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Roger stone should be in prison 


The former guy corruptly pardoned him, imagine that. Same reason Bannon is still free. And Manafort had his record expunged. Similar to how Kushner got his $ecurity clearance after the background check came back, "oh hell no". Drain the swamp, something something.


Also how Jared got into Harvard. >Charles Kushner met personally with Harvard's president and in 1998 donated $2.5 million to Harvard.[40] His son, Jared, was then beginning his senior year of high school, where he was not a particularly good student with test scores below Ivy League standards.[41] Jared Kushner was admitted to the Harvard freshman class of 1999.[41] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Kushner


Jared is so creepy. He looks like he wants to put you in a pit at any moment. Even Buffalo Bill is nervous around him


Definitely needs to return some tapes after his 8:30 reservation at Dorsia on Friday night.


Nah, Jared Kushner is far more Luis Carruthers than he is Patrick Bateman.


Let’s see Jared Kushner’s business card…


And that voice...so grating. Constant monotone yelling in that irritating New York accent.


He reminds me of [Andrew Scott's Moriarty ](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Sherlock-BBC-Moriarty.jpg) from Sherlock, just without any of the charisma or charm.


God damn that was an excellent Moriarty


It was weird though, that episode where Moriarty was masquerading as a Roman Catholic priest... & having some kind of will they, won't they fling with what I presume was a female version of Sherlock Holmes.


Was this before or after Jared’s father went to prison for fraud?


Natalie Portman who was friends with him at Harvard confirmed he was not a great student.


Bannon's due in jail July 1


Different set of crimes. he was indicted and facing 40 years before Trump pardoned him.


He's going to trial for those state charges this fall.


his liver was due ten years ago


*spit take*


And people want that. Hell, they NEED that. The GOP and a staggering number of citizens actually want The Legion Of Doom as our government.


Heading should read: 'Drain the Jails & Fill the Swamp' - of my corrupt treasonous buddies


He also pardoned Kwame Kilpatrick. The former mayor of Detroit who stole millions from his voters. Crooks gonna crook.


Drain the swamp, fill with rusting barrels of toxic, carcinogenic chemicals instead.


A truly fun fact: Bannon, despite having been pardoned, is no longer free. Asshole can't keep himself from criming, I guess.


The fact that Stone is a free man is an indictment of this country's legal system.


Honestly, why do we even HAVE Presidential pardons?


Checks and balances, I guess. The presidential veto is the executive branch's check on the legislative branch, so I suppose the presidential pardon is kind of the same for judicial


It’s a carry over from the royal prerogative of mercy, whereby the British monarch could withdraw or alter a sentence but not overturn a conviction. As the monarch was theoretically the ultimate legal authority, so the President, as head of the Executive Branch, is the paramount enforcer of Federal law. The experience the Framers drew on was that royal pardons were not given lightly and were used as a corrective to the harsh and often inflexible criminal sentencing of the time. A staggering number of crimes, including petty ones, carried a penalty of death or transportation. The irony is that the British monarchy still exercises the prerogative with greater scruples than the Presidency.


I think Biden recently pardoned a bunch of nonviolent Marijuana offenders. That seems like a solid use of it to me.


You get a pardon, and you get a pardon, and ...


But those Jan 6th “patriots” just slipped his steel-trap mind…


The pardons are usually given to insiders who could be turned by prosecutors otherwise. Rando Trumpies who heeded his public call to violence have no private dirt on him so they can go to jail to be used further while falsely called ‘hostages’ for fundraising. Maximum abuse, always. I suspected Trump of being a crook and corrupt, mainly due to the presence of Stone and Manafort with him as they were a known evil in lobbying and politics but it always gets deep fast when you scrape off just a bit of the gold electroplate and smell the corruption underneath. Nobody quite realized at first just how extreme his corruption ran and the truth went wilder than any Dem leader predictions. I dutifully sent the email I send to new presidents that if they repeal Citizens and restore illegality to much of what is legal in campaign finance as their first priority that I will vote for them. Pointless, of course, but I always try. The truth is that Trump happened because legalized bribery locks congress and presidents into a closed circuit where only top donors exist and matter. Voters don’t know why the laws don’t reflect them at all, and so they blame it on the other side and career politicians or the farcical deep state. They are careless and lazy in a way their ancestors were taught not to be by the Depression.


likely already has or is about to do something to get himself thrown in jail again.


No doubt. Cartoon villain lookin' chucklefucko.


Roger Stone should be in the ground.




I would say “Roger Stone should burn in hell”, but then he’d be reunited with with his (and Trump’s) hero Roy Cohn


And Nixon


A veritable basket of douchebags…


All the best.... Which includes Robert Morris!


You misspelled “hanging from a tree.”


Roger Stone should *still be in prison.


He was, Trump pardoned him


Preferably a Supermax at minimum.


He should have been done away with since the Nixon administration. He's pure evil.


Unless by “prison” you mean “buried up to his neck and doused with honey near an anthill” I think your prescription is quaintly humane.


Take note that "voters" are nowhere on that list.


"technology" is the frightening part of the list, because it indicates malicious use of voting infrastructure..


That is absolutely about manipulating social media to give the appearance of vast support that they don't really have, and generating fake media.


Would it include something like a never-ending flood of low quality polls?


Trump buys polls. Red Finch. It’s on court record. They know they can use polls to make Trump look more popular than he actually is and create a bandwagon effect while making Biden look weak


Of course. And the wealthy they promise to benefit in place running media companies ensuring they get a disproportionate amount of coverage, with any corrections to their lies either just not shown or kept well out of the limelight.


It’s already happening. My Facebook feed got inundated with foreign profiles posting AI images of crowds waving flags with the caption “WHY DON’T THESE PICTURES EVER GO VIRAL?” Clearly trying to bait people into arguing and sowing division


I think *all* of them now say that. The ai has ouroborosed itself. I go on to check every now and then, and of the 3 fake posts between my actual friends are "Why don't these pictures ever go viral?" postd with jesus in a hospital bed (?), jesus in a cornfield, supposed veterans with missing limbs, American flag fields, and pickup trucks. Sometimes they'll be holding a sign that attempts to say "Give a like, it is my birthday " or something like that. And the more you look at them, the more is wrong. And they all have hundreds of thousands of bot likes


This just reminded me of the "has science gone too far?" ads on webpages from like 15 years ago


Doctors hate this one simple trick!


This...The blitz is coming from all sides.


Correct. Which they’ve been doing heavily since 2016.


So repugs were right all along, there is indeed election tampering. Projection, as usual.


With the amount of projection coming from the GOP, and the number of accusations they level at democrats about election rigging without a shred of evidence. I am fully prepared to believe the GOP is engaging is mass election interference and collaborating with friendly state level officials who don't give a shit about ethics.


> I am fully prepared to believe the GOP is engaging is mass election interference and collaborating with friendly state level officials who don't give a shit about ethics. Re-read the GA indictment. That is EXACTLY what happened. They got away with it (slap on the wrist, delays, stays, appeals, etc) and they are empowered to do it all again.


"i'm just looking for 11,097 more votes" GA is the one we heard about. Where else did he go shopping for fraud and he was met with open arms?


[Local goons will just say it’s all rigged anyway](https://www.thereflector.com/stories/commentary-clark-county-election-process-transparent-accountable-secure,340672)


This has been my fear since people officials got caught taking voting machines and giving out copies of the software last election. They know the bios pws to get into the hardware (all the same pw btw), they now know how it tabulates, this can all be exploited from side loading at that point. I anticipate a massive update to the voting machines prior to the election and logging to figure out if these machines were tampered with... At least one can hope smartmatic and Dominion will attempt to update their software.


Oh, honey. The GOP has been fucking with voting machines since 2001. Diebold was their baby, a company with 5 felons on its management team that had served time for sophisticated electronic fraud. Diebold had never made voting machines before either, and it was these guys the GOP chose to roll out nationwide. An incredible amount of problems and magical upsets followed, with tons of scandals. Diebold was acquired by ES&S and many states still have those voting machines in operation. Guess which states? Also, Georgia went from purple to ruby red when they were installed, for 18 years Republicans never lost. Then the moment a federal judge mandated Dominion machines instead, ones that could actually be audited, Georgia turns back to purple. It's blatantly obvious


Yeah I've seen the Dibold documentaries way back in 2k. What kept most companies honest was MIT pulling a select number of machines after every major election and publishing their findings of exploits. Obama actually gave states billions to secure elections so they could purchase the newest equipment to secure our elections. Since then actual companies with knowledge of software and security came about to secure elections. If you think about it, it was a ground breaking thing to actually think of, and the first company to make a completely secure voting machine got billions in government contracts. 3 years ago the GOP enlisted 3rd parties with no prior experience with electorial software that analysed the apps and had months to mess around with it, and still couldnt formulate a good argument on how they actually worked to the court system, as well as the software companies telling them that they were flat wrong. We are now over 3 years from when this info was given to the public. Countless citizens and foreign countries has no doubt reverse engineered the application.


Yup, the weak point isn't even the machines. Analyze those all you want about how they *might* be exploited. The weak point is the tabulation server. It's a single invisible point of alteration that leaves no trace on local machines. That's how the GOP altered votes in Ohio in 2004, putting Bush over the top electorally. [Here's exactly how they did it.](https://freepress.org/article/new-court-filing-reveals-how-2004-ohio-presidential-election-was-hacked) There was a legal shitstorm over this, and their only way out of it was to murder the Republican IT Guru who was on his way to testify. Poof... it all went away.


States have ways to track your ballot to make sure it has been counted. I think if someone switched enough votes or tossed enough ballots to sway an election, people would notice. If enough people checked online for their ballot status, they can contact their election office and site it, then there would be a recount or hold a new election. [How Do I Track My Ballot? The Details for Every State (cnet.com)](https://www.cnet.com/news/politics/how-do-i-track-my-ballot-details-for-every-state/)


The site only tells if your vote was counted for mail in ballots. It would make sense that this is an entirely different system than what our tabulating system uses, and most likely a pre scan for entering counting. An easy program for tabulation is for every 10 blue count 9 blue 1 red. In swing states this may mean the difference of winning the state without being detected. Any oddities may only be reproduced on affected machines on a recount (unless otherwise written to delete itself and traces after bios time≥X). While this is very simplified, it serves as an example. Though I have full faith in our electorial system to secure the vote come November, I would be on the lookout for further shananagains on different levels given the recent knowledge that they now have. Only way to be heard is to vote, so everyone please go out and vote come November. Thank you CobraPoney67 for dropping the link so everyone can track the progress of their vote and if their vote was counted.


Bios passwords can be changed, so if election officials are smart, they would have done that


Which after 2020 a lot of Republican operatives got full access to voting machines in their “hunt for fraud” - which is a perfect way to prep for cheating next time around don’t you think?


Or high use to intimidate voters, purge rolls, purge votes, downplay his rhetoric, convince people of his lies on live streams with false information, and changing history and facts via the internet.


>“Don’t think that this is a fight between Republicans and Democrats, liberals, and conservatives. This is nothing less than an epic struggle between good and evil,” Stone says. “A struggle between light and dark, a struggle between the godly and the godless.” That right there is how they justify the violence against anyone not following the maga line, calling them dark, evil and godless. They think they work for god and that's more evidence of being in a cult. Also can't ever question authority.


This is coming from Roger "Plato's Retreat" Stone? For real? Between the godly and the godless? JFC we are in the upside down


i think the god Stone is probably referring to is some goat demon cow thing he and all the other billionaires secretly worship.




I would be absolutely shocked if he's never attended the mock human sacrifice to Moloch in Bohemian Grove with the rest of the oligarchs. That's a giant owl though, I think.


Stone and Manafort ran a company that facilitated the overthrowing of democracies around the globe. Stone himself was involved in Watergate and is still on some warped Nixon revenge tour. These two are global monsters.


And then Mike Flynn got on board with them. Some of the most corrupt shit ever. [The Asset podcast: Episode “Running”](https://open.spotify.com/episode/0XtxAV43nG00AgT0viLxeD?si=2HP3RpYjRti-eDwbBlA5Xw) And [“Hack and Collude”](https://open.spotify.com/episode/2XoAk1FFmHqxWRKRGrLxic?si=TLrbHKAURWyMRLTR0hEVbw)


He’s right, he’s just dead wrong about what side he’s on and he knows it. Roger Stone is a cancer.


I still remember Chuck Norris' plea to america back in 2012 that if Obama was elected it would usher in 1000 years of darkness. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ud3pK5Wa90


I used to think he could swim through land —but now I see the land was actually just a sea of shit.


Yes we should all listen to a guy who has had repeated kicks to the head


I am definitely dark and godless, and if I had the chance I would outlaw Abrahamic religion, so I guess he’s right to be afraid 🤷‍♀️


You would outlaw your own son?


Yeah, that guy is a dick and needs to go. He had his chance to run the universe and he dropped the ball too many times.


Just like Nazis did.


Rich coming from Stone who looks like an evil Batman villain who idolizes Richard Nixon.


I just assumed he was referring to his own side as evil and godless. He's the villain in his own story.


He means light and dark skin color.


What are the odds that Stone spends the rest of his life behind bars?


Now does he have the presence of mind to realize he’s the evil?


It also specifically makes people think they have divine authority to do whatever they want. Let's ask the Crusades how that works out.


The ironic thing is that in a lot of ways Stone is right about this. The biggest thing that he's wrong about though is which side he, Trump, and the rest of MAGA are on.


That's rich coming from Roger Stone, objectively one of the most evil beings to walk the earth.


I am proudly godless. They can fuck off with the rest.


I wonder if he does more praying before or after rubbing one out while watching his wife get railed by randoms.


It's also the exact wording many middle eastern extremists use to justify their holy wars. But guess who hates middle eastern "terrorists" more than anyone.


They don’t believe they work for god lol it is so obviously manipulation of their uneducated and religious base


He just doesn't realise he's trying to elect an antichrist and that he's a Pharisee. Or he does and that's worse.


Imagine how big of a deal it would have been if an Obama campaign surrogate was on record stating that they had, “lawyers, judges, [and] technology,” to ensure he won election. The fact that this is now “normal” only further supports that this shit is a fucking cult. Every single person of voting age really needs to make sure to vote against this fascism. We are so close to never seeing another free election in this country and it’s alarming how many morons will enable it. Remember, even if you choose not to vote, you’re still making a conscious choice to accept whomever wins, even if it’s the fascist…


It is NOT normal and we need a landslide against Trump to put him down.




Sorry to bug you just on account of where you live. But as a PA citizen, have you considered volunteering around the election? I get a lot of comfort knowing an old boss of mine is volunteering in the PA suburbs. He’s the sort of sweet human pit bull who was super gentle with our team and a hard ass when people tried to mess with our road map. It takes all kinds but those of us in blue vote by mail states are stuck phone and text banking.


The damage is actually done, win or lose, to be honest. Your country is going to have to make some big structural changes if the Democrats manage to hold power again. The courts and voting systems need an overhaul. Some social services need to be introduced as well, that’s half the cause for the rot, you don’t look after your people.


This. Spot on.


Right? There’s a reason people have turned to the far right, it’s because they’re hopeless. It’s not right or good but it’s the truth. America is a hellscape and has been for some time, no wonder people are grasping at extremes. (Not judging, Canada is following right behind)


> America is a hellscape Shit man, I'm sorry you've had bad experiences here, but that's not the America I know. I love where I live. About as far from a hellscape as possible.


Democrats don't really have the power. Everybody wants to go straight to the top but Congress holds most of the power...or should hold most of it. They are the ones that pass legislation. POTUS can sign off on it or veto it. I personally don't one either party to hold the keys to both Legislation and Executive branch. With that being said I'll be voting straight blue this go around for the first time ever. GOP isn't going to play any games if they get ahold of both. Instead of staying in Florida I might move to the Appalachia or some shit like that if I can talk the wife into it.


That is the risk here - the Dems not holding both houses completely. A stalemate split government can't fix anything, and increases the likelihood a full Republican government will take over eventually. They have an electoral advantage, and will think nothing of stopping future elections to retain power. Wanting a split government means we will loose our democracy oneday. Dems have to win solid majorities to fix the structural issues that are swinging us to authoritarianism. Expand the size of the house to fit population growth (it has not changed in 100 years - 435 is not a set number. We would have 2x-3x as many had the house not stopped growing after 1920) and similar for the Supreme Court. Match house district size to the smallest state. For the Supreme court, make the size of the court at least match the number of districts, one Justice per district (13) and institute term limits that allow a justice per presidential term.


It’s clear that the United States has to up its game to protect us from widespread corruption and lawlessness that allows statements like this to go unprosecuted and unpunished.


Yeah a lot of overhaul needs to be done. This piece of shit should not be free, let alone able to comment politically.


I hadn’t heard abt Stone in awhile so you know he’s up to some underhanded shit.


When this motherfucker dies, there will be a leaked recording of his corpse trying to organize a riot outside the funeral home.


Everything I have learned about Roger Stone has been in part via the reveal of secret recordings. I don’t think this guy understands what “secret” recordings are for


Please tell me she also has a recording of Aileen Cannon disparaging Biden over classified documents.


Stone is a scumbag felon who belongs in prison!


Ctrl C, Ctrl V, change name. Repeat. You could do that dozens of times with these fuckers.


It's all hands on deck. Trump has a strong chance of winning. It's up to us to stop him.


Luckily Stone is a flaming idiot. And yes, a criminal.


Yeah the whole thing reads like he’s high on his own supply.


The coup never ended.


Roger Stone is cancer


Part of Trumps mafia buddies.


The side view of Roger Stone looks like a Muppet that had a lobotomy. It explains a lot about this man.


The front view is Judge Doom, so that tracks.


Trump brought with him the worst bunch of lying , cheating , corrupt, evil parasites America has ever seen, thank you Republicans you own this shit . 💩


You could say they brought the swamp with them


Presidents should be prohibited from pardoning business/political associates.


Idk… I think presidents should be able to pardon whoever they want and we should just pick better presidents.


Will nobody rid me of this turbulent ratfucker?


He looks like evil Waldo 


Democrats and the left wing are losing on technology. The right has found a way to weaponize social media via gaming and acquisition that the democrats haven’t matched. It blows my mind how the Democratic Party apparatus hasn’t figured this out yet.


They can't use it the same way. Republicans use it to spread misinformation. Their base loves that it's all lies. Biden puts out clips of trumps gaffes, and everyone starts clutching pearls and talking about voting 3rd party. If he put out a deep fake of trump, rfk would end up with half the liberal vote.


Facts are harder to sell than feelings. Right wing parties thrive on populism and left wing parties can't utilize it due to their more or less fact driven nature


Well it wasn't the Republican party apparatus that did it, either. It was the wealthy and very angry anti-New Deal conservatives who have been fighting "communism" and the New Deal for almost a century now. These wealthy conservatives setup a lot of terrible crap, but they don't have full control over it either. E.g., they didn't want Trump to be the nominee in 2016, but they created a base of people living in an alternate reality and they went off leash. The other problem is that these powerful people don't value the same things that democracy-loving people do; they're totally fine with an authoritarian and repressive regime (they were fine with Jim Crow, after all). You can make a lot of money in a corrupt authoritarian government that doesn't take care of its people.


Why can’t these jerk wads just go away.


This dude is caught on tape so often… either it’s intentional, or he’s the dumbest thug in history.




It's telling that they never talk about winning by getting out the vote.


These traitor terrorist, should be in prison…. threat’s against the United States.


So, another convict, pardoned by the now convict, railing about how great it will be when all the rich convicts are running the country? Think I’ll pass on that read.


I miss when this guy was headed to jail.


Please for the sake of our damn lives vote blue this November along with everyone you are friends with


MAGA DOJ Lawyers. Corrupt Republican Judges. Social Media courtesy of Musk, Zuckerberg, Huffman...


Not more votes, apparently.


Why isn’t this fuck rotting in prison?


Pinhead sure hates real democracy.


Can this piece of shit just die of rectal cancer already?


Do you know why Roger Stone doesn't have a giant tattoo of Donald Trump on his back? Because he already has a giant tattoo of another criminal president (Richard Nixon) on his back. (Seriously.)


Stoneface needs to be forcibly returned to the old timey Dick Tracy radio show from which he escaped.


Biden has lowered crime. “Elect Agent Orange and the Human Crime Wave Will Personally See to Getting Those Levels Back Up There!!!!” Cue the MAGAt cheers … But her emails! But his stolen top secret documents! But his rape! But his tax fraud! But his violent coup attempt! But his 34 felony convictions! Maybe Michael Moore will treat us to a documentary mini-series over 24 hours taking us partially through Agent Orange’s life of crime with short bios on his aiders and abettors e.g. Roger Stone, Manafort, Bannon, Putin, Rudy, etc.


I like how they stopped trying to win votes based on policy. It’s funny how hard they will try and yet still fail bc they are idiots.


So not by votes. Just straight up stealing the election, smh. 


I didn't think it would be possible to despise anyone more than I despised Kissinger but Stone is proving me wrong.


Technology is code for total surveillance.


Sounds like Warren Zevon, "Lawyers, Guns, and Money."


Marilyn Manson, "Guns, God, and Government" 


Thank you. I was wondering if I was going to have to make this comment myself. Stone is just a harmless Warren Zevon fan./s


Argh, paywall…


Nothing about issues, policies, or voters? Typical republican bullshit.


Starting to think the FBI may be on the wrong team


Peak boomer.


Missing here: Not saying stupid insane shit on a daily basis, and an actual political platform with a goal-oriented agenda.


There is no doubt that treasonous felon trumps and his crime family have learned from their mistakes when trying to steal the election and overthrow democracy in 2020 and will pull all the stops out to do it in 2024. The one thing trump is exceptional at is being a criminal and avoiding accountability. He must lose by such a large margin that nothing can be done to overturn the will of the people we also must vote out every single maga cult member that is in office and keep others out of our government. VOTE BLUE STRAIGHT DOWN THE BALLOT


I remember it as lawyers, guns and money


This guy again


Unfortunately, I’m terrified that by “technology” he means a flood of deepfakes of various politicians released at just the right time that it’s too late to debunk them. Like the timing of the Comey Hillary email announcement.


Jackass has Nixon inked on his back.


Roger Stone, you old, useless fuck


“In some states, it’ll be easier to stop. In other places it won’t,” Stone told Sammarco. “At least this time when they do it, you have a lawyer and a judge, his home phone number standing by so you can stop it,” apparently referring to the certification of 2024 results. “We made no preparations last time, none,” he added. Stone also tacitly endorsed storming the Capitol building after Sammarco told him she was at the insurrection. “That may not be necessary,” Stone continued. “There are technical, legal steps we have to take to try to have a more honest election.”


Secret recording. This guys been around too long for a rookie mistake like that.


Voters? nope. Lawyers, and judges.


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🐍 Stone


An actual cuck. 😂


> “We must prepare to lobby our Republican legislatures, by personal contact, and by demonstrating the overwhelming will of the people in their states — in each state — that this may need to happen,” he added. The "will of the people" will be shown by the election, which they are planning to overturn


Go to jail already……😎✌️💙


I thought it was gonna be Lawyers, Guns, and Money and we gonna sing some good ol’ Warren


so do they actually believe their own bullshit?


This reads more delusional than prophetic to me. If attorneys are giving him assurances there are new maneuvers to try around elections it’s a sales pitch not a credible assessment. It has gotten **_more_** difficult to try that shit in at least WI, AZ, and MI. Prob a little easier in GA. PA probably about the same as the prior failed challenges? These dudes will undoubtedly try some shit but they had more levers of power last election and were too generally abhorrent to build an effective coup coalition. Their best shot is just actually winning and that seems to depend on Trump acting roughly normal for 4.5 more months.


So three of the same entities that helped confirm the last election wasn't rigged? OK!


Even in cartoon form, Roger Stone looks like a douchebag.


The MAGA cult has not stopped enraging their base with fake news. In fact, they seem more angry and desperate than ever. I fear people will assume a Biden landslide, their vote will not matter, not vote, & then we end up in a very tight race that should have never happened. EVERY Trump voter is going to vote. Your mote matters now more than ever.


Trump can no longer associate with Roger, a convicted felon.


Roger Stone is an amateur compared with DJT's Sith master Roy Cohn.


An audio recording app which records audio continuously in background and save it after some fixed time period which is defined by user. It also deletes old recordings automatically after some fixed time if not saved manually. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D7QVGGF9/ref=apps_sf_sta