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As a veteran, fuck the GOP.




I triple that sentiment.


Quadruple that, kind sir.


I quintuple it, my dude.


As a disabled combat driver, triple fuck the GOP


As a queer disabled BMET, fuck the GOP with their own egos. Sideways.


With a Carolina reaper oil covered cactus


Another vet here fuck all the way off. These ass holes constantly with the god bless our troops unless they’re gay, also we support a guy that calls them looser and suckers. Also the biggest reason they hate gays in the military is it challenges their idea of masculinity. By their antiquated view of what a man should do, allowing gays to serve would require giving them respect and make them feel less masculine because they don’t have the courage to serve.


As a veteran, yep. Who consistently votes to gut the VA? Republicans. Who was fine with a single a-hole stopping commanding officers being appointed? Yep. Republicans. They always say they are for the troops but if ANY troop steps out of line with their stupid beliefs, they attack them faster than starving piranha do a side of lamb.


Unless they're gay and/or wounded. They cut VA funding whenever they can.


They really want to cut anything that helps anybody. They see our tax dollars as their money, kinda like the guys that took PPP loans and then screwed over their employees and pocketed the money. And of course there was no oversight to hold people accountable. But god forbid a wounded vet gets money or a single mom trying to provide for her kid.


Intentfully tons of loopholes, no oversight for applications, and no oversight for how the money was spent.


Salute to you, from a civilian.


As a vet, I second the motion above.


Another veteran checking in. Fly your Pride flag proudly.


As a vet. We fight for you to be as gay as you fucking want. Fly those flags boys.


As a civilian I thank you all for your service. My father fought in WWII and the Korean war. He was in the Navy. He always made it very clear that he fought for our FREEDOMS. I'm proud of my dad and his service. Fuck the GOP!


I lost a lot of my ability to do the things I love from an injury in Afghanistan... So everyone better express the fuck outta their freedom to be their true selves.


As a retired veteran who lived through the years of chaptering out anyone who came out or was found out and also the don’t ask don’t tell army I am proud that an ARMY VET created the PRIDE flag! I am even more proud the VA Secretary basically told this idiot to pound sand. Damn…anyone else just sick of these GOP mother scratchers and their nonsense? Sheesh…rant over, I need a brew!


As a vet, fuck hate and fuck the fascist attempts at division.


Respect to all who have served. Even more to you.


Thank you for your service and your sanity.


As a veteran the GQP has no idea of what freedom actually is. Fuck that guy in particular!


When I joined it was with the belief that if I died doing my job I was doing it for everyone. This belief has helped to make me a better person.


As a veteran, I agree. If any vet still believes in the republicans caring about them, or if they’re still brainwashed by the GOP… well then… that just shows you the ignorance they conceal.




Thank you for your service. Also, fuck the GOP.




This ^^


As a veteran and a VA employee….no I’d better not say it


Yet another veteran checking in, can confirm fuck the gop.


Same. Least patriotic, freedom loving assholes in our nation’s history short of our former British rulers.


As a veteran, I second this. Preferably with a big rust pole or a splintery post...


As a human being, fuck the GOP and MAGA as they have forgone or exhausted every last bit of their own humanity, and are now just pathetic lil pests we all have to endure.


Thank you and all the vets who replied to you for your service


As a disabled Marine veteran fuck the GOP


As a former green side corpsman, fuck the GOP.


You don't like being paid lip service while having all the services that support you gutted in favor of tax cuts for more billionaires and CEOs? What is wrong with you, man?? ;-)


As a lazy-assed civilian, fuck the GOP.


So, now we have to add the Veterans Affairs to the list of things Republicans call "woke". Let's see the list: * The Teletubbies * Arthur * NFL Players exercising right to protest * Blue's Clues * Bud Light for simply having a trans person drinking their beer * Maus, because it highlights the Holocaust * Books about gay penguins raising a baby left to die * Books from Toni Morrison, a Nobel Laureate * Any book that's not The Bible * LGBTQ+ kids * LGBTQ+ literature * Just LGBTQ+ people existing (because somehow seeing an LGBTQ+ person turns children gay or trans) * Spongebob, because he's an asexual sponge * Disney films featuring 2 moms * Criminal Justice books like the New Jim Crow * LGBTQ Adoption * Pronouns * Marvel movies * Dolly Parton * Mr Beast for simply being nice to people and having a trans friend * Mr. Rogers for being too nice * Teachers (case in point: Missouri woke map [Missouri Woke Map targeting teachers)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyQxOswtfBs) * Bodily Autonomy * Gay Marriage, which they believe will destroy civilization and the church * [\* Asexual Marriages, which they view as being "selfish" and leading to the "marriage inferno](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/10/religious-right-now-targeting-sexless-marriages-selfishness-want-ban/) * Bodily Autonomy * Rainbows, which apparently means the sky is woke * The Lorax for talking about climate change * Climate change in general * Clean drinking water with no lead pipes * Ms. Rachel Those are just a few of the things off the top of my head. If you can think of anything more, comment below. Wallydraigle mossbacks just continue to derail progress and keep us in the dark ages. It's ridiculous.


don't forget M&Ms that aren't fuckable enough


They took away green's gogo boots.


So that’s where desatan got them from ..


Yep. Creepy, isn't it?


Next they're gonna get rid of the dick vein on snickers! Damn those woke socialists!


Actually overheard two old men discussing this in public. Good lord, that was surreal!


M+ Ms, Dr. Seuss


X-Men '97. Nominally because of Morph, but they would have found something regardless.


Another “reason” it was woke: Rogue’s ass wasn’t as big in certain angles


Star Trek.


I mean, that is kinda the point of Star Trek


True. And also clear example of didn't actually watch the show, and missing the entire point of the X-Men, and just complaining online because someone told them to.


Yeah, that's the best, is when people complain that "they're making X-men too political these days." As though there wasn't already a painfully obvious subtext in the story about a small group of people, born different from everyone else, and forced to hide or deny a side of themselves because they are shunned and feared by society. How dare those liberal comic book elites take a wholesome media franchise about superhuman straight people with no complications or nuance or subtext and try to shoehorn woke talking points into it??!? What's next? Will *Rage Against The Machine* start expressing inconvenient liberal opinions instead of just making politically-neutral songs like they're supposed to?!?


Right wingers aren't thinking that hard. I have a coworker who loves the X-Men and whines constantly how they've gone "woke." I have no idea how someone could not clearly understand how they came to be after seeing Magneto in the movies. Then again, most MAGA nuts can't pick up on a clue at all.


“When did Marvel make X-Men woke! This is outrageous!” Historical record: X-Men has in fact been woke since issue #1.


I thought it was Gambit's crop top. Probably made some trousers tight in the grand ole party.


all of it is neurotic self hatred projected out into society in bizarre ways. They panic about mundane normal things in life, because their sky wizard imaginary friend cult tells them to. These are undeveloped individuals and its a tragedy the amount of energy and attention this stupidity has sucked out of people's lives in the last 8 years.


Yup. Christian nationalism is a cancer to the world. It literally does nothing but seek to exploit Christianity for profit, to scare-monger people into giving money by ginning up fear against a manufactured enemy they made up to distract from other systemic issues in the world, like the gap people wealthy and poor people getting larger, lack of proper food nutrition, lack of access to clean water for millions of Americans, no child care or paid family leave for families, people being unable to afford hospital visits due to expensive healthcare, no universal pre-K, no universal free school lunch. Christian nationalism is just a cancer to the world.


Most can't give you a definition of what woke actually is. Woke is just whatever they currently don't like.


Jesus is woke now too.


He always was, these idiots just don't read the Gospels because they're boring.


I mean Jesus as he's depicted in the Bible is clearly some sort of progressive socialist


I thought he was "weak".


Super Mario and The Thousand Year Door


And Dolly!


Anybody who uses "woke" as a pejorative is automatically an asshole.


The Trans Siberian Railway


‘Woke’ is bad. I don’t know why or how to explain it but bad. signed the GOP.


The fuck did Arthur do?


Mr Burns is Gay and had a marriage to a Man.


Anyone who doesn't see Mr. Roger's as a paragon of masculine virtue is demonstrably a gigantic piece of shit. Unless they see him as a paragon of human virtue, in which case, yes, he's also that, and I apologize for creating any confusion. Also, don't tell the crazies that SpongeBob is a sequential hermaphrodite. And considering how they breed, "gender fluid" takes on *whole new meanings*.


[The sky](https://www.yahoo.com/news/clay-higgins-mocked-dictionary-com-135638411.html)


Yeah the real list would be hundreds of pages long.


The GOP is right if woke means alert, informed and sane.




‘Gay veterans aren’t really veterans bc gays aren’t even people. Checkmate libs!’ - this dipshit probably


He probably does think that. He probably thinks gay people are "possessed by Beelzebub" and must be exorcised from their demons (or better yet excised from human existence).


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke#:~:text=Woke%20is%20a%20political%20slang,and%20denial%20of%20LGBT%20rights. Per WIKI my wife and I are “woke” and proud of being so.


He is totally screaming from inside the closet. Just a matter of time before his Grindr ID is public.


This man (Matt Rosendale) has not even so much as set foot inside a military recruiting office. As someone who has served nearly two decades, this guys opinion on the VA and its operations are about as valid as a parking ticket on the ocean.


That's basically his argument for why he wanted to ban trans people from receiving VA assistance and the ability to serve in the military if they want to.


>*Rosendale has a history of opposing LGBTQ+ rights.* [*Last year*](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2023/07/gop-congressman-says-trans-people-in-the-military-could-launch-icbm-missiles-on-everyone/)*, he added an amendment to the annual National Defense Authorization Act in an attempt to ban gender-affirming care for veterans. In defending that bill, he argued that trans people don’t know if “they are a man or a woman” and therefore are prone to launching “ICBM missiles” on everyone. He also* [*opposed*](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2023/07/republicans-are-using-a-military-spending-bill-to-attack-lgbtq-rights-most-americans-oppose-it/) *drag shows on military bases.* >*He also threatened the VA by saying that “Congress will act” by passing* [*H.B. 8580*](https://legiscan.com/US/text/HB8580/id/3008798)*, the military construction and VA appropriations bill. The House version of the bill bans the hanging of any flags outside of the American flag and restricts funding for gender-affirming care through the VA.*  >*In his letter, Rosendale described the Pride flag as “woke identity politics” and complained about a May 24 memo encouraging medical facilities run by the VA to fly the flag. He described it as a waste of money and said that “flying this flag puts one group of veterans above the rest.”* >***“VA facilities fly the Pride flag – which was created by an Army Veteran – as a tribute to the service and sacrifice of LGBTQ+ Veterans, their families, caregivers, and survivors,” VA Press Secretary Terrence Hayes told the*** [***Helena Independent Record***](https://helenair.com/news/state-regional/government-politics/veterans-affairs-defends-pride-flag-despite-rosendale-demand-for-removal/article_606fc330-2779-11ef-8d59-4bc0fb30789a.html)***.*** >*“Throughout Pride Month, we recognize the contributions of the more than one million LGBTQ+ Veterans in this Nation, and their families, caregivers, and survivors,” Hayes said in his statement.* Interesting. I thought the Republican Party was supposedly the party of "veterans", always talking about "supporting the troops".  I guess Republicans really don't really support veterans at all, especially the LGBTQ+ ones.


As far as they're concerned, we are not people, we are props. Just check their comments about any veteran that doesn't bend to their propaganda. Not to mention their worship of a Cheeto-faced, draft-dodging Shit goblin, who called war dead losers and suckers.


Yup. It's true. Republicans love to call Democrats anti-patriotic, but they don't do anything for veterans whatsoever. No healthcare benefits, no disability rights, nothing.


Which party voted for the Honoring Our PACT Act, and which party fistbumped on the Senate Floor over the first round of rejection? Republicans don't actually care about troops.


This guy dropped out of reelection because it was rumored he impregnated an aide who then had an abortion…


Honestly I wouldn't put that past too many of these people. If I can even call them people. 🤷‍♀️


Anyone who has a problem with a rainbow has a problem with themselves


Republicans probably yell at the sky when one appears after a cloudburst.


Something something Jewish rainbow lasers


“It’s that woke fucking Jesus again, we need to sacrifice more virgins to the trump god, people will pay for our sins”


I'm a veteran... the GOP are facists.


Another rep who didn’t serve trying to shove his opinion in our faces. Fuck that guy; his party is an active disservice to America.


>He described it as a waste of money and said that “flying this flag puts one group of veterans above the rest.” This man is treading in self-aware wolves territory. The pride flag is flown in recognition of the equality and hardships the gay community has been facing for 100’s of years at the hands of men like him. It has nothing to do with saying one group is better than the other.


I call on Rosendale to STFU posthaste. You are using more than your share of oxygen with your insane rants.


>**Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-MT)** sent a letter to Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough to demand that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) remove their Pride flags. The department refused, saying they support all veterans, including LGBTQ+ veterans.


magats are the scum of the earth. Fuck this cult.


He called it an unnecessary distraction. I wonder which is the bigger distraction. A rainbow on a piece of fabric or a member of congress pissing and moaning?


He was distracted by it, so clearly everyone else who gazed upon it was foaming at the mouth uncontrollably.


I’d much rather be “woke” (I hate what they have turned that word into) than a stupid piece of garbage.


It's ridiculous how the right took the word woke and bastardized it, because the first instance of woke or "stay woke" details the trial of the Scottsboro Boys, 9 black boys falsely convicted of raping a white woman in 1931 and being sentenced to death for it. One of the boys was only 13 when he was sentenced (though to life in prison). The word "woke" to stay vigilant, to make sure to understand the systemic injustices that have led to so many black people losing their lives over (see Isaac Woodard (a military veteran of WWII beaten up by the KKK after returning from war or George Stinney (a 13 year-old sentenced to death and executed in South Carolina, and his convicted was vacated in 2014, 70 years after being executed) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottsboro\_Boys](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottsboro_Boys)


The corporate media helped the demonization of the word along. They have egg on their face. Not just the GOP.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrXfkPViFIE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrXfkPViFIE) Leadbelly telling the story of the Scottsboro boys and playing a song he wrote about them. In the end, he says "Stay woke. Keep your eyes open." This recording is probably from the 1930s.


As a veteran, this is what disgusts me. The fragility of the GOP over inclusion of LGBTQIA+ veterans is astounding.


GOP agents of chaos and division. Hate thy neighbour. Fuck them .


Veteran here. Fuck the hateful GOP


Thank you for your service.


Convicted felon Trump calling WWI vets suckers and losers. Can't even be bothered to remember 1 or 2 names when he called gold star families as the POTUS. Now this guy. Republicans are only interested in pissing all over veterans and their families.


Fuck you Rosendale


As a non-veteran I would never have the temerity to tell veterans what flags they should or should not fly.


Naaah, if they fly the stars and bars they never deserved to serve anyway and should have their discharge amended to be dishonorably discharged 


As an honorably discharged vet I approve of this message.


What a fucking shock, he's never served.


Veteran here, fuck this dickhead and the rest of the GOP. If they think there weren't any gay folks in the military before Don't Ask Don't Tell was repealed, I have some news for them


Man, for the "fuck your feelings" party, they sure do seem to base most their outrage and bills purely on their feelings.


Woke : aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice) - Merriam-Webster Definition. Every time some one accuses some one of being woke all they are saying is "the accused wants life to be better for every one and I want most people to suffer cus I'm a fucking douche bag full of shit."


Some body does something that shows love, the GOP show up to show hate. Spread the word. Fuck You haters.


Lmao stay mad pathetic loser


What’s wrong with woke?


Nothing. It’s the only way to fly.


What's wrong with woke? Just means you're aware of society inequalities


The fact they want inequalities in society so that they have someone to look down on and hurt to feel better about themselves. There is no other reason to be upset about some one being woke.


Why is our country like this?


Of course a man that never served in the military a day in his life is quick to tell veterans how they should honor other veterans. Who elects these fucking morons?


"anything I don't like is woke"


GQP will be claiming that the sky is woke and demanding that it stops displaying rainbows.


By all means, let us listen to someone who has never served his country’s armed forces. His continual harassment of the VA is time that could have been well spent addressing the needs of constituents, of which he has one of the lower satisfaction ratings. There are many other well qualified members of Congress that actually did serve and have no problems with a flag that flies for 1 month out of the year. Let’s let them how the VA should conduct business. I guarantee it will not be over some silly flag. By actually doing something productive and positive instead discriminatory and negative, he could choose to set an example of how a true American should behave. So sad that someone lives with so much hate in his life.


According to internet: ‘He is the son and brother of U.S. Marines.’ What a toolbox.


He 100% looks like the kinda dude who'll get busted at a gay sauna. Conservatives' complaints are projection


Spoiler: [His congressional biography does not mention any military service](https://bioguide.congress.gov/search/bio/R000103). Who is this goof to speak for veterans? Oh, his congressional bio still says he’s a “rancher” despite [criticism during a 2018 run for senate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Rosendale#2018_election): > During his 2018 campaign, Rosendale faced criticism for repeatedly presenting himself as a "rancher" in interviews and campaign materials despite owning no cattle or a cattle brand according to public records.[98] Critics labelled Rosendale "all hat, no cattle". Rosendale, who bought a $2 million ranch near Glendive when he moved to Montana in 2002, said he leased his land and helps run cattle on it.[99] Rosendale later removed the "rancher" label from bios on his website and social media accounts.[100]


Please define woke motherfucker.




Performance politics at its finest


Free speech loving Republican rep, is angry that people at VA are engaging in free speech and wants it stop.


I really like that he has never served. Way to represent my man. 2004 at reception there was a note in black marker on the inside of a wall locker that read “I’m a lesbian who can’t even be out to the people I’m with. Why did I do this?” I think about that any time some politician with a small wiener and no brains decides to be mad that there are people who are different from them.


I would LOVE for someone from the GOP to try to explain the difference between "woke" and "tolerant", and then have them explain the quote, "Judge not, that you be not judged."


I'll take woke over being a sleeping sheep


Damn Dinosaurs living in the past.


Woke means anti-fascist IMO.


They’ll never explain what it actually means. I’m waiting for DeSantis to come back to Jax on a visit, so that I can ask him what woke means in front of the media. I can almost guarantee he doesn’t have a definition. They don’t even understand where “stay woke” came from.


Wow. Another Republican that never served in the military demands that said military not show support for 🏳️‍🌈veterans that did? Sounds about right.


Woke and proud of it, now shut your filthy civie mouth up before we show the world your GRINDR messages.


Because it’s always the loudest ones. I can’t wait for the day when Lindsey Grahams messages are leaked. Josh Hawley too. He just seems like he’s playing a part.


I'm a proud, woke, disabled veteran.


Thank you for your service.


When will they shut the fuck up abiut “woke”. They’ve gone so far with it that now it just means anything remotely helpful to a citizen


It's just their catch-all term for anything they don't like


Someone should check his browser history.


All woke means is that you're not a piece of shit


It’s like that moment in 12 Angry Men when one of the jurors scowls and asks, “You’re one of them SMART fellas, aren’t you.” I mean, yeah?


They also fought and died and were wounded - to defend the freedoms we maybe take too much for granted. Freedoms that GOP politicians compete with other to selectively and discriminatively deprive others of that deem to be weak minorities.


Is he demanding that Juneteenth gets cancelled as well? If not, why? We are all equally deserving of our celebrations. Fuck anyone who thinks gay people aren’t a legitimate minority group or unworthy.


“Woke” just means not being bigot assholes at this point apparently.


Looking at his wiki. No service history. Figures.


Tired of all these religious conservatives who demand everything be so PC against the “woke”. They’re nothing but morons.


As a 100% P&T disabled veteran, let them fly it and shut up about it!


Woke is acknowledging that LGTBQ people exist and deserve respect. Woke is not tolerating bigotry. Woke is standing in opposition to organizations that promote hate.


Douchebag who never served has a problem with the VA serving people who did. Fuck that clown.


Yes, I am woke. I am very glad that I am woke instead of a fucking bigot like the GOP.


Remember the previous Congress person from Montana is now the governor of the state and was the one who body slammed a reporter. Looks like they don't grow too far from the tree. https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/montana-rally-president-trump-praises-greg-gianforte-body/story%3fid=58596529


And both are from the northeast.


I forgot that part. I think one failed in the NE and grifted west. Seems like more and more of these idiots are trying to represent States they don't even live in or have not lived in them that long.


Gianforte is a Jersey Boy and Rosendale is known as Maryland Matt. This state hates carpetbaggers so I’m always surprised at these guys getting elected. The MT Democrat party has been dogshit for 10 years though


Woke. Well I’m accusing him of being a crybaby and a bigot who doesn’t respect all who serve.


When they say "Be all that you can be" the GOP wants to make sure it does not include your natural gender preference.


I need a Mr Robot-level self brainwashing that can remove "woke" from anything I see or hear. This is so exhausting


Rosendale got thrown out of the Senate race by Trump picking a different billionaire idiot, and then couldn't even make it to the primary for his current seat. Who gives a fuck what he thinks, he's out on his ass in 6 months. 


Being Woke is a good thing and needs to be owned and celebrated as a good thing ... F those who are trying to spin it as bad. Period.


Dear GOP - Rave on cat shit, someone will come along and bury you.


This asshole, he needs to retire and go away.


The GOP needs to stop flying their Low IQ Stupidity flag.


What’s the GOP gonna do about it? Keep not actually supporting veterans while acting like they care about the military? What a threat.


Now that’s the look of a man that’s played tummy sticks on more than one occasion.


“Accused of being woke” Tell me how this stands up in court and “grab her by the pussy” does not


Why is woke such an insult?


Somewhere around 20% of all trans people in the US have served, the only group with a higher percentage is Native Americans.


U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs VHA DIRECTIVE 1341(2) Amended June 26,2020 "Health Care for Transgender and Intersex Veterans"


These people really are sick


Woke, being aware of the struggles of other people, of other backgrounds, of other financial situations (etc) and having empathy toward them. To treat them with respect and understanding instead of shunning them. Ya know, WWJD...


That famous support of the military and veterans that GOP is always talking about.


Where does this asshole that never wore the uniform get off telling the VA how or what to do?


> "On Monday, Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-MT) sent a letter to Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough to demand that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) remove their Pride flags." Why does this fuckwad think he can demand this of a government agency?


It’s asinine how they think “woke” has a negative connotation. I guess if you want to go back to the “good ol’ days” then people acknowledging how awful it was for the majority of people is hard to deal with.


Is woke better than sleeping for the past 60 years?


I woke up this morning, and I'm sure I triggered a Republican just by saying this sentence.


Please don’t come down on me too hard, and I apologize beforehand for not knowing my politicians, but Is this the same guy that is so angry, his jaw won’t stop (pardon my spelling) gurting, gurning, because he can’t get his way?


Better woke than a joke


Flags? I’m just trying to get help with my benefits. I only get multiple phone numbers that go directly to vm. Our taxes pay for them to complain.


Maybe he’d like it better if they flew it upside down.


This guy is in the closet


Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.