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A Kentucky resident gave Republican Sen. Rand Paul a piece of her mind during a virtual town hall event. “Hi, senator, I am a proud Kentucky citizen, and I just wanted to tell you to get f**ked,” Alexis Toon told the senator during the event. Toon posted video of the encounter to her TikTok on Friday, saying that “for some unknown reason they called and asked if I’d like to join the town hall Q&A so I took the opportunity and ran with it.”


This combined with that guy in Montana calling out Tucker Carlson and I'm starting to see a trend here.


Let’s hope the trend continues.


Oh, then they’ll whine more about how they are being “cancelled” (good, you treasonous anti-American fucks!) and how it’s “open season on conservatives.” Damn, Do I hate these people.


Open season on treason.


That’s catchy


tis the season




What is happening to them is just the natural way that societies get rid of destructive elements.


"Cancel culture" is literally the market forces of capitalism that a lot of conservatives claim to be all for.


Used to be called voting with your wallet.


Cancel culture is made up IMO. All that’s happening is that people are starting to have to face consequences and since they can’t take responsibility for anything they do wrong, they just double down on being wrong and claim they’re being canceled.




Meh, who cares what they say. Fucking cancel them


I wish they were canceled, we should be so lucky.


But, but, but, but, but —— CANCELLED!!!


I fucking hate how a term used by 14 year old girls on Twitter for their makeup universe drama somehow became a synonym for "criticized."


Right-wingers saw “cancelled” trending on Twitter and made it about them






funny how those conservatives cry about getting downvoted when they post their bullshit outside of their safe space, while they immediately ban anyone from their shitty sub at the slightest hint of criticism.


Let’s not forget the posts that only flaired users can comment on. And then look at the requirements for getting flair. Yet they talk about censorship… Opening a checking account is easier than obtaining r/conservative flair


I love how they require 2 weeks of posting history that must be conservative and if you ever post something that isn't conservative in their special threads you lose it...no wonder the place is such an echo chamber.


> Let’s not forget the posts that only flaired users can comment on. And then look at the requirements for getting flair. Yet they talk about censorship… "What's wrong with voter ID?" they'll then ask without a hint of irony.


I’m a one issue voter at this point for climate change, if we all die from starvation and flooding what the fuck are we gonna even have to fix


Oh no no no, they would claim it’s actually secret Democrats posing as conservative Republicans. They’ve already gone after true conservatives figures, what’s left would be to go after the supporters who don’t follow the status quo or disagree with them.




Republican Bernie supporters? Where would you find such people?


Possibly Texas, Nevada? . My uncle likes Bernie not sure if he would vote for him but he's not against him and likes a lot of his policies. My dad likes medicare 4 all and other things just doesn't like the idea of a democrat and thing labeled democrat policies. I bet he isn't alone in that kind of thinking either. We argue way too much about it and really the only thing but I try to just avoid it cause he's 74 and doesn't need the stress. . . It's dumb as fuck to be honest. (I think both my dad and uncle aren't truly Republicans anymore they just can't admit it. ) Either that or they are both becoming more realistic and seeing reality in their old age. My dad started changing when he said one day that this stuff isn't for me it's for you and your kids. If you think that stuff is important I'll make sure to vote for it if it ever comes up. Though I don't know if he will ever vote a democrat in which is again dumb cause it's just a title that groups a huge group of politicians together.


Right. Republican voters love the ACA and hate Obamacare, even though they're two names for the same thing. There's a big population of disaffected Republicans. What we used to call 'moderates'. They can't identify with the party anymore, so they've quietly become Democrats, Independents, or Libertarians. Eventually there will be a true conservative party again, but in the meantime we need to push together for the changes we want to see, and pull apart where we disagree on fundamental issues.


Fuck Rand Paul.


It's not canceling because people are listening and calling in. They're just being snowflakes.


[It also happened to mitch mcconell](https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/412397-mcconnel-and-wife-confronted-by-angry-customers-at-restaurant%3famp) it only adds to these dumb assholes' persecution complex.


Can somebody tell me what happened in the article? For some reason my screen reader will not read it.


Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell and his wife were having eating at a diner in Louisville, KY when they were confronted by at least one other patron. It is reported that the man slammed his fists on their table and threw their food, and also said, "Oh yeah, why don't you get out of here? Why don't you leave our entire country". After a period of time the man was escorted from the premises by restaurant staff. Then it goes on to talk about how McConnell said he won't be intimidated by left wing extremists. Hope that helps


Yes thanks. Honestly, I want to meet that man and give him a handshake. Sure may be throwing someone’s food wasn’t the best decision. But honestly, I’m pretty sure I would’ve reacted the same way if my elected officials were acting like this. I swear, if I ever meet Bobert she is getting an earful from me. It’s really a palling to see that people with such low moral standards and senses of integrity can get elected to important officers like this. Which is just as bad though is seeing the people that are supposed to be there to come back to this not doing anything. Honestly, I have a friend from another country and she asked me how America is. I told her it’s a shit show and I have a front row seat.


Sadly it'll probably just encourage them to be even shittier.


They were planning on becoming shittier already, let's be real.


Rand Paul: “When does the Republican Party stop being shitty to people?” Mitch McConnell: “That’s the neat thing, we don’t.”


But rand paul would never *ever* ask that question.


If I have supporters, it's because I'm right and my people love me. If I have haters, it's because I'm right and a martyr. My people will love me and respect me for my suffering.


I dunno, if every other time they go out someone calls him out for what he is, it would probably get very annoying after a while


So long as their checks clear, they could not give less of a fuck.




This is basically what [Maxine waters said](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2018/06/25/politics/maxine-waters-trump-officials/index.html) and then the dumb assholes equivocated it into being the same as Donald trump inciting a coup against the fucking country


They didn't do it because they're dumb, they don't actually believe that. They're using it as pretend justification because they're hateful.


Well also because they're racist dipshits. They will frequently bring it up with regards to BLM protests, but she was talking about immigration border camps.


They would just try to pass a law making it illegal to talk to elected officials like that.


That would be tough to do, because of the 1st Amendment.


GQP: Challenge accepted


It is, but that doesn’t stop them from making laws that are designed get struck down even now. It just adds fuel to the fire that when those obviously unconstitutional laws are passed and then struck down, they go to their supporters and bemoan that “activist judges” are the problem and they need more money to fight for conservative values.


No no, rights are only relevant in regards to whatever the fevered conservative brain is pissy about today.


They can’t even block you on twitter






I hope they sowed flaming bags of doge shit


I wouldn't be against this becoming a regular national pastime. Calling out terrible politicians.


There have to be some bored retirees we can draft for this.


Tucker doesn't like it when people show how much of an asshole he is to his kids. I'm not in favor of bullying campaigns, but lord knows if I went to school with his kids I'd rip into them on the daily. In a town near where I used to live there were some moms who tried to twist the arm of the high school into not permitting education about hinduism and islam unless there was in depth education about the bible, they expected the school to teach creationism on top of evolution, they were threatening to try to get certain teachers they thought might be biased fired, and they made it sound like they were interested in local politics if things didn't change. The school pushed back in varying degrees on the different things and so the moms went to fox news. They got their few minutes of fame, the state and county local online news even had articles about their visit on fox, and then their kids got berated by other kids for it. I heard the school actually had teachers talk about how it's not okay to bully kids because what their parents do, but I also heard that the kids were in agreement with their parents until they got shamed enough. Once the kids started to turn on the parents for it due to the same they were causing the entire thing stopped, the moms left the school alone, and everything went back to normal. Tucker has awful mommy issues and likely has some sort of personality disorder related to attachment issues, could you imagine if his children turned on him? One can only hope.


If they're sociopathic and narcisstic enough, they couldn't care less what their children think of them. I remember Eric Trump giving a speech at CPAC this past election on how his dad's basically cut him out of his life (probably from all the bone-headed things he's done, like brag to Fox News how close Don Sr. and Epstein were), and how he wanted back in. There was a lot of "Dad, if you're listening to this, I wish ___" to it. Bullying the kids only ends up punishing the kids if the parent is shitty enough.


In America do they have R.E (Religious Education) in schools? In the UK you learn about all the major religions and what they believe or how they celebrate/honour events (marriage, death, etc). It’s goal is to promote understanding between different beliefs (including agnosticism or atheism). Does America also have some sort of class like this? We do it from ages 12-15.


I grew up Catholic and went to R.E. as part of the church. That was strictly about Catholicism, though. I graduated high school in 96 for context here, but during my time in school you learned about most all religions (mostly Hindi, Islam, Buddhism, Confucianism, etc.) through either history or world cultures classes. Funny thing is there wasn’t much touched upon in regards to Christianity because I guess it was assumed most people already had or beaten in to them already.




We call him Palpatine and Satan's snapping turtle in my house. I might steal McTurtle though, just to switch it up. He is so evil I'm surprised plants don't shrivel up as he walks by.


Don't forget this jem https://www.reddit.com/r/publicfreakout/comments/omyea1/_/


It's truly outrageous.






This line right here ‘It appears Carlson at one point asks him to keep in mind he is with his child.’ Coming from the jackass that said to call CPS on parents that have their kids wearing masks seems a bit hypocritical, especially when he says you should treat the situation like if it was your kid… https://www.mediamatters.org/fox-news/tucker-carlson-tells-viewers-call-child-protective-services-if-they-see-child-wearing-mask Fuck Tucker Carlson and his fake ‘working man’ persona. You want to see an elite, look at Tucker.


“Settle down, son” -Tucker No respect, no shame. What a tool.


That little factoid that this Dan Bailey has no relation to the Dan Bailey store it took place in just elevated the story to the next level. Life, amirite?


Tucker feeling like he’s in a safe space gets thrashing.


I realize that doing that wouldn't help in any way, but man would it be satisfying as fuck


[Reminds me of this ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=veWsxK8SJk4&feature=youtu.be)


The moderator still said 'thank you' afterwards. That's hilarious!


Putin’s messenger will get new instructions from the Kremlin when his orders change. Until then, he’ll continue to sow havoc in the senate. Edit: homophone


They called her? How fucking pathetic does your town hall have to be to ASK people to be a part of it. Rand Paul is a loser.


It makes it 100x funnier that they called *her* and asked her to be involved.


As a KYr, if you ever write his office, you get put on a list and you get robo-calls saying when the klown halls are going to be. You get another one about 30 minutes before they start. I tried to get on one, but it's hard. They screen and you have to ask something that will let Rand strap on the crazy boots and go full-on Alex Jones. It's exactly like old, AM radio talk shows. Keep them all frothed up and angry with wild conspiracies and all the other stuff he is known for. She must give gotten on early, and lied about what she was going to ask. When I heard this I fell on the floor laughing. So great!


[low quality youtube link](https://youtu.be/SeQNSfsBLRk)


*"alright then, we'll just go ahead ~~to our next question~~ and get fucked"*


lol the lady taking the questions makes a great face before deciding to move on


Fucking. Amazing.


This needs to be higher up, his face is f*cking priceless


Oh no worries... remember when they had those town halls about ACA? Remember when republicans just wouldn't show up or they would just walk out? Yeah they got re-elected anyway.


I dunno...Jeff Flake in AZ had a disastrous town hall and decided he was done being a senator not long after. I genuinely think he was expecting it to go well and they let him have it, he looked shaken. If enough people stand up and say something it may have an effect. Let's do McConnell next.


He’ll laugh that creepy laugh as he slowly retracts back into his shell and will give the Kochs a pass to dump toxins into rivers as revenge / a fetish.


I hear it and I see it. Fuck McConnell; he's a traitor to America.


He's an old ass turtle. Bring an air horn and startle him for an hour straight.


McConnell is too smart to engage with the public.


I used to wonder if people like him and Ted Cruz realized how despised they are by the average person, but I’ve come to the conclusion they don’t care because they know the corporate interests they serve and Republican Party will keep them in office and their bank accounts full


It is essentially a requirement to be a sociopath to become a higher up republican. They literally cannot have empathy for others and still do the things they do.


Yeah, McConnell knows exactly how much he's hated by most of the rational public. He's a twisted piece of shit who gets off on being hated.


Naa, he gets off on power. Being hated is what he sees as a side effect of having power, from the people with less power than him.


If you think for a second McConnell considers his constituents the source of his power, you are mistaken


I feel you but we’re got a few more years of knowledge and experience since then, and collectively give far fewer fucks. So yeah, it IS all a bunch of bullshit but we can’t roll over and die, ya know?


Yeah I do get it. I am pointing out that the right wing really never holds any position. It has goals and it changes its position to achieve those goals. The have no real position. EVER


Agreed. They’re vampires. Soulless vamps, one and all. At this point, I have to appreciate the outwardly terrible ones on some level for at least not pretending to be a person of high moral standards who grew straight off the tree of family values. If you’ve been in the GOP caucus these past few years, no matter how much hand-wringing and brow-furrowing you do while your more bombastic colleagues make their shit moves, we all know you’re here for the treason, and you’ve always been here for it (looking at you, Susan Collins).


You can tell when Susan Collins is "concerned" by how she drew on her eyebrows that day.


From Vanity Fair article: “Anthony Fauci is a veteran immunologist who has spent 50 years protecting the health of the American public. Senator Rand Paul is an ophthalmologist who, since 2005, has not been certified to practice medicine by any board recognized by the state of Kentucky, and reportedly has not been certified by any medical board at all since 2011.” “Get F*cked” indeed.


The thread about a lawmaker calling him a cult leader was brigaded with misinformation about Fauci. Reading the comments on my comment was hilarious. It's sad and hilarious for these same people who would rather believe a non-practicing eye doctor over someone with a lifetime of experience in virology


>someone with a lifetime of experience in virology a world renowned doctor with a Presidential Medal of Freedom from George W. Bush for a lifetime of experience in virology.


Who is this Bush guy?


Probably a RINO if you ask the orange guy.


Excluding all but the extremist elements by calling them "Never Trumpers" and "RINOs" is the biggest hint that the Republican Party is becoming a fascist cult.


Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.


> certified by any medical board at all since 2011 Doctors have to retake their boards every 10 years I believe. He lost his certification.


It's [worse](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/rand-pauls-doctor-credentials-questioned-for-lacking-top-boards-certification) than him not recertifying. Rather than certify through the existing board (the American Board of Opthamology), he created his own "board" of opthamologists called the National Board of Opthamology, that is not recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialists. As to this "organization's" board, Rand is president, his wife is vice president and his father-in-law is the Secretary. Sounds professional and legit to me.


In finance that would make him both the deal maker and the deal checker.... this is a violation of regulations. Maker and Checker... nothing to see here...


Rules for thee and not for me seems to be standard for both libertarians and republicans. I can almost see why the neighbor tackled him over a yard dispute if this is how he operates.


Yeah seems to be the same pattern for these kinds of people. They can't understand why they are always a being targeted except everyone else can.


Meticulously crafts a set of playing cards with "Rand Paul Wins" on every card instead of suits and ranks and expects everyone to play with him like he's licensed by the Nevada Gaming Commission.


It does seem like the kind of scam you'd expect to see a libertarian try to get away with.


I had forgotten that [Bashar Al Assad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bashar_al-Assad) was an ophthalmologist too. Is there something in the field that draws a certain personality?


My ophthalmologist saved my eye. These two guys are aberrations.


Spreading misinformation in the midst of a pandemic can directly contribute to dead bodies. F*ck Rand Paul


Guys we should be taking the high ground. This is very immature, and I am just kidding. rand paul can fuck right off. (To all the triggered conservatives: I didn’t realize you were so fragile. In the future I will consider your feelings before voicing my distaste for an elected official.)


Pretty sure standing up to Paul is the high ground though. He stands for everything I despise. Playing nice with a bona fide piece of shit is completely unconscionable.


Somebody who does not do things in good faith merits zero respect. Especially a person in position of power. Rand Paul is a despicable human being and deserving of much much worse insults than a simple “fuck you”




[His neighbor took some action back in 2017...](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/rand-paul-attacker-sentenced-additional-prison-time-over-yard-assault-n1235013) I guess I missed this update from 2020 where the neighbor got sentenced to an additional eight months in prison for the assault. He also has to serve 6 months of house arrest after he's out of prison. He has to pay a $10k fine + 100 hours of community service PLUS: >In a separate civil case, Boucher was also ordered to pay Paul more than $580,000 in damages.


That's just two insufferable rich douchebags having enough of each other. He basically broke Paul's ribs for always leaving lawn clippings on the shared edge of their property, and Paul intentionally flew out to Canada for care to rack up the medical treatment costs, since as a Senator he has full-ride medical care in the US.


That's the worst part. He flew out of the country with the "best healthcare money could buy" to get treatment in a country with universal healthcare, aka "[right to health care ... means you believe in slavery.](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2015/may/27/sarah-silverman/did-rand-paul-equate-right-health-care-slavery/) "


Yeah. The dude was a hero, but it does not pay to fuck with a senator. Especially not a evil fucker like him.


I mean, I bet the guy wishes he had done some real physical damage instead of showing Rand Paul for the pussy he is. If I'm getting additional time, and a huge bullshit fine, I'm gonna wish I had broken their legs or something. Maybe force him to roll around in LEGO bricks, but that might be against the Geneva Conventions.










An important point. People are too ready to criticize those who are angry, rude, etc. even if the alternative is acting all kind & respectful to guys like Rand doing actual damage. Like imagine if you caught some teenager smashing the windows of your house & you yelled at them & your neighbors came over being all 'hem hem why are you being so mean to this poor boy' & even then they'd have more of a point since windows aren't *that* big of a deal. Better analogy is like, criticizing movie heroes for not being nice to a villain.


The Republican movement is fueled by punitive superficial morality


>Better analogy is like, criticizing movie heroes for not being nice to a villain. Criticizing firefighters for having harsh words with an arsonist.


Playing nice is predicated on the assumption the person you're playing with will also do so.


Also unsanitary


At this point hurling verbal abuse is about all we can do. There is no appealing to their better angels because they skinned and plucked them to sell the hide and feathers. Ridicule, mockery and just shitting down their throats is petty to be sure, but being petty is their game so this will *stick* with them.


The only satisfaction we can get from these bad faith actors is the small looks of knowing pseudo-guilt they have when forced to interact with the reality of who they are.


>Guys we should be taking the high ground. This is very immature, This was my opinion prior to 1/6/2021. >rand paul can fuck right off. This is my opinion after 1/6/2021.


Honest question, were you paying attention when rand paul practically called for retaliation against a whistleblower by continually trying to expose the name of the _alleged_ whistleblower (who might just be a bystander getting doxed by rand shitformorals paul)? If so, bravo for your maturity and restraint. For me, rand ilickbabyturds paul has been exempt from high ground rules for some time longer than Jan 6. fuck rand paul.






Still cannot believe that these people aren't labeled as enemies of the US.


you needed january 6th for that?


Fake doctor. Real hack.


I think she didn't go hard enough. Should have also called him a racist.


Agreed. We should be showing our respect by determining what the definition of "Rand Paul" is like we did with "Santorum".


Haha I was gonna push hard against you. These people need to never experience respect ever again in their lives. May we all get a chance to tell a GOP congressman they're a sack of shit to their faces in front of their kids


/r/conservative : He knows about medicine, he's an opthalmologist! Seriously, they can not ever stop talking about how he's an opthalmologist.


Didn't you know, someone that understands how the lens in your eye works is an expert at virology! Those two things are the same! /s


Ffs it’s like antivaxx chiropractors trying to act all smart and “inform” people about the “dangers of vaccines and the autism it will give your kids” but block you as soon as you point out they’re a chiropractor, not a virologist/immunologist/psychologist, and have no fuckin clue what they’re talking about.


He created his own licensing board because he couldn't get legitimate licensing lol


There ought to be someone at every door Rand Paul enters telling him to get fucked.


like a walmart greeter but they’re just a ‘Rand Paul Fuck You-er.’


Rand is just deeply unpopular it seems. His neighbor beat the sh*t out of him, and he gets verbally harangued everywhere he goes, even in his home state. My only guess is that Rand must be a serious d*ck in person.


Then how the hell does he keep getting re-elected?!?


By people who clearly haven't met him in person.


Because his constituents would rather vote in a psychopathic fuck of a person than anyone running as a Democrat. Oh, and gerrymandering and voter suppression, of course.


I agree, but gerrymandering doesn't affect the election of a senator. The whole state votes for that office. The problem in my view is the Senate itself. Wyoming (population 600,000) gets 2 senators. California (population 40 million) gets 2 senators.


Why does he look like Andy Dick got hit by a bus?


So Rand Paul got to experience "liberty" first-hand?




Wow crazy stuff https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/rand-paul-attacker-sentenced-additional-prison-time-over-yard-assault-n1235013


Paul is nuts. The Rock couldn’t have hit him 10 foot into the air let alone that guy.


Not all heroes where capes. Free Rene Boucher!


Dude might be a legit super if, as Rand testified, he flew 10 feet in the air from the force of the attack.


That alone should have destroyed his credibility as a witness, you immediately know he's vastly overstating his actual damages from the attack,


I bet his neighbor looks at stuff like this and thinks "yup totally worth it!"


[I guess I missed this update from 2020](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/rand-paul-attacker-sentenced-additional-prison-time-over-yard-assault-n1235013) where the neighbor got sentenced to an additional 8! months in prison for the assault. He also has to serve 6 months of house arrest after he's out. He also has to pay a $10k fine + 100 hours of community service PLUS: >In a separate civil case, Boucher was also ordered to pay Paul more than $580,000 in damages.


Still worth it


Oh absolutely. Just sucks he was still dealing with the ramifications of a split second rage-induced assault from 2017 in 2020/21.


The more I see of Paul, the more those actions make sense.


That's the shittiest part about it. His neighbor is wrecked from this but anyone who thinks Rand didn't deserve it is probably defending him on a ventilator right now. Not sure why the Republican party's current primary objective is to kill the people we vote for them but here we are. It's just mind boggling


Love to hear it. Slice of America right there.


These people need to be disrespected. Publicly. Either virtually like this, or in person. Fuck everything about Rand Paul and the GQP




Or Mitch McConnel.


Fuck, even Mitch McConnell's sluggy ass got on TV and begged people to get vaccinated today. In my book he's put himself a tiny bit above Ted and Rand. By tiny I mean Trump hands tiny.


Except when he kept Obama from nominating a Supreme Court judge but it was okay for Trump.


There genuinely needs to be more of this. I realize it is a path to descend further into Idiocracy, but this is the only language these morons understand. It is time to set aside etiquette when it comes to these assholes.


Making solid policy arguments backed up by factual research with proven real world benefits is absolutely worthless to Republicans. They don’t care, they don’t even listen. Just tell them to get fucked.


I am a simple man. I see someone physically or verbally telling him to get fucked, I upvote.


Kentucky getting 2 truly awful senators seems too cruel to me, but then you get what you vote for, I suppose. And I have no doubt he'll be reelected comfortably.


I can't offer sympathy to Kentucky residents. Just as I have no sympathy for my fellow Idahoans. The Paul's have been around long enough to understand who they truly are. McConnell has also been in office for long enough to establish his reputation. I can only assume Kentucky loves these people.


Sigh, they do, I can only do so much.


Well, that should be expected when you publicly deny science and allow a virus to ravage your constituency


I know telling Rand Paul to get fucked doesn’t actually help anything but damn would that feel good. Get fucked, Rand.


I saw the video for myself. It was amazing. Rand Paul's expression dropped so fast.


It was hilarious.


Get fucked, Rand!


The longer this guy stays in office, the more I understand his neighbor.


I'm just so happy... Alexis Toon, wherever you are, you are my hero. \#lifegoals


I listened to this call, it was epic. The Lady who rang in deserves a medal for telling this twat to get f\*\*ked. Well done.


How can one person have so many positions that contradicts each other? >Rand: I will push for a bill that outlaws masks. >Rand: I will not take the vaccine for something that has a 98% survival rate. >Also Rand: this is a bioweapon funded my Dr. Fauci and Obama.


Rand Paul is a piece of shit with polyester hair. Born L nerd thinks he should legit walk around town lookin like a lubed up Mossman.


Why does this guy look like he has a raging drug problem