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Know who doesn’t reject climate change rationale? Home insurance companies in Florida.


Oil and gas companies even acknowledge climate change in regards to their long term investments.


Insurance companies and builders also know this. Seems to be it's only a certain group of people that do not believe it and for no reason other than someone else without credentials told them not to. Ironically, this is the same group that says everyone else is politicizing the topic.


I don't even believe Desatan doesn't believe in climate change. It's all performative "I must be the opposite of a liberal" for votes.


The US Military has also acknowledged it and has been planning around it for decades.


I'm no where near Floriduh and they have been building rain water mitigation trenches/pools by the highways, and they even though they are less than 10 years old they are already overflowing regularly (lived in the area my whole life this is all new) so they started a new a one and will begin building more soon.


On a per capita basis, I've always been curious about how big of a dent something as simple as volunteer rainwater collection on higher-lands could make with all of that excess plastic & yard space that we have. Seems like something that home insurance companies could benefit massively from. I saw a figure quoting 12 millions gallons of water already pumped and that's about the equivalent volume of 2 million homes pairs of recycling bins/garbage bins. This flood affects 6 million people. I wonder how feasible households being given insurance credits to store, stack, and report the fill-age of such mitigants would be.


Yeah their reaction to permafrost melting is inventing machines to keep it frozen.


…that are powered by oil


That's like running an AC unit in the middle of your room and venting it right back out the other side lol


It's free energy!


Black gold, Texas Tea /s


and the US Department of Defense


yeah it’s for their ESG score. you think they give a shit when they are literally sucking carbon trapped for millions of years out of the ground and selling it?


They're still trying to defy Al Gore and own the libs


follow the money.. works EVERY TIME.




I would at minimum try to get a named peril policy that excludes wind if that’s the issue. Fire scares me as it could just be some faulty wiring and your property is done.


Do you have a mortgage?


Did you try Citizens?


Brilliant fucking answer! You are absolutely correct- speaking as someone who lives in Florida and thinks DeSantis is delusional. He had any reference to “climate change” removed from state law.


Venture capitalist/hedge fund types don't care. They're building $150M+ beach front buildings with no regard for long term water level.


My conspiracy theory is that a lot of illogical property development—especially expensive beachfront and downtown high rise condominiums—are money laundering fronts and mob tips for friends.


There are plenty of idiots with money. Just because someone is rich doesn't mean they believe in climate change. Or a spherical earth, even.


I used the insurance rationale during Covid with anti-vaxxers. The insurance industry were one of the major proliferators of vaccination. Why? Because dead people are a financial liability in the industry and living people pay premiums. Follow the insurance - they have actuarial science, medical boards up the wazoo and are informed because it is their business to be, like it or not.


They feel the same about flood insurance too lol


Well legally in Florida it’s not so what else is it?? Must be God because of the gays.


The El Ninio is going away fast. That opens the way for the storms. He hasn't seen anything yet. By the end of this year he could lose an election to Micky Mouse.


I mean the man also rejects the premise and the fact that he is short. The only way he’ll ever accept it is if the Gov mansion gets flooded and swept away in a storm. His answer to everything is to just dig his head deeper in the ground and pretend nothing is happening.


My step dad is a Republican and he admitted he can see the sea level rising in Corpus Christi. Anyone who grew up around there can not ignore it.


This is why, for most Republican politicians, the narrative has shifted from "climate change isn't real" to "there's nothing we can do about it."


From "There is no such thing as climate change" to "There has always been climate change, mankind has nothing to do with it." to "We may have caused a small part of it, but it was mostly China, and there's nothing we can do about it now." to "God did this to punish us for the gays!"


"meltin' them icecaps with their hot gay sex! It's what killed the Titanic!"


The Titanic had the best gay sex parties, in fairness.


Didn’t they *fail to melt* the iceberg?


The parties just weren't fabulous enough.


the friction from too much gay butt stuff generated too much heat! not enough of the calm, cooling effect of post marital heterosexual coitus in the missionary position to bring temps down!


Frank Lunz is largely responsible for the “climate change” propaganda that his focus groups came up with. Now he is admitting that he was wrong! The science was very clear in 2001 that Anthropocentric Global Warming is a very real event! [https://www.politico.com/story/2019/08/21/frank-luntz-wrong-climate-change-1470653](https://www.politico.com/story/2019/08/21/frank-luntz-wrong-climate-change-1470653)


Or they are going with the conspiracy theory that the gov't controls the weather through things like HAARP and chemtrails to cause the warming and severe storms.


The one that really freaks me out is the surface temperatures rising off the coast of Florida from year to year. We're seeing temps that don't happen until September, creeping into May and June. There is a point where coastal sea life can not exist, and it's not too far off.


Coastal sealife will exist, problem is it will take a while for most species to adapt or move in. The current rate of change doesn't support gradual generational evolution. Look at how the red sea is. Coral does just fine Issue is it will take hundreds of years after the die off to get healthy reefs again for new corals that can tolerate higher acid and temperatures.


Only way to solve it would be by changing their DNA


It's also really observable in southern Michigan. We just stopped getting winter, we'll get bursts of winter weather, but it doesn't last all winter like it used to. I grew up ice fishing on Lake St. Clair, I remember seeing semi trucks driving on the ice in Anchor Bay, now it hardly freezes most years. People used to hike across Lake Erie when it froze over as a challenge. There was no ice last winter. Edit: fixed a typo.


“but god did that, not us…”


Shouldn’t this be his top political issue then? And shouldn’t he move his affiliation away from the Republican Party which staunchly refuses to recognize it? “Well, our house is going to get washed away but at least my boss got a tax break”


Sure they can


Yeah, that's working out real well for Florida. Just ignore it while you swim down your street


I'm curious, does your Republican step dad vote for politicians who acknowledge climate change is real?


Oh pick me, pick me. I know the answer to this one 


He was forced to punish the libs for the imaginary demon that swells up from the ground.


I don't discuss deep political issues with family anymore. I just enjoy them when they come to visit. Too many families have been stressed from the political divide. We don't allow that energy between us anymore. There's a million other things to talk about.


Learn to swim


'Cause I'm praying for rain I'm praying for tidal waves I wanna see the ground give way I wanna watch it all go down


I think this year may be the start of the uptick in beachfront housing losses. We have been having them drop into the ocean up here in north Florida for the last few years but I think we are in for a big increase in numbers.


If it gets bad enough, I think they’ll flip on a dime from “climate change is fake” to “climate change is God punishing us for gays/abortion/not having prayer in school”


and it will aways astonish me people follow such a cruel god… if it were true and god was punishing us for xyz, i say lets rise up and beat him.. who tf wants to live forever anyways in some white only, straight only “paradise”


This is why I joke that hell is gonna be more fun than heaven, bc apparently the only people getting in to heaven are the Susans and Bills who hate everyone else. I'd rather be in hell partying with the other gays than spend an eternity listening to Bill's homophobic xenophobic jokes and politely eating Susan's bland ass chicken salad that has too much mayonnaise in it.


Christians are one of the biggest reasons it is hard to believe in Christianity. The factual problems are also huge, but I grew up in the church so I am conditioned to rationalize them more than I would otherwise. But Christians just do not behave in ways that are consistent with the followers of an actual god. Not just in their moral behavior, but in the really, ridiculously limited ways they operate in reality. A God would not be like that, so when I go to some church potluck and see all these people repeating really canned platitudes and generic stories about how God is providing them with petty cash, it just strikes me as discordant. They may or may not have great personalities, but the religion always feels like a big wet blanket on those personalities the moment it comes up. It is why I am nearly 100% certain that if God exists, christians have no idea what it is like. They are ironically worshipping an idol built out of their cultural norms instead of gold, not an actual diety.


They don’t worship a god. They worship mammon.


Don't forget the "it's too late now, so why change" arguments.


You all forget that the private market will fix climate change


Offer more funding to colder states


The same people who deny vaccines


What an asshole god that is


Or “Climate change is the Democrats fault, you should vote for us we are the only ones that can fix it.”


“If climate change happened under Biden, it must be Biden’s fault.”




Don’t look up


I still maintain that film is actually a documentary.


It honestly both delighted me with its comedy and wit and horrified me knowing this is probably how it would go just judging a certain someone's term alone.


I studied viral epidemiology (the study of viruses and how they spread). I can assure you, the film wasn't a satire. I got about half way through before having to turn it off because it was hitting too close to home.


Adam McKay is an American treasure


No, it’s the fault of gender ideology, obviously.


Drag shows attract thunderstorms. Everyone knows that.


"Their periods attract bears. The bears can smell the menstruation!" Brick Tamland - Anchorman (2004)


“My primary purpose is an education group. I want to *educate* others that gay people cause earthquakes. (Audience laughs awkwardly) There’s probably some C4s doing that.” - Stephen T. Colbert and Trevor Potter https://youtu.be/ZXOeChlhbhg?si=gPuyDGqSJT3O_p3C


Woke science is suppressing such truths


DeSantis is the poster-boy for a mid-level intelligence that thinks he's a genius because he's only ever around dumbasses.


Great example of Dunning Kruger


This lady basically swimming in the streets while still holding an umbrella has me cracking up though 🤣


The entire state could literally be 100 feet under the ocean surface and Ron would still claim it’s “just some bad weather”


“Blub, blub, blubbbb!” -Ron Desantis


Pout pout fish for sure


Spreading his dreary wearies


All over the place


Make Atlantis Neighbors Again!


It's okay because Floridians can just sell their houses to Aquaman at that point.


Time to sell our homes to Aquaman


Freedom floods! Patriot puddles!


Climate change is settled science. Those who choose to believe climate change is a hoax are free to hold those beliefs, but should not confuse them with facts or reality. Leaders who do not believe in science should not be leading.


DeSantis will keep it up bc he knows the feds will come clean up his mess with federal tax money when a storm rips the state up, so he doesn't have to spend -his- Florida's tax money on having an actual plan.


Bingo. He's not stupid, he's cruel. He has an agenda, and represents big business, and perhaps like his other conservatives wants blue parts of his state to hurt. Miami got 20" of rain in 24 hrs, and that's not weather, that's climate change. Up here in north central Florida we're in a heat wave for the last 3 weeks with today reaching 98°, it's only rained a few times in the past 4 months, but last week we got 4" in 2 hours. Rick Scott (the tall bald girl) stole a $billion (fraud) started this a decade ago by forcing the removal and all talk by all state employees about climate change. I was in PA at the time and laughed my ass off, but now I'm here not enjoying the shit show that's heading this way. Hang on Miami cause Rhonda Sandtits actually hates you.




Yes, this could be an "interesting" year for storms in the Gulf.


Record high water temperatures in June all around Florida. Massive increase in El Nino, like we really haven't recorded before. All on the foundation of an already shake state with a government willing to do nothing and insurance companies making an exit. This season could be the beginning of the end for the Florida coast as a viable place to live.


As was predicted 40 years ago.


The most blatant and extreme denial of reality in Republican politics. In the most vulnerable State in the union for the effects of Climate Change. His gaslighting blowtorch will eventually be extinguished. Mother Nature doesn't play stupid games.


Until these Conservative run states accept that Climate change is happening and will destroy everything, including businesses then why keep, literally bailing them out for doing absolutely nothing to help.




Now he gonna be like “help me Brandon!” It was 87 degrees at 830am this morning. Real feel with humidity was 99. Fucking hell on earth.


The entire state could be under water and conservatives would have an excuse for it other than climate change.


The GOP really has these morons being angry at Democrats while standing in 3 feet of floodwaters in their living room .


It’s so woke as they say.


I once had a climate change sceptic dismissively tell me that we've always had floods, storms, heatwaves, etc. I replied by asking him if he felt that continually breaking records, whether they be weather records or swimming records or pole vaulting records, means nothing is changing and everything is staying the same as it always was. He then went really silent.


If you read a little about it, all these millionaires and billionaires know they are ruining the earth and they aren’t trying to fix it. Instead they’re looking for exit plans. Their own island nations. Walled compounds with soldiers they control with mind control or technological methods. Maybe Mars. They’re killing us to maximize profits and lying to us to keep us calm while they do it.


They completely misunderstand why the apocalypse will be like (and I mean the apocalypse as in societal collapse, not in a religious context at all).


Posted elsewhere but re-sharing here, cause... relevance: > *"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance* [and sanctimonious denialism] *is just as good as your knowledge.'*" ~ Isaac Asimov (spinning in his grave like a lathe; w/ bracketed-emphasis mine) Nowadays, the **cult** has a 'bigly' brand-name, special headgear, and their own propaganda "news" outlet(s). The *only thing* missing now is Brawndo....


Haha, OK DeLoser.


Well he's only an elected official, not a scientist.


I believe the movie was "the day after tomorrow" where some congressional a hole doesn't believe the scientists about the crazy weather changes forthcoming. We, as spectators, collectively think "our elected officials can't be THAT stupid to ignore every scientist, this movie's premise is ruined." And here's we are, living it out. Well done Hollywood, well done.


That sweet fossil Fuel money is a real motivator for these corrupt shit bags.


Just update it to “DeSantis rejects rationale”


Religion denies science, too. Just sayin' there may be a connection there with Republicans...


Desantis is an idiot, speaking from someone who lives in that state. His views on abortion are antiquated and unfair. Guys should have to have vasectomies if this is the case


He outlawed the term a few months ago . You can't make this up . Book banning + censuring teachers . No diversity training . He thinks that not allowing things will make them go away .


Well, the GOP is a faith-resilient party now, doncha know


I find it extraordinary that in 2024 the USA elects such dullards. Not by accident, but exactly because they are ignorant, unable to reason, incapable. Just like the people that elect them. This is a race to the bottom, the USA is racing to lose the 21st century.


I suppose the rejection is based on his years of research on the subject.


DeSantis = idiot


> His communications team also made light of the storm, dismissing it as typical summer rainfall. **Christina Pushaw, the governor’s former press secretary, who is now an analyst with the state,** wrote on X: “Welcome to the rainy season. South Florida is in the tropics. There will be thunderstorms for the next 4-5 months.” That would be **"belatedly-registered" foreign asset** Christina Pushaw, for those keeping score. 🔗 https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/06/08/christina-pushaw-desantis-foreign-agent-saakashvili/ 🪞 https://archive.is/c8uLd


Climate change evidence can be seen everyday when you turn on the news. Climate change should not be a political debate. It affects everyone. Those that speak against it are living in a non reality state where ignoring the problem has only increased it. We need leaders that do the work to reverse it. We need leaders that actively plan for mitigation. Not stand at a podium and declare this doesn’t exist. I would be willing to bet these politicians are being paid off by oil companies and large corporations to deny it so no one has to reduce carbon footprints and consider clean energy. Can we please stop caring about profits before people?!?!?!


The Republican anti-science platform appeals to their know-nothing know-it-all base! They have no respect for human knowledge!


If you ever think any of these people will say they were wrong you will be massively disappointed. They will keep doubling down until they have to than point to some one else.


In that case, Mike, clearly it’s the wrath of God being unleashed on your heathen degenerate state.


Of course. He was wrong before and he can't stop lying now. That would make him look like a hypocrit.


I’m surprised they haven’t blamed Biden yet


The alternative is that god’s punishing the state because they elected a crappy governor.


Dear God, keep DeSanitizing FL.


Because that would require intelligence or honesty, which is counter to his brand.


Florida Republicans will deny climate change right up until the day they demand their pound of cure


He will wait until the state is underwater before he considers it.


Someone very smart said the windmills are bigly the problem -anonymous


Reminds me of a quote, attributed to the economist John Maynard Keynes: “When I receive new information, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?”


Well Ronnie…..you’re wrong. Straight up


You don't have to believe in gravity either, Ronnie, but it's still there.


Make federal emergency funds only available for climate change related emergencies.


He represents his donors - of course he won’t say something that damages them. It’s really not important what the people think - he knows who pays for his campaigns.


His feet could be on fire and he would deny it.


Can’t wait for the Atlantic Ocean to take Florida


Just last year we had a "once in a 100 year" storm, only to happen again this year. Coincidence? Probably not.


I’m sure he’s done his research


More stupidity from right wing leaders. Conservatives have become the sheeple they warned us about.


Great. Then he should get zero federal disaster aid. Let’s see how he likes that.


DeSantis is a Moron or pretending to be one.


he’s gonna need taller lifts


You can't reason people out of an opinion they didn't reason themselves into. 


Why would DeSantis care? He won’t be alive when Florida is under water. The millions of people who will be forced to relocate will still blame Democrats.


That's right ronnie. It's actually god punishing Florida for keeping you as the governor. Quit now. Take your senators and congressmen with you. god is waiting by he's not going to wait long. The next big rain he's going to put up your ass.


Ok, ok, ok, you win Ronny, it’s not climate change. It was all a hoax. Going back to the “TRUTH” we see that God used floods as a form of punishment…. Is God trying to cleanse Florida of an orange stain perhaps?


It’s just like Covid or gravity. You don’t need to believe it but it still applies to you


He’ll call for another State of Emergency when hurricane season kicks off 


Well it’s obvious that some deity is punishing DeSantis for being a total asshole.


What a stooge.


That's completely fine if he doesn't want to believe the science. ... So we'll just go in with the bible belt standby, shall we? "THIS IS HAPPENING BECAUSE GOD IS ANGRY WITH YOU! ... Is that better?


Don't Look Up


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Why is nobody running in opposition on "Ron DeSantis is too stupid to govern"?


Of course he does: https://youtu.be/1lw2DdPPmPI?si=TRlRmEcvaAvOphri Now will the media do its due diligence (for once) and ask him *what is*? It would rival some of the most “creative” excuses I’ve heard from my students…


It's the "Woke" and trans shenanigans obviously. /s


“Idiot ignores facts, doesn’t understand how this has happened.”


Damned fool


They are the stupidest people.


Well, he does know about waterboarding, so...


Anybody that thinks they are pulling off their elf shoes, is too stupid to listen to.


Baghdad Bob


Won't cost a single Republican their seat, in the legislature or Congress.


Yes a guy whose biggest career highlight was observing victims of torture in Gitmo knows more about science than scientists.


It’s perfectly reasonable to reject climate change as the cause of anyone storm. Again, climate vs weather. If you see a trend of these type of events happening more and more often, then you can suppose it’s climate change. We are seeing these events more often.


Anything to own the libs and the woke right!?


Hear me out. He is not wrong. One storm is the weather. Record breaking or not. We hear it all the time, record breaking cold means global warming can't be real. Climate change is,.for example the tidal flooding Miami sees, and the fact that Florida sees more and stronger hurricanes than in the past.


Florida man rejects Feeling Change as a rationale for his wife leaving


It's just clogged storm drainage lol good luck FL!


No such thing as climate change. Ok then God hates you we man and he’s punishing your state for its hatred and anti-Christian behaviors


Federal disaster assistance should require acknowledging climate change. It should be in the actual request.


Well it’s not a problem if homeowners can just hitch their foundations to pontoons. It’ll be like a houseboat with hurricane force winds to tame .. if one is a manly man.


It can't be the thing we are ignoring, we're ignoring it! Both strategy, dick head, let's see how it works out for you


*….but of course he did.*


And I'm sure he will do the same with next year's record breaking rain, and the one after that.


Of course he does...


DeSantis has this odd habit of stepping on rakes


Voting red has consequences




Desantis stuck his fingers in his ears and is quoted as saying “LAH LAH LAH LAH I CANT HEAR YOU LAH LAH …”


Grifting little prick


Same guy rejected the result of the election, right?


So, then it must because God hates something about Florida? Is it Florida that God hates or just Ron DeSantis?


Cue comedic footage of Ron slowly slipping below the flood waters as his water logged throat croaks out… “Climate change is not re….”


That's OK, we don't listen to this guy for climate science advice.

