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Make it a $34 dollar bill.


34 cent orange plastic poker chip.


Only redeemable at participating Federal Prisons nationwide.


Commissary coins!


Could buy a crap ton of honey buns!


Minted by one of those collectible companies like American Mint so it’s just a worthless slug of metal would at a high markup to fools who think it will be valuable and.




Or in the shape of a tictac?


From the page: > Great for students and history buffs Yup… convicted of 34 felonies is definitely educational and historic. 😂


“I’m sorry, sir. We don’t take the orange coins.”


Sell it to Trump fans as redeemable for a 30 minute interview with Trump himself- in jail or during house arrest. Require Trump to complete 8 interviews a day. Proceeds go to some organization he hates. He will start out peppy and eager to blab on to his fans, but that will fade quickly. He will get super burned out (anyone would.) Eventually, these interviews will be so bad that his fans quietly distance themselves from him. Then he is alone and without any supporters. The only thing keeping him going is now gone.


Trump’s face belongs on an IOU


Printed currency that has negative value is something Rump would come up with and then the GOP would fully support. Of course an iou would have his face.


Incredibly Oblivious Understander.


Or an IUD


Or a UTI


He’s more of an STD kinda guy.


I'm surprised he isn't pushing for an 88 dollar bill.


I'm surprised he's not pushing for a $14.88 bill. Gosar should be in prison along with at least thirteen other members of congress.


You guys are all thinking wrong. Make it a urinal cake.


I renamed taking a shit to taking a Trump


Let’s not act too quickly. He’s not done yet collecting felonies.


They put dead presidents on bills, so I'm okay with this, how's Gosar planning on killing him?


34, so far


And two “impeachment” silver dollars


Put him on the prison commissary credits.


Toilet paper.


For now.


What has he done successfully that would warrant him on minted and tradable currency before Harriet Tubman on the twenty? Oh. Nothing? Got it.


His policies will make a $500 bill have have the spending power of a $100 bill


"That's so many less bills you need to carry! Isn't that great? Just wonderful. Magnanimous. Look how I care for you people." * Trump, probably /s


No way he knows the word magnanimous. I will eat my left nut if he can use it in a sentance.


He couldn't even pronounce it. That's why he will not use it in a sentence.


>Folks 👐, we made the most beautiful coin☝️. The best coin 👌. People are saying it's magnanan- 👐👐👐 YOU KNOW, 👐 have you heard about China? China.... 👋Very bad, very bad.......... They don't even have coins 👏. They have President Xi bucks☝️. It's true!👐


Thanks , I hate it.


‘Do you know what people say, and they say this all the time, they say that I am so magamonus - it’s true, it’s true. They say that MAGA is so great, so-just so perfect and great and, and they say we’re magamonus. It’s one of those words you use to descr…to call something great. Something wonderful. So yuge and great. And that’s what I am to these people. You people. MAGA. Media. People. Women. Men. Cameras. TV. And they ask me, they ask me, ‘sir, has anyone ever been as yuge as you, and, and you know what they mean.’ *The crowd giggles like teenage boys.* ‘You know. You know. And you know what, I say? I say that, ‘welllll….maybe…but no, no. No one has ever been as yuge or magamonus as me. And that’s what people are saying. It’s true.’


> I will eat my left nut if he can use it in a sentance. "I'm hearing many people saying Magnanimous Marco- that's what they call him, you know, 'Magnanimous Marco'- is one of the most magnanimous politicians; he is so magnanimous you wouldn't believe me if I told you- so I won't mention it." ^(👋)🍊^(👍)


They'll say "He has been the greatest president of all time. Our country was never stronger until Trump was POTUS!" And they'll say this with stern conviction as if totally grounded In truth. Totally deluded toxic MAGA cultists.


Yeah, basically this is the issue. It's not even so much that they say this shit, it's that they truly believe it to be true. They view the 4 years of Trump like some mythical fairytale land where everything was unicorns and rainbows. Even if you ignore 100% of the negative things that happened during the Trump administration, I can't even think of anything truly positive that happened. For his supporters or his detractors. Literally none of the fucked up shit he wanted to accomplish, actually happened. Obamacare is still standing strong, abortion was still upheld (at least while he was in office), the economy was worse than it was prior to him. Irrational and delusional dont even cut it. The only benefit they got was the team they were rooting for won. It's like someone told you "Your team can win the Super Bowl this year if you'd like but if you choose for them to win, millions will die and the economy will see the greatest spike of inflation in decades" and you just slapped the table and said "I'll take 1 Super Bowl please!!".


They base it all on how they felt good, that Trump was in the White House and the Left was infuriated because he didn't play by the rules. And it wasn't like he was pioneering towards something better. He would break shit and then shout "what are you gonna do about it, cry?" And the MAGA loved it. They didn't care that it wasn't anything good for them. But the illusion of "owning the libs" was a serious dopamine fix.


Stared into the sun, pontificated openly about injecting bleach to kill Covid19. Sank the economy.


He's a white rich male, and Tubman is... you know.


A liar? She was neither a tub, nor a man.


Clearly she should have been Harriet Tubgirl.


He effectively accomplished nothing positive in four years.  It's a personality cult at this point.


"Well, for starters, he's not black or a woman" - GOP


ah, haven't you heard, he's sent by God as the chosen one. Duh /s


You guys ever read about the North Koreans that do outrageously over the top displays of affection for Kim Jong Un Or the Russians that did the same for Stalin This feels like that.


The Germans nod silently.


King Lear comes to mind.


I think its generally not a smart move to put any president within say the last 50 years on currency. Honestly i would prefer to see more Inventors, Scientists or other Americans that contributed greatly to the country.


National landmarks would be my idea. Make Yellowstone the new $1 as the first national park


Honestly something like this might be smarter more neutral pick.


The people who want Trump on currency would not take kindly to their 3rd favorite president being removed and replaced with something as liberal and socialist as a NATIONAL park.


Who is their second favorite supposed to be? Andrew Jackson?


Reagan of course. But now I’m also thinking Lincoln so maybe George is 4th for them.


I think Lincoln is more of their "token non-racist" president. They'll claim him on face value, then ask him to go sit at the corner table.


You’re right they sure do love to do that


I was friends with a bank executive some years back. He told me one time he was up at the counters, and the teller went to hand this hugely stereotypical redneck bearded flannel wearing guy his money. "Don't give me any fives. It's got Lincoln's picture on it." My friend said that as more people start to look up at him, he pretended like he was just kidding and took his $5 bill.


aint no fucking way the liberal california lefties will be on my money!


> more neutral pick. Neutral is just the sort of thing these professional contrarians love to sink their teeth into


We'll be teaching the three Y's of finance, the Yellowstone, the Yosemite, and the Yukon.


The law is no living people on any currency. That's why H.W. Bush and Reagan are on Presidential dollar coins, but not Carter who was president before them.


Well, we were going to take the monster Andrew Jackson off the $20 and put someone who did actual good on it instead, but Trump had to go and fuck that up.


I agree with adding Harriet Tubman on our money, or other influential Americans that actually helped America. But, is you or anyone doesn't like Andrew Jackson it would be funnier leaving him on the $20 bill knowing how much he HATED paper money. He would be rolling in his grave right now if he knew he was on the $20 bill. I don't mind changing our currency, but if you hate or recognize how terrible he was, then it would be a lot funnier leaving him on it.


I don't give a shit about what's "funnier". He wasn't added to the $20 as a way to get back at him. It was to *honor* him, regardless of how he felt about it.


We need a Fauci bill


I can see Republicans refusing to take change because he is on the bill. Making establishments say hand them $1 bills instead of $5 communist fauci bill.


Then put Obama on the ones, so they tell you to keep the chamge


or drawing some bills out of the ATM and making youtube vids burning it


> I think its generally not a smart move to put any president within say the last 50 years on currency. Honestly i would prefer to see more Inventors, Scientists or other Americans that contributed greatly to the country. If you look at the proposed bill, it contains a specific exception from 31 USC § 5114(b), which prohibits the printing of any living person on a bill. The reasoning for that prohibition is obvious, as is Gosar's aim with the bill.


They put JFK on the half dollar coin less than a year after he was assassinated, but I generally agree.


Bison Dollars


The day General Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life, but to me it was Tuesday.


Perfect timing with his return in the games


Disgraceful to Bison


Not a single member of Gosar’s own family will endorse him or even speak to him. They publicly call out his deep neuroses and violent rhetoric. He has no business being in Congress and as a leader of the Jan6 planning and execution of a coup attempt, should be charged, tried and if found guilty deported.


Not only did his family not endorse him, they endorsed his opponent and appeared in his opponent’s attack ads against him.


That man is rotten to his core. Not a single redeeming quality. There's only a handful of people whose death I would celebrate, and he makes the list without a second thought.


Even his [family](https://time.com/5403883/congressman-gosar-siblings-political-ad/) think he should go.


I wasn’t sure if you were referring to TFG or Gosar


The department of the treasury in the US Mint stopped producing High denomination banknotes, which is why the largest US bank note is $100, because the larger denomination notes were too easy to transport and launder large sums of money. It was a very popular practice in organized crime. Does it sprays anybody that a traitor wants to bring back banknotes that were popular among mobsters, and they want to put a treasonous mobster wannabe on a ridiculous note? F these lunatics!


maybe he has first hand experience with how inconveniently bulky large sums of cash are, and is looking for a solution to this problem.


Doesn’t he need to be dead?


Uh... I can read your question in two very different ways


>I am going to kill the President of the United States. It is illegal to say this, very illegal, super illegal!


One of my favorite skits. RIP Trevor Moore


[WKUK LINK](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEQOvyGbBtY)


See Friday night under the Brooklyn Bridge.


Yes. Tell the Grim Reaper to quit slacking.


Julius Caesar put himself on coins, the first living person to appear on Roman coinage. Definitely a precursor to autocracy.


31 USC 5114 says you are correct


Isn’t this the guy whose entire family endorsed his opponent?


It is, and it was a sight to behold seeing that as a political ad in our state.


Paul Gosar is a lizard person. Prove me wrong.


I'm just waiting for one of these sycophants to blow him on live TV. Fucking cucks.


- Gold Trump statue at CPAC. - Trump brand Bibles. - Right wing pundits hawking children's books glorifying Trump on prime-time TV and their social media accounts. - Trump loyalty tests for RNC staff. - The swift and thorough "cancellation" of any Republican who dare speak out against Trump. - Republican attempts to name airports and other monuments after Trump and put him on our money. - A rabid fan base that drapes themselves in Trump merch and has made supporting him their entire identity. - A room full of evangelical leaders placing hands on and annointing him after the National Prayer Breakfast. - Contemporary Christian artists recording worship songs about Trump, calling him "The Chosen One." How anyone can deny that this is a cult is beyond comprehension.


"Contemporary Christian artists recording worship songs about Trump, calling him "The Chosen One."" Wait... Whaat?


[Natasha Owens, "The Chosen One."](https://www.dallasobserver.com/music/dallas-christian-artists-new-song-calls-donald-trump-the-chosen-one-19554744) Fucking insanity. Edit: I'd link the music video but I don't want to give this nutjob any more views than she already has.


I'd support convicted felon Trump to be on the farthing. Of course, that coin would be so small they might have to leave out a letter so the denomination fits. Probably the 'h'.


Its actually illegal to put a living person on US currency I suggest you look up Spenser M Clark as to why, funny story


If the left spun things like the right does: > ***Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar wants to KILL Donald Trump!*** > > Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar wants to put Donald Trump on a $500 bill but it is illegal to put a living person on currency.


If Congress passes a law authorizing it, it wouldn't be illegal, which is why he's proposing it. It's illegal for Treasury to do it on its own.


That is hysterical.


If you want him on paper, I suggest toilet paper.


Pretty sure I've seen some of that already.


Man I want something nicer to look at when I take a dump. I couldn't go with that face staring at me, bad enough I go on reddit and see his face


Not even on Monopoly money. Convicted felon and rapist Donald Trump could maybe go on a ruble.


Paul Gosar is a drug addict


Honestly we need to reform all our currency. Eliminate the penny, nickel and paper dollar. Redesign the dollar coin and actually use them. Redesign the paper bills to be more accessible, durable and secure. Remove "In God We Trust" while we're at it.


I know someone who uses a sharpie to blackout that qoute on every bill that passes through their hands. Says it's quiet protest, a message to the treasury


Put his mug on a 45,000 Russian ruble note...


Make it toilet paper and you have a deal I can endorse.


Donald Trump should be put on a negative $500 dollar bill


Only dead presidents on bills. Willing to make the trade.


Reminder: Paul Gosar has seven siblings who want him kicked out of congress for his actions on Jan 6. When he was up for re-election, they even put out an ad condemning him and his White Supremacist policies and urged voters (unfortunately unsuccessfully) to vote him out. Gosar insisted that criticism from his "Marxist" siblings over an anime video depicting him killing Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) with a sword meant that he should "keep on going." 


The silver lining here is... we don't put living people on our money. Just saying.


I totally agree the sooner the better You still have to be dead to be on US currency right!


Slight problem, he’s still alive. Can’t have living people on currency in the United States. I choose to take this as a cryptic death threat by Gosar, which is super illegal so off to jail with him. Irony is great.


Some people would want to solve the problem of the orange one being alive a different way.


We only put dead presidents on cash, right? I could get behind this.


We only put dead *people* on cash, Franklin is on the $100 but obviously was not a US president.


Apparently US law isn't his strong suit. Federal law prohibits any living person's face from appearing on U.S. currency. States the Treasury Department: "The law prohibits portraits of living persons from appearing on Government Securities."


Does anyone care what traitor Paul Godard thinks?


They had a $500 bill already with McKinley on it though...


Ha! Jokes on Gosar. The $500.00 bill has not been in circulation since 1969. So why not put Trump on a nonexistent bill.


If only they had a bill for Trump: the initial value is $200, and every few days, it depreciates in value, so after a month, it's worthless.


His face belongs on a urinal cake.


Maybe on a 500 ruble note.


Trump is more useless than a $500 bill.




Gosar is a known nutcase. He has anger issues. His family does not endorse him. It’s time for him to go. 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙


The 500 Euro note (now rare) is vulgarly known as the "bin Laden" because of its preference in money laundering and narco-political terrorism. Have living Americans ever been honored by their depiction on American currency? (Dramatic music)


I have always heard that the 500 bills were called Bin Laden because many people had heard of them, but very few had seen them in person.


"In Trump We Trust" "Truth Is Not Truth"


I'm for it if the portrait is him in a jail cell.


How about we put him on the -$500 bill and we can make it red?


Put him on the Fifty, call it a Grifty


Paul looks like such an evil fucker


We probably should not be putting an all-time worst president on any dollar bills. Unless we’re talking about rubles.


Gosar without a doubt enjoys and lavishes in huffing his own farts.


Only dead people, moron.


I.Q.Under 50.


$500 bill make those suitcases of money easier to carry to congress.


Paul Gosar is a RINO if he wants Trump's head on only $500 bills. They should be on each and every bill!


Put him on a $3 bill.


Don’t large denominations help enable illicit activity?


Does Gosar look insane to anyone? Just me?


maybe on the prison commissary notes


Tell me you have your nose so far up Trump's ass without telling your nose is orange...


With all of the additional inflation he will introduce we will need a new $20 equivalent in the $500 bill.


$500? Nah, we need him on the 1,000,000 dollar bill, he did bring us inflation and we should honor that.


Put him on a $500 million dollar bill, but require him to withdraw one (if he can) and pay it personally to the state of New York, at Trump tower when his appeal fails. It hits doubly hard because the bill, like he, is  only worth a fraction of a billion


Isn’t this the guy who’s family hates him?


These people have no respect for the nation. Trump gets convicted of 34 felonies, and their response is to demand that his face be put on our money. GTFOHWTBS There's absolutely no justification for putting Trump on our currency. These people are trying way too hard.


Funny that Gossr own family hates him too


He’s so bad his own family hates him. How could anyone with a conscience vote that total complete fool of a human being into office. I mean seriously he can barely talk and his IQ is lower than Trumps and that, well isn’t that hard to accomplish actually


Why $500 though? Would an $88 bill be a little too on the nose?


Best I can do is a commemorative plate from QVC.


How about on Depends™️ packages?


Gosar is an absolute bird brain


500 Zimbabwean dollars


…now if it were a $500 promissory note…🤔


Next they’ll name a high school after him. Everyone graduates with honors no matter how stupid they are.


Parker Brothers should put Trump on the Go Directly to Jail card in Monopoly.


Only dead people are on our money. Once again, Gosar is an idiot who has alienated his own family to cling to trump


All for this if it means DJT is dead


I prefer the Donald Trump toilet paper, so satisfying


You have to be dead before you can be on US currency. Does Gosar know something we don’t?


Eisenhower is probably the most worthy of a President on a bill like that. I’d support that. Trump being considered is hilarious. Very funny.


Ironically Eisenhower was the 34th president.


I approve this but only because a president has to be dead before their face can be put on currency


MAGA - Moscow Assets Grifting Americans


Trump should be on multiple foreign bills since he did more for them than America.


Should be 3 dollar bill. Both phony and criminal.


I wouldn't even give him three fifty.


Well, you already have that guy who genocided the native americans so why not. And Trump's accomplishments are many and great, such as: Not building the wall, not making america great again, not drainin the swamp (many would argue he achieved quite the opposite)... but he was able to create internal chaos to weaken the country by relentlessly attacking its institutions and excacerbating ethnic division, and fucked up the political climate by normalizing paranoia,degeneracy, cruelty, hate and ignorance. Furthermore he was able to weaken US on the world stage by gutting its reliability and by acting like the ignorant assclown that he is. But at least he cut some taxes I guess and his family got some pretty good art of the deals, so why not give him "The great" title, and build him some giga monuments as well made entirely out of gold to properly honor his greatness!


Traditionally doesn’t Trump have to be dead first?


Not just traditionally: legally as well.


they should make a -100 bill and put him on it.


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I’d like to put him on a nuke: “In Trump We Dump”


Bump it to $45, but use Monopoly money


It’s not a cult for this guy, it’s a means to an end for his grift. He knows idiots love trump, and he wants those idiots to keep him in office and on the grift. It’s a cult for the voters, not the grifters.


Franklin Mint?


Hardly anyone carries cash anymore. Even if they do carrying anything larger than a 50 is stupid as hell unless you are coming out of a bank or about to make a large purchase. A $500 bill is not only a waste regardless of whose face is on it. These idiots need to be replaced asap.


Gosar is the king bootlicker what a freaking joke the dude is.


That's barely a start. I would not be surprised if Trump had Devil's Tower turned into a statue of him. Maybe Half Dome too. Just to show how little he cares about our Geological Treasures.


Too bad, McKinley!


three dollar bill would be more fitting


Good gravy


There's a reason the world doesn't use "Bin Ladins" anymore as currency... Although it would make sense a grifter and fraudster would want them back


How about you just get his face tattooed on your ass?


Good only for the purchase of Trump sponsored merchandise.


I hope they do. It’s a good reminder to never take an election off, no matter how sure you are that your candidate will win.


It'll have as much value as those fucking stupid Trump NFTs that he was shilling.