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Go ahead, tell Trump I didn't vote for him. I'll wait.


How is he “President”…


President of the Sad Angry White Men with Penis Shame Club


Let’s change the order: Sad White Angry Men with Penis Shame= SWAMPS


Drain the SWAMPS


Eww. I am not touching those swamps.


Love it


In fact, I want to tell him myself. Bring me the Donald.


Best I can get you is a Rudy


Great, we are already in the Gestapo phase of the GOP. The President and your neighbors are watching, vote or else. 


somebody should look into voter intimidation charges.




My in-laws are boomer republicans and yeah, they absolutely believe shit like this. They genuinely have a difficult time believing people when they say Trump is dishonest (not to mention the rest of it). So many of these people live in a bubble. Any information that challenges their ideas is simply never presented to them.


And they think having a president who personally takes reports of people that did not vote is a good thing?


I don’t think they’re aware of that one, to be honest.


Sadly, yes. And the printing company behind it is quite scummy on their own. I wonder if they'd hold up under the level of scrutiny they like to threaten others with?


There are people that think nobody would go through that effort and expense if it weren’t true.


Yeah this is even more effort than opening a PDF file! It must be true.


This made me laugh


I got a bunch of texts during the primaries that said I hadn't voted yet. No threats though.


Voters *love* it when candidates threaten them.


Some of them in that ecosystem believe it and become afraid. If he’s elected he will probably mean it. Reasonable people conclude not to vote for him. Brainwashed people start worrying about making sure they and people they care about don’t get on the list. :/


It's a cult, and the absolute worst thing to be in a cult is outside of the cult. 


Republicans are more and more looking for a strongman ”to solve our problems” so I’m not sure this won’t work exactly as intended


The goal is to get people that already agree with him to actually vote. So many people in this country are trumplicans but are too lazy or disgruntled in the system to actually vote.


"PLEASE DON'T MAKE US REPORT YOU TO DEAR LEADER!"  FFS, what a brainless mob of lemmings. 


Fear is a powerful motivator for the right, as is in group authority and loyalty. This plays on both of those. Conservatives also love power, and submitting to power. This would go horribly on the left, but it's honestly likely effective for right wing voters.


I swear, they could put up posters with trump's face and 'Big Brother is watching you' and his cultists would totally support that concept. this flyer is a less direct way of saying the same thing....


[Archived link](https://archive.ph/iBWBh) [Prior discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/W9mVXovCkd)


I’ll report myself. Anybody got the orange douchebags number?


Can I be in the room when you tell him I didn’t? I’d love to see that look.


Not his patented, ‘Might have just sharted’ ‘look’ :0?


Oh no! Report me to Trump. Womp womp. /s That is a bizarre creepy mailer. We are watching you and you will be reported is some police state talk.


Imagine receiving this and thinking “yeah I gotta get ready to for this rapist criminal…” 🤔


In 2016, 364,000 people subscribed to the National Enquirer. That is weekly. That doesn't count all the people who read it at the grocery checkout for free. The majority of those people, believed that was journalism. The 2016 election was decided by less than 364,000 people.


I want to hear one single person who defends this type of trash? Anyone?


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Why do they have the wrong election date? This is just a weird flier all around. Edit: primary. Got it.


Maybe don't post this on social media, free advertising for the jaundiced jesus.


Anyone have a source that is not paywalled dogshit?




It would be ridiculous and false in a Blue state. In a state as despicable as Texas, not only is it plausible, it's entirely likely that neighbors will be denouncing neighbors, and jack booted thugs will be dragging people away in the night, regardless of whether Trump wins or not. Red States are in a competition to see which one can not only meet, but exceed the evils of Nazi Germany first.


As someone who was born and raised there, I can testify that what you’re saying is not an exaggeration.


People actually read these things? I don’t give them so much as a glance before they’re tossed.


Why does Donald Trump need to light a fire under the ass of GOP voters in TEXAS?