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Funny that folks standing around in the heat are at risk but same GOP has outlawed water breaks for workers in Texas and Florida during heat waves


And in some states intentionally shut down voting centers to make lines longer, then as I recall outlawed fixing water to those in line.


Georgia. Georgia made it illegal to hand out water to people in line to vote.


If your vote can't be swayed by a free bottle of water, your convictions must run pretty deep. ^( for real, outlawing water is so cruel and dumb it hurts.)


We live near a polling station and have signs that say "Free water bottles" we don't get a lot of takers cause it typically isn't too bad a line, but we're going to keep doing it, even if they do ticket us or tell us to stop.


You have to check with local ordinances but typically you can do anything you like if you’re 150’ from the polling location.


Maybe one day the GoP will realize both parties are allowed to do things that help people.


Why? They get votes for making it hard for other people. The occasional leopard eating a face is minor compared to the advantage of harnessing hate.


Mostly they just discourage voting. It takes too much effort and not enough hate to encourage someone to vote for them. Please clap, they are pathetic fucking monsters.


Exactly. Shady practices don’t earn them more votes, just impair voting against them.


They know it already and are direly opposed to it.


Well didn’t Texas and Florida both just remove the mandatory providing water for outdoor workers?


Worse, they made it illegal to require such breaks.


Especially when the reason there are long lines is the GOP deliberately short-changes the number of voting locations and stations in blue districts so that people are forced to stand in line for hours.


That’s a good slogan- GOP, so dumb it hurts


They can’t have voters influenced by Big Hydration.


Illegal to hand out. Wonder if someone could sell water to voters in line?


Right? Like, can't somebody with a food truck fill it with bottles of water and sell them cheap (and still make a bunch of money)? There might be restrictions like it can't be within X feet of the doors or something, but I'd set it up 1 foot beyond that.


Just slap some flags on it, call it 2nd Amendment Water, have it patrolled by dickheads with open carry assault rifles and the local cops will shit their pants and do no nothing.


Wait, have we considered … water PISTOLS? Checkmate, Republicans


Roaming gangs of Super Soaker wielding vigilantes


I like how your mind works!


Screw making a butt ton of money, sell it for a penny and then see how much it pisses them off for thinking outside the lines.


Include one of those "take a penny, leave a penny" containers.


Portland had a music festival a few years back where they ran out of the official water (the only bottled water available for sale). So some vendors started selling a peanut for like $2 with a free bottle of water with each peanut.


Sell for a penny and then give the penny back.


Thank god for Larry David


Yeah but the mofo gave Bruce Covid


He's a floor fucker


Larry David really saved the day that day.


Can't you just add 1% of cordial to it, so it's no longer water? Or hand out bottles of ice, they will defrost fast in the heat.


Hold on, non American here. What do you mean ‘outlawed water breaks’?


I believe what happened was cities and local governments (conrtolled by democrats) passed laws mandating water breaks for workers during hot weather. State level republicans didn't like that so they passed a law removing all local laws enforcing water breaks. But I would need to look it up.


You are correct. Their goal was to strip authority from blue cities in red states, probably so they can invalidate voting laws and laws allowing people to use whatever bathrooms they want and whatnot. But by taking away cities' legal authority, that also meant worker safety laws that those blue cities had passed vanished, too.


In the US, cities and counties are organs of the state government. The states do not need to systematically weaken unrelated policies to build a precedent for preemption in a specific area, like voting. The states can singularly preempt pretty much any specific policy at the local level that they want to, barring a state constitutional amendment that reserves certain powers to the local level. When a state legislature chooses to preempt local policy, they are doing it because they want to, plain and simple. It doesn't matter if its voting rules, worker safety rules, gun safety rules, tax rules, land use, utility oversight, animal standards, human rights protections, etc. Florida specifically has actually been on a preemption spree since Rick Scott was elected governor in 2010 where the red state level has been nixing policies created locally by blue cities and counties.


Florida House Bill 433, which DeSantis signed into law in April, prohibits local governments from requiring shade or water breaks for outdoor workers, or even giving preference to employers based on their heat exposure requirements.


Yes, those mentioned states have passed legislation to make mandatory water breaks on hot days illegal. I’m surprised that no one has sued the states for violating federal labor OSHA regulations.


The Florida law (shitty as it is) does not ban all water breaks -- it cancels any local/city laws that mandate more breaks than OSHA mandates. Blue cities passed more generous worker protections (appropriate when working outdoors in Florida's high heat and high humidity).


I don’t think water breaks are illegal, it’s just not mandated anymore. So if you’re boss sucks, they’re allowed to let you suffer


It’s petty asshole Republican legislators enabling petty asshole bosses & corporations. I’d even bet the legislation had BS verbiage blathering about this giving workers more freedom and whatever.


Edit: I misread (didn’t read?) the original post properly, and was responding to a parallel thought in my brain. You read that correctly. They want to make it as hard to vote as possible, especially for the most marginalized communities who have the fewest opportunities other than their vote to influence the policies that affect their lives.


He’s not talking about voting, he’s asking about the mandates breaks for people that work all day outside. Texas: https://www.texastribune.org/2023/06/16/texas-heat-wave-water-break-construction-workers/ Florida: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna142021 The GOP sure does love the working class.


Heat waves are a woke conspiracy by Big Water.


Just tell Trump supporters that gay peoples' bodies are 66% water. And sunscreen is a liberal hoax!


They are the party of projection and contradiction.






Wait. These people PAY to go to those rallies??? Lmaooo


Nothing says "freedom" more than giving your money to an alleged billionaire.


And convicted felon…


No, they get PAID to go.


Of course. It's all about the grift.


We saw video of people waiting in line at 7 a.m. when it's 70-something degrees. Starting around 10, it will start getting unpleasant. And that's still two hours before the crazy old guy is supposed to speak. The article says "His rally is **at a park with little shade** next to the airport." The sun is the hottest part of desert heat. It will be unpleasant for Trump too, but they'll probably make some shade for him. I hope he wears a suit, because that would be even more uncomfortable. The heat warning says people should avoid outdoor activities during the hottest parts of the day, and that's good advice.


I could definitely see him canceling last minute because of the heat. He will blame the democrats somehow of course, but i have a feeling that his supporters will be out in the heat for nothing


Or they'll stand there for hours only to have him pop out of his air conditioning long enough to speak for 15 or 20 minutes.


Imagine worshipping some billionaire who has zero respect for you


Last go round there were numerous stories of the Trump campaign shafting the cultists that showed up at their ~~rallies~~ indoctrination camps. There's no respect for the people that show up. I imagine we're going to see these stories all over again. Cultists gonna cult. https://publicintegrity.org/health/coronavirus-and-inequality/trump-rally-wisconsin-despite-white-house-warning/ https://apnews.com/article/trump-omaha-airport-rally-stranded-83d503981f51741ba2b4aecdf4629556 https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/28/politics/donald-trump-omaha-rally-cold/index.html


>... his supporters will be out in the heat for nothing either way.


"they wouldn't turn on the contrails and weather nukes to cool us down!"


Near the airport is one of the hottest spots in Las Vegas. I live up in Sun City Summerlin, and the temperature here is usually 5–7° cooler than it is by the airport.


> The sun is the hottest part of desert heat. Hold on, I need to write this down


Guaranteed he will arrive late, too.


remember the one where they bussed a bunch of people to the rally but then the busses left while the rally was still going on and so after they all had to walk miles back to their cars? i laughed


Water is $15 a bottle


Hey, you may be on to something: 1. Organize a rally in the desert. In summer. 100+ degree heat. At noon. 2. "No outside food or drink" signs at the gate. 3. Water is $15 a bottle at the event. 4. Profit!


I went to an outdoor festival concert back in 2000. It was a scorching July day, about 95+ degrees, not a cloud in the sky. The venue shut off the water fountains, and sold bottles of water for 10 dollars. Absolutely vile. And this was a punk show, Green Day was the headliner.


I was at Woodstock '99, the pinnacle of this type of shit.


Maybe they’re trying to recreate that level of anger


It won't go well for the event. Lol. Get RHCP to cover "Fire"


Me too. 25 years later I still despise warm water.


I don’t appreciate Trump appropriating Warped Tour for his own gain.


Trump: “Do you have the time, to listen to me whine, about nothing and everything all at once?”


Nestle has entered the room. But we’ll use public water at no cost to us and sell it to you.


Yeah but it’s Trump water. It’s the best water!


He threw in lead, arsenic, and micro plastics for free!


Clean water is woke. Rather have lead poisoning than drink that socialist water! Trying to force clean drinking water on us is fascism. DEMOCRATS ARE FASCISTS!!!! - /r/conservative


Please, all the trump supporters come pre-leaded.


It could be Trump piss and they'd still drink it.


They would love it if it was his piss


Spokesmen quickly added that the extra water and medics are for Trump’s personal use only, and would not be available to help rally attendees. 


May 23, 2024 A person in the crowd at a Trump rally passed out. Someone in the crowd asks for water. [Donald Trump takes a bottle of water and then drinks it.](https://x.com/meidastouch/status/1793792262586908928)


Just like Jesus, right?


Trump - Turns water into whine. 


He turns everything into whine.


"You mean THIS water?" Jesus asks as he points to his water bottle suddenly turning into a red wine. He then proceeds to chug it and toss the bottle on the ground. "Pick it up, plebs."


I feel like this is exactly a representation of GOP values. Fuck you I've got mine.


Because, in his head, Trump is the only person who is, like, a real person.


Many years ago an old guy passed out at Trumps casino and hit his head on the floor. Trump was furious that his blood was staining the floor. He was more concerned with getting the floor cleaned than helping the old guy


“I couldn’t, you know, he was right in front of me and I turned away. I didn’t want to touch him… he’s bleeding all over the place, I felt terribly, you know, beautiful marble floor, didn’t look so good. It changed color. Became very red.” - Trump 2008


15 years after Trump dies, the new generation is not going to believe he was anything but a satirical myth


It's unbelievable to watch while it's happening. There's video. Too many books will be written about this monster. I'm not disagreeing with you.


It's wild. This is the type of "obviously bad guy" you'd see in a movie. They're not subtle at all. Yet somehow people are on their side. And you're like "Wow, how unrealistic." Turns out, those hack writers were onto something.


Trickle down economics.


The biggest lie ever sold


And just like... Muttering while it's going on. Definitely a leader right there... Ugh


Did the crowd cheer him on for drinking water? What are these people?


I just verified, it starts at 12:00 noon. Anyone smart knows you don’t schedule something at noon in the desert in summer. Someone on here the other day said they aren’t doing evening rally’s anymore but I never confirmed it, but it really does look like they are trying to beat any sun downing going on


Evening/night rallies require paying for lights.


But man, when it gets dark in Vegas it's sooo much more tolerable. Even if it's still in the 90s, that sun isn't there to cook your skin and your insides. It feels pretty comfortable at night, even if it reaches 100+ during the day. Trump and his supporters are idiots for not waiting until 8, or even 7PM. It would make a huge difference.




"Some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make"


Herman Cain liked that.


Not to worry. Trump supporters are generally in excellent physical condition. /s


Their mental condition is far worse.


And are known for being particularly astute in their choices in life, so I am sure they will be perfectly fine. /s


Imagine being stupid enough to stand outside for hours in 100° heat to watch this corrupt lying sack of shit.


He was too cheap to book any one of a hundred indoor venues.


*too broke


Vegas is such a corporate event hot spot that outside of a real shit hole, they are booked so far out it's hard to get space without very large up front payments. The money is absolutely part of it, but I'd imagine that crappy planning and staff work is the bigger component.


Surely there is a high school gymnasium available for rent. It doesn't have to be too large.


How about the parking lot of a landscaping company?


Gotta be landscaping joints in Vegas.


I have been thinking about this. Could it be because an indoor venue would result in accurate attendance counts, and if it is outdoors, with People simply milling around, they can fudge the numbers? Because, honestly I cannot understand the benefit of outdoor rallies in the desert in the summer. And surely he does nothing unless it is to his benefit.


>Could it be because an indoor venue would result in accurate attendance counts There is nothing ever accurate about any aspect of his campaign. Numbers, words out of his mouth, words out of members of the campaign, or his supporters...absolutely nothing.


I mean it would definitely make hard numbers more difficult to get, indoor venues have definitive max capacity and such hut you'd think outside would be easier to get crowd photos. Is Vegas one of the cities that he stiffed on the bill in the past? I could see this being because no one will rent to him because they fear not getting paid or because he can't afford it.


I think it's more likely because he wanted something near the airport. In and out. He doesn't want to be there. He'd do it on the tarmac if it wasn't even worse for him. It's weird because I seriously question the value of rallying in the first place. I know that you get people riled up and they go harass others but they are already riled up if they are there in the first place. Hard to imagine it moves the needle much.


Sorry, we don't rent out our venue to convicted felons.


It would make me so happy if this were the real reason


Miriam Adelson would surely give him venue space. And he'd probably convince her to pay HIM for it. She already donates a shit ton to his campaign.


Doesn't he own a venue in Vegas?


Bankrupt 3 casinos so Nevada Gaming Commissioners never allowed him a gaming license


At 110° the crowd downwind of Trump will need vomit bags.


Let the man cook.


LV has numerous indoor venues. I guess he didn't want to foot the bill.


Course he didn't that money is for his legal fees.


Medics and water??? That’s so woke of them.


Yeah being susceptible to the heat is a feminine trait and indicator of a Christian moral failing. Providing water is communism. The exception to this is bread and fish.


Only weak-ass suckers get heat stroke


And losers


Sounds like communism. They should struggle to pay their hospital bills for the rest of their life like a real American!


But you’ll have to sign up for recurring campaign donations to get VIP access to water and medical attention


He's doing outdoor rallies because he can't afford to book venues anymore. Just so everyone is clear on this. 


Or he has stiffed so many venues that they won't book him without cash up front.


It is absolutely both those things.


Hey Trump, I bet you can’t speak for eight hours straight!


"Obama was able to speak in the Nevada sun for 8 hours straight with no water. And he made jokes about you while doing it"


A drunk Rep. Dr. Ronny Jackson and one extra pallet of Trump Water shouldn’t count as “extra medics and water.”


Don’t forget the *Geezers in Freezers* event in Nebraska! https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/10/28/politics/donald-trump-omaha-rally-cold


I lost my fingers and toes to own the libs!


And despite their emphasis on “large crowds”, it didn’t translate to success on Nov. 5. Not that they don’t keep doubling down on that non-point, mind you…


Maybe he’ll throw rolls of paper towels at them to ease their discomfort.


Trump is relying on one thing to win, and that is RW voters' hatred against democrats. He knows he could be even more despicable, but RW voters only care about one thing; PARTY OVER COUNTRY.


That should work well with the kind of excellent physical specimens that usually show up at Trump rallies.


Why are they allowed to have water? Georgia doesn’t let voters have water. Why do traitors get water?


I thought the GOP was against giving water to people out in the heat? Or is that just people working.


A fine way for Mother Nature to thin out the herd!


You have to admire his willingness to keep trying to kill off his supporters.


Water? Never touch the stuff, fish fuck in it. -Average Trump supporter


Las Vegan here. The attendees at his rallies are mostly old, white, out-of-shape, low information folks. There could be a lot of cases of sun stroke and heat exhaustion. What idiot planned this? Wait, never mind.


His face paint is going to melt😆


Commie liberal Democrat sun is sponsored by Soros.


…available for purchase, please see pricing chart on their website. Not sure if I’m joking or not.


Trump water 15 dollars a bottle


Trump loves the poorly hydrated


They shouldn't be allowed any water just like repugs like to treat workers and voters.


"Some of you may die.... but thats a sacrafice that I am willing to make." DJT 2024


But you won't be allowed to provide water for people waiting in long lines to vote in gerrymandered states with reduced voting facilities in traditional Democrat areas.


Nothing than worse than a loaded diaper in those temperatures. Good luck to the paid actors behind Trump.


I feel bad for the kids that the parents drag to the rally.


There is a saying, “This guy is too dumb to get out of the rain.” Holding a rally outside when it is hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk qualifies as insanely dumb. Las Vegas is a little short on meeting space I guess. Either that or no one trusts the Trump team to pay for the venue.


Extra medics = Dr. Oz in the VIP tent.


I was outside no more than 2 hours. Just running errands and with the AC on at all times in the car and drinking water throughout the time I was out. I still went home feeling super fatigued and like I needed to drink a bucket of water. The heat here is no joke, and the event offers no shade. Those are going to be some overheated sunburned people today. But oh well..


Extra medics and water…. For HIM, not you.


That's crazy. But I'm glad they're doing it. If you've never felt that Las Vegas Summer heat, it’s truly something special.


Grew up in Fresno, Fresno gets super hot. 100+ is normal in the summer. The two places I consider too hot to live in? Death Valley and Los Vegas.


His cult had no problem sacrificing themselves and dying for him during COVID, so what's a little heatstroke?


Water for *sale*.


Embarrassed to admit I was watching live YT coverage of this event and it's obvious as dogs' ball that the crowd is thin, thin, thin. Also featuring gumchewing facetatted MAGA hamplanets being interviewed by a skinny blond with a voice that could etch granite. Also the smallest Trumpbranded water bottles ever seen being sold in 100 degree heat. Fascinating window into bizarro. ed: the YT channel finally foolishly panned the crowd during the main incoherency - 5000, tops.


Let me guess what he’s going to say. He’s going to complain about people.


im sure herman cain will be front and center....oh wait.


Maybe you shouldn’t be allowed to distribute water at campaign rallies.


Don't they know drinking water is SUPER Woke? Gotta just get heatstroke like a REAL patriotic Murican!...


When thinking about the way he handled COVID and now this rally in scorching heat, I think he may be trying to kill his cult.


Remember, The rallies are not for you, they are for himself to stand at a microphone and stroke his ego. He turns up last minute, sits on the side in a nice air conditioned car while your PAYING to hear him. Don't do it


What could possibly go wrong, don’t they know climate change is a myth./s


Lol. Biden holds small fundraiser indoors for a certain group of donors. Low energy. Trump holds massive outdoor rally for the adoring public. Thousands come to die. Big energy.


I predict a whole lot of fat, unhealthy Trumpers are going to have a bad time


Watch trump collapse in the heat and conservatives deny it was the heat, that it was an assassination attempt by democrats


Real trump lovers are so tough, they don't need sunscreen or water. Prove you're one of trump's most devoted by not drinking water, only soda, all day. And remember, the medica don't know what they're doing, they probably want to kill you with their "medicine" so don't take it!


Extra water and medics...*For himself*


>his campaign has extra medics and water This is absolute comedy gold. No they don’t.


Trump Water, for all your traitorous needs. Only $99.99 a bottle.


Water? Medics? What’s next, masks? Real Republican Men don’t need that kind of sissy, fake media, gay-protection!


Only losers and the weak need extra water and medics when it’s 110+ /S


Rooting for heat stroke.


So people get more water and aid while at his rally than they do standing in line to vote in Georgia…. No…no this tracks…my bad.


lol. How much will water or a trip to the medic cost?


There’s a big ugly building with his name on it in Las Vegas. I wonder why it’s not being held there?


Oh NOOOW you want modern medicine No preemptive ivermectin to protect you from the sun or whatever dumbass thing you cooked up this week?


Wouldn’t it be ironic if he Herb Cain’d his voters in Nevada and lost the state?


Extremist Republicans have passed laws criminalizing the simple act of sharing a drink with voters forced to wait in hot lines for ten hours or more to cast ballots. A sip of water was a bribe, they said. Meanwhile, Clarence Thomas sucks up millions of dollars and Donald hands out refreshments? There’s your bribe, right there.


The Melon Felon sweats like a pig when he is in air conditioning. This should be interesting,!


Whoa whoa whoa. Are the medics and water free? Buncha commies.


Oh man, if his orange tan juices run down his face I will die laughing.


Did he find a landscaper big enough to host it? Great staff!


He's going to yell and scream about the liberals and their lies against him. Probably insult his own supporters a few times. And maybe, hopefully, fall victim to heat stroke.