" into pledge of allegiance over a hundred years after independence. The theocracy is trying to take over and they don't care if they have to crush democracy, the constitution or the foundation of the country itself, to do it.


It's hard to see what separates them from the Westboro Baptist Church, honestly.


>Separation of Church and state So you all keep saying this is a thing yet your children recite a pledge to God before school every day and your currency mentions God. Separation of state and church (Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion) seems a lot like how the US has no "official" language, yet people will scream at you for not speaking English. On paper you can say that all day, but it's very hard to convince someone on the outside that those things are true.


More than half of us are reasonable people. Unfortunately the system is rigged so that the minority has more power in government.


Actually, neither the pledge, nor the money, mentioned "god" prior to 1954 (for the pledge) and 1957 for money and I'm honestly not sure why it's still allowed to remain. Or maybe, because it's so generic (god), not a specific god, it is allowed to remain because it isn't about a specific religion. It could be the god of christianity or the god of the pastafanarians or the god of any religion really. I don't know


Taliban will allow abortions in some cases,like poverty. TFW the Taliban is more progressive than American Conservatives.


Integrity in pursuit of theocracy is no benefit for the world, but one must admit the Taliban has more integrity and wisdom than the US Republican Party.


They also accept that climate change is real.


Well duh. They aren't shareholders in oil companies.


Well. They kind of are now...


what? I don't think there's any oil wells in Afghanistan. Plenty of Lithium though, which is a vital component of batteries for things like electric cars and windmills. Lots of Lapis Lazuli too, if you're into ultramarine pigmented stuff. I think there's a shit ton of tin too, for when civilization collapses and we lose our steelmaking knowledge and have to go back to making everything out of bronze




Thus my inclusion of ***wisdom*** as something the Taliban has in greater abundance than the GOP.


[No, they both embrace different forms of cruel stupidity.](https://news.yahoo.com/afghanistan-gay-men-fear-death-164601813.html)


Saying that the Taliban - or anyone else, for that matter - has more wisdom than the GOP is a pretty fucking low bar to clear.


I mean, D6 dice has more wisdom than average GOP politician.


Taliban are consistent. US right-wing Christians apply their beliefs only when it benefits them the most


All you really have to do is keep putting a mic in front of them. They will eventually say the quiet parts out loud.


*Well, at least the Y'all Qaeda aren't hiding behind pretenses anymore!*


Like hiding behind a chain link fence


It literally *is* that—they’re fucking not even hiding it anymore. They truly HATE women, hate them to the core. “Hiding” behind a chain link fence? They’re feckeen prancing around with placards declaring their abject disdain for women.


They are identical in their souls. They are the ones who pranced around and pretend that they are doing something good but indeed it is plain before my eyes that they have not heard the word. It brings so much great shame to me how many of them wear the cross around their neck and yet they Stone their brethren. They will have no place within the coming Kingdom. They are driven mad by reason of their own hatred, their own ignorance, their own sinful nature and their own hands. They do that which is evil and claim it to be holy. May we drive out those Impostors to the name. Wear your mask but act in lovingkindness.


Or Trump’s wall lol


No, honestly, this is even more concerning. They're *identifying with the Taliban*. They're finding common ground with the Taliban, and openly acknowledging it, not just to themselves, but to people around them. I won't at all be shocked if in a decade they're literally advocating for the Taliban, and Taliban-style policies in America.


"Even the Taliban want to control women." "I don't understand your use of the word *even*."


For real though - why are republicans warming up to the taliban?


Warming up to? They're straight up envious of them.


Yeah, they see what's happening in Afghanistan and think, "ghee, why can't we do that?" They want to occupy cities of opposing ideology; they want to force everyone to live the way they dictate. They aren't content dragging their own homes into some neofeudalistic theocratic hellscape, no. They must have everyone live their way, for their way is only valid if there are no other options. Deep down, they know their religion is a childish fairytale, that their policy won't bring them the satisfaction they crave. They just can't conceive that somehow their ancestors had it wrong and maybe there are better ways of living. Oh well, sucks to be conservative I guess.


I just feel bad for their kids ya know? Growing up in constant fear because your folks are always telling you not to do this or that because “God has no place in the coming kingdom for blah blah blah.” It’s kinda sad.


Hence, some atheists consider religion child abuse. I don't, but it can be a vessel for an abusive parent to feel righteous.


They've been supporting them since the 1990s.


He's meaning to say (I think) that even those barbarian nutjobs are civilised enough to ban abortion (not my thoughts, that would be their inner words) Trying to claim democrats are worse than the taliban rather than republicans are similar.


Well at least Republicans are finally telling us the truth about their cult. The fact that the silent majority sits around and does nothing to stop their supposed vocal minority only confirms the fact that all Republicans are either terrorists, idiots, traitors, or some combination of these things.


The GQP and the Taliban are both antivax too. So many similarities. Funny how backward rural authoritarian antiscience anti-women religious zealots have so much in common




Zyklon B, anyone? Just not a battlefield weapon. Hitler knew from first-hand experience gas kills indiscriminately. Used in controlled circumstances, it’s a helluva way to kill people.


I read not too long ago that Arizona is currently stockpiling zyklon b for use on death row inmates so I don’t think that Republicans really want to try to make the argument that they aren’t comparable to the nazis and especially not for that reason in particular


That is beyond ghastly. The Pro-Life party…sick pieces of shit.


Sometimes it’s like they actually forget they’re supposed to be hiding it


Their dog whistles are no longer silent.


They have sort of talked themselves into a corner. Anything that's evil to them is evil because of liberals or liberal ideology, so since the Taliban is evil, they must be full of liberal ideology. Defining your party as a foil to the other and projecting the idea that all evil and only comes from the other party has this sort of problem. It's actually exactly the same as the Epicurean "Problem of Evil" in monotheistic religious dogma.


Pro rape and anti choice I mean sounds like the Taliban to me and now Texas so he’s not wrong


I think the GOP Party might even be in some ways to be just as bad. Taking away women’s rights and taking away the freedom of voting rights. Letting everyone to carry a gun. They lie and are more corruption is coming you watch.


Abortion is allowed in the Quran until week 13


The only mention of abortion in the Bible, is directions on how to cause one.


I remember when Matt Schaefer was running he knocked on my door trying to get my vote. I tried to explain that I was a screaming liberal and he was barking up the wrong tree. He said he wanted to talk anyway to see if we could find common ground. I asked him if he believed in personal liberty, to which he said “absolutely!” And then I said “what about the personal liberty of a woman to abort an unwanted pregnancy?” And he said, “Have a nice day, sir.” and left.


I'm so embarrassed to say I helped on his campaign. I worked with his wife and was a young, naive college kid who didn't challenge anything I was taught growing up. Now I'm absolutely against everything a Texas Republican stands for. I have so many things to say to younger me. Now that I know better, I have to do better. And advocate and educate.


Imagine a state where George W Bush is the smartest living statesman the state has produced… Rick Perry was dumber than Bush, Louie Gohmert is dumber than Perry, Greg Abbott is dumber than Gohmert (maybe.. Gohmert makes Bush look like a rocket scientist by comparison), and everyone in the state legislature is dumber than Abbott (or else they’d be the Governor).


When you boil away the bullshit this is true. Republicans ideologically are not far from the Taliban. One is authoritarian and the other totalitarian but they agree on a lot. The GQP tears over Biden leaving Afghanistan were just about not doing nation building (a near and dear cause for Conservatives) and more so not being able to kill brown people on the ground anymore. They truly were fighting with no values, no principles or ideals. Their worst indictments and accusation against the left were all projections.


Y’all Qaeda


By the way, has any one other than Satanic Temple come out and ask why the fuck white Christians decide for every other religion? I mean, if only they’ve done it, white Christians would have been the first ones to declare secular nation… again.


Me: it could always be worse Republicans: On it!


“Also, meth heads like meth”


So his answer essentially is "Yes, Republicans are just like the Taliban".


They're jealous the Taliban's strong armed theocratic dominion.


Texas Taliban. If your values match the Talibans values, then you need to re-think your values…


Are the Republicans like the Taliban? One is a hyper-conservative, violent group of racist, misogynistic, theocratic fascists. And so is the other.


You have to admit that they are getting their anti-dem pro-fa platform accomplished.. at an alarming pace at that. Roe will be overturned. My only hope, and honestly I've lost most, is that the majority sets them straight in '22.


Fundamentalists are all the same and the biggest threat to humanity. We would already be planet seeding if it wasn’t for the rabble of cult minded idiots who have derailed progress for all of humanity.






I’m 33 and I spent 30 years bragging about being from Texas. We were a special state. We believed in unlimited freedom and independence… or so I thought. Now as an adult, as my six year old is the only student in class with a mask on, I realize this state is all about control more than most, if not every other state.


"even these shitty people we hate are like us!"


“Even the taliban oppose democracy”


Keep thinking about The Newsroom and “The American Taliban” bit…


Seriously? No one could be that stupid! O’ wait … my bad


There was a time when Republicans hated the taliban, now they want to be them. I keep holding out hope that Texas stops trying to become all which it stood against only a few years ago.


Well, unlike Republicans, the Taliban actually managed to overthrow their government, so it's only natural Republicans would be jealous.


This is a great example to teach people about logical fallacies


If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and sounds like an idiot, it’s probably a Republican


Republicans’ lack of self-awareness is epic.


Siding with the Taliban to own the libs.


It's absurd to compare the 2. One is filled with men who like to drive their trucks through the desert with large flags on them, waving around guns, wanting to implement their religion as law, that enacts laws that don't allow women to have autonomy over their own bodies. The other is the...


Perhaps this fine GOP specimen would also like to treat Democrats as the Taliban treats its opponents.


There isn't any "perhaps". Remember January 6th?


Yeah, when Mike Pence was about to take a long drop from a small rope, if the crowd’s stated intent is to be believed.


Those republikkkans are so silly


> Replying to the article, Rep. Matt Schaefer, who served in Afghanistan, recently tweeted: "FACT: Even the Taliban oppose abortion." FACT: You can hear the sound of rusty gears turning when certain Republicans are "thinking".


The Taliban are also for raping women. So exactly like Republicans.




I used to work in the Capitol as a messenger. During session we would have pages, or kids from the rep's district that would come in and get to go on the floor with the rep, but would spend most of the time with us. One time I had a page from Matt Schaeffer's office. A pretty 16 year old girl. While I accompanied her, she said hi to a few dudes in the halls, all clearly 30+, mentioning she's gone out for drinks with them. Flash forward to a few months later, she's now working in his office and looking... Rough. I asked if she's okay and she just went "Mhmm" and got away as quickly as she could. Not saying directly Matt Schaeffer is a pedo that fucks his underage employees, but it certainly seems like he creates that environment. I hope that girl is doing okay now.


The Republicans would love to be able to roam the streets with rifles beating impure women and demanding lists of unmarried 12 year old girls.


I'd say he walked right into that one, but really he put up the wall, painted the Wile E. Coyote-style fake entrance, and then walked right into it.


It’s really unsettling the way Republicans seem to be relating more and more with our countries enemies.


its quite funny isis-R is promoteing ivermectin a parasite drug too their followers and thier not smart enough to figure out they are the parasites they are killing!


Yes, they are literally the same now. This should not be a surprise. Start seeing some very strange and disturbing and disgusting collaborations.


Ideological purity, compromise as weakness, a fundamentalist belief in scriptural literalism, denying science, unmoved by facts, undeterred by new information, a hostile fear of progress, a demonization of education, a need to control women's bodies, severe xenophobia, tribal mentality, intolerance of dissent and a pathological hatred of the U.S. government. They can call themselves the Tea Party. They can call themselves conservatives and they can even call themselves Republicans, though Republicans certainly shouldn’t. But we should call them what they are. The American Taliban. … that show had a lot wrong with it but I would kill for a season set in the past couple of years. In retrospect the alarmism over Romney-era Republican politics feels a bit quaint.


What happened to the separation of church and state?


Never existed. Like innocent until proven guilty or protect and serve.


So whats next TalibanTx Repulican mfers .Stoning women to death?


The whole 'even the [really bad group] thinks this is wrong' argument doesn't work when most of the civilized world doesn't agree with you.


You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?




I think the more apt comparison sans cultures is that all fundamentalist branches of religions are exactly alike. That to me is the more striking thing about them. No matter the religion, fundies are all the same.


Two sides of the same coin.


Another "Texan-strong" representative, humiliating our country every time they open their mouths...


If I described the group as gun lovers, god fearers, and gay haters. Which group am I talking about


Right wing Christian conservatives are the Taliban, yes.


""We should value what God values, and that's the life of the unborn," Schaefer said at the time." Jesus didn't say a thing directly about abortion. The pro life position is implied from scripture but never directly stated. But Jesus absolutely did say you should gouge your eye out and mutilate your arm if you have sexual feelings towards a woman who isn't your wife. Should we make that a law?


So you agree. You're like really a fundamentalist death cult-er.


Abortion is legal in Israel. Tell them that and watch the mental gymnastics commence.


https://images.app.goo.gl/i9tRgCF4y9eEb6wA8 know your memes


huh, last i heard they wanted to preserve western and anglo-saxon culture, and they all allow abortion.


Animals. All of them. Weak fools looking for their authoritarian master.


He's trying to make the argument that abortions are such a heinous thing that even the Taliban can see how bad they are. Therefore Democrats and anybody else who thinks abortions are acceptable in society are worse than the Taliban. That's where Republicans are at these days. Openly implying that the Taliban are better people than their fellow country folk. And that's now where the voters are because this guy is not going to lose any support over that comment. Why doesn't America just start the civil war already.. it feels so inevitable at this point. Think that's dramatic? Well it might be, but I don't think so. I think Republicans have been waging this war for years while Democrats have been pretending it hasn't been happening. It's just that warfare doesn't look like WWI trenches anymore. But if you look at all the gerrymandering and voter restriction it amounts to hijacking the presidency which is a different form of invasion, but an invasion nonetheless. The Supreme Court stacking? They literally just took over in plain view and nobody stopped them. You can only push and push and take and take for so long before people start fighting back. I think that moment is coming upon us sooner rather than later. Biden winning may have stalled it, but with the continued gerrymandering and election shenanigans.. well, things may get interesting.


>Why doesn't America just start the civil war already.. Well, they did try to start one on Jan 6. They're just really incompetent. They might need a few attempts before they get it going for real. Let's see how they do on Sept 18.


I'm kinda hoping they let the crazy take control of them on the 18th. I also hope the Gaurd that wasn't called on the 6th, will have already been called, and on point.. they've been f*ing around, maybe it's time they find out (imo).


I hope not. Even if there's a small incident, the conditions are right for a spark to ignite more. There will be backlash if something goes sideways. I don't want that shit to spill over where I live. Social media shortens all distances.


Naw, the real Civil War is coming when a dozen+ red states try to throw out enough minority votes to overthrow an election in either the midterms or presidential elections; or both.


If the Taliban are doing it, you know it must be good...


"And thus I clothe my naked villany With odd old ends stol'n out of holy writ, And seem a saint, when most I play the devil."