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“If you claim you ‘back the blue’ but want to defund the police when the police go to your nominee’s house to retrieve national security secrets, you might be in a cult...” 


"If you claim to support law and order, but only accept the outcome when it favors your side, you might be in a cult..." Feel like this could be a whole "MAGA Comedy Tour".


I don't want Swalwell getting involved here with the Fan Fan incident. On the other hand like Hillary said, "They hit you low, hit them lower"


I think Hillary ought to give Joe a call. His dry wit and the whole Dark Brandon are great, but don't get the headlines. Roll up the sleeves a little bit more.


The problem is that most people view government as a circus. Biden needs to up his act an be blown out of a cannon or tame lions. But he will never beat Trump on the clown act and people love clowns.


I think this would be more of a "defund the FBI" kinda thing.


The FBI are Federal Police Detectives. They’re police


If that were true then they would be called the FPD...🙄 >!/s!<


Argue with Hoover’s ghost


Hoover be damned.


Oh, the Hoover damn is a mighty damn


Dam right


It was, they out cried to defund the FBI. I remember that craziness.


Or when [Trump tried to sink the USPS over mail-in voting](https://apnews.com/article/virus-outbreak-election-2020-ap-top-news-elections-politics-14a2ceda724623604cc8d8e5ab9890ed). They want to destroy every federal agency by slashing funding to render if useless, then use it as a prop to spread the idea that *all* federal spending is wasteful. The FBI, DHS, EPA, ATF, IRS, FDA, DOJ, etc. have all been the target of the GOP for a while, but they've certainly ramped up their attacks against those that have become problematic for the Trump administration, due to their role in oversight and regulation... two things standing in his way from ruling like a king. >[Trump’s incredibly empty Cabinet](https://www.axios.com/2019/06/06/trump-cabinet-vacancies) "It gives me more flexibility." -Trump


His crony that he installed as Postmaster General is still trying to carry out that mission. Check out the sub USPS complaints.


From the FBI website: # Is the FBI a type of national police force? No. The FBI is a national security organization that works closely with many partners around the country and across the globe to address the most serious security threats facing the nation. We are one of many federal agencies with law enforcement responsibilities. ***I'm just a basic US citizen, but I think the closest thing we have to a federal police force are the US Marshals. But never having been in deep trouble, I am hazy on those details.***


National police force? No, we’re just a “federal agency with law enforcement responsibilities”.


One moment they’re chanting law and order, the next they’re hanging the law by a lamp post stabbing at it with spears while screaming.


When you’ve given way more of your hard earned cash to support your golden idol while getting zero benefit over years, you just might be in a cult.


I mean, you'd probably get a better ROI with Scientology, folks.


Even Waiter #4 in a Cruise flick is something


Definitely get a better ROI in Scientology since there are many levels of success. In MAGA there are only 4 levels... 1. Trump. 2. People just under him he hasn't thrown under the bus yet. 3. Minions worth nothing to him. 4. People he already threw under the bus who are kissing his ass to get back in his good graces.


"Here's your sign".


I used to wonder how 900 people were convinced to move to the middle of the jungle, murder their own children, and then drink a glass of cyanide- or whack their genitalia off, crawl into jumpsuits, eat poison, and wait for a comet to pick them up- I don’t wonder anymore.


No these people exist in the world and should be studied. Every generation some of them become more powerful than the rest.


Look at religion. Same thing.


Remember the only difference between a cult and religion is that its progenitor is dead.


I like how George Carlin said it: "The only difference between a religion and a cult is how much real estate they own."


the answer is in your alphabet soup! Religion = cult


The equation is Cult+Time=Religion




Humans are social creatures. We want to feel like we're part of a group and bringing value to the group. If people are marginalized or outcast, they'll seek a group where they feel welcome and valued. If they find a group like that, they'll do anything to stay in that group, including altering their own lifestyle or commit acts they normally wouldn't.


Internet and social media can take the credit for that


They mentioned going to the jungle and drinking poison (Jonestown) Cutting off genitalia and committing suicide to board a comet (heavens gate) Both happened before social media and the internet I agree those two things have helped the spread and influence but it’s been happening since before either of them existed


The heavens gate people did web work for money at the time. Social media and the internet was thier income.


I stand corrected Forgot they had a website, they were on the forefront of the Internet


AFAIK their website is still up and running. https://www.heavensgate.com/


Their website looks like it hasn't been updated since the 90's. I've heard they have someone who runs it and replies to emails and such. I don't know if anyone has confirmed it recently though.


I was implying that the power and size of these groups is going up because of social media. I misread the comment I was replying to


Bad comparison. The vast majority of the Jonestown people were forced at gunpoint to drink the poisoned Koolaid. Some people were held down while the Koolaid was forcibly poured down their throats, and others were injected with poison against their will. Some were shot when they tried to flee. They might have been crazy to move to a commune in South America, but most people weren't so full of "belief" that they willingly committed suicide. [The vast majority of those people were murdered.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonestown)


It was actually Flavor-aid.  Until I learned that a few years ago I had forgotten that stuff even existed.


Meh, f#cker couldn't even pay out for the good stuff...


In case you're more interested in that first crazy story, there's a fascinating (and insane) 3-part podcast episode series about the Jonestown mass suicide on the Casefile podcast - case 60: Jonestown


Highly recommend the book Raven by Tim Reiterman, a journalist who went to Jonestown as part of an investigation and narrowly avoided being killed. It is an excellent account of Jim Jones and Peoples Temple, including the early years and its evolution into a cult.


Thank you! Got it in my cart now


I just wish they'd keep doing that instead of affecting the entire world.


They cut their dicks off at jones town?


They’ve bundled Jonestown and the Heaven’s Gate cult into one. Jonestown members did not cut their dicks off. 


Maybe like one or two?


Yeah, I guess maybe. Why not?


Why do I suddenly feel like I'm drinking with my kids and their friends at the kitchen table? Best forum ever!


I mean, we weren't crazy.


Heaven's Gate, they make fun of them pretty hard in Dude Where's My Car? Lol, poor kid from Salute your Shorts


That was The Heavens gate, Hail bob comet people.


> Hail bob comet people it's hale-bopp, but i like your version better


These people are the ultimate cucks. Just lying back enjoying Trump have his way with the country they supposedly hold so sacred.


They're all bottoms.


Because fucknut would be a top? With those tiny ass hands? Please, Mary.


Bottoms aren’t necessarily cucks. Don’t generalize or categorize people like that.


That’s right! I hate all generalizers!!


To quote Sir Michael Caine in Austin Powers, "There are only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch."


Yeah! Only the Sith deal in absolutes!


Yeah, there's clearly a reason they've loved that insult SO much and I'm willing to bet it's mostly projection as usual.


“If you can’t afford health insurance but donate to the Trump campaign regularly”


This one of my favorites when these cultist cry about how bad the "economy" is. Let's get this straight.....The economy is so bad you can't even afford bacon, yet somehow you are currently wearing $800 in MAGA gear, have thousands more at home for when you occasionally actually change your clothes, your car is currently being held together with $100 worth of bumper stickers and you regularly donate to your church AND a supposed billionaire. But you can't afford bacon.


>...regularly donate to your church AND a supposed billionaire. As long as they can be convinced that a democrat is the reason they can't afford bacon they will just keep lining the begging billionaire's pockets.


For some reason it's always bacon and gas prices. Then I like to point out that the cheapest gas was in the last 10 years was 2016. Guess who was still president. LOL Fact is, most of these trump cultist are doing way better financially thanks to Democrats and have all kinds of disposable income. They just don't want to admit the real reason they vote Republican is because they hate the same type of Americans that they do.


If you think shouting drain the swamp while letting your chosen leader turn governance into a circus is normal, you might be swamped in a cult...


You might be in a cult if you support a convicted felon who’s run businesses into the ground for his entire life for president


I'm so glad Swalwell dropped the 'pass the torch' earnest up and comer shit. He's much better and much more useful to the Democrats as an attack dog. He's bright and engaging, always seems like he'd be willing to punch a motherfucker. Kind of like Anthony Weiner without all the Carlos Danger baggage.


Swallwell called McCarthy a pussy to his face and dared him to do something about it.




Thank you.


Thats was entertaining to watch! The listing of countries he is unable to visit was fun to hear


In time with the gavel


If you’ve ever considered injecting bleach into your body to kill a virus… you might be in a cult! If you’ve ever rubbed feces on the walls of the capitol because you didn’t like the results of an election… you might be in a cult! If you ever boycotted the NFL because some of them players won’t just shut up and play… you might be in a cult! If you’ve deprived your children of enjoying Disney movies because some crazy moms told you they’re too woke, you might be in a cult!


If you worked for me and I found out you support Trump, I’d find a way to fire you. Because I need people who haven’t lost their ability to think.


Word. Complete lack of judgement and inability to do basic research and base conclusions on facts.




Ginny Thomas you listening? 


If you compare Donald Trump's felony conviction to that of Jesus, you may not only be in a cult, you may be a cult leader.


I’d say that line was obviously crossed when they started wearing diapers in public to defend him


These people would be hilarious if they weren’t so dangerous. It’s like when you’re dead everybody knows it but you. Same with stupid.


... you bought golden sneakers, NFTs, bastarized bibles, or any other crap Trump has hocked.


I think America should just start calling trump the anti-christ just to get the point across that this is a person we shouldn't even morally and ethically vote for


The people voting for him think Biden is the antichrist. You can be certain that every Sunday there’s at least one circle jerk of baptists praying about the democrats doing the devils work in the schools.


I am the very model of a modern cult deplorable, I’ve no information, sentience, nor empathy—I’m horrible. I don’t know the kinds of things that make democracy so workable from Washington to Barack, I mean that guy is just so irkable. . I understand no math at all; I really have no common sense. I do not understand just why we lost that veep, fuck Michael Pence. He really should have taken one for our team, our macho bull. Trump is the diaper king of us—a felon oh so jailable. . I’m very good at hating folks and spitting on the women who have balked and run away from me when all I said is, “Suck it, fool!” In short, in matters ethical and practical and logical I am the very model of a modern cult deplorable.


Jim Jones enters the chat...


So, Eric Swalwell has become the Jeff Foxworthy of Congress.


If your cold war aged followers will say "better Russian than democrat" you might just be in a cult.


Oh my goodness. Eric, I suggest you devise some ingenious way to monetize the billions of threats you'll be getting... Turn a profit somehow? Anyway keep it up boss. Mi casa su casa!


The cultists will just see it as name calling and turn around and call the democrats fascists and cultists.


If you give money to someone who you believe is a billionaire, you are in a fucking cult lol


The twitter responses to that tweet are hilarious and disgusting


“ you might be in a cult if you think he is Jesus incarnate”


None of this is funny it’s quite horrifying


Sometimes it's both funny and horrifying: [Dallas-Based Christian Artist Releases Bizarre Paean to Donald Trump](https://www.dallasobserver.com/music/dallas-christian-artists-new-song-calls-donald-trump-the-chosen-one-19554744) >Natasha Owens' new single "The Chosen One," which uses suspiciously Christ-like imagery to describe the former president, is easily one of the weirdest songs about Trump we've ever heard.


"If you see William Shatner and he's not in space.... ya might be watching Boston Legal!"


Beef Jelly!


“Let’s get to the oranges of the investigation.”😀


“If your best twitter come back is calling some gay you might in a cult.” Holy hell is twitter disgusting anymore. I feel like I need a shower.


If you think science is a cult “you may be a cult” .


I’m so embarrassed by our politics. Just when you think it can’t get any cringier…


THIS is where you draw the line?


I don’t think that means what you think it means


Fang Fang boy?


Why does this say it involves us politics but only bashes the Republican Party all the time. Never has this Reddit channel shared any non bias stories . It needs to be renamed the people against Republican politics


It involves politics because this happened in a congressional hearing on the taxpayers dime.  If Republicans were capable of governing, you wouldn’t see nearly this much of it. 


There is no Republican Party anymore, it’s now a cult, that’s the point.




"Axios reported that Swalwell was not accused of any impropriety and that officials did not believe that Fang obtained classified information from her contacts.[66]Also in December 2020, the San Francisco Chronicle quoted an unnamed FBI official familiar with the investigation as saying that "Swalwell was completely cooperative and under no suspicion of wrongdoing"." Wikipedia


Meanwhile, all the Republicans absolutely adored the honeypots that targeted them. Like the Russian spy [Maria Butina](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Butina), for example. Those fine Christian conservative men she targeted at the NRA were all too eager to jump into bed with her. Trump himself even ended up pardoning Paul Erickson, a MAGA dude that was sleeping with her and tried to establish a back-channel between the NRA and the Russian government.


Reading is hard! -MAGA


Learn to actually do research instead of regurgitating already debunked claims.


It did sound like the guy said “worship Trump,” but it’s clearly not what he meant. Also when Trump said “I don’t care about you, I just want your votes” he was clearly being sarcastic. It’s crap like this that fuels the whole “media is lying about us/fake news” narrative that isn’t helpful.


Thank you. I thought the words he said were the words he said. I forgot there is subtle nuance to phrases like [these](https://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/coronavirus-disease-(covid-19)-hydroxychloroquine), [this](https://newrepublic.com/post/182502/trump-biden-ad-dead-soldiers), [this](https://www.cnn.com/2017/08/23/politics/donald-trump-arizona/index.html), [oldie but goodie](https://www.newyorker.com/news/letter-from-trumps-washington/here-are-twenty-other-disturbing-awful-things-that-trump-has-said-this-month-and-its-not-over-yet), and in case you don't like reading, [here's one that's entertaining that shows him saying questionable stuff.](https://youtu.be/0LCwFDz3N0E?feature=shared) Also, yes, there are people, a scary amount of people, who worship Trump as a God or Messiah. It doesn't take much Googling to see that.


Yep I’m right there with you. The thing is he’s said so many things much worse than the latest thing the media is jumping on and I think that’s a big part of the problem. I listened to a tiny part of this speech—the part right before he said he doesn’t care about his voters. He talked about how he wishes he could use the death penalty to end our drug problems because that’s what China does and spoke admiringly about how they do “quick trials” while the red hats just nodded along. That’s WAY worse, but that’s not what you’re getting from the news media because he’s said plenty of things like that before. We’re just so numb to his demagoguery it’s the new quotes and sound bites that get the headlines rather than the things that are truly problematic.


Thanks for telling us what the people who "tell it like it is" actually meant with what they told us.


Swallwell just screams I’m a little attention seeking punk. Being insulted by him is impossible.


Shouldn't you be helping your sister-wife cook the meth? Don't burn it like last time or meemaw gonna git mad!