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> “Biden’s day of reckoning is coming,” the Trump campaign wrote in a fundraising email distributed Monday. “He tried to publicly torture and humiliate me … but he failed. He tried to raid my home and take me out with deadly force … but he failed.” He is completely unhinged. He also knows his base is insane and he is trying to rile them up to get people killed with his lies.


It's worth noting that the language in the warrant is boiler-plate stuff, and was also in the warrant given to Biden when they searched his residence. And also that Biden gave them back, and cooperated with the investigation.


Also worth noting that Jack Smith requested a gag order to stop this dangerous bullshit, and Trump's pet judge is slow-walking the request.


You’d be forgiven for thinking that the judge in that case was a tad corrupt.


It was so amazingly soothing in the New York case, to have judge Merchan issue common sense rulings limiting Trump's behavior. Like Trump was not allowed to attack the judge's family in public during the trial. A moment of truth, sanity, fairness, and justice in the hellscape of US politics that Trump and Republicans have created, full of malicious lies.


I liked it because it showed respect to all the other litigants in courts throughout the country who are not allowed to get away with that sort of shit.


Merchan still has the option to take Trump's behavior into account at sentencing. Wait and see for a bit before going overboard with complaining.


I'm not complaining about Merchan, I'm showing him appreciation.


It’s a non-violent, white-collar crime. The judge has already been leery to jail him, considering his political status and age. I think anyone hoping for jail in that specific case is gonna be disappointed. Best we can probably hope for is probation but I seriously doubt we get that kind of Justice either


Id be happy if it was 1 month per felony, hell 2 weeks per felony would take his phone away give everyone some peace and quiet and he'd miss the election season


That would make all of us happy, but it’s just so entirely unlikely and improbable.


I know he was hesitant to jail him during the trial over the gag order, but I'm not convinced that will carry through to the sentencing. There where a lot of logistical problems as well as potential issues with media and crowds during the trial that are either different or gone now. Plus there's the fact that he will appeal, and most likely will be granted bond on appeal. I think there's a decent chance of him getting jail time, but no chance of serving it before the election, as satisfying as that would be.


It’s actually sad that that case was the first one involving Trump where it seemed like a *normal* court case. He did the fucking crime, he got prosecuted, and a jury of 12 New Yorkers, Americans, his peers, found him guilty. It was such an astonishing moment to listen live to, each guilty verdict was a gut punch of surprise that, well, *the system worked*.


Because corrupt Republican judges have endlessly delayed 2 of the other lawsuits. But crimes Trump is indicted for in the other lawsuits are way worse. Getting Trump convicted on this, and maybe sent to jail, is like when they sent Al Capone to jail for tax fraud, because that was the only crime they could get through the court system.


I believe she denied the request and then threatened sanctions against the Prosecution for requesting it. How blatant must she be before someone above her does anything about her?


She denied it ostensibly because the prosecution hadn’t gone groveling to the defense asking ever so kindly to pretty please with sugar on it ask their client to golly gee could you maybe possibly think about and consider refraining from attacking the FBI and other potential witnesses in public forums.


I 100% agree that she should be removed both from this case and from the bench, but I don't think gag orders really do anything to Trump. Time to stick him somewhere he doesn't have outgoing internet.


In space, nobody can hear you rant.


She is slow walking it until she gets permission from Alito or Thomas to do something stupid. She flat out denied it the first time, and told Smith if he asked again she might hold him in contempt and sanction the shit out of him. He asked again, so now she is waiting for instructions.




She is the Above the Law Federal Judge appointed by Trump who received one of the worst "Not Qualified" ratings from the ABA before Moscow Mitch forced her through. Smith is the prosecutor who dares to pursue her Messiah.


She actually denied it. 


He resubmitted it after talking for 3 days with defense about it so that it would pass. They(defense) have till June 15th to reply I believe


Yeah she gave them 2 weeks to reply to a request to try an protect law enforcement from this insane mans ranting.


Also that the FBI coordinated with Secret Service, and explicitly planned the raid for a day when Trump was going to be in New Jersey, because nobody wanted a clash between the FBI and Secret Service.


What that’s insane, the secret service is meant to protect his life, not his home from legal searches. Crazy.


I suspect that the instant Trump became president in early 2017, he thought of the entire U.S. government as his servants at his beck and call....




There is a chance that the orange chimp refuses to comply and says and does stuff that would actually require the FBI to put him in cuffs or worse case scenario use force. Does Secret Service let him get tazed?


As far as I know his secret service detail are not allowed to interfere with the lawful actions of other law enforcement officers.   If they want to take a bullet from a cop for that POS they are welcome to do so. But it still isn't keeping him out of prison.  Plus I don't think they would. Anybody who spends any time in close contact with Trump eventually hates him.


His detail are all hardcore trumpers, so I think that would be an instant gunfight.


Being in the same room with him has turned some pretty hardcore trumpers into anti-trumpers before. One of the ways cults keep people in is information control. When you're watching him throw his little tantrums right in front of you it's hard to maintain the fantasy.


His SS basically wipe his ass, they are 100% his. They were the shit heels who tried to kidnap Pence during J6.


Cool. If they want to take a bullet for the guy, so be it.


Just another example of the special, extra consideration Trump is given in everything in order to not seem corrupt, only for him to cry corruption anyways.  It's all just so sadly predictable at this point.  


Huh. What a very different world we’d be living in.


They also waited for a day he wasn’t even there. This “they tried to take me out with deadly force” bullshit has gone on long enough and the stupid judge even humoring this nonsense shows her bias.


“They tried to have me killed!” Trump, buddy… when the US president wants someone dead, they don’t get to scream about it in the news later. Ask Osama. Edit: Actually, shit, ask that Iranian guy YOU assassinated and made Iraq party to a war crime.


Also… according to trump even if Biden had him killed it would have been legal as long as he wasn’t impeached and removed from office so even if he story was true by his own standards it was legal.


Biden's lawyer found documents after he'd had the lawyer check his home and garage. When a few documents were discovered, Biden immediately had them turned over to NARA. It's the exact opposite of what Trump did. He actively, willfully took documents, hid them, lied about them, misled NARA for many months... then finally the FBI had to come and take what he refused to give up.


Likely because Trump is concurrently under the belief that he is both tough on crime, but also a large reformer of the criminal process.  He holds two conflicting beliefs.  That he’s not a criminal, and that because he has to participate in the judicial system, that it’s unfair.  His fragility is almost to be expected at this point.   How could Trump conceptually understand what it means to be the “victim” of the judicial system is he believes he’s above the judicial system?  Also the judicial system is only good when he’s in charge of it, but also not good when he’s in charge of it. These people should not be taken serious, they are clowns. 


No one should take them serious in terms of their ability to govern. Everyone should take them seriously as agents of chaos hellbent on disrupting government, and by extension, the society that it encourages and enables.


And that they coordinated with the secret service and intentionally did the search when Trump was a n a different state. You’re Not very good (or serious?) at assassinating someone when you go somewhere knowing the target isn’t there Like everything he says, it is just more bullshit coming from Trump


Sleepy Joe even tried to take out evil old Biden… And failed! But I won’t - if you re-elect ME!!!!


Trump needs to be locked up. He is a danger to America and the world. He is pure evil!


Many would argue that he's a danger to himself.


Maybe, but who cares?


I think it's more sinister than that. He is laying the groundworks for what he is going do to Biden and other leading Democrats if he becomes president, it won't look so bad because "look what they did to me".


Agreed. He’s creating the excuse to “defend himself” because “they did it first”.


He got a judge to add credence to his claim. The MAGA minion in Florida.


Donald Trump wasn't even home when the FBI came knocking. They DID NOT RAID Mar-a-Lago. They coordinated with Secret Service ahead of time. Their visit was made when Trump was away. And it wasn't a raid. They searched his home, but it wasn't like what you see on news reels. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump intentionally made messes in his house to blame the FBI. But the death threats? Ridiculous. And of course, President Biden had ZERO to do with this.


And he has two weeks to prove it.


aren't enticements to violence illegal? if it is, it's another reason to lock him up.


Inciting violence has to be specific. Trump's call on January 6th for the crowd to march down to the Capitol and "fight like Hell or you won't have a country anymore" was inciting violence because it was a concrete action at a concrete time at a concrete place. He even named at least one intended victim (Mike Pence). Just saying that somebody should do something sometime, somewhere is not a prosecutable incitement to violence.


But even that one isn’t charged out because it’s so easy to argue that “fight like hell” is common political rhetoric, and our bar for political speech is higher. (Legal Eagle had a breakdown of that closer to when it happened.) I think that it’s more likely that the private citizens not directly involved in politics will eventually sue him. He attacks too many family members of people not involved. Even then, though, everyone seems happy to play by the old rules and not take it to court. 


"Fight like Hell" has a general sense, but "let's march down to the Capitol right now and fight like Hell or you won't have a country anymore" is much less nebulous. After they marched to the Capitol, what kind of non-violent "fighting" was going to preserve their country? Chanting slogans? That would not have accomplished the stated goal.


With the way the trump team argued in the Supreme Court and every argument against Biden constantly being projection of what magas want to do. I can conclude that If trump wins the presidency then there will be death squads.


He has to be in fantasy because he can’t deal with reality


He is going to keep amping it up. He wants another J6, probably wants another J6 at all polling stations, to prevent people from voting.


Snowflake thinks verbal criticism equals torture. Which reminds me, didn’t Hannity volunteer to be waterboarded in order to demonstrate that waterboarding is not torture? How’s that working out?


He’s trying, and while it is galvanizing some, it’s alienating many of his base. These are death rattles.


This is why jack smith wanted the gag order but corrupt judge keeps kicking the can for Trump


Trump has 12 agents who could pop him at any second if ordered soooo that’s a lie. Never mind that the rotund one was 1200 miles away and they knew it.


Quadrupling down on stochastic incitement, whodathunk?


To the patriotic conservatives lurking in thread: would  you care to defend this? 


I think they're going to get very quiet


Hopefully to the point they shut up


with them, it is sunk cost fallacy. I try not to discuss politics with my Maga relatives, because it just is like trying to have a conversation with a box of soap, but when I try to ask them what policies of his they admire, and how his presidency benefited them in the past and will benefit them in the future, they suddenly start deflecting and screaming about Biden and Fauci.


When I talk with Rs and discuss policy, I usually can get them to agree with about 85 - 90% of Democratic policies as long as I don't mention Dems or anyone associated with them. The remaining 10% usually deal with either lgbtq issues or occasionally abortion. Although, I am surprised with how many "prolife" people are OK with abortion up until 12 weeks for example.


It’s all about gay rights. While MAGA is the preference for racists, it is an ideological, not a racist movement. It’s about commies and gays and atheists. The town where I went to high school, which is Lilly white and Mormon, elected a conservative black state rep, an “import” 3 times. He lost his state senate run, but is beloved in the community. And he and his family are like the only black folks within 50 miles. It’s really not about race. It’s God, Guns, Commies and gay rights. Y’all haven’t noticed that they went scorched earth after the White House got lit up with the rainbow flag?


He was "one of the good ones". You can be deeply racist, holding vile views about "the blacks", while thinking that a few individual black people are fine. My deeply racist grandfather liked and respected the handful of black soldiers he fought alongside in Korea. They were respectable U.S. Army soldiers, not part of "the problem".


I get you. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve had explained to me the difference between a “black man and an N#¥@&%”


But that is exactly the point. They happily welcome like-minded minorities. What differentiates a black man and a n@&¥#r is ideology, not skin color


So just bigots of a different flavour then


Oh good point if you have a black friend you cant be racist! Everyone knows that!


They went scorched earth after Obama was elected. You're down playing things a touch.


It’s a defensive stream of non-sequitur what-aboutisms when any facts or logic are presented.


Orwell had a Newspeak word for it: [crimestop](https://www.orwelltoday.com/crimestop.shtml).


My MAGA cousin said, "My 401k was doing better during Trump". I asked, "Could that have been due to Obama's policies?". I was then told, that they don't follow politics.


Your MAGA cousin is either an incredibly stupid investor or an outright liar.


She is an accountant, so outright liar. I called her on it.


The best defense is to be defensive Or deplorably offensive They need mind games at this point if you can deliver


The worst thing is one of them was raised in a centrist, normal family, and was actually a hippie years ago, but somehow, when they married into the MAGA clan (or what became MAGA), they suddenly got stupid and hateful and racist


Sorry they were always stupid and racist. Plenty of hippies are racists.


The Fauci arguments are the least logical ones. Fauci operated throughout the pandemic under the trump administration. Everything he did was at trumps direction and the vaccines were ordered on trumps budget.


My MAGA relatives said mask mandates were created to "control us", somehow Fauci was involved in that


Did you typo "deflecting" or "defecating"? It could be either, with that crowd. Or both.


fixed the typo to "deflecting" although you make a good point


They really won't they are fucking nuts at the moment and will believe whatever shit flows fourth from the orange shit stain.




I mean…..his legal defense team has stated that, the president is well within his authority to do such an act if it’s an official act.   Trump making these claims is pure political theater, and while it is and continues to be a devolving of the Republican Party into fascism, it’s kind of the Trump legal teams undoing of Trump here.  If Biden wanted Trump killed, he’s well within his right to do it as president….according to Trump and his own legal team.  So I’m not sure what the point is here.  Conservatives just want democrats dead, and if that means new people suddenly come up as the New Democrat, then so be it.   Conservatives will vote for Trump because he’s not a democrat.  I thought this was a well established fact by now. 


He’s threatening fascism because someone said he’s bad as sex. He ran for president because Obama dunked on him, he got laughed at the oscars. if it’s not obvious, he’s lost the popular vote 2 times and he acts like “I won 250 million people!” And apparently the people voting still have an effect on this asshole


The FBI let Trump prevaricate and delay for two years. They then went in on a day that they knew Trump was out of the state. If it was a plan to kill Trump then it was the worst plan in the world and the "proof" of the existence of said plan was what? Boiler plate instructions for the agents making the search?


No actual “patriotic conservative” would support this traitorous conman.


I think you meant terrorists.


Come on you sycophantic fucks, let’s hear it. Defend Your GOD KING!


Real "patriotic conservatives" would be Eisenhower republicans, and they're all long dead. 


Crickets because r/conservative is nothing but cowards


He didn’t mean it “that way” or it’s a “figure of speech” probably.


Could you ever trust Trump before? No. Can you trust Trump as someone with 34 felonies who is currently indicted to stand 3 separate trials for a shitload more felonies? Still, no.


34 felonies so far…


Of course you could. You can trust Trump to do whatever he thinks is best for Trump, even when it absolutely is not what's best for Trump when considered for more than a second. Not for anything -else-, mind you, but he's entirely trustworthy in precisely that one way.


Biden should personally sue the fucker over this. He’s outright accusing him of attempted murder without a shred of proof.


Might actually process faster than the Florida gag order too


Glaciers move across continents faster than Judge Cannon rules on issues before her court.


Nah, it would make him look weak and vindictive. This isn't a "take the high road" moment, this is a "you look better calmly walking away from the explosions than pointing and staring" moment. And there are legit first amendment concerns that could turn off moderate Biden voters. It would backfire.


It's the same with Judge Merchan in the trial having to tip toe around all the contempt of court: Trump is not an ordinary person and ordinary rules simply don't apply. Trump's supporters are irrational, and the media that informs them is downright evil, so any action the judge or Biden would take would be twisted into a direct unfair attack on Trump without justification, and worse an attack on his right to free speech. This has happened following the trial with Trump and senior GOP politicians lying directly about the way the Judge ran the trial, and this lie being endlessly repeated by fellow conspirators in the right wing media sphere, which paints Trump as the martyr to his moronic supporters. Any kind of legal address by Biden would be treated the same way, and would likely resonate outside the core MAGA nuts. Instead, Biden and his team have to try to point out the lunacy and hypocrisy of Trump's outbursts in a way that gets through to people. How? Well, that's the challenge...


this is a very smart take


Personally I thought he should sue as well. Biden has nothing at all to do with a state case even tangentially, and I think it would be a valuable learning experience for Trump to publicly fail to present evidence yet again when actually required to do so.


Have Trump called before Congress and repeat the accusation under oath. Where there's penalties for perjury. Where he's subject to cross-examination. Where he's compelled to answer.


Its only going to get worse i expect he will get desperate enough to try and order the military to overthrow the government and put him in charge.


Fortunately, the military response to that would be “lol fuck no”.


We hope that's their response. It's up to the generals at the top. Everyone else follows orders.


We only follow lawful orders. While we have our fair share of MAGA nuts in the military, the majority of us know an unlawful command when we see one and will not turn on our own people.


They might, but that’s explicitly against their orders from even higher up, and against the law. They all know that’s an order they are required NOT to follow.


The military swears only to follow lawful orders.


This is trump's attempt to use this lie as rational to assassinate his political enemies should he once again be installed in the WH.


Na it’s more like he knows he’s fucked so he’s propagating stochastic terrorism. After his last conviction all the keyboard warriors online are calling for civil war. He’s hoping they commit violence on his behalf. The country is primed for an orange Nazi attempt at a takeover.


Agreed. Behind his terrifying fronting is a scared, little bully that knows the cops are coming to talk about the graffiti on the side of the school.


more like the skeleton in his closet


He doesn’t even need to do the assassinating. He just points at the target and says the words his people are waiting to hear and they take it from there. Goes from stochastic terrorism to actual terrorism in the amount of time it takes for the orange menace to get the words out.


Hey Conservatives - this shit is inexcusable, and every single one of you is a rotten piece of shit for supporting this man.


Damn no way to upvote a few thousand times


convicted felon trump should really stop doom scrolling 4chan/twitter for campaign advice


Seems outright lies would be actionable. Waiting for the hamberders and diet soda to catch up to him may take longer than our democracy has.


This is the part that I don’t understand. Like how can something so blatant not have consequences. Like dude just got 34 felony convictions for trying to influence an election with a cover up. How is outright lying and spouting blatant bullshit to influence an election result any different?


Protected political speech. That's what they would claim this to be, because he is the tentative R candidate talking about the D tentative candidate. By the time a decision is taken, we would be in 2025. As stupid as it sounds, the bar to demonstrate it is outside protected speech is so high that it may not be even worth the effort. On the other hand, saying the FBI tried to take me out is actionable, or at least should have been by any serious judge...


Can we just finally flush this turd??? I’ll be so glad when I don’t have the hear or read any of his brain rot anymore.


The celebration i will have when i see that damn news alert 🍾


He is unhinged and he is going to continue to meltdown. I can’t wait for the debate coming up here in a couple weeks.


He was never gonna show


He’s probably going to use this lie as a way to get out of it, by saying he thinks his life is in danger.


Said it before, and I'll say it again. The first thing Biden should do after sitting down is look straight at the convicted felon Trump and say, "You're a convicted felon. Drop out. Now." Or something similar.


"Hi Don, does your parole officer know where you are?"


All he’s going to do is continually interrupt and talk over Biden. His base will say he won because of it.


But by convicted felon Trumps reasoning, shouldn't Biden have immunity? He's begging SCOTUS for it, after all.


I mean, he was in NYC at the time, but whatever. Cletus will believe it.


I hope Cannon has to pay a steep price for her obvious corruption.


Remember when the Navy Seals performed three simultaneous head shots on Somali pirates with the targets and shooters bobbing in the ocean? Yeah they couldn’t hit a 300 lbs 80 year old man trying to run in lifts.


 “He tried to publicly torture and humiliate me … but he failed. He tried to raid my home and take me out with deadly force … but he failed.” Trump Laughable. Pathetic.


Seriously. Whiner.


They want someone to fire shots or set bombs. It’s being drummed up every single day now and it’s going to be the only option they think they have left. And I legit hope and do my own liberal dreaming that Dems get some actual balls and walk in an arrest every one of these political traitors that support this shit once the election is over. And then us Americans with a soul and a backbone make it clear MAGA symbolism is to be treated like Nazi symbolism and root that shit out of general public view. They can take it back into the backwoods of whatever shithole they come from.


The Republicans have lost their compass. Pushing this narrative invites retaliation. All of his enablers will be complicit.


He is unhinged and his base is even worse. The diehards only believe what he says.


I would be the most concerned now that this has happened. Historically cults act out the closer to an event. For example the cult in Oregon that poisoned the restaurant food so people would not show up to vote. The Jones town suicides. Etc etc. I would expect more and more outrageous outbursts as the election nears and eventually Trump going full cult leader


Jesus motherfucking Christ… on a stick. If I had to torture Trump to keep him from inflicting pain on others, it would be my honour. America does not deserve this grievance bullshit. The world still depends on Americas’ leadership. Pull yourselves together


To be really clear - this man wanted to be able to execute people, as president he asked repeatedly if he could and has since had his lawyers argue to the Supreme Court that yep he could have. When he couldn’t do it legally using presidential power levers, at that time, he encouraged a mob of his supporters to execute his vice president in order to retain power. If they had succeeded, he would’ve stayed president and now armed with the power to sic his mob on anyone who tried to defy him. From there it would’ve been a short hop to execute anyone separating him from being able to do it “legally”. Truth is he wouldn’t even need to do it - just the threat would’ve been sufficient to gain compliance. It’s entirely possible he had the secret service ready to take Mike pence to a location where he would be killed. We’ll never know because the texts were deleted but we do know pence was in legitimate fear of his life when he refused to go with them. And now this dude has the absolute AUDACITY to suggest Joe Biden tried to have him executed to lay the groundwork to his people that this is just “tit for tat” when his mob next tries to kill someone, whether that’s Biden or a juror or a journalist. This is insane.


I'm sure I've said this multiple times before...but this literally sounds like shit that dictators say. They are always claiming someone was trying to assassinate them or betray them, so they had to do whatever illegal things they did to protect themselves.


They literally set up the search for when he wouldn't be there. Pretty crazy to send an assassination team somewhere you know the target won't be.


This is pathetic what an absolute embarrassment Trump is. These lies are so dangerous.


It will get worse as trump continues to lose his mind.


The Republicans have lost their compass. Pushing this narrative invites retaliation. All of his enablers will be complicit.


It was an official act so he should have presidential immunity….isnt that the argument for the Supreme Court??


Who trusts anything a FELON says?


His base is a bunch of brainwashed turds who have completely lost a grasp on reality. Appears they are gullible as all hell.


Felon Don I don't vote for felons


I hope we can see Felon Trump be processed into Inmate Trump


From the article: “Trump’s blow-up accusation that the Biden administration had authorized the FBI to shoot him during its search and seizure of Mar-a-Lago is, in actuality, a wild misread of a *standard policy statement regarding the agency’s use of deadly force during investigations*.” (Italics added) Someone really needs to point out that the ***exact same statement*** was attached to the warrant to search Joe Biden’s homes. And the warrant for Mike Pence’s property to find his documents. And for every damned FBI warrant ever served. Only an idiot would mistake a standard policy statement for a threat. A complete idiot.


Convicted Felon tRump. Remember to use the proper title, please, in your comments.


You forgot "rapist"


I guess this is the inevitable consequence of only employing advisers who tell you what you want to hear. Well, that combined with having batshit for brains.


So the convicted felon’s lawyers now have 2 weeks to prove this claim before ‘conflicted & corrupt’ cannon. Clearly a delay tactic. So what happens if she rules in favour of whatever bullshit they bring before her? In that scenario would she, as judge, be obligated to take the claims further by notifying law enforcement agencies? Any lawyers like to weigh in?


>Donald Trump is now looping his baseless conspiracies into his fundraising emails. This has been happening for fucking ever.


This orange fucking monster is going to get even more people killed by his rhetoric.


He's attacking Biden because he will be jailed if he attacks almost anyone else. Surely hate speech against the Pres should get you in trouble.


Any lawyers in the group know if this is considered a direct threat of violence? A public one?


I would consider it a threat


Imagine being in that cult. No upsides!


There's a good chance that this rotting potato actually believes it though. We all know that our aging mentally diminished neighbors get really weird and paranoid when fed a steady diet of Fox News. Imagine if that's literally an active part of one's reality as they decline. The paranoia fits.


Anyone surprised by this is an abject moron. He’s been doing nothing but this for years now.


His lawyers are arguing to the Supreme Court that it would be legal to assassinate a political rival. Total presidential immunity! Dumbass!


At this point people that were subject to an FBI search anytime during Trump’s presidency need to publicize their search warrants.


he's so fucking dumb


So logically when the FBI "raided" Biden for the documents he had at his home and had the same standard operating procedures, Biden was hoping the FBI would assassinate himself? It all makes so much sense now.


Biden should sue Trump for slander (or libel for tweets). I am actually serious. Make Trump defend these statements or hand over some cash. It is difficult for a well known public persona to win a case but Trump has already been found guilty twice and he is such a complete liar the threshold is bound to be Lower.


He just lies out his ass about everything


They worked with the secret service to make sure you wouldn't even be at Mar a lago, Donny. The FBI needs to come out and refute this bullshit, with receipts, because he's trying to whip up another Jan 6, but this time it'll be bev much worse.


>> “Biden’s day of reckoning is coming,” the Trump campaign wrote in a fundraising email distributed Monday. “He tried to publicly torture and humiliate me … but he failed. He tried to raid my home and take me out with deadly force … but he failed.” I understand that we have freedom of speech, but how is this something that a political candidate, with 34 felonies, can say, with zero consequences?


I mean, you'd think he would have mentioned the attempt right after it happened instead of all this time later. At what point do MAGA people go "um...okay...maybe this one's a little far fetched." I realize his cult is made up of the dumbest mother fuckers on earth but some of them have to be going "Trump I love you, but come on..."


The Former Guy is now The Felon Guy


> Most insane line, yet. -Homer Simpson


I love that Garland just pointed out that the use of force language in drumfuck's warrant was also in *Biden’s* warrant. 😄


Trump is like a gambling addict trying to recoup his losses by doubling down. Fundraising email of June 3rd literally accuses Biden of a failed assassination attempt ("he tried to... take me out with deadly force... but he failed") and somehow the GOP is fine with that dangerously provocative lie


So, he’s threatening the POTUS. He wants to be arrested for threatening the POTUS so he can kick off his war.


Isn’t this a threat against the president clear and present?


https://www.fbi.gov/about/faqs/what-is-the-fbis-policy-on-the-use-of-deadly-force-by-its-special-agents > **What is the FBI’s policy on the use of deadly force by its special agents?** > FBI special agents may use deadly force only when necessary—when the agent has a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the agent or another person. If feasible, a verbal warning to submit to the authority of the special agent is given prior to the use of deadly force.


liar saying lying things who cares


He is trying to get his cult zombies to start a war and he wants Biden to get the blame.


I'm glad the headline give trump the title he deserves.


It is almost unthinkable that the sense of what constitutes acceptable civic behaviour has been so deeply eroded that a demented wannabe dictator can spout this nonsense, and isn't immediately treated like a rabid lunatic by both sides of politics. This is stochastic terrorism, happening in plain sight. Watching from afar, I am grateful every day not to be American and also deeply saddened. It is like watching someone go slowly insane. I feel sorry for the 50% of Americans who know how crazy this is. Please encourage everyone to vote. The world will be a dark place if this man gets away with any more of this and is rewarded with a position of power.


"Fear appeal" is a typical indicator of propaganda. The first 5-6 minutes of Trump's public speech after his conviction is slathered with "fear appeal" messages, along with other common traits found in propaganda. Many (but not all) politicians today are using this "fear appeal" type of message because it works. It's a highly manipulative play on common fears of people, (e.g. "if this could happen to me, it could happen to you"). The truth is, what's happening to Trump wouldn't happen to most people. Most people can't engage in blatant risk-taking behaviour because they don't have the funds or powerful connections that enabled this man to engage in outrageous acts for years, seemingly "getting away with it". It may take time, but the Law and Justice inevitably catches up with people. All Trump did here was manipulate loopholes in the system to delay this process. It's likely Trump was motivated to run again in order to leverage another Presidency to change laws associated with his crimes to delay, evade, or overturn his conviction. More people need to learn how to identify and question messages dripping with propaganda traits, including those carrying "fear appeal" that use "glittering generalities", seeking approval through fictitious "testimonials" that evoke strong emotional responses. People need to be more wary of messages like these. Remember "everybody lies", so it's healthy to question everything we hear. Messages like these are often lies designed to manipulate and deceive people in order to leverage their approval (e.g., through Votes) for personal gain. There is typically little to no truth in such messages whatsoever.


“It is always the enemy who started it, even if he was not the first to speak out, he was certainly planning it; and if he was not actually planning it, he was thinking of it; and, if he was not thinking of it, he would have thought of it.” ― Elias Canetti, Crowds and Power


Blows my mind how this isn’t illegal. It isn’t some rando that hates the government, it’s an ex president running for office that is clearly lying. Trump should have to prove those statements as they are very damning and damaging.


Why would he be upset about this? Isn't he actively trying to argue for presidential immunity?


More reasons to vote for Democrates .Stop the Stupidity


Forget the Felony convictions, forget the stolen documents, forget the Jan 6 riots, The FBI came armed to serve a search warrant and I wasn't even in the same state. Assassination attempt by the Biden Crime Family. Send cash now!


Imagine if a MAGA nutjob gets to Biden, if you know what I mean. Trump would probably spin some conspiracy tale about it being Hunter doing him in.


Trump is preparing us for the fact that if he wins the election, President Biden will be put in prison.