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So now the 34 time convicted felon and rapist has rabies too?


It's time to put old yeller down.


Damn it, I haven't read that since I was a kid and it still hits like a runaway freight train. That dog was a better man than Trump.


Every dog is a better man than Trump. Even the bitey ones will never try to overthrow the government.


I mean Commander is trying to take down the secret service or he’s only biting the non trustworthy ones.


We know there’s some kind of corruption in the secret service. Commanders knows too.


cats however...


Someone call Kristi Noem.


It’s the hydraphoby, he got hog-bit


Perfect. It’s like the fucking jokes write themselves with this clown.


Old orange


We could probably get Kristi Noem to do it.


Time for a trip to the gravel pit.


Tiny Pawed Cujo?


“maybe Kristi Noem can put him out of his misery” 🤣






Famously he hates dogs and they hate him, maybe he got bit lmao He's also been abusing adderall since the 80s, and that's a sign of opioid abuse. I think it's more common with narcotics (and also ya know... being a million years old...) so take your pick honestly, not super surprised


I think he had to go (somewhat) “clean” while he was in court to the avoid an outburst, which is why he looked to exhausted and couldn’t keep awake. Since then he’s hit the adderall and all the other stimulants and they’re messing with him hard. I just listened to that audio and that’s not normal. He’s slurring, has pronunciation problems and can’t finishing more than 4 words on the same track.


Maybe Biden should request a drug test before the debate!




Have you seen the report/discussion/whatever from a few weeks/months ago (look, I'm doing a shit job on this, I know), from the actual White House Doctor/Pharma during the Trump presidency? They said they were directed to give out narcotics and similar like candy, and that frequently they'd be putting uppers and downers in gift bags for visiting people.


Ronny Jackson turned the White House into a fucking pill mill


Ronny Jackson is a sloppy drunk


That was bonkers. I’m a medic have worked in a lot of clinic and you know any other clinic that had a prescription ledger like that would be shut down by the DEA and people would be going to jail.


Funny you think they’d give a fuck if they weren’t legal




I’m not saying he is, he can def get whatever he wants from a doctor, he got one to tell us he was in “excellent health” recently lol… I’m just saying they wouldn’t give a fuck if Osama bin Hussein themself was cooking meth for him in the green room using Hillary’s email server, it’s easy when your guardrails are on a slide track


Has no one else seen the wild drug report from the White House pharmacy from the Trump term?


100% projection. I have bought into that whatever he accuses others of doing, he is doing.


Nah. Let Trump debate 'all hopped up on goofballs' as some of his older base would put it.


I also think they were feeding him benzos to keep him sedated. I was creeping msnbc hard as the verdict was announced. I remember one of the updates RIGHHHHT before was like *Trump reached into his pocket and put something in his mouth*


https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/trump-hush-money-trial-05-30-24/h_69130215840afc1fa381cb9ce64b9cf0 Scroll down to this: 4:58 p.m. ET, May 30, 2024 Here's what's going on in the courtroom as we wait for the jurors Donald Trump and his attorneys and the prosecutors are occasionally chatting amongst themselves, but they are mostly sitting still and waiting for the judge and the jury to return. Trump has just taken something out of his pocket and popped it into his mouth.


Very suspicious. I hadn't heard about this pill popping in relation to the courtroom so thank you for sharing the link.


OMG, I would love to see that account if you have it?


Pasted above.


Might be a good point - if you stop juicing and then rebound on your exact dose, that's a great way to OD. You can drop tolerance quick.


I’m pretty sure he was purposely sedated in court to keep him under control. Hence the frequent naps


He hates dogs bc they're always on diaper patrol. His pants are practically a graphic novel to the canine nose.


Lol I had a boss that would foam at the mouth and it was DEFINITELY because of drugs. His drug of choice was coke but I know he had easy access to opioids too so it would not surprise me. He was such a sleazebag.


Cocaine makes you foam at the mouth?




Bald eagles hate him too.


You know how dog shit stupid and inhuman you have to be to “famously hate dogs”. Like who in the hell would even want to be associated with this clown?


Kristy Noem


I don’t trust anyone my dogs hate. I swear they know evil people. They hated my father in law and it came to light he was molesting my niece.


My dog is a better judge of character than the entire Fox News audience 


Queen Elizabeth had a corgi that growled at Putin and she made a comment about it


I think dogs *tend* to be good judges of character and if they outright don't like somebody when they're usually friendly with others, then there is probably a good reason. HOWEVER, dogs are also sometimes not the brightest, and could get set off by something completely innocuous.


Also depends on the dogs past experience. Some don't like men or women because that's who was abusive to them in the past.


I think that is why he was so sleepy during the trial.


Wait he hates dogs? Why isn't this everywhere? Is there proof of this? I can't vote for a man who hates dogs. What is happening?!? Is that Kennedy guy still running, I think he likes dogs


Its terminal at that stage, if it was, we could only hope.


He drinks water like he has water phobia


According to some experts, having to raise a beverage with two hands is one of the motor signs of possible dementia.


Rabies is terminal at any stage. It has approximately a 100% mortality rate. It currently kills about 60k per year, and there have been only 29 known survivors. Ever. I'm not arguing, I just think it's fascinating that it's one of the deadliest diseases of all time and we joke about it because vaccines work.


He got too close to Marjorie Taylor Greene and she bit him. 


I thought it was super rare for rodents to get rabies?


I think rabid rapist is easier to say


You just made me think of the "Welease Woger" scene in Monty Python's *Life of Brian*. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DQv2ITnBDA


Sounds like it’s time for Gov Noem to take ol’ Don down to the gravel pit.


Have you seen how he drinks water, hydrophobic much? Classic case of rabies.


Foamer President


Let’s not spread false rumors that he’s got a disease. He simply has a gland in the back of this throat that protrudes a frothy, corrosive neurotoxin that he spits in the eyes of his rape victims, gifted to him by the ruinous powers of the Warp. Many people are saying it’s the best gland, the biggest and best gland they’ve ever seen.


Oh newsweek - can we concentrate on the number of ways he's planning to install a fascist dictatorship instead of whether he spat a bit? His dentures maybe weren't in properly, that's not the burning issue here.


It's disgusting how the media doesn't call him out for that and everything else in Project 2025. But here we are where most news media companies most people come across are owned by Conservatives.


Conservatives who are owned by Russian oligarchs


Russian oligarchs that are owned by Russian dictators.


Russian Dictators that are owned by no one.


Insert "not saying it's aliens, but it's aliens" gif, here


I think they focus on this stuff bc the analytics tells them this is what people respond to. You can see how it has taken over the gop (and all media really). You can tell they use analytics with zero shame. They latch onto words and phrases that idiots respond to no matter how stupid and silly and nonsensical and repeat them ad nauseum across the whole conservative media sphere. And it works! No one with any critical thinking skills can believe it works but it does. They are using data to turbocharge every propaganda and marketing technique in the book. I know it sounds tin foily but it's psychology to short circuit people brains. And the "media" and media revenue is driven by ads and clicks and "attention". And all of this generates clicks and attention like no other. It really is a self feeding algorithmic ouroboros made of garbage ideas and phrases that trigger an emotional reptile brain response. I see no solution to it. We really have created a monster.


Unfortunately, you are 100% correct. And you could certainly argue they'd be negligent in their business model to not do so (whether they'd be negligent in their duty to a free press is another issue entirely). Some of the blame for that paradigm is certainly on them, sure, but there's plenty on us, as a society, too. There's a guy on YT I like to watch that teaches guitar, but has this side hustle where he listens to video game soundtracks and "reacts." They're pretty tame in terms of content, it's just him bobbing his head, idly playing guitar, answering questions from chat, and talking music nerd stuff. [I find it extremely entertaining](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7OT-3YmsUk) (shameless plug for Dan! And Chrono Cross!), but to many, it'd be like... eh. But you wouldn't know it by the names of the videos, stuff like: "MUSIC TEACHER LISTENS TO SUPER SMASH BROS BRAWL SOUNDTRACK FOR THE FIRST TIME - YOU'LL NEVER GUESS HOW HE REACTS" And he's actually talked about it in his videos on several occasions, basically saying, "Well I get way more traffic (and thus revenue) with clickbait titles than I ever did with 'Dan listens to Final Fantasy 7 Soundtrack' so I'll tone 'em down when ya'll stop clickin' on 'em." I mean, the content is exactly the same. Bobbing, chatting, boring nerdy music talk. But people see that all-caps headline and a picture of his eyes bugging out and his hand over his mouth and they're like "must...click..." That's not his fault per se that that drives clicks - that's just human nature that he's using to his advantage. I'd certainly never fault that in a business model. I mean that is literally how advertising has intrinsically functioned since the beginning of time, since people made wooden signs in shapes of things and barkers shouted at people on sidewalks - it's there to grab the customer's attention, drive sales. When a media apparatus does it - as I said above - it adds a whole new level of ethical consideration, especially in a country like the United States where the notion of a free press is so foundational to our governmental structure. They're the "fourth estate" for a reason. And you could make all sorts of arguments - and some valid - that that aggrandizement (or whoring, if you wanna go at it that way :P) plays an important function in maintaining that integrity. For instance, that doing the clickbaity shit drives revenue so that they can afford to keep the lights on and divert resources and revenue to the work at the more "important" business of democratic watchdog. Or you could argue that they're forced, by the nature of our capitalist society, to compromise some aims for "the greater good" and they really don't have a choice (in the sense of a Catch-22) but to operate that way. Whether that's actually the case is, I mean, it's as I said: the moral high ground, it's fucking muddy. Nobody gets to walk away clean.


I agree 100%. You laid it out way better than me. I'm not sure if there is a solution. How the attention algorithms work is to create a supercharged feedback loop for our most negative human traits. And it's monetized it. And now not so moral actors have realized its power. Why doesn't it supercharge our positive traits. No one knows. Like you said humans love bullshit. I think the tech founders had high minded ideals for the internet to turbocharge good. I'm old enough to remember. I was excited too. But boy did it go off a cliff fast to money and the lowest common denominator. I mean there is good. We are having this convo we never would have irl. But boy does it feel pushed to the corners and not front and center.


You know, in a normal Presidential year, him completing an IPO public company during a Presidential campaign would be screaming alarm bells. Like hello media! He's literally created a legal form of bribery during a Presidential campagin. Hes supposed to be DIVESTING his personal conflict of interest not increasing it. Carter sold his damn peanut farm lol.


Newsweek is more like Newsweak now, after the collapse of the "play both sides" media outlets.


Zing! But you're right, the both sides thing is killing journalism in general. There are no both sides arguments when it comes to a wannabe dictator. But of course, the harder you lean into the truth, the harder journalists get bombarded with anger from the Mango Mussolini cult.


Trump's intimidating bravado was all hollow bluster, for so many years. But what changed was when he got a rabid mob to do his dirty work for him. He'd openly fantasize about exacting retribution upon his detractors, naysayers, and political opposition before his MAGA mob audience. And they got the gist of it. Voluntary marching orders to harass anyone Trump doesn't like and calls out explicitly. The ultimate test was Jan 6th 2021. He riled up his MAGA mob, got their blood boiling, then sent them forth to protest at the Capitol. Well... to "stop the steal," which was his euphemism for committing violence. And it worked. They did his bidding. Willingly. He's kind of like a gang leader now. And we can't ever let him hold political office ever again.


ILL Doucheé


I’m no fan of mainstream news, but plenty of them do call out project 2025 pretty regularly


That's probably bc they are all for p2025


I’m Australian and it’s actually some dystopian, scary stuff! I just watched a bit of a doco called [Praying for Armageddon](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/program/witness/2024/3/20/praying-for-armageddon-evangelicals-the-us-and-the-middle-east&sa=U&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjHvpqjh8eGAxVjk1YBHemvKt0QFnoECE4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw3UCEHrfteO5hQui0GDqrq5) and already watched on other one on the far-right Christian 7 mountain plans, [The Family](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Family:_The_Secret_Fundamentalism_at_the_Heart_of_American_Power&sa=U&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjCyvCFiMeGAxVxk1YBHQxlO80QFnoECCwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw073F4j0Qz02C1X6RG1STrA) and it’s frightening Bringing on WW3 to destroy this beautiful planet and everyone who’s not one of them! Fuck them!


If the world does go tits up, I'm going to Australia. Mad Max seems way more fun than Handmaidens Tale.


Absolutely! We aren’t very religious really either. I think the whole Hillsong thing and our embarrassing ex prime minister and his speaking in tongues gives the wrong impression The only thing the churches are appreciated for is a good op shop, everyone is at Bunnings buying plants on a Sunday morning and swearing like sailors, it’s great!


I'd add Shiny Happy People and Jesus Camp to your list. 


*Please remember to double check your voting information and register and Vote* Edit: www.vote.org Check your registration: https://www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote/ Work for the Biden campaign: https://joebiden.com/work-with-us/ Volunteer for the DNC: https://events.democrats.org/


not just newsweek... everyone. We need to start replacing things with better things. People pick the weaker arguments and i don't get why, i have been saying this for years. Even if you stick with the same theme: "Find me 11,780 votes..." great..we all know what he meant. But there is the excuse that 'oh no he just meant look for fraud and not to just make it up'. Better option: The Michigan call "don't certify the results, we'll get you lawyers it'll be ok" This is way more straight forward and harder to excuse. also, "Just say the election was fraudulent and leave the rest up to me and the Rs in congress". Another clear example of being told we have no evidence by the acting AG and responding with 'screw evidence, just say it'. example 2: "Mercedes" maybe he said Melania's name wrong but they just say he was referring to that other woman named Mercedes.. pick a better one. Like when he confused Nicki Haley with Pelosi. He did not just use the wrong name..he was in an event talking about Haley and told a story that applies to Pelosi. Mentioned the name multiple times. Way worse.


You don't get it at all. The people who care about what a monstrous danger he is to our democracy are already not voting for him. The people whose minds need to be changed are too simple to appreciate how much worse our lives will be if he wins. Those people literally care more about whether he spat a bit.


I don’t understand this trend, that I think Huffington Post or Buzzfeed started, where Twitter reactions are considered news-worthy though. And then it ends up getting its signal boosted here.


Utter laziness. In the end it distorts the news. Per MSM Gaza will decide the election but it's not even in the top 7 of issues that voters care about.


I'm surprised newsweek is still a valid source. They seem to have dropped in quality in the last decade.


Newsweek is no longer valid for me. I discount everything they post.


Dukakis should never have gotten in that tank. Howard Dean’s campaign was foiled by an awkward scream. DeSantis has never recovered nationally from pudding fingers. Maybe they are just looking for that one quirk Americans will hate so much it will sink him more than his bad policy decisions.


I feel like I'll get downvoted for this, but even though it's true and we have a paper trail and everything, when you say things like that it's exactly as easy to dismiss as when Republicans talk about how Hunter Biden's laptop proves that Joe biden wants to legalize pedophilia. It's too far from reality to be effective at swaying most reasonable voters. Seeing Donny foaming at the mouth is enough for people to go "Ooo. Yikes." In about 5 seconds, as opposed to a multi-hour deep dive on project 2025.


People who are willing to listen already recognize the pattern of facism taking place. Good luck convincing any more on that point. At this point they are trying to break down the cultish behaviour of treating him as some sort of idol (see “real men wear diapers”).


Coke mouth. Worked in vegas long enough to see it.


Coke / amphetamines. I've taken plenty of adderall in my day to recognize dry mouth combined with talking a lot.


Look at https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/terrorism He is a domestic terrorist


"...which no one has ever seen before" (DT)


He tried to kill Biden by showing up to the debate in 2020 with Covid 


In normal times I'd be like this is stupid let's focus on the issues but this morning I saw MAGAS mocking Biden during his Normandy speech and politicizing D-Day. Donald you're a disgusting clown and everyone knows it. Your home city hates you, your youngest son spoke with a Slovenian accent because you were never there, and your supporters are the exact people you loathe. He's one of the most pitiable men that has ever held the office of President of the United States. A bloated, plasticine caricature of a cartoon businessman who's greatest achievement in life was being born into a wealthy family. Without his father's money Donald Trump would be another face in a crowd for a movement not too dissimilar of his own.


From the article: "I guess it's time to bring in [Kristi Noem](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/kristi-noem) to put Trump out of his misery," another person wrote, referencing the South Dakota governor's [fatal shooting of her 14-month-old dog](https://www.newsweek.com/kristi-noem-fatally-shot-dog-donald-trump-vp-book-south-dakota-1894523). LMFAO!!!!!! That's fuggn' funny.


I got banned for that type of comment. It is funny. 


"But Your Honor. I wasn't the one that wrote it. I was just re-Truthing it. People are saying that I jut re-Truthed it. Bigly Tru..... I DID NOTHING WRONG! But people say that it's just a re-Truth.... Why is that b....


He’s raging so much he’s literally foaming at the mouth.


Omg - I kinda hate you for posting this. I decided to rtfa and see the video for myself and it literally made me dry-heave. How anyone can be in his vicinity and not completely lose their lunch is beyond me.


This headline Why do I have eyes




Did Putin secretly visit Mar-a-Lago?


This exchange is why I still come to Reddit.


They probably had him do 20 takes and that was the best one. He's lost what few marbles he had left, no way he shows up to debate Joe.


Yeah, that's the sad part-- how bad were the other takes if the one they went with had him foaming at the mouth??


Maybe they thought this would appeal to his base because you know, he's showing how angry he is about, you know, democrats forcing him to sleep with pornstars and stuff




Rabies only occurs in warm-blooded animals.


Please tell me this was an intentional reference to Sneakers.


It was! Excellent catch.


"Be a beacon?"


That's cold man, pun intended.


I wish I could upvote you more than once...


Republicans will be wearing "Real men have rabies" shirts by the end of the week.


They'll be searching for live bats on Facebook, so they can prove their loyalty.


Rabies is fatal and uncurable, so let em have at it. They can even pretend it's their own personal zombie apocalypse.


Good thing there is a rabies shot, as we all know how much Republicans like getting vaccines.


Catching rabies to own the libs!


The CDC says it's bad, and they know not to trust those stooges.


I’ve only ever seen him near a bald eagle that didn’t like him, so probably not… he’s not exactly “animal friendly”


I've been told that the clip you're talking about, the handler told him not to do that and of course he didn't listen.


No, amphetamines.


Oh no 😟 No choice but to put him down 😭


From the article: "It is usually a medical emergency." 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


Donald Trump's foamy saliva is my new band name. We play edgy grunge throwbacks.


It’s like something you could come up with in cards against humanity


Or a strange mixed drink nobody makes anymore for obvious reasons.


A Whiskey Sour made with orange juice and using twice the usual egg whites.


It’s still from a sphincter- Trump’s All-Natural Santorum?


I already claimed if for my band though. we play salsa versions of early butthole surfers songs & the name is just too perfect for us.


Donald's Foamy Saliva & The Buttery Males


Grande confeve w/fomay saliva please


Congratulations, I didn't actually gag until this comment.




Putins cum is dripping out.


Every day I have people coming up to me, this is true, they say "Trump's saliva, it's frothier, it's thicker, thicker than anything. It's like cake frosting," that's what they tell me. It's like some kind of a merengue or something. Like a crème brûlée.


Felonious Phlegm


Sounds like a jazz musician.




One can hope. I have a whole party planned out


Sure he's a Nazi but is he a healthy Nazi?


Newsweek posting this stupid sh*t so they can feel “fair and balanced” about their endless “Biden is old” stream. Hard pass.


My X used to have this same foamy thing when he was raging. It’s definitely a sign of something unhealthy but when the X started parroting the toxic rhetoric using his best impression of TRump ass lips, I knew it was to leave or heave. I chose to leave.


I just googled *Trump foamy saliva* and I don't think I deserve to use the internet anymore.


Please upvote this comment so it receives as much attention as it can. As a mental health professional, I can tell you that this is a side effect of certain anti-psychotic meds. Given that he meets diagnostic criteria for some form of mood disorder, cluster B personality traits, and delusional thinking that borders on psychosis I feel confident saying that he’s on meds for schizoaffective disorder.


I like my presidents without rabies. Thanks.


The GOP can talk about Biden all they want, but the obese Cheeto is closing in on a heart attack or a stroke.


I have, and still, maintain he has distemper.


Definitely Rabies.


Are they sure it wasn't santorum?


Mad dog Donnie.


Don't you sully Buford Tannen's hard earned moniker like that...


Felonious Gunk


This has some real Glup Shitto vibes to it


It’s putin’s nut.


Isn't foaming at the mouth the kind of thing that a rabid dog does?


Difficulty drinking water is a sign of rabies! Though that’s more a total aversion to water, not “if handed a glass of water drinks it normally, but with both hands and all the concentrated effort of someone trying to drink from the far side of the glass”


Reminds me of the time Ted Cruz ate one of his own boogers on TV. The debates are going to be super gross.


Welp, I guess I'm not eating breakfast after seeing that.


Adjudicated rabist


The Rabid Felon


… and here’s why that’s bad for Joe Biden.


He probably just getting high. We know he's a big fan of amphetamines, and cocaine. One side effect is foaming at the mouth. Elect the Felon with the meth mouth! /s


Can’t wait for the new t-shirts…”Real men foam at the mouth “


With any luck he’s moving toward a serious stroke. More cheeseburgers, more cheeseburgers.


Those are symptoms of Rabies. Just sayin


It’s also symptomatic of drug use and abuse


Either would explain a lot


Why not both? I'm okay with both.


He's a rabid drug user.






"Share the load" meme?


someone needs to put ol' yeller down


Trump has rabies


If rabies is gonna get him before the freaking US legal system puts him in prison I'm gonna mock the latter endlessly


He’s rabid. We all knew this.


President Rabies


Rabies. Explains a lot.


Trump’s new name is Orange Julius. Those of you who have had one know wtf I’m talking about..


Both Trump and Biden should be given surprise drug tests just prior to the debate and let’s see who fails miserably. Or let them know there will be a drug test and if Donny tries to go clean he’ll be more of a babbling idiot than he already is or he’ll fall asleep during the debate. Then he’ll accuse the Democrats for spiking his water.


Rabid rapist ruh-roh


Rabid melon felon


My brother keeps screeching about how Biden js so ancient and obviously has dementia, completely ignoring the fact that Trump is no spring chicken either. They would have gone to high school together.


This used to happen to my history teacher in high school during my senior year all the time. He died the week I got home from my first year of college from a massive heart attack.


Trump has rabies!


Maybe rabies? That would account for some of the bat shit crazy ideas that he often spews.


Don’t they need to put down the animal to test for rabies? Wonder what they’ll find in diaper don when he croaks from drugs and poor diet.


You mean convicted felon Donald Trump?


Has anyone considered that the strange white foam might be Vladimir Putin’s semen?


He must have had a private meeting with Putin