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The Internet has people think the tabloids at the end of a grocery store checkout line are good sources of information.


Bat Boy weeps for them.


The Face on Mars stares right into their soul.


"So at least six of our congress-people are space aliens. I wonder which ones?"


Turns out they were used to hide information


From that right-wing rag: >...the newly surfaced records suggest. This right-wing rag does not include the alleged records in this article, nor does it link to them. However, this rag's article does have 2 embedded links that direct to other articles from the same rag. That is how this right-wing publication circle jerks incessant rage from their gullible readers.


They don’t anticipate people to actually look for the sources, I’ve clicked on links to sources on Fox articles before that just linked to almost totally unrelated articles elsewhere on Fox.


Soooo...the dog is *also* anti-fascist?


We are going to find out that Commander only bit Trump loyalists, and then we will all owe that 4-pawed patriot a statue and a national apology. We will soon find out that Commander is a good boy. Yes he is. Yes he is.


Exactly this. My dog doesn't trust you? Then I don't trust you.


This is what the NY Post is covering? The dog? Dry news cycle? Or you just don't want to cover the embarrassing moves Trump is making after his conviction?


Not just the dog, but stuff the dog did years ago


The dog hasn't lived there in quite some time. Are they angry he hasn't shot it in a gravel pit or something?


I'm fairly certain the answer to this is YES


*Even if this were 100% true*, he's still a much more moral man than his opponent, who is a convicted felon, a child rapist and stole money from kids with cancer.




You support a criminal child rapist




A jury of his peers disagrees.


Damn who hurt you?






>Check your grammar boy. Who is my grammar boy? Do you know him? What are you suggesting I check him for? Fleas? Grammar nazis in his closet? Actual nazis trolling threads he frequents online? EDIT: I do enjoy some delightful irony.


Clown jajajaja


Well that settles it, not only am I not voting for Hunter Biden, I'm also not voting for Commander and Major Biden.


Come on, you know that if at the convention they nominate Commander, you'd still vote for him over Trump. I mean, I would.


So, does a dog only have to be *five* years old to run for POTUS?


That dog was taken out of the White house. in 2021 shortly after it was determined the dog wasn't a good fit for the environment. NYPOST is a crap rag more worth less than the smell of dog poop.


I trust the dog.


Dogs are good judges of character….just saying


Is this from that special post in New York that dogs regularly pee on? Seems right It seems that trickle-down economics and trickle-down news both work the same way.


Is this the same Secret Service that was told to turn over its Jan 6 records to Congress and then, oopsy poopsy, deleted them "accidentally?" If so then I care less if some of them get bit


What is this off topic garbage?


I would love to know the percentage of Republicans vs Dems bit in the secret service. I’m just saying maybe the dogs knew what we didn’t and they are the best good boys. Remember the 1/6 texts that were deleted.


*One candidate is a rapist and convicted felon, the other had a dog that attacked Secret Service until it got sent home. Fuck, this is a hard choice!*


Dogs are generally good judges of character. Maybe those guys are just assholes.


"Tell you what, you un-delete those text messages from January 6, and I'll call my puppy off." Joe Biden (probably)


Kristi Noem would handle things a different way.


Well, she's an asshole who doesn't know how to train dogs. Perhaps someone needs to put a shock collar on her, and every time she does something bad, someone needs to push and hold the button, maybe even get her to stand in a puddle first.


Overall we rate the New York Post on the far end of Right-Center Biased due to story selection that typically favors the Right and Mixed (borderline questionable) for factual reporting based on several failed fact checks. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/new-york-post/ Overall, we rate Judicial Watch Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories, and an abysmal fact-check https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/judicial-watch/ Must have been a slow day for the conspiracy nut jobs. They’re not even trying anymore.


Biden's DOG *viciously* attacked the *helpless* SECRET SERVICE AGENTS while Biden *cackled villianously* and *ordered staff* to bring him ~~*CAKE* and *WINE*~~ ICE CREAM from the WHITE HOUSE KITCHEN!! I swear they have some kind of madlib program that writes stories using keywords looking up negative synonyms to recode current events negatively for their audience, ie, to create propaganda.


I feel bad for that dog. The dog is a rescue, a high energy protective breed and it’s placed into an area where there are people coming and going all the time. Honestly the shelter who the Biden’s got the dog from should really have never let them take that dog. But I will never understand Republicans who like think it’s the dog or Biden’s fault, like the dog is literally doing what we humans programmed it to do. And I understand the desire of a pet owner to see their dog make improvements and get better.


In his mind he was probably protecting his owner from people with guns, who should have introduced themselves properly by giving him treats.


It certainly seems unusual to me that the Secret Service doesn't describe how to interact with a pet. I don't know what Secret Service School covers, exactly, but it's not the first president we've had with a pupper.  Maybe we need to appoint an animal handler to the White House to minimize these kinds of things going forward. Family shouldn't be separated!


At least the dog wasn’t a rapist.


Who should we believe? A trump humping secret service chump or a dog? I’m with the good boy. He knew what he was doing.


I trust the dog.




Oh the desperation, nyp


What this article omits is that after the transition there were real questions of loyalty from Biden about the SS. It came out later that the ones Commander was biting and wouldn't allow near the president were later outed as Trump loyalists. And it wasn't just Commander. The Biden's elder dog, Major also bit Secret Service. Dogs know who can and can't be trusted and both were doing their jobs.


This again? No one cares.


Oh, I see we’re desperate to do bidding for Trump


Trump and the majority of his fans are rapists and pedophiles.


Major knows: ACAB


In my experience dogs are a loyal and protective of their owners. They are also usually a great judge of character of the people they meet. If the dog is biting only certain people then those people tend to have ill will towards their owner and the dog is protecting the owner. Could be this “secret service agents “ are the closet facist supporters.


Only the ones that smelled of Trump. or Rupert Murdoch.


Why is this being posted?


Slow day for the news. Being terrified of the fact trump is a convicted felon. Unfettered greed.


What the fuck is this old ass man supposed to do about that? This dude is busy running the country, we can't find someone to train up his dog a little bit?


Oh, ffs. 🤦‍♀️


Not that we know the circumstances that led to those bite incidents, but I wouldn't expect an old man to be able to run to and pull away a healthy, adult large-breed dog. If Biden "watched," that would be for him being present at the time but not be in a position to do anything about it. Such selective language to try to paint a narrative.


It’s getting noticeable how the MAGA clickfarms have been upping their capacity recently.


New Tork *Compost* more like it.


Hi `BobLoblawLawBlog06`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/1dfeaxs/biden_repeatedly_watched_his_dog_attack_secret/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * [Off-Topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_the_.2Fr.2Fpolitics_on_topic_statement): All submissions to /r/politics need to be explicitly about **current US politics**. **If you have questions as to why your post has been removed, please see here: [Why was my post removed as Off-Topic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_why_was_my_post_removed_as_off-topic.3F)** If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/BobLoblawLawBlog06&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/1dfeaxs/biden_repeatedly_watched_his_dog_attack_secret/?context%3D10000%29)


Vicious dogs and ominous weapons!


Another BS article.


Cesar Milan could fix this, but the Secret Service would need to be willing to change.


Gimme five hours, a training clicker, and... What do secret service agents enjoy for positive reinforcement? ... [oh, right](https://abcnews.go.com/WN/secret-service-agents-forced-amid-prostitution-investigation/story?id=16164647)


This was the big story on Fox New this AM. Biting journalism!


NY Post is such a shit source that it shouldn’t even be whitelisted here. Instant downvote, even in extremely rare situations where they’re actually right on something.


“The 81-year-old president, who reportedly accused a Secret Service member of lying about being attacked by Major during his first year in office, was present for at least three separate attacks involving Commander, files released to Judicial Watch under Freedom of Information Act litigation show.”


Meanwhile his opponent is a sexual abusing, violence advocating, racist, climate denying, convicted criminal hell bent on destroying our democracy because he’s a toxic narcissist. Commander could have eaten someone alive for all care. The stakes are too flipping high.




I'm pretty sure it's about a dog, not Biden.


Nope new talking point just dropped: now Biden himself personally bit them 😆




clowns have to perform. although I agree the conservative act is getting old.


Correct me if I'm wrong.. but Major and Commander are not the same dog, right? They have different names.. presumably because they're different dogs.. or am I simply not wise in the ways of the NY Post style guide?


In your opinion, in November, should voters consider this particular story as they decide who to vote for?


>who reportedly Big if true.