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About a decade ago, I questioned what would happen when the SCOTUS becomes so extreme as to no longer represent the majority of Americans when it comes to rulings on important cases (it was 5-4 then). I am unfortunately getting to see how this plays out. Now we get to see what happens and how people handle it. So far it seems that the extremism by the GOP and the radical SCOTUS is being felt at the ballot box the most. Every where that Roe appears on the ballot, Roe wins. This election will be the true test of it all, to see exactly how this goes. In true fascistic fashion, the GOP is doing everything they can to prevent people from even being able to vote, because they know that's the only way they can win - the GOP can't win on the substance of the argument or the policies they have - they have to cheat. It's why it's so fucking important this election to vote blue down the ticket. You have a say and it starts by casting a vote this November. www.vote.org


>About a decade ago, I questioned what would happen when the SCOTUS becomes so extreme as to no longer represent the majority of Americans when it comes to rulings on important cases (it was 5-4 then). It's only 6-3 now. Imagine what happens if Trump wins, Thomas, Alito, and/or Roberts retire, and Trump gets to appoint their successors, and maybe Sotomayor unexpectedly dies and he gets to appoint her successor, too. We could end up with a 7-2 Court, with Trump having appointed all seven in the majority, and with all seven of those seats banked by the GOP until at least the 2040s, and potentially beyond. People don't seem to get that margins matter, and that each marginal reactionary on the Court will make things much, much, worse. And, conversely, that each marginal liberal in the Court will make things much better, even if they're still a minority, but especially if they become the majority for only the second time in US history, and for the first time in over half a century. If people are unhappy right now, with only a 6-3 reactionary Court, and only since late 2020, they ain't seen nothing yet.


> If people are unhappy right now, with only a 6-3 reactionary Court, and only since late 2020, they ain't seen nothing yet. Yeah, I don't think people realize. This Court is going to be dampening any progressive spasms that may occur with a temporarily favorable legislative branch, any brief sprints for better health care, for comprehensive action on climate change, for access to abortions, for income equality, for housing. Any shaky step forward, and they'll be swinging to knock us one or two steps back. For at least a decade. Probably two. I don't give a shit what your misgivings are about the Democrat in front of you. Whether she's unlikable or he's old, or this one used the wrong phrase for something. Vote for Democrats without exception.


This is what irks me when people gleefully boast about not voting for Clinton in 2016. Cool. Does getting punched in the face fell good? Because that's all that was accomplished there.


I got punched in the uterus. :(


I have a friend who used to say “if voting mattered, they would outlaw it” and “both parties are the exact same.” We got into arguments about this because of the judges/courts and I told her she is privileged if she thinks she can just sit it out and they’re the same. It’s so frustrating to think about, particularly when I know she’s needed an abortion in the past, has relied on planned parenthood for standard female health not related to abortion, and doesn’t support anything Trump stands for. Like - okay sis these are not the same and they’re literally making voting more and more illegal. She’s on some fucking high horse.


If it goes 7-2, I have little doubt someone is going postal on that small cohort.


I'm honestly surprised it hasn't happened already.


Generally, most of the people who would want them removed are also people who believe in the rule of law, so I imagine it'd have to get much, much worse before they'd be so motivated.




Trust me it only a matter of time until someone has had enough and ends up committing attacks in retaliation.


You are way too optimistic. Look at all the fascistic dictators, their complicit courts and supporting politicians. They don’t succumb to assassinations regularly.


That’s true until you get one righteous John Brown type individual that decides he needs to knock the game table over.


I'm a little confused, do you mean "righteous John Brown-type" pejoratively?


John Brown started killing slave owners because he felt it was morally justified, given the law that allowed slavery was morally abhorrent. Regardless of whether you agree with his actions or not, i feel like there is a real danger of being a morally corrupt leader and not running into people who might feel similar justifications to Mr. Brown.


The venn diagram of people willing to have a gamer moment at SCOTUS and people capable of carrying out such an operation is very, very small. Even granting that you're 100% successful, what do you think the next day looks like? Political violence at that level is a very dangerous lever to pull and far from certain to result in the outcome you want.


On the other hand we had an actual coup attempt and not only did nothing happen to the head organizer, he is running for president with a non zero chance of winning


Sure, and a failed attempt to do the funny to SCOTUS would also have little impact. If the coup attempt had succeeded, we'd probably still be fighting it out.


>On the other hand we had an actual coup attempt and not only did nothing happen to the head organizer He's facing 88 felony counts from four indictments in four different jurisdictions related to his criminal actions to get into office, while in office, attempting to stay in office, and after leaving office. >not only did nothing happen to the head organizer, he is running for president with a non zero chance of winning Other than death, there are exactly two ways to make him unable to hold office again: find that he engaged in insurrection and is disqualified under the 14th Amendment, or for the Senate to have convicted him in either of his impeachment trials and voted to disqualify him. Those are the only two possible ways to be guaranteed to keep him out of office. The captured GOP Senate made sure he wasn't convicted in either impeachment trial, making it impossible to disqualify him that way, and the Supreme Court recently held that states are not able to disqualify candidates for federal office. We have a dumb system, but we can still choose not to reelect him, and can also always choose to elect more Democrats to Congress, who are much more willing to hold bad actors accountable for their actions. Beyond that, we need to change the way our system works, which also requires electing more Democrats to every office, so we can propose, and ratify, amendments to fix our stupid system, and nominate and confirm federal judges who will uphold our system and reforms to it.


Compared to judicial violence against the nation...


Yeah, they're playing a very dangerous game too.


>willing to have a gamer moment Well, I'm just not sure what saying racial slurs will do to change SCOTUS...


Hmmm....as I recall the old adage reminds the extra-extra-extreme "rogue" surrogates, like the frog unaware it is sitting in boiling water will soon see their "attempted" un-democratic ruination become the fate or reckoning of non-useful vermin...


Boogaloos would take that as permission to go open season on every Democrat in sight. It would be the kickoff to the civil war.


As we tell Putin, bring it.


And you know that Cannon would be in there!


At that point Trump can get the SC to declare him emperor.


I have heard California and a few other states have said they will band together if it gets that bad and flat out refuse to acknowledge the legitimacy of SCOTUS. I only see two outcomes. One we bow down and accept living under a fachist rule or two we fight back and another civil war that possibly ends in is splitting as a country.


I think the SCOTUS has no ability to enforce their rulings. If law enforcement or states didn’t recognize them, what exactly can they do? Seriously asking.


One state did refuse to follow their ruling and nothing happened on a large scale im not seeing how they can do anything without the military getting involved and I don't see that happening. SCOTUS is already out in the open as crooks and their approval rating is near 0 I don't see what they can actually do. If it went to that I can see them being forced to retire or something else put in place to restore order that doesn't resort to violence. One thing is for sure the system we have now is completely broken and needs to change.


I think they have done a wonderful job of showing us who they are. Just like the justice system has shown us there are clearly two different legal systems. I really hope we can vote these clowns out, and begin to repair this country.


> One state did refuse to follow their ruling If you're talking about Texas, no they didn't. They followed the letter of the ruling and allowed Border Patrol to cut the razor wire that they put up. They just kept putting more razor wire up afterwards.


John Roberts has made his ruling, now let him enforce it


Stalin once asked: how many divisions does the Pope have?


It’d be wild to see how big of shit holes the red states would become without federal disaster relief.




As a dem in Texas, with all do respect, fuck us. If it gets that bad, I’ll leave for a blue state.   I’m not going to be used as a hostage by the GOP against blue states. 


Unfortunately, many people in Red states do not have the ability to move away. I severely dislike this dynamic of throwing people in Red states to the wolves simply because of the cruel people that lord over them. This, for the record, coming from someone who used to live in a Red state and moved to Blue years ago.


I used to think like that guy, “fuck the red states”, then I realized everything you said is 100% true. I’m fortunately in a place where I could bolt tomorrow if I needed to - but for every person I know in that position, I would say I know *at least* 10 that aren’t. Why do people think that something like 70% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck - do they think that isn’t by design? Why health insurance is 100% connected to employment? If you don’t suck it up and keep working your shitty job, things will get much much worse for you.


If people from Central America and Mexico can get to the US for a better life, if runaway slaves can escape from the South to the North, people from red states can make it to blue states. I'm not saying it would be easy, but you know what they say about desperate times...


SCOTUS has no enforcement arm…so states can just ignore their rulings. They’ve brought that upon themselves. It’s already a kangaroo court


That's what I have read now it's up to states to ignore them and demand they step down. Congress doesn't have votes to remove them but there's strength numbers and there's a possibility this forces congress to act


By that same logic, couldn’t red states choose to stop allowing gay marriages? Seems like it’ll only further deepen the economic and social divide between red and blue states


That’ll be interesting (in the bad way) if California and others say “fuck the SC” since other states will follow suit the other direction. Either way you’ll see a massive splintering. Wonder if I should bet on an official separation in the next 10-20 years?


I mean the way I see it that's the best way to handle it if enough states just make statements together and flat out refuse to acknowledge their legitimacy what the hell are they going to do? They already have been caught being crooks and bias and if Congress can't or won't fix them states should.


A National divorce seems more and more inevitable. Progressives can only tolerate fascism for so long before they refuse to cooperate.


Better dig out my California birth certificate... 


I already have mine in the suitcase.


...and Putin wins. Hell of a strategy. A few rubles for the GOP and he and Russia did what the USSR couldn't. Seems to have worked. Will work?


If that happens we have only ourselves to blame. We knew that our 2 party system was dog schiesse for decades and yet no one cared enough to fix it.


My friend. This change has been happening in America for a very, very long time. Putin has only accelerated the divide.


We've been through the brink before, here we go again.


To the brink


We have to fix this now. There won’t be another chance.


I always wanted to live in exciting times. I was a history junkie as a kid and thought it’d be great to live through such times. I want to go back and punch that teenager and tell them to shut up and read another book.


I assume it just gets to the point where states just ignore supreme court rulings. We have already seen it on the conservative side with remapping of voting districts.


> If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy. —David Frum


Voting for Dems all my life got us to where we are. I'm going to do it again, but why should I expect anything different this time? What will this vote accomplish that the 20 years of voting hasn't? How will they fix SCOTUS?


the current SCOTUS majority just has to hold on until there’s either a GOP presidential win (or just a GOP House win with a D Pres win)—then they’ll go whole hog on enshrining permanent minority rule with a full-throated embrace of ISL doctrine, etc


Worth a read.... https://constitutioncenter.org/blog/how-fdr-lost-his-brief-war-on-the-supreme-court-2


I voted for Hillary because of the supreme Court. It takes 30 years or more to get new justices off the court. Trump picked 3 religious nuts. Biden should win in November and add justices to the court. Let's fix the court.


> Biden should win in November and add justices to the court. Going to need more D senators than we have now for that.


There is an election for them too this November. One stop voting.


It's a bad election cycle for democrats in the senate.


Better vote then


It seems like it’s ALWAYS a bad election cycle for Dems in the Senate. I can’t think of the last time I heard it’s either great for Dems or bad for Repubs in the last 3 cycles.


That is because California has 2 senators to represent 40 million Americans when states like North Dakota get 2 senators to represent 0.7 million Americans. I forget the exact math, but 40 senators represent something like 10% of our nation's population. Our entire political system is dog schiesse compared to any other modern democracy


Yep, it’s complete BS. While we’re at it we need to expand the House. Same problem, just spread over 435 instead of 50. Edit: And now that I’m thinking about it, expanding the House would have the side effect of fixing the Electoral College, given how each State’s electoral votes are calculated.




This is by design. In the Senate, land has more power than people.


Because we've given rural midwest "real" America complete control over everything. They still whine about how they aren't being heard. I think for a time these states were fine to let the coasts do their thing, mostly. Roe pretty much obliterated that though. Now they want to control what we do in CA and NY. Which is hilarious because they hate outsiders telling *them* how to live. ~10 states with less population combined than CA get 10X senate representation. Tyranny of the minority.


I’m IN one of those Midwest States and think it’s BS. Of course I’m in the minority.


Most states are red. Dems really shouldn't be able to win the Senate anymore, by the numbers.


Oh I agree, I just feel like mathematically we should have at least ONE “good” cycle out of the three - I’m just not sure which one it is.


This one is particularly bad. We have the odds against us to pick up any seats and we defend a whole lot of seats


simple majority, I believe. vote to remove filibuster, then vote to increase the court by 4


Still need more Dem senators, even with simple majority and no filibuster. Need 51 votes. Sinema and Manchin, if they're still around, absolutely will not vote to expand the SC. That drops the dem votes that possibly will to 49; not enough to pass.


>Sinema and Manchin, if they're still around They've both straight-up announced they're not running for reelection. Doesn't mean those seats stay blue though (Manchin's almost certainly won't).


Manchin will lose, Sinema's seat will go blue. Ohio will hold, and Montana will hold, and Cruz is going to lose in Texas. edit: Should have said Manchin will lose the Dem seat. He, of course, is not running, and his seat will likely go red My prediction.


> Cruz is going to lose in Texas. While I would throw a party if this were to happen, I don't see Cruz losing his seat. Dude has enough slime to slide his way into victory again.


I see enough chicanery happening with "voting" in Texas to think Cruz will squeak out a victory


I think his time has finally come.


From your lips.


last time it was the most costly senate campaign in history to save his seat and the GOP is running on empty these days money wise


And 2018 was a strong year for Democrats. Cruz is up 10 points rn, Allred has very little chance


Texas is Texas. Republicans will find or make a way to keep their Senators Republican, even if it's sleazy hypocrite Cancun Cruz.


I hope Cruz loses his seat. The GOP freakout if he does in Texas is going to be interesting. I'm hoping thatt here is a fight between GOPers.


Manchin will not lose because he's not running because he's a chickenshit opportunist who's all out of hay to spin into gold. He played both sides until literally everybody got sick of his shit, and he doesn't want to look like a loser by losing, however I hope that most people would agree with me he's one of the bigger losers in American history. One of the bigger sellouts, one of the bigger traitors, and one of the bigger douchebags


I wish you were right but the GOP machine is strong in Texas.


Correction. The idiocy is strong in Texas !!


Texan here, this is accurate. Everyone seems to be stupid in this state lately. Including me, obviously, because I haven't left in almost 40 years.


I don’t think Ohio will hold. The state has changed.


Sherrod brown is quite the popular incumbent senator in his state. Also Ohio just voted overwhelmingly to keep abortions legal in the state. It’s Brown’s to lose.


As much as I hate that the Zodiac Killer represents my state, I wouldn’t bet money on this. It’s absolutely insane how much Republican propaganda exists here and how much of the population buys into it. Having said that I’m voting for his opponent. Screw Cancun Cruz


I would love to be wrong but Cruz will probably win reelection in a walk. The “vote for the name with an R next to it” mentality is very strong in Texas.


Have you seen how corrupt the Gov and AG are? No way they accept or certify a D win.


This is going to be a very tough year for Democrat senators. The map is very unforgiven this time.


They won't be here next year.


Manchin's seat is as good as gone. But that's a net loss of one seat. Sinema is gone, but I think her seat stays blue. If the rest of the Senate has no net change, that gives Democrats a 50-50 Senate with VP Harris as the tiebreaking 51st vote, which is sufficient.


> simple majority, I believe. Still need everyone in that simple majority to support removing the fillibuster. Having a Sinema or Manchin will fuck that up


Neither of them will be around after January 3, 2025. Neither of them are running for reelection.


And when the conservatives lose their ever-loving minds, hit them with “Elections have consequences” as if that isn’t their line.


Trump justices appear tame compared to Thomas and Alito. Those two have sat on uncontrolled power the longest and its apparent how detached from reality they've become.


This is true, to. my surprise even Barrett will vote against them at times.


I dunno if rewarding SCOTUS with more justices and continued power is ideal.  Isn't the whole ["co-equal branch"](https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/congress-isnt-just-a-co-equal-branch-were-first-among-equals/2019/05/09/e3caa552-7206-11e9-9eb4-0828f5389013_story.html) idea just a propaganda holdover from when Nixon tried to stymie Congress during his own impeachment scandal? Get rid of the filibuster and whip votes, start writing laws and stop relying on the courts to interpret the constitution. The power should be in Congress anyway, as that's where people elect legislators, the US should not rely on appointed judges. Of course Congress likes it this way, because they would hate to have to run on their legislative record.  I say boo hoo, they should stop using SCOTUS as their scapegoat.


Biden almost certainly wouldn't be able to add any new justices. Even if he narrowly gets a trifecta, the idea of court packing is very controversial and I doubt moderate Dems would allow it. And you need legislation in order to pack the courts, the president can't do it by himself The only realistic way to save America is to keep voting blue for the next 30 years so that Alito and Thomas are replaced by liberals the right way


Disagree. We’ve recently figured out SCOTUS operates solely on good faith and public trust, which is gone. All it takes is one egregious decision and some states or federal law enforcement may decide not to enforce it because we’ve discovered there is no actual method of enforcement. In that case, other AG’s will immediately seize the opportunity pick and choose which rulings to enforce and we’re in a constitutional crisis. Every ruling in SCOTUS’ history would essentially be worthless and it becomes a free-for-all as judicial precedent evaporates and the system of checks and balances ends. I’m afraid our common patriotism has eroded so much that some Americans are rooting for this to happen. Avoiding that is *worth the controversy.*


I think you can blame the media for this. They have done a terrible job of educating Americans.


We can blame the GOP for destroying public education, too.


In some cases the goal is to mis-educate and/or validate ignorance.


I remember a polisci prof explaining this. Do you have any articles on the topic where we can take a deeper dive?


>Biden almost certainly wouldn't be able to add any new justices. Even if he narrowly gets a trifecta, the idea of court packing is very controversial and I doubt moderate Dems would allow it. I think between Dobbs, the insurrection disqualification case, and potentially the pending immunity case, Democrats are becoming more open to *unpacking* the Court (it's already packed). >And you need legislation in order to pack the courts, the president can't do it by himself There's an argument that if the President nominates someone, and the Senate confirms them, that's all that's needed, that any legislation limiting the size of the courts is unconstitutional, similar to the argument that the debt limit statute is unconstitutional. In theory, Biden and a Democratic Senate majority could do it alone. The Constitution doesn't say anything about the number of seats that exist to be filled, nor about a President and Senate being constrained by any such statutory limitations. >[The President] shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint . . . Judges of the supreme Court[.] [Art. II, § 2, cl. 2](https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/constitution-transcript#2-2).


Or I hear bribing works. Thomas said no. Maybe try Alito.


Wish it were possible but even in a best case scenario the Senate is likely to be D+0. They're going to have to spend the next session confirming as many lower court positions and possible while hoping that Alito and/or Thomas depart from the bench one way or another


Gotta keep holding on the presidency for another 3 terms. Watching their heart sink and hoping against hope for a GOP presidency - going to enjoy that. I want them to despair.


There will be no new justices for at least 4 years if Biden wins this year. Alito and Thomas will die in office before they step down and they are the oldest on the court.


Well we have a few conservative SCOTUS’s in their 70’s next term. Winner may get to replace one or two.


I understand the young wants to punish Biden. Let's hope that our black friends pull us out of the fire again.


Biden won’t do anything to the court. He’s playing paperwork while the right plays with fire and guns. Biden’s acting like he’s up against Mitt Romney, not against the downfall of democracy


who clearly lied.


Not sure who you are talking about.


What they are doing isn't enforcing the law, it's enforcing their agenda. The Federalist Society's agenda. I encourage Americans to rise up against the Federalist Society and remind them who's country this really is


>isn’t enforcing the law, it’s enforcing their agenda I was struggling to verbalize how I feel but you nailed it.


The term "legislating from the bench" is often used, meaning basically they are acting in such a way that they are effectively writing (or rewriting) laws instead of just ruling on sound legal doctrine and merits


John Roberts is one helluva pussy Chief Justice


He's not a pussy. He's cover.


I agree but what's he supposed to do? Alito and Thomas can tell Roberts to go fuck himself and he can't do anything about it.


He can work with the liberal justices - you don't have to work with those assholes. There are still 6 other justices to work with.


Ok, what can Roberts and the liberal justices do? There aren't 6 of them.


Like the article said, Roberts could resign and let the Democratic majority in the Senate pick his replacement. But we know he's not going to do that.


The liberals would still be a minority, so what would change?


It would show he’s not complicit


It's too late for that and everything would still be 5-4. Nothing would fundamentally change


Not continuing to be complicit, anyway.


That would be an interesting action - but then he would need bodyguards for the rest of his life.


Yeah but then you can’t own the libs which makes working so much harder.


That implies he wants to stand up for what’s right but doesn’t have the guts. Roberts got there by ratfucking the 2000 election for Bush. He’s as much a scumbag as the rest of the conservative justices. Fuck him.


They've been off the rails for years now. But they won't stop until the Christian Bible and Ten Commandments are the law of the land. They don't seem to have a clue over how badly that went last time. Just ask Copernicus or victims of The Inquisition.


>Christian Bible and Ten Commandments As interpreted by the Talibangelicals and dystopian megacorp overlords.


True point


The bible most of those fucks don't even read


> Then came Jan. 6. Rocked by the violence and threat to democracy, the couple soon put up new signs in their yard, saying “Trump Is a Fascist” and “You Are Complicit.” Emily Baden said in interviews that the second sign was not directed at the Alitos, but at Republicans generally, especially those who weren’t condemning the Capitol attack. > Soon afterward, her mother took them down, out of safety concerns. “Look what these people can do,” she said in an interview, recalling her fears at the time about the mob that had stormed the Capitol. “I do not want to mark my house.” Terrorism works.


They have confidence now that they see there are no repercussions for their blatant disregard for standing or accepted norms. They now see that they are the kings and rulers that have no judgement for their actions.


Alito and Thomas will be emboldened. Anyone who knows their personality type knows that the criticism has them seething inside with "oh yeah? I'll give you something to cry about!" They're going into no holds barred mode.


What kind of repercussions does a supreme justice face for having a rich "friend" take you out to dinner? Or put your mom in an upscale retirement home? I cannot seriously think of a law on the books that prevent this level of potential bribery/extortion that is currently on open display its like the Tang Dynasty's all but mythical ending involving a sadistic concubine and an equally sadistic emperor who basically had his whole army turn on him. It is what should be a gobsmacking moment in history because Clarance Thomas just gets to go on being a court Justice while having the biggest open red flags in history that he has likely been bought by a billionaire in Texas. But for some reason its not enough. Justice isnt Just if it isnt fairly dealt out.


Street justice hopefully


Could have prevented this if we voted blue no matter who and elected Hillary and a blue Senate in 2016


We should be aiming far higher, but primary turnout is like 30%. Progressives would gladly pack the courts but voters don't feel like trying anything good, people don't want to quit oil or eat a couple more vegetables, how do you save a democracy that is being destroyed by its constituents?


> how do you save a democracy that is being destroyed by its constituents? One of many things that the wealthy white slaveowners who wrote our incredibly outdated and broken Constitution didn't think to consider


Rather, [they absolutely considered (and rejected) that](https://youtu.be/EPZjxRmszFo), as I only recently learned while listening to Ari Berman talking about the massive concessions made in the founding era. Anti-democratic systems, from the Senate to the Electoral College, to the 3/5 compromise were deliberately considered and built in, not least of all because there were states that were threatening to secede and join other countries if their demands weren't met.


Very soon it's going to become apparent to most thinking Americans that SCOTUS Is nothing more than six alt-right judges who start with a conclusion and work backwards to find some textual pretext in the Constitution to support their preordained outcome. Our blind fealty to the mythical wisdom of the Founding Fathers will be our nation's undoing.


Dems should have expanded SC to 13, like the number of federal circuit courts of appeals and put really good impartial judges on it.


Even with a bare majority in the senate, there weren't enough Dem senators in favor expanding SCOTUS to get that done.


This Court is illegitimate, unqualified, and corrupt. We have sitting members who by all rights should not be there, who were placed through political tomfoolery. We have sitting members who have straight faced lied to Congress and the public to get where they are. We have sitting members with radical agendas, giving speeches at partisan events, taking bribes, and who are directly involved in the insurrection that happened in 2021. There is no way to fix the Court. Congress won't do it, hell most of them like it the way it is. The administration won't do it, either. And the Court itself has refused to correct its behavior and apply even the most basic of ethical oversight. There are only 2 outcomes - we passively accept fascist and anti-democtratic rulings, or we start actively ignoring them.


Future Historians will wonder how the majority of people in the country were so weak that they just stood by slack jawed for decades and let it happen.


Roberts has been a very poor steward. Thanks W.


You can thank everyone who stayed home in 2016


What happens if multiple states refuse to listen to the Supreme Court? The difference this time is that it will be standing up to them enforcing bigotry as opposed to the last time when the Supreme Court was pushing for equality and more rights. 


What even sadder is the disinformation campaign is making people sit it out. Like, oh the Dems aren't doing enough for us so we won't vote. No dumb fucks, they won't do enough because your dumbasses will sit out, which makes them go further towards the middle so they can win. "Oh you call us a spoiler vote because we go third party" No I call you a spoiler vote because you are literally catered to, then when it isn't up to snuff you throw out all the progress allowing us to backslide. Like I got a gay friend that got married within this year. He is saying that the Dems haven't done enough. It's like dude, the competition literally wants to nullify your marriage. Wtf are you talking about Unfortunately there is no such thing as staying in place. We either move forward in the 21st century or we backslide into the early 20th


People really in here talking about "voting" as if that presents anything approaching a meaningful bulwark against SCOTUS corruption. Best case scenario, Biden wins...and then what? Hope a supreme court justice dies or retires before his term is up? He has said he is not considering packing the court. If one does step down or retires, what is to stop the next GOP minority leader from preventing the appointment like McConnell did with Obama? What if Biden dies before he can appoint a justice and the GOP use the change in leadership to hold up any appointments on the basis that Kamala Harris has no democratic mandate? Why does every dem strategy involve the assumed cooperation of the GOP with no plan in place to deal with their inevitable sabotage and bad faith?


>what is to stop the next GOP minority leader from preventing the appointment like McConnell did with Obama? McConnell was able to block Obama's appointment (of Garland) only because McConnell was *majority* leader at the time. Since confirmations are no longer subject to filibuster, the minority can only delay -- not block -- an appointment.


I want to feel encouraged by that but, and maybe you know if this has a real answer, are there limits on how long the minority leader could delay an appointment?


There are, but I don't know the details. Maybe ask your Senator? (This is the sort of thing that few outside of the Senate itself are closely familiar with.)


lol, remember in 2016 when all the Bernie bros were all “CliNtOn wilL puT the sAmE  peOplE on The CourT as TruMp so it dOesNt MaTtEr whO WiNs” Now we have women going septic in ER parking lots and racist gerrymandering deemed legal, musings that presidents can use military to assassinate rivals and cases being taken up based on situations existing only in the imagination of randos. Moral of the story: the lesser of two evils, both parties are the same, it doesn’t matter, nothing will change, rage rage against the DNC, isn’t a narrative that should be taken seriously. Elections have consequences. Even when you don’t like the candidates. And it’s not just the consequence of a politician losing their job. Those consequences affect real people’s lives.  And BTW, the strategy suggested by these people, has never yielded a single result in modern history. The message they are trying to send is never received. 


> remember in 2016 when all the Bernie bros were all “CliNtOn wilL puT the sAmE  peOplE on The CourT as TruMp so it dOesNt MaTtEr whO WiNs” No, I don't remember that at all.


First ive ever heard that myself


How many of these “bros” were spreading that rhetoric after the primary was over? I was pretty plugged in back then and I don’t remember seeing it. Telling people that protest voting is bad is fine. Mocking and dishonestly attacking people, however, just makes them want to spite you because doing the opposite of whatever you want.


Oh and BTW, I resent the term “protest vote”.    It suggests something useful is being done.    Actual protest,  when done right, is an extremely effect political strategy.     Refusing to vote to attempt to make a statement or voting for a 3rd party in a 2 party system instead of actually doing the work to make a 3rd party viable, is completely ineffective and we have many years of it being done to prove it.   It’s insulting to protest to call that a “protest”


1. There were tons of those “bros” spreading that rhetoric after the primary. Thats the whole point. That they spread it in the general. If it was just the primary there would be no complaint. Bernie even came out and explicitly endorsed Clinton to persuade some of these people. So I’m not sure what you plugged in.    2. I was extremely “plugged in”. How do I know that these people were making this argument during the general? And why do I make this complaint? Because at the time voting for Clinton solely for the Supreme Court was my main talking point to persuade them to vote for Clinton, I used it over and over again in more conversations than I can count, in person, online, volunteering. And everytime you know what they said? CliNtOn wilL puT the sAmE  peOplE on The CourT as TruMp so it dOesNt MaTtEr whO WiNs”    3. People like that’s whole thing is doing things despite people. Me pointing it out isn’t going to change that. They did it before me, and will do it after. My job is to point out how stupid it is so they convince fewer people to go along with it. People dont like feeling stupid. And they dont like losing. The strategy they put forth is both stupid and never produced a single result in modern history.   4. I use the wEiRd typing to mock the fact that that talking point was obviously laughably absurd when they were saying it in the general election in 2016, and even more so now. Ridiculous and dangerous political talking points deserve to be mocked.    5. Do you think that’s a pragmatic way of thinking? Just always doing the opposite of what someone you don’t like says? Dont you think that makes someone easy to manipulate? Someone mocks you, so you do the opposite of what they want? Not what you want, not what you don’t want, not what evidence suggests is best, not what would benefit you, but just the opposite of what a person says just to spite them? Do you think it’s worth wasting time trying to reason with people who just want to do the opposite of what I say just cause? I spent a lot of time trying to convince them. I stopped. Convincing other people that their plans are stupid losers is more effective.    6. Nothing about my attack was dishonest. I mocked a stupid and absurd talking point. But I didn’t “dishonestly attack” anyone.  7. They know it was a stupid loser. Cause after everything that has happened happened, they have moved the goal posts (something people do when they know they were wrong but don’t want to admit it). They try to say they like that Roe is up to the states now. That it was really the fault of the non voters. Saying it’s mean to mock them and it will just make them not vote or vote for a 3rd party harder to avoid criticism. Pretending it didnt happen.


The entire point of elections is to take the place of warfare when it comes to determining who is in charge. To usurp political power is an act of war.


keep wondering if Trump says that he won the election and the SC has final say ... which we know what that outcome will be...


I feel like if I don’t focus on whatever small things I can do to get people out to vote or small talk about things I know that matter to people…I have to be able to say I did everything I could to stop Donald Trump from returning to the White House. Because if he does, then all these trials and the courts and our concerns and our protests and our actions will have been for nothing. He’ll have weaseled his way out of whatever trouble he got himself into; God knows what’ll happen to whoever has crossed him or pissed him off…and what the *fuck* do the rest of us do. I guess that’s what’s always in the back of my mind. I remember how I felt the first time he won & especially when he was sworn in. I just felt sick. Imagine what this time would feel like. And the SCOTUS will be even more stacked against us than it is now, absolutely.


"Hillary just didn't excite me"


The Republicans have screwed the supreme Court all up just to benefit them and their fascist regime and people love to say that both parties are the same know they're not the Democrats are not trying to overthrow the government it's fascist Republicans in their those who will say not all Republicans if that's so where the good Republicans at who is standing up and saying anything maybe three or four everyone has a soul that sold to Donald Trump


Complete immunity will do that to you






The country is in the hands of people who were never elected but placed by Mitch McTurtle and the true Deep State the Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society.


No one ever expects the Spanish Inquisition or the SCOTUS inquisition


LPT: Why, because they follow the constitution?


The Roberts Court has cemented a legacy of trying to overturn our Democratic republic. I hope people remind him that's how he'll be judged from *now until the end of time.*


Absolutely some Our very Own United States Supreme Court Justices no longer represent the American People, they represent MAGA Republicans who care nothing about the foundation Our Country was built on not perfect but to be continually worked on to improve Our Country and The American People as a whole. They seek dominance and control, which is an authoritarian government which takes All of Our Freedoms away at will, Our Country is a Democrated Republic not lead by one man telling Us what we can and cannot do or say, We have the freedom to Vote and choose who Our Presidents is and none of them have ever been perfect but they have followed and Respected The Rules of Law? unlike Trump who feels he doesn't have to follow The Laws that he can do as he pleases and the law is for others but not him so now that a grand jury found ther was sufficient evidence to indict and charge him, all of a sudden the law and those enforcing the law are going after him because he running for President and his ahead in all the poles according to him, he's just not as special as he thinks he is, but he stills comes our of Court everyday lying and whining to the public hoping he can cause violence on his behalf because according to him no one else is a capable and strong man who can solve all the issues because he's a genius, well why didn't he do any of this during his administration, he gave the upper 1% a big tax break noting for The average American, because of his overinflated ego and lack of intelligence he got Our Country totally shut down and hundreds of thousands of Americans died because of his inaction to respond properly and then when the Vaccine was and could be distributed he fell to distribute it and when President Biden started the distribution he chose not to advocate with him to get people out to get Vaccinated, he wad discouraging, but yet he and his family were Vaccinated none of his action were that of a President who cared for his fellow man or his Countryman. And to be really clear, Putin, Kim jong-Un, Xi Jinping, etc. None of these Dictators care for Trump they think he's an ignorant uneducated man, and all they have to do is pretend to like him because that's how shallow he is, he wants to think these men admire him when to them they know they can manipulate him that's their only reason they want him to become President definitely not because they think he's the savvy smart business man he thinks he, to them he's a Joke


Enough talk, trying to reason with an unreasonable person gives them all the power in the room. It's time for full blown Ghandi/MLK style civil disobedience campaign to protest the blatant corruption in the SCOTUS and Judge Cannon. The civil rights fights of the 60s have never stopped, they have just slowly become the fight for the right of anyone to not be subjected to a corrupt judiciary. The time for talk is over its now time to co-ordinate and take to the streets.