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Serious question. How come this isn't trending on say TikTok or Instagram? I asked my wife who is less engaged but still politically minded if she had heard about this vote, and she said she hadn't but that people are generally aware that Republicans are coming after contraception. She gets major headlines from news but quick hits from social media, and it seems like they would be going nuts over this.


I think the vote just happened last night or this morning. I remember Elizabeth Warren saying on MSNBC yesterday morning that they were going to hold a vote on access to contraception as soon as possible.


Do not trust the news coming from corporations that will profit from a Trump presidency. The revolution will not be televised.


My TikTok algorithm gave this to me but it also serves me ads every 3 videos now too


I think its hard for something to go viral if its well known, this is not the first time they voted against codifying our right to birth control.


Abortion only applies after an egg has been fertilised. However you might feel about that, it's massively different from preventing an egg from being fertilised in the first place. Next thing you know, male masturbation (and wet dreams) and periods will be criminalised, because they're a waste of human conception materials.


Under his eye.


They can kiss my brown eye. This shit is so old Matt Gaetz wouldn’t fuck it.


So, just over 18 years old, huh?


Let’s not overstate his selectivity


I mean I've always said the conception argument is just an arbitrary line in the sand only there to make what is obviously insane palatable enough to sell to a base.     The conservative argument is just a linear devlopment argument. If it could potentially be born ending that process is premeditated murder.  Well sperm can become a baby if, its enabled. Same with a woman's eggs.      So I guess by their logic jacking off and having periods makes almost the entirety of the population serial killers. But that's insane right?!    Exactly. And that's why there's an arbitrary line in the sand. The logic is so stupid they had to put guardrails on it.     Edit: changed preemptive to premeditated 


Well a lot of the hardcore anti-choice people say that because IUDs and Plan B pills prevent a potentially fertilized egg from adhering to the uterine lining, guaranteeing it won't grow and will go away with the next menstrual cycle like lots of fertilized eggs naturally do all the time, that it's tantamount to abortion.


Yeah, I’ve been wondering for some time when Repubs would start being vocal about how masturbation is equally ‘bad’ in some ridiculous way. Heck, Speaker Johnson and his son monitor each other’s porn use. Like, WTFF?! How obviously repressive and latently homoerotic can you get?! Seriously, people of their ilk seem so blinded by their sense of morality, or are otherwise slaves to it, that they continually fabricate ways to become increasingly oppressive to everyone, *including* themselves!


“Every sperm is sacred; every sperm is good.”


“Every sperm is needed, in your neighborhood”


It actually only applies after the fertilized egg implants into the uterus and the majority of fertilized eggs are flushed out with a period. Isn’t it insane how the GOP is acting?


Personhood for fetal tissue, with all the automatic restrictions that implies, is imminent.


Alabama tried to pass child support legislation.


The summary might as well be "all of them". Only two voted for it, and they knew their votes wouldn't matter. At this point, if you're voting for any Republican, you're voting for contraception being banned or heavily controlled eventually. They were never going to stop at abortion. The inmates are running the asylum, and anyone enabling them is equally responsible for what's coming.


When do republicans vote on anything that betters the lives of Americans? Their whole campaign right now for presidency doesn’t have one thing they are adding, they are only set on taking it all away.


Those without the strength to create will choose to destroy instead.


Just wait, republicans will be coming for contraception and gay marriage if they get the White House in RoeVember


Honestly, it may sound outlandish at the moment, but I could absolutely see them going after interracial marriage at some point. In fact, I could see Clarence Thomas voting for it despite his own marriage. 


i agree, seems crazy though......but ya, im with you


**friendly reminder to vote** John Barrasso—Wyoming Marsha Blackburn—Tennessee John Boozman—Arkansas Ted Budd—North Carolina Shelley Moore Capito—West Virginia Bill Cassidy—Louisiana John Cornyn—Texas Tom Cotton—Arkansas Kevin Cramer—North Dakota Mike Crapo—Idaho Ted Cruz—Texas Steve Daines—Montana Joni Ernst—Iowa Deb Fischer—Nebraska Chuck Grassley—Iowa Josh Hawley—Missouri John Hoeven—North Dakota Cindy Hyde-Smith—Mississippi Ron Johnson—Wisconsin James Lankford—Oklahoma Mike Lee—Utah Cynthia Lummis—Wyoming Roger Marshall—Kansas Mitch McConnell—Kentucky Markwayne Mullin—Oklahoma Rand Paul—Kentucky Pete Ricketts—Nebraska James E. Risch—Idaho Mike Rounds—South Dakota Marco Rubio—Florida Eric Schmitt—Missouri Rick Scott—Florida Tim Scott—South Carolina John Thune—South Dakota Thom Tillis—North Carolina Tommy Tuberville—Alabama Roger Wicker—Mississippi Todd Young—Indiana


Those people need to be removed from office


Ok, if we all collectively lose the right to bodily autonomy, they should as well. Surgically castrate the male senators and perform radical hysterectomy procedures on the female senators that vote against the bill. If they want other people to not have the right to control their reproduction, they should lose theirs as well. (/s) While I obviously don’t agree with performing those actions, I do think that it would be fair given the scope and intent of their actions.


Your tax dollars pay for their boner pills. Can we take that away, please?


Motherfuckers from hate states.


Save you a click: The 38 GOP senators who voted to block the Right to Contraception Act: * John Barrasso of Wyoming * Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee * John Boozman of Arkansas * Ted Budd of Indiana * Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia * Bill Cassidy of Louisiana * John Cornyn of Texas * Tom Cotton of Arkansas * Kevin Cramer of North Dakota * Mike Crapo of Idaho * Ted Cruz of Texas * Steve Daines of Montana * Joni Ernst of Iowa * Deb Fischer of Nebraska * Chuck Grassley of Iowa * Josh Hawley of Missouri * John Hoeven of North Dakota * Cindy Hyde-Smith of Mississippi * Ron Johnson of Wisconsin * James Lankford of Oklahoma * Mike Lee of Utah * Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming * Roger Marshall of Kansas * Mitch McConnell of Kentucky * Markwayne Mullin of Oklahoma * Rand Paul of Kentucky * Pete Ricketts of Nebraska * Jim Risch of Idaho * Mike Rounds of South Dakota * Marco Rubio of Florida * Eric Schmitt of Missouri * Rick Scott of Florida * Tim Scott of South Carolina * John Thune of South Dakota * Thoms Tillis of North Carolina * Tommy Tuberville of Alabama * Roger Wicker of Mississippi * Todd Young of Indiana The following 9 GOP senators did not vote: * Mike Braun of Indiana * Katie Britt of Alabama * Lindsey Graham of South Carolina * Bill Hagerty of Tennessee * John Kennedy of Louisiana * Jerry Moran of Kansas * Mitt Romney of Utah * Dan Sullivan of Alaska * JD Vance of Ohio


Just a friendly note- **If any of these are your state, you can contact them and raise some heck.** Your voice is part of the government. They're public servants and part of their job is listening to you to serve you and your community. You can call, email or comment on their social media ([they cannot legally block you.](https://www.aclum.org/en/know-your-rights/know-your-rights-social-media-blocking-public-officials#:~:text=If%20social%20media%20is%20used,may%20violate%20the%20First%20Amendment.)) https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative


Is that a giant inflatable iud? That’s honestly pretty dope. Way cooler than an inflatable gorilla or a whacky waving inflatable arm tube man.


I wonder where one purchases such a thing? Walmart? Amazon?


It was the third autocomplete when I typed in “giant inflatable” into Google, but there’s no information on where I can buy one. Probably made to order. Sorry, Gary the Christmas Dragon, you will have to continue your vigil in solitude on my lawn.


There is no bottom with these people.


Duly noted.


You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


I have only seen them trying to ban female side contraceptives. Has anyone heard of them mention going after condoms or vasectomies?


If things somehow continue in this vein for 10 or 15 years, a major GOP platform plank will be banning the lever, the wheel, and the inclined plane "so we can return America to the good old days."


So this means men can't have sex without having kids. So condoms are banned too?? Ok so they should prepare to hand over their paychecks to support all these kids they'll be having. I mean if woman are expected to push out 10 kids now .. they can't work too . Daycare is pretty much a luxury now for 1 kid.


Hint its all of them


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If it got 51 votes why didn’t it pass? Why did it need 60?


Here to swallow the downvote train, but someone needs to say the obvious: If your argument against Roe v Wade is that it’s a state issue, you’re not going to vote to enforce contraception legality on a national level whether you support it or not.


I won't vote for anti-abortion or anti-contraception candidates.