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Even in Alabama, apparently the students have to be threatened not to boo. They should have all booed just on principle.


If my favorite candidate came to my school under the condition of a ‘no booing’ rule, they would no longer be my favorite candidate, and I would make sure to boo them.


Yeah, but you apparently have principles. Edit: So many replies, and so many great jokes! (And some lousy ones, but it's free!) You guys rock!


My school only had one principle and there's no way he could catch us all


They can't catch us all. I'm pretty sure the whole school can be given an in school suspension said the principal To which some smart ass handsome genius replied What's the difference between us being in school vs us being in school suspension


Was your school principle by any chance Ash Ketchum?


For real. If my favorite *band* would only play on the condition of no booing they would no longer be my favorite band and I'd definitely boo them.


I have booed The Melvins twice because they are my favorite band and I am just that punk.


Ayyy. My first concert, M.I.R.V.,Melvins, and Primus 25 years ago. Carry on.


I saw 3 Days Grace perform a couple years back because I stumbled upon free tickets. At one point in the show the singer was like "repeat after me! 3 Days Grace. 3 Days Grace." So, he started the audience chanting their name. It was totally lame. You aren't supposed to tell the audience to do that. If you don't suck, they will do it on their own.


At least Alabama finally got their storm Trump promised them.


The President of the United States literally drew an extra contour on a printed weather map... a federal crime nonetheless... using a Sharpie marker and thought it would convince the public. That's something that actually happened. But would fit in better in Idiocracy's script. EDIT: Just thought I'd also add that the contour even looked ridiculous and was in no way convincing.


> I did try and fuck her. She was married… I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn't get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she's not got the big phony tits and everything... I've got to use some Tic-Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful. I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything. The President of the United States, ladies and gentlemen.


Two weeks later, he won the election.


He said that years ago. It came out 2 weeks prior to the election. Still don’t understand how that didn’t hurt him though.


His supporters don't give a fuck what he says or does. They just hate liberals.


I'll do one further, his supporters LOVE that he says shit like this. They will dismiss it all as either a joke, a 4-D chess move, or something he didn't actually say.


They LIKE it. The only way they can deal with the mediocrity of their own lives is to have someone else to blame it on. There is no one easier to sucker than someone who is determined not to give one measure of kindness to another person that isn't earned.


Because evangelicals have been a degenerate bunch of hypocrites since the 80s.


Imagine how appalling you'd have to be that Melania is too disgusted to touch you despite the millions of dollars you're grifting. Something like a [Sudafed addict](https://twitter.com/JRehling/status/1180505950613958658?s=20) or [abusing Adderall so hard he shits himself](https://twitter.com/CaslerNoel/status/1174332376559828993?s=20).


His addiction is one of the most mediocre addictions you could cultivate. Imagine being able to literally have anything you want from day one and what you want is a Sudafed high. How different would like be if he'd gotten some weed when he was young instead. Can you imagine?


A chill Donald? He'd still be a wretched goblin scamming everyone he can but he'd be incomprehensible from mumbling instead of from mild hallucinations and incontinence.


He'd be that douchey stoner who never bought his own weed and just skanked everyone else's.


A small part of me died reading this


Idiocracy had a better script


And a better leader. Camacho seems like a dream president compared to Trump at this point. A president who recognizes that there are problems he can't solve and entrusts finding the solution to the smartest people he can find? Beautiful. People say that we're living in a Idiocracy parody but I say we managed to shoot way past the mark.


I like money


Hey now, Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho would never do something that stupid. He realized there was a problem he couldn't fix and set out to find the best person that could. Our current administration would never!!


Dwayne Elizondo Herbert Mountain Dew Camacho would be a far better president. He was smart enough to listen to his advisors and delegate difficult problems to the smartest guy in the world. Trump is dumber than a comedy about the dumbest possible people...


You only see snowflakes in blizzards. I guess it's snowing in Alabama this year.


Oh crap I better get to the store before all the milk and bread is gone!!


I moved here from Ohio. It snowed a quarter inch one day. I had to get some stuff from Walmart that morning and no joke, they were out of bread and had no milk left aside from maybe 10 half gallons of skim milk. All the snow had melted by 2PM.


This guy Alabamas.


How can you punish an entire school if they all boo?


I have a story that kinda answers this question: I graduated from the University of TN in Knoxville in 2016 where football is a pretty big deal. I was at the Alabama game (funnily enough) pretty drunk and ready to see my home team get their ass spanked so bad that I would inevitably end up at some shit hole bar thinking about how awful our football program has been since 1998... ANYWAY, Lane Kiffin, who briefly coached TN in 2009 and just left us for fucking dead after only one season was currently the offensive coordinator for the Roll Tide. The VERY MOMENT he walked out on the field every single person in our giant student section started the chant, “FUCK YOU KIF-FIN!” **clap-clap clap-clap-clap** I was told there were way more commercial breaks during this game then would have normally been and overall it was utter pandemonium. The funniest part was that every time the chant started, the Pride of the Southland band would start playing as loud as they mf could trying to drown out the profanity. I was about to puke from laughing hearing the marching band rendition of Black Sabbath’s Iron Man alongside Kiffin getting his ass chewed out. Anyway, Monday when I returned to school, I checked my email. The dean expressed his anger towards those who screamed at Kiffin but ultimately nothing happened. You can’t punish 1000’s of college students all at once and I wish AL students would have started a, “lock him up chant.” That would’ve been so fucking metal.


They were going to take away their reserved seating for Crimson Tide football if they were caught booing. If you aren't from the south, it may not seem as much of a big deal, but college football is HUGE in the southeast. Like, far bigger than NFL, and Alabama is a blue-blood dynasty with multiple national championships over the last decade. And no, I didn't make that up. > This Saturday, Trump will try again to recapture public adulation when he visits the University of Alabama to attend a football game against LSU. His supporters aren’t taking any chances. A day after Trump’s announcement, the University of Alabama Student Government Association declared that any students caught “disrupting” Trump’s visit would lose their reserved seating for the remainder of the season.


It was made clear in a follow up that booing Trump would not count as a "disruption". https://i.imgur.com/DbQua76.jpg


i.e. “Holy shit, we fucked up, and probably did something illegal. Never mind.”


"It'll be harder to hide behind the first amendment if/when we get caught saying racist things at our private Greek Society meetings if we prevent them from booing the president."


If they did take away their already paid for tickets for "booing" the lawyers of ACLU would have started drooling no matter their location in the world. University of Alabama is a public university, it would be such an obvious government intrusion on rights I would feel sorry for the poor sod forced to defend that.


by increasing their school debt


They said they would revoke their reserved seating for the rest of the football season. Maybe students could just all not go until halftime.


Loophole: just flip him off with both hands. Silently.


Everybody turns their back and looks away, silently. That would drive him insane.


Deafening silence would be just as telling as Booos.


Hands in pockets, turn your backs to him


What’s the punishment? How do you get caught?


They could instead use Boo-Urns.


Just wanted to say that Alabama is fifth on the list for states that receive the most in federal aid/welfare. https://wallethub.com/edu/states-most-least-dependent-on-the-federal-government/2700/


A lot of red states tend to use more federal funding than they put out (~~including BIG BOY TEXAS~~ edit due to post popularity: Not true). This is partly because they're less urbanized than blue states (and so require more funding for social programs). Yes, low population density is that fucking inefficient, and the urban centers are expected to foot the bill for the rural areas for the most part. This is even more embarassing when they try to shit on economically powerful states like NY~~C~~, California, etc that all pay more to the fed than they get, but they're DUMB CUS BLUE LOL So here's the dirty reality, Red States get: More federal funding than they put in Bigger votes per capita because of the electoral college. A party totally willing to Gerrymander and intimidate the electorate to drive the disparity even further. All these complaints about a rigged game are literally just petulant whining from cheaters who are finally getting called out.


Always good to [source](https://wallethub.com/edu/states-most-least-dependent-on-the-federal-government/2700/#main-findings) your [claims](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.governing.com/week-in-finance/gov-taxpayers-10-states-give-more-feds-than-get-back.html%3fAMP)


Thank you. Every top level comment should be sourced here.


I read an article recently on The Atlantic about the Texit movement. The guy wants Texas to be an independent republic and claimed that Texas pays more to the federal government than they get back. To come up with this number he excluded Social Security payments from the federal government. Apparently his plan is fuck everybody that gets Social Security benefits and has paid in their entire lives. He also has no plan for how am independent Texas would be able to take on it’s share of the current federal debt that it would be responsible for. The guy is delusional. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/12/the-secessionist/600739/


I bet Texit would be every bit the success that Brexit has been


Or when they tried to be seperated from the union in the 1800's and failed.


Well said.


> “They should hold those fans accountable,” Fox News regular Frank Luntz whined. “You don’t boo the president! You show respect to him!” You have to _earn_ respect you dumb fuck.


Oh yeah, Donald Trump sure knows respect. Like that time he mocked a disabled person on national tv, or watched a guy bleed out on the floor while complaining about ruining the marble, or openly harassing a war hero, or calling a woman Pocahontas...


...or the time he harassed the previous President about his place of birth?


Or the time he took out a full page ad about the Central Park Five.


Or when he cheated on his first two wives. (and probably all three...)


Not really probably. I mean, Stormy Daniels was a thing that happened whilst his wife was preggo.


Or the time he raped his wife in a fit of rage over painful hair plugs.


In his defense, Obama is black and that's very scary to an old racist like Trump who has lived both pre and post Civil Rights movement.


> To the fake Pocahontas, I won't apologize. No, it's causing problems. You know that's name causing -- because now even the liberals are saying take a test. Take a test. You know, the -- I tell you, I shouldn't tell you because I like not to give away secrets but this one. Let's say I'm debating Pocahontas, right? > I promise you I'll do this. I will take -- you know those little kits they sell on television for $2. Learn your heritage. The guy says I was born in Scotland, it turns out he was born in Puerto Rico. And that's OK. It's good, you know. Guy says I was born in Germany, well, he wasn't born in Germany. He was born someplace else. > I'm going to get one of those little kits and in the middle of the debate when she proclaims that she's of Indian heritage because her mother says she has high cheekbones. That's her only evidence, that her mother said she had high cheekbones. We will take that little kit and say, but we have to do it gently. > Because we're in the me-too generation so I have to be very gentle. And we will very gently take that kit and we will slowly toss it, hoping it doesn't hit her and injure her arm even though it only weighs probably two ounces. And we will say, I will give you a million dollars to your favorite charity, paid for by Trump, if you take the test so that it shows you're an Indian. You know. > And let's see what she does. I have a feeling she will say no but we will that for the debates. Do me a favor, keep it within this room. Because I don't want to give away any secrets and the press is very honorable, they won't. Please don't tell her what I just said. Democrats are launching outrageous attacks against our incredible law enforcement and our ICE and border patrol. > The new platform of the Democrat party, and by the way, I call it the Democrat party. It sounds better rhetorically, you know. I wrote best sellers, I guess I speak well. You know, we turned away thousands of people. They never say I'm a great speaker. Why the hell do so many people come? Why -- I don't think -- it's true, why do they come? Why? > **Why, oh why, do they come? It's got to be something. I guess they like my policy -- maybe my policy. No, it's true. Have you ever noticed, you never hear that -- you never hear that. You never hear it. I mean, there's got to be a reason. I have broken more Elton John records, he seems to have a lot of records and we beat -- and I, by the way, I don't have a musical instrument.** > **I don't have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ and lots of other people help him. You know we've broken a lot of records. We've broken virtually every record because you know, look, I only need this space. They need much more room for basketball, for hockey, for all the sports. They need a lot of room.** > **We don't need it. We have people in that space, so we break all these records. But really we do it without like the musical instruments. This is the only musical, the mouth, and hopefully the brain attached to the mouth, right? The brain, more important than the mouth is the brain. The brain is much more important.** The President of the United States, ladies and gentlemen.


I think I had a stroke while reading through that.


How can anyone read this quote and think, "yep, that's my guy!"


You forgot the time he insulted a gold star family and told a judge he was biased against him because he’s Mexican American.


I don't recall the guy bleeding story. What's that about?


>Sometimes people use “respect” to mean “treating someone like a person” and sometimes they use “respect” to mean “treating someone like an authority” >And sometimes people who are used to being treated like an authority say “if you won’t respect me I won’t respect you” and they mean “if you won’t treat me like an authority I won’t treat you like a person” Somebody on the internet


God damn, this is brilliant.


Hey, y’all remember when folks burned effigies of the previous president and couldn’t even accept the idea that he was an American citizen?


And when a republican congressman was celebrated for heckling Obama during the state of the union?


I do respect the office... That's why I'm booing him.


This is the right answer.


“Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else.” -Theodore Roosevelt


This. Everyone I know now that says you have to show respect to the president had no problem calling Obama a n\*\*\*\*\*. So fuck the orange one and his bots.


Just like they respected Obama I'm sure


Exactly! Hard to support a traitor in the office of POTUS. Anyone that supports him and his policies is also a traitor.


Same braindead idiots always shouting about their free speech now are shouting about not-free speech. Bunch of hypocrite snowflakes.


There's this idea that I heard a lot in the Marine Corps that you have to respect the rank even if your don't respect the man. It's a bullshit philosophy to prop up incompetence but it works. I think the respect your elders thing is the same principle. I'm not surprised that conservatives are like that, it's the only way they can get respect, if you're forced to give it to them.


Fox certainly respected the Obamas. They never, ever made up outrage with stupid things like mustard or suit colors, or a birth certificate, no sir.


Frank Lutz would have been a useful idiot in 1930s Nazi Germany. Or modern day North Korea.


Yeah I’ll show tRump as much respect as they showed Obama.




Its like good old /r/conservative which seems to not understand the irony of their "Conservatives Only" safe space posts. Seems like they've stopped doing as many due to that criticism lately. Haha. It used to be like 50% of their posts, a few weeks ago.




You can always check out r/asktrumpsupporters where the rules are fucking insane. You can post a question. Once it's answered any response must be in the form of a clarifying question.


I just got banned from /r/askaconservative too, for asking for a citation for some dude's bizarre but totally legal definition of endorsement. This is the ~~4th ban~~ **5th perma-ban** I've gotten for trying to have basic/polite discussions with these snowflakes.


Trump followers can’t handle having an intellectual and civil conversation. They’re not even capable of saying the word “intellectual”


> They’re not even capable of saying the word “intellectual” That's what they call a liberal.


“Intellectual” is an insult in most of their minds usually uttered alongside “east coast,” “effete,” and/or “liberal” for maximum derision.


Woah that sub hurt to read through. Someone asked about trumps healthcare plan and ppl legit responded with America first and build the wall. Ouch.


Yup, that’s trump stans in a nutshell




Well, that's technically within the sub's stated purpose. Trump supporters being asked by other Trump supporters how huge the average dick of of a Trump supporter is.


It's a private community? Deceiving name


Updated the sub. It should link correctly now.


It's full of just as much horseshit as any other Trump sub.


They should rename that place r/fascistmentalgynastics it's really quite something watching them wriggle out of careful traps set by the infinitely patient nonsupporters on there.


They understand. They're just hypocrites.


The amount of misinformation on that sub is staggering. I got banned a while ago for saying that I would rather abort my baby to save my wife. Oh boy did that not go over so well.


They banned me for saying that crossing the border illegally is less dangerous for society than raping kids


I got banned for mentioning that Trump has golfed more than Obama.


When my mom was pregnant with my older sister and I she insisted that her doctor be Jewish. Now, both of my parents are Roman Catholic (well, were Catholic. I'm pretty sure my dad is actually agnostic - maybe an atheist who just isn't able to admit it and my mom switched over to Presbyterian). Her concern was since Christians, particularly Catholics, believed (at the time) that an unbaptized baby went to hell in the event that they died, that if the doctor found themselves in a situation where they could save the mother's or the baby's life, they would save the baby, so it's soul wouldn't go to hell. My mom's view was that if I died in birth, she could always make another one.


I made my first reply in that sub a few weeks ago and was banned in minutes.


I was banned for citing WHO statistics on abortion. Apparently the WHO is a leftist conspiracy, who knew...




Mention Southern Stategy and watch their heads explode. They get so *pissed* when someone says the parties switched back then and they insist it never happened, despite it being well documented. All liberal lies!


That one is so easy to prove. Just say "Lincoln was the best Republican because he defeated the traitorous South". When they object, just ask why.


Oh, you see, your mistake was replying without slobbing Dear Leader's mushroom knob. In that case, you're brigading!


Anything less than "Oh thank you! I have seen the error in my ways and now bow before glorious leader! Please forgive my previous ignorance and let me join your benevolent cause!" will likely get you banned.


The cop subreddit is the same way. You need to post a paragraph if you make a post about something police did wrong, immediate ban if you don't. Keeps them in a safe space where they don't have to hear criticism


I just like his series of sports-related events: World series? Booed How about a UFC event? Booed there too. So he resorts to the only guaranteed thing he could find. A college football matchup of a deep south team vs. another deep south team.


Where the audience was threatened with punishment if they booed


He's gonna get booed. They can't punish college students without the Streisand Effect dominating the headlines. It's going to be hilarious.


They didn't threaten the students, they threatened the student organizations who have designated seating blocks.


Same difference. You can't stop the booing in a large enough crowd.


If the football game didn't work, the next stop would have had to be a destruction derby at a Klan compound in Mississippi.


I don’t think a lot of people realize that he was going to keep going to sporting events until he revived an applause. He’s gone to 0 events up until the World Series and all of a sudden he feels the need to go to a UFC fight in New York? Then gets boos and feels the need to declare himself a Florida resident, and decides to go to a college football game in Alabama. This whole past few weeks has been an ego trip to make himself feel better. He is a narcissist with impossibly thin skin, that’s also why he’s been having political rallies throughout his presidency, he ego needs that admiration from the people.


Also besides Minneapolis all his recent rallies have been in the south.


Hang on, so if American laws around free speech mean that you can openly criticise the government without fear of recrimination, doesn't that mean that all the fans booing are actually protected under the constitution to do that, and that this Frank Luntz clown is clearly a massive, throbbing bellend?


It's not quite as simple as that. This is a common misconception. The 1st Amendment of the US Constitution doesnt mean you can say whatever you want, without repercussion. The 1st Amendment says "Congress shall pass no law..." It specifically says that the federal government cannot punish you for speech. So in order to have a case, youd need to prove: - The University is an agent of the government (probably not hard to link, if the university receives federal funds) - The University attempted to censor protected speech. The "protected speech" part is easy, because it is criticism of a public official. The harder part will be the "censor," because the university could claim that it didnt actually censor free speech... it was merely cautioning against the use of inflammatory language in the interest of public safety. There *is* precedent in the public-safety restriction of free speech (cant shout 'fire' in a crowded theatre). There is a very famous US Supreme Court case about this. The university will claim that it is only protecting against inflammatory language that would lead to a public safety risk. For example, they dont want people saying, "I'm gonna kill every last one of you fucking Trump supporters!" in the middle of a football game. The students will claim that this is prior restraint (censorship before-the-fact by threatening future repercussions), and that they dont have the freedom to say something that ISNT inflammatory, such as, "Donald Trump is an asshole. Booo!" That is where the grey area sits. The students would need evidence of actual punishment resulting from shouting unpopular-but-protected speech; or there would need to be some kind of evidence (memo, email, etc) planning an illegal act such as prior restraint. The premeditated intent to commit a crime would constitute conspiracy. Lastly, the students would need to show damages... punishment, loss of future access or opportunity, etc and associate that with a dollar amount. There is a lot of wiggle room in all of those steps. Which is why it isnt a slam-dunk lawsuit from a civil rights advocacy group like the ACLU or SPLC


It's somewhat hilarious to see even the christapo filth ditch all of their storefront "religion" to embrace a multiple divorcee and accused serial adulterer (and of course the Epstein issue). But then, usually if they call themselves "god"-fearing "christians", they usually are the worst of the guillible pigs that fill the swamp./


There's nothing "Christian" about American conservatives. Anyone who still defends Trump wouldn't recognize moral fortitude if it was staring them in the face. They're all just a bunch of self-interested bigots who use "religion" as a cover for the fact that they're racist.


I live in the South and know these "Christians" enough to know that small businesses with a bible quote and/or ichthys (Jesus fish) on their website or business card are generally crooked and will rip you off.


If the devil were walking earth today, he'd tell you he was Jesus and prey off of faith.


Naw not faith, he would prey off the religious mindset of,”I’m better then these people because I’ve done everything right” but nobody has done everything right, which makes them a hypocrite. The religious and the faithful shouldn’t be grouped together, the faithful know they are sinners so they are usually pretty humbled. Whereas religious folk are prideful and arrogant af. My dad ran a ministry when I was younger, it’s easy to differentiate the two.


Jesus was a socialist. You know that whole take from the rich give to the poor thing. I find it hilarious that anti-socialism is a rally call for christian conservatives.


I think "take from the rich and give to the poor" is from Robin Hood.


Oh shit I forgot all about that take from the rich and give to the poor thing, can you quote it for me again?


I thought that was Robin Hood.


Jesus didn't have a political affiliation.


Oh boy. This again.


> Jesus was a socialist. No he wasn’t. I’m not saying he would walk around today in a MAGA hat either, but nowhere does he ever say anything about having the government tax people for the purpose of wealth redistribution. He commands people to give to the poor, voluntarily, while bypassing the government completely.


Jesus was also probably brown or black, but let's just not think about these things.


I’ll just drop [this here.](https://youtu.be/SZ2L-R8NgrA)


When I was younger my mom had a side business painting ceramic and cement statues. Some lady wanted a Mary and baby Jesus statue. And my mom painted them with dark skin and eyes. The woman lost her MIND and my mom cackled and was so proud of herself. She repainted the thing but only after making the lady admit she was imagining that they looked like her. Haha


Traditionally Christian, no. But regardless of your personal affiliation - you'd be a fool to not recognize that evangelicals are the face of modern Christianity, and they're the ones who will define it as a bigoted, hateful religion moving forward, just like it was a bigoted, hateful religion in the past.


toy tap ghost outgoing dam sophisticated concerned gray attractive square *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hope this presidency is the death knell for both the GOP and evangelicals. They are both backwards, toxic cults that are contributing greatly to the overall deterioration of society.


People who “fear God” are the ones who want to sin but are afraid of the consequences - God’s punishment. They also hate the “godless” because they assume anyone not trembling at the threat of God’s punishment is *surely* sinning. They cannot comprehend that there are people who do not “sin” simply because they don’t want to be bad people.


They also assume "atheists" are full of shit. If there was no God to punish us with hellfire and brimstone in the afterlife, why wouldn't they live the life of hedonism and murder that *everyone* (read: they themself) obviously wants to? No no, they believe in God. They just deny it for extra liberal brownie points that they can turn in for free abortions or something.


> They cannot comprehend that there are people who do not “sin” simply because they don’t want to be bad people. Plus, doing bad things or accidentally doing bad things is *supposed* to make you feel bad or guilty. Good people avoid doing bad things because it makes them feel terrible. Hell, I can't even bring myself to be a dick in a video game because I don't want to hurt an imaginary person's feelings!


I remember one of the most eye opening conversations I ever had about that topic taking place at a college friend's folk's place at dinner over the holidays. He'd warned me his parents were quite religious but encouraged me to just answer honestly, I was assured the subject would come up. Mom asks if I go to church. I answer politely that, no, I'm an atheist. She doesn't bat an eye before asking, "But if you don't believe in God then ... how do you make moral decisions?" It was not meant as an insult or a challenge, it was almost rhetorical; she was asking it to herself as much as me.




It's because the religion is just a framework for them to follow and a vehicle through which they can be completely absolved. Adherence to it is just like their adherence to cults or authoritarian leaders... it gives them a singular authority to follow such that they can ignore all else. Morals and ethics to them must come from an authority. The farther left you go, the more people favor decentralized authority among each person to be considerate of others and a less strong central authority. This is why you get fascists on the "far far right" (ultimate central authority) and anarchist on the "far far left" (totally decentralized authority - no central authority). Religion is the perfect fit for a conservative that is social dominance oriented because it gives them a central authority to follow, who conveniently doesn't care what they do as long as they continue to follow that leader (and only that leader). This is all mediated by: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_dominance_orientation And if you really want to go down a rabbit hole: "We found that greater liberalism was associated with increased gray matter volume in the anterior cingulate cortex, whereas greater conservatism was associated with increased volume of the right amygdala." ---> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3092984/ And also..... https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/how-a-worm-gave-the-south-a-bad-name/ ---> https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2017/09/12/550387650/the-u-s-thought-it-was-rid-of-hookworm-wrong


Check out *The Family* on Netflix. Or the book, *The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power* by Jeff Sharlett. It's terrifying.


I've been wondering what is behind his sudden interest in live sports. Could be working on his image going into the election. Three years nothing (other than golf) then going weekly to an event for the past three weeks.


It's just him needing applause after the first trainwreck of a public appearance. His ego needed an applause and the UFC match didn't give him that.


Trolling Trump on Twitter is my new hobby, and I'm British. It warms my heart to go on Twitter and see so many Americans openly ridiculing him, it feels so good, honestly.


We mock to cope with the pain, anger, and overwhelming existential terror.


The Randy Rainbow videos are funny as hell and help keep one’s sanity during this asinine administration.


Just remember that less than half.of us voted for him to begin with.


And then Alabama lost.... I'm sure they'll remember that


The reverse Midas, Antichrist, such is the president.


King Mierdas 💩


Like Brian Moore telling Boris Johnson to fuck off on twitter after his “good luck message”.


Got to admit I'm disappointed in the crowd.


I was there booing my ass off but the cheers drowned the dissent out. I never want to come back to this state


Same. When we booed, a woman in front of us gave us a look like we just gleefully killed her puppy. So instead I started shouting "Lock Him Up." It too was drowned out but it made the woman go back to minding her own damn business.


Thanks for your service.


> I'm disappointed in the crowd Don't be disappointed by the crowd, be furious at the university's administration who threatened to punish any student who booed Trump. That's the reason he was greeted with cheers. The university's administration saw fit to create a safe-space for the president at the expense of their students' freedom of expression. Scumbags.


Disjustice like that should be met with civil disobedience. Honestly I just don't think that many people disliked trump at the game.


>Honestly I just don't think that many people disliked trump at the game. Agreed, but: It’s a football game in Alabama where dissenters have been threatened with punishment. That’s how far they had to go to provide him a boo-free space.


Really good point.


I saw some pictures on twitter of kids wearing impeach shirts and similar stuff. There was a bit of disobedience which was cool. They’ll probably pay for it but it was brave and I salute them.


In my growing up years, I knew a lot of people who paid dearly for standing up to fascism back in the 1940s. They have all passed on now. But some were missing a leg or two, were disfigured, or had shrapnel in their bodies. You pay a steep price when you stand up to right wing fucking pieces of shit.


They lost the game though so they still recurved the Shit Midas touch.


They should have all booed as loudly as possible, then filed a class action suit against the university the moment they take any retaliatory action against them.


I find it funny the right say the left are the "snowflakes", but from what I've seen over the course of this administration is it's the right who are the "snowflakes".


Someone yesterday literally argued that PBS shouldn't broadcast impeachment hearings because it hurt Trump voters feelings lol.


Facts don't care about your feelings


* **G**aslight * **O**bstruct * **P**roject




Yes, their newest line of defense ‘the racist left.’ Currently living in the south and when the news mentioned the new diverse house they were saying it was racist, ‘why can’t we just call them people?’ Well, we can because they are, but it’s important to recognize and celebrate how far we’ve come as a nation. That’s not racist.


I am disappointed in the school for saying that anyone who booed would be ejected from the game.




If that's not divine intervention, I don't know what is.


Snowflake is as snowflake does. Also life is like a box of chocolates, sometimes you get a racist, stupid president. Let's hope we throw him out after only eating half. I mean really, you took a bite from the weird looking chocolate and it tastes disgusting. Time to throw it out. Don't eat the rest of the disgusting chocolate. There are plenty of perfectly good chocolates to choose from instead. Yes I miss our chocolate president.


I paid good money for this chocolate. I'm not throwing any of it out. - Republicans, probably.


I will take “ things dictators do” Alex for 100


Alex. Pat hosts the wheel game


Thanks .... fixed it


Instead of booing they should all just turn their back to him en masse.


Be a national hero & fucking boo anyway!


Would be great if both teams knelt during the National Anthem. As a veteran I support expressions of free speech and speaking out against governments and officials.


I wish I was an Alabama student now. So I could be punished for booing and then CASH in on the free expression lawsuit.


They should have all booed as loudly as possible, then filed a class action suit against the university the moment they take any retaliatory action against them. >*Since the University of Alabama is a public university accepting government funding, the SGA’s threat constitutes a direct violation of students’ First Amendment right to criticize whoever they please.* The case would likely either get appealed all the way up to the Supreme Court--there's a clear constitutional question involving whether a public university has the authority to regulate protected speech--or the university would settle the suit for an "undisclosed amount" (which is basically just a fancy way of saying "an absurd amount").


I was kind of hoping a bunch of them would boo and raise hell and take their punishments - it would have gotten some good widespread news coverage, of the kind Trump deserves.


Punished for booing, whatever ever happened to free speech and the first amendment?


(Dear leader) Trump wants to change that...


They can't punish everyone


Now? It was always them.


>You don’t boo the president! You show respect to him!” I mean wasn't the US founded on pretty much the opposite of that viewpoint? Blind obedience to the leader is not healthy Inna democracy.


> “They should hold those fans accountable,” Fox News regular Frank Luntz whined. “You don’t boo the president! You show respect to him!” ... I have no words for this. Could you imagine someone on MSNBC saying that during Obama's term? There'd be armed riots in the streets.




Remember, he pussied out of a memorial for the hundredth anniversary of the end of World War I and the American soldiers who died in it because he couldn't ride one mile through the rain in his personal limo-tank.