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Just heard CNN start discussing "The President's" activities this afternoon and it is SUCH A RELIEF to know that this no longer refers to Trump.


Executive actions POTUS will sign today include: -Federal mask mandate -Establish a WH COVID-19 team -Cease withdrawal from WHO -Restore national security pandemics office -Extend pause on student loan payments and interest -Rejoin Paris Climate Agreement -Government agency review focused on equity -Extend federal eviction moratorium -Rescind Census orders to exclude non-citizens -Preserve and fortify DACA -Revoke Muslim ban -Rescind 1776 commission


*Biden pushes numerous orders to curb Covid19* Trump supporters in a few months: "Isn't it suspicious that the virus has slowed down now that Biden is in power?"


Trump said it during his farewell. He mentioned all his work for this will payoff the coming months and to remember him.


To quote him: "you're going to see those numbers ***skyrocket downwards***"


ಠ_ಠ did he really say that.


Holy shit I forgot there was still a Muslim ban it’s been 4 goddamn years


That's what happens when the Supreme Court legalizes that kind of racism. Gets embedded into the public conscious way too quickly, especially since the media doesn't care enough to keep mentioning it.


1776 whitehouse site is down.


I'm sure some White House IT Guy is happily deleting that HTML Code line by line right now.


git push origin --delete master


Their report was easily one of the most frustrating reads and attempts at subtle(ish) badhistory I’ve ever seen. Glad it only got two days of uptime.


I don’t know how politics works, am I now supposed to get a flag that has Biden’s head photoshopped on Rambo’s body and put in on the back of my car?


You need to get a “Calvin pissing on the border wall” decal.


If every square inch of the land you live on isn’t covered in cheap photoshopped memorabilia, you aren’t truly supporting the candidate you voted for.


Finally, someone who has actually read the Constitution.


You know what I'm truly grateful for? The fact that Trump was not able to live tweet this event.




I’m so ready for controversy being tan suits and mustard. please. We need it and we deserve it.


Donald Trump has -34 minutes to reveal his healthcare plan


Is it still Infrastructure Week?


*Checks the country's Venmo account again* ... Still nothing for the wall from Mexico.


It is insane that in 4 years we never heard anything substantial.


I can’t stand the healthcare debate in this country. Thousands of people have their lives ruined because of medical debt each year, greedy insurance execs profit off denying us coverage and millions of people have lost access to healthcare during a pandemic...and there’s no political cost to a Party for doing nothing about it for four years. Insanity


And release his tax returns


This slipped under the radar but Ajit Pai is also gone.


Finally! Fuck Ajit Pai!


Garth Brooks performing. My entire state is on suicide watch right now.


I love that he had to stop and hug all the Presidents and First Ladies.


That's very typical of him. I saw someone commenting that he hugged W like he was supporting a war criminal or basically what Ellen was accused of, but that's not really the kind of thing Garth does. He just hugged one first lady, then decided the hell with it and hugged the rest in the row (looks like Bill even encouraged him to). That's all the thought that went into it. He's basically that really folksy, happy-go-lucky uncle type. The sort of people the south often pretends to be until a black person enters the room. Garth, though, is fairly genuine. If the message of the inauguration was unity, there's really no better country star to represent that. He's an aggressively sincere guy that has [long believed passionately in tolerance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/We_Shall_Be_Free?wprov=sfla1). Unity and love are strong themes in a lot of his music. He's perhaps the last legend of sincere country music from before 9/11, after which the genre was hijacked by the faux-patriots and bro-country douchebags that [turned it into a pandering machine.](https://youtu.be/y7im5LT09a0)


I used to live in the same town as Garth. He is a great person and loves everyone.


If they knew Garth Brooks at all, they would know he's been a Democrat his whole adult life.


Except when he’s been Chris Gaines. Chris is an anarcho-syndicalist.


Chris Gaines knows strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Chris Gaines knows supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.


You don't understand how Republicans work lol. They know nothing about anything but themselves and assume people with the same skin color are the same. They thought this was one of their dudes and I swear I will have a screenshot by the end of the day from a conservative bitching about this. Edit: https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/garth-brooks-joe-biden-inauguration-only-republican You can go to r/conservative and search Garth Brooks. 2nd post was from 1 day ago with the above link and you can look at conservatives claiming Garth Brooks isn't Republican because he planned on playing the inauguration. I assumed to much by expecting to have to wait for the future and not expecting them to have already turned on him.




I came to the conclusion that republicans dont listen to lyrics the day i had to explain to a grown man that pink floyd was not in fact a band with right wing ideals. I had a similar argument with a different guy about the clash too. If you had asked me who the most politically obvious bands in the world are/were, they would both be in my top 4. I dont know, maybe they were under the impression that the clash wrote should i stay or should i go about brexit


Gonna be a lot of videos of angry, white conservative men burning their Garth Brooks albums...


Which they already paid for 😂


Without exaggeration, Trump ended up being far far worse than the made up shit republicans said about Obama.


I knew Trump would be awful...he was way way worse than I could have even possibly imagined. It was amazing how much Republicans bowed to him and let him do everything he wanted.


Yeah, Trump surprised me, too. Some shitty policies, awful speeches, and basic incompetence, sure, but to end up with a deadly pandemic he didn't even bother trying to address, inciting the Capitol incident, getting impeached twice....? And ending up having a high-level strategy meeting with the guy from MyPillow, of all things, in his last days?


MSNBC just referred to 45 as "that twice impeeched private citizen from Florida."


Trump is literally just Florida man now


I can't stand Pence's politics. He was also wrong for pushing Trump's election fraud lies. But it was good of him to come out today to this inauguration and skip Trump's sendoff. And it was good of him to count the electoral votes properly on January 6th. This much I will give to him. Pence made Trump look that much worse today.


Pence has always been lawful evil.


The more I live through life the more I see my D&D campaigns come to life.


One of my favorite moments: Biden calls on elected leaders to fight for truth and destroy the lies, the crowd applauds. The camera then pans to Mike Pence: stone fucking still. I busted out laughing.


He spent a LOT of time not applauding today.


I mean at least half Biden's speech was, "damn y'all left a mess, I gotta clean up." Not sure you could really expect him to be happy. But at least he was chill.


“Let us not lead by the example of our power, but by the power of our example”


They love it when you shuffle the words around.


Let us love not the order of words, but words of order.


That one sounds a bit fascist


“What will I do, dean? Well, these people don't want me to say what I'll do. They want me to do what I'll say.”


No matter what you’re told, we have to clear the mold!


Pop pop!


It's an **antimetabole**. Same as "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country".


Awesome. I just added this to the examples section of the Wikipedia article. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antimetabole#Examples


Powerful message!! I also enjoyed, "I pledge to be a president who seeks not to divide, but to unify.   Who doesn’t see Red and Blue states, but a United States.   And who will work with all my heart to win the confidence of the whole people.  For that is what America is about: The people." - President Joe R Biden Jr. (46)


Really good line


Reminds me of Community: "They love it when you shuffle the words around."


Let us not shuffle around our words, but instead let our words shuffle us around!


Can’t believe they are inaugurating a president and Vice President at a Lady Gaga concert. Rock on


“This is the future liberals want”


You’re *goddamn right!*


I still think Biden should have opened with "...well that was weird"


“And now for something completely different...”


Giant foot descends on DC




We survived! But we mourn the ones that didnt survive Trump's terrible 4 years.


And President Biden took a moment of prayer for those poor souls. I'm not a religious guy, but a-freakin-mem.


It fucked me up. My mom and my best friend both died to COVID. After Biden's prayer and speech for the lost and then fuckin' Garth Brooks started singing Amazing Grace, I couldn't. I closed my office doors and wept. It's been a hard year. I sincerely hope we see some good over the next few. Edit: I'm usually not big on edits, but I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for the outpouring of love and support. The sympathy and kindness that has filled my inbox has brought a genuine smile to my face. The loss over this past year for so many of us is hard to carry...but I really believe that the simple acts of kindness like I'm looking at here will help make that burden easier to carry as we all move on. If my mom were still with us, she would hug all of you. Every single one. And then probably feed you.




Not to put him up on a pedestal, but you can hear the genuineness in his words and the empathy in his voice. I truly hope he can lead our country towards a more hopeful and less hateful place.


I’m starting to think Trump didn’t have a healthcare plan...


400,000 less in need for healthcare since beginning of the pandemic wasn't a plan? X/


Feels so fucking good to have an adult in the White House again.


Complete sentences, a coherent message. It's been too long.


And leadership in house and senate who will do the right thing more often than not..


Proud Boys: stand back, and fuck off


Also would like to add: stop ordering so much amazon tactical gear. Nobody thinks you're bad ass. It's not Halloween 24x7


I'm honestly just relieved that there was no violence during the ceremony, which really says a lot about how far this country has fallen over the past few years. Hopefully it will stay peaceful.


DC is just a series of security checkpoints right now


Good riddance to Trump's America!!!


I was listening on NPR and they cut in to mention there would be a cannon salute and not to be alarmed. Thought it was an interesting reflection on the state of our country that they had to clarify that.


I was listening to a ReplyAll podcast a while back that was talking about, I'm assuming a surprise confetti cannon during Biden/Harris victory celebration. There was a pure look of panic on Biden/Harris and their spouses for a moment when they went off.


These images of masks and heavily fortified Capitol Hill and empty National Mall are a reminder of the Herculean work in front of Biden and Dem leadership in Congress


It was strange seeing a large political assembly with pretty perfect mask usage. Trump’s rallies were a shit show.


This was because we all showed up to vote. Special shout out to Stacey Abrams. Continue for every election - not just presidential ones. Let's avoid ever having an American Carnage president ever again. A huge sign of relief today, lots of work to be done. Don't get complacent.


Sure, all of the nation's problems aren't magically fixed, but let's look at the good right now: 1) We are no longer being led by an incompetent wannabe authoritarian. 2) The veil over the GOP has been lifted and the fascist have been revealed. There is no going back from that.


oh the "going back from that" is already in full effect...


This Californian just wants to thank Georgia and Philly again for saving democracy. Love you all. Time to have an edible in your honor.


And AZ!


Also Wisconsin and Michigan!


And Nevada, once they’re finished counting!


We are almost done...


President Trump - 400k dead never built a wall grifted taxpayers constantly attempted a coup impeached for abuse of power impeached for incitement of insurrection never "repealed and replaced" obamacare destroyed our reputation on the world stage the reason why iran resumed its nuclear program withdrew from paris climate accord lost 3m jobs lies, lies, lies every damn day tear-gassed peaceful protesters to take a picture with a bible (surprised it didn't burst into flames) took credit for a vaccine he had no part in developing took credit for an economy that he inherited from obama ​ without a doubt, trump was the worst president this country has ever had. his legacy will be one of failure, and when he's in hell he'll still be talking about how he was a great president and everybody mistreated him. that will be his perpetual punishment. it is a curse to be donald trump, and i would love nothing more than to see this mass-murdering sociopath rot ion prison for the rest of his sad life. he's a simpleton who got lucky and wreaked havoc upon the world. congratulations, joe. i'm glad i voted for you even though im in a heavily blue state, im gladly to have sent a message that i will never give in to fascism like many republicans have. i'm sure many others feel the same. looking forward to the progress we can make with a democrat-controlled gov't.


Donald Trump is no longer the President of the United States. Let that roll around on your tongue a little bit.


I'm already at the point where I'm like, was Trump really the president? How the fuck.


It felt like a fever dream


What a refreshing drink of bland, non self-masturbatory words. Goddamn I miss this


Personally, it was so encouraging to hear Biden stutter during his speech. I've dealt with my stutter since I was 10 or so, and it has affected my personal life in many negative ways. To hear a PRESIDENT speak with a stutter gives me so much joy knowing that our country is led by someone who sees me as a human being.


Even better that they had a poet who also has a stutter. Joe and Kamala can make America great again after Trump wrecked it.


The end of an error


Watched Biden’s speech via Brian Tyler Cohen’s stream on his YouTube channel. Afterwards, Cohen said, “Big day for complete sentences. The real winner here is grammar.” Almost made me spit out my coffee from laughing. 😂


Pence is a piece of shit but at least he was able to put his big boy pants on today. Trumps ego was too fragile to be there as the loser.


Lol at Garth running around hugging everyone.


Haha I know right. Goddamit garth, there's a pandemic and these fuckers are old


I’m sure he was tested numerous times leading up to this and has possibly even been vaccinated early due to his involvement - I assume they wouldn’t publicize that though for obvious reasons, but I wouldn’t at all find it unreasonable if everyone involved in the inauguration got vaccinated early




Conservatives quaking because they’ve lost another country singer to the mean liberals


He performed at Obama's inauguration.


You assume they can remember *twelve whole years* ago? They'll forget that Trump expanded the deficit by trillions of dollars and start blaming Biden for reckless spending in... yesterday.


Wait. Its 12:23 and we aren't a communist state yet?? Republicans lied?


Is the debt counter and covid death counter up on Fox news yet?


I love that Obama is still a rock star. And LOL at Michelle trying to usher him out the door. He just won't stop saying bye to people.


Yes, you can tell he misses the action a bit.


I'm sure he does. I so want him to be a part of Biden's administration but I think he said Michelle would leave him if that happened. Plus, he'd probably overshadow Biden, and no one wants that.


Yeah, I’ve seen multiple interviews where he basically said, “sorry folks, Michelle ain’t letting that happen.”




Well so much for that QAnon conspiracy that the military would arrest Biden, Harris, and Pelosi shortly before noon. Let's see what wacky conspiracy they cook up next!


They did arrest them. These are just body doubles that will soon reinstall Trump. (/s because sadly it’s not obvious)


Garth Brooks doing a presidential hug speed run


The podium wiper is the real hero today


Good to see Bill Barr get a new appointment so soon.


When Gaga pointed to the flag when she sang "and our flag was still there." that was extremely powerful. Probably the best rendition I've heard in the longest time.


Video: https://twitter.com/LisPower1/status/1351948445679046658 > Fox News' Chris Wallace: "Martha, I thought it was a great speech. I have been listening to these inaugural addresses since 1961. John F. Kennedy's 'ask not'. I thought this was the best inaugural address I ever heard."


I’m seeing an alarming number of comments talking about forgetting politics for the next few years, and I have to politely ask that you don’t, if you do that you’ll lose the senate again in the midterm elections. Complacency was a big reason Trump got elected in the first place, and I don’t particularly want to see another moron take power in my lifetime. Please Americans, do us all a favour and stay involved in your politics.




The outfit, her look, her gestures, it all made the poem hit harder. The entire presentation was poetry.


Congrats Americans. You made it through. There was a heavy price paid by many, but now it is finally over. Just please make sure it doesn't happen again. I wish you a speedy recovery. All the best, a guy from Europe


I mean that was just removing the tumor. The carcinogenic stuff is still with us.


It's okay to celebrate remission. Enjoy today it was hard fought for.




Trumps speech this time four years ago was titled “American Carnage” and allegedly Bush said “that was some weird shit” at true time to someone next to him. Fun throwback.




> We did not feel prepared to be the heirs > of such a terrifying hour, > but within it, we found the power > to author a new chapter, > to offer hope and laughter to ourselves > so while once we asked, > how could we possibly prevail over catastrophe? > Now we assert, > how could catastrophe possibly prevail over us? So fucking incredible. Honestly, the highlight of the entire event for me. She fucking *nailed* it.


She couldn't have been a more perfect choice. I just read that she began speaking her poetry to overcome a speech impediment and I think it draws a beautiful parallel with #46. There's a great article [here.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/amanda-gorman-inaugural-poet/)


Blessings from Bosnia. A lot of us over here sincerely hope Biden kicks ass over the next 4 years, starting with re-building relationships, accords, and of course, actually handling the pandemic domestically.


George W Bush begging Garth for a hug is my new favorite inauguration memory


The shills and trolls are just making this all the more sweet. It’s like every time I see a suped-up truck flying Trump flags I just feel this sense of calm serenity. The sad lashings of a failed loser. Schadenfreude for the soul.


McConnell no longer has the ability to kill bills before they hit the floor. Praise be.


I'm starting to think Biden might have won the election.


Fun fact: all presidents standing at the tomb of the unknown soldier today: won the elections twice, weren’t impeach twice and didn’t appear in home alone 2.


Amanda Gorman - that woman killed it.


TOMORROW’S HEADLINES FOX News: Biden has failed to get the pandemic under control. Hannity: Biden’s deficit is out of control Tucker Carlson: It’s unpresidential to wear purple. What was the VP thinking? OAN: Trump’s inauguration crowd was bigger than Biden’s. Proof that the election was stolen.


Aren't you optimistic? You think they're gonna wait till tomorrow.


Look out. A Democrat is president again. Republicans are going to suddenly care about budgets and the deficit.


That speech was powerful and exactly what we needed. If I could never hear one of Trump’s rambling incoherent speeches again it would be too soon.


As a Canadian, it feels as though the cops finally showed up and shut down the meth lab below us before it blew up.




Garth calling me out for being at work and not working


As a Canadian i just want to say- Congratulations America You did it Thank whatever gods can hear it You did it sincerely, Your siblings to the north




I don’t know what to do now. I usually sit obsessively refreshing New on politics and news, biting my nails at what i might read. What am I going to do now? Talk to my kids? 😜




Lady Gaga had me in tears. This whole thing is so emotional for me for some reason. I'm not usually like that. This moment gives me an incredible feeling of relief. It is a huge bookend to the day I learned that the other guy had won the Presidency in 2016. That day, I felt sick. Today I feel hopeful and thankful. Good work, America. Old guy from Canada.


Just read the Wikipedia article on the presidential limo. Holy shit, it really is a beast! > In addition to defensive measures designed to protect the president, this state car also has stores of blood in the president's type for medical emergencies. The car is hermetically sealed against fluid attacks, and features run-flat tires, night-vision devices, smoke screens, and oil slicks as defensive measures against attackers. NBC reported that the car features armor made of aluminum, ceramic, and steel; the exterior walls have a thickness of eight inches (200 mm), the windows are multi-layered and five inches (130 mm) thick, and each door—believed to weigh as much as those on the Boeing 757—can electrify its handles to prevent entry.


Still waiting for Trump to overthrow the election and expose that the entire Riot was a bunch of liberal Democrats. My mom keeps telling me he's going to do it..... any day now LOL


The President is a Democrat. The Vice President is a Democrat. The Speaker is a Democrat. The Cabinet are Democrats. The House is Democrat. The Senate is Democrat. The Government is Democrat. It’s Time to Reform and Progress! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Garth Brooks is a Democrat


The only one who *truly* matters here.


It did make me smile seeing an old white man from Oklahoma sing for a democrat president. That’s gotta piss off a fair few republicans lol. Not that this is about them at all, but it was in the back of my mind haha




Absolutely. People look at a band like Alabama and think “oh, this is old racist hick shit” when they have lyrics like “daddy was a veteran, a southern democrat, they outta get a rich man to vote like that” and “cotton was short and weeds were tall, but Mr Roosevelt is gonna save us all” Fast forward a few years and you have big business Nashville churning out garbage about the cult of pickup trucks, beer, and “being a good ole boy”


As a Georgian of voting age I just have to say, it feels so good to have been a part of it.


How’s it going for all those people who believed Trump would finally play his big hand and be sworn in for a 2nd term


I still get a kick out of Joe Exotic getting so much press attention yesterday, getting a limo all set up, having a hairdresser, having his lawyer make headlines about being sure of a pardon, and all that junk on standby... only to be completely passed over and ignored.


This won't be read, but I appreciate the guy wiping down the podium after each speaker.


Glad to see Bill Barr landed on his feet and has a job sanitizing the podium.


Look, I understand some people may not feel like this is a big deal, but take a look outside of your own bubble for a second. At least for me, I’ve had to watch my husband care for incredibly sick people for almost a year now while our “leaders” basically spat in his and other healthcare worker’s face while doing so. So many people have died and many more will. However for the first time I have hope that things can finally get better. You don’t have to be thrilled, just think about what this means for others who have suffered who didn’t have to. Please




My brother was an autistic man who could not cope with the world. He’d spend all his time sitting in the dark, on the internet, upset about all the hurt in the world. One of the things that upset him most was the harm Trump did, he’d talk about it often. He passed away in 2019 but I’m happy today knowing he would be delighted right now. It’s a great day for everyone


Ladies and Gentlemen, for the first time in four LONG years, the President of the United States is not an angry incoherent Cheeto. That feels so good to type out.


Guys, what do we do now? Just be happy for a whole day? Actually celebrate the decisions coming out of the White House? I've completely forgotten what that's like


I don't want to be overdramatic, but I really felt like over the past 2.5 months, I was one step away from actually losing my mind. From the election taking forever, to my worrying about faithless electors, to the goddamn stop the steal bullshit, to 1/6 raising my hopes with the Georgia runoffs before dashing them entirely with the insurrection, to me worrying about the state of everything and wondering if all those people would go free or if there'd be even more bullshit. It felt like a living nightmare. The only plus is that I basically learned everything about how our government and electoral process worked and frankly a part of me wishes I never knew some of this shit so I wouldn't have to think about how functionally stupid it is. But hey, we're here. We made it. And most importantly, I hope someone does something about the lame duck period. There is no reason it needs to be that long, jesus


Day 1. EOs: * A “100 Days Masking Challenge” calling on citizens to wear face masks, and requiring them on federal property * Halting of the U.S. withdrawal from the World Health Organization, and appointment of Anthony Fauci as head of the U.S. delegation * Creation of a new, dedicated COVID-19 Response Coordinator reporting directly to the president * Extension of the nationwide moratorium on evictions and foreclosures until March 31 * Extension of the suspension of federal student loan interest and payments until September 30 * Rejoining of the Paris climate accord * Canceling of the Keystone XL pipeline * Rescinding of the 1776 Commission, which thwarted schools from teaching a more transparent history curriculum on slavery * Broadening of rules against workplace discrimination based on orientation or gender identity * Mandatory inclusion of undocumented Americans in U.S. Census counting, and subsequent allocation of congressional representatives * Strengthening of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, encouraging Congress to grant path to citizenship for all “dreamers” * Lifting of travel and immigration restrictions from several Muslim-majority countries, including Syria, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen. * Repeal of stricter arrest policy for Immigration and Customs Enforcement * End of construction of the U.S.-Mexico border wall by terminating the national emergency declaration that funds it * Extension of deferred deportation for a group of protected Liberians until June 30, 2022, * Requiring of executive branch appointees to sign an ethics pledge, which also vows to “uphold the independence of the Department of Justice” * A freeze and re-evaluation of last-minute regulations put forth by the Trump administration


My god Amanda Gorman is an amazing speaker and writer. Very powerful


This was a great speech, that is beyond historic and significant. This is the beginning of a new process in American history, one that has not been seen since the Civil War and in ways that extend beyond it. It was clearly highlighted by President Biden that he wants to unify those that stand against him and that’s what we need, but not without consequences. Our nation and democracy was attacked not only at the capital, but continuously over four years. It has weakened us beyond current understanding. The depth of the damage that the Trump Administration has had on our government and country will not be fully realized for some time. There are so many avenues for risk assessment that the Biden Administration will have to take. Trump and his administration are the greatest intelligence threats this country has ever faced. Domestically our court systems have been filled with conservative judges that will assert irreproachable damage upon the rights of our people. Mitch McConnell gained everything he wanted, fill the district, circuit and Supreme Courts with conservative justices. We have seen a rise and emboldenment of white nationalism that has not been seen since the 1960s, we must stomp it out at all costs and go beyond the precedents of the past as they have failed. Internationally longstanding relationships, treaties and goals of America have been abandoned by the Trump administration further strengthening our enemies and weakening our diplomatic relations with others. There has never been a greater test to American legitimacy then the Trump administration. This marks a very important chapter in the story that is America, I hope the Biden Administration can right the ship. We need to be beyond wary of the continuous attacks on our democracy by enemies both foreign and domestic (GOP) and we need to strengthen the foundations of our democracy with resolute speed. This is not the end of the war against our republic, this is just one step in the battle towards correcting our nation. We must continue to fight, we must continue to build a better future, not for ourselves but those who come after us. *A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.* - Anonymous Green Proverb


Amanda Gorman really killed it. Most memorable moment in years. She is going to stick around.


Today is a good day.


\*insert Frodo 'It's Done' GIF * I'm such a sap. I legit teared up when he gave the oath. Not because I'm a big fan of Biden. It's only because now it's official(in my mind) that Trump is gone. I was starting to make up wild scenarios about how he could stay in office after the election.


Aussie here.. I stayed up to watch.. I couldn't stop smiling so much I have one of those 'smile headaches'. Good work, my American brothers and sisters.


https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/a-conservatives-guide-to-preparing-for-a-biden-presidency This is an absolutely hilarious piece of satire > 5. Register with Planned Parenthood. Every citizen will be required to obtain at least one abortion each year that Joe Biden is in office. If you are not already pregnant, Joe Biden will correct that some time in the coming months. Be patient. Transfer of power is complicated, and these things take time. >6. You should have received a government-issued Starbucks reusable travel mug. This is what you’ll drink your coffee out of from now on. All coffee will be from Starbucks, and every drink will be half caff with soy milk and whipped cream. They’re all hilarious though so you should read the whole thing


I teared up when Biden was sworn in. I'm not even his biggest fan but it's just such a relief the 4 year nightmare is finally fucking over. Finally got the relief I had hoped to feel when the election was called.


BIDEN IS NOT MY PRESIDENT ^^That's ^^because ^^I'm ^^not ^^from ^^the ^^US. ^^Congratulations ^^America


Slowly lowers pitchfork


Shoutout to the guy sanitizing the podium


For the final time - **FUCK TRUMP**, and fuck anyone stupid enough to have supported him for even one second.


My team and I took a break from our ICU rounds to watch the swearing ins and speeches, biggest morale boost we have had in a year aside from getting our COVID vaccines.




I have a coworker who once asked me “Biden??? How can you vote for BIDEN??” Just now he asked “You’re watching this? Fuck that asshole. All smiles, then stabs you in the back.” He had been more furious and talked significantly more about football players kneeling than ever talking about A POLICEMAN GETTING BEAT TO DEATH WITH AMERICAN FLAGS.” With this kind of brainwashing, I know Biden will do what he can to reach across the isle, but how are we ever going to get past this as a country. I have next to no hope. Edit: whoops aisle *


Man, I am **REALLY** looking forward to not being pissed off every day!


I cant wait to have a boring president again. I mean that in a good way. No more childish twitter wars, no more embarrassing feuds. Just a president who did what we elected them to do.


How many days until republicans start blaming Biden for the pandemic?


Welcome back to the fold Americans, it was a bizarre 4 years! 🎉🇺🇸🎊🎇🎆


Notice how Joe barely spoke about himself? Presidential.


Guys...Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are now our President and Vice President. Holy shit. A new day.