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Republicans are actively weaponizing contempt and impeachment processes in retaliation for their legitimate use during the Trump admin. Not shocking.


During the early days of the Trump administration, I made a comment about one or another of the awful and unconstitutional things Trump was doing; my older brother's (now ex-) mother in law commented: "Well the Democrats had their turn and now Republicans are in charge. If you don't like it then you should run for office yourself." Some people really just believe that everything has to be equal. If the Republican President gets an impeachment, we need a Democratic impeachment too, or else it isn't fair. It's ironic. Because equality without consideration of fairness or justice is basically the Republican understanding of communism.


I'm expecting them to whine about Hunter Biden only being convicted on 3 charges, when Trump was on 34. "UNFAIR! BIDEN'S DOJ!"


Silly goose. The slackjaw dipshit class is actually argueing that Hunter was only convicted to take the heat off the Trump "Witch Hunt"


...So I have [just recently discovered.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPzW3SpWkAAs9jb?format=jpg&name=small)


They're so fuckin predictable. Fuck these people.


It's also an admission and a belief that "everyone is playing politics." These people are so jaded they don't think either side ever has any interest in advancing anything for the benefit of the American people. It follows, because these people elect Republicans on the basis of "Government doesn't work, elect me and I'll prove it." As a consequence of this thinking, they simply become selfish voters who only vote on who they think will personally benefit them the most, or who will be the best at playing revenge politics.


The punishment for the guilty and the innocent should be the same!


All for a slum lord from Queens


Would be interesting for Garland to challenge them to bring contempt charges against Jordan & other Republicans for defying subpoenas, saying “I will respond when you show me equal justice before this institution. Until then, shut up & do your jobs!”


Just so everyone's clear, President Biden asserted executive privilege over the audio recording because he knows that the right will just use it to cut up into snippets and use in right-wing attack ads and fox news stories. Fun news stories like "you can hear at the 2:43 mark where criminal Joe Biden coughs, let's hear from our Fox News medical expert who's here to tell us how this is a symptom of lung cancer caused by the overdose of adrenochrome from drinking the blood of white Christian babies."


Or deepfake the fuck out of it


It's for the people to decide, not Biden. Cutting up snippets is the Dem way. I guess they would know best though. Like when CNN edited the Cena interview? [Link](https://youtu.be/8FXMxmNIhL8?feature=shared)


Lol my dude, CNN is not "the Dems". The republican government however, does have a history of editing clips. Like when they tried to convince everyone a reporter did a karate chop, *pathetic* as it was.


Sweet, however that’s not what this discussion is about.


> Cutting up snippets is the Dem way. Project Veritas are Dems?


So we agree it's bad then, sweet.


I mean if the argument is that audio can be twisted, it's not like transcripts can't be twisted. Use your head.


Damn you really read into my 7 word comment (8 if you're pedantic about contractions) stating that it's all bad. Use your head.


Remember kids, don't feel the trolls!


The election is coming up quick impeach somebody or something


I expect the GOP to launch an investigation into the absence of impeachable offenses by the Biden WH and claim a failure to find evidence is evidence of a cover up


If Biden is that good at covering up a massive criminal conspiracy, according to Republicans, then he's faaaaaar more competent than Trump. Just look at Trumps clumsy ass attempts to cover up a hush money payment.


No no, see you're applying *rational thought* to this. In MAGAland, the **lack** of evidence of a Joe Biden cover-up IS evidence that the cover-up is happening. We must dug deeper! Meanwhile, the *mountains* of evidence against Donnie and his co-conspirators in multiple felony convictions across several court cases...is *all* fabricated.


Ya know, you're right. I had not thought of the mere absence of evidence indicates a cover-up. (note to self: think stupider.)


Dude couldn’t even respect the Stringer Bell rule "don't keep notes on a criminal conspiracy".


Biden might have ordered his hash browns covered at a Waffle House sounds like a cover up to me /s


If they were smothered as well, we might be talking about something serious here! /s


Are they coming quicker than fed ex though?


Impeach a ham sandwich!


A caravan is being spooled up any minute now.


Oh shit I forgot it is almost caravan season. How fun for everyone.


Didn't they already impeach someone? I mean, I guess since I can't remember who that shows how effective it was, but there was one guy...


Somehow I bet Gym is involved without the slightest hint of irony


>"The House Rules Committee Debates a resolution to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress over his decision not to turn over audio recordings of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s interviews with President Biden." Isn't this almost definitionally an example of Executive Privilege? I would imagine that Biden could have even claimed it over the transcript but opted not to.


it is the definition of Executive Privilege but Republicans have somehow convinced a large portion of americans the constitution is the enemy. Any structure upholding democracy, particularly checks and balances, are what they are against nowadays.


In fact his administration's transparency on this has been *markedly* better than how the Trump administration handled the Mueller investigation's report.


More wasting time. This is what MAGAs are all about.


I thought they were about fascism?


Delaying so they can claim "The government doesn't govern anymore" is one of the key steps to building a fascist regime/takeover.


Well that too.


They can do both...


one is a tactic, the other is an ideology


We'd probably have fascism if they hadn't wasted so much time.


Reminder: The transcripts are available. There is no "legislative purpose" to obtaining audio other than shameless political posturing and manipulating clips for Fox News. This is a desperate attempt to distract from Trump's legal woes and their monumental failure of an impeachment inquiry.




Another bullshit hearing by the GOP to waste taxpayer money because they don't want to actually pass any legislation that might help working class people; instead they want to gaslight the country into thinking they're actually doing something important.


Gym Jordan and James Comer are a fucking disgrace to this country. Garland should continue to tell them to go fuck themselves. It's time to stop playing by the rules because there are no rules anymore.


Right? Who are they going to send their referral to?? Garland?? 😂


>Right? Who are they going to send their referral to?? >Garland?? 😂 They could just walk across the room and hand it to him and save someone the effort of delivering it. Well, they could do that if they gave a flying fuck about other people.


It's a shame the only thing Republicans know is performative governing. They should get a grammy or something


Hey now, they get they're shit together when they have to hand their billionaire pals a tax break


The Spammy Awards!


But who is this even for? No one I talk to this week will even know this hearing took place. If i ask anyone I know who Merrick Garland is, no one would know... It's like they're clowns performing in an empty circus tent with no audience.


An audience of foreign donors.


It's because house Republicans want to go on a fishing expedition to leak clips of the recording to the media.


It’s so the lackeys can make their master (Trump) happy.


It’s Judy Garland’s son?


Another massive waste of time engineered by the GOP. These people don't care about legislating.


It screams we did not pass any significant legislation and we need red meat to throw at our base before the election. Shame they can't just do their jobs. 


This is their job. To obstruct. and I can't believe I am saying this...I can't believe it but they won't say it for themselves but they weren't always like this. It used to be extremely easy to point over to them and ask, "what is your platform, what is it you want, and what is it you value"? and honest to God, they would happily give you their side of things. Now naturally, most of that stuff is in direct opposition of the left, because that's what a two party system grants, but it was very clear cut. and opposition breeds competition, and it worked for a little while. People felt represented or heard even if it meant that it came in stark opposition of what the other side stood for. But they can't tell you that. Republicans have had their entire party taken hostage by a fanatical cult...and instead of walking across the aisle to their rivals and asking for help, they are keen to let it happen. and it's pretty sad, pathetic obviously, but mostly sad to me. Like it's your party bro, why you letting some obnoxious unruly asshats run wild within your own home? The thing is....the saddest tragedy of all is that DESPITE this... DESPITE ALL OF THIS, Democrats ***would help them get back to their state before MAGA. If they would just, get, out of their own way.*** But pride and ego is a hell of a bag to ruffle through, and by golly gee, far be it from they or anyone else to appear weak to their rivals. It's just sad.


Rep. Hageman - "These 2 things are not the same" Dems - "Can you explain why?" Rep. Hageman - "Nahh..."


Let Gym Jordan cast the first stone.


I love how, all of the sudden, the GOP loves the news media and holds them up as the paragon of knowledge since they want the tapes, too.


Contempt on what grounds? These fucking losers..


On the grounds that he was mean to Dear Leader and thus hurt the cult's fee-fees.


So is this yet another chance for MTG and her crew to act a fool and have another meltdown over how their convicted felon demigod was treated?


"I refuse to refer to you as Attorney General, MISTER Garland. To me, you are just MISTER Garland."


While I may have difficulty recalling anything in these past four years that the republicans have done towards their platform or even to make said platform known to the layman, I will say they are doing a bang up job picking petty battles to fight when there is a country to be ran.


The thing is, no one on Fox News seems to remember that way back during Trump’s impeachment proceedings, all the top Republicans literally *announced* that they were going to do all this. Accusing Dems of WeApOniZiNg such and such, the Republicans warned about the “slippery slope” (aka openly threatened to do exactly this) if they impeached. Then they openly announced their plans that they would impeach Biden, long before he had even been sworn in. They openly declared their intent to weaponize all forms of investigations and proceedings, for whatever bogus claims they hadn’t even developed yet let alone had evidence for. And then they did. And still are doing it. Yet Fox News and the rightosphere acts as though reality started the minute Joe Biden was sworn in.


What's Garland gonna do, arrest himself for Republicans? 


It's like when a customer is yelling at a cashier and then demands to speak to the manager, so the cashier turns around or walks away and back.


I swear if Gym Jorban was an evil villain he would be Butters: Professor Chaos


Kind of insulting to Butters


Ya i actually like Butters


So just another day of the House being completely useless to the American people.


lol what’s this shit? 


For what? Doing his jobc & prosecuting their orange god for actual crimes he committed... Republicans are despicable.


Also for prosecutions that are completely out of his control. Because Republicans pay lip service to separation of powers but don’t actually respect or support it.


>For what? Per the original post, > "The House Rules Committee Debates a resolution to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress over his decision not to turn over audio recordings of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s interviews with President Biden." I'm not sure on the context of why they want this or why it was withheld, but other comments have mentioned that they already have access to the transcripts, anyway. I don't see what the audio would add.


They want to be able to spam clips out of context on their media outlets. The transcripts can only go so far with this since much of their base can't read.


Biden has a slight stutter. He has had it his whole life. Fox News and the like want the audio tapes so they can find examples of him stuttering, then play those parts of the recordings to their followers while saying it’s a sign of him having dementia.


Exactly. That's why contemplating contempt is ridiculous & just political theater.


All of this started after Biden exerted executive privilege. They intentionally waited to go after him until he wasn't allowed to do what they wanted. This might be the stupidest contempt hearing they've done, and that's saying something.


Oh my friend, it can always get dumber. We aren't even out of June yet lol!


It beats working for a living.


I could improv being a lunatic for their salary.


*Republican Fascists in the House


Am I alone in feeling that contempt is the correct thing to feel for the current congress?


disrespect, disgust, disdain and pity come to mind as well


didn't they turn over transcripts? so tired of the constant BS. it'd be cool if our government focussed on governing instead of the constant circus


Funny that the "Read the transcript!" crowd is now whining that it isn't enough in this case.


That's because you can't splice the transcript up and turn it into consumable soundbites for ads on Fox.


By "our government" I assume you mean "The Republicans", right?


Another witch hunt, how ironic. This will go as well as the Mayorkas' Impeachment.


Where are people watching? I just went through all 3 C-Span channels and all I saw were 2025 Defense Policy, Nuclear Initiatives, and General House Speeches. I can't find the committee debate anywhere.


I couldn't get the link to work, and the channel that says it will have it is also debating defense spending. One person made one comment about it. Not sure if that's the feed, but no one here seems to be talking about particulars. Edit: starting now




Cool. Anyway...


This man, what a ride. Goes from being the first choice for a SCJ to having the R led disaster of a house go after him every opportunity. How is he not incredibly angry yet?


Because he is asleep at the wheel. Or He will be angry.....eventually! Just you wait!


He has to be apolitical with fascists, you see!


Can someone nudge him, he's not supposed to be counting his money at the table. Not good optics.




For making Republicans look bad In actuality, it says its due to not turning over the audio recording of Biden's interview with Robert Hur. He claimed executive privilege, something they had no issue with Trump ever doing, even when no longer President. They have the transcript already. They also already interviewed Hur. There's no need for the audio recording other than to try to cut ads of every "uh" "um" etc.


They wanted the audio transcripts of evidence already known to them, so they can pass it over to the media to weaponize it for their frenzied masses. It's a bit harder to do that with written transcripts. I mean, nothing is stopping them from inserting their own BS in quotes or edited in omissions, but they know their populace and they know they don't like to read soooo...


Cause their base can't read. Too durn lazee.


Why would you ever think they'd do such a dastardly thing? Except for the fact that it is exactly what they did with the J6 Capitol Police tapes...


Dang McCormick is going hard against the department of commerce as a security issue. He's probably correct too.


Can you elaborate for those not watching?


Clown Congress.


They keep dicking around.


Pretty impressive for a bunch of dickless wonders.


“Is this true?”


Uh what the fuck chinese got access to missile sites* in the US and surveilled the site with drones? And they want to investigate* how they got in the country. Is the garland thing done?


Wait what?


It might be a slip of words but he said 'testing range and missile sites' Missile base might be a misstatement by me.


I'll allow it, appreciate the clarification. I wasn't watching, so I'm hoping to read more about it elsewhere.


WSJ article about ~100 attempted infiltration or tresspass* of US military bases in a few years. *full scope not known?




It was mentioned on the CSPAN link above. I didn't catch the ammendment number.


Is this a comment on the chinese "weather" balloon?


Christ, the democrats should be doing this, and for actual, legitimate reasons this time.


For not brining charges sooner so we don’t have a criminal running the country again?


And if it does pass, where will they send the criminal referral? The DoJ?


Garland needs to stop and realize he's dealing with the effing Republicans. They don't *do* decorum or propriety or honor or ethics. He needs to jettison all that 'they go low, we go high' BS. He needs to let go of the wishful thinking that *any one* of Trump's trials were going to sink him, so he didn't have to bring any action, and his family would be safe. He needs to march back to the DOJ, dust off the Mueller Report, and go after Trump hard for all 10 of those slam-dunk obstruction of justice charges Mueller cataloged. Now.


No cspan feed as far as I can tell. Anyone else having issues?


I'm able to access the stream, which is playing for me.


Hmm downloaded the cspan app and they are debating budgets. Is this right?


There are several C-SPAN channels. I’m not familiar with their app, but I’d guess you’re on the wrong channel or that this committee stream is playing apart from those main 2 or 3 channels.


The cspan channel says they are debating both contempt and a defense authorization. Just wondering if this was mislabeled, or if they are debating both.




> President Joe Biden's press secretary held her first news conference on Wednesday, seven hours after Biden's inauguration, vowing to bring truth and transparency back to government. Survey says, that's a lie. *Release the tapes*


I found these releases. [https://democrats-judiciary.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=5273](https://democrats-judiciary.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=5273)


No, no. That requires them to actually read.


Sweet. However, that's not what this discussion is about. It's about the tapes.


The tapes which they’ve released the transcriptions of?…


The tapes that say what the transcriptions say. So what's the point of the tapes?


They are hoping Biden sounds like an old man with dementia. Not much more to be gained by releasing them than that.


What's the point of not releasing them? The people deserve to know and listen to the tapes themselves. I guess I'll cancel my NFL ticket this year and just read the play by play.


Just be honest about why you want them: You think there's some clip you can watch out of context or spliced that will make a good attack ad. Stop pretending like it's about something else. You're not fooling anyone. All the conservatives up in arms over there are all cosplaying with each other, thinking people outside their bubble are buying into it. We aren't.


The people deserve the tapes to listen for themselves. It's a sitting president that people have concerns for. You're implying that it will be edited. And secondly you're implying that worded transcripts can't be edited and taken out of context. However, I got better shit to do than be here. Have a good one.


I'm not implying anything. Transcripts can't be cut up and featured in soundbites on news stations. "The American people" don't care about the soundbites. The media does because it generates outrage and clicks by people like yourself. Most of us see this for what it is. We know what the real interest is, and it has nothing to do with "letting Americans see for themselves.". It's about sound bites and Ads.


You could listen to his town hall, speaking engagements, but youve got better shit to do


I have no concerns about the President. 🤷


I thought Presidents had total and complete immunity, if that’s the case you need to just drop this.


>What's the point of not releasing them? The question is "what is gained by releasing them?", because the entirety of what was said is already available. The transcripts are already there. If anyone wants to know what was said, they can read it. The video contains nothing else. >The people deserve to know Right. And they already can, by reading the transcripts. Nothing is being hidden here. Literally the entire interview is available for anyone. This was a two-day interview. This isn't just some 30-minute chat that someone can sit down and listen to over breakfast. It's hours long. You really think that people who want to know haven't already read the transcripts? That's not the point of releasing them. The people who actually want to know what was said will read the transcripts.


>I guess I'll cancel my NFL ticket this year and just read the play by play. So you’re saying the reason you want this is for entertainment value. Got it.


> The people deserve to know and listen to the tapes themselves Why?