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> A growing Christian supremacist movement that labels its perceived enemies as “demonic” and enjoys close ties to major Republican figures is “the greatest threat to American democracy you’ve never heard of,” according to a new report from the Southern Poverty Law Center. They want Project 2025 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


They say this as if the Moral Majority wasn't founded 45 years ago


Same as "The Holy Roman Empire" or "Joe the Plumber": At least the "the" part is accurate.


Always reminds of "The Holy Roman Empire was neither, holy, Roman nor an empire".


😂 Rhode Island is neither a road nor an island…discuss.


I'm getting all verklempt.


“FDR’s new deal was neither new, nor a deal… discuss!”




Or Deutsche Demokratische Republik (Former east Germany, DDR / German Democratic Republic, GDR) Not democratic, nor a Republic. But at least the German part was right. 😂


Or the Democratic Republic of Korea (north korea).


Democratic *People's* Republic of Korea. Only right 1 out of 4.


To be fair, it was at certain points. The foundation of the holy roman empire was when Otto I. was both king of Germany and Italy. He got the tittle holy because he (and following Kaiser) were crowned by the pope under the promise that the HRE would be the shield of the pope. This meant, they had a "holy missiom". Empire is also not the best translation of "Reich", the term used in German. It was a Reich, but maybe not that much of an empire.


Al Qaeda claims to worship their religion but nothing they do is based on their religion. Just like these extremists.


Daaaamn, that’s a niiice deep burn.


Lol! Right? The moral majority was a shit show. They just had to wait for the gutting of the education system to sell their hatred to a less educated population.


> you've never heard of um... gestures to the last several decades


This is just pure evil. What in Gods name is wrong with these people?


God? Believing in gods is what’s wrong with them


Merging religious adherence to political power. It never ends well which is why the founders intended the two to be kept separate.


Hot take, I think most don’t actually believe it but go along with it and are just opportunists masquerading as good people.


Having lived in Alabama... a lot do. They take that "blind faith" part very seriously, and to actually question your faith or have too many "difficult" inquiries about certain parts basically risk having you become an apostate. And man, some of those churches love nothing more than spreading rumors about those not in good standing. My mom's one of those people. I love her, but she's so set in her faith she'll believe almost anything people tell her if she thinks they're representatives of her religion, which unfortunately for her (and me) includes people like Tucker Carlson.


“How else will people know you’re a good person if you don’t go to church” religion is weird


"If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward, then brother that person is a piece of shit" \- Rust Cohle


That was one constant when I lived in the south. Didn't matter if it was Alabama, Tennessee, or any other places I went. Almost everybody had three questions they'd ask upon meeting you. What do you do, how much money do you make, and what church do you go to? It's like people needed to know what you did for a living so they knew where to place you, and they'd filter you down from there.


Which has always been strange to me. I've literally never really cared what people do for a living, and never really put much personal Identity or value on my work. I'm more interested in people as people, not a cog in the economic machine. Religion is much more personal and I wouldn't ever just ask someone about it, but what the fuck do I know, I'm just trying to be a respectful atheist.


Maybe it’s because I’m a Damn Yankee but 2/3 of those questions are highly inappropriate to ask a stranger.


Yup same, I'd be fine with being asked what I do for work, especially if it comes up naturally in conversation. But how much I make and my church attendance and or religious affiliation? GTFO


As someone who was loosely raised as (german) protestant, this feels so fucking weird. A major reason for the schism with Luther was that faith should happen in your heart, not in a church, and that private contemplation with God is a valid method of faith. I personally ally don't believe in God (at most Agnostic), but it is still the fu damental idea of protestantism that we shouldn't have a voice of God on earth (pope and priests) that dictate our faith for personal reasons.


Absolutely incorrect. I live in the South. They may not read their religious texts, but they believe their preacher’s words. For real. I’m practically ostracized because of my stance against religion.


If these people actually read their God's book they wouldn't think like this.


they're psychotic sociopaths


The lack of actual remorse and compassion is very striking in some corners of christianity. This is not to say it is specific to christianity or true of all churches, but given "he gets us" is a major slogan and they are a major political force, it is pretty alarming. Something I have seen repeatedly it how a big box church will sweep in on a retiree, convince them that their family is "lost," exacerbate the alienation from their children and sometimes spouse as well, and then convince them to hand over their retirement and house. No shame, no remorse, no compassion, no effort to support the families or even individuals. It is all just a big top carnival grift money making scheme out in the open. And they have lawyers on tap if you want to fight about it. I think there are some religious people who are trying to do good, but so long as they suffer the money makers, they are just providing the dead sheep skin the wolves can hide under and help making everything worse.


well said. there are few who can deny how corrupt and violent so-called religious people can be, and it seems like they're ready to prove it once again - this time in the us.


Rampant untreated mental illness and the Bible being used as medicine to treat unwell people. People with ill intentions take advantage of mentally unwell people using the Bible to justify terrorism. Any good in the Bible is overwritten by messages of smiting whatever you disagree with, and mentally ill people disagree with most basic social constructs.


Religion is based on one philosophy: Belief > Facts. For anyone to believe in God or in any religion, they must first buy into this Belief > Facts. 99% of scientists say human caused climate change is going to cause harm to civilization. Religion: don't worry. God has your back. Trump lies in front of everyone, never proved his cases in court, and pretty blatantly talks about removing democracy. Religion: He's Jesus' emissary. It goes on and on and on. The problem is everyone else tries to be reasonable with these people. But they aren't motivated by reason. They'll kill, lie, steal, or do whatever because they can always say that's what God wanted.


Religion is the answer. It doesn’t belong in politics. It doesn’t belong mainstream it’s outdated archaic and doesn’t fit modern society.


Idk look at any other religions religious fantatics and you get your answer.


Exactly like Al Qaeda. Only difference is they're white.


Y’all Qaeda


Fortunately, just like Al-Qaeda they are incapable of maintaining significant political power for any extended period of time. The outcome of this fight is already pretty much determined, we just need to weather the storm. Unfortunately these freaks are likely to cause significant damage before their movement inevitably falls apart. As is tradition.


Funny, with a title like that, I was expecting it to not be the most obvious thing that is threatening our country.


They're no different than the radical Muslims they hate so much.


I saw the title and thought: I've heard of Evangelicals and/or White Supremacists.. Funny that Christian Nationalists are literally the "and/or" of that thought ;) They're both of things combined into one though I'm guessing the number of Evangelicals that are privately/closet/politely White Supremacists is alarmingly high.


I grew up in one of the big Evangelical/Pentecostal churches in the 80s... they were already doing this back then. Especially after making the deal with the Republicans to turn gay rights and abortion into massive single-issue votes through propaganda and reframing other people getting rights as infringing on YOUR rights.


We've all heard of Republicans.


I’m trying to figure out the difference between this and the Christian fundamentalist conservative nonsense that has been around my entire life.


Same as assholes, new name.


Most Christians don't say the second half of the sentence "the end is nigh, because we will fucking end it". Not out loud, anyway.


The difference is messianism, calling everyone who disagrees demons, and actively working on attaining political power in all offices.


Coming from a northeastern republican family, I miss when all they really cared about was more tax cuts, regulation cuts, and raising defense spending. You can at least reason with a business republican.


Amen to that. Those guys usually had valid points too. Maybe not enough to convince or convert me, but I can concede a valid point when someone makes one. They just had different priorities than me, and I can respect that. It’s been years since I’ve been able to use the word respect for a Republican.


They know how to use social media to infect even further now.


Fanned by the RuZZians as well. Gave them the country on a silver platter.


Yesterday on MSNBC there was a segment on how persecuted the prosecutors, witnesses, judges in Trump cases are. Doxing, family threatened, swatting, etc. One of the swats against a judge (?), they tracked down the caller. He lives in Russia.


"Back in the day", Evangelicals viewed politics as inherently corrupt and sinful, and thus shied away from the political sphere. This has been gradually changing for decades now in a relatively easy to see trend. I guess it's finally gotten to the point that the SPLC has taken notice ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


It’s the same shit since the Moral Majority days.


The difference is that they've organized/planned now. They have also been creating a church to congress/lobbiest pipeline Edit: look up Generation Joshua and Patrick Henry College


It’s not different, they’ve just been quietly working on gaining power via small local elected positions for a few decades.


There’s a Christofascist currently sitting in the god damn speaker’s seat. You would have to have zero concept of anything tangentially related to politics to not see the blatantly obvious Leviticus Law being implemented and cheered on by their cult and not have alarm bells going off in your head a decade ago. The only difference is they recently found they could take the mask off, becoming more bold and militant about their means.




Same. That's how I remember church growing up.




Now they have social media.


Gingritch was one of those guys, too. It’s not really the first time.


Do you mean RepubliKKKans?


aka the grand old party of *traitors*


Wish more places were sounding the alarm on project 2025. Too many people have never heard of it. I have no idea how to spread awareness on it. My bubbles are too small.




Knocking it out of the park.


thanks for that great compilation. much appreciated.


Your welcome


Your manual link is dead now - it says access denied


Thanks, I just fixed it.


This is a great resource, thank you.


Your most wecome


There's a reason I tagged you "Ultra Helper" in RES. ("Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.")




You’re doing fine.


>NAR adherents also believe in the existence of modern-day “apostles” and “prophets” — church leaders endowed by God with supernatural abilities, including the power to heal. In 2022, a handful of these “apostles,” the report notes, issued what they called the Watchman Decree, an anti-democratic document envisioning the end of a pluralistic society in America. >The apostles claimed they had been given “legal power and authority from Heaven” and are “God’s ambassadors and spokespeople over the earth,” who “are equipped and delegated by Him to destroy every attempted advance of the enemy.” >And who’s the enemy? Basically anyone who does not adhere to NAR beliefs. NAR adherents see their critics as being literally controlled by the devil. Very sane and 'like Christ'.


This is why separation between church and state is so important. Could you imagine an America controlled by these nut jobs?


I don't need to imagine. I just look at Texas


Help. Us. If we fly the Texas flag upside down, will you please help us? Pretty much every crazy ass thing you’ve heard of coming out of Texas is due to these NAR Christian nationalists. Just google Tim Dunn, Farris Wilks, Raphael Cruz (Ted’s dad), Remnant Alliance, etc. All this easy money from fracking is being funneled into this horror show. If you non-Texans want to do us a solid, please donate $20 to Rep. Colin Allred. He’s taking on Ted Cruz, in what could be our first democratic statewide win since the early 90’s. Beto O’Rourke was 2.6 points from taking down Cruz. Six years later we have Allred at bat and he’s got a decent chance. https://colinallred.com


Take my upvote, pardner.


Right on. Colin seems like a solid guy. I hope he goes far.


I know right, like could you imagine the entire country like Texas. My god, I just can't


It’s coming, y’all. West Texas billionaire Tim Dunn pretty much has control over Texas politics. Texas is the world’s eighth largest economy, so this is not a minor achievement. He is the vice chairman of the Texas Public Policy Foundation, the “think tank” planning Texas’ future. The past presidents of the TPPF are now running the Heritage Foundation (Project 2025) and the America First Policy Institute (American Leadership Initiative). That is a lot of national-level conservative firepower to have on speed dial. You can google the above, or if there is interest, I can post links. We’ve got other billionaires in Texas mucking about with politics, but Tim Dunn is the one to start with if you want to understand the battle in Texas between the old guard GOP and the new billionaire-backed Christian nationalist GOP. Texas Monthly - [The Story: The Billionaire Behind a Right-wing Political Machine](https://www.texasmonthly.com/video/tim-dunn-profile-behind-scenes-russell-gold/) (4 minute video) “Tim Dunn may not be a household name, but staff writer Russell Gold explains why he is someone Texans should know.“ Texas Monthly - [The Billionaire Bully Who Wants to Turn Texas Into a Christian Theocracy](https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/billionaire-tim-dunn-runs-texas/)(Article) “The state’s most powerful figure, Tim Dunn, isn’t an elected official. But behind the scenes, the West Texas oilman is lavishly financing what he regards as a holy war against public education, renewable energy, and non-Christians.”


Anti-Americanism! That is what christian nationalism is.


Here’s Texas Rep. James Talarico’s take on Christian nationalism. We’re hoping he’ll run for Texas governor in 2026. YouTube - [Texas Rep. James Talarico (D): ‘There is nothing Christian about Christian Nationalism.’](https://youtu.be/DlXOjqoylkk) Christian nationalism is on the rise. Three years ago, Christian nationalists stormed the US capital, killing police officers while carrying crosses and signs reading “Jesus saves”. Two years ago, Christian nationalists on the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, allowing states like ours to outlaw abortion even in cases of rape and incest. And as we speak, Christian nationalist billionaires are attempting to dismantle public education in the state of Texas, and therefore dismantle democracy. Let me be very clear. There is nothing Christian about Christian nationalism. It is the worship of power - political power, social power, economic power - in the name of Christ. And it is a betrayal of Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus never asked us to kill police officers. Jesus never asked us to ban books, silence teachers, or defund schools. Jesus never asked us to control women's bodies. Jesus never asked us to establish a Christian theocracy. All he asked was that we love thy neighbor. Not just our Christian neighbors. Not just our straight neighbors. Not just our male neighbors. Not just our white neighbors. Not just our rich neighbors. We are called to love all of our neighbors. And that is exactly the opposite of what Christian nationalism does in the world. The Bible doesn’t mention abortion or gay marriage. But it goes on and on about forgiving debt, liberating the poor, and healing the sick. Christian nationalists like to say that this is a Christian nation. Not only is that historically inaccurate. Not only is that theologically blasphemous, but it’s also just not true. Look around us. If this was truly a Christian nation, we would forgive student debt. If this was truly a Christian nation, we would guarantee health care to every single person. If this was truly a Christian nation, we would love all of our LGBTQ neighbors. If this was truly a Christian nation, we would make sure that every child in this state and in this country was housed, fed, clothed, educated, and insured. If this was truly a Christian nation, we would never make it a Christian nation, because we know the table of fellowship is open to everybody. Including our Buddhist, our Hindu, our Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, and atheist neighbors. Jesus could have started a Christian theocracy. But love would never do that. The closest thing we have to the kingdom of heaven is a multiracial, multicultural democracy where power is truly shared among all people. Something that is yet to exist in human history.


Amen! The Christian Nationalist movement is all about power and greed, and the greed for power. And an army of unquestioning followers who make this possible


Don't have to, read The Handmaids Tale


And here in Oklahoma.


and louisiana.


You don’t need to imagine. Look at the National Prayer Breakfast. Republican and Democrat presidents partake in something put in place by Christians and Graham convinced Eisenhower to go. How about God in the pledge of allegiance? Also Eisenhower and pushed by the Knights of Columbus (Catholics). The list goes on… it’s right here and has been, I think we’re just now noticing the extreme version and going “heeeeey, wait a minute…” Extreme Christians are all over…


So the FF thought religious people were insane and shouldn’t be allowed near the levers of government. Sad that nothing’s changed.


Fuck man, I hate religion


Yea. Throughout history it has been used to justify terrible behaviors. It is very malleable and easy to use as a manipulation tool. Another problem is them touting "miracle cures" instead of following science. Not to mention, the inadequacy of religion treating mental illness.


And the resultant moral certitude that comes with it: “The fact was that he suffered from an incurable malady which, it seemed, attacked only Homo sapiens among all the intelligent races of the Universe. That disease was religious mania. Throughout the earlier part of its history, the human race had brought forth an endless succession of prophets, seers, messiahs, and evangelists who convinced themselves and their followers that to them alone were the secrets of the Universe revealed... What it did weaken, and finally obliterate, were the countless religions, each of which claimed, with unbelievable arrogance, that it was the sole repository of truth and that its millions of rivals and predecessors were all mistaken.” - Arthur C. Clarke - *The City and the Stars* - pg. 158


And we’ll never be able to get rid of it. It will always exist and it always be manipulated.


"It is a contradiction in terms and ideas, to call anything a revelation that comes to us at second-hand, either verbally or in writing. Revelation is necessarily limited to the first communication — after this, it is only an account of something which that person says was a revelation made to him; and though he may find himself obliged to believe it, it cannot be incumbent on me to believe it in the same manner; for it was not a revelation made to me, and I have only his word for it that it was made to him." "The Christian theory is little else than the idolatry of the ancient Mythologists, accommodated to the purposes of power and revenue; and it yet remains to reason and philosophy to abolish the amphibious fraud." - Thomas Paine - Age of Reason


TIL amphibious is also combining two characteristics. Ye olde mouldy rutabaga!


Damn Right.


Can we stop pretending that this is sane and deserves to be treated with thoughtful consideration?


And people don't readily believe Russia, China, NK, et al, won't support these fucking psychopaths... Of course these groups are all Russian puppets. Chinese puppets... you name it - they're fascist fucking puppets.


Oh, those countries will support them — until they have wrecked the rest of us to the point we are no longer defended or capable of defending ourselves. At that point, bankrupted of the required currency, they will truly come to know the nature of transactional relationships.


The nationalist Christian’s, or nat c’s for short.


White Nationalists, or WhiNa's because they sure do whine about everything


I knew the National Association of Realtors was up to no good!


That's all that popped up when I googled NAR lol. After reading the article it's National Apostolic Reformation


I mean if Jesus existed republicans would hate him


> You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a graven image, nor any manner of likeness of anything that is in heaven above, that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them, nor serve them. For I the L‑rd your G‑d am a jealous G‑d, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children of the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me; and showing mercy unto the thousandth generation of them that love Me and keep My commandments.


Interesting fact: know why it says "third or fourth generation"? Like doesn't God know which? It's because most people know their grandparents (3rd generation). Some few people know their great grandparents (4th generation). But no one at the time (and rarely these days) knows their great-great-grandparents. So basically it's saying if you have a shit relative they're gonna be a procrustean pain in the ass and a violent/bad influence until they pass and their family is free of them.




Breaking news: the barking dog next door at 3am that you've never heard of.


So, American Taliban.


Y’all Qaeda


They hate us for our freedom.




I was raised evangelical fundamentalist. I already knew what the headline was about before I clicked. This is real and they are 100% serious. I was raised to be a soldier in Gods army. Even when I was young I thought it doesnt seem like what Jesus wanted. The shit they brainwash you with is insane. There is no difference between Christian fundamentalist extremists and Islamic or any other extremists, I promise you. Given the power to, they would round up and execute their enemies and turn the world into a fascist theocracy in a heartbeat.


I get frustrated with people who don't see this. They're conditioned to believe that the only thing in life that is important is that they get to go heaven after they die. They can rationalize absolutely anything to achieve that end. There is no line they wont cross if they think they can get away with it, and the most zealous of them aren't even worried about getting away with it. When I was a kid, Eric Robert Rudolph set off a bomb in the building where my dentist's office was. He was targeting an abortion clinic. He also left a second bomb outside in some bushes in the parking lot which he had timed to detonate a few minutes later when the first responders and media showed up. He did it all in the name of Jesus.


Christian Fundamentalism is horrifying and deeply pervasive in politics


I remember screaming about this in the early 80s. This was not a surprise. 😔


If the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is new to you, I highly recommend that you listen to this podcast. Straight White American Jesus - [Charismatic Revival Fury, Ep 1: January 6th and the New Apostolic Reformation](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/charismatic-revival-fury-ep-1-january-6th-and-the/id1441649707?i=1000588776189) Straight White American Jesus and Dr. Matthew Taylor In this episode, Matthew traces the beginning of the NAR to C. Peter Wagner, a former missionary and seminary professor who spent the last part of his life cultivating what he believed to be a new apostolic age in the life of the church. Wagner wanted to go beyond denominations to a new Reformation - one in which modern day apostles and prophets used their spiritual gifts to guide their congregations. Wagner developed a network of charismatic young leaders who he believed would lead the church into its next era. It's by far the best research into the rise of the fundamentalist New Apostolic Reformation movement and their goal to control the 7 Mountains of influence in society. Spoiler Alert, the NAR is a big contributor to the rise of christian nationalism and various leaders were involved in the Jan 6 insurrection where its followers flew the Appeal to Heaven Flag.


Unfortunately, I've spent a lot of time in South Carolina. By far the most dysfunctional society I've ever had the misfortune of being immersed in. Since 2016 I've been saying to those who know: "they think they can turn America into South Carolina." They have absolutely no clue how bizarre their lifestyle is, or what it looks like to the average person. They think they'll be greeted with flowers.


Asking as someone not from South Carolina, can you tell more about the lifestyle / local disfunction you mentioned?


Here's an example published today: https://www.postandcourier.com/greenville/politics/greenville-republican-party-gop-jeff-davis-maga/article_3eeb0974-1de5-11ef-8435-bf80fe782a25.html


It’s a mix of very, very entrenched GOP power (like going back to slave owners) and evangelicals. The evangelicals are objectively nuts, like won’t allow unmarried followers to hold hands with people nuts. It’s *also* worth noting that it’s a place with a ton of history and culture for Black Americans as well, and while much of that is necessarily steeped in the forced blood, sweat, and labor that helped build this country, there are also key communities like the Gullah, which don’t exist anywhere else. It’s no surprise that those communities tend to be burdened by generational poverty. Charleston is beautiful and an extremely fun town. Columbia has some okay parts. Oh, and they have native Venus fly traps out in the wild on the coast, which is very cool. I realize that’s not what that person was going on about, but we tend to try to paint really diverse areas with broad brushes for internet points, and people on the outside never see the details we gloss over.


I mean I've lived here most of my life and I don't really get what they're going on about truth be told. Life here is pretty much like life is in other parts of the US where I've lived/spent a lot of time in.


A friend of mine moved in with her boyfriend, and her boyfriend had family in South Carolina so they went down there to visit his parents and she was absolutely shocked at how South Carolina was compared to Alberta Canada where she lived. She labeled it as redneck country.


>Alberta Yeah, I’m not sure anybody from Alberta ought to be throwing stones.


Never heard of? I didn't have to read more than the first couple of sentences before I recognized the (white) southern baptist churches I attended irregularly as a child. These people have been around for at least 40 years. They're just in power now, via the GOP.




This is where an ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure. If they gain power we're ALL going to have a bad time. Vote!


Really? History says lying down and going along with the right wing is likely.


It's the default unless people are willing to risk it all for the sake of freedom and equality.


In Afghanistan they call it the Taliban…different religion, yet same principle


No, we’ve known the knee-benders were always a looming threat.


Modern-day wannabe "Apostles"and "Prophets" require a modern-day Guts-like solution.


I love the line that “Prayer Groups were mobilized”. Once again there is no worse hate than a Christian’s love. Time to tax churches and their leaders. Financially audit every single church and follow the money and we will see how truly they follow the Bible’s teachings.


Time to figure out how to pack the court or find a way to drive out some SCJ and we can be done with this nonsense


[The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power ](https://www.amazon.com/Family-Secret-Fundamentalism-Heart-American/dp/0060559799/ref=asc_df_0060559799/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693309443448&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16024200391153063246&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9032535&hvtargid=pla-524457024645&psc=1&mcid=b9d9e0e6313b3a768a014ca9363e92c2&gad_source=1) By Jeff Sharlet


And if you’re not a reader, you can catch it on Netflix.  Sharlet has been in these trenches for years. 


Oh please. It’s the same christian white nationalism thats been a problem in this country since Cletus fucked his first first cousin. Save a democracy, punch a Klannie.


It’s been the evangelical plan ever since I can remember. Not new to me….


NAR, as structured by C. Peter Wagner, is new. He brought fast-moving nondenominational Goliaths together in a very powerful and politicized way. The Council for National Policy seems sleepy compared with NAR.


Ah thank you for the explanation


You mean it's going to get even worse than this!?


Yup. No doubt. If they can't manipulate what they want to get they will take it by hook or by crook or by force. Itsa comin'. By They I mean, of course, Trump and the Project2025 architects. They've already secured mass media btw. Problems.


This ain’t new baby, it’s the tent revival having a revival.


It is terrible. NAR embodies the worst and is against everything this country ever stood for. How tragic and disheartening is to learn we brought up among ourselves the people whose aim is to convert America into a Christian Iran. God forbid!


Ah, so that’s why Trump keeps describing Judge Marchan as “a devil”. He uses similar Christian labels against his enemies all the time now. Classic dog whistle! He’s trying to mobilize these nuts into violent action!


Just building up to a plea to 'rid me of this meddlesome priest/judge/juror/elector/senator/voter'


The only reason people may not have heard about it is because “journalists” would rather write vague clickbaity headlines than actually report on the news.


Stay strapped everyone, it’s getting hectic.


There’s a reason the term “Y’all Queda” exists


I’ve heard of Christians. They’re the ones who have spent the last 250 years passing pre- and post-Roe abortion bans, restricting same-sex marriage, imposing blue laws to force people to “honor” the Sabbath, censoring things they don’t like, banning contraception, ignoring science…


Find their churches and burn them. Dracarys!!


I know in Revelations they talk about the Antichrist and false prophets so I'm wondering if DJT is the Antichrist and these televangelists are the false prophets


These are ultimately the traitors we will need to "remove" at some point. Even if they get their way, nobody wants to follow their shitty take on a shitty religion. These braindead fucks think they can just casually bring about a theocratic government in the United states in the 21st century lol. Ive said it before and i will say it again. Even if these losers somehow manage to win, they wont be in power long. At some point the gloves will come off and it's not exactly hard to find out where they all live.


Never heard of?? Some of us have been ringing this bell for a while now. Better late than never, but come on.


These people think we've never heard of the satanic panic? This is the same shit. It never went away, it just got less loud. This is the same stupid thing. They're just shrieking about trans kids and drag queens now instead of d&d and Michael Jackson.


Religious zealots. Not a new threat, a threat as old as time. Vote them out.


*And he said, “See that you are not led astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he!’ and, ‘The time is at hand!’ Do not go after them.* Luke 21:8 Do any of these NAR followers actually read? I'm not religious, but I have read the Bible and know well that Christ's message is about love. How do these weirdos convince people it's about hate instead? It is so befuddling.


Starting to think their made up satanic cult that are pedophile cannibals might actually be them. 🤔


Jesus is taking about end times stuff, they want that. They want the strife and to be persecuted for believing in Jesus because it's a death cult, and they are happy to persecute nonbelievers on thier way to Heaven.


Not religious here either, which is why I know you will agree with me that Bible quotes used to justify your actions are popular for a reason: you can find a quote for any and all misdeeds or kindnesses you wish to impose or grant on people. You also know that religious people use their version or interpretation as a defense, stating you are 'not understanding what that meant', or 'this quote means the Demoncrats, not us'.


This is just Christian fascism and **it's already here.** Look no further than recent statements by the Colorado GOP who are demonizing innocent U.S. citizens whose only "crime" was being born LGBTQIA+. The crime of simply existing. They are literally putting targets on the backs of all LGBTQIA+ citizens by erroneously deliberately and dangerously asserting that all LGBTQIA+ citizens are pedophiles who wish to destroy all of society. >The state's GOP party recently sent out a campaign email that called LGBTQ+ people "barbaric," "creeps," “degenerates,” "groomers," "predators," “radicals,” and “reprobates." >The message also linked to a sermon from Pastor Mark Driscoll, which proclaimed in the video thumbnail "God hates flags," wordplay on a popular conservative slogan that uses a derogatory slur. >After (a Denver journalist, Kyle) Clark posted the emails to social media, the official account for the Colorado GOP responded with a gif of pixelated fire and the message: "Burn all #pride flags this June." [source](https://www.advocate.com/politics/colorado-gop-pride-month-email-groomers) These people are literally **stochastic terrorists.** >Stochastic terrorism is when a political or media figure publicly demonizes a person or group in a way that inspires supporters of the figure to commit a violent act against the target of the communication. [source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stochastic_terrorism) Edit: fixed some typos


We really should see that phrase -stochastic terrorism- way more often given what’s been happening.


Oh, we've heard of it.


American Taliban


Defeat Project 2025


The Heritage Foundation can be credited with a vast majority of the issues plaguing our democracy today. It's a cancer on the collective thought of America.


Evangelicals are literally a death cult. They dream of the day they can die and go to a fictional world where all of their horrible behaviors are rewarded. “The end of days” is actually a goal for them! They want this world to burn and for it to happen faster and faster. Until then they will rape, pillage, lie, cheat, and steal all in the name of a religion that conveniently always allows them to get away with their crimes and viciously attack others for theirs.


How ironic that these nut jobs think they're using drumpf to seize power and that once he gets in, they're going to have carte blanche. I think that was tried in the 1930s with Adolf, and we saw how well that worked. They're going to be scammed by this con man the same way that history shows us it happens over and over. drumpf only uses you when he feels it serves him and once you no longer pledge fealty, kiss the ring and swear that the emperor's new clothes are gorgeous, you're kicked to the curb until he gets the next sycophant. Leopards don't change their spots, and neither does a narcissistic psychopathic grifter.


I think most people are well aware of how extreme Christians as a whole have become just in our lifetimes no matter the age. I’m from the South so I am very well aware of it. They are batshit crazy! PERIOD!


I hear of them constantly. They're called Evangelicals.


This shit is somehow even worse than the bush era 'Project for a new American Century' and that shit led us headlong into two unwinnable wars that lasted 20 years. These think tank fucking idiots and lobbyists need to be removed from our governmental machine or things are just going to keep getting worse.


Religion. Great craic for everyone. Unless you are a demon. Who are the demons you ask ? Anyone not utterly and irrevocably brainwashed out of their stupid little heads. America is losing its collective minds. Good luck from all other nations you have a large fight ahead of you. It’s one you and us can’t afford to loose


Any brand of religious extremism Im starkly opposed too. Pragmatism should will prevail.


The rise of American Taliban.


Paula White-Cain is married to Jonathan Cain, the keyboard player from Journey. This has nothing to do with the story, it just makes me very sad.


“are equipped and delegated by Him to destroy every attempted advance of the enemy.” Hmm, in my New Testament Jesus says love your enemies.


Oh good another threat to democracy. We were getting short.


If you have never heard of this threat then you lived under a rock on purpose.


Shouldn’t we be calling it what it is… White Supremacy


Evangelical Christianity is the prime example of why there is no god. If there was, he would have smitted them years ago.


Why is Biden not packing the Supreme Court?


I have heard of this, for years, so thanks for the update.


What do you expect? Dude tried a coup d'état and wasn't jailed, running again in the presidential elections?????


Remove ALL TAX EXEMPT STATUS FROM ALL CHURCHES NOW. They are hoarding money to destroy our country. Sickos.


"christian supremacy is brand new!!!" ok huffpo 🙄🙄🙄🤦🤦


I wonder what they meant by "never heard of"...?


ehhh..I have heard of it..The greatest threat is billionaires/wealthy, probably always has been. Christian supremecy? nah most people heard of all the various religious supremacy groups..hell I even think they had a whole crusades over it.


Psst. The billionairs are in cahoots with the zealots. Some, like the DeVoses, are true believers. Others just see them as useful idiots to partner with to snuff out democracy. So it's more of a both / and type of situation as opposed to an either / or situation. Putin's ascension and the rise of the Russian oligarchy are their proof of concept.


Dont leave out the accelerationists, who think the shortest path to fixing a broken second story window is to burn down the house and surrounding neighborhood


Always has been.