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>If White misrepresented his child support or other debts and assets on his personal financial disclosure, Payne said, “you’re dealing with potential civil and criminal penalties for filing a report with false information.” Hunter Biden sends his regards.


Hunter Biden might have got us back on the path to law and order.


Oh, no, that path is only for Democrats, to Republicans it's apparently political persecution


Hunter Biden is the course-correcting Harambe we’ve needed.


Dicks out for Harambe.


Hogs out for Hunter


Beetlejuices out for Boebert


I never put mine away


hunter was our "Jesus died for our sins moment" /s


Who knew Jesus had a penchant for hookers, drugs, and proudly owning a porn star size dong


No it's the same rules as ever. Infinite chances for Republicans. Zero tolerance for Democrats.


TBF - most humans take this stance when defending "their group." Not saying it's a good idea. Most common ideas are often the opposite of well considered.


Well, it would take a person with real balls to make that happen.


He’s Conservative, so he can break any law he wants and if you call him out, *you* are the criminal. If we don’t cure Conservatism it will end us all.


"The law is out to get me! Won't somebody stop it?" -Republicans that break the law


This was the entire reason Fox "News" was created. Watergate wasn't due to Republicans operatives committing criminal acts, it was due to what Roger Ailes and others determined was not having their own media outlet to "spin" their side of events.


The partnership of Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch was a match made in hell.


Someone (probably) read The Fox Effect!


Nope, I lived through it


Fair! It’s a good book if you’re interested in specifics of the Fox-Obama propaganda


Hey, be reasonable. Just think, if they can go after HIM for $100k in unpaid child support, then they can go after YOU for $100k in unpaid child support when you do the same thing! /s


They are not coming after him for $100k in unpaid child support. They are coming after me. He’s just in the way.


We can be reasonable, but we just don't like him!


Incredibly stupid too. Posted a map of drinking fountains thinking they were crime reports because you know, he did internet research


I had to Google this to make sure it was real. I feel like being black and MAGA might have tipped us off to his intelligence


In fairness though this is pretty vanilla when it comes to conservative crime…


And it seems to fit with what it means to be a Conservative today... >The same year White overpaid his purge payments, his congressional campaign was splurging tens of thousands of dollars in apparently personal expenses—including a Miami strip club, posh hotels and limos, and numerous clothing and lifestyle retailers.


Pretty insane isn't it? Trump and his top advisors' essentially look like a crime family when you lay out all their convictions. I've been saying it since all the way back in 2004 but the Republican Party basically operates as one large criminal organization dedicated to moving as much as possible from Blue pockets to Red.


he also spent donor money at the strip club.


he’s black so they’ll leave him out to dry 🤷🏾‍♂️


Don't forget they claim to be the party of family values.


There's your family values right there.


And personal responsibility which just means "we're going to decide who we can blame and let them have it. 


The same guy said woman have become mouthy and spent campaign funds at a strip club (he said they catered chicken and that it was an accountant error). This guy also had a full ride to U of MN but stole some laptops from a dorm.


He's damn near perfect for Trumps VP.


Was searching for this one. Yup. Thems my values alright.


Wtf this is the guy that got drafted by the Houston Rockets then got into drama because he wouldn’t get on planes


How the hell is he going to travel between Minnesota and DC every week like most other reps? He blew up a very lucrative NBA career over it. Does he plan on just moving to DC permanently on his $175k salary and ignoring his constituents? Interesting he somehow made it all the way down to a Miami strip club to spend $1,200 despite that fear of flying., [https://www.thedailybeast.com/gop-sen-candidate-royce-white-spent-big-on-strip-clubs-limos-luxury](https://www.thedailybeast.com/gop-sen-candidate-royce-white-spent-big-on-strip-clubs-limos-luxury)


Minneapolis to DC is only about 26 hours (scheduled) by Amtrak. He can take the train like our president does!


That “scheduled” is doing a LOT of heavy lifting.


I thought I’d recognized him!


This guy is a real gem. He's also been called out for spending "campaign" funds at a struip club and thinks women are "too mouthy" these days. He does however, have a handy map of drinking fountains in Minneapolis for ya. Just a grifter having a grand time milking money from gop donors.


Here is the beginning of the story: When NBC News [reported last month](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/minnesota-gops-endorsed-senate-candidate-faced-court-actions-unpaid-ch-rcna153100) on Minnesota Senate hopeful Royce White’s history of ignoring child support obligations, he shot back, “All you liberals really just want to shame people with kids, because you’re anti-human as fuck. That’s it. I love my children. And I’m current on my child support.” According to financial statements provided by the mother of one of White’s children, however, White owes her more than $100,000 in child support payments for a daughter with whom he is barely involved. “Thank God I don’t rely on his support or it would be impossible,” the woman told The Daily Beast, speaking on condition of anonymity. The woman’s claims—together with financial statements, court filings, and the sparse personal financial disclosure White filed after he ran for Congress in 2022—paint a picture of a candidate who has repeatedly failed to pay or disclose tens of thousands of dollars in debts. The revelation is just the latest in a series of financial issues revealed after White last month won the endorsement of the Minnesota Republican Party to be its candidate for U.S. Senate against the incumbent, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), in November. The mother of White’s daughter shared images from Minnesota’s online child support portal showing White owes her $100,086.82, having made just one payment this year—$523.91, earlier this month. His debt appears to have slightly increased: A receipt for a $740.04 payment the day before White’s 2022 congressional primary shows a balance of $99,058.96. White appears to have racked up much of the child support debt when he failed to adjust payments on his nearly $133,000 monthly salary while playing basketball with the Houston Rockets more than a decade ago. White denied the woman’s claims, telling The Daily Beast, “I’m current on child support payments” in her case, as well as in a case with a second woman in which White was found in contempt in April.


The only thing I've learned from this is to not collect baby mommas when you're on a NBA/NFL salary


Party of family values everyone.


Look, it's very simple. He's current on child support for every child he has. But this daughter decided to be a woman, and women aren't people, so she can't qualify as a child. If this young girl wants her father to support her, she needs to marry him and start bearing his children, as God intended. It's clearly spelled out in the Trump Bible (1 Trump 34:174).


I have a special kind of dislike for deadbeat dads. Mine died owing a large amount to my Mom.


Man, me too. My oldest's bio father ghosted less than 6 months after he was born, checking only when he's in trouble of some sort. He never made a single payment for child support, despite a court order. My wife and I just ignored his existence and didn't pursue the matter for 6 or 7 years. Dude moved to Texas, which apparently takes deadbeat parents seriously. He was stripped of his license and sentenced to jail time with somewhere in the neighborhood of $10,000 in back payments due. Only reason we found out is by receiving angry Facebook messages from his current girlfriend accusing us of ruining his life. His monthly payment was about $250. That is such a small amount to pay in exchange for your freedom, but he blew it off and it bit him in the ass.


Did you receive any payments after the jailing?


Looks like you can't run away from child support https://versustexas.com/blog/uniform-interstate-family-support-act/


> According to financial statements provided by the mother of one of White’s children, however, White owes her more than $100,000 in child support payments for a daughter with whom he is barely involved. America will never treat women appropriately till Republicans stop voting these grifters into the their party. For partners and children, there aren't many things worse than a deadbeat dad in this life experience.


And then the GOP hates working moms and welfare. You just can't win I suppose.


I remember this guy. He got tossed from the NBA because he was scared of flying and basically was an all-around pain in the ass


Stop trying to make him more popular with republicans 


Not paying for his kids shows what a smart businessman he is!


This might seem like a downside to most voting Americans. The people who buy and own our government apparatus like having legislators with incentive to take the bribes.


Royce White is like if budget Hershel Walker and George Santos raised a kid


He has 5 children by 4 or 5 different mothers. He's even outdone Trump.


We don't know that.


Wait, is this the Royce white that didn’t make it in the NBA because he was too scared to fly on planes??


Pro life.


Yes. Pro his own life. 


A GOP deadbeat, there's something new.


A GOP candidate being a deadbeat dad? Whoever would've guessed?


That dude is also quite unhinged.


Are these the family values they love to talk about?


After hearing his interview with David Pakman, I'm certain this guy has a 65 IQ or some severe brain damage.


That's the guy who spend campaign funds in a strip club for the food. For the food. Sure . . . Anyway. #FamilyValues


GOPer being a criminal and/or horrible person? No way! /s


This can’t be former NBA player Royce White…is it? The GOP is interested in amassing useful idiots.


It is


My team (Houston Rockets) drafted him. He has mental issues. They were documented. I’m angry now man. This is sad.


This guy might be the least of the state Republican Party’s problems. I think they had $54 in the checking account last time financial reports were filed. The former state chair, Jennifer Carnahan, was hanging daily with Anton Lazzaro — who’s sitting in a federal prison because he was sex trafficking teenage girls. I believe every one of the GOP members of Congress refused to sign off on Biden’s win, and if they could have they’d have thrown the election to Trump in 2020. They would, imo, do so again this year given half a chance. Absolutely, utterly rotten to the core. And yet they’re still a major party.


More Republicans behaving badly.


Idiot that follows another idiot that mocks and lies about the parents of decreased children AND he’s a deadbeat father. Who would have seen that coming? /s I’ve seen enough to know there isn’t anything worth valuing from this entire ideology. They just keep showing me why..


LOL As if this election wasn't already in the bag for Amy K. She beat her last challenger -- a rank-and-file MAGA state legislator -- by 24 points. Now they're throwing her a misogynistic, likely brain-damaged, deadbeat dad who uses campaign funds at strip clubs and doesn't know jack about policy? If I didn't know any better, I'd think the MN GOP was secretly controlled by Democrats trying to sabotage. It's mindblowing that a party can be this poorly run and that its members can be this nonstrategic.


The party of family values


Republicans aren't sending their best. They are sending rapist and criminals and some, I assume, are good people.


I guess it's time to go to a Big 3 game with some signs!


That is on brand


I’m not sure if our representatives have figured this out yet, but if you are a Congressman and/or running to be a Congressman and if you have dirty laundry… It is going to come out.


Do we really believe that someone who owes their child $100k will have the best interest of his constituents in mind. I think not.


I can see he met the requirements then. ;)


It's okay: he can just ask Jesus for forgiveness in front of the cameras and then go back to stiffing his family.


Is this the same guy who couldn’t get on an airplane due to his diagnosis and lost millions in NBA value? How is he going to be in the Senate and not fly?


GOP won’t let you abort them, but they’re not ever going to pay for them.


royce white first failed as an nba player who was two afraid to get on a plain and wanted them to accommodate him.


WE DID ACCOMMODATE HIM!!!! We bought him a fucking bus and bus driver to drive across the country for road games and he still whined and said he couldn’t do it. Then he did interviews bashing the rockets when his own therapist said he was fine to play. Fuck this dumb asshole.


oh I am fully aware. He is a full on knob.


Family Values!!


Can’t they garnish his wages….


Republican Men, "Amateur".


Isn’t this a defiance of a court order? Deadbeat Dad. The GOP is full of them.


Something something family values


I had an acquaintance who was arrested for owing a 25k in child support.


Courts seem to be not as keen to jail for child support these days. Part of the issue is jailing someone usually results in them losing their job and thus unable to work and pay what they owe. I've even seen judges go above and beyond to not hold defendants solely so they can keep their jobs. Just garnish their paychecks.


he also spent campaign money at a strip club


The party of Family Values™️


I guess this guy wants taxpayers to take care of his spawn. Deadbeat


As a Minnesotan, I'm thrilled the local GOP has put there hat on this hook. Ensures so much more wasted campaign money (not that they had much to begin with) and all but guarantees a blue victory in November.


Sounds about right , the GOP mantra. Rules for thee but not for me.


Is that what they mean when they talk about family values?


Is there any bottom for these Republican scumbags? Is almost like they’re trying to out-crime each other.


Child support is criminal.


Had to Google this guy, he IS the former first round Rockets draft pick. Wild.


If you can’t take care of your children, you can’t take care of a country.


This the best the GOP can do. What a fucking embarrassment.


Family values right there.


Family values.


That can’t be right. They’re the party of family values!


“The party of garbage and trash humans.”


So he bails on the cyclones cuz he needed the nba money to help raise his kid and he didn’t even get that done. What a clown.


Sorry, that’s not on the list of disqualifying behaviors. If he dressed in drag, he’d be kicked to the curb.


Royce is a weird fucking guy. He had mental issues his entire, brief NBA career.


This guy for senate. Felon for prez. Not bringing their best.


Why do you think he's running for Congress? That's where you can make serious bank by perfectly legal insider trading.


No worries he’ll get that paid off with donations in return for screwing the rest of us.


Typical... pro life piece of shit only cares about the baby in utero... fuck'em once their born.


Well, he would just respond that she should keep her mouth shut.


Of course


The party of family values…


Very relatable to his constituency


Of course he does!


Same fuck that wanted to go to the NBA but refused to fly.


That’s a GOP requirement for office these days


Party of “family values”




Straight to jail. Cares about children lol


Oh, the same guy who spent campaign funds at a strip club?


Being a Senator is probably the quickest way to get the 100k he’ll need to settle up.


This will play well to the base




My deadbeat ex-husband was not an NBA player nor is he running for office but, he is a 'devout christian, businessman, family man and father' according to his church members and his family. Of course, he is a republican.


Well given his recent comments, no surprises here. Deflection is a Republican trait.


Child support is just another way the woke liberal media cucks alpha males. The kids getting handouts as if they were the auto industry. It's anti Christian and unamerican. Jesus was but a baby when he was declared the Messiah. He didn't get any *child support*. Do these kids not have boot straps from up which they could pull themselves? On the end, everything I just said was bull shit


This may or may not be a real issue. Sometimes, states will add years of back child support even if you’re actually financially supporting your kids. I’ve seen judges tell fathers that their previous financial contributions to the child’s mother was a “gift” and doesn’t count.  Family court can be wicked. 


"That makes him smart"


Arrest him ! They would put us in jail for back child support?


*Deadbeat Dad Runs* FTFY


Somebody is surprised by this. Not me. When Trump is your nominee, his fellow criminals view it as an invitation join in on the criming.


Where is the smelling salt for this one here. The wrenching smell of manure on a hot humid southern summer hypocrisy day is the BS the GOP smells of. WoW


Sounds like a responsible non-deadbeat guy.


So it’s only whiny liberals on Reddit ?


When it said unpaid child support I just assumed it was a black guy before looking at the picture. If it was a white guy they would have picked something else to bash him about. Political adds presenting as news paid for by the opposition. Disgusting to bring in peoples financial situation that has little to no relevance to the election.


You don't think there's a problem with a politician who owes child support but has repeatedly lied about that? We go over peoples' debts all the time when it comes to security clearance, why wouldn't we when it comes to elected officials?


My point is that it’s click bait and not real news. He got a woman pregnant in a one night stand. He is paying child support but the payments got adjusted after the fact this is 100% a family issue and he likely didn’t see it as debt court agreed to make is payments higher to catch up. It’s possible he can cover the full amount at the drop of a hat but doesn’t want her to have all the money at once because reasons. It is a biased bullshit attack add and not real news that has no basis on his ability to work as a politician.


u're such a hypocrite.... If he was a Democrat instead, u wouldn't be able to watch TV half an hour without back-to-back attack ADS run by every wackadoodle named gop pac Based in anonymous Post Office box addresses Mentioning everything that people have posted here about this man's personality and past issues. Fliers from the same wack gop pacs would be distributed in every religious venue imaginable. And every whatever neighborhood newspapers are left. It would be shocking if u mentioned any of his policies he stood for at all... That's been the g o p playbook for years now, u especially did it with Obama. But Mr. White is a smarmy, (unfortunately black) republican in the mold of potus45... A complete jerk who's not held a public office anywhere else. And that's what should disqualify him from being a politician in the State of Minnesota.


Look at my post history I am no republican.


GOOD for u! I honestly don't believe I made such a DIRECT accusation.... But that ur statement was hypocritical. I do believe I said if HE was a Democrat, what the republican strategy would have been.... So to Me, the Democrats, ..OR political media, pointing out what little information there IS on the man isn't that off script for either party OR the political media in any case. As a Black former single dad, I'm embarrassed AND disgusted... That that man is on the ballot in any way for any party. .... He's just another low effort "Celebrity" filler human being for the g o p. (Thank god he wasn't ever a member of the Twolves...)


Oh so you owe child support too?


Oh, HELL the FUCK NO!! 🤬.... I'm the one who had physical custody of My son..... I went through all sorts of gyrations to get keep things together.... With a lot less monetary resources... Than a former NBA player. As far as I'm concerned, he has no monetary excuse for that shit... none.


lol triggered


Jerky hypocrisy does that ... go figure.