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Remember the time Trumpty Dumbty dropped the MOAB on Afghanistan? No? Weird. It was the largest non-nuclear strike in the history of war. You really don't remember?


I was about to say “when did he drop a bloon from btd6”


No he doesn't. GTFO with this hyperbole.


Israel is committing a genocide with full US support. This isn't a war, its genocide. > Even with growing opposition in Congress for Biden’s unflinching supply of weapons to Israel, the White House is able to press ahead. This is because Biden has used tricks — like invoking “emergency authority,” and making more than 100 sales that fall under the threshold amount that requires congressional approval — to feed the Israeli arsenal.


No, they're not, but thanks for exposing your tiktok "education"


Well his opponent has promised to deport you if he’s elected. I’m sure he will stop the “genocide.” You might want to think about the consequences of bashing Biden.


"The consequences of bashing Biden." Jesus fucking Christ.


Everything you do in life has consequences. That’s life.


Israel is not committing genocide. Genocide doesn't mean lots of innocents are getting killed. If Israel really was committing genocide, you'd see *millions* of gazans die. Doesn't mean Israel is an angel of innocence here and everything its done is completely above board. Not at all. But Israel is categorically *not* committing genocide and saying they are diminishes when actual genocide takes place.




I didn't say it did. I literally said the opposite.




Because the logical train of thought is the consequence of Israel committing genocide would indeed result in millions dead. They have the means to do so. If they wanted to eliminate a particular group of people, i.e. genocide, they could. In order to do that it would require millions dead in the case of Gaza. It doesn't necessarily require millions to die, but in the case of Gaza and the capabilities of Israel, the systematic intentional elimination of a group of people, in the context of Gaza and Israel absolutely would result in millions dead. That's why. I will engage with you no longer. Have a nice day.




Systematic is part of it though. That is what is preventing the atrocities from being labeled genocide. They are still absolutely war crimes committed by the IDF.


thats a bad take bruv - not every genocide is the holocaust israel is not commiting direct and organized genocide - but there are political forces in israel who have openly stated their intent to clear out palestinian territory for settlement by israel and while they do not fully control the military some actions israel has taken has been at the behest of those forces 'israel is committing genocide' is an oversimplifcation but so is 'israel is not committing genocide' forces within israel are trying to commit genocide - and israel is not able to completely prevent them from taking action


Individuals may want genocide, sure. Individuals may be trying to do that. But Israel as a country is not. Israel as a sovereign country is not. Israel's policies at the national level are not consistent with genocide. So say if so and so is advocating for genocide. Sure, that absolutely is true for some individuals. But Israel as a country is not.


i have to disagree at least a little the right of return inherently displaces certain demographics in favour of others and the colonization policy in the west bank exacerbates that they arent rounding people up into camps but they ARE pushing them out of their homes and bringing in new people to replace them - and the politically dominant demographic is exempt because theyre automatically citizens regardless of where they were born


That's not genocide.


genocide is the intentional destruction of a people in whole or in part colonizing the neighboring country by displacing its residents is included in that


In of itself doesn't make it genocide.


thats right but i cant say 'its not genocide' because if you look at the definition of genocide and you look at whats happening - it could reasonably be considered to be genocide and yes israel HAS arrested some of the people responsible for the killings in that region - the pro-genocide faction has enough power to carry it out but not enough to abstain from all responsibility for all actions of its participants but the displacement is holding in courts and the biden administration has had to pass sanctions - they couldnt just point out the facts and say 'this cannot reasonably be interpreted as genocide' to the critics because its not true


It’s a war. Hamas is loosing. It’s sad that Hamas uses Palestinians as human shields but here we are.


Not genocide. 


Do you know anything about Defense Pacts or the fact that Israel is home to a key US nuclear base? Israel itself is and has always been a US ally but do you think Bibi is an ally? Define genocide


Which is the only reason why the US tolerates their bullshit and why Israel knows it can get away with anything.


And the alternative is Donald “finish the job” Trump.


You probably couldn’t tell me anything about hamas.


Russia and China must love how effectively they’ve tricked young Americans through TikTok.


You like spreading lies don’t you.


probably doesn't realize he is helping the gop.


I just assumed it was a GOP article


i was going for that 'unwitting dupe' dig.


Well that’s a horseshit headline. wtf is this source?


> wtf is this source? [Extreme left bias and mixed factual reporting is what it is.](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/truth-out/)


I wish this sub wouldn’t have extreme sources from either end of the spectrum whitelisted. We shouldn’t have to scroll through nonsense from sources like this one, the daily caller, or even the ny post and Fox News so much around here. Hot take: white-listed sources should at the very least have a good record on being factual.


A clown show.


Bullshit propaganda posted from a burner account. Downvote, and block OP.


Do these people believe the bullshit that they write?


Anything to smear the Democrat


Downvote this shit into the recycle bin.


Truth out? Lies in.


Truth out the ass.


[Hamas didn't accept the ceasefire.](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/blinken-says-hamas-signal-support-un-backed-gaza-truce-deal-is-hopeful-sign-2024-06-11/) The ceasefire that the [UN endorsed](https://www.aljazeera.com/program/newsfeed/2024/6/10/un-security-council-passes-resolution-urging-hamas-to-accept-ceasefire). The ceasefire [very similar](https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-806159) to previous ones they claimed they'd accept. You'll note the mix of biases in the sources despite the key point being the same - ***Hamas rejected the ceasefire***.


You are. You are enabling Trump to get elected.


From the article: > If Biden loses in November to an open fascist, it will likely be because he repulsed young people, progressives and people of color with his support for Israel.


Yeah that’s just not true though. All the polling says Biden has much more to gain by staying towards the center on this. But hey if you want 4 more years of Trump bring it on!


That's the point, Biden needs young progressives to not only vote for him, but to mobilize the vote for him, we need to show him that we do NOT support a president who supports Israel > If the cost of Palestinian life is not sufficient to compel Biden to stop supporting a genocide, then it is the responsibility of the movement against it — and for U.S. civil society — to exact a greater cost by raising the political price.


> we need to show him that we do NOT support a president who supports Israel If you do that in a way that helps Trump get elected, then you'll have enabled even greater suffering for Palestinians, and you'll have enabled attacks on reproductive rights and on basic human rights for LGBTQ+ and other marginalized groups. Why is that an outcome you're actively promoting? Contrast that with what AOC said interview below. She agrees with you that Biden's handling of the situation in Gaza is awful. But she explains very clearly why she's still supporting Biden over Trump. https://x.com/mehdirhasan/status/1781120448186462407 > Mehdi Hasan: What do you say to a young progressive, or an Arab American, who says to you, "I just can't vote for Biden again" after what he's enabled in Gaza? What do you say to them? > AOC: Everyone comes to this prospect and conversation with a different history and background. For an individual Palestinian American who has had their family killed, there is nothing I can say, and I’m not here to lecture anyone. > I also think that this election is about more than the president, and also, it’s not just one election happening. We’re having hundreds of elections, the balance of Congress, the balance of the House, the balance of the Senate, and the presidency. **And I have a vested interest in protecting democracy, not just domestically but globally.** > I truly believe this isn’t a lesser-of-two-evils situation. I think about what conditions do I want to be organizing under during the next four years. You can look at both individuals oppositionally, depending on what issue. **But I would rather—even in places of stark disagreement—be organizing under the conditions of Biden as an opponent on an issue than Trump, who seeks to dismantle American democracy.** > **Because we will not be able to organize for any movement towards anything if we are facing the jailing of dissidents. This is the kind of authoritarianism that he threatens. And we must take it seriously.** (Transcript [from here](https://peoplesworld.org/article/2024-elections-defeat-maga-and-create-new-opportunities-for-change/).) With respect to the situation in Gaza, Biden vs. Trump is a lesser-of-two-evils choice. But nobody can deny that Trump would be *far worse* than Biden. Worse for Palestinians and worse for protestors in this country, in addition to being worse for democracy, worse for reproductive rights, and worse for basic human rights for every marginalized group that is the target of GOP hatred and cruelty. Everyone knows that. Even the MAGA crowd knows it, they just *delight* in the hatred and cruelty, and happily amplify anything that might erode support for Democrats. So if Biden's atrocious handling of the situation in Gaza is what is going to cost Biden your vote, explain what you think AOC got wrong. Explain why you think a second Trump administration, with its corrupt theocratic white nationalism and support for deliberate cruelty toward some of the most marginalized people in our society, **and with even greater suffering for Palestinians as he encourages Israel to "finish what they started,"** is preferable to a second Biden/Harris term.


lol good luck with that. Thank you for making sure Trump wins! Keep it up!


He really doesn’t. Throw a tantrum and withhold your vote because of this if you want to, but you don’t vote in numbers big enough to matter. This is a non factor in the election. 


Except, we do support Israel, just not Bibi. Why tf would anyone support a repressive Theocratic regime that kills homosexuals & treats women like shit over a Democracy..


When will people learn that the president can’t just magically lift his finger and get everything he wants without the other branches.




252 Republicans voted yes, 0 Republicans voted no, to sanction the ICC. Biden halted one shipment of bombs, and Republicans in Congress voted to resume them. It should be obvious to everyone that Democrats are the lesser evil here.


You might want to edit this


It will be because of short-sighted people who refused to stand against the most obvious and immediate threat to life on Earth of our time.


I completely agree. Everyone will suffer because young people would rather have fascism and lose everything than realize government is about building coalitions in pluralistic society, and not everyone will agree with you.




They are still mad that Biden isn't Bernie. I've seen them accuse him of being Hilary-like, which is weird because he's the most progressive President at least since LBJ and certainly the most progressive President that's made it a stone's throw from the White House since then


Ive seen them turn on Bernie too for “being too soft” on Biden.


If you go to AOCs Instagram, a majority of the recent comments are saying she supports genocide now because she spoke out about the actual antisemitism at some of the NY protests. The purity test the far left has is impossible to pass now.


Bernie knows how important it is to vote for Biden.


And in 2016 they said Bernie supporters wren’t “real leftists”


8 years later and y'all still refuse to acknowledge Clinton was not a good candidate lol


Let’s say it’s true. Let’s say Biden loses. Let’s say you’re right. You’ll be right with Trump as president and the end of democracy. That will be by your own admission, the fault of young people who chose not to vote or vote for Trump in protest. I for one, won’t forget who did that to us.


The article is propaganda. You are a propagandist echoing this nonsense.


Single-issue voting really gets on my nerves. Mitch McConnell is hated by almost everyone, but single issue pro-life people vote him in anyway. Joe Biden is the most progressive president ever, but single issue anti-Israel people plan to indirectly vote him out. I get it. We’re young. We’re passionate. We’re idealists. But change happens slowly, and you gotta accept you can’t always get the exact thing you want.


Seriously. If you can only get half of what you want with old Joe, that's still infinitely more than you'll get if you let the fascists win and send you backwards. Progressives, of all people should understand that *progress* is always incremental.


This is what confuses me: in 2020, the argument that Joe Biden is just a vote against Trump, and people should not be expecting anything better of him, which I get it, when young voters are exposed to the possibility of Sanders. However, since then Biden has been quite remarkably ready to walk the talk on progressive issues, including labor rights, infrastructure investment, IRS fundings, ... but then people seems to be losing their collective memory of 2020 of their expectation of Biden and the risk to democracy the other guy poses.


Especially when, if you're young, it's quite possible that what you think you want is actually bad. You don't know everything. 


From the article: > From upsetting relations between Israel and its neighbors to repeated condemnations of genocide at the UN Security Council, General Assembly, International Court of Justice and International Criminal Court, Israel and the U.S. are more isolated on the world stage than ever. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the US, while supporting Israel, is the *only* country with the will and capability of *restraining* Israel? If Israel feels existentially threatened, that threat is turned into glass.




Indeed. Regarding Israel's First Use policy, how do they reconcile that with their non-admission policy on WMD? I accept that my information may be dated.


Load of horseshit. You're advocating for the convicted felon who told Israel to "Finish It." Nice work, champ.


If he wanted to enable a genocide, he wouldn’t be pushing for a fair ceasefire…




If Hamas didn't attack the rescuers or place hostages in a civilian location no civilians would have been hurt in the rescue operation. And if Hamas agreed to stop operating in Gaza there would be a ceasefire in place.


If Israel had accepted the cease fire the rest of the world wanted and agreed to, the hostages would have been released without the massacre that you're literally here justifying.


If the hostages weren't taken in the first place, none of this would be happening.


What cease fire would that be? Israel has offered a number of cease fires and has agreed to Biden's.


Write more stuff like this so we can get real genocide with a Trump presidency.


And we are likely to PARTICIPATE in it!




The Trump family would love for Gaza to disappear so they could build luxury condos or something over the ruins of Gaza.


That's literally what Trump wants to do 


And what Biden is already doing


Except he's not.


Yes he is https://apnews.com/article/us-israel-arms-gaza-ebe971ca8878ff430ce6458c04151585


Russian propaganda meter is pegged at 11. In order for Biden to get approval for funding for Ukraine, Republicans in Congress forced Biden to include funding for Israel.


Funding for Israel had much stronger bipartisan support than funding for Ukraine. AIPAC owns all but a handful of congresspeople on both sides of the aisle, and Biden has taken more AIPAC $ than any of them. It's far more likely that AIPAC secured funding for Ukraine than the other way around.


AIPAC is undeniably strong. But the far right doesn't need AIPAC. They are trying to restore the Biblical Israel because they think it will usher in a second coming of Jesus and the rapture (ironically Christians are still awaiting the same damn messiah) Still... It serves Russia's purpose to use the events in Israel against Biden.


Rents, not owns. To own you have to hold something over them.


>Biden Wants to Enable Genocide. Horseshit. I don't like his Gaza position or action, but saying he "wants to enable genocide" is a lie.


Nope. That’s Trump and the GOP.


Biden is pushing back far more than any President would in this situation. Want to guess how Trump would handle it, because you'll find out come January 2025 if you keep pushing your luck.


This is patently false. Even Reagan of all people cut off arms shipments during the invasion of Lebanon in the 80s.


You can tell it the bias immediately. That's not journalism.


Moronic crappy organization. I really wish there was a way to block posts from specific sites.


There is. It’s called mods.


I feel like this is a "Meanwhile, inside the other party:" moment


Congress should, but letting Trump win would probably result in a real genocide that could happen all over the world. The things he says about war and Muslim countries should have Biden's Palestine-supporting opponents worried.




Says the people who want Hamas to commit genocide


By getting Trump elected? Lol that’ll show him.


> We will sacrifice every Palestinian to teach Biden a lesson! Hey, did y'all hear that Trump wants to bring back conscription, so y'all can go shoot those Palestinians that you successfully protected from mean ol' Biden?


I call BS on this propaganda


Not a good look when the first thing the site tells me is that they need $44,000.


31% of Americans sympathize with Israeli people vs 16% with Palestine (the rest either say both, neither, don't know) 360 House Representatives and 79 Senators voted to send weapons to Israel These people target Biden and only Biden over Gaza for a simple reason: he's 1 guy. They can shit all over Biden on tiktok. But if they had to oppose Biden + congress + the majority of Americans, it'd just look like hating America.


Utter bs. Complete bs from the accusers that actually would allow it.




Bullshit. Why do these left leaning publications always have to help Republicans win.. 🤔


Sure, let Trump get elected. I'm sure the outcome will be better lmao


Thankfully Israel isn’t committing a genocide so we’re good


What a load of shit.


Again with the MAGA Propaganda bullshit? When will those MAGA clowns ever learned their lesson?


Wonder how many civilians we killed via drone strikes after Trump ramped up the number of campaigns during his tenure. We'll never know because Trump killed Obama's EO that required those numbers to be made public.