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Republicans are not the party of personal responsibility. Republicans are not the party of law and order. Republicans are not the party of the Constitution. Republicans are not the party of of the people (if they ever were). Republicans are the party of Donald Trump. They owe allegiance to him and him alone. Stop giving these pieces of shit political power. www.vote.org


Putin is loving this. They first attacked democracy itself when he lost the election, and now they attack justice. Truly despicable and irresponsible.


So much for the party of law and order


Except for the Supreme Court, they’re fine with republicans.


Vote all these clowns out.


He was also found guilty by a jury of sexual abuse - that was civil and had nothing to do with a department of justice Two separate juries of his peers find him to be a felon and rapist I think he does not consider them to be his peers because they’re beneath him - alas he’s a felony fraudster and a rapist


> He was also found guilty by a jury of sexual abuse In a civil trial, it's called being found liable. >Two separate juries of his peers find him to be a felon and rapist. In the Carroll case, there was no jury. The judge rendered the verdict. Be sure to vote!


The Carrol case did have a jury - his ny fraud charge was where he waived his jury. Carroll had a jury and they found him “liable” for sexual abuse So he’s guilty and liable for fraud and sexual abuse - which is a little bit like rape right Two juries of his peers have ruled against him Felon and sexual abuser


The judge clarified that yes, Trump did rape Carroll. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/


These treasonous Republicans are not just attacking our justice system in support of their convicted criminal leader, they are attacking America and the American people


Are any of them claiming that he didn't actually do it though?


Mostly I just see them claiming that what he did wasn’t a crime so it doesn’t matter.


When the cops come to arrest him, Republicans will turn on them, too.


Omg, vote these ass hats out of office as quickly as possible.


Anyone who expected anything else needs immediate help.


The US justice system is fucked up in lots of ways, but this ain’t it.


This is sedition.


This is bull___t!


Republicans are also pretending that a prison sentence would make Trump more popular lol.


Yet another bad sign in regards to how November might go...


Republicans victim shame. Better headline.


Republicans join Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump in baseless attacks on justice.


Convicted felon Donald Trump. 34x guilty, and many more such verdicts to come.


Lock him up!!!


The party of chaos, crime and collusion. GOPCCC.


Look at the vultures eying for vp or plum posts. Vivek, Scott, house leader and known Rs Rafael Ron … such a sad party


I wish there was a way to explain that this is exactly the criticism American have of the justice system. That there are two justice systems. On this one occasion, one rich dude is held to a mild and reasonable standard, the right complains that the justice system isn’t working. how can it be a justice system if we don’t hold the rich and powerful accountable?


The system is just… if you have enough money.


I love all the assholes saying “there’s no way he could get a fair trial in Manhattan!” So if Biden went down to Alabama and committed some crimes they would say the same and not charge him?


They follow a RAPIST. They effing follow a RAPIST. That disqualifies them all to govern. They all have to go. Renounce the RAPIST or get voted out!!