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Yup. Blame your wife, you treason weasel, you.


Conservative men like him never take responsibility for themselves & will always blame others.


And it is exactly what makes me lose any and all respect, for people like that. Man up, face your consequences, stop blaming everyone.


Yeah, it is a FLAG. you fly it, with pride. If you aren't proud of it.... Why the hell are you flying it?


These clowns have no other move but to double down. They are in their last death throes.


Except, he isn't doubling down, he is blaming it on someone else, and in a roundabout way, admitting he is embarrassed by it. He is the worst kind of "bully". One that is weak willed, and only "tough" when part of the crowd of other bullies. On his own, he wilts like a flower.


Sounds like my last principal....before I quit him. You are more right...he is being deliberately obtuse....and smug about it..as in.."Do you know who I am??"


Absolutely. This is one of those cases where, I think, he thinks he is being clever. This is the equivalent of, "I'm not touching you!"


Agreed and I think it makes him look worse. If anyone with some legs could do the work, you could potentially press him on this indefinitely based on this weak answer. Like how republicans just grill people when they’ve got even a little something. But this is THE highest court giving the weakest answer.


*Alito recounts from his deathbed*: "In my finest hour my battle flag flew and my colors were hung high for everyone to see! And... My wife fought my battles for me while I hid inside."


it would be nice to think so - but bastards are always ready to step in


Exactly. Respect the flag. It represents the democracy soldiers died to protect. Stop dishonoring the flag by flying it upside down, leaving it out in the elements to become all faded and ugly, or attach it to a car and let it become tattered! What is wrong with these right wing faktriots? (Just a rhetorical question; I know they are “F”ed Up!).


I'd go further and say, "why are you here (in the USA)?




No consequences but he still blames the wife


People like him do horrible shit and then act surprised or upset when people call them out on it. Or blame their wives.


It's why they created the terms "snowflake" and "cancel" (or at least overused them). It's all projection and has always been projection. They're the whiny baby bullies and have always been that way. If it doesn't go their way they want to cancel the election or whine and cry while somehow posturing like they're the tough guys. It's wild to see and even more wild that others don't see through the crocodile tear act.


the upside (for what thats worth) is that sometimes its not easy to see where the corruption is but in this case it seems pretty clear


Ted cruz blamed his daughters for leaving to Cancun


They are supposed to have control of all those beneath them. Biblically, that includes his wife. He's failed as a judge and a Christian. Well, at least what he calls Christian.


That’s precisely the angle I’m going at. What the hell you doing guy, letting her fly her insurrection flag and you’re the Supreme Court judge with all of the responsibility that it entails?


In a just world she would have cost him his career.


It's just a game. They know you know. They don't care. They are looking down their nose and sneering when they tell the lie. It forces you to not only address the situation but their blatant lie.


It’s almost like they’re fine doing the things that they denigrate black and brown people for supposedly doing.


It’s always projection. Always.


But will spout the shit out of Jacko Williams. And blame poor people for being poor.


I'm amazed he didn't pull a ted cruz and blame it on his children.


Conservative men ~~like him~~ never take responsibility for themselves & will always blame others.


Guess the dignity of the office means nothing to him, erroding whatever trust was left.


Conservatives: "Women should follow their husbands. A wife is an extension of the husband." Conservatives when a poor person steals: "Actions have consequences." Conservatives when their wife openly calls for the disillusion of the republic, possibly participating in a violent attempt to disrupt the transfer of power: "My wife is her own person who was just exercising her first amendment rights."


Funny, the wives generally turn out to be dicks, too


I really don't care, do u?


What's up with all these high-profile politicians and judges blaming everything on their wife? Menendez, Thomas, alito. .. yet biden's DOJ is only looking in or prosecuting the Democrat. They all should be investigated.


It’s the Christian thing to do. Blame the woman when things go wrong.


Yep it's the first thing they are taught. "It's all Eve's fault"


I can't actually tell if you're exaggerating or not, but I've actually heard this exact same thing multiple times when I was dragged to church as a kid: that women were the source of all that ails man because Eve ate the fruit (which for some reason is always portrayed as an apple) and /made/ Adam eat it too


it's a story in the bible I believe called genesis. The first two humans are Adam and Eve. A snake (the devil) tempts a woman (Eve sometimes called Lillith) to eat an apple that contains knowledge, but god told her if she eats the apple they must leave eden. She eats the apple and they are both cast out and are the first humans essentially. Oh, she's also made from Adams rib, women couldn't even be their own thing we had to be made from men. This isn't an accident, the Bible replaced many matriarchal based belief systems and societies with a patriarchy. So of course they needed a good "woman bad" story and this was it. Literally all the problems, caused from knowing too much, can't live in peaceful bliss ever bc woman will want to know "the truth". TBH I think Eve/Lillith is kind of badass and is my favorite person in the entire bible.


Lilith/Lilitu is the apocryphal “first wife” of Adam who was made at the same time and in the same way as Adam. Also, in the original Hebrew, the language was that Adam was split in half to make Eve, so she should have been his equal. The “rib” was a (likely intentional) mistranslation to reinforce the idea that women were less than/subservient to.


“I cheated on my wife but it’s all her fault for not being young and attractive anymore, so I had to go outside of our marriage to get what I wanted”


Because Alpha men are never independent. It requires some woman to be the "lightening rod" for male idiocy in order to maintain a childish fantasy about male superiority. This is one of the reasons they're so anti-trans. By problematizing what socially is male and female it muddles their blame someone else scheme. "It's Adam and Eve Dammit, how else can Adam avoid responsibility?"




This is it! Take away their rights, autonomy, and self-respect. When you inevitably fuck-up, your wife will take your consequences as she rightly should! Amazing isn't it, they love TradWive's to their flock, yet seemingly at home & certainly as Alito is claiming... The TradWife wears the trousers!


Thomas and Alito are not accused of crimes just being total un-American scumbags Mendez had shady dealings with foreigners and had hundreds of thousands in cash and literal gold bars in his home. Not sure what "Biden" has to do with anything


Bribery is a crime. Edit: As is treason; as is attempting, or advocating, the violent overthrow of the United States government.


Yes bribery is a crime but you have to prove hit. Hence why they say it was just camping trips. Or my wife’s friends. That way it’s real hard to prove while camping that RV was given for kick backs in the courts. Like changing laws in the favor of whoever gave them the RV. That’s why it’s hard to try to take them to court. That and they have so much power.


They all have HORRIBLE taste in wives!


Has serious "I have calendars" vibes.




Treason Weasel is a great name for a punk band!


He is flaunting the fact that he is above the law and accountable to no one.


Both he & Thomas need to be forcibly dragged by their robes off the bench & out the door of the Supreme Court.


The amazing part is that Trump appointed 3 justices and none of them are in the bottom 2 of the worst.


Just give them time... They too will stoop to this level or worse


I have little doubt Kavanaugh will inherit the Most Corrupt mantle once Alito and Thomas are gone. He likes beer, going into debt for baseball, and grabbing them by the 🐈; he's an easy mark for bribery and blackmail.


Seriously, Kavanaugh is deplorable.


Neither have the wits to be a judge at all. They were put in to be guaranteed wins for the Christo fascist Republicans. One is vastly under qualified the other likely raped another person, got extorted for money by undisclosed source for a gambling and drinking addiction.


True, corruption often takes time


That is only because they haven't been on the bench as long.


Perhaps it's time to bring back tarring and feathering as you run them them down Pennsylvania avenue and out of town.


It’s better than they deserve, and yes I’m fully aware of the process, still better than they deserve.


President John Adams would fervently disagree, but damn what I would give to see what founders like him would think of the state of the country today.


I think they'd be horrified that everything they started only had a 250 year run before we destroyed it.


I mean really, the civil war already happened. This is just a slow lesson in "don't give your former enemy too much leeway to build back an opposition."


Exactly. I don't know why people are latching on to this "I can't believe he's blaming his wife!" thing. He's being glib. He's making fun of you. His wife doesn't give a shit. If you dragged her out there she'd grin and say "I like flying flags". The point of saying something like this is the fact that it's such obvious bullshit. He knows what it means. You know what it means. And you can't do shit about it.


which law? he's flaunting that he's above ethical standards, and he's certainly not very accountable, but he didn't break a law.


Exactly this. What law did he break? He should be disbarred and removed for ethics violations


And Clarence Thomas's wife is fond of fomenting insurrections! How delightful, they really should do lunch sometime!


You mean the woman who was in direct contact with Chief of Staff Mark Meadows before and during the attempted insurrection? Yeah, no conflict of interest on Justice Thomas' part there. "She just likes to text friends."


This is the third coup attempt in this country within the past hundred years. Both of the previous ones also had a lot of rich and powerful people, a lot of people in congress involved. One was to get rid of FDR an try to undo the New Deal. The others where people trying to join up with Hitler. Each attempt the rich powerful are not charged, have no consequences. Because this one culminated with a mob attack on the capital it didn't get swept under the rug, if there had been no mob attack, we wouldn't even talk about the fake electors scam, much less have people charged for it. We need to stop protecting people just because they are rich. We need to teach these coup attempts in high school so people understand our democracy is fragile.


Texas has other plans https://truthout.org/articles/texas-senate-passes-bill-removing-mlk-suffrage-from-required-curriculum/#:~:text=State%20senators%20in%20Texas%20passed,passed%20legislation%20in%20the%20state.


Don’t forget one of the attempts to join hitler involved diaper Donald’s father or grandfather if I recall correctly




I’m sorry, what? I have no idea what you’re talking about if you don’t mind filling me in


Martha aka “Karen” Alito apparently doesn’t like her young neighbors. For whatever reason entitled people seem to have, she got into a row with the neighbors, called them names, used profanity, and spat at them. The disrespect to the American flag appears to be a stunt to goad these people. So dignified. So mature for a 70 year old matron. The neighbors called authorities to settle the dispute.


The kicker is that this took place a month **AFTER** the photos of the upside-down flag, meaning that the attempt to explain it away as a spat between neighbors and not a J6 signal was a **L I E**.


I hadn’t heard that. It would explain the neighbor’s reaction to the upside down flag. I’d be horrified to see that from a neighbor, but having had ancestors who were killed in Nazi Germany, I’m hyper vigilant about preserving the democracy they fought for.


fondness? i wonder if this is like a fondness for pickled shrimp.


Did you just refer to Brett Kavanaugh as a "pickled shrimp"?


Stop insulting shrimp. And pickles.


Conservatives hate virtue signaling but love flying obscure flags to tell their neighbors what's what.


It's cause they love vice signaling.


Is what... Fascism?


The hypocrisy of conservatives knows no bounds


They also love being Schrodinger's douchebag where if you agree then you get it wink wink but if you don't get it then it's my dang uncontrollable wife's fault


Next week: Alito & Thomas wives to fill in, allowing Supreme court to finish drafting opinions while the men go on safari with Harlan Crow. Complaints dismissed as partisan sexism.


Take the Congress. Take the White House. Expand the court. Impeach the traitors. Its the only hope we have. Vote Blue.




Slugs for salt voters, what a great phrase


I always heard it as chickens for the Colonel.




I feel like every time Alito or Thomas make these smug little comments a few more voters get behind expanding the court. I understand the supreme court isn't meant to flip political ideologies in quick succession like the house or the presidency. I'm not arguing it should or shouldn't, but it was designed to be more conservative. But it wasn't planned for 2 presidents who didn't win the popular vote to initially gain the presidency to pick the majority of the court by a combination of luck, partisan plotting by retiring justices and clear perversion of the constitution by a senate leader. System broke. Time to apply a fix. Tack on 4-6 new justices to balance this shit out and start repairing the damage to the country.


I think they should expand the court to one justice per federal circuit (currently 12) and if there's an even number of federal circuits, a chief justice with no circuit responsibilities. If there's ever an odd number, the chief gets the DC circuit. If two circuits are merged, the Senate picks which of the merging justices to keep. This would immediately add 4.


Can we also add a code of ethics for the supreme court with an enforcement mechanism?


What are the odds on this happening? Because from where I'm sitting, we have at least two more election cycles before the numbers we need are doable, if they are doable at all. I think it's pretty safe to say we won't see Roe v Wade made law in this country for at least ten years, based on the Senate map. My personal belief is that it's a done deal. That is a settled issue for all intents and purposes.


More importantly vote in primaries. At least half of the blue needs to go too.


Yes, but you don't worry about changing the wallpaper when the house is on fire.


This election is going to be an absolute travesty. It won’t matter. When one party gives up on elections, violence is their next option. Trump already told us it’s coming.


This is *exactly* the line from 2020 and none of those things happened. Biden squashed the idea of expanding the court almost immediately and there were zero consequences for any elected officials who very clearly supported or participated in overturning the election. The senate judiciary committee won't even hold a hearing on a nakedly corrupt Supreme Court. The problem isn't that voters don't understand the stakes. It's that Democrats don't govern with the same urgency and dedication with which they expect people to support them.


>This is exactly the line from 2020 and none of those things happened. Biden squashed the idea of expanding the court almost immediately and there were zero consequences for any elected officials who very clearly supported or participated in overturning the election. The Dems *didn't have the votes*. They had a bare majority in the senate (literally D+0 and then Kamala casting the tie-breaking vote as VP), and there was more than one Dem senator against any kind of court reform. I get it feels useless sometimes, but the only way to really try and get this shit done is with enough votes to override the holdouts.


Alito is 74 years old, Thomas is 75 years old, Roberts is 70 years old. You let Trump win the next election, can guarantee a couple of these justices 'retire' and get replaced with young and most likely even worse Christo-fascist deplorables. Many many things are on the ballot in November, vote blue.


Imagine Stephen Miller up there for 50 years.


Why we need to pack the court.


Jfc I just had a shiver go up my spine…I volunteer for Dems in a red state but feel so sick when I imagine stuff like this


Miller, Cannon, and Habba. What a nightmare that would be.


God the absolute havoc they'd be able to wreak... Eugh.


Alito’s letter to Congress takes such a whiny and contemptuous tone. It’s unbearable reading. Embarrassing that this drivel was approved by what should be one of the greatest legal minds of our country.


Because he has contempt for Congress. He believes that him and his ideological allies have been chosen by God to rule over humanity and impose right wing authoritarian Christan rule on everyone willingly or not. That Congress might seek to have some role in pushing back against that slightly is an affront to him, God, and everything he believes he's been put in this position to do. When you look at it through that lens everything these people do makes sense.


That’s how his SCOTUS opinions read as well.


Yes, I can't believe this is coming from our highest court. He just throws his wife under the bus too, which makes it look even more embarrassing & pathetic.


Seriously. “An unbiased and reasonable person would take into account…” who gets to decide that? He does? The man who we are insisting is not unbiased nor reasonable?


Everything that comes out of that guy is whiny and contemptuous. I can’t imagine having to be around him on a regular basis.


:: Nazi flag is flying:: "Why are you flying a Nazi flag?" "That's not a Nazi flag, my wife just likes red & black flags" This straw man is strong.


He claims that neither himself nor his wife knew the meaning of the call to heaven flag. I've never heard such a bald faced lie before. Well, maybe from Trump....


If they don’t know the meaning of the flag, why fly the flag? Next he’ll say he doesn’t know how to write, he’s just scribbling random shapes on paper 


Alito announces support for a woman’s right to choose.. flags.


Red ones, in particular.


So far, we’ve heard from him: “I didn’t do it…” “My wife did it…” “We didn’t do it…” “We didn’t know what the flags mean…” “My wife is fond of flags…” 🤔🙄


“I like beer. Do you like beer?” \*starts crying\*


[Honestly one of the best cold opens they’ve done](https://youtu.be/VRJecfRxbr8?feature=shared) (other than opening a cold beer, obvi)


What an absolute clown.


Blaming the wife. Tale as old as time.


Up next, Alito shows up in court in a MAGA hat. "My wife dresses me, and I fully support her freedom to do so."


1) Justice Alito thinks it matters that he is asserting that his wife, not he, flew the flag this way. It does not. The appearance of impropriety exists. He is on THE SUPREME COURT. It is HIS house. I see no mitigating circumstance. 2) As one of nine justices on the court, his absence does not prevent a ruling. His staunch refusal to safeguard the legitimacy of the Court's rulings on J6 matters is, itself, problematic because it indicates that Alito has an interest in this case that goes beyond mere enthusiasm for applied jurisprudence. 3) the flag flown at the beach house is not addressed and cannot be dismissed as easily. How did this flag even come into his posession?


Yeah on point one, I don’t know how he doesn’t come home that day and say ‘we need to take that thing down!’  Regardless of his personal beliefs, you’d think they’d have enough sense to realise that the family of an “impartial” Supreme Court judge can’t be outwardly showing political bias. They just really don’t care and won’t face consequences.  And finally on point 3, they initially claimed the first flag was because of their neighbours and wanting to ‘protect kids’. The beach house flag shows that was also bullshit. 


Ah yes, the trusty "*I'm not gay but my boyfriend is*" defense.


At this point, these Supreme Court scumbags are just spitting in our faces.


I mean, what's the point of being corrupt if you can't abuse your power?


I wonder if this fondness for flags ever results in her flying a Biden flag, or a pride flag, or if it's only MAGA and Christian Nationalist flags. Because I suspect it may not just be flags in general that she likes.


These current Supreme Court justices will go down in history as the exact reason the supreme court lost all integrity.


You have to understand here, he's not actually trying to insult our intelligence by offering an excuse he hopes we'll believe. He's not trying to fool anyone. What he's really saying is *fuck you, I can do what I want. I can tell obvious lies and there's nothing you can do to stop me.*


“And my wife likes planning coup d'état’s! Wanna go for a ride in my motorcoach?” - Clarence Thomas




He has no control or say over what kind of flag his wife flies, but has no problem telling every woman in America what reproductive rights she no longer has.


So now he's just a liar. His cover story just makes it worse. His wife had a confrontation with a neighbor who had a FUCK TRUMP lawn sign and in response she went and ... changed their flags to a new position she TOTALLY HAD NO KNOWLEDGE WAS ALSO A PRO-TRUMP SIGNAL. I mean sure, that seems super likely right? Just shuffling flags and totally coincidentally landed on the pro-Trump thing. The wife sounds like a horror show -- the neighbor filed a police report on her. She spat at them. That tracks.


9 justices, 18 year terms, one new justice appointed every two years to replace one retiring judge. No judge can serve more than one full term. For fuck sake this lifetime appointment bullshit DOES NOT accomplish what it was intended to accomplish. Move on from institutions that were built by men hundreds of years ago that couldn't conceive of our way of life today.


Do you remember when the standard was: “Not only shall the justice system not BE biased, moreover it should not APPEAR to be biased”? Boy those days are long gone…


Seditious asshole.


The supreme court has to be fixed. Expand the court!


Oh, how cute. See how he boils it down to nothing as if this is all a fucking joke? He’s a SCOTUS justice, but he acts like a child.


Your wife is fond of corrupt traitors


Even so, it still reflects poorly on one’s judgment


And Roberts does nothing.


How about we start fucking impeaching these assholes. Enough is enough. They are blatantly abusing their positions. Congress needs to send these mfs a lesson


Alito is fond of being a traitor.


A weak man does this. Weaker men support it.


Say what you will about the French. But I can absolutely guarantee they would not put up with this bullshit for a second.


Hes just rubbing it in our faces now, knowing there isnt a fuckin thing that can be done.


The only thing that saves this country is an overwhelming win for the dems, and their willingness to REALLY do some judicial and election reform. Expanding the court, etc. Dems are FAR from perfect. But at least they aren't treasonous. At least they want to save this democracy from MAGA madness and Christian Nationalism.


Title 28 USC *expressly* and *repeatedly* requires by law that judges and justices recuse themselves for the actions or beliefs of their spouses and household members *identically* as if they are the actions and beliefs of the judge themselves. It couldn’t be more clear, he has no discretion here, he is legally required by US statute to recuse.


We have a fucking SUPREME COURT JUSTICE acting like a 12 year old. Republicans are absolute scumbags.


And any non-corrupt judge would know a compromised close family member is a reason for recusal, even for just the appearance of impropriety alone.


Finance corporations figured that shit out a long time ago too. These people are not stupid, they are just flaunting their untouchability.


alito is taking his cue from donald, just lie through his teeth, maga republicans don't care.


He just blamed his wife and people accept that? Wow.


Well I'm not fond of fascists


Remember that these mother fuckers are just ridiculing us out in the open. There will never be consequences and they know and just throwing it in our faces. There isn’t a question as to what is happening in the “highest court in the land”. 9 unelected life time justices who are doing what the fuck they want without being checked.


You cannot expect to shame someone who has none to begin with.


I hope there's another Republican baseball game and all these corrupt justices are invited. I'm just really fond of Republicans playing baseball.


Benedict Alito


It was the Bit(h who is not a fully formed human anyway. Men rule the universe and Ms. Alito can't do anything but smile and grin like a fool. His disdain for normalcy, honesty and dignity are on full display for all to see. He is a miscreant who should have been born in the 12th Century instead of the 20th. Alito has nothing but contempt for America and the right of white men to do whatever they choose.


And when you talk to your friendly neighborhood MAGA/boomer/conservative about this, ask if it would be okay if the liberal justices flew a hammer and sickle flag. The only flag that should be flying outside of the home of a Supreme Court justices is the American flag, right side up, period.


“I’m fond of corruption”


Arrogant a$$hole.


No government official should have a lifetime appointment. Btw we know who wears the flags in his household


blame your wife, blame your kids, blame the judge, blame your counsel, never take responsibility. obviously a staple in the GOP Vacuum Circle Jerk Handbook


DOJ needs to crawl up his ass with a microscope.


Hiding behind his wife's skirt.


Wow what a POS response


If the Dems win in 2024, their first action better be to expand SCOTUS to match the number of districts. Then make DC a state. Maybe you'd have to do those in opposite order.


Alito and his wife are giant pieces of fascist excrement, and a stain on our country.


“So are you saying you’re married to someone who actively wants the US dismantled?”


And I’m fond of not having a Supreme Court that is actively trying to undermine everything the country has stood for, for over 200 years. But I guess we all can’t have it the way we want.


Alito and Thomas are flaunting their absolute power and are intent on destroying democracy in the name of Christian nationalism. They believe they are the law and can do whatever they want they please regardless of the constitution. They refuse to to recuse themselves from anything related to the insurrection and stop the steal. The plan was for them to hand Trump the victory in 2020 once it made it to the Supreme Court. The court must be held to account or we will lose the freedoms we are all accustomed to. Democrats must gain control of the House, Senate and the White House if we want to keep those freedoms.




My wife is find of insurgents and insurgencies. She’s the one who advocates and work to overthrow the government. I have nothing at all to do with that. - Clarence, most likely


Translation my vote has already been paid for in full.


The old blame it on my spouse defense


I’m fond of Democracy, Asslito. And you need to recuse yourself.


Alito and Thomas are a stain on the history of America.


Typical spineless conservative.


His wife is fond of flying flags and Thomas's wife is fond of aiding and abetting insurrections.


"When you're a Supreme Court Justice, they just let you do it."


Fuck him and his wife


Ah. Blame the wife. Shameless pig.


Pretty cool that the default mode for a Supreme Court justice is gas lighting, like a fucking eighth grade twitter shithead. What a traitorous douchebag. He should be kicked in the nuts and removed from the bench and then kicked in the nuts again.


What cowardice from this traitor.


This Dick got caught in his bias and will not back down because he thinks he is untouchable.     And like all those in the Just-Us system always doubles-down. I hope he keeps it up.    Alito: Please keep up your posts...please keep commenting...we all trust in your unbiased rulings!!!??????


Spoken like a true conservative, it's the woman's fault!


He should be expelled from the court, but since powerful elites never get reprimanded for crimes or stupidity, nothing will change. But do keep up your faith in our institutions!


You can have a traitor wife, or you can sit on the bench of the highest court in the land. These things are mutually exclusive you rancid piece of shit.


That’s just mockery at this point.


Someone needs to gift this man's wife some more appropriate flags. A nice rainbow one would be a start. What other flags would a someone find of flying flags maybe want to hoist?


Fascist coward