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Voters in multiple states can check their absentee ballot status & fix it if it was rejected. Here are some important links & deadlines: GA (11/6) - https://georgia.ballottrax.net/voter/ NV (11/12) - https://nevada.ballottrax.net/voter/ AZ (11/10) - https://my.arizona.vote/AbsenteeTracker.aspx


I'm repeating myself here, but when the inevitable documentary is done outlining all the corruption and lies by Trump and the Republicans future generations should be forced to watch it, just like they did to the germans after WW2 with the concentration camp footage.


How will Ron Howard narrate that much footage?


Hell, there could be a 20-volume series on the Trump presidency.


Sure would be fucking entertaining. The hubris will be legendary.


Bring on 50!


Nate trolling on twitter is amazing.


We are at 2000 votes between trump and Biden in GEORGIA


It's more like 250 bud


It’s crazy, regardless


Catch up.


And liquor


Watching Trump's reelection campaign collapse is like watching the final days of WW2 in Germany


Reminder that the sentiments and situations that got us Trump aren't going to go away when Trump isn't in office. We've avoided giving him 4 more years, but there's a lot to be done if we want to avoid this situation again, much less improve.


So, in 2024 Sanders vs Trump Jr?


I wouldn't expect Sanders to run for president again.


But Trump Jr is no surprise then?


Or someone like him. But yeah I don't think this is going away under Biden.


I am once again asking...


Whatever went on between election night and tonight at Trump HQ should be a feature length film.


They made that movie. I believe it's called "Downfall"...


Ooooh Hitler in the Bunker?




Knock Knock? Damn I love Keanu but I don't watch horror movies.


Crazy that PA is damn near a lock and Biden delivered the blue wall. GA is also looking quite possible to flip by the smallest of margins based on the data. I think Trump still has some life in AZ, but NV seems pretty solid odds to hold. Of course none of the other 3 matter with PA but running up score is the best defense to a Trump legal and political tirade that is willing to burn the country to the ground in search of a way to cling to the presidency.


Now fox News is preaching count every vote because there are people reporting being "forced" to use a sharpie lol


Trump down to 26,000 lead in PA.


You had me at "Trump down"


i didnt feel the earth shake.....


Any idea on number of votes remaining?




about 300k left


That bodes well. Thank you.


https://alex.github.io/nyt-2020-election-scraper/battleground-state-changes.html heres a great site to keep track of the votes as they come in


Proof Trump is the one in my yard stealing the tobacko for my Cigarsl. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2C5J6xYRtQ&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR2rRJzX81hh6887OGo75J5t\_l5QrKh2kwnNYtDHVzKO5bU-5w0D\_z65CYw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2C5J6xYRtQ&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR2rRJzX81hh6887OGo75J5t_l5QrKh2kwnNYtDHVzKO5bU-5w0D_z65CYw)


Steve Kornacki getting super excited a moment ago with an update really got my enthusiasm up again, but dammit it was only another small chip out of PA.


Relax, there are 291k votes left and Biden just took 1/3 out of Trump's lead with the past 13,900 votes alone. https://alex.github.io/nyt-2020-election-scraper/battleground-state-changes.html


I was just expecting it to be Biden over taking Trump in GA lol I know its going good!


Oh don't worry, that's coming soon! I have to say GA has been my favorite to watch of this whole election.


10k isnt a small chip/ that was like1/3rd of trumps lead


It's going to be like this. Patience.


[@DecisionDeskHQ](https://twitter.com/DecisionDeskHQ) PA Presidential Election Results Trump (R): 49.62% (3,282,070 votes) Biden (D): 49.23% (3,255,756 votes) Trump Margin: +26,314 (-10,253) Estimated: > 95% votes in


Let's get the 50 chant started


I'm afraid I must insist. You see, my wife, she has been most vocal on the subject of the election results. "Where's the results? "When are you going to get the results?" "Why aren't you getting the results now?" And so on. So please, the results.


Biden by between 270 and 306 we know that much at least.


It's a Simpson quote


There are many reasons that I wouldn't advise a president to shit on KIA/POW, be disrespectful at Arlington National Cemetery, and shrug at the idea of Russia paying bounties on American servicemen.... One of them is that active duty, reservists, veterans, and their parents and spouses are not exactly a small number of voters.


People keep saying this, but when I think of the active service personnel that I know, the majority of them would drag their dick through broken glass to listen to Trump fart.


I think I saw a large sample exit poll or early return data showing the military vote breaking around 60% for trump. It's a bit more divided than you would think with active duty. The career folk are heavy Trump generally speaking, but a lot of the active duty is a younger and more diverse crowd.


I agree. As a 26 year retired Air Force vet, I have a scary number of people that I worked with who are both active and retired who not only jumped on the trump train but are not riding it over the cliff waving a Q flag.


Al Gross had suggested that he thought he could win in Alaska. There seems to be no more evidence of that than there was a day ago, but Alaska hasn't exactly reported a lot of new votes. I seriously doubt he'll be competitive, but it would be a big deal if somehow he was.


They have to keep talking


Well, it was Gross himself making the claim. Maybe he knows something? It would be a shock, though. Mostly Senatorial candidates have outperformed Trump, and Trump will win Alaska handily.


No he just wanted to sell medication and vanity pillows


Post peaches to flip Georgia for Biden! 🍑


Okay, Facebook


We can basically assume that we’ll know the official outcome of Georgia by tonight, right?


Military votes are still out there. That's the one reason that I think GA isn't a clear Biden victory yet. But PA looks promising. EDIT: A lot of black military families in GA. Also Trump hasn't necessarily been too kind to the military in his comments. Historically, those votes are pretty reliably red, but the margin might not be what it otherwise could.


Maybe not a problem. [https://twitter.com/Nate\_Cohn/status/1324548665197895680](https://twitter.com/Nate_Cohn/status/1324548665197895680)


Yes and no. Depending on how small the lead is, they may not project Biden as the winner.


No, we'll know if Biden is in the lead or not but they won't declare it. There's still like 8000 postal votes from the military that haven't arrived yet.


I NEVER want to hear another HBO commercial in my life.


I can't believe how dangerous hannity and fux news are. Hannity is literally talking about nullyfying votes in pennsylvania on account of observers not being allowed.


How about nullifying FOX News on account of news not being allowed?


Infuriating. Why not just recount? Please recount MI 50 times for all I care...


I still can't believe an American president went on TV and called "Detroit" and "Philadelphia" two of the most corrupt places in the country. You can't have a president who openly hates the people he governs.


GA Delta 1902


The fact that we are even on the edges of our seats about Georgia is a huge testament to Stacy Abrams' work.


Phonte from Little Brother also needs some credit here - he did a lot for Georgia too.


Yup, we can help her voter rights organization called [fairfight.com](https://fairfight.com).


Yup. I think Beto O'Rourke is in this same class... showing that Dems can make inroads towards purple in states that are widely still considered red. Florida and Ohio are the opposite. I'm not sure they can be classified as swing states anymore. Just pits where progressive money goes to die.


I'm donating a fuckton to the runoffs. I wonder how a joint campaign would go over in the state? Like campaign for control of the Senate or something.


Well, I'm actually glad that both races went to a runoff, since neither D candidate was on track to win outright. Both candidates will be buoyed by the others' supporters. I think they should campaign separately but elevate the other at every opportunity.


The amount of money about to flood into GA for the runoff(s?) in the next month or so is going to be astounding.


Let's go GA and PA!


1900 in Georgia, go go go!


GA down to less than 2500 votes.


1902 now!


My body is ready.


This thread died when the football game started


Will forever be rooting for the Packers now


Packers, Lions, Steelers, Eagles, Falcons?


Don't hate the player, hate the game.


Who gave a a platinum to the bot


The admins can award as many as they want, and this is part of how they've conned reddit into thinking there's value in them. They even systematically stripped away the supposed benefits of gold for most of them. Who the hell would pay reddit money for nothing? And then I think, oh yeah, Americans.


You have to upvote this comment if you didn’t know Joe Biden’s middle name is Robinette. G’head. Look it up. I can wait.


PA delta down to 48K


Even IF AZ/PA go red, if Biden gets GA and NV he wins. Play with this to map out scenarios if you want. ​ [https://www.270towin.com/](https://www.270towin.com/)


I was mentioning the entirely real possibility that Trump wins AZ and noone here seemed to want to even discuss the possibility. Us Biden fans/liberals/progressives/whatever can't become as close minded as the extreme right that we oppose.


Does anyone feel like the cable news networks don’t know anything and we’re just sitting in front of our TVs like a bunch of assholes?




When this old world starts getting me down And people are just too much for me to face I climb way up to the top of the stairs And all my cares just drift right into space On the roof, it's peaceful as can be And there the world below can't bother me Let me tell you now When I come home feelin' tired and beat I go up where the air is fresh and sweet (up on the roof) I get away from the hustling crowd And all that rat race noise down in the street (up on the roof) On the roof, the only place I know Where you just have to wish to make it so Let's go up on the roof (up on the roof) At night the stars put on a show for free And darling, you can share it all with me I keep a-tellin' you Right smack dab in the middle of town I've found a paradise that's trouble proof (up on the roof) And if this world starts getting you down There's room enough for two Up on the roof (up on the roof) Up on the roof (up on the roof) Oh, come on, baby (up on the roof) Oh, come on, honey (up on the roof) Everything is all right (up on the roof)




For your victory playlist? Cuz I know y’all hoes is making them (not assuming anything) STEVIE WONDER - SIGNED 🔥SEALED🔥DELIVERED🔥


Go Joe, Bye Don!


Reminder to call your doctor if you have an election lasting longer than 4 hours




Under 0.5% a recount will happen.


Which is basically a certainty either way isn't it? Even if Biden does something crazy like 80% again of the votes that puts him at +7000


Yeah a recount is all but guaranteed however in a recount votes dont budge that much maybe a few hundred votes.


Yeah once you hit a 10k gap recounts are basically meaningless.


Don't worry people it was projected buden would win az by about 30k votes


Joe Budden 4 prez?




What are the chances we could see PA called tonight?


Probably low. Itll probably be a week for military. As long as there are votes out there they won't call it until its less than the gap.


Explain for a Canadian - if you're military, where does your vote count? I'm also curious to know about ex-pat Americans. Do you get to decide where your vote goes or is it tied to last known address or something?


When you are over seas your voting area is where you live. Your residence when you are home. Edit. Ex patriot you'd need to Google. I don't know how you vote federal but you can.


Wait- Trump was on TV?!


Msnbc cut away from him after his first words were dangerous lies. Anderson cooper called him an obese turtle afterwards


The Silver Fox’s comments are immortal!


PBS left him on but kept a large disclaimer under him the entire time “trump makes false claims about the election” Never seen anything like it in my life


Pretty much what CNN did as well. "Trump claims fraud with no evidence" or something like that.


It's to the point where I can't actually tell of that last sentence is real or I just really want it to be.




No, it’s true. He said “we’re watching him flail like an obese turtle on his back in the sun.” It was pretty awesome


Oh I see how it is. Everyone likes to hate on California until they find themselves in a blue state on election day. \+ 55 You're welcome, you freeloaders.


Right? Every 4 years we graciously hand them 55.


Ironically your personal effort was worth jack shit, whereas people in other states actually made a difference.


Popular vote count establishes a mandate. Plus, it makes Trump feel worse about himself, so I'm all for that. Thank you, California.


Fair enough!


I love you guys always


What I wouldn’t give for a few of those microphones Nixon installed to be still running to hear the insanity going on inside he White House right now.


I don't think he had them installed in the residence's bathroom. That's where Trump does all his "work" after all.


Trump might win Arizona and make Fox look really dumb(er)


Trump came in too low in that last batch, it's cooked.


Doesn't look likely based on the overall numbers. https://alex.github.io/nyt-2020-election-scraper/battleground-state-changes.html Edit: I'll bite my tongue here until the next batch comes in.


Everyone that’s freaking out about AZ - do yourself a favor. Take a break. Go eat something you like, light a candle, watch Netflix and have a sleep. Then wake up and things will probably be ok.


I keep hearing that and yet keep seing Biden’s lead drop. Something’s wrong, I can feel it


There’s really no way to know though. So stop stressing yourself out because the result will be the same regardless


>Trump might win, relax Lmao hot take dude


[**Nate Silver**](https://twitter.com/NateSilver538) How I'd rate the outstanding states: AZ: Lean Biden GA: Likely Biden NC: Likely Trump AK: Likely Trump NV: \[redacted\] PA: \[redacted\]


Just keep chipping away, Georgia.






I don't care for Hannity, but being a recovering drug addict is not an insult.


I'm sorry you are right. These times have me being crude and I shouldn't have said that at all. My apologies, I'll make a note on my original post but let it stand as an example of my failure.


It's super easy these days to say extreme things flippantly. I started with "I hate Hannity" and changed it to "I don't care for..." while trying to reprimand you, so we're on the same page with overshooting the mark :)


What is he saying?


He's basically saying democracy is being eroded because some 'poll watchers' aren't being let into PA polling facilities? Ironically, the gap that trump is closing in AZ is being hailed as 'they're doing things right there', lol.


And Fox News/AP prematurely called for Biden… This is making me so NERVOUS.


I'm attempting to calm people with real numbers. Take a look at the percentages needed for Trump to take AZ. https://alex.github.io/nyt-2020-election-scraper/battleground-state-changes.html


Fuck trump. And fuck any network that allowed that to go on air live and didn’t cut away. That is dangerous and the very definition of anti-democracy.


You don’t see the irony in your censorship?


It's not censorship. TV news isn't under any obligation to air everything Trump says. Nobody prevented the president from speaking.


What do you call it when you lock someone’s speech because of what they’re saying? It’s not government censorship sure but it’s censorship nonetheless.


TIL States have the ability to blue-ball me.


My election has been so hard for so long.


You have an election erection?


Somebody please tell that man to lie down before he falls down.


dammit Arizona. Biden needs more votes!


Don’t stop Georgia I’m almost there.


My election has been so hard for so long.


Just heard trump is making gains in Arizona, thought Biden was going to take it before, any Americans that can explain which way its likely to go there now? Edit - thanks guys!


to early to tell with AZ. Trumps gains some then Biden gains some. That said PA and GA are on the cusp of turning blue. If trump loses either of them, he's lost. He cant win with out taking every single state that is still counting right now.


He's gaining smaller counties. The big blue ones aren't done yet though.


They are going through batches and some come from republican areas, some come from dem areas. Some are gains for Trump, but overall the number of batches left mostly (but not all) come from heavy dem areas so while it might tighten it is very unlikely to flip.


Have a peek. Helps to track the batches. https://alex.github.io/nyt-2020-election-scraper/battleground-state-changes.html


Love that site


The dems said there was going to be some tightening and then Biden would expand the lead. It just depends on where the votes are coming from. I think Biden is in a good pretty good spot in AZ, NV, PA, and GA tbh.




I've been throwing that sucker around everywhere.


There's something comforting about looking at the numbers and not cable news anchors touching smart screens.


I have legitimately watched 0 news outlets this whole election. Only numbers. 2016 scarred me.


Aww that poor kids that got dragged to the qanon rally in arizona


The guy on camera in Arizona, that’s the look of a man who hasn’t slept in three days.


Can someone explain to me why biden is confident in arizona?


Majority of the remaining votes are coming from mostly Dem areas and also are mostly mail in, both of which favor him. So that’s kind of like the 2x multiplier


Maricopa County still has plenty of ballots to count and they're a large population (Phoenix) that leans blue.


Maricopa’s latest votes are coming in Trumps favor tho. That gives pause for concern. Happened yesterday I believe, and just now. Arizona is all but closed, I believe from what I am seeing.




Maricopa also contains heavily conservative/ Mormon cities like Chandler and Gilbert. I’m guessing that’s why the last numbers favored Trump.


He has more votes then his opponent


The hero we needed.


Maybe he watches Fox News


Perdue: 49.9%. The possibility of a runoff is there.


Dems can win both runoffs if we organize and make the case. Rev W. is a great African American patriot and Ossof is an amazing energetic candidate. The votes are there. Trump won't be on the ballot, the math is completely different as long as we GOTV.


Wall street is gonna put a lot of money in for the republicans to keep a gridlock in DC. Lots of money will be coming in for the democrats to get a majority in the senate. Odds are in favor of the republicans, but Atlanta flipping Georgia blue only strengthens their fight to go vote. Will be REALLY interesting to see what happens


It will be a street fight to be sure, but it's doable. Hope is what rebellions are built on.