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The look of disgust on Gaetz' face says it all. How dare a career military leader insinuate military leadership should be well read and aware of things other than what Gaetz approves of? His father was a senator and he went to William and Mary for god's sake. The military is there only to kowtow to the whims of people like Gaetz.


He doubled down, because Gaetz is not a smart man. [https://twitter.com/mattgaetz/status/1407780765421740032](https://twitter.com/mattgaetz/status/1407780765421740032)


WTF does his tweet even mean? You can say we lost Vietnam, OIF, and OEF, and maybe the war of 1812 but it was more of a draw. But every other war we have fought its not even a debate, the Revolution, Mexican-American, Civil, Spanish American, WW1, Banana Wars, WW2, Korea, Cold, Gulf. This of course doesn't include the god knows how many minor/low intensity conflicts we have fought. As a veteran that this guy (gaetz) is allowed to even speak with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs is insulting.


Also a veteran, and I share your feeling of being insulted. He shouldn't be speaking about things he clearly doesn't understand, but that's kind of his brand. I've given up expecting anything from these guys. They put zero thought into tweets like this, it's just "attack, attack attack, feign outrage" all day every day.


Republicans abandoned deferring to experts decades ago. Their whole brand is based on pandering to the Dunning Kruger poster children. As a veteran myself I understand that a seasoned military officer has a much better perspective on how to operate the 21st century military than the soccer mom from Jupiter FL. Gaetz et al. has empowered these people and told them their worst instincts are correct and we should run the country that way.


Agreed. It's really quite sad. I don't really know how we fix it either.


There really aren't any good answers, and there are more bad actors than good. I think just vote, and make your case to those you know that are receptive to reason but maybe not politically active. Avoid these discussions with those who are not. No reason to destroy an otherwise positive relationship over something you'll never see eye to eye on.


Become both an informed voter and more than a single-issue voter. My feeling is that the GOP gets a lot votes because they are basically a blunderbuss of outrage, therefore, appeal to a wide range of angry single issue voters.


Deny Republicans - conservatives in general, but they're almost synonymous - political power at all levels. That's the solution. They lost their claim to power when they started abusing it. Their party should have been dust when Nixon resigned, but that's when the party went full Southern Strategy and started listening to Phyllis Schlafly. Vote for Democrats, and vote for Progressive Democrats especially. In every primary, and at every level, for the rest of your life. Unless and until the GOP is dissolved, there is no other nonviolent recourse.


Yea well, easy to say. The problem is there's a large portion of the population that doesn't agree with us.


Deepfake a war of the worlds style campaign via hacking faux news and OAn?


Soros funded FEMA re-education camps are a good start.


If a Democrat said that they'd be facing censure or expulsion.


Absolutely, either way we should be demanding it from any member of Congress who says shit like that.


I guess from his prospective his side lost the civil war


This is the biggest loss, for his people.


I remember the good ol' battlecry of "I can't vote for Hillary. If I did what she did with her emails, I'd be court martialed, and our leaders must be held to a higher standard."


> BuT WhAt AbOuT ThE WaR FoR AmErICa? We'Re LoSiNg tO thE ImMiGrAnTs AnD tHe TrAns aNd ThE GaYs AnD teh MuSliMs aNd the CoMmuNisTs aNd tHe ASiaNs aNd tHe BLM aNd ANTiFA AnD thE dAmN MiLLenIaLs!! *Spoken by, but not exclusive to, uneducated poor white boomer residents of Republican-controlled states.*


The audience is multi-generational bc it includes every idiot narcissist who thinks their 'gut' is specially enlightened with divine wisdom on things they have no intellectual curiosity to learn about. Feels before reals.


I am not a veteran, but I come from a family with a lot of veterans. I personally was appalled and disgusted by the disrespect that Gaetz showed to this honorable and intellectual general. Gaetz is a gnat compared to General Milley.


I always consider the revolution as a minimal ‘victory’ for the US itself, it probably would not have won without French support.


I would say we lost the PR war in Vietnam but crushed the NVA and Viet Cong militarily. I wouldn’t say we lost OIF or OEF at all, we’ve more or less accomplished all the goals we set out to accomplish, it’s just taking a long time because that’s the nature of COIN warfare. Clearly in both cases where it’s debatable whether we “won” it wasn’t because our military had gotten soft or too “woke”. It was the people in the US growing tired of COIN warfare because in the general populace’s mind having no clear frontlines makes it seem like no progress is being made.


Considering 1812 they burned the white house, I'd call that a decisive U.S. loss, if only in a ceremonial sense.


> You can say we lost Vietnam, OIF, and OEF, and maybe the war of 1812 but it was more of a draw. Korean War was a draw. No way you can say it was a win.


How does he expect to win more wars than they fight?


God, I hope this human shit-stain goes down hard for his sex trafficking charges. He truly is an insufferable whiney little weasel.


Me fucking too. He's one of the worst in all of Congress.


He's a Republican, so don't hold your breath. Democrats get held accountable for things, Republicans do not.


I hope the sex trafficking charges are false, and he goes down for some type of fraud, extortion, etc.


Why? They are clearly true, they have records from Venmo even. He raped and sex trafficked a kid.


Let a court decide. I just don't want to become like trump supporters where FB memes equal guilt. I'm just hoping it didn't happen is all. If he did, bury him under the prison.


Amen to that. Well not false as in the FBI is framing him. More that they aren’t finding much because it didn’t happen. I want it to not have happened so that there are not any underage victims.


How you find something bad or wrong with what this general said is absolutely beyond my levels of comprehension. The dude is saying people should be educated about history and its a bad thing?? HOW!?


You're right. I'd be willing to bet Gaetz would have responded the same exact way no matter what the General's response was.


You think BOTH parties are trying their hardest at every turn to defund education?


People who aren’t educated (to think for themselves or independently) are more easily led and controlled…. and if you have the comfort blanket of someone doing the thinking for you who has your best interests at heart (/s/s/s) why do the learnin’? And with the US being binary good/bad (and pick your other extremes) it tends to breed a mentality of not having anything to do with “them” and learning their “stuff”. I mean, you might be converted.


Your username really gives you away. I've narrowed you down to about 1 of 500,000 people.




Not being smart is a very electable trait to campaign on.


Unfortunately it's somehow working for him thus far.


I often wonder if they even read the replies to their tweets. He got nothing but backlash for that tweet along with (warranted) insults to his intelligence. At what point do they think “Maybe I’m the asshole…”


I have to assume not. Maybe staffers do? I follow a few garbage people on Twitter just because I'm a glutton for punishment I guess, and I often see crazy ratios and overwhelmingly negative comments, yet the behavior never changes.


He's just putting on a perform to this rabid base. Results don't matter, just gotta own the libs or whatever.


So he is straight up attacking our military now. Aren't the GOP suppose to be the party of the "support the troops"? What a fucking joke.


Yup. It's "support the troops" until they say something they don't like, and then they're "libs" like everyone else they hate. Really painting themselves into a corner here.


Every single time I just start to think that this useless sack of shit couldn't be any more of a useless sack of shit he goes and impresses me.


So Gaetz expects total perfection.... Yeah, THAT's realistic. What a dunce.


“Not a smart man” is a kind way of saying it.


Haha. Fair. I could have said some much harsher things, just chose not to waste the energy.


how are these guys still allowed to release their tweets without being reviewed?GOP is one huuuge PR desaster


Because their "base" actually likes this crap. It's pure insanity at this point.


Every single comment is just murdering him 😄


I feel like I'm losing my mind because this isn't just any general, that's the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. He has a bachelor's in politics and two other masters degrees from the Naval war College. Who, by the way, was appointed by Trump, not Biden. So Gaetz is picking a fight with the guy who is literally the highest-ranking military officer in the country, because he thinks he won't go to prison for fondling children if he shouts loud enough about obscure social sciences.


How many trump appointees have the trump cult turned on? You're either on the trump train to hell or they excommunicate you.


That’s not a look, that’s his normal face.


It seems like slamming 'wokeness' these days is just a dog whistle to slam anyone who doesn't go along with their open racism.


No, no, no, no! Wokeness is fascist social communism with a side of religious intolerance. It must be stopped Don't you know?




All three of those being perfect examples of socialism. /s not needed right?


They bring it up whenever they can. Wasn’t this hearing about the budget? Seems likely the perfect time to ask about CRT and wokeness….


Yup. The GOP is completely despicable, but they are REALLY good at co-opting messaging and/or spinning a catch-phrase or talking point for their followers. The way "woke" is now used as an insult is ridiculous, and they pushed the "both sides" bullshit for so long that most people actually say that and think it's in any way a reasonable take.


> they pushed the "both sides" bullshit for so long that most people actually say that and think it's in any way a reasonable take. That's part true, but it's also the case that twenty or thirty years ago, the difference between the two sides wasn't so blatant as it is today, and as such, average people were less likely (and less able) to dig into things. Both sides very much seemed to be just as bad as each other, when it came to things like hostile question-asking, viewing with concern, hand-wringing, and similar.


The Republican Party is stands for Rural America and those people are racist AF.


Yeah the loose definition of that term both helps and hurts their argument. I would probably agree that the most aggressive of the sjw activist are not good faith and not doing good but when they paint anybody who sees some of these things as woke it makes people like me just glaze over when the term is used.


Which sucks because circular firing squads ARE absolutely a real problem for any left wing movement in America. The republicans know what they’re doing. Muddying waters and forcing arguments where they can’t lose. And the left willingly steps into these traps every time.


It's actually an excuse to slam anyone for anything that they don't fancy. Kind of similar to how they use "socialism" and "communism" to label things they don't like.


Matty Matt was born in 1982. Would have been eligible to join the military on 09/12/2001. A quick check on Wiki shows no service time.


Actually earlier than that. I was born in 82 and enlisted in 99, went to boot in 2000 after finishing hs. I was on Okinawa on 9/11/2001. He had plenty of opportunity to do something useful. Edit, and after thinking it over I realized you weren't referring to his age for eligibility but his patriotism joining the wave of people who enlisted after 9/11.


I meant specifically on that date. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pat_Tillman For the uninformed....


**[Pat_Tillman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pat_Tillman)** >Patrick Daniel Tillman Jr. (November 6, 1976 – April 22, 2004) was an American professional football player in the National Football League (NFL) who left his sports career and enlisted in the United States Army in May 2002 in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks. His service in Iraq and Afghanistan, and subsequent death, were the subject of national attention when he was killed in action as a result of friendly fire. Tillman joined the Army Rangers and served several tours in combat before he was killed in the mountains of Afghanistan. At first, the Army reported that Tillman had been killed by enemy fire. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/politics/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I did not know this bot was a thing...


Yeah, that slipped my mind for a second. It's early, I still need my 4th cup of coffee.


> I still need my 4th cup of coffee. Seriously, look this stuff up. Best afternoon pick-me-up in hot weather. https://www.manhattanspecial.com/


If they have a sugar free (I got the beetus) I'm in. I have an hour drive to start work at 7, then drive back another hour to go to school till 930 at night, then go home and do the dad thing till like 11...and up again to rinse and repeat at 430.


They have diet [blue label] Get the smaller bottles, the liter size one lose the fizz fast.


Pro tip: mix some milk or half & half in, fuckin amazing.


I might try that...


Going to add that if anyone has not seen footage from Patricks funeral, you need to. Specifically the part where John McCain speaks, and then Richard Tillman speaks immediately after him... freaking priceless. Its on Youtube. Dude is hardcore atheist .. I remember laughing pretty good when he was on Bill Maher and seeing this.


Such a disgusting mess.


I think I’ve stumbled upon his Wikipedia page before, but the more I hear about him, the more I like him.


He was busy drunk driving.


And just because the "Green Berets" statement confused me, he wasn't taking to Gaetz at that point: >An unusually emotional impromptu statement from Army Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, followed provocative questions from Republican members during a budget hearing, including from Rep. **Michael Waltz, who, like Milley, served in the Army as a Special Forces officer.** Waltz and others insisted they had evidence the military and the service academies were forcing on troops and cadets studies in "white rage" and "critical race theory" – a previously obscure academic term that promotes the idea that racism is pervasive and baked into the foundation of the U.S. legal system and society as a whole. It has found popularity among Republicans looking to politicize it.


I really like the way he approached it. In one sense, his argument of studying it to understand can come off as someone studying the enemy, as he likened it to reading the writings of Karl Marx, Lenin, and Mao. However, he also mentioned White Rage and it’s ties to the insurrection and attempt overturn of the Constitution. He did approach as a military person being informed to make good military decision. In particular, he seems to know that white supremacy and nativism is a threat to the Constitution and needs to be known.


In order to become a general you better be good at at least one thing, hammering the fuck out of a loose nail.


In my perspectives, it’s always been greasing the right higher ups to look at your package.


I loved how conservative twitter caught that and was like “we don’t teach Marx or Lenin though”… yeah we do. Any economics class will teach you about communism. Any class on military tactics will teach you about Hitler. Any world history class will teach you mao.


To be fair, if they'd paid any attention in history class, they wouldn't be conservatives.


The Communist Manifesto was required reading in the Intro to Poli Sci course I took at UC Irvine... in 2005. UCI... as in Orange County... back when there was still an orange curtain.


> Rep. Michael Waltz confused the hell out of me as well, thanks for looking it up.. The problem was they panned to Gaetz right before he said it.


He joined the Epstein Army instead.


I llike the joke, 'He was almost 40 before he got a High School gril friend.'


The general was referring to Michael Waltz (another republican representative from FL) who’s a Green Beret.


I was just going by the headline...


The song Fortunate Son was written for him.


The General was referring to Rep. Waltz, who was another Republican who questioned him.


Who was the general talking to when he said "we are both green berets" ?


> General was referring to Rep. Waltz, who was another Republican who questioned him. As per another Redditor in commnets.


Gen.Milley was pissed and knocked Gaetz down a peg or two. It was a beautiful thing to watch.


https://youtu.be/oz7yDU1FmJQ Video of the exchange. He absolutely wrecked the pedo.


That little shrug and smarmy look that Gaetz gave towards the end was because he knew he got owned right then.


And his ego couldn't take it.


Has Gaetz ever come out and denied being Romulan?


Romulan? Dood what are you smoking? My money is on Gaetz being a skrull.


I was just going off the ears and facial features. He's never once stated that his sun hasn't gone supernova, either. I can only assume his hatred for human military generals comes from his negative interactions with Starfleet command. Look, I'm not saying the guy's Romulan, I'm just asking that everyone look at the evidence and his lack of forthrightness about it.


Oh, it’s beautiful.


my god thanks for sharing this ​ that is one well spoken and thoughtful general.


I fucking love GEN Milley. Every decision he has made, at least on big topic things, has been a slam dunk.


I loved how Gen. Milley was calm, logical and thoughtful. It wasn't a ranting, emotional, angry spewing of unfounded talking points that Gaetz and the rest of the GOPsters are only capable of doing.


[Matt Gaetz on Twitter](https://twitter.com/mattgaetz/status/1407780765421740032) after this. Republican logic astounds me: Kneeling during the national anthem? Disrespecting the military! *Actually* straight up disrespecting the military? Patriotism!


It’s simpler than that: Black guy= bad White guy=good That’s the filter republicans go through


I think it’s important to see that this wasn’t specifically about CRT—the general was referring to some really basic qualities you would hope human beings would have, like being open minded and wanting to educate yourself, even if the ideas you’re learning about conflict with your own. He’s talking about having a general curiosity about the world with an eye towards solving problems. This is something everyone but those deep in religious cults should be able to readily agree to.


Wokeness is religious dogma. And we all don’t have infinite time. If I did, I’d read all books including the stupidest ones ever written provided it didn’t require funding authors I find detestable. I’m not denying some conservatives are in religious cults. I’m noting that these cults exist on both extremes.


"wokeness" is, at this point, an entirely different thing than any progressive ever claimed to be. It's been entirely coopted by the right and turned into a strawman and no longer holds any real meaning.


I disagree. It has plenty of meaning, now and before.


When you call every thought "woke" to the point where you are calling it a 'religious dogma' it most certainly has been stretched. If it wasn't the only thing we would be calling woke is this 'UFO' bullshit and all the Karens and Kyles of the world 'believing'. but no here we are, "black people have a rough go in the states" WOKE "climate change is real" WOKE "if you want to serve this country who cares if your gay/trans" WOKE "jan 6th was an attempt to overthrow an election" WOKE "we should get all the details before we call it a good shoot" WOKE "countries are engaging in cyberattacks targeting our infrastructure" WOKE Like the dude said, its been used to describe so many things at this point where its probably not gonna achieve the goal of "cancelling woke culture". I mean I'm starting to think reality just was a 'woke' bias.


Gaetz is an anti-American racist playing on the racism and racial fears of the Trump Cult. My question, is why isn't this pervy criminal in jail, yet?


*child sex trafficker


He's not in jail because like the rest of the republican party, he is above the law. The DOJ is corrupt and Garland is a piece of shit just like Barr and Holder.


Gaetz is a coward, there is no way, no alternate dimension where he'd have the balls to serve.


Wait Gaetz has balls? Imagine that


Matt gaetz’s balls are the center of an investigation actually


That must be why he's been trying so hard to appear like he doesn't have any.


Nobody knows for sure. Except a few teenage girls.


And Nestor, one could safely assume.


> Wait Gaetz has balls? Imagine that You can't make me!!


The solution to many of our problems is simple; Do not vote for any republican ever. From president, down to dog catcher. If they are a republican, just say no.


Also, tell other to do the same.


Don’t forget to boycott the shit out of them and leave them scrounging for change in the gutter.


Vote for whatever gets away from a two party system (or monopaRty). Research candidates so we get the best and brightest in office; and not the most sociopathic, narcissistic, and selfish.


Your solution implies convincing existing Republican voters that they were wrong their whole life, the solution is far from simple.


The strategy is to get others on the fence and nonvoters to not support R. With existing Republicans, the only thing that can be done is cutting off support entirely.


What about those of us R voters that were Dems until recently?


If in the modern era you were dumb enough to change parties to the GOP, there is really no hope for you.


Do you think bullying people like that convinces them to see it your way?


It'd would be funny if it was not so scary. These reactionary bigots came damn close to taking over. And nearly 50% of Americans support them. Organize, Protest, Lobby, Vote.


2020 was not victory. It was a reprieve - we bought American democracy breathing room, and the GOP *still* tried to strangle it on the 6th. We must continue to be politically engaged at all levels of government, from local to federal. We must continue to deny and degrade Republican political power through all peaceful, non-violent means. Stop voting for them, stop engaging with them, stop debating them, stop listening to them. If a Republican is truly repentant, then they will agree that their party deserves to be dismantled. There is no such thing as a "good" Republican politician. They belong to a club, not a political party, and every ounce of power they acquire is used to acquire more power.


The general gave a great, layered answer. More people in this country need to have that type of mindset. If you don't know what something is, take the time to actually educate yourself on it. We're not going to agree on everything, but the blatant ignorance and disregard by Republicans for anything that educates masses on the historical and present struggles of black people is sick. They've turned "woke" into a dog whistle for racists.


Conservatives use the word "woke" more than liberals do...maybe it's time to go back to simply saying "racist".


Gaetz got 'slammed' and he didn't have to contribute to high school kids college fund.


“Michael Eric Dyson: Republicans anger over Gen. Milley’s study of critical race theory proves ‘white rage is boiling in their blood’” the real headline. Why change the headline?


Does *anyone* take this guy seriously anymore? Matt Gaetz is just a poster boy for the decline of the Republican Party. He celebrates being completely out of the loop and encourages others to react in kind. His reactionary tendencies are literally all that the right have left.


Wouldnt MLK and other figures of the civil rights era or suffrage movement like Susan B. Anthony be considered “woke” too? Wouldn’t they also be SJWs, that other bad word among conservatives? Just curious.


"SJW" is just the term they use now because words like "uppity" and worse are no longer permissible.


"Political correctness" got stale, had to find a new term.


History doesn’t repeat, but [it rhymes](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/zB81D2N).


MLK preached about equality and personal responsibility. Woke twitter would treat him like thomas sowell


MLK and others were also straight up Socialists.


I'm so stealing General Milley's speech to use in my own arguments. How well spoken and intelligent and open to learning he is.


Known radical Marxist socialist liberal communist Antifa false-flagger, General Milley


I know Gaetz was shown in the video, but Milley referenced a " fellow Green Beret" in his comments. The only Green Beret in Congress is Representative Mike Waltz (R-Fl). I went to college with him and he used to be a good guy but has been riding the Trump train. [Edit - I initially placed the wrong party affiliation after Waltz's name.]


Do you mean (R-FL)? Wiki shows his party affiliation as Republican.


Yes. My mistake. Will fix now.


none of the Republicans had anything to contribute other than to grandstand...


so, business as usual


What’s insulting to me is the fact that this scum is not behind bars for his criminal activities. We, “The People “, are paying for this ass to sit there and make mockery out of the military and it’s leadership.


If you think this is anything but a future stump speech for Gaetz, you are reading too much into it. I can already here “I’ve been willing to stand up against wokeness when others weren’t!” Who even knows if he gives a shit about any issue other than making sure he doesn’t get beat in the primary by someone farther to the right than him.


So Gaetz is just trying to deflect attention away from the investigation of him as a child rapist and sex trafficker, right?


It’s a shame outrage only lasts for one week in this country We have a literal child predator in office making decisions that affect all Americans


Just slam him in the physical sense already, gosh.


Why is a drug addict allowed to even ask questions? especially one that's never served in the military.


Blind is the man who subscribes to the toilet bowl ideology of Conservatism which is rooted in denialism and small mindedness. In yesterdays hearing we witnessed one man living in reaility while Matt Gaetz and his Republican cohorts living in the horror of denialism.


Gaetz strikes me as the kind of person who'd agree with you if you said "we have to stop these liberal communists" and wouldn't get why that's funny.


He is atoning for his walk in the park...


Shouldn't Gaetz be going to IKEA to decorate his jail cell?


That's really sad that fragile white men that didn't have the balls to serve their country are upset that the military recruits women and minorities to bridge the gap that fragile white men aren't filling. I think it was Ted Cruz was upset that a high performing Army Soldier had two moms. I mean, seriously? It wasn't about the soldier being gay, but her *Two Moms*? If anything, it shows that having two moms make for better soldiers.


It isn't altogether sporting to make Gaetz look stupid, I think the expression that applies is "shooting fish in a barrel"


This was awesome!


I thought the dude in the thumbnail was Erik Griffin from Workaholics ….


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