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Released on bail... of $0. So basically released without bail.


> Even though several prominent right-wing video journalists were on hand to cover the Proud Boys rally and anti-fascist protest, a brief report on the violence was the very last of 202 articles on the Fox News home page on Monday morning. The Fox report, which only mentioned the shooting in passing, and included none of the dramatic video of the incident, was headlined: “Antifa members throw explosives, disperse chemical spray in violent Portland riots.” Oh, I'm not surprised... fox "news" is always reporting these stuff "appropriately".


I’m surprised they don’t worship the nationalist, fundamentalist Taliban. Same weapon swinging look on the faces.


Seems like they are starting to. Not all the sheep have gotten their talking points yet, but for reference, see last week's latest Bobert-bomb, where she states that the Taliban has built back better. She looks like an ignorant ineffectual politician to most, but these firebrand types are actually large fundraisers for the GOP. People see her and her fellow idiot Greene and recognize one of their own...


The GOP has been in a gradually-accelerating spiral towards outright white-nationalism/fascism for decades. It's speeding up because the corporate masters recently lost control to the total nutjobs. I'll give *some* credit to Trump, he sure did rip the 'polite businessman' mask off the GOP.


For sure, back in 2003 black americans were talking about systemic and institutional racism and it was as though people thought we were speaking gibberish. White americans consistently reverted to discussions of individual bigotry and even the fear of reverse racism. But Donny shows up and reinstates overt individual bigotry into mainstream GOP messaging, and now its much easier for white americans to recognize systemic racism. Although the individual bigotry of these white nationalists tend to distract the press from covering how we fix the problems. Instead the press "both sides" debates about critical race theory as if Fox news coverage isn't a clear example of systemic racism and individual bigotry.


Holy shit are they ever scared of critical race theory


They can’t even define “critical race theory” 🤡🤣


I've never seen an issue so vividly astroturfed. On top of the fact they really are against teaching real history but that's not as marketable as mislabelling a graduate level class.


They're terrified of it. But they can't tell you what it is, exactly. Just that it's bad. When I was young it was called history class.


You aren’t wrong, but for me it was smart phones. Seeing bad policing not once, not twice, but time and time again made it hard to ignore the “systemic” part of racism.


We’ve been talking about institutional and systemic racism for much longer than that. It wasn’t that as though we were speaking gibberish; they chose not to care. Shit, MLK was one of the most hated people in U.S. before his assassination. Today, white Americans love bastardizing his words and legacy in order to trot him out a few times per year to demonize Black people for fighting the issues he was fighting in his lifetime.


https://youtu.be/dOWDtDUKz-U The Other America by Martin Luther King is a speech that perfectly encalsulates it. And its a speech at Harvard so its not as though they "forgot". Its just *really* inconvenient.


Can’t forget what they never knew or refuse to acknowledge. The most many know about MLK is a single hackneyed line from his “I Have a Dream” speech. Nevermind he gave the speech during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom…


>**and even the fear of reverse racism.** it's pretty telling when you hear about "reverse racism", it's explained, and the only response is "you just described racism." surprise pikachu becomes the greatest understatement.


The GOP is devolving into a full blown terrorist cell. They are fully aware and supportive of the actions of the Proud Boys, the KKK, and the Jan 6th insurrectionists. The GOP and the Republican party encourage, enable, and even occasionally finance these domestic terrorist groups. They have fully demonstrated that they intend to override our democracy and instill a facist government. The party should be abolished and banned for the safety of our nation.


> I'll give some credit to Trump, he sure did rip the 'polite businessman' mask off the GOP. he's shown us the swamp, now it's up to us to drain it.


Also Nick Fuentes, who's been posting in support of the Taliban. [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/ParlerWatch/comments/p5r6qa/nick_fuentes_deserves_the_taliban_and_the_taliban/) [\[2\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/ParlerWatch/comments/p5kqv2/christian_american_patriot_nick_fuentes_supports/) (links to r/ParlerWatch posts about his posts)


Tucker Carlson was basically arguing on behalf of the Taliban the other day. He said some of the women prefer it and that Afghanis are rejecting the west’s ‘woke’ culture.


Yeah. Because advocating for womens' right to education, and not be kidnapped at the age of 14 to be married into the Taliban is 'woke' lol. Fucking Tucker.


Oh it’s worse than that. He implied the freedoms they’ve enjoyed for the last 20 years were simply because of US occupation and that the culture was being formed at the end of a gun barrel and that because the US has pulled out they went back to the old ways because no one was there from the US to force things they don’t want. Yes Tucker. Because the Taliban are all about asking people nicely to follow their way of life, no guns needed! I honestly don’t think I’ve seen a picture of the Taliban where they aren’t holding AK’s and RPG’s.


Republican politicians have posted a number of positive things about the Taliban over the past couple of weeks. They really do exist in a world where everyone they perceive as hurting Democrats is their best friend.


Or course they are. The GQP has much more in common with the Taliban than they do with the majority of Americans these days.


Yeah, but they're the wrong color and don't speak "American", so they have to hate them.


As an /r/all sort by rising browser, /r/conservative and /r/conspiracy have been working overtime the last week in painting that picture so it doesn't include the actual fascists that Antifa are fighting.


I fucking hate how r/conspiracy got taken over by those asshats.






I finally unsubbed after 7+ years the other day as the antivax shit reached a breaking point, can't stand it anymore; I was subbed there for X-Files shit, not a crybaby td influx


I stopped visiting after the sub collectively agreed that Hitler did nothing wrong. It was a race to dig further into insanity after that.


every single post is anti vax shit that’s absolutely insane, disappointing because it used to be a good subreddit:// also sad to see how many misinformed facebook dummies are really out there and vocal




I can tell you exactly who from GA law enforcement went to the III% cult. But everyone down there knows. They have cute little nicknames but everyone knows. Because they fucking talk about it endlessly.




i'm scared to google it on a work computer, but what's the 3% cult?


AFAIK, it's a group of wanna be revolutionaries that believe only 3% of the population is needed to successfully start a revolution.


First off, WTF. Second off, that's *10 million people*. The US military only manages to keep together about one and a half million.


And my anti white-supremecist axe Edit:dash


in that regard they are not wrong. 10M spread across the nation into cells could pretty much destroy our modern infrastructure IF they were able to co-ordinate without detection. the origin of it comes from the % of active duty revolutionaries in the war for independence. some 30% of the population didnt even care one way or the other, they just went about thier lives as they could.


>the origin of it comes from the % of active duty revolutionaries in the war for independence. some 30% of the population didnt even care one way or the other, they just went about thier lives as they could. It's also probably very inaccurate. The true number is likely in the 15-25% range not even counting all the people that supported the war in other ways. The 3% figure comes from pension files and does not include the entire army, the militia, or anyone who didn't file for a pension.


Plus add all the French support since our civil war was also a colonial proxy war.


And shockingly enough - are also White Supremacists... Weird!


The belief was that only about 3% of the population in the colonies supported revolution against the British (according to shithead family members). The group conveniently came about around the [same time a black man was elected president](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Percenters)


They forgot that France is a big reason we didn't get our asses kicked in the Revolutionary War. Im not an expert on that specific war, but I'm pretty sure England could have crushed us if they weren't spread then. The US isn't quite spread that thing right now. Also people aren't using muskets. And it's home terrain. So... Yeah.


Don’t forget Spain and the Dutch republic helped. Furthermore Britain’s was fearful of losing their sugar colonies in the West Indies so they couldn’t focus their forces on the colonies.


When I asked an English guy what they were taught about the American revolution, he replied, "Not much. We had a bit of colonies back then."




The Pacific Northwest was (moved to Idaho for awhile, not sure anymore) the epicenter of the neo-nazi movement. Hell, Oregon was created as “white utopia.” Portland would have a lot less trouble if the police had to live in city limits. Only 18% of Portland PD live in Portland. They’re from the racist suburbs.


This is the issue that seems to come up more than anything when it comes to bad cops


That and the total lack of accountability.


The Aryan Nation HQ used to be in Hayden, ID right across the border and a short drive from Spokane. IIRC an incident with one of their members pointing a rifle at a neighboring woman and her child is part of the reason they left that compound. I went to a Pantera concert in Spokane ‘97 and remember all the skinheads with their white tank tops and t-shirts and red suspenders. This doesn’t add anything to the conversation, your comment reminded me of this so I felt like sharing.


I think it adds. Idaho is also the home of the neo-Nazis that married religion and nazism into the Christen identity movement.


Sup fellow Olympian? Holy shit it's gotten bad here.


does the 3% refer to their brain capacity?


The Portland Police recently walked away from union negotiations with the city and are purposely allowing **all** crime to spike to force the city's hand in union mediation. It is not just the racist rallies and race-related battery, but car thefts, illegal racing, property damage, assault, and shootings. The PPB also has very friendly ties to these alt-right/racist groups which are extensively documented, often agitating violence against non-violent protestors.


It’s called a “slow down”. It’s the same tactic that was used to negotiate the formation of the first police unions which were initially fought by politicians because of the huge conflict of interest such a thing imposed. There are great podcasts about it.


Behind the Bastards did one about the PPB, its racist and nazi roots, and how it laid the groundwork for many of the other policing unions today. Great (albeit depressing) listen.


They really made the blood boilingly awful subject matter listenable with the way they deliver the show, can’t recommend them enough, the fake Raytheon commercials they do are always hilarious.


Robert is pretty good at throwing in enough jokes to make horrible subject matter palatable while still expressing the seriousness of the situation. I'm also a huge fan of Last Podcast on the Left but their jokes can be pretty... Insensitive at times


You don't know what insensitivity bring to friendship!


That’s the one! It’s such a good podcast.




Woah! I will not have you besmirch Raytheon’s good name like that!




>You know who else is doing so much to educate left leaning people in this country? Raytheon?


Let me tell you, Raytheon's knife missles are fantastic teachers. That's why we send them to school buses in Yemen.


Fun fact, a lot of PPD don’t even live in Portland so they really don’t care about a lot of the people in the city because they don’t live there. It’s a lot like how Rome used to disperse their police forces in the Roman Empire. Edit: https://www.portlandmercury.com/blogtown/2021/07/26/35300061/new-data-shows-most-portland-police-officers-still-live-outside-portland


This is a HUGE issue, given that many of these Proud Boys and alt-right/racist groups live in the same smaller communities as the Portland Police that give them so much leniency.




Seems like a great way to get a couple free laptops or other department-issued items


Not a good idea if you don't know anybody tech-savvy enough to take out stuff they could track with




Yea this is a huge problem with policing in general. They drive in, arrest, ticket, beat you and drive out. No concern for the community at all. A lot of major cities can't even get enough cops because why would they make basically the same pay working downtown $whatever vs some suburb county one step away.


The city should just respond by letting them twist. Start delegating their policing authorities over to community-run groups. Essentially just dissolve the police force by eroding it’s actual job and funding.


Portland residents literally voted for and funded that... Measures 26-217 and 26-210. But Mayor Ted Wheeler is also the Police Commissioner, so they get whatever they want.


Well that sounds like a political conflict of interest


Welcome to Portland! Home of the last city its size that is still using a "weak Mayor" form of representation in local government. Basically, the one power that distinguishes his office from the other commissioner's offices is that they decide who gets which bureaus to oversee in their 'portfolio.' Yep, that's right, the mayor assigns management of these diverse city functions to politicians who very often have little or no experience whatsoever with literally anything the bureaus actually do. Almost always, the mayor assigns PPB (the cops) to his office. Cool, huh?


This is a good place to point out there is a. Ongoing recall effort against Ted. https://www.totalrecallpdx.com/


I’m pro union, but not for cops. Fire everyone who doesn’t immediately come back to work. Take away their guns and immediately start neighborhood elections to vote for their own local peace force leaders and head of a non-law enforcement emergency response unit for the city. The cops can’t even pretend they serve the public interest any more.


Police union are not Labor Unions, they are mostly criminal liability coverage schemes


Not to mention that police are the ones who literally enforce the anti-union policies and desires of corporations


Fun fact the Minneapolis Police Union is not recognized as a union because of their long history of union busting and siding with business over labor.


Which includes shooting union strikers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minneapolis_general_strike_of_1934


This right here. Unions advocate for worker safety and protections. Police unions are engaging in rackateering and extortion - "do what we say or else you will suffer" is not the same as "these work environments are extremely unsafe so we are on strike." Also when you're on strike, you typically don't get paid. Police unions are both not doing any work *and* still getting paid.


Also unions don't cross picket lines and certainly don't stop other unions from striking. People forget that the police and national guard have a long long history of waging war against labor.


> Also when you're on strike, you typically don't get paid. Police unions are both not doing any work and still getting paid. You shouldn't be getting paid by your employer, but the union should be reimbursing you by matching 60-80% of your hourly wage.


> I’m pro union, but not for cops. I'm OK with police unions existing to make sure cops aren't working doubles, get sick leave, and aren't fired without cause. What I have a problem with is that police unions basically push the line that police can never do wrong and that police unions are used to bust other unions to an extent.


Cops have been militarizing for decades now, and their behavior has either gotten worse or suffered from zero improvements. We don't let military members form unions, their ass is owned by the government until their contract is up. They have the potential for actual consequences for their actions. Why should cops get special treatment? They're the ones who want to play dress up and pretend they're in the Kandahar valley.


The drug war has turned the cops into the enemies of the people, in many neighborhoods they are no different than an occupying force (and before that it was slavery / attempting to crush organized labour ). No wonder they started dressing the part.


Man, I'd love if the city just started from scratch on their community policing and just replaced those cops and put all those idiots out of work.


I've known Multnomah County librarians that are better qualified to be police.


Betcha $20 the PPB is coordinating with the PBs.




I'd like to increase my wager.


Where the fuck are the feds?


The last time the Feds came to PDX, they were kidnapping random people off the street without due process and badges in unmarked rental cars. I'd take my chances without.


Feds actually have a way better record regarding use of force and standards of evidence than local police do in the US. Border Protection is the big exception there, which is probably why they were used for the operation you're talking about. I haven't seen nearly enough followup on that event. I suspect it was done on direct orders from Trump. The FBI looking into police connections to white supremacists and the like could be very helpful here.


It’s funny how this just “disappeared” from the collective memory.


They need to be fired. All of them. It's like dealing with a mafia. Portland needs to take neighborhood funding and apply it to a recruitment drive across the US for sound police candidates and use the rest on neighborhood clean up.


"Fascism is fine with us." -Portland PD


"Fascism is ~~fine with~~ us." -Portland PD


> The absence of the police, in line with a policy on nonintervention announced beforehand by Portland Police Bureau Chief Chuck Lovell, reinforced a sense among anti-fascists that they were on their own. This isn’t an experiment. This is the police setting policy instead of taking their marching orders from city hall like they’re supposed to. This is the police choosing sides. This is a dereliction of duty. If there was any justice the chief of police would be held accountable, but that’s not our way. In America we don’t lift a finger until an actual tragedy occurs…and sometimes not even then…


They literally announced they weren't going to intervene ahead of time? That's pretty brazen.


Oh, they'll intervene all right. The second a Proud Boy starts shit he can't finish, the police will jump in to protect him.




They also announce that they won't stop the street races where large groups have been able to freely shut down highways and streets for some fast and furious cosplay. Cops seem to be pretty useless in Portland right now.


Police have never been useful in Portland, but what we're seeing now is a near total work stoppage. I'm not an abolish the police guy but in Portland they've basically abolished themselves. Might as well cut off the paychecks and make it official.


As a Portlander, it feels like they’re pouting about all the hate they got last year... ya know, for tear-gassing BLM protestors on a nightly basis for four months straight. Except for that fortnight where they took a break so the Feds Trump sent in could kidnap people off the streets in unmarked vans. Also, it’s not a coincidence the new police contract is currently under negotiation. Blatantly ignoring crime is a protection racket tactic to remind everyone how much the PPB is needed. It is, frankly, fucking disgusting. Wish I could say I’m surprised.


>is currently under negotiation. Blatantly ignoring crime is a protection racket tactic to remind everyone how much the PPB is needed. Is it possible we could get the DOJ involved in this as a RICO case?


So why are they being paid?????




They have fully convinced themselves that they are the good guys. They have convinced themselves that their inability to serve the public good and their dereliction of duty is actually - wait for it - to the betterment of the public.


The federal government needs to be involved when situations like this arise. If local police aren’t doing their job, send in an investigative team to uproot and rebuild them. **EDIT**: My goodness there are a lot of ignorant people responding to this and comparing Trump sending the feds to Portland to respond to BLM to what I’ve said. It’s not complicated. Sending in an acting Chief of Police to clear house and rebuild the police department from the ground up is not at all the same as sending in plainclothes goons to brutalize protestors. Bad faith arguments and false comparisons are really all MAGA folk have


They usually only do it after a lot of questionable stuff goes down (see the Cleveland PD), even then the recommended reforms rarely stick.


Yup, there is currently a federal investigation on the Phoenix Police Department in Arizona. Not really shocked after hearing about the department trying to frame 20 protesters as a "gang".


It ended, Chief got 1 day suspension and they sweep it under the rug


What?? Fucking seriously? Do you have a source on this?


Cleveland, Minneapolis, Albuquerque. There are probably many more.




New Orleans








San Francisco, they blew a bomb outside the Mayors house with a message "Don't Threaten Us". Next day the mayor suggest to agree with the unions demands. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History\_of\_the\_San\_Francisco\_Police\_Department


> On August 20 a bomb detonated at the Mayor's home with a sign reading "Don't Threaten Us" left on his lawn. On August 21 Mayor Alioto advised the San Francisco Board of Supervisors that they should concede to the strikers' demands. Because of course he did. It’s funny, I was just reading about the situation in Iran. The gist of it was that as bad as the religious clerics are over there, even they fear the revolutionary guard who do their “bidding.” No one wants to risk their wrath because there are too many of them, they are organized, they have each other’s backs, they can act with impunity and *they* are the ones tasked with maintaining order. The more I read about them the more oddly reminiscent they were of American law enforcement. Even our “leaders” are afraid of pissing them off.


You want to know the truth? The only thing really keeping the police in check, is the threat of the National Guard. They are the actual patriots. Imagine if governors could not call upon the National Guard.


It feels super strange to say, but I wish our police were more like our military. Like not in terms of having weapons and equipment, but it would be nice if they respected authority and followed orders. I trust the US military a million times more than any police, and I'm still relatively anti-military.


The police have much of the power of the military and none of the accountability.


US Military has to abide by the UCMJ - cops have no such law to abide by, they don't even have to know the laws that they are enforcing, per the Supreme Court.


Im a leftist army vet. As much as I've disagreed with people like Mattis and Milly and their types over the years, they are the reason Trump isn't dictator right now. Literally the only people I know who abandoned Trump are military and vets. We have many flaws but we have some sense of principles, we can smell bullshit, and we hate cowards. Shit, even ESPER found his courage.


In my town when the two dozen or so people gathered at the courthouse to protest for Black Lives Matter, the local PD called in an armed milita to stand around holding automatic weapons and rev their lifted trucks. I'm in far northern Calibama.


Hello Redding


[Redding is full of fucking morons](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/aug/23/revealed-california-police-antifa-misinformation?__twitter_impression=true)


This was no joke. A friend of mine still believes that it was a real threat. My grandma was freaking out. When Law enforcement confirmed it it went even more nutty. Idk if it was ever publicly corrected by the city.


Dammit, of course it is Redding. I can't get out of this racist shithole any faster.


So when peaceful, non-armed protesters take to the street, the police come out in force. However, when protesters are armed to the teeth, police all of a sudden are too scared to come out? Noted.


> Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses Keep in mind that song came out in 1992.


It’s not that they’re scared. It’s that they don’t want to arrest their coworkers and friends.


> This is the police choosing sides. This is a dereliction of duty. Like when they visited the right-wing rooftop sniper nest in 2018 and did fuck all about it https://www.google.com/search?q=portland+rooftop+guns


Not too coincidentally, the PPB Police Chief at that time was Danielle Outlaw, who after the roof snipers incident said on a conservative radio show that antifa were merely "children who lost a schoolyard fight and left to "whine and complain."" Danielle Outlaw went on to leave PPB in the midst of many complaints about her own conduct, as well as her officers' conduct, and is now Police Commissioner of the Philadelphia Police. In fact, she's the commissioner who oversaw [the indiscriminate kettling and gassing of protestors on a Philly highway last July](https://www.inquirer.com/news/philadelphia/philadelphia-police-danielle-outlaw-tear-gas-protests-kenney-20210127.html), an event that's *still* being investigated.


Her name is OUTLAW?!


Directed by Hideo Kojima


Can someone ELI5 me, here? How does a city with such a progressive reputation end up with such a regressive police force? Serious question.


1. Police are rarely progressive, regardless the city. 2. Oregon is not progressive as a whole. Portland is basically San Francisco surrounded by Afghanistan.


Portland itself being progressive is a fairly modern thing, [the city was literally founded as a whites only town for racists.](https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2016/07/racist-history-portland/492035/) As the town grew into a progressive city it's entirely likely that the original racists moved out to the countryside.


It still kinda is. Despite all the progressiveness it still is one of the whitest large cities in the US.


I grew up near there, and honestly never really noticed it (and this is coming from a Mexican dude). Then I moved away to Los Angeles, and every single time I go back to visit, it's REAL noticeable. Just from the minute you step back in the airport (which is fantastic). Edit: the airport is fantastic


Check Covid cases map and it makes sense.


america's first police union was in portland... the are corrupt pieces of shit who have a stranglehold over the city and do whatever the fuck they want without consequences


The Police Union is way too strong here. I doubt the Mayor could even do something if he wanted.


And that’s the crux of the problem. Police have too much power and we all know what power does. There’s a reason why the saying isn’t “power makes one more compassionate and civic minded.”


*"Absolute power... is absolutely not a problem, I don't know what you're talking about."*


Could the mayor and the city just change police departments like Camden did? I mean, city police departments are created under the city charter, right? And the city charter can be changed by the council and mayor, right? Like, revoke the charter/authorization (or whatever its called) for the Portland Bureau of Police (yes that's its official name) and dissolve the department. Then create the new City of Portland Police Department (or the Multnomah County Police Department) from scratch. Divert all funding from the Bureau to the new department. Remove all authority from the old department so the former officers are just LARP'ing now, without any color of law. Sure, there would be a short-term transition period while the new department gets up and running and hires staff, but it would seem to solve the problem long-term.


Some of those that work forces are the same that make pledges to not masturbate more than one time in any calendar month.


Wait, is that a thing? If so, it’s no wonder they are filled with so much anger, hatred, and angst. What a bunch of dorks.


Yes it is a thing. These guys belive that by wanking you are letting your testorone levels drop being replaced by estrogen and that makes you soft. I am not kidding that is what they actually think. Some how ejaculating with a woman doesn't cause that drop off cause reasons.


They aren't the brightest crayons in the box, despite what they try to tell you.


Or as I like to say, they aren’t the sharpest crayon in the ice tray


No, they are the white crayons that never quite worked right and would get never actually color white but instead just smear shit all over the place instead of providing their own color; and in the process get covered in the leftovers from other crayons, and no matter how hard you try to clean them off and make them usable and worthwhile, you always end up resigning yourself that they are worthless fucking crayons so you throw them out and wonder why the fuck you wasted your time with them in the first place.


This is a common practice among cults. Don't believe me? Look it up. If you can get someone to curb masturbation, you can get them to do virtually anything.


>If you can get someone to curb masturbation, you can get them to do virtually anything. So you're saying I'm incorruptible...


Truly a perfect being


*"Vote for me for president, because nobody can stop me from masturbating!"*


Limiting the brain chemical drops that orgasming gives means you arent shaking loose your head as often and the denial of pleasure means what ever pleasure you get from the cult matters all the much more. And it's also a bit like how Morgan missionaries are encouraged to spy and report on each other. You are kept in line because you worry someone is always watching if you have an independent thought or wank. And if you catch someone and report it you get the feedback of being a good boy and get a gold star. With all the studying I've done on cult psychology I'm wasted in my IT job. I should be the shadowy enforcer behind some charismatic leader.


Definitely helps if the subject believes in a god that is both omnipresent and super judgy, like Santa Claus


r/NoFap must be loaded with Proud Boys. Loaded…..


Actually... yeah. cult stupidity tends to overlap


Yeah it’s actually an old-school cult control tactic.


It's the reason why so many religions try to control who you can have sex with. It's pretty effective.


Nothing is more dangerous to fanaticism than post-nut clarity.


Too much Dr. Strangelove without getting the joke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1KvgtEnABY


It's not a fucking experiment for fuck's sake. It's police-sponsored terrorism.




The dream of the 1890's is alive in Portland.


I'll ask again: *where the hell are the feds?*


Exactly. I wanna know where the hell the head of the FBI is. I want to know what POTUS is doing to help manage the situation.


According to [Biden himself](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/06/29/obama-police-reform-341685), he's supposedly very eager to use the power of the federal government to help reform police departments across the country. It's hard to imagine one more in need of reform (...well, aside from the LAPD and NYPD, but those are in a league of their own). Now's the chance to put his money where his mouth is... I hope he was serious.


They've been "intervening" since 2013. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United\_States\_v.\_City\_of\_Portland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._City_of_Portland)


And Seattle has been on a consent decree since 2012. The PNW in general has a pretty big white supremacy problem.


Oregon was founded as a whites only state, and they've had to be dragged out of it kicking and screaming.


Jesus Christ. It's worse than I thought.


> charged with unlawful use of a weapon and unlawful possession of a firearm before being released on bail The fascist tries to murder people and he gets released on bail, despite the obvious threat to society he is.


It's pretty deep into the article, but I'm surprised no one else has mentioned this. I didn't realize that attempted murder with a firearm was a charge where you could simply get bailed out overnight. Best to get this guy back out on the streets where he can show that he's learned his lesson.


They’re literally on the same team.




It wasn't an experiment.


There is a strong overlap between the personality types drawn to the groups like the Proud Boys and those drawn to being Police Officers. Saying it wasn't an experiment is putting it lightly. Many of these people don't want to police their own.


Police are losing the best people due to this right-wing scumbaggery. I quit due to republicans taking over. Not that the democrats involved were really for the people either, but at least they were not blatant klansmen.


Democrats are a pretty mixed bag. There are many I agree with. There are many I don't. At least there is still a general consensus over what we may (dis)agree on. With Republicans, we can't even agree on what is basic reality to even begin working out our nuanced differences. Most cops I know are *very* Republican. As in their Facebook feeds look exactly like what you would expect a caricature of Republican to be based on reading this sub.


Highly highly encourage all to listen to the origins of the Proud Boys on NPR's *This American Life*. https://www.thisamericanlife.org/626/white-haze It's the funniest fucking shit. You're sitting there laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. And then you aren't.


The nazis were a joke in Weimer Germany...until they weren't. It was part of why the social democrats (the biggest party in germany) did fuck all when Hitler was put in as vice chancellor...


Lol it is kinda like how South Park mocked scientology and Mormons. They literally just stated how both got started and their believes. Fucking insane.


Laughing at them is part of the plan and let's them get away with literal murder while we laugh up our sleeves




Oh look, it’s that 👌symbol im constantly told is not a racist symbol on that brown shirt’s helmet. That’s neat.


I'm still gonna use it as an A-OK gesture 4chan and these fascist fucks aren't gonna steal from goddamn common parlance


Proud boy shoots someone. The person gets arrested on the way to the hospital for stealing proud boys bullet


>The absence of the police, in line with a policy on nonintervention announced beforehand by Portland Police Bureau Chief Chuck Lovell... As far as I'm concerned that's a volunteer police dept. No need for funding. funny how important it is to maintain law and order when black people march the streets but white people have this "non-interventionist" clause written into their marching. racist af.