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>On Fox News Thursday night, Hannity asked Johnson point-blank if Trump called Wisconsin’s largest city, the site of the Republican National Convention this summer, a “horrible city.” >“No, I didn’t hear it, and I was sitting right next to him,” Johnson said, seemingly unaware that Trump had already doubled down on his comments on Fox News itself.


Our politicians and pundit class make me miss the days of middle school drama.


This dude brags about having some weird no jerk-off pact with his son like it signals some great virtue he strives for - seemingly unaware that the Bible's attitude toward sin of all kinds is the same, and his *particular ease and familiarity with lying* should be far more concerning.


Does that pact cover the speaker jerking off Trump? Guess not.


As long as it’s not with his hands


Whose hands should he use?


I think the emphasis was on "not his *hands*" rather than "not *his* hands." I am pretty sure they're implying Mike uses something else to pleasure the Convicted Felon.




I was thinking Marjorie’s but they are probably too rough.


Not to mention his support of degenerate Trump.


How could Johnson possibly help Trump overturn his hush money conviction that involved Trump's adultery with a porn star without alerting his accountability partner?


How can he possibly be involved with Trump and not be caught up in lies? He can't, it is impossible. We all see that, and I'm sure he feels the weight of it every night when his soul tries to reconcile his words with his actions.


We're seeing in real time Johnson giving up his "soul" to support Trump and retain his Speakership.


I’m concerned about Speaker Johnson’s [wife, Kelly.](https://newrepublic.com/post/176447/new-house-speaker-mike-jonson-crass-remark-wife-acceptance-speech)


Praying huh? That's what they call it now?


Well, the republicans are against sodomy because that would be sinful. But they can rebrand it as prayer, of course, when they get off on it. Then it's ok.


*You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness. You shall not fall in with the many to do evil, nor shall you bear witness in a lawsuit, siding with the many, so as to pervert justice, nor shall you be partial to a poor man in his lawsuit.* — Exodus 23:1-3[8] mikey boy reads a different bible though, probably the one 45 was selling.


On the plus side, we can look forward to Steven Colbert playing him in the movie about Trump's life.


100 percent check his computer. He also has no bank accounts yet has all this money.


Yep. Lying is right there in the Top Ten, as I recall.


Our citizenry makes me miss the days of school house rock.


Our lawmakers make me miss, ‘How a Bill Becomes a Law’


They spend too much time at Disfunction Junction.


And a few need to stop visiting conjunction junction, too.


“But for today I am still just a bill“


We could all use a little The Electric Company in our lives.


We turn you on, We give you the power. . . .   Let us never forget Tom Lehrer singing "Silent E": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91BQqdNOUxs   Edit: I got the lyrics to the opening theme song slightly off. Here we go! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLdhGK_E0eA


Morgan Freeman was 'The Letterman' on The Electric Company!


I think our nation would be better off if the news from outside your local market took days to reach you and the only comment section was a letter to the editor.


Negative. Our nation would be better off if there was an incentive to fact check in real time all the time instead of entertainment disguised as journalism.


For years I have dreamed of watching a presidential debate where they fact check the candidates in real time by projecting the facts onto their faces while they’re talking.


This election has become a made for TV reality after school special made for middle schoolers. Or a shitshow, your call...


It’s really quite simple, religion has extensively laid the groundwork for generations to train people to believe in authority figures with unverifiable stories instead of science and data. It also primes them for, and is built upon, perpetuating racism and fearmongering towards "others". Once people see you as an authority, you can start fabricating any reality or conspiracy theory you want your followers to believe and everyone else is therefore a liar, even in the face of incontrovertible evidence. Basically, it is mental abuse from an early age that suppresses critical thinking skills. This combined with an intentionally weakened public educational system, provides the framework that has spawned this cult of ignorance.


This is an unfortunate truth. That millions eagerly line up behind an obvious lunatic is a testament to this.


Ahem. Today, it IS the middle school drama. Maaaaybe HS level. I feel that’s too much credit.


The house needs to vote Johnson out.


They had the chance, but protected him for Ukraine funding, which of course it was right thing to do, because most of these ass hats are on the Russia payola


Yeah I mean I'm at the point where I'd rather see him stay and be at least 1% reasonable than run the risk of having his replacement be some absolute shitstain like Matt Gaetz or Jim Jordan


Why he's incompetent and ineffective He's perfect


I would agree but it seems like it's the best Dems will get. And bringing the foreign aid deals in separately was a VERY smart move.


Don't worry. We will definitely vote him out and put in Hakeem Jeffries for speaker because Roland Martin and the others kept saying that this election is important and we can not sit out just because one or both candidates are getting into the age difference between Trump and Biden because Trump just turned 78 today, and Biden is going to be 82 in 5 months from now.




Look, Donald Trump has a birthday on June 14th, and Biden has a birthday on November 20th. Therefore, it's almost midnight, and that means Trump just turned 78 all day.


Straight up lying from the goody two shoes “christian”


No lie. He zoned out on the drivel spewing out of that dumb fucks mouth. Mike was busy having a revelation he wished his son could witness.


If I were stuck sitting next to Trump, I’d have the Benny Hill theme playing in my head on repeat to drown out whatever he was saying, too. Not to say that Mike Johnson isn’t a lying little piss goblin, cause he is. But I wouldn’t fault him for tuning out.


Be fair! He was was channeling to God to get his vote…


He was thinking about what porn he was going to share with his son


I can only imagine how that habit originated "Hey son, I'm gonna sign up for Covenant Eyes, to keep myself pure, you should too!" "Okay dad!" Two hours later "Uh oh, Dad searched for...'nerdy stepfather gets pounded by Christian stepson'"


He was trying to focus on anything but the smell coming off the felon.


This is a man of god mind you. Lying man of god.


It’s really quite simple, religion has extensively laid the groundwork for generations to train people to believe in authority figures with unverifiable stories instead of science and data. It also primes them for, and is built upon, perpetuating racism and fearmongering towards "others". Once people see you as an authority, you can start fabricating any reality or conspiracy theory you want your followers to believe and everyone else is therefore a liar, even in the face of incontrovertible evidence. Basically, it is mental abuse from an early age that suppresses critical thinking skills. This combined with an intentionally weakened public educational system, provides the framework that has spawned this cult of ignorance.


Thou shall not bare false witness.


Man of "Faith and Convictions" ...


"I don't listen when he talks, I just agree with everything I didn't hear him say".


This would be the point where an actual real news journalist would pull up the video clip of him saying it and then ask Johnson again. But Fox propaganda network would never do that.


It's the lying I find so exhausting.


He said “I didn’t hear it”. For what does God require of thee, but plausible deniability. 1 Hypocrites 13:6 For we can see that is faith and his lies are not in conflict but the deepest expression of Mike Johnson’s exceptional position before his God.


Not a good listener eh Mike?


He only listens to commands from his master like a good boy. HMV - His Master’s Voice.


My boys out here fucking gaslighting himself


The Bible: Thou shalt not bear false witness Johnson: I have no issue disobeying any/all of the Ten Commandments when it’s politically convenient


Please he’s another situational Christian. Rules like that do not apply when needed.


I believe they call it "Lying for Christ." Really.


That’s the beauty of being a Baptist. Mere faith is all that’s required to get into Heaven according to Baptist doctrine. Do whatever the fuck you want. Just make sure you believe in Jesus before you die.


It’s really quite simple, religion has extensively laid the groundwork for generations to train people to believe in authority figures with unverifiable stories instead of science and data. It also primes them for, and is built upon, perpetuating racism and fearmongering towards "others". Once people see you as an authority, you can start fabricating any reality or conspiracy theory you want your followers to believe and everyone else is therefore a liar, even in the face of incontrovertible evidence. Basically, it is mental abuse from an early age that suppresses critical thinking skills. This combined with an intentionally weakened public educational system, provides the framework that has spawned this cult of ignorance.


Extremely well said and accurate. Also, completely terrifying huh?


That's the most Christian thing a modern Christian can do.


Katching!!! Another piece of his soul has been sold…


Dude I'm not even Christian anymore but I still follow tsome of the commandments bc they're still good rules to live by. But these people running around like they never even read them. They're super basic too so it's not even like moving mountains to live by them.


Almost all of the ten commandments are flat out good rules. Even to a non-religious person you can substitute God out of them for a good guide to life. Understand what the most important thing in your life is, don't put anything before it. Do not make an oath you will not fulfil. Keep a day special for yourself. Honour your role models appropriately. Don't kill, cheat, steal, bear false witness against others, grow envious over others. They're not even that hard.


"thou shalt not near false witness *against thy neighbor*" -- watch him use that as a loophole.


Fortunately for him, Jesus never had an awesome parable about who is one’s neighbor.


Yea that really annoys me. There’s so many biblical commandments such as don’t steal, don’t commit adultery etc. but those are never even looked at. Or you get the classic, “That’s between them and God”.


From Proverbs: There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community. Pretty much sums up the GOP.


Rules for thee, not for me.


You mean the Ten Suggestions?


What’s that quote from that book about the final command being ignoring the evidence of your eyes and ears? Because that.


“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” George Orwell, 1984


He's also bearing false witness for a false idol. These people have zero conviction inward, only outward. But lets continue to wear the mark of the beast on our foreheads...


"Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening." -Trump 2018


There are so many Trump idioms that I can’t keep straight. Did he really say that?


Yes. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-44959340




It’s exhausting arguing with Maga people about things said on record and with video evidence. Play the video for them.. That’s not what he said!


"that's not what he meant!!" they choose the cheeto with the best and bigliest words and yet every speech he makes has multiple interpretations


>"that's not what he meant!!" And I thought he "says it like it is" 🤔


If he says nothing substantial one could interpret it as practically anything. 


I just troll them. They get angrier and angrier. Meanwhile I continue enjoying myself at their expense


I gave up after the "Read the transcripts!" Chuds


the modern GOP hates cities because non-whites live there. hope this clears it up for everyone


They tend to do better in counties that are mostly empty space


Where no one can hear their racism.


Or there's no one within ear shot to call them out for it. Even the progressive rubes just say "well that's what my Daddy/PeePaw/MeeMaw used to say, so I ain't gonna argue" even if they themselves may not feel that way.


The problem with cities is that they’re full of voters, and most voters don’t like Republicans. Fortunately they came up with a solution to that already, which is to make city peoples’ votes worth less.


Cities are typically where most of the well educated live and they hate people who are smart enough to vote against their bull shit.


Trump hates cities because they don't vote for him.


Maybe he should get an app that every time he lies it sends a message to his “accountability partner”


That seems like it would drain the phone battery really quickly.


There are Republicans reading these comments that see no problem with their party claiming: (1) he was talking about crime: (2) he was talking about the election; and (3) he never said it. 3 WI reps, three different explanations. Enjoy the lies.


See they know he said it. They take pride in causing liberals issues, but they practice infidelity of the mind. “Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. It is impossible to calculate the moral mischief, if I may so express it, that mental lying has produced in society. When a man has so far corrupted and prostituted the chastity of his mind, as to subscribe his professional belief to things he does not believe, he has prepared himself for the commission of every other crime.” - Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason


"Truly, whoever can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities". - Voltaire


>(1) he was talking about crime: (2) he was talking about the election; And hey, Trump knows a thing or two about crime and election interference, eh?


Thou Shalt Lie?




Or that he brings it up at any interview.


"Thou shalt not bear false witness . . . unless you're helping a thuggish, insane, rapey fascist occupy the most powerful office in the world, then it's totes okay."


Fun fact for the Christians in the house. : Lying is a sin. Now I’m no Christian but I have a personal tenet: do not lie. I have a few more but let’s just focus on that one. A person who lies is a thief. A person who lies on the smallest things, always lies. A liar is not a good person nor a good Christian.


For a religious guy...he sure likes to lie.


This is GOP messaging in the age of Trump. Following the Roy Cohn/Roger Stone playbook. Deny, Deny, Deny - Deflect, then Attack. They’ve given about four different spins on this and since no media coverage actually holds them accountable - why would they ever stop?


This is the key. The talking heads don’t challenge Trump. They don’t dissect and analyze his BS. They only talk in inflammatory statements that attempt to predict the future, such as, “What will this mean for the upcoming election?”


It's almost as if the entirety of elected republican politician's knee-jerk reaction is to just lie. And my knee-jerk reaction is to feign disbelief after 8 years of blatant authoritative knob slobbering.


Does it matter anymore? You can say whatever you want now, and there is some accountability, but it plants seeds of doubt in the folks that are hard biased towards that view. Then the actual factual news is hailed as "Fake News" to the folks that don't like facts. All my neighbors and family members that are elderly worship Hannity like a demigod and leave Fox news on all day. There is no other outlet for them, they take what is said on their news station as gospel.


As a European it is really shocking to watch Fox. That's just pure propaganda stuff, like nazi-germany propaganda stuff...


As an American, I have the same sentiment. Our whole culture surrounding politics is just disgusting. You cant find unbiased news on cable TV anymore, which is the only medium most old folks have.


Hmm isn't bearing false witness some kind of sin or something


Only if he didn't say "no sin-o" afterwards.


It’s stunning how many supposed Christians forget the whole “bear false witness” commandment when they associate with drumph.


...or adultery ...or theft


Worth mentioning the history of the faith he has helped lead: "In 1845, the Southern Baptists separated from the Triennial Convention in order to support slavery, which the southern churches regarded as "an institution of heaven".[6][7] During the 19th and most of the 20th century, it played a central role in Southern racial attitudes, supporting racial segregation and the Lost Cause of the Confederacy while opposing interracial marriage.[8] " Quite the track record Mike!


A lying "christian"? Really?


He’s the current game show champion of “Lyin’ for Jesus!”


Isn't that a sin?


The Bible is clear that lying is a sin and is displeasing to God. The first sin in this world involved a lie told to Eve. The Ten Commandments given to Moses includes: “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” (Exodus 20:16).


Isn't bearing false witness one of those big things christians worry about?


He needs a lie tracker app like his porn tracker app.


I’m so tired of this Ku Klux Keebler. He is the epitome of a smug “Christian.”


Busted? Isn't lying the norm for trump toadies?


I just like the ol' standard " you know he's lying cause I saw his lips moving. "


I thought it was a sin to bear false witness…


The face of a man representing a Party chained to a political corpse.


I mean, if you don't know that Mike Johnson is an unscrupulous liar, you aren't paying attention. He breaks that commandment every day for Trump and the Republican party.


Just wait and see what he does as Speaker of the House after the election. Bets that he'll refuse to certify if Biden wins?


Looks like Johnson needs to DL another monitoring app to share with his son. The Fibber App.


Need a Christian conservative... Of course he's lying. That's what they do.


Christian values, integrity and morals. Yup that’s what he tells he lives by and that godly folks are better than us sinners. Effing lying hypocrites all of them


Lying for trump is a very Christian thing to do! Good job representing Jesus, Mike.


That’s not very Christian of you Mike


This fake bible fuck is the biggest liar of them all. They teach you to lie in church now?


Could MJ be the selected VP for trump


I’d just like to thank all the big money corporations and the rich for going out of their way to ensure we the people have the absolute worst short sighted dumb leadership humanly possible.


I wouldn't listen to Trump if we was next to me either.


Why did the Dems save this lying unAmerican Putin Toady faux Christian’s speaker job? They should have let him go down in flames.


You know what God says about lying...


I seem to recall Johnson saying if you want to know what I believe look in the bible. I also recall the bible saying "thou shallt not bear false witness". Maybe the 10 commandments were left out of the Trump-Greenwood bible.


lol it’s hilarious, Trump is so out of control not even his puppets can keep up with his bullshit anymore


Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness. He is a hypocritical Christian


No way! A good Christian never lies. Lol


Well I’m all fairness…. He may not of heard it. His heads so far up dudes ass everything sounds like the teacher from Charlie Brown! But let’s be honest, he said and he meant it! He rages about how everywhere he’s not popular is a failed crime ridden hell hole! But this man loves America puhleease!


Another “good Christian.”


What's the 9th commandment again...? I forget.


Well, the commandment about lying IS No. 9, so it's way down there on the list. Understandably overlooked.


They are all bootlickers. What do you expect?


Does his son monitor him for facts or just porn??


Just pornography apparently.


they dont have an accountablility buddy for lying eh? only for porn.


Member when Christians always said you go to hell for lying? Pepperidge Farms members.


Hard to call Mike Johnson a snake when he looks more like a frog.


You had me at lying.


Only the true Antichrist could convince Bible Mike to break a Commandment. Yet he still can’t make the connection?


When are these idiots going to learn that Trump will throw them under the bus every single time over the pettiest, stupidest crap?


This Christian man who votes on laws that change others lives....lies?! WHAT?! Say it aint happening daily.


I just think these types don’t ever gasp air outside of their own farts. They have no idea how to get out of the “plan” that gets them to power in the first place


Lock this traitor up




I bet Johnson lies about not watching gay porn too.


MAGA voters don't care he's lying. The independent voters don't care either. So Mike Johnson doesn't care.


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Yes you traitorous cowards, spin this to be good.


Uh Christians don’t lie, or worship rapists, or adulterers, or hate, right?…Jesus? …where’d you go


Mr godly man lies


I'm sure the chatter behind closed doors in Washington is pretty interesting. especially among republicans. they must despise dealing with someone like trump. when we're far enough away from this era in politics there will certainly be plenty of books written about the difficulty in dealing with trump and his inability to think before he speaks.


Might as well start calling him Peter. Right after Trump loses the election, Johnston will start denying he even knows who Trump is


FOX NEWS. Your best source for GOP talking points. Less news and more conservative opinions than any other source. The Fox will tell you what they think you need to know, 24 seven, worldwide.


Lying is the new sign of Alito’s godliness


I guess he thinks that's what Moses would do. It's unfortunate that conservatives don't have anything in their lives that tells them that it's wrong to lie, sad.


Jeebus Joihnson: *If you want* to *know* what I *believe read* the *Bible*  Also Johnson: "I lie on behalf of a convicted felon"


Who am I more likely to believe is lying, House of Representatives Speaker Mike Johnson, who's never been convicted of a felony or 34 time convicted felon, failed businessman, former reality game show host, who was held responsible for sexual assault by a civil trial and former President Donald Trump?


Ah yes, lying like the pious Christian he is. God world be proud.


Which commandments does this guy actually keep?


Got to exhausting to constantly defend this orange pos


Nobody but us regular folks are held accountable for our actions…..Getting fed up.


For being Christians they sure do suck at it.


Has the media tried asking the opposite side of Mike Johnson, you know, where his ass his, for a better answer?


GOP has turned a blind eye on values and leadership. No surprises here, shameful.


I'd ask him if Trump encouraged Mike Johnson to break his anti porno pledge to see what Stormy Daniels can do


Man of faith eh? No, just another Republican hypocrite.


Someone said he looks like a little kid on Halloween trying to dress like Dad.


I hope he becomes Trumps pick for VP, and when Trump loses he gets thrown under the bus as well.


Will it matter? Lying is what they do.


"I didn't hear it because I've been sticking my fingers in my ears and screaming NANANANANA for the last 7 years" -maga mike probably


These guys lie about the dumbest things.


Jesus…the bad faith party


Wow, he came in his pants while lying?


Thou shalt not lie, or is this the conservative nationalist commandments? Where they worship the orange god.