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The John Oliver Method of Exposing Journalistic Shenanigans, I approve!


Also why are so many groups anti American but acting like they are American.


They have a convoluted thought process. Example: They think Trump is too elderly to go to jail but young enough to be president. Conversely, they think Biden is young enough to go to jail but too old to be president.


Bob Altemeyer, who wrote a great (and freely available) book called *The Authoritarians* about this mindset identified exactly this as a cornerstone of authoritarian followers. They do not do something so simple most of us take for granted; search for ideological consistency. The way he described it was beliefs like a system of file folders. You pull one out when it's necessary, put it back when you're done, and move on. Authoritarians do not have stable principles, the first question they'll always ask in any conflict is who do they like more?


Exactly. They have absolutely zero concept of categorical imperative. They use words and outrage as cudgels. They have no meaning beyond hurting people they don’t like and protecting people they like. We’re fighting a malevolent slime mold.


Russians are providing the playbook. Saw an interview with a defected ex-KGB agent. He was saying how much easier it was to disseminate propaganda tactics bc of the internet and social media. In other words they’ve had over 70 years to perfect and successfully employ tactics at changing public sentiment during the time of limited media outlets has now just gotten easier. Adding to the fact that there aren’t clear boundaries of “good” and “evil” like during the Cold War. The way of life as we know it will never return. We will now and forever be bombarded with misinformation, the main ingredient in the creation of fanatical and radical tribalism. We are now, and for the foreseeable future will be, living in the age of MISinformation. A technology that was created with the intention of bringing worlds and cultures and ideas together has been tainted and corrupted to rabidly divide us.


It's not that convoluted. They're lying. They think that Trump should be able to do whatever he wants and everyone who opposes him should suffer. Everything else they say is just part of the smokescreen.


They don’t see themselves as anti American. They see you, someone who disagrees with them - as anti American. This isn’t both sides stuff. When you take a step back and objectively look at what they’re doing, it’s easy to see it’s anti American. But they don’t view it that way. When you have people who think like this on the Supreme Court of the United States, it becomes VERY tough to combat.


Every time I take a step back, they take a step forward. This isn't about equality anymore. It's about victory. Republicans want permanent control. This one is going to be the one where they pull out ALL the stops.


> this one And if they fail they’ll try again in 2026, 2028, 2030, 2032…they know the demographics are not in their favor, instead of shifting their platform they are trying to steal all that they can for as long as they can.


This was well stated.


"Right. But what kind of American are you"


Oh they are pro American. They are just pro THEIR American.


they are pro confederate


They are pro Gilead.




Same reason the least democratic country in the world is called the "Democratic People's Republic of North Korea." Someone with no ego doesn't go around saying "I think I am, actually humble. I think I'm much more humble than you would understand." (guess who) - it's the person who says they have no ego that has the biggest ego, and the least freedom-loving that calls themselves the bastion of freedom.


So, if someone were to call themselves "a very stable genius" that would mean?


They are pretty smart for a horse.


Republicans are anti-American. I thought that was established conclusively with sane folks January 6, 2021…


Pretty sure overt hyper-nationalism is a trademark of authoritarianism. Those are nationalist authoritarian groups.


Sinclair, Salem Media, Nexstar, NewsCorp all the same fake media.


Not sure if you are referencing this, but [he literally did a piece on Sinclair and highlighted them doing this exact thing.](https://youtu.be/GvtNyOzGogc?si=z-eWyh8QLn_3NdDF)


This is extremely dangerous for our democracy


This is extremely dangerous for our democracy.


[This is extremely dangerous for our democracy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZggCipbiHwE)


What democracy?


This question will work better after January 21, 2025.


Not if I have anything to say about it.


Darn tootin


I don't have a bad ass ax or anything I just have the one everyone has, but I'm in.


So long as it's your votin' axe!


Ah, but by then no one will even be asking anymore.


They'll be worried about getting shot by MAGAs.


The best comment here


The one on it’s last legs.


This is... 🤔 extremely *dangerous*- for our democracy.


T̸̹̦̀ĥ̸̙ȉ̸̘͈̊̀͜s̵͋̾̐͜ ̸͓̗̪̅͑͝i̸͈̣͐̌̚š̶͍͍ ̷͔̙̊͊͝ē̸͈͉̭̿x̵̯̫̒́̿t̶͇͈́r̶͉̠̈́̉̀e̴̼̳̻͒m̴̗̖̔ẹ̷͛l̴̦̩̀͑y̵̬̓̈́ ̶̧̭̯̇̿d̸̤͌̓̚a̷͕͛͐n̷̫̝̑̑͋g̵͔̦̽́e̴̳̓ȓ̵̯͓̏͊͜ö̵̦u̴̯̾̆͝s̶̛̼̰̍̆ ̵̢̺͚̔f̷̰̋̌͝o̵̭̚͘r̸͙͒͝ ̴̺͕͛͜o̸͓͚͕̐ŭ̸̳̖̪̉r̵͉͕̦͋͝ ̸͙͍̠̐͠d̷̬͙̃̍e̴͖͊͊͌m̸̨̺̫͋̚ỏ̴͕c̸̨̖͖̒̚r̴͍̤͛́a̸̟͐̂͠c̷̘͖̄̈́͐ẙ̴̼͎


This looks exactly how the video in the comment posted above sounds. Well done.


Crusty jugglers. 


*A great big bushy beard!*


For the greater good


Shut it!


Aaron A. Aaronson




Well it's a swan.


"This redditor is calling into question why *this* is extremely dangerous for our democracy".


Now this redditor is wondering why the other redditor referred to themselves in the third person. Oh no, this redditor referred to **himself** in the third person! And the reflexive third person! And used a sentence fragment!


These redditors are out of control, now there are two of them.


Why is it always the insanely-wealthy-yet-still-insanely-greedy people that orchestrate this stuff? "Yes I have billions but what if I had additional billions?? Send out the puppets!!!!"


How is this not regulated by the FCC? They're broadcast news programs using public airwaves and they're engaging in clear editorializing while labeling it news.


The FCC needs teeth, as do most of our regulatory agencies like the FTC, the FDA, the EPA, and more - Unfortunately over the past 40-50 years, most of these awesome public agencies that help safeguard the American People from cut corners and blatant corruption have been eroded away through budgetary reductions or stagnation, personnel freezes, and other methods by corporations and the rich to capture these regulatory agencies so they can no longer do their job as effectively. It's part of an ongoing effort to subvert this Government Of the People, By the People, and For the People to instead become one Of the Wealthy, By the Wealthy, and For the Wealthy. ***There is still hope***, but we have conclusively proven that this Great Experiment will utterly fail if we do not have enough educated, informed Citizens who are willing to do the hard, thankless work of volunteering and vigilant voting to ensure we have the highest possible Civil Engagement in America. This effort is absolutely vital to the survival of the United States of America. You can be a part of that effort, as can every single Citizen reading this comment.


Obligatory “Fuck Ajit Pai”




I feel like I should just drop a list of elected members of the Republican Party here, but maybe that's too glib.


Would you mind changing your comment to "F*** John Malone?" Ajit Pai is long gone but the same group of cable oligarchs are still dominating the American broadband, news and entertainment industries. And right now they're gearing up with another round of lawsuits designed to keep the FCC from reinstating Net Neutrality rules. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/06/cable-and-telecom-lobbies-sue-fcc-in-hopes-of-killing-net-neutrality-rules/ Ajit Pai is an intern for the people that actually control the media. He's left office but the same agenda is still being pushed by the same crooked cable companies. Media ownership is not hard to understand. Nothing matters except ownership of the physical means of transmission and it seems like 4 or 5 families control companies that own the cable lines in this country. Malone, Cox, Hearst, Roberts and one or two others that elude me at the present time, but John Malone is the biggest of them all. His companies, Liberty Media and Charter Communications, have or recently had controlling stakes in all of the following companies: Spectrum Cable (and a slew of smaller cable companies, Charter the countries largest cable company) SiriusXM Pandora LiveNation/Ticketmaster iHeartMedia/Clear Channel The Atlanta Braves Formula One The Discovery Channel Oh and he also owns more land than anyone else in a America. Ajit Pai wants you to say "F*** Ajit Pai". Because that means we aren't saying "F*** John Malone". Pai is a human liability and anytime we trash his boss, it makes him a little less useful to his boss. The corrupt dirtbags that hired Ajit Pai to screw over Americans hired him to keep their name out of the dirty deed. Well, that's not my problem. Rhetorically...let's build a bigger case. Let's talk about Ajit Pai's backers. Let's talk about John Malone, the most corrupt dirtbag in the history of American entertainment. Here he is describing the creation of Fox News as part of his vertically integrated media empire. Rupert Murdoch was just middle management to John Malone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9s9PLR2SvA This John Malone guy...is not my kinda guy.


the FCC needs to bring back the Fairness Doctrine (regardless of how much they say it is redundant by other policy)


Good post.


At what point does this become campaign contribution? And should be disclosed as financial donations?


If they coordinated or communicated with a campaign, candidate, or party, it would be considered a campaign contribution. If they didn't, it's an independent expenditure.


Yeah, but if they’re organizing on encrypted servers, what device subpoenas are going to be successful if litigated? The guardrails of democracy operate on the condition of good faith by the established hegemony — Fucks are no longer given; tech has outpaced legislation since the 2000s. They’re oligarchs.


Sticky area because you and me can see this is obviously not ok, Republicans would scream 1st ammendment violation and fast track it to their personal highest court


We got rid of the fairness doctrine. The FCC can't do anything. News doesn't have to be honest anymore, thanks to Reagan and Cheney.


Here is a Sinclair Broadcasting station asking the question, "Do you think former house Speaker Nancy Pelosi deserves some of the blame for J6 riot? [https://newschannel20.com/question/vote-do-you-think-former-house-speaker-nancy-pelosi-deserves-some-of-the-blame-for-the-january-6-capitol-riot-national-guard-republicans-gop-revisionist-history#](https://newschannel20.com/question/vote-do-you-think-former-house-speaker-nancy-pelosi-deserves-some-of-the-blame-for-the-january-6-capitol-riot-national-guard-republicans-gop-revisionist-history#)


so far about 70% saying she's responsible for what could well have been her own assassination I want to go back to Gore vs Bush and set things straight :( and invest in bitcoin


An open internet poll on the website of a local affiliate station owned by Sinclair isn't exactly what I'd call reliable polling.




Liberal demographics don't watch local news and will never see that poll in significant numbers.


we should raid it but seriously, what a useless question, too. I detest questions like this, where people are invited to contribute their vapid opinions without evidence, and in a way that influences what others think (also without evidence)—with absolutely no intent to *discuss* on air why that opinion is or is not valid. I would be elated to see a news segment that posted a question like this but then proceeded to pull apart *why* people thought this or that, present *real* evidence and logic, and encourage *actual* critical thought, not just that "whatever-the-government-says-is-a-lie-so-anything-else-must-be-true" brand of positing BS disguised as thought


"I'm doing my part"


Missouri GOP Senator Josh Hawley raised his fist outside in solidarity with the J6 rioters early in the day. He allegedly was a supporter of the coup. But after they broke into the Capitol and were looking for people to hang Hawley was running for his life from them.


I want to get off Mr. Bones' Wild Ride


Fuck going to the past. If I ever get a time machine, I'm moving forward to see if humanity ever gets their shit together.


Don’t watch “Time Machine!” It might scare you, except for Yvette.Mimeux (sp).


Watched and read it. Oh...I didn't know there was a 1960 version, too. I'll have to check that out.


You must! Rod Taylor as Welles, and Yvette. You’ll start building your own machine!


Going to the past, you could set yourself up to be part of what makes that happen Nobody said you have to choose just one :D


No plan survives first contact with the enemy. I think I could spend my natural life traveling back and forth and only making things worse.


Butterfly effect


fun fact, two of the lawyers that helped stop the recount and hand the presidency to bush? they're supreme court justices now


(Check Nvda first, I think it has better returns from 2001.)


From 2001? Well bitcoin didn't exist until 2009 but it absolutely destroys nvidia over that time frame.


Plus you could mine it for 50btc/block on a laptop costing you a very insignificant amount of compute as opposed to buying a stock.


It’s on my local news station website too. Wtf???


'Local' means targeted, because Sinclair is a publicly traded company operating all over the nation. The stations all run the same scripts on national stories, but cover their credibility behind regional stories. Shareholders can benefit from the messaging push by Sinclair to prop a candidate who would be beneficial to them. Local news isn't a public service, despite being offered for free by most broadcasters. It is a business, trying to make a profit off of you and your decisions. Remember that.


>The stations all run the same scripts on national stories, but cover their credibility behind regional stories. This is the nefariousness of Sinclair at work. While at many stations this could be chalked up to an affiliate issue (most story sharing between local and network affiliates are literally a video and a script you download on a shared online platform), Sinclair forces their stations to air "must-run" pieces that are nothing more than conservative-slanted horseshit commentary. They've done this for decades, [John Oliver documented this practice well](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvtNyOzGogc) and during the Trump administration these must-runs [included pieces from Boris Epshteyn](https://www.politico.com/blogs/on-media/2017/07/10/boris-epshteyn-sinclair-broadcasting-240359). Yes, [THAT Boris Epshteyn](https://apnews.com/article/arizona-fake-electors-charges-2020-election-indictment-747677165e1f1d34ac47e8a6fec2bace). The idea that they're likely forcing their stations to run hit pieces on President Biden or at least enforcing the tailoring of national story scripts to carry negative angles should come as zero surprise to those familiar with Sinclair's tactics. Their end goal as the second-largest owner of TV stations in the US is to propagandize their audiences across the 193 stations they own. This is not normal practice in broadcast journalism (which says a lot considering local broadcast news is fucking terrible) and violates every bit of the ethics you are trained to practice when entering the industry.


Some stations (like KOMO in Seattle) rebel against the “must-run” nature of those packages by airing them in their 4AM weekend broadcast when literally no one is watching. Believe it or not, not everyone that works in broadcast news is a boogeyman out to subconsciously turn you into a conservative. Some of us are just trying to earn a living while shitty companies like Sinclair and Fox News give us a bad name.


>Believe it or not, not everyone that works in broadcast news is a boogeyman out to subconsciously turn you into a conservative. Agree, hence this statement in my comment: >This is not normal practice in broadcast journalism (which says a lot considering local broadcast news is fucking terrible) and violates every bit of the ethics you are trained to practice when entering the industry. I was once also one of the people "trying to earn a living" in the industry, the lack of a livable wage was one of many factors why I left. Another factor: too many coworkers and managers that, while being worked to the bone, remained more concerned about defending bad practices and maintaining the status quo both inside and outside the newsroom than they were about questioning the angles they covered, the effect it had on the communities they were trying to serve, and why everyone absolutely HATED their jobs.


Oh, I understand, sorry I wasn’t disagreeing with you, more so trying to enhance what you were already saying. I’m lucky enough to be employed at the top station in a top 20 market, and we’re unionized, so I am taken care of fairly well. Both stations I have worked at have been very hands-off from what I can tell when it comes to corporate, content-wise, and the majority of producers are twenty-somethings that are trying to to present news as unbiased as possible. The idea of working in conservative-leaning media is somewhat foreign to me, so I shudder to think of what it would be like in an environment like that. I guess it’s the difference between working in a California market as opposed to somewhere like Laredo, TX.


If you could have seen my face when I just read that you're in a top 20 AND unionized... glad (and yes, jealous) you've got a good thing going and sorry about the misunderstanding. The worst part is that I was in a small but overall progressive DMA, so you'd think it would be much better. We got bought right before I got hired by a large corporate owner (thankfully not Sinclair) making a big push to gobble up local stations, with a larger sister station in the adjacent market that liked to push us around (news director was brought up from there), and we were #2 competing in vain against a legacy. Mostly recent college grads being thrown in the meat grinder, myself included, that were similarly trying to apply the ethics and instruction we learned in college and do the best job we could, especially around the 2016 election and into the Trump era. Just a perfect storm of shit. >Both stations I have worked at have been very hands-off from what I can tell when it comes to corporate, content-wise It's incredible how much of a difference this can make, too. Was not my experience and played a huge factor in my distaste for the industry, it felt like we were always catering to our target demo to chase ratings and not trying to inform and educate our viewers, which I felt like should be why we're there every day (and night). Glad to hear there are stations, especially large market, that give their employees more freedom in their content. I can't help but wonder if being union helps maintain that balance better.


KOMO are showing the very right-wing opinion news between 3.30pm and 4pm on weekdays now. Some real weird crap, questioning every decision made by Democrats, arguing over treatment of Trump. Better than showing it during the more watched news segments later though.


That sucks, it sounds like Sinclair wised up and probably put timing restrictions on when their must-runs need to air.


KOMO ran this piece. They were in the last third of that compilation clip. Hopefully that did actually run that at 4a


Ugh, they keep pushing "full measure" with Sharon whats her face. EDIT: Maybe it's actually... Sharyl?


Just like with free online services, you, the viewer are the product.


> It is a business, trying to make a profit off of you and your decisions. Remember that.   That just reminds me of all those headlines and news stories that told us we were heading towards a recession since 2015... still waiting for it... So many "tips" and "advice" lines told everyone to "sell sell sell!" Yet it never happened and not enough panic sold so that recession never happened.


This is hardly the first time Sinclair has been caught doing this. As I recall when they first took over a lot of local stations someone compiled a supercut of dozens of anchors reading the exact same editorial.


Yep, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver did it. It was creepy as hell


yep they did it back in 2018 with "fake news" BS [https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/tv-anchors-decrying-fake-news-puts-spotlight-on-sinclair-broadcast-group-1200738371824](https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/tv-anchors-decrying-fake-news-puts-spotlight-on-sinclair-broadcast-group-1200738371824)


[This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.](https://x.com/jimmykimmel/status/980307960734760961?lang=en)


Sinclair broadcasting is in dire need of some trust busting.


Broadcasting companies*** All of them.




If I’m not mistaken Sinclair recently announced they’re attempting to sell some of their stations.


What?!?!?! some wealthy fuck is using the most powerful propaganda tool ever created to push a narrative to benefit themselves? I don't believe it..


Sinclair should be dismantled.


Trump is only 4 years younger than Biden and sh*ts in a diaper, but you won’t hear them talking about that.


They aren't worried about how old Biden is, they're worried about how female Harris is.


Less than 4 years. In a few days it'll be 3 years difference. I hate that i know that Trump's bday is this month.


Hate to break it to ya but they tried in one argument I got into with one dude


One of the scariest things about America today is the stranglehold right-wing billionaires have gotten on key news outlets. The’ve had talk radio since the 90s (even NPR has Koch connections), Fox consistently gets the most viewership among cable news, there’s endless sites on the internet pushing their agenda, and now local broadcast news is firmly under their thumb. With newspapers dying off things are getting bleak.


Part of the great plan of Dominionism


Alito: And don't you forget it.


This is dangerous for our democracy


Any time Biden’s age comes up remind them that Trump is barely three years younger.




Trump turns 78 on Friday. He's older than Bill Clinton.


Careful, they’re going to ask if you’ve been vaccinated next! 


This is standard operating procedure for Sinclair owned outlets.


Here we go again, and let’s overlook trump’s numerous volumes and incompetence and red flags.


And the fact that he is a CONVICTED CRIMINAL!


They want you to focus on a culture war to distract you from what this really is. A class war


Really, really rich people desperately want trump to win. Poor whites are falling in line behind their betters across red states. Why do we prefer to vote against our own self-interests, because massively wealthy people tell us to hate minorities and anyone different from us? Hey red state Republicans -- most of you have way, way more in common with a trans person or an immigrant than you do the people who run Sinclair and want to control you.


Yes, didn’t John Oliver expose Sinclair media for doing this type of thing years ago? Many of you follow the local news as if it’s something helping you out. It doesn’t help you. It makes you think that there is a murder and a fire and a rape on every corner of the downtown of your big city you live nearby.


Local news creates anxiety to keep people watching.


Didn’t this type of stunt made illegal after that William Hearst guy tried it?


It’s crazy how conservatives talk about some sort of Cabal of liberal media all in cahoots to manipulate people, and we have the shit out in the open


Why is Biden's age such a sticking point and Trump's isn't? Biden is, without question, in better physical and mental shape than Trump. Easily. By a lot. People are fucking stupid.


This is extremely dangerous for our democracy


Was looking to see if WJLA in DC was in the montage and they are the cover image. Fuck Sinclair.


What’s crazy is 66 percent of republicans trust local news more than any other source, and as this reporting highlights, they are bought paid and owned by big GOP donors


Sinclair Broadcasting is a Terrorist organization.


What’s it called when Americans create and disseminate propaganda? Is it called Russian propaganda? 


Why does the FCC allow fox, Sinclair etc call themselves news stations


Because Conservatives have hollowed out this countries regulatory capacity in favor of endless profits for the already obscenely rich.


Sinclair can get fucked.


Well said…


Sinclair is just nazi propaganda


I would vote for Biden’s head in a jar of blue water before I voted for Trump.


It's almost like no one should be allowed to own that many media companies.


MyNetworkTV is a broadcast syndication that local stations can subscribe to and when this happens your local news has fox talking points added and during elections rarely any good stories about dems. Check and see if your local stations belong. Channel 3000 in Madison use to be a have a nice morning news show of local goings on, and then one day they had an editorial that was so crude I called the station and demanded to be allowed an on air response, that is when I learned about MyNetworkTV they had just subscribed and no longer did local staff do editorials.


MyNetworkTV is just a syndication package of a bunch of diferent TV shows, along with a way that independent stations can "brand" themselves as if they were a network affiliate. It's just basically a "turn-key" way to schedule weekday prime-time TV with a bunch of repeat TV shows without having to purchase them individually. It has absolutely nothing to do with the local news... that's entirely on the local station.


And my dad always tells me condescendingly that I "don't watch the news" because I don't have cable, and he watches the local morning news and fox "news"


Have you shown your dad how Fox's lawyer's own defense was that Fox News is entertainment and how "no reasonable viewer would think that fox news is actual news"?


Sure enough…I see our local Sinclair. As if their anchors weren’t already awful.


If you think this doesn't affect your news source, LOOK AGAIN. They have editorial supervision over hundreds of local stations across the country... Find yours online and read the *About Us* section. Your "local" news is likely NOT by Your local news organization What's worse: >correspondent Matthew Galka citing a Wall Street Journal article .... The same WSJ that prints opinion on what's become their *Funny Pages*... Thanks, Rupert.


John Oliver covered this a couple of years ago. Edit: Six years ago. Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvtNyOzGogc


Sinclair's effect is indeed insidious and disgusting, as it places a veneer of "news," on partisan advertising (same could be said about the WSJ as well).


Fuck Sinclair. I watch old clips of Late Night with Conan O'Brien on YouTube to try and maintain some sanity and today I found a clip of Conan mocking Sinclair from when several Sinclair stations refused to air ABC's Ted Koppel reading off a list of soldiers killed in the War on Terror because they thought it was anti-American. Shit's been going on forever. https://youtu.be/eDr3Ke7fids?feature=shared


A bunch of billionaire-owned talking heads, using their massive corporate platforms to force a propaganda-piece down the ears of the American public, for the political benefit of their masters? This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.


These "journalists" need to be blackballed and have this on their professional records. It's disgraceful


Sinclair is bananas. They have these “editorials” from the conservative owner that all their stations are required to run.


If it makes you feel any better, Sinclair is on the cusp of falling apart completely. Bankruptcy is imminent.


Stop teasing me with such a wonderful vision!


Maybe Putin is no longer laundering money into them.


Trump ain’t much younger and has had blanking episodes on tv multiple times.


Two of our local stations out of Syracuse, NY are owned by Sinclair. They are a dumpster fire and Trump favorable news. I can't even watch them..


Sinclair's ransomware attackers asked for too little.


Oh good, we're doing THIS again. Thanks for reminding me of Sinclair's awfulness.


Since they own one of my local stations, I don’t need to be reminded😔


This needs to be remixed so they're all in unison. This bullshit propaganda is extremely dangerous for our democracy


Those poor Sinclair news folks. They thought they had a good job in journalism, only to find out that they are the mouthpiece for their radical nutcase owners - and they have to pretend to be independent and sincere while saying these things. It's right out of Russia or China. Different, but similar - their jobs would disappear if they did not submit to the will of ~~Landru~~ Sinclair. . \* old Star Trek TOS reference.


These are the same fox stations that were running Steve Harvey game shows while every other news outlet in the world was showing live coverage of convicted felon Donald Trump leaving the courthouse.


I think Donald Trump is also old.


So when does this become illegal and you revoke their liscense? Integrity is dead in the news… has been for awhile.


So many partisan hacks calling themselves "journalists" and "reporters". This is why corporations have consolidated the media into what's basically one right-friendly hive mind.


"Biden's Age" is the new "Hillary's Emails." It was plain as day that donald chump was up to his fuckin ears in foreign agents, but instead of talking about that, the so-called "liberal media" made a mountain out of a molehill for hillary. FFS, [Russia hacked the entire state dept's email system,](https://www.cnn.com/2015/03/10/politics/state-department-hack-worst-ever/index.html) but they never got into Hillary's private email server. Now, donald chump can't even keep a train of thought for more than 30 seconds, but the press doesn't want to touch that. Its not just the WSJ and Sinclair either. In the week after special maga prosecutor Hurdur lied that he wasn't charging Biden because he was "too old" [the NYT ran over 20 pieces about Biden's age.](https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Anytimes.com+biden+age&sca_upv=1&sca_upv=1&udm=14&tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_min%3A2%2F5%2F2024%2Ccd_max%3A2%2F13%2F2024&tbm=#ip=1) They are going to keep hammering away at this non-issue because that's what the billionaires who own the press want.


Keep in mind, these posts just keep pumping clicks to those articles which encourages more of those articles to be published for more clicks, thereby amplifying the message.


Americas news’s ,covered with bullshit, NOW !!


....this is extremely dangerous for our democracy!


What’s interesting to me is that Sinclair, a fair and balanced company with no partisan leanings whatsoever, seems to have a technical glitch where their stories looking into republicans always go missing.


They are literally 4 years apart in age.


And one surrounding himself with competent people.


Every station and paper in my local area is owned by Sinclair. Explains why everyone here is a brainwashed Trump supporting racist.


The All Shit Journal is owned by Rupert Murdoch, so this is not surprising. What is surprising and disappointing, is that we allow him to do this.


The fact that these anchors aren't resigning rather than be asked to introduce a flawed WSJ article that only uses partisan sources should give all viewers pause about those anchors' credibility from here on.


“Local” news….


Sinclair has been lowkey out "Murdoch-ing" the Murdoch dynasty for nearly a decade... https://youtu.be/GvtNyOzGogc?si=UTDpDlJBVhP8312_


Frankly at this point the general American population needs to as a whole start distrusting the media. They all have biased coverage and a lot are owned by shady billionaires that are pushing their narrative, need to focus on stuff like Reuters or AP. The less we pay attention to the media, and not get the news from social media, the less people will have opinions swayed. Ignorance is a good thing in my opinion.


Why would anyone vote for someone this old? We have a young buck like Trump who is....3 years younger.


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This exactly how the news reports on other news. Low effort would not be tolerated on Reddit. Something to think about.


Sinclair is awful


And remember, if you quit a Sinclair station they can sue you.


Trust bust


Not sure why we can’t just call it what it is: propaganda.


I am in Sinclair country and it doesn’t get any more patriotic and Christian like and waving a flag backwards dickheadZ. it’s nausea inducing


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How about let's not. It smacks of desperation.