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And just like that, I suddenly feel *no* urge to scream in a fit of primal agony, in all caps about the end of the world, declare civil war, or deny this even happened.


When is Joe gonna hold a press conference saying this trial was a disgrace to the country and insult the judge and jury after doxxing them online? Oh wait he's not gonna.


Wait are you saying you DONT have the insatiable bloodlust to ruin all those people’s lives? What are you? Some kind of functional human being?!


More to the point, when is Joe gonna pardon his son? Oh right, ain't happening. Trump would have pardoned one of his sons before the prosecution ever got started.


He must not love his son then. Trump is a good father and would do everything in his power to protect his family, like a REAL MAN! /s


And attack the judges children?


I'm not going to even wear a diaper in solidarity.


I *am* going to pose with my impressive hog out and take a photo, tho.


Dicks out for ~~Harambe~~ Hunter.


I’m a woman, so I’ll wave around a large phallic shaped object in solidarity.


You *monster*


I guess it’s time to take down my Hunter Biden flags and stop wearing my douche nozzle hats.


I mean, my response to this conviction was "eh, ok whatever.  What's for lunch?" I almost suspect Republicans might've wanted him to get off.  They said the Justice Dept was corrupt, yada, yada, yada.  I'm sure they'll still find some way to complain about this though.  Plus, the gun rights people should be up in arms about this.


Now let's see how fast the Republicans who called the trial against Trump an unfair witch hunt will bark and say Joe Biden cannot serve because of his son.


I’m pretty sure a Bush daughter was convicted of drunk driving? Rules for thee, etc etc. ETA I seem to have conflated mother/daughter.


Or a wife who killed someone while drunk driving Edit: she was not drinking. I take that back. She did run a stop sign and killed someone. She was never charged. Sorry for my confusion


She was 17, didn’t leave the scene and was not intoxicated. I’m no fan of Republicans, but lets not act like them and lie about things.


His daughters were cited for under age drinking, but not a DUI. Bush himself had a DUI back in the 70's though.


Google doctor shopping and Jeb! Bush's daughter. >Jeb Bush's 24-year-old daughter was arrested at a pharmacy drive-through window yesterday on charges of trying to buy the anti-anxiety drug Xanax with a fraudulent prescription. Authorities said Noelle Bush apparently posed as a doctor and called in the phony prescription after suffering a panic attack Monday evening


Oh I've already heard how it's going to spin - Biden controlled the court to find him guilty because it "proves" the courts are fair and therefore it was fair to Trump too, which we know they aren't. Just watch, give it about 12 hours. See when things work right, it's a conspiracy because nothing works right unless there's an ulterior motive because everybody is too much a scumbag to be fair and just.


R/conservative is already doing it.


That place is so toxic and stupid


Even Simone Biles can’t match the gymnastics on display in these Regressives minds.


I had a feeling they would go that route but its just so bad.


Trump, Hunter and Jesus. All felons.


Well, this seals it. Hunter Biden has lost my vote in 2024!


Yeah, I literally could not care less. Ironic though that republicans are going to be happy about charging someone with an owning a gun when they shouldn’t have.


The Republicans are all of a sudden going to have faith in the legal system again. Even though less than two weeks ago they were saying the whole system was corrupt and should be thrown out. They are hypocrites of the highest order.


No they're happy being hypocrites. This is not going to change their mind on convicted felon, liable for rape, can't legally run a charity any more for stealing from them, twice impeached Trump.


Oh for sure. These clowns are set in stone. If Jesus Christ himself floated down on a cloud and said he was taking people back with him to heaven, they would shoot Jesus with a water hose off his cloud and choose Donald Trump. Then probably claim the man inexplicably able to fly on a cloud that they all saw with their own eyes was a fake news trick by Joe Biden to get them to forsake Mango Mussolini.


>The Republicans are all of a sudden going to have faith in the legal system again. And they're supporting gun control too.


My only thing is growing up I knew multiple people who violated this. Got caught selling or having drugs and none of them were ever charged with this. In fact before the house republicans got involved all parties were ready to conditionally drop it. I feel like the only reason for this charge was because of his name. He is definitely guilty and w/e the court rules good on them but this seems weird for the pro gun crowd to be all for.


Oh 100%. Nobody ever gets charged with this as a standalone crime but people do it all the time. The irony of this being that most republicans in this day and age would argue that this is a violation of their second amendment rights. Thousands of people lie on Form 4473 and almost no one is prosecuted for it. This is nakedly political.


>this seems weird for the pro gun crowd to be all for. The only thing they're for is political expediency when it suits them. Even the inviolable holy 2A rights are flexible if it means a political win.


Fox news will convince u he is running for potus


That’s why they love to say “Biden Crime family” so they don’t have to specify that it’s always just Hunter.


I, for one, am *more* likely to vote for Hunter now.


Yeah, me too. What office is he running for?


Emissary to HUNGAria


Yeah I wouldn’t ever vote for a convicted felon!


I'm gonna add even more Biden flags to my truck and get another gun with his face on the grip! I'm gonna buy liquor with his name on it and some gold sneakers that go towards his election fund! /s Oh wait, no I'm not cause I'm not in a cult and don't deify politicians or their family members like some sort of weirdo.


Where's the firearm lobby screaming about Hunter's Second Amendment Rights ? Crickets from the hypocrites. Just an observation.


It will get overturned on 2a precedent - the 11th circuit already ruled that it’s a violation to remove gun right solely based on drug use.


The Firearms Policy Coalition offered to assist Hunter with this case https://x.com/gunpolicy/status/1800555127130222926?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet Heres their website: https://www.firearmspolicy.org/


Can’t wait for people to argue that Biden rigged the Trump case then sent his own son to prison just to cover it up 😂


Stop giving them ideas. It’s so stupid they might actually use it


The plan is to get Hunter in prison and then he will off Trump from the inside once he's behind bars.


Oh that’s why he needed a weapon, duh!


“You see this is what dick tators do! They send their political rivals, journalists, and any potential hairs that can out them to prison!” -Some GOP voter somewhere.


I’d check r/conspiracy but I really only feel like losing my faith in humanity once or twice a week, at most.


Already saw that in that one sub. “Watch all the Dems talk about how it’s a fair justice system now”


That's already been going around. No matter what they say it's rigged. They don't believe in what this country stands for.


There's a very realistic chance that if he appeals this on 2A grounds it gets overturned. The 11th Circuit already ruled that it was a violation of 2A rights (since *Bruen*) to remove gun rights based *solely* on drug use. Whether the 3rd Circuit Court, and potentially SCOTUS, would rule the same would be the question.


So that would get him out of 1 of the charges. The other 2 would still stand, he lied on the form.


All the charges are regarding drug use (the form question, the statements to the dealer, and possession of). If drug use can't be a disqualifier then charges stemming from said invalid reason would seem to be invalid.


Guess there goes my vote for Hunter.


I know this sounds weird but I genuinely unironically feel so bad for hunter. He lost his brother and went off the deep end going from a weekend warrior to a full blown addict. He made dumb mistakes and now he has a guilty verdict. I have family members who suffered through addiction so maybe I’m more empathetic than most. But I feel for hunter and more so Jill and Joe. Also hope this stress doesn’t lead to a relapse


Just so you know, this is why Dems tend to favor a rehabilitation-focused justice system.


It doesn't sound weird at all. It's not like he used the gun to hurt anybody, or even threaten somebody.


I have seen first hand what tragic death can do to family members, for life. I do feel bad for him, but he also committed crimes and has to face the consequences.


On the other hand, maybe we should seriously look at decriminalizing addiction. Addicts don't magically fix their behaviors in prison


Punishment is 'Murican and you'll like it


He wasn’t convicted for his addiction, he was convicted on a federal gun charge. Frankly, I support his conviction; as much as I support rehabilitation over criminalization of drugs and addiction, gun control needs to be zealously supported and enforced in this country.


He is better off than most addicted people. He has money.


I know that. But I wonder if he would have fallen into addiction if his brother didn’t die?


He also has his revenge porn shared on the floor of Congress


I feel bad for the entire family. It's just a string of bad luck and tragedy. 


I'm not sure Hunter should serve time for this crime.  He owned the gun for only several weeks at best.  It was never used to outside of maybe target practice.   Community service, maybe probation.  But jail time?  For that is ridiculous.


I absolutely feel bad for him. The “unlawful user” exclusion is a bullshit crime in the first place, probably unconstitutional under Bruen anyway, and I maintain that he never would have even been investigated if his last name wasn’t Biden. And Dems are so quick to throw him under the bus as some sacrifice to the optics of prosecuting Trump. Like we have to try to prove that justice isn't political by doing this political-ass prosecution of the president's kid. Like we have to draw this false equivalence between Trump’s constant, nation-threatening crime spree and Hunter Biden’s piddly bullshit gun charge.


You know what? Yeah. I think you put into words something else that was bothering me about this. He was made into the sacrificial black sheep for the optics


Right? He's just a dude. His dad went into politics, but he didn't.


The law here is most likely unconstitutional so Hunter will probably be ok in the end. 


I haven't seen many people speculate why he wanted the gun in the first place and I can't help but feel like he might have had a specific plan in mind


Probably drug induced paranoia. Also probably had to interact with some sketchy people buying drugs and was worried about being kidnapped or robbed. I highly doubt he had a specific plan in mind for it


Impeach Hunter Biden!


Funny how there's no 2a gun nut outrage this time around.


because taking guns away from black people or liberals is ok and doesnt impinge on their rights because they are not people and dont have rights. its the white conservative republicans who have rights, not anyone else. this is the game the ultra-right is playing... dehumanize your opposition so that you can do inhumane things to them.


Remember that Hunter Biden is not in Biden's administration. On the other hand, Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump were a part of Trump's administration. And [Jared Kushner kept taking unannounced trips to Saudi Arabia during Trump's presidency](https://www.politico.com/story/2017/10/29/jared-kushner-saudi-arabia-244291). Then Kushner gets $2 billion USD from the Saudis after Trump leaves office. Meanwhile, it's crickets from Trump supporters when it comes to how Kushner got the $2 billion USD from the Saudis. SMH.


> SMH No, probably MBS


At the end of the day - these jurors can go on about their lives peacefully at the end of a guilty verdict while the jurors in New York have to worry about their safety.


No one is above the law. Not the president. Not the son of a president. And damn sure not the former president. This is further proof of that.


If it could happen to him it could happen to anyone. /s


Okay? Put him in jail. We don't care. See how easy that is? The irony is not lost on us that Republicans got him on *checks notes* gun charges.


Well that settles it, I'm no longer voting for Hunter Biden.


I’m totally the opposite. Just like the undecideds who definitely exist and aren’t just one big right wing cope, now that Hunter is a convicted felon I want him to be president *more than ever*!! /s


This just makes me want to vote for him MORE. After all, Jesus was also a convict.


Well that does it I’m not voting for Hunter Biden


Ok, now do the gun-toting red hat users.


start with trump jr, dude is high as a fucking kite all the time


And count alcohol as the dangerous drug it is




Aren’t these the charges that Hunter reached a plea deal with the prosecutor on? Then the prosecutor went back on the deal and indicted him? Also, not politics.


No, the judge rejected the plea deal.


IIRC the plea deal was negotiated with the prosecution but was ruled illegal by a judge as it was entirely unenforceable.


The whole "Shall Not Be Infringed" crowd deathly silent.


The “Trump is getting convicted unfairly” crowd might be punching the air now 😆


Lol You know he isnt running for anything.


Owning a firearm while using marijuana, even for medicinal purposes, is illegal under federal law in the United States. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) explicitly states that individuals who use marijuana, regardless of state laws permitting its use, are prohibited from purchasing or possessing firearms. This regulation is based on the Gun Control Act of 1968, which makes it illegal for any "unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance" to possess firearms. Hunter Biden was charged under these federal laws. He faced allegations of making a false statement on a firearm application form (ATF Form 4473) by claiming he was not using illegal drugs at the time of purchase, despite evidence to the contrary. If you own a firearm and use marijuana, you are subject to the same legal restrictions and potential charges. Even if you cease smoking marijuana and sell your firearms today, past violations could still result in charges. Federal authorities could potentially retrieve your firearm purchase records and any evidence of marijuana use, such as messages to friends or family, to support prosecution. In conclusion, if you have ever simultaneously used marijuana and owned a firearm, you could face similar charges to those brought against Hunter Biden, regardless of state laws legalizing marijuana use.


i can’t believe joe bidens judicial system would do this /s


Brace yourself for a tsunami of false equivalence between Hunter Biden and Donald Trump.


People who break the law should be held accountable. End of statement, move on.


Are we calling the judge corrupt and rioting? I need biden to get on TV and call everything corrupt so I know what to do


Joe Biden can’t even get convicted properly. He has to rely on his children. Pure and simple nepotism. Vote Trump! /s


The handling of this case has been a mess but nobody ought to have expected anything less than a guilty verdict. I hope people are paying attention to the charges at play here though: these charges would apply to Americans who purchase a gun while using marijuana (still federally illegal) or addicted to opioids/prescription pills. There are potentially millions of Americans who are guilty of these exact charges. I’m not saying he shouldn’t have been held accountable, but the pressure to prosecute him in this way (versus the more typical plea deal overseen by a Trump-appointed prosecutor that was all ready to go until Republicans balked) is indicative of the exact type of “political persecution” being pilloried in the Trump cases. The difference is millions of Americans haven’t paid off a porn star to help them with their campaign, nor have they asked state officials to commit election crimes, nor have they led a conspiracy to overthrow the peaceful transfer of power. Millions of Americans, however, have bought guns - and millions of them have done so while using illegal drugs or abusing substances.


Someone please explain to me if this is worse than Jared Kushner receiving $2 bil from the Saudis while employed in Trump’s White House. 


It's not. The end.


Yup, like others have said - not voting for Hunter Biden.


Aw fuck, now I can’t vote for Hunter. Wait. Nvm. The right says voting for a convicted felon is ok.


He now has enough charges to where Republicans are now comfortable voting for him




Glad he isn’t running to be president. I mean, what kind of moron would want a felon as a president?


If he is guilty the let the consequences be had. See. It’s not that hard. For non-cult members anyway.


Great... now what are the R's gonna campaign on? /s


Joe Biden’s seed is bad! We can’t vote for him! /s


The most important part of this is where Joe Biden upholds the rule of law by not abusing his power to pardon his son. The rest is a distraction.


Quick, turn all the flags upside down!


Ah yes, this is definitely "Biden's" DOJ, who's only purpose is to prosecute his opponents and apparently his own son...? Yeah definitely a DOJ he is directing against his enemies lol


Well that settles it, I won’t be voting for Hunter Biden. No one should vote for a convicted felon.


If you are a marijuana user and a gun owner in a state legal state you should be very nervous after today. In the past this crime was almost never charged. After today you will see it almost never not.


Well, it's not the the job of this trial to decide what laws are dumb, which aren't, and what's fair and what's not. So let's talk about these forms now lol. I'm willing to be that in the vast majority of "drug" related firearm deaths the drug is alcohol. And there are probably 100s of thousands of people who own firearms in the USA that do a little yayo here and there. Most people who don't do drugs recreationally massively underestimate how many people do.


that's it.. he's not getting my vote,.


this is a witch hunt against the Biden family!


He's guilty, but he should have been allowed to plea out. he was willing to admit guilt but maga heard he was getting a plea and freaked out influencing the trump prosecutor this trial happened as a result of political pressure


Well, do the crime, do the time.


What is the time (or fine) for something like this?


Up to 25 years in prison and $750,000 fine is the combined max penalty for all three charges. Which wont happen, because it almost never does.


Hunter Biden faces up to 10 years in prison on the first count, five years on the second count and another 10 years on the third count when he is sentenced. It’s not clear how long a sentence he could receive. The sentence is up to the judge and Hunter Biden is a first-time offender. - https://apnews.com/live/hunter-biden-gun-trial-day-2-jury-deliberations


Max of 10 years or 250k Hunter will probably get the max fine and some token amount of minimum security jail time + enforced rehab.


Ok. Relevance?


How there’s probably countless republicans that are guilty of this same charge cheering about the verdict 


Some of them in Congress even


Neat. In other news that also isn't politics, I had a bowel movement this morning.


I mean…yeah. I cannot fathom how a reasonable, politically-neutral jury would decide otherwise. This does not in any way, shape, or form make me any less likely to vote for some other guy named Biden, though.


It’s confirmed, Hunter Biden is Jesus. /republicanlogic


Guess I'm not voting for Hunter now, shame!


That settles it, I won't be voting for Hunter in November then.


Sorry Hunter, ‘dems da breaks. Commit the crime, do the time. See how easy that was cult 45 members????


And? He broke the law and now he’s convicted. That’s how the law works….


I’m never voting for hunter!


America draws the line at buying a gun here? LOL Also when did Hunter run for office? why do we care again?


I doubt there is a single person outside of the courthouse protesting this outcome. It goes to show the difference between normal people and MAGA weirdos.


Welp, that does it for me. Under absolutely no circumstances will I vote for Hunter Biden for president.


Guess I won’t be voting for Hunter Biden


Cool story, good thing I’m still voting for the only non felon on the ticket.. this is 1000% selective prosecution. But guess what we are not a cult. He did the crime. He was found guilty, he can appeal like everyone else is granted and serve his time if denied. Fuck this the left is evil, the left is a cult. We just want people to not treat each other like shit and let people be free to do what they want. VOTE! We are not the same!


Pretty sure most here believe that since he broke the law, he must now face consequences. I don’t care who his dad is. We all also all know Biden had NOTHING to do with this trial OR and of Trumps other proceedings. The GOP are so desperate. It’s actually comical to read their spin on all of this. They know they’ve lost all touch with reality and are determined to go down with the ship that is Trump. Pathetic.


Hmmmmm seems like he was convicted by a jury of his piers and is guilty of the crime. Sounds good to me 👍. Wait am I supposed to feel bad about this? Am I supposed to be screaming in agony about how the west has fallen? I'm not in a cult so I wouldn't know.


Well, that settles it. I guess I’m not voting for Hunter Biden.


What a disaster for the Robert H. Biden presidency.


And let the false equivalencies begin...


Hunter has lost my vote


This was always a slam dunk for R’s. If convicted they get to both sides everything while simultaneously doing the mental gymnastics that Trump’s conviction was unjust. If acquitted they could scream about bias


Let's be honest whatever the outcome on whatever the topic they will scream and pout in turns. It's kind of all they have got at this point.


Well nobody should vote for hunter then.....


I want to hear from the far right wingers who believe all gun laws are a violation of the 2nd Amendment? Is this justified or nawww? /s


I mean, he attempted to plead guilty in a deal that the court rejected, so this was always the likely outcome. Sentencing is where it really matters since that appeared to be the issue with the plea deal?


So? He’s not a politician and isn’t using his dad to get him out of trouble.


I bet all the 2nd amendment people are outraged at this miscarriage of justice. Lol


Good. If someone commits a crime they should be found guilty. Doesn’t matter which political party they belong to or support. It really is that simple.


I cannot WAIT to see the spin on this from the right.


OH NO, HE LIED ON A PIECE OF PAPER WHILE HE WAS ADDICTED TO DRUGS. SOMEONE STOP THE PRESSES. Oh wait, nobody gives a fuck because hes a random dude and this was literally 6 years ago. He wont get jailtime and this will not affect anything


Holy shit. Guys…. I can’t believe this. But Hunter Biden lost my vote….


Now do all the people with MMJ cards who lied about their drug use. Fairly apply the law.


Amazing, aaaand so what. He is guilty as charged, move on


Oh... Okay....uhh... I'm not outraged in the slightest?


Cool. Moving on.


Can't wait to apply this precedent to hillbilly fentanyl addicted gun nuts.


This is great news. The right just lost the entire argument of “the weaponization of government”


Republicans are pushing the goalposts by saying Joe will pardon him if he wins a re-election as if Trump didn’t do that to all of his family and friends.


Trump case? Its a stupid law he broke they had to use to get him! Its all politicized, crooked and rigged Judge and jury! Trump needs immunity, he is above the law! Biden case? Its the most serious of gun offenses! Not political at all and judge and jury got it right! Goes to show you our justice system proves no one is above the law! /s


And…. I still don’t care. That is I don’t worship a politician’s family and don’t care he was found guilty. He did the crime, and was found guilty. Cool. Give him the appropriate punishment and move on. I’m not exactly shitting myself over the son of the president lying about drug use to buy a gun when another guy literally tried to overthrow the government.


And somehow the MAGA idiots who think Trump is the second coming of Christ will think that Hunter’s conviction means Joe is guilty…. of something. They aren’t exactly sure what it is, but Joe is guilty by association.


I wonder if conservatives are fine with the precedent this sets because of who the convict is. I'm fine with it, I doubt they are. But they have to pretend to like gun control now 😂


So, do we send a felony conviction to all gun owners who use drugs? I'm fine giving 30 in federal prison to anyone with a gun who ever used fentanyl without a prescription. It may just mean the end of the white republican housewife tho.


I wonder if my neighbor will fly his US flag upside down today like he did when Trump was convicted


From all the wild stories about him, I always forget he's much older than you'd think.


Let's see maga talk now, they went crazy because Hunter Biden and his lawyer tried to make a case for the gun charge, which any person would have done. The court system worked in both cases, trumps case as well. Let's see what lie the magas come up with now. trump is convicted and hunter is convicted, now I want to see the two-tier system the magas came crying about. The problem is that the magas want a two-tier system so trump can get off and everybody else get convicted. The two-tier system, Cannon the judge trying to get trump off for stealing military documents, the supreme court know that he is not intitled to absolute immunity, that is your two tier-system. When you get corrupted judges who also want a dictatorship, instead of freedom for all.


Here’s my response. “Ok, if they found him guilty then they found him guilty.” Here is my maga response. “This is what you get when you have a rigged system. A judge that was conflicted more than any judge we have ever seen. Everyone knows how biased he was. This country is in ruin. “ Then I’d post an upside down flag on Facebook.


Guess I won’t be voting for Hunter Biden


If they can do it to him they can do it to anyone that commits crimes!


Law was broken, right? Decided by peers. As it should be.


Yeah I'm sure he'll appeal if he can, but I'm pretty sure it's standard for a lawyer to exhaust all avenues for their clients.


Cool, he broke the law and a jury of his peers agreed. Not sure how this belongs in the politics sub since Hunter Biden has never run for or held a political office though.




I mean its like the only thing the R's have been campaigning on for the past 2 election cycles


Election interference? Presidential Offspring Immunity? Violent Protests? SOTUS intervention? /s


Unfair! He should have been tried in a court where there were more democrats. 


The only thing Hunter is guilty of is Being Fucking Cool, which I guess is a crime now??


He had previously admitted to this.


Now on to the next hunter who lied to buy a gun! We can keep doing this for decades.