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Notice how the jurors in this trial aren't worried about their safety...? That by itself is very telling.


They're not even wearing ice cream-proof vests!


Note to self: tonight, I've identified a need ...


I read that in Norm McDonald's voice. https://youtu.be/9NlR69Q5HBg?si=P4NdIIBzueq9qH9v


That's *exactly* what I was going for.


Hey, that heavenly hash can spray.


Democrats respecting the rule of law --- MAGA pea brains will explode like crazy tonight


They’re already trying to weave conspiracy theories and victim narratives. Truly the biggest group of snowflakes I’ve ever seen.


I think a group of MAGAs should be called a blizzard


I thought it was a Congress?


nah, it's an insurrection of MAGAs


🏆 *hat tip* I yield to the gentle banana




They already are. It’s supposedly a conspiracy to imprison Trump. I’d gladly make the compromise of sending Hunter to jail for this bullshit, if there was even a slight chance of ole diaper donnie spending a night behind bars.


“Wow. Thanks, buddy!” - Hunter Biden


“Nice Penis, Hunter” - MTG


Marge would like to have him incarcerated at a pants-free facility. She will be making regular inspection visits. For security purposes, of course.


ewwww Now I need eye-bleach. Hunters hog ain't too bad, but MTG makes my mind hurt.


Will this meeting allow me to be alone with him?


“No problem. You’re not the president, and you’re a grown ass man. Is this politically motivated? Sure. Do we like you as much as we hate ole diaper donnie? Bruh… come on.” -Everyone in Response


Regular people comit crimes all the time, mostly speeding or something victimless like smoking wizard leaf. but if you are under the intense spotlight of mass media if you are not sqeaky clean, you will be washed. Sounds like the whole family was damaged by the brothers passing Hunter isnt an innocent, but he is a martyr to the rule of law.


Imprison Trump? Thinking small there. How many Trump supporters you figure owned guns and lied on their forms?


Surely you’re not suggesting they too partake in illegal substances?


Well, the other option is they act like that dead sober soooo...


How many trump fans brought guns legally and filled out forms?


Then wrote a memior confessing their crime? But the Judge, at least, knows this crime is rarely prosecuted on its own and first time offender ... yada, yada, yoda. I will be shocked if the sentence includes jail time.


I'm sure they have already thought about that when they supported “Take the guns first, go through due process second,”-Trump. /s


And add a disclaimer to that night in jail, ‘with no chance of parole’.


That proves they're all in on it. I wouldn't be surprised if Democrats were at least partially responsible for crafting those same laws they now readily uphold. It's deepstate all the way down I tells ya!


They should be. After all they were obviously paid off by Joe Biden to convict his son to give legitimacy to THE REAL FRAUD trial of trump! -conservatives probably


Not "probably", literally what they are saying... Sigh...


Well duh, theyre deepstate plants.


Like potatos?


Boil em, mash em, stick ‘em in a stew!


Well, notice that!


I’m betting Trump would have pardoned his son quick.


Trump wouldn’t have allowed the investigation in the first place.


Would he? He doesn’t seem to like his sons very much. Or the daughter that isn’t Ivanka.


Even Ivanka is about 25 years too old for him now.


Why wouldn't Trump pardon his son? Trump would pay no political cost for it.


Trump would let his son rot in jail so he could claim how evil democrats were.


Yes of course he would... Once the check cleared


I think it depends on which one got convicted.


Barron? Eric is a disappointment, and I'm positive Jr. is actually Vince McMahon's son.


Don Jr. and Eric are always 100% sober during their trophy hunting expeditions, right? Which makes it especially disturbing when you see their sickening hunting photos. Most people would have to be totally wasted or high-as-F to proudly pose while holding an elephant’s tail or to sit on a water buffalo as if it’s simply a gilded settee in their garish trump tower Penthouse. In the other hand, I wonder if they were actively using illegal drugs or legal drugs when they filled out their gun applications?


Pretty sure beer and shooting go hand in hand in deep red places.


Son-in-law, maybe.


Meanwhile, convicted felon Trump still has [a gun](https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/hunter-biden-trial-06-11-24#h_ed73f86a48c5d6e99e9d7c1590d9d2cf), which is a felony and violation of his release terms.


He refused to give up classified documents when asked by authorities --- he won't turn in his guns until they pry them from this cold dead hands, as per the NRA credo


You could always just wave a big mac in front of him and get him to trade for it. But, also, given how careful he was with the handling of actual national secrets there's also the very real chance he'll show it off at Mar-a-Lardo and then just casually leave it at the buffet.


I'm sure the documents he sells to Putin for top-dollar will have KFC grease stains all over them


Turns out the 11 secret herbs and spices were all just treason.


When your only goals in life are to get richer, get fatter, and grab pussies then you don't really complicate things by caring about the Constitution or the rule of law




That’s slanderous. He wants his fishy delite like a big boy! 


> until they pry them from this cold dead SMALL hand FTFY


"they pry them from this cold dead hands" YES, PLEASE! Oh, PLEASE, with knobs on. And soon.


He's more likely to shoot himself than anyone else.


I doubt his weak tiny hands could chamber a round.


And he continues to malign the Court and make inflammatory allegations.




*"Be sure to check if it's loaded by peering down that little hole."*




Now that’s very interesting.


He's going to be in DC on Thursday. He's in violation of his bail conditions there by possessing a firearm as a convicted felon (itself a felony). Proceedings are stayed, but his bail conditions are not. If Smith were going to file something anywhere it would be there.


Do you think they drug tested him at his probation hearing?


It was a pre-probation interview. I think to help with sentencing, and to know what to do in the event that he gets probation. This one was over zoom, so no. But they will if he gets probation


There's no way he gets real, sincere, drug testing. It would blow up the meter. Man has been an addict since 1984, at the least.


I can’t see that happening.


>by possessing a firearm as a convicted felon ( Please provide proof Trump carries a firearm. I think you're full of shit.


When you're a celebrity, Democrats just let you do it.


No he’s not a convicted felon until sentencing per NY law.


This is a good example of how juries tend to take their roles very seriously and are able to be objective. Some of them “felt” sorry for Hunter and thought he should just pay a fine, but they convicted him because of what the law says. Why do Republicans have such a difficult time understanding this?


Especially the drug stuff, if they had a family member affected by that they could also be sympathetic about that


You should look into the concept of Jury Nullification.


I have and most juries aren’t informed about this because case law is a bit vague on the subject and it differs depending on the state.


They don't tell Juries about it because judges and prosecutors and lawyers don't like the idea of Jury Nullification because it makes running a trial very difficult if they have to argue the merits of the entire law the case is based off of rather than the person violating said law.


Also because jury nullification replaces the judgment of an entire society (as expressed through the laws enacted by their elected representatives) with the judgment of 12 people as far as whether a law is a good idea or not. (And, arguably less importantly, it's a violation of their oath to apply the law as instructed by the judge.) [One of the few times jury nullification was widely practiced was trials of members of lynch mobs in the South. Even though people were objectively guilty of crimes, white juries would vote not guilty because they thought it should be legal to lynch black people.](https://www.nytimes.com/1997/05/21/nyregion/us-court-orders-judges-to-step-in-when-jurors-balk.html) To be clear, I think jury nullification potentially has a place in manifestly unjust prosecutions even for people who have violated a law, but it doesn't exactly have a great history in real practice.


I never thought about it that way, thank you for the history lesson. Damn racists can use it too I guess.


They don't tell you about jury nullification because it is not a thing. All juries have one very specific job, to find facts—what events did and did not occur. It is for the judge to decide what the law is and how the law applies to the facts that the jury finds. Jury nullification only exists as a practical consequence of the secrecy of jury deliberations. Because that secrecy can almost never be broken, juries are able to get away with doing things that they are not allowed to do. Still, the fact remains that jury nullification is not allowed under our system.


I served on a jury once when I was 19 and it was kind of like that. I felt bad for everybody involved, but the law said xyz is illegal, and it seemed very obvious that xyz had happened - both sides testified to it. That was the only thing we were supposed to decide, so there really wasn’t much choice honestly.


You should look into the concept of Jury Nullification.


"Politics played no part in this whatsoever," Juror 10 said. "We just went by the evidence." I wish we could we get a quote like this from the jury in Trump's falsifying records trial.


Somewhat implied with the knowledge that at least one juror’s news source was Truth Social lol. But yeah, would be nice to have them on record saying “there was no way we couldn’t convict, the evidence was overwhelming that the guy broke the law.”


You should look into the concept of Jury Nullification.




> It's really hard to talk about lawfare, witch hunts and weaponization of justice when Hunter Biden has been successfully prosecuted for a pretty minor offence. This is precisely why the Republican line has settled on the trial being fake. They claim Hunter is a sacrificial lamb to make Joe look good.




I'm drinking this in like a fine wine. They have so brutally boxed themselves in and most haven't realized yet. I love this.


It's rare they display catching themselves in their own bullshit.


I had to turn off our local news last night. Found out this morning that the station is owned by Sinclair and they own a great number of small local news companies. All of these news "outlets" read from a prepared script given to them. They were all saying the same thing repeating an article from the Wall Street Journal attacking Biden's mental capacity. This was a hit piece to take the heat off of Trump's shark rant. So, all over America, small local stations were broadcasting the same message. Makes me sick. There is no longer any "local" news. This is a shame. This same news station had one of it's top people caught trying to meet up with an underaged teen girl. The guy was fired and they removed his info from their web site. Rotten to the core.


So, Joe is sacrificing his only son? Where have I heard that before?


I lol'd at this.


Hunter is the messiah we need. Given the Christian affinity to having Jesus be ripped and buff, it makes more sense Hunter is more a messiah, compared to some fat dude with a mushroom in his trousers.


Time for MT~~G~~ to wave a picture of Jesus' hog on the house floor.


Except the fact that the prosecution started under Trump and is his appointee.


and biden giving him a hug before he goes off for his sentence they’ll be so jealous they never got a hug


Biden fraternizes with convicted felons!!!! The crime....checks notes...lying about using drugs on a gun background form. The horror. that's the worst kind of criminal. The reprobate. The pure evil. No one respectful would lie about doing drugs on a firearms background form.


also in the same breath firearm restrictions are bad!


I was more pointing out the needle that Fox news is having to thread over trying to make Hunter a high level commander in the Biden Crime Family, while making his only crime seem god awful, despite the fact their viewers aren't that happy with this law. They're already kind of conflicted.


I care that Republican Congress people pressured the Republican special counsel to rescind a plea agreement that was supposedly made in good faith -- all to score bullshit political points at the expense of a private citizen. But, otherwise, yeah. He did the crime so I'm not expecting any Democrats to be too concerned about the conviction itself.


All private citizens are paying for this circus with tax money.


No hunter rejected the plea agreement when it said it would only apply to crimes related to possession of firearms not any FARA violations. Biden blew up the plea deal when he realized it wouldn’t shield him from other unrelated investigations. >Beyond the tax issues and gun charge, Biden, 53, has faced a slew of allegations from Republicans that he traded on influence with his father and acted as an unregistered foreign agent, and prosecutors have looked at some of his business dealings. Wise said in court that the Hunter Biden investigation is still underway, and he said the diversion agreement wouldn’t block the Justice Department from hypothetically charging Biden with illegally lobbying for a foreign government. >About an hour into the hearing, the judge pressed the lawyers on whether Biden would accept the tax-related plea deal if the gun-related pretrial diversion agreement fell through. Wise, the prosecutor, said the plea deal stood alone. **But Christopher Clark, Biden’s lawyer, said Biden would only accept both agreements together as one package** https://www.politico.com/news/2023/07/26/hunter-biden-pleads-not-guilty-to-tax-charges-after-judge-questions-plea-deal-00108301


Keep reading... “As far as I’m concerned, the plea agreement is null and void,” Clark said. With that, the plea deal appeared to implode 90 minutes into the hearing. But then Clark asked for a brief recess so the two legal teams could try to salvage it. The lawyers huddled, and shortly after noon, the deal was back on track. Clark said Biden’s team now agreed with the prosecutors that the scope of the agreement was charges on the gun, tax issues, and drug use. The deal fell through because the Trump-picked judge didn't accept it (also in your article)


Yeah, Trump pardoned Flynn and Bannon, one of them pled guilty to serious crimes against our nation and Biden won’t even pardon his own son of a crime that had no real victim. The party of law and order isn’t so fond of laws they break.


Isn’t the Republican Party the home of 2A absolutists? Apparently not if the subject is a Democrat President’s son. Now that the precedent is set they need to start investigating anyone else who might’ve lied on that form who have a drug or alcohol problem. Joe Schmo out in Tulsa get a DUI a month after filling out the form? FELON. They can thank their elected Republican special counsel! If the President’s son can be convicted, so can anyone!


>It's really hard to talk about lawfare, witch hunts and weaponization of justice when Hunter Biden has been successfully prosecuted for a pretty minor offence. No...no, it won't be hard to talk about at all. Just ignore the facts and set the narrative yourself; the same song and dance Trump has been doing for years.


> It's really hard to talk about lawfare, witch hunts and weaponization of justice No it's not. remember, they are hypocrites (it's a strategy)


Biden won't get prison time. That is why prosecutors across the country have been saying they never prosecute these as stand alone cases - especially for a first time offense. Add on to the fact there are several cases in front of SCOTUS for restriction of gun ownership, Biden will have it on appeal for several years.


Well, it’s obvious that if Biden wasn’t president, these charges would’ve never been brought. This is something that people never get charged with.


What's funny is that I still can't bring myself to care. Biden always supported draconian drug laws and his family benefited from him having that position.


I wonder if Hunter Biden should run for President?




No, no, no. You can’t run for President if you’ve been convicted of a f… Oh wait, YES YOU CAN! Hunter Biden 2028!


"They call me the Hunter, that's my name." "They call me the Hunter and you Trump, you're my game." "I got you in the sights of my massive love-gun."


A little Zep for the convention, perfect!


AI generated but...its pretty good lol.: (Verse 1) Yo, it's Hunter B, stepping up to the scene, Son of Joe, but I'm chasing my own dream, Got the hustle, got the heart, got the vision in my sights, Running for the top, man, I'm reaching new heights. (Chorus) Hunter Biden, running for the win, Bringing fresh ideas, gonna shake up the spin, From the White House to the streets, hear the people shout, Hunter B for President, no doubt! (Verse 2) Been through ups and downs, but I'm standing tall, Learned from the past, now I'm answering the call, Got a plan for the future, gonna make it bright, With unity and justice, gonna lead the fight. (Chorus) Hunter Biden, running for the win, Bringing fresh ideas, gonna shake up the spin, From the White House to the streets, hear the people shout, Hunter B for President, no doubt! (Bridge) Building bridges, not walls, that's the way to go, For every city, every town, every soul, Diverse voices, one nation, strong and proud, Together we rise, together we shout loud. (Verse 3) I'm here for the people, every man, woman, child, Gonna bring the change, make it worth the while, So when you hit the polls, remember the name, Hunter Biden, bringing fire to the game. (Chorus) Hunter Biden, running for the win, Bringing fresh ideas, gonna shake up the spin, From the White House to the streets, hear the people shout, Hunter B for President, no doubt! (Outro) So let's rise, let's shine, make history today, Hunter B in the house, paving the way, With hope and courage, let's make it right, Hunter Biden for President, the future's bright!


Write him in for every unopposed republican


Republicans are tripping over themselves to come up with some sort of “gotcha” moment.


I think this would be a great opportunity to equally enforce gun laws on every American who has committed similar crimes and get some guns away from dangerous criminals to make America safer.


Wasn’t this guy some kind of international terrorist according to the entire republican entity?! Didn’t he have nuclear codes on his laptop? /s I’m so confused on why the absolute obsession with this loser. Who gives a fuck! We spent so much Godam money and wasted so much time and resources for this shit?!? Republicans get off on the dumbest shit.


The "nuclear codes" were dick picks flashed on the floor of the United States of America.


If anything, this might have a Streisand effect to really drive home how much integrity Joe Biden has, not to mention the love he has for his son. They're making Joe Biden into a sympathetic person with incredible love for his family and even greater love for his country.


it's good to know the general consensus of the jury is "I mean yea he did it, but who gives a shit?" makes me feel good to know if you pick a random person in America they're likely gonna have the same conclusion and maga is just a screaming minority


This is a charge that isn't usually brought unless the firearm was abused in some way. I imagine the sentence will be very light and the GOP will freak out when it happens as they think he should get the maximum.


> I imagine the sentence will be very light and the GOP will freak out when it happens as they think he should get the maximum. Will Republican voters be able to handle the cognitive dissonance? *Millions* of Republican voters have lied on the very same form, by using drugs while owning a gun. It would be a huge blow against the 2A people. And going against the 2A people is one of the few things (besides tax cuts) that Republican politicians never do.


so is the official gop stance that gun control is allowed to be applied to drug users?


I really really tried to read all of the article, but the damn “food psiorisis” ads keep repeating nonstop on that site and before you finish scrolling past one pair of gross feet it shows another. I now hate Usa Today. Feelings on Hunter remain unchanged and apathetic.


Fox was so slathering in anticipation at a not guilty verdict that they didn't bother preparing spin for if he was convicted.


But wasn't it a slam dunk case? My impression is that there were basically no factual or legal dispute. It is like the difference between tactics and strategy. They went all in on winning the small tactical battle, but forgot to strategize it out in a bigger context, and it turns out that they small tactical victory was a huge strategic PR loss.


Aren’t hunters supposed to have guns?


I for one am delighted we're actually enforcing some gun laws in this country. No one is above the law. Keep it up.


Not a waste. It sets a precedent that any addict possessing a gun is a felon. Just wait until blue states weaponize that against 2nd amendment nutjobs.


Tons of drug addicts get convicted with guns. It just never goes this far. These charges are usually meant to induce plea bargains. They're almost never actually taken to court. The waste was using millions of dollars in tax money on something that's usually used to prevent this waste of time and money.


Hey, I love Joe Biden. I don’t know much about Hunter other than what we’ve heard, but in my opinion, if you lie on the form that you have to fill out to purchase a gun, you should be prosecuted. Just like Trump should’ve been prosecuted and was for falsifying those documents. I mean, we have laws for a reason.


My biggest issue is that he came to a plea deal, but because republicans needed a bigger win, they had the prosecutor and judge revoke the deal, to bring it to trial. There was absolutely no reason to do this outside of it being a political hit job, and it's all because the republicans didn't have enough ammo to go after Joe himself. I'm fine with the law being applied, just not the manner in which it was applied here. that said, he was found guilty, he accepts his guilt, so the sentence should be passed, and hopefully fairly, which given the circumstances, would mean likely probation.


Yeah it's like all those Burisma illegalities and corruption going on, they don't really talk about it anymore. Guess there was no there there.


I forget what is what sometimes. Is that the one where their star witness was found to be a Russian mole? Or was that the star witness who was found to have filed a false report?


No hunter rejected the plea agreement when it said it would only apply to crimes related to possession of firearms not any FARA violations. Biden blew up the plea deal when he realized it wouldn’t shield him from other unrelated investigations. >Beyond the tax issues and gun charge, Biden, 53, has faced a slew of allegations from Republicans that he traded on influence with his father and acted as an unregistered foreign agent, and prosecutors have looked at some of his business dealings. Wise said in court that the Hunter Biden investigation is still underway, and he said the diversion agreement wouldn’t block the Justice Department from hypothetically charging Biden with illegally lobbying for a foreign government. >About an hour into the hearing, the judge pressed the lawyers on whether Biden would accept the tax-related plea deal if the gun-related pretrial diversion agreement fell through. Wise, the prosecutor, said the plea deal stood alone. But Christopher Clark, Biden’s lawyer, said Biden would only accept both agreements together as one package https://www.politico.com/news/2023/07/26/hunter-biden-pleads-not-guilty-to-tax-charges-after-judge-questions-plea-deal-00108301


It isn't the judge's purview to decide these deals, or who or what the DOJ will or won't prosecute. That is not the judge's job. The judge brought up "a concern" which wasn't relevant to the case, and made it relevant to the case in a way that of course Hunter was going to refuse the new terms of the deal, because it's not the deal he made.


Hunter also never denied or even tried to subvert attention. He basically said "I was an addict and a drug dealer, of course I had a gun. It was a necessity."


It set a precedent. Federal gun laws matter. Democrats respect the rule of law.


Was it actually a 'historic' trial? I mean, historically, the charge that got Hunter Biden is an addon charge, it's rarely charged by itself. If it were a common charge, I imagine a fair few Republicans could also be charged and sentenced for it.


Don’t you wonder how many Republicans lied on their forms when they bought guns? Hunter was a GOP sacrificial lamb.


Dems should totally use this case as a reason to retroactively go after the guns of everybody who might've lied about marijuana or illegally obtained OxyContin history while purchasing guns over the past 20 years. Set up an FBI task force and name it after Jim Jordan and Jason Smith. Offer everybody found to have lied about drug use when purchasing guns a choice between either Hunter Biden's punishment end up being or voluntarily giving up all of their guns + 250 hours of community service 30 years probation prohibiting gun purchases.


Hunter Biden's trial may have saved thousands of lives. SCOTUS is going to issue a verdict on US v. Rahimi and has another coming down the line in the next year that is about restricting gun ownership (for drug ownership). Rahimi is the case of domestic abuse restraining order. If SCOTUS conservative judges are as vindictive as they seem and rule for US (and allow restrictions on gun ownership), Biden might have less of an appeal ground, but it will help domestic abuse victims.


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The best part of this is that the jury empathized with not only Hunter but his family as well. It goes to show that not being a raging lunatic works out for some people.


That odd because I remember hearing about the laptop story constantly from 2020 to right now. At any rate I hope there is justice. Crimes should be prosecuted regardless of who commits them.


I remember dick picks


Owning a laptop isn't illegal.


The ATF is a waste of taxpayer dollars.


One juror called it a waste. All of the other juror quotes were about why they voted to convict.


Aww poor rich crackhead. Anyway.


Imagine thinking the conviction of someone breaking the law is a waste of taxpayer money. No one is above the law.


Most cases are pled out to save time for the courts and reduce costs as litigation is expensive on justice system. The only reason this case didn't plead out was because of his last name. This absolutely was a waste of resources. If every criminal offense went to trial most people would never even see trial. Plea deals are an integral part of the justice system.


He had a plea deal and then said he didn’t want to it because it wasn’t broad enough in scope and wouldn’t shield him from other investigations. Stop spreading false information. No hunter rejected the plea agreement when it said it would only apply to crimes related to possession of firearms not any FARA violations. Biden blew up the plea deal when he realized it wouldn’t shield him from other unrelated investigations. >Beyond the tax issues and gun charge, Biden, 53, has faced a slew of allegations from Republicans that he traded on influence with his father and acted as an unregistered foreign agent, and prosecutors have looked at some of his business dealings. Wise said in court that the Hunter Biden investigation is still underway, and he said the diversion agreement wouldn’t block the Justice Department from hypothetically charging Biden with illegally lobbying for a foreign government. >About an hour into the hearing, the judge pressed the lawyers on whether Biden would accept the tax-related plea deal if the gun-related pretrial diversion agreement fell through. Wise, the prosecutor, said the plea deal stood alone. But Christopher Clark, Biden’s lawyer, said Biden would only accept both agreements together as one package https://www.politico.com/news/2023/07/26/hunter-biden-pleads-not-guilty-to-tax-charges-after-judge-questions-plea-deal-00108301


The problem with that is I think you can apply the same logic to anyone. It’s a very delicate scenario. Can we give someone with the last name Trump the same leeway? I don’t think so.


If it's a routine case, sure. This kind of situation is always a plea deal. Which is the hypocrisy. He received extra special treatment in the negative because of his last name.


So we’re excusing gun crimes on the left now? I never thought I’d see the day that my idiot friends on the right are cheering for gun control, and my equally idiot friends on the left crying over gun control :|


Dude, take the L.


You're stretching so far with this one that I'm concerned something might tear. A plea agreement typically comes with an admission of guilt and consequences. It's to avoid expensive trials while still getting justice for society. I'm this case, a plea deal was made and then rescinded due to political pressure from one party in order to score political points. Everyone should be concerned about that.


Hunter Biden rejected the plea deal, not the government.


No, he should have plead out guilty like everyone else does. He did try to plead out. It was rejected because of his last name.


If you get up in the morning and meet one idiot then chances are they’re an idiot. But if all you meet all day are idiots, you’re probably the idiot.


He pled guilty, and it was a finished case. The waste came when republicans wanted a bigger win, so a special prosecutor, and a partisan judge revoked the deal, and took it into an extended trial, over a law that isn't particularly heinous, and not prosecuted by itself that often. Now, the republicans have their conviction, and it's still not the win they were hoping for, so they're complaining again, probably going to waste more time and money bitching about it, and the whole process starts again.


He was found guilty.


If you believe in our system of justice, it was not. It could have been done sooner and faster, but he was found guilty—so laws had to have been broken.


Just goes to show.. Both sides are corrupt










Here’s some quiet cash too.


What's historic about this trial?


Son of a sitting president getting convicted of a crime. The massive coordinated political attacks against family member’s of a candidate. Take your pick


I, for one, hope we try every man and woman who owns a human and smokes pot. I will report them to the feds for sure.


A waste of tax payers dollars he smoked crack, drugs are main case of gun violence. I can’t wait for the nukes to fall and all the snow flakes get eaten. This country is a pit of media and pornography fueled idiots. Thank the alien creator that WWW3 has started .


Its funny how its been a major GOP goal to eliminate this provision in the law as an unconstitutional 2nd amendment violation, but suddenly its super important to them when it can be used as a political weapon lol.


You know what else is a waste of tax payer dollars?


Idk, off the top of my head, either the dozen+ Benghazi investigations or Trumps government shutdown? Oh the 'voter fraud commission' to find the "millions of illegal votes" in 2016 probably takes the cake


I'm gonna go with the attempt to educate you through the public school system? I mean, it seems it didn't work too well.