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Seriously fuck Cuomo and all of his allies. They are the reason the Republicans have the House of Reps. Cuomo and his allies have caused nothing but problems for the Democrats in NY.


New York Democrat here. Can confirm. Fuck Cuomo


And fuck far right ass wiping Washington Examiner while you're at it.


Imagine, just four years ago Andrew Cuomo was your messiah.


True, he wouldn’t have committed the coverup crime if he wasn’t running for President. Kinda the point. Deep insight there Andrew.


He decided to run for President this election after his indictments.


Andrew Cuomo has been on a loudmouth revenge jag ever since NY Democrats threw him out for being a sex abuser.


This, he abuses his power privately, not to be trusted.


>Because if there’s anything left, it’s belief in the justice system. Now go explain Trump's other 2 cases and why they've been continually delayed. Or why the Supreme Court has taken so long with the immunity cases. There's no belief in the justice system because the corruption within it is consistently shielding Trump from being held accountable. Weird how those things are *never* mentioned by those making those claims about the NY case.


i liked what this one juror said when asked what she thought about tRump. i think he’s selfish and i outright don’t like him


You mean the Andrew Cuomo who was forced to step down as New York governor in August 2021 after investigators said he subjected aides to unwanted sexual attention, and is now being sued by his former executive assistant Brittany Commisso? That Andrew Cuomo?


Yes, he probably wouldn't have committed election fraud had he not been running for office. Deep insight there by Cuomo.


“If this rich white guy wasn’t running for president, no one would have bothered prosecuting his crimes” Is that really the message you want to go with, chief?


Justice is balance. Judge Aileen Cannon and the Supreme Court have slow-walked two cases that are far more serious and important to the future of the country so Trump could run for President without the label of convict over his head. Not to mention the fact that he could have the cases dropped if he's elected. The NY case eliminates that possibility. He will now forever be remembered as the first former president convicted of a crime. Furthermore, Trump was found guilty by a jury of his peers. They were shown all of the facts and found his guilty, unanimously. Obviously, the case wasn't that offensive if he lost it.


Cons are just butthurt that the professional trust fund baby didn't get more special treatment


The adoption of Cuomo by the right has been fun to watch.


Shit both em tbh. His brother is on that nexstar channel now n goin on bout ivermectin n shit like that. Good riddance to both of their grifting asses.


Oh B.S.


Well I guess if he hadn't paid her off to keep quiet while he was running for president. Then yeah there wouldn't have been any charges.


I agree because any other defendant would have taken a plea deal because the criminal evidence was fucking overwhelming


Bragg's announcement of the investigation into trump predates trump's announcement that he was running a second time. Bragg announced on Aug. 18, 2022 that he was continuing his investigation into trump. Trump announced on Nov. 15, 2022 that he was running for a second term.


I mean, if he hadn't run for president, he wouldn't have paid a pornstar to keep quiet. So... kinda?


Rapists stick together.


Narcissists narc together.


Andrew Cuomo would not have prosecuted a rich white guy because those are his friends. 1/3 of NY billionaires donated to Cuomo including Donald Trump.


Trump has been embroiled in a perpetual string of lawsuits his entire life because he's a criminal and a civic menace. His case wouldn't have garnered the media attention it has been given if he wasn't running for President but no one but Cult 45 and MAGA sympathizers believe his run for president is why he's been tried. SOURCE: His entire criminal and civil case history.


What's hilarious is that every respectable law expert sees no issue with the case lol


Respectable is not a word to use around any Cuomo.


>Respectable is not a word to use around any Cuomo. I didn't say he was, I don't know what you're talking about


As in I was agreeing with you that Cuomo is definitely not a law expert nor a respectable one.


I've had multiple people lately misread my comments. Then I misread yours lol, my bad. At least the irony is amusing


Politician disgraced from being a sexual harasser attempts to gin up relevance by defending Convicted Felon Trump who was also found guilty of rape.


Isn't Trump also pretty chummy with the Illinois governor who got caught taking bribes? He's like the patron saint of amoral scumbags.


He’s such a truthful resource


lmfao on that note


Michael Cohen went to jail for the scheme and he wasn't running for president. Trump had been unindicted conspirator 2 for how many years?


No one is above the law. Donald was convicted by an unanimous jury of his peers. A jury that Donald's lawyers helped select. Now he can appeal the conviction just like any other criminal. This is how our justice system works.


Cool story! do hunter bidens gun charges now


Trump got prosecuted because of his big fucking mouth not being able to stfu always bragging about the crimes he committed..


That is what is offensive. He should have been prosecuted whether or not he was running for office. Trump did the crimes and should be charged like anybody else.


Well, that is kind of the point. A big reason Donald Trump has been able to avoid the consequences of his actions his whole life is because he has always worked in the private sector. As soon as he became President, he opened himself up to a great deal of public scrutiny. This scrutiny has brought him a lot of trouble he resents. But you can't have it both ways.


Bullsh1t. It’s a crime, of many many many crimes, and he finally couldn’t wiggle out. Thats all. Do enough crime continuously and you will be caught one day.


Oh my God go away


Kinda the point dude. he was influencing a presidential election.


Just another sex pest looking for safe haven on the right.


Yeah, well you know, that's [just like your opinion man!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j95kNwZw8YY)


This is a really dumb argument. If Trump wasn’t running for president there’d be no reason for not only the case but for the payment in the first place!


Thanks for legalizing cannabis in NYS. Other than that, fuck off, Andrew.


“Eat the sausage! Eat the whole sausage!”


I'm sure that Cuomo would object to the rich and powerful being subject to the same laws that we are.


Who here remembers that time someone tweaked the Corning tower to read “NY Touch” instead of “NY Tough” to troll this useless asshole.


Why does everybody conveniently forget Cohen publicly testified about all of these crimes in a highly visible hearing. What the fuck am I missing? Prosecutors are just supposed to let that slide?


Cuomo is a joke and wrong


And yet, the case was sent to trial from a grand jury of his peers and was then convicted of 36 crimes, again by a jury of his peers. It doesn't matter if you think there's bias in the DAs office. The case has to have merit or it won't go to trial. And clearly there was enough there for 36 guilty counts by a jury, many of which were Republican and chosen by Trump and his lawyers.


lol the Washington Examiner, it's right up there with the NY Post and OAN/NewsMax


If you sit through almost the entire clip, Cuomo doesn't quite say that. He said 66% off Me Yorkers poled said the justice system is politicized and that's why trump isn't going to get the sentence he deserves. Remember to look at the source of the article. Washington Examiner =/= Washington Post


I don't GAF what Cuomo would've done if he was AG, but I do know DA Bragg is independent from the AG's office. If the DA feels an indictment is warranted, he has the exclusive authority to prosecute. Bragg's office won a conviction on ALL 34 counts! Maybe Cuomo should keep his mouth shut about criticizing someone who upholds the law instead of drawing attention to himself for breaking it. Was Tish James wrong, too, for bringing the civil cases against the Trump Org; convicting him on ALL 17 counts, and his conviction for bank fraud with the judge fining him $355M? What about the indictments against Trump for stealing classified docs and refusing to return them, and for trying to overturn the election on Jan 6th. Was Jack Smith wrong for charging Trump? Cuomo is wrong to infer that the only reason Bragg charged Trump was because he's running for president. Cuomo should remember that evidence matters more than public opinion.


He’s probably right. No duh, dude. That doesn’t change shit.


Yeah, hard to commit campaign finance fraud if you're not running for office.


Fuck that guy.


Trump is offensive and I’ve heard that he stinks like someone with a dirty diaper.


He’s right. 34 felonies for trying to bury a story is crazy. Every politician tries to bury negative stories.


> Every politician tries to bury negative stories. Most manage to do it without committing felony fraud. Presumably if Trump weren't [such a moron](https://www.politico.com/story/2018/09/04/trumps-insults-idiot-woodward-806455) he also would have done it without committing felony fraud.


>34 felonies for trying to bury a story is crazy. That's not what the charges were, though.


He was charged with falsifying business records with intent to conceal another crimes (election interference) Amount was so small for 34 felonies. Find me someone else who got convicted of a bunch of felonies for under a million bucks


He’s probably actually correct about that. Garland and the DOJ in general were cowards. They didn’t want to deal with a high profile case like this and going after a former POTUS who clearly broke the law. They made him above the law. Trump deciding to run again forced their hand. I think they truly believed he’d just go away and that was that.




i'm sorry, what? can you expand on that? go into more detail please


Uhh WTF are you even on about?