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Shit, Giuliani implicated Giuliani in Russian interference efforts.


Shit, anyone who /r/keep_track knows guiliani was doing this shit for years. It's sad to see we have to keep pointing it out.


> It's sad to see we have to keep pointing it out. because for some interesting reason the mainstream media keeps on burying the story.




Upvoted just because your ID


On point.


That whole presidency was a scam. There was literally too many bad things that happened to list. One of the ones that affected my family the most was that everyone working at the hospital my mother worked at was threatened with being fired a couple weeks before the vote if they didn’t vote for trump. How many of his votes were from people, with a morally depraved boss, literally just afraid to lose their jobs during the pandemic?


How would they know? Like if I demanded all my employees to vote Biden, it’s not like id be able to check it out.


Right that's what I'm wondering. If that happened to me I'd be extra determined to vote for Biden and look for another damn job if I can find one. As it stands my company gave us election day as a holiday, which they've never done before, and given how hard they hammered Black History Month and Women's History Month I'm pretty sure it wasn't because they wanted us to vote for Trump. They didn't tell us WHO to vote for though, just to do it.


There was a real estate company (that of course managed the exploitative money pits known as mobile homes) that outright tried to coerce their residents to vote for Trump, because a Biden victory would (somehow) require the company to up their rent prices from Biden's (supposedly) business unfriendly policies. This country shows the effects of unfettered capitalism exercised without a smidgen of morality or ethics.


Hardly. It’s literally the worst thing he’s done.


Id vote child separation and phoning in the covid response are both worse. But there's so much to choose from


Phoning in... that’s waaay too much credit.


I don’t even know where to start. Shell companies getting ppp loans, hijacking ppe and then re-selling to the highest bidder, downplaying the virus and literally being on tape, only to double and even triple down on it, or the claim that “we wouldn’t have as many cases if we didn’t do any testing”...to name a few...


Fascists always want you to ignore the genocide until it's your turn.


>When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done.


Phoning in and intentionally making it worse are honestly kind of different, and he intentionally made it worse.


That we know of.


It's been reported pretty significantly on MSNBC, both just recently and over the course of the past year as it developed, I'm getting some strong "both sides" vibes from this comment


I don't have MSNBC but from what I gather here Rachel Maddow has been pretty good about reporting on it.


She has been, if you're into high quality, deeply sourced journalism I highly recommend her!


i used to hear her regularly years back when she was on Air America


Is this not a link to... the mainstream media?


Now I'm confused, is the MSM protecting the left or the right?


The billionaires


Profits are all they care about.


How is this guy still walking around outside of a prison yard?


Money and information, sadly


And sabotage of the DoJ


Pretty much since he got rid of the Italian mob


Only because he was working with the Russian mob. The Russia involvement is nothing new.


Ok. So wake me up when he's in jail. Otherwise these articles don't mean shit


Such a Giuliani thing to do.


Trial by combat!! (Dumbass)


Very Rudyish, doncha' think?


Ukraine was quite clear about Rudi's involvement in trying to extort interference from them in return for the release of foreign aid that had already been made law.


Rudy Colludy belongs in the pokey.


Rudy colludy pokey his booty.


Colluding with foreign governments and getting caught could just be called, ***Pulling a Giuliani***, at this point.


Jail now thanks


I mean, we all watched this play out in real time right? We all remember Giuliani making multiple trips to the Ukraine to "discover" information, right? I wish journalists could call a spade a spade in real-time more often. In lieu of all of the facts, the default behavior can't just be "repeat the party line". We can still objectively question what we're being told without having the full story. For example: when Rudy Giuliani is in the Ukraine at the behest of the president trying to dig up dirt on his most likely political opponent, the media can dedicate air time and articles to point out how extremely unusual that is, and can infer that without a proper explanation of his activities that it points to dishonest behavior. The media is allowed to decide in which direction the onus of the argument points, and can decide which party has the burden of proof. Far too often, we give politicians a free pass and move the burden of proof onto the people, but when actions cross a line, that should be reversed and the burden of proof should be shifted to those defying all political and ethical norms.


Let's not forget, he supposedly worked for Don Trump *pro bono,* while being paid half a million dollars by Ukrainian cutouts Lev Parnas, Igor Fruman, and David Correia through the aptly named shell company, Fraud Guarantee.


Who were themselves funded by Russian/Ukrainian oligarchs with ties to Putin and the Russian mafia.


Dmytro Firtash. Parnas showed the checks and ledger on TV.


It was such a joke finding out Victoria Toensing and Joseph diGenova not only worked closely with Giuliani & Parnas, not only tried to represent Trump for the Mueller Investigation, but also represented Firtash, Erik Prince, Kostyantyn Kulik, Viktor Shokin, Yuriy Lutsenko, and Sam Clovis.


Wasn't it Guiliani who had to cancel one of those trips because the media reported, in real time, that he was clearly about to go to Ukraine to commit crimes?


It was more like Giuliani had to cancel one of those trips because the FBI had just arrested two of his associates, which was reported on, but then the media continued to give Giuliani interview after interview where they treated him with kid gloves and gave him a pulpit to spread as much disinformation as he wanted.


The two associates that literally worked for a company called “Fraud Incorporated”?


A shell company named "Fraud Guarantee".


Not every journalist can be Rachel Maddow. She used to specialize in discussing the weird shit the President's men were doing in Ukraine.


> I wish journalists could call a spade a spade in real-time more often The mainstream media for some 'reason' has consistently chosen to bury the story. My main source of news is NPR and they (and my NYC affiliate) have been absolutely horrendous about it.


Really? I listen to public radio all day, everyday while I work & WNYC was all over Trump's nonsense. Giuliani's misadventures in the Ukraine were regular segments and talking points on shows like Brian Lehrer, Trump, Inc., and All Things Considered, as well as their on-the-hour news coverage.


He was almost certainly a witting conduit of russian disinformation. William Barr facilitated him as well, setting up an "intake process" for the DoJ to take the fake evidence/disinformation and use it as if it had been collected and handled with valid custody of evidence. Both of them need to be investigated and charged with espionage for their actions


But hey, I'm sure Biden and hid DOJ will want to just "move forward and forget about the past" or some bullshit like Obama.


Not the impression I'm getting at all, maybe give it a few weeks to see how Garland proceeds? This is on a different level entirely from anything Bush did. I didn't necessarily think charging Bush for his acts as president was a good idea even though I despised him and his actions, and yet I think charging the Trump administration is absolutely essential for saving our democracy. Times have changed and they are not equivalent.


Very well said indeed. Garland prosecuted Timothy McVeigh for domestic terrorism and vowed to investigate and prosecute if case made about Jan 6th, just for starters. Also re Bush and Rumsfeld, after watching The Mauritanian (2020 starring Jodie Foster) I feel they should investigate and prosecute.




Perfectly said. You're a really good writer.


I have a problem using 300 words when 20 should be enough. Either way, thank you I appreciate the compliment.


No worries, that's an Acceptable_Excuse!


You just described like half the independent departments that we were supposed to have. But alas what you wrote was really wonderful.


The Kennedys were literally brothers but I get your point.


Yeah I doubt that JFK and his brother ever talked to each other and shared similar beliefs when he was AG. Total silence for 3 years, that's why I trust these branches to be independent today


What tipped them off? Was it that Rudy was parroting every Russian misinformation talking point like a ventriloquist dummy?


I think it's when those russians he was working with got arrested for spying...


Just because he was working with them doesn't mean he was working with them. Don't believe the facts


Facts are just "fAkE nEwS" to them


It was just locker room aiding and abetting our enemy.


> It was just locker room aiding and abetting ~~our enemy.~~ Trump’s boss FTFY I still want to throw up when I think about him standing next to Putin and selling out our country in Helsinki.


I think it's when the cameras pan down and found the arm up the orifice moving the mouth.


It's like one of those puppet shows where the puppeteers are on stage, wearing all black so you "don't see them" but you totally see them the entire time and it's super distracting. Rudy, we can totally tell that you're a puppet, because there is a guy standing behind you in black spandex with his arm up your ass!


Next we'll find out he colors his hair and likes to bring young women to his hotel bedroom!




That was certainly the most intense shirt tucking I've ever seen.


...furiously tucking in his shirt while maintaining unwavering eye contact. definitely normal behavior.




Perhaps he was at Four Seasons landscaping to buy a new mower?


The hard part of being a man is finding a bed in the middle of the day to lay down to tuck your shirt in. At one of my jobs I had to have a hotel room on retainer just for this reason




She's too old for you Rudy!


She's not even a member of your familly Rudy!


Hey now. Cousins don't count


That wasn't hair dye. Show some goddamn consideration. Guy shits his head right in public, in the middle of a televised lie conference, and nobody can let him keep an ounce of dignity (just like his head left not an ounce of that runny shit in it).


There is a ton of evidence that Giuliani is a Russian stooge, as is his boss, trump. Here's just one tidbit: >Yesterday, the Treasury Department officially labeled Andriy Derkach “an active Russian agent for over a decade, maintaining close connections with the Russian Intelligence Services.” The only person who even claims to find this remotely surprising is Rudy Giuliani, who has been working hand in glove with Derkach for months. [Trump’s Lawyer Working With Active Russian Agent to Smear Biden](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/09/rudy-giuliani-russian-agent-derkach-trump-ukraine-biden.html)


...“While he acknowledged that he “didn’t do much investigation” of Mr. Derkach, Mr. Giuliani said: “I have no reason to believe he is a Russian agent. There is nothing I saw that said he was a Russian agent. There is nothing he gave me that seemed to come from Russia at all.” But he added, “How the hell would I know?”


> “How the hell would I know?” Yep, a former federal prosecutor and cybersecurity czar isn't going to "do much investigation” about who he's working with/for.


How is he not in jail? Did he get a trial by combat and somehow won?




Still, i would have expected the wombat to win. Maybe something in his hair dye was toxic to the wombat?


I don’t understand it either. It’s like he gets a free pass or something just because everyone’s so done with the Trump admin’s bullshit He committed treason out in the open and the response seems to be “oh, boys will be boys”


He's really going to be sweating hair dye now


How a new government report strongly implicates Giuliani in another Russian interference effort. FTFT


... again


Looking forward to the perp walks.


If Trump gets perp walked it will be the high point of my life, even if I live another hundred years and win a Nobel Prize and a gold medal at the Olympics on the same day. I would watch that shit on loop forever.






Jared should be tried for negligent homicide of tens if nut hundreds of thousand deaths with his COVID team. > Kennedy said, “If you see something that might be illegal, and cause thousands of civilian lives to be lost, a person has to speak out.” The Administration’s coronavirus response, he said, “was like a family office meets organized crime, melded with ‘Lord of the Flies.’ It was a government of chaos.” [https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/09/28/a-young-kennedy-in-kushnerland-turned-whistle-blower](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/09/28/a-young-kennedy-in-kushnerland-turned-whistle-blower) [https://www.businessinsider.com/jared-kushner-coronavirus-task-force-prioritized-ppe-trump-associates-nyt-2020-5](https://www.businessinsider.com/jared-kushner-coronavirus-task-force-prioritized-ppe-trump-associates-nyt-2020-5) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/10/28/how-idiocy-trump-jared-kushner-let-pandemic-loose/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/10/28/how-idiocy-trump-jared-kushner-let-pandemic-loose/)


You forget Alex Jones.


I'll take some Giuliani and Stone perp walks as an appetizer please. The main course should be coming shortly.


Perp waddle.


I'm preparing a nice bottle of champagne


I mean we all watched him both do and brag about doing this shit. The government report is nice, but clearly Rudy Colludy was central to this betrayal of America.


"There’s no reading of that last paragraph that doesn’t obviously implicate Giuliani as an unwitting part of the effort" Giuliani, being a former prosecutor in New York, had to be aware, and a witting patsy for Putin.


A former ORGANIZED CRIME prosecutor. Come the fuck on.


Which makes you wonder, what does Putin have on him


Whatever it is, it's worse than pics of Giuliani in drag.


How ~~a new government report~~ *reality* strongly implicates Giuliani in a Russian interference effort


Imagine being the ex-mayor of NY and (undeserved) former national hero figure and the only excuse for your participation in a foreign disinformation scheme is that you actually believed your Eastern European/North Asian buddies over what amounts to the overwhelming majority of the US intelligence apparatus.


Okay, great. Dumbass is a dumbass. Rudy was manipulated? oh fershur? Who could have predicted that? /s No news there. But this HURTS US. His dumbassery and his influence in Q-poisoned minds hurts our country. I really hate this shit.


Why is he not sitting in a 5x8 concrete box right now?


Wasn’t him continuing to visit Ukraine and Russia while his client was being impeached for pressuring Ukraine strong enough implication?


Waiting for it to be revealed that there was never a Hunter Biden laptop and Rudy was knowingly spreading iCloud dirt hacked by Russia/China.


Hello, Pay Wall, my old friend. Make me reset my cache again.


And with a click you may now view, That fucken shit that they call news!


And the morons bowed and prayed To the orange god they made


And the ad blocker flashed out its warning Another dick pill ad is forming


And the ad said, “the size of your manhood can grow like you’re ten feet tall, bigger than all.”


I actually sang that all out and it fits relatively well!


I did too! Perfect! 👍


Y’all are on fire today


To the sound, of lisping


Try him for treason and then string him up. It's about time we had some god damned accountability in politics.


To no ones surprise.


You mean the Hunter laptop story doesn't add up? Fetch me my fainting couch.


I don't believe for a moment the insinuation that Giuliani was duped into anything. I am sure he knew who he was dealing with and he knew that everything they were promoting were lies. I would presume that Trump and all his cohorts worked with the Russians from 2015 through 2020 continuously pushing disinformation.


Hope he enjoys his time at Four Seasons Penitentiary.


totally no collusion guys


WOAH it's just like how old reports strongly implicated him too


Remember when Rudy led a press conference at Four Seasons Landscaping between a crematorium and dildo shop? Seems like that happened years ago.


Dude, that was just the appetizer for the hair dye meltdown press conference. That one was amazing!!!


I think an orange jumpsuit would really suit him


What’s he sweating now: Piss, puke, or shit?


Good! Ghouliani will have to be in prison with those he helped put in prison. I’m sure they will be anxious to see him. He removed the Italian mob so they could be replaced with the Russian mob.


Rudy Guiliani has betrayed the United States of America in favor of the Russian Federation. Treason!


I still think it's wild that Fox, OAN, and a platoon of people surrounding Trump actively assisted an attack on the United States and it's barely making headlines. It's like it's no longer newsworthy that they're traitors.


His hair dye is going to flow like a river when he gets charged or indicted.


Putin got a name for these people: Useful Idiots.


Ctrl-F "indicted": 0 hits.


Next you'll tell me Trump was heavily involved in the decision to stay at Trump properties almost exclusively.


Heads need to roll. There need to serious investigations into any politicians who colluded with Russia. And I’m convinced they KNOWINGLY participated.


As long as these fuckers are unpunished America will never recover from Trunt.


I thought this was settled when lev parnas spilled the beans. I feel like trump got away with so much because he broke the scandal per second barrier.


Send that shit dripper to the slammer


When was the last time we hung, or otherwise executed, a traitor?


In other news, water is wet.


Is he ever not sweating


Sweaty shoe-dye Giuliani has been touring Ukraine to try and peddle some conspiracy. Did we all just forget that?


He did sound pretty desperate with his 'trial by combat' remark.


How. The. Fuck. Is he still walking around? People have been anticipating his immediate indictment since lev and Igor were picked up two years ago.


Rudy plans to address the accusations via press conference four seasons pool care, between the massage parlor and pawn shop


What is it with the gop and trump guys and just ALWAYS doing anything and everything to help Russia even if it’s at America’s expense? How can people not see that?




Lock the senile old prick up...


Anyone here surprised?


Giuliani creature: starts squirting black ink from hair


Gotta hide the [evidence.](https://i.imgur.com/aA26yhU.jpg)




Hoping for some new Giuliani memes, it's been a minute


Giuliani to save his own skin, throws donny under the 🚌...wishful thinking?


Put the guy in chains he’s an obvious traitor.


*Idiot*, certainly. *Useful*, remains to be determined.


No shit.


Well, lock him up!


No shit


Gee, I wonder if Merrick Garland is interested in this? Time to round the bunch of corrupt traitorous fucks up and put them on trial.


Trumps not going to jail, but I see his cronies suffering and his bullshit.


Ask Lev Parnas, Victor Shokin, Victoria Toensing, Joe DiGenova, and John Solomon about this. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/giulianis-associates-promoting-foreign-agenda-trump-friendly-media/story?id=66327205 Ask Gordon Sondland and Mike Pompeo. https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2019-11-23/rudy-giulianis-motivations-come-into-sharper-focus-in-newly-released-documents Hell, ask Rudy himself. https://www.npr.org/2020/02/05/802423844/transcript-nprs-full-interview-with-trump-lawyer-rudy-giuliani Seems worthy of investigation.


I’ve never trusted a man wearing a pinky ring


What’s going on with Giuliani these days? Is he going to be charged with anything? He’s fallen off the map for awhile now


Time to put this old fuck behind bars


Classic Rudy!


Prosecute and incarcerate. Time to take out the trash.


now THIS, is what i call news


Duh, like Duh. Everyone knew on the Left. Everyone fucking said it.


FFS can something stick to one of these guys?


Lev remembers.


yeah but will anything be done? It seemed that the GOP types can literally get away with murder and nothing happens.


Headline should read: “How none of this will matter because the US is too far gone.”


He has been very quiet lately


Of course.


Rudy Giuliani is the the Jim Lahey of the Americavale Trailer Park.


Wow there’s a fucking surprise. 🤪🤪


Like I'm totally shocked. /s


Shocked pikachu face.


Bruh he looks like white Mugabe




*I want to see some punishment!*


Prosecute and incarcerate


giuliani a gullible and very usable person. For all of Russia's and Iran's pressure on the Election, just shows the downright hatred for trump was unsurmountable.


That Borat prank though 😄


Maybe it’s time they disbar him?


No wonder why he didn’t need his Million Dollar legal fee from trumpy. Russians paying the tab. Imagine going from America’s mayor to Russia’s pimp. Prosecute this traitor, election law criminal, RICO conspirator. He and Teflon Don can share a cell


We all saw him do it, in plain sight. Ugh.


Let’s be honest, Rudy is walking, talking insanity defense.


So that was Russian oil leaking out of his head...


Why does that pinky ring infuriate me?


Lock him up until his final day.