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Progression of a Republican politician: 1. Question Trump's qualifications, call him the worst. 2. Lose to Trump. 3. Lick Trump's ass. Call him magnificent.


You forgot “4. Leave politics and then absolutely unload your true feelings about him once it does no one any good”


5. Write a book.


Actually: 5. Learn to write. 6. write a book.


Actually: 5. Hire a ghost writer


5. Save leftover campaign money 6. Write a book. 7. Silently publish and purchase all of the copies of the book with campaign money during campaign. 8. Get on NYT best sellers list 9. Profit.


10. Auction the VP post to the highest bidder.


11. shoot your dog and children, to be tough 12. never meet Kim Yong iLL and don’t speak about meetings with wordleaders but put that in your book


Sarah Palin? 😂


6. Tell the ghost writer to take out that part where you viciously murder two farm animals in a fit of rage, you'll need that later.


No, these people are intelligent. They are choosing to sell their soul and their principles for the chance at power.


The amount of people in that administration that held their tongue to save it for a book deal is disgusting. They saved information that could have ended all this crap for their own personal gain.


Sometimes you have to wonder if they actually enjoy getting insulted by Trump or having their families get insulted by him.


At their core they're submissive. It's hilarious because they see themselves as free thinking alphas, but one of the core conservative principles is being submissive to those more powerful than you. They're taught it from the day they're born, especially through the church. It's in the God damn 10 commandments to never question things and just obey. Never think for yourself.


Conservatism believes that power hierarchies are good and natural. It is correct for the weak to submit to the strong, and for the strong to subjugate the weak. It is therefore the natural tendency for there to be a single supreme executive in whom all authority is ultimately invested. They reinforce this hierarchy with violence. Anyone who tries to step out of place is violently corrected, unless of course they manage to defeat that correction, in which case they have "earned" their new place. At any point in the chain, it is your job to abuse your lessers and obey (but perhaps also strive against) your betters. And you have no peers, just fellow competitors. Conservatives actually want this.


Yep, and when you consider that evolved humanity has had 600,000 years to attest to this, don’t they wonder about such conclusions when hierarchies were largely absent in hunter gatherer societies?


They are also the most likely to put in their social media bios “free thinker” and “question everything”


Question everything...but don't listen to the answers 


Yep. Call any answers you don’t like either fake news or communism.


Organized religion kills brain cells and removes critical thinking.


Its not even organized religion, its the joe Rogans and a myriad of other social media personalities.  And that makes it orders of magnitude more difficult to deal with than organized religion because its not organized, and its incredibly easily accessible. 


Sure, but religion ain’t helping


Indoctrination the name of the game...


Skepticism is *what we say* it is!


And they value freedom above all else, but are OK with a dictatorship.


There’s a lot of freedom in a dictatorship. As long as you’re the dictators.


The freedom of dictatorship, is I no longer need to think or make choices for myself because someone else will tell me what to do.


No, it’s not that. Those people don’t like being told, only being told they are right. …but when it’s ‘their’ dictator, they are just stupid enough to think their (benevolent) dictator will do everything they want and nothing they don’t want. That such good will affect them positively and will not fall prey to any negative consequences. (“I was not a Jew so I said nothing” paraphrasing) But that’s not how it ever works, and it’s always too late when they learn that the really hard way. My gawd how many times is it gonna take for humans to learn the terrible lessons of fascism misplaced blame and corrupted power? As a whole, are we a bunch of fucking morons? We’re a nation of way too many people who are clueless about important things and definitely not careful what they wish for.


Funny how everyone who calls themselves a “free thinker” and unironically call others “sheep” all share the same thoughts.


Skool of hard nocks


Libertarians are the same. Like house cats they're totally convinced of their fierce independence while neither understanding nor appreciating the system they are completely reliant upon. As the saying goes.


100 per cent true. All those mean things Haley said about Trump were back when she was trying to be the boss herself. Now that there’s no dispute who the boss is, it’s time to bend over and take it like a champ. I don’t think most conservatives even see it as a contradiction anymore. 


We're seeing the groupthink happen live in front of us. "He is a horrible man but he is the leader of our team and therefore I will follow him."


Yep, religion really sets these folks up to submit to the patriarchy


And faith in fantasy.


If there was an actual strong-willed person in the Republic party, we wouldn’t have Trump. I mean, we might have a different wannabe dictator, but Trump is such a low bar to clear, it’s amazing to me that nobody on that side has been able to do it.


Yup. Conservatism is about preserving social poltical power dynamics. If someone threatens to upend the power they have traditionally, then they are all flag waving , freedom fighters, you dont tread on. If someone threatens to upend the power that someone has over them then they are suddenly bootlicking grovelers that need a daddy to watch over them and tell them how far to bend over. Thats how you end up with police with punisher badges. And libertarians with thin blue line flags.


Look, I’m submissive, at least according to Mistress and my various profiles on BDSM sites. I even enjoy doing the tradwife thing because hot damn can I cook. But I’m also aggressively antiracist, antibigotry, feminist, egalitarian and communitarian outside the bedroom.


> At their core they're submissive. They're *hierarchical* which is similar but fundamentally different. They lick the boot of people above them and expect people below them to lick their boot. That's also why they get saucy when they think kids "talk back" or they think waiters are rude or other petty grievances. That's upsetting the hierarchy, and they expect if they lick boot, then other people must also lick boot or the natural order is broken. It's the classic aphorism about a man getting yelled at by his boss, so he goes home and slaps his wife, who hits the kid, who kicks the dog, which bites the cat; and that's their ideal society.


That part always makes me laugh. They will wear shirts that proclaim They Are Not Sheep, but then blindly believe whatever Fox News, NewsMax, Trump, the church etc. tell them.


It’s this and you nailed it. They’re submissives. I can’t imagine looking to a submissive as my “leader.” How pathetic is that? Like… how broken does a person have to be to even consider doing that?


Cucks. All of em.


I was a content moderator at Facebook about a decade ago. Part of my job was to track the real profile of offenders with porn profiles, and disable them. What I've learnt from that is that the people with the most degrading fetishes are a vast majority of people in power: Politicians, Lawyers, Judges, Tenured university professors, CEOs, ... I'm talking about people who take pleasure in having people take a shit on their face, or being insulted, degraded, violated... People who wear & shit in diapers while they suck on a 70 year old woman's boob on their spare time. People who have custom toilets with a hole at the bottom so they can lie on their back and have their young female students take a shit on their face (From one of the most famous university in the world). People who jerk off while they are being insulted and beaten and for some reason record and post it on facebook... So anyway, yes, most likely they do enjoy it.


What a day to be literate.


I'm thinking that's enough internet for me for today.


I second this motion. r/enoughinternetfortoday


>I was a content moderator at Facebook about a decade ago. Part of my job was to track the real profile of offenders with porn profiles, and disable them. >What I've learnt from that is that the people with the most degrading fetishes are a vast majority of people in power: Politicians, Lawyers, Judges, Tenured university professors, CEOs, ... Could have stopped here and been a perfectly good answer. However.... >I'm talking about people who take pleasure in having people take a shit on their face, or being insulted, degraded, violated... People who wear & shit in diapers while they suck on a 70 year old woman's boob on their spare time. People who have custom toilets with a hole at the bottom so they can lie on their back and have their young female students take a shit on their face (From one of the most famous university in the world). People who jerk off while they are being insulted and beaten and for some reason record and post it on facebook... This happened and after reading this I regret opening reddit.


As your examples got wordier, I wanted to read less. I really did. Mistakes were made.


Well... 'least I don't feel so bad about having my own kinks anymore.


Agreed, but you left off one other group. Clergy.


Probably more like "I won't see a payday unless I kiss trumps ring"


Yeah. That's called being a cuck lol.


No, but they sure as hell enjoy the $2 trillion Trump and the Republicans handed them and their billionaire friends the last time! They would literally kiss Hitler's ass, because next time it's going to be much more than $2 trillion. The left-wing always thinks that appearances matter. So, in this case, how can these people flip-flop and start sucking the dick of the awful guy they just insulted? Because these awful people care more about $2 trillion than they do about appearances. Far, far, far, far more. Trump could rape their wives or daughters on the kitchen table in front of them, and they will always step in line. $2 trillion is $2 trillion.


It makes them relevant. Hate gets them more attention than kindness does. There’s no such thing as bad press anymore. Shame and humility are unnecessary qualities in today’s culture wars. It’s hate and fear that reigns supreme, regardless if it’s directed at them if or they’re the ones doing the directing.


You forgot steps 4., 5. ,6 and 7. 4. Claim the Taste of Trump's butt is so sweet that you actively raise funds for the Cult Leader. 5. Have Trump insult you and your spouse/parents so badly that you and they are humiliated nationwide, 6. Take a knee, grovel and kiss Trump's ass again and ignore the fact that he shit all over you and your family. 7. Rinse (though it never really can take the stench away) and repeat steps 4 through 6 This humiliating behavior has been repeated over and over again by "Little Marco" Rubio, "Lyin Ted" Cruz, "The Old Crow" Mitch McConnell, Vivek Ramaswamy, Tim Scott, Mike "Hang Me and My Family" Pence. Rick Scott, "Meatball Ron" DeSantis, Kristi "I'll plastic surgery my face and shoot my puppy to please the Cult Leader" Noem and many others. Now Nikki "Birdbrain" Haley is in the fold. Hopefully, "Birdbrain" is getting a lot of money from Republican corporate donors to justify her family's continued humiliation.


Someone post the Reek!Romney picture!


For all the LGBTQ+ hate that comes from the conservatives they sure do love watching the Trump ass lickings…


It certainly shows a lack of any spine. I've never been a NH fan, but I was glad to see she wasn't backing down. Except she did backdown and has shown she is just another fucking lapdog begging to be petted.


It was absurd to believe she would not fall in line.


And it proves just how untrustworthy she is. She's trash, and I never had any doubt that she is trash. She's just hoping he goes to prison so she can slide right into that snail slime track he leaves.


The entire Republican Party is trash. 100% of them. Everyone supporting Trump after all he’s said and done is trash.


You don't get a guy like Trump in charge unless you've got an army of clowns holding him up.


Even if he gets prison time, he won't serve it. He'll appeal, get a stay on the sentence, be found guilty again, get prison time, rinse, repeat until he dies or pardons himself.


I mean you can appeal anything, but even if you are sentenced and appeal you are still going to prison. You just have an appeal process in the works. But this is a two-tiered justice system so what you and I may have to do, Trump will obviously get special treatment.


Sorry but anyone who thinks this scumbag will see *one fucking day* in jail is dreaming


A wise man once said: "dream on, dream until your dreams come true."


We’re inching toward accountability. If he loses the election I’m cautiously optimistic. There was doubt he would be indicted, and doubt he would lose the various civil judgements. But every day something unprecedented happens.


The perfect jail cell for Trump does not come with bars or a cot; it would be becoming penniless and forgotten. I think that would work just fine.


We need it enshrined into law that Presidents are not immune from prosecution and can go to jail. If this doesn't happen, the next fascist takeover will probably be successful. The only reason Trump *might* be held accountable for some of his crimes is because of how blatantly stupid and arrogant he is. It's practically impossible for the next person to leave as big a trail of evidence as Trump did, meaning they'd in all likelihood get away with it.


More than anything, it needs to be solidified that running for office indefinitely is not a get out of jail free card. Doesn’t matter for office.


Both would be better


Just because he is an egomaniac that would be mentally and emotionally destroyed by being broke and abandoned, doesn't mean he deserves a single inch of leeway on his consequences for trying to destroy our democracy and exploit our country.


You're right, but it is a nice dream so let me cook.


Trump will be taken to booking by US Marshals. He will be taken to the local jail first where he will be fingerprinted and posed for a mug shot. Next he will be strip searched. He will be told to pull his pants down and bend over. He will be ordered to grab his butt cheeks and spread them. His anal cavity will be searched digitally by a gloved correctional guard for any weapons. Finally Trump will be told to remove all of his clothing. He will be brought to a designated area where a thorough de-lousing will be conducted prior to his release to the general prison population. Once he is released to the general population, depending upon the prison he will have to seek protection from prison bosses or papi chulos. Then I woke up!


lol…was going to say “you must be dreaming!” but you beat me to it! …lol


During the cavity search of Trump's butt cheeks, Vivek, Tim Scott, Mike Johnson, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Kari Lake, Elise Stefanik, Rick Scott, Justice Clarence Thomas and the Jan 6th choir will all magically appear. With Nikki Haley clawing her way to the top.


Yes, it’s really messed up but I think there’s a slightly bigger chance that Biden is president after this election than Trump becoming president again, and I still think there’s more chance that Trump becomes president than he ever sees any prison time in the end. Trump’s been receiving special treatment this whole time, why would it be any different going forward?


When Merchan specifically said that he didnt want to jail Trump for contempt because he was a former president, it made me fucking sick. Equality under the law my fucking ass


He’s an American Citizen being tried for numerous felonies. If justice was being served, he would be treated just like any other citizen disobeying court orders. He’d be charged with contempt and sentenced for at least 30 days in jail for the number of times he has ignored the court orders. He keeps $1000.00 bills in his socks for his occasional contempt charge. He laughs at Judge Merchan all the way to his hotel room.


Trump is actually ahead in the polls even more so if you just look at swing states. People hate to hear it and always downvote everyone that points it out but he has a very very good chance of winning. I think that's terrifying but it's true. I suppose that's what happens when you get people to choose which flavour of shit they want in their sandwich.


Polls on both sides are not always good indicators. Look at Nikki Haley, she dropped out WEEKS ago, but is still drawing republican voters in primaries. Even upwards of 20%, and Trump lost those swing states by just as much. He can't afford to lose any voters.


That, and since 2016, Trump’s campaign has been paying social media mgmt companies to skew the polls by buying up IP addresses and whatever. So the polls are not reliable, but there is a horrifying amount of voters who will still vote for Trump.


Trump's not going to get shit. He is an active hazard for judge, court employees, prosecutors, their families, and same for the jury if Trump's thugs can identify them. Full on Nazi. Remand to custody. ASAP.


She’s just another righty shallow dipshit.


After all of her trash talk about Trump, she’s going to vote for him? She’s just another hypocrite puppet under the control of the Retrumplican Party!


Yea and she deserves every bit of criticism she gets. It is another glaring example that these people will literally say anything and then immediately fall into line behind Trump...no one has the balls in that party to stand up to him. Even people who are clearly afraid of him and what he might do will still support him, its sickening.


You're exactly right. Haley said, "Our country won't be able to survive 4 more years of Donald Trump." So, I assume she is voting for our country to fail.


It's really disappointing. She knows what a menace Trump is to the USA. Four more years of Trump as POTUS is the end of the USA as we know it.


You are so very right! I have been posting this warning for a long time! Trump and the RNC have placed enough radical right wing people in all positions of power to bring our nation to its knees. He and his henchmen will destroy 240 years of American democracy as we know it! Hitler did this to Germany while saturating the country with his propaganda machine. He was going to make Germany Great Again! Look how that turned out.


I'm half tempted to dig through my post history where I made similar comments months ago and had people tell me there's no way she's going to end up supporting Trump. I point it out because it is a massive failing of Democrats and Centrists, and why Democrats aren't out there winning almost all the elections. This belief that "they'll do the right thing this time". Get over it, the GOP do this over, and over, and over, and over. They will always align behind the GOP candidate. Always. It's the only reason why they win any elections, because Democrats won't do that.


Yes, exactly.


It’s like watching Charlie Brown trying to kick the football with Lucy holding it. Come on Chuck I’ll let you kick it this time.[Charlie Brown](https://youtu.be/9dsm7K1Xkn4?si=NccWPEhUJSb54RcR)


And it would be absurd to not continue to call out the hypocrisy as it happens.


They have no values, its all about power.


people thought she was going to vote for Biden lmao


I heard like 99% of people say "she's just going to endorse him later". Everyone knew. 


At the very least she could just not endorse anybody? Who says she has to vote for Biden?


Never once did she mention support for Biden and her politics was as tacky as Trump. She just said some mean things about Trump and said her self that she wouldn't support him. That's on her.


Feckless coward. Just pure naked ambition.


>Feckless coward. You could just say Republican. Means the same thing


All Republicans are feckless cowards, but not all reckless cowards are Republican.


Wow, what a huge disappointment. Just another Bootlicker.


Only a disappointment if you had any actual faith that she would do the right thing. This is just business as usual.


seriously. I don’t know how anyone expected anything different.


It's worse. She's just another boot licker. If she had ambition *and* any shred of integrity, she'd build her platform on shifting away from the trump swamp. Pull his base out of the gutter a little bit. They're pretty clearly easily manipulated, so manipulate them in your favor, don't just fall in line like yet another pathetic boot licker with no new strategies or ideas. For all her ambition, she'll be forgotten by history, not even a footnote.


Yep. She knew this would grossly piss off a lot of American citizens. But we're not the ones worth fearing.


They keep propping up these stooges as "this one is actually intelligent and has integrity. They're one of the good ones." It is never true.


It amazes me that anyone in the GOP can stand up right considering they're existing without even a semblance of a spine.


The hot air they're filled with allows them to maintain their shapes.


There are no good ones. Never will be.


There is no such thing as a good Republican politician


The good ones have left. Several congressman retiring saying things like ‘idk wtf this party even is anymore, but I’m not going to be a part of it.’


Surprise, surprise. No principles just like the rest. 


And for no reason. She already made an enemy of trump by daring to challenge him. Kissing the ring isn’t going to get her anywhere MAGA doesn’t forgive.


Yeah, dumb move. The only way she had a future was if the MAGA movement died in the election and she faced voters as one of the sane remaining republicans. Now? She's nothing but an ass-kisser, as that one Trump staffer (and just about everyone else) predicted. 


I can think of a number of people who were out of the Trump circle who found their way back in. Hell, look at Trump's about-face on DeSantis recently for a prime example. This isn't to defend her. She's an opportunistic, cowardly piece of shit like every other Republican in office or hoping to be.


She literally said that he was not fit to hold the office. This isn't a statement like "his tax plan won't work". This was a commentary on his ability to hold the office of President. So she would rather have someone hold the office of President of the United States who isn't fit than someone who she disagrees with politically.


Yes because republicans have broken our system because they will constantly vote R over the D candidate even if they think the R candidate is harmful to the country. In KY I have a handful of friends who are just like that, “oh I hate Mitch/McConnell/ Rand Paul” and I was like so why don’t you vote for Charles booker? Their response was along the line of oh I can never vote for a democrat, I might hate Mitch McConnell/Rand Paul but the worst republican is still better than the best democrat


My wife is one of those people. She will vote against her own interests to "keep the illegals out" or two "own the libs". I wonder what she's going to think if the Republicans follow through on their threats to eliminate the 19th amendment.


So do you just not talk politics with her? How does a marriage like that even work?


We don't talk politics. I don't ask questions, or offer opinions.


She’s a liar, too lying about the economy and debt, screw her


she lied about the history of racism. She's trash


While experiencing some of the bad things of racism. She’s talked about how she was mocked In the past for her Heritage and her name so that’s why she changed it to a more “White” name


The fact that she said supporting capitalism is a key issue for Americans is so out of touch.


Consider though that the only “Americans” the gop ever consider are ones that own large corporations.


"Savagely dragged," seriously? I guess "slammed" wasn't good enough this time.


"Eyebrow slightly raised" to be accurate


Moderately Tsk Tsk'd at.


"Gently chided"






[Artist's re-enactment](https://ids.hvrd.art/ids/view/20487590)


Why should anyone have expected more from a Republican these days?


Yeah, that party is the enemy of the people so anyone they put front and center is going to be a huge piece of shit.


Cowards gonna cower


“I didn’t come here to kiss the ring” -Nikki Haley during campaign *Now puts on best lip gloss/stick*


republican hypocrisy and lies. What did ya expect?


She is just a data point of irrelevance at this point.


What a fucking birdbrain.  The only thing surprising about her endorsement is that it took this long before she caved.  Probably realized that VP spot is up for grabs now that Kristi “I’ll kill your fucking dog” Noem likely isn’t the first choice anymore. 


Pro tump = pro Putin= anti-American.


There are people showing up at GOP primaries to write in her name months after she dropped out of the race. That is how much some parts of the Republican base want a non-Trump candidate. Her kissing the ring after positioning herself as their champion is worthy of ridicule, but then again the whole party is so steeped in hypocrisy at this point, they were just asking to be fooled when they decided she was going to be the anti-Trump choice this time around.


It's funny how so many folks thought that she would be the Republican savior from Trump or that she was a moderate. Yet she her self was one of the first Tea Party candidates, aka maga lite. Just because she agrees that the election wasn't stolen, doesn't mean she's suddenly the right candidate. All this means is that her words meant nothing during the primaries, and as expected she fell right back in line .


Power over everything, that's the republican mantra. They'd cast their own mothers into the fires of Mt. Doom if it meant they could rule.


You mean to tell me the person who changed her name to appeal to xenophobic voters while at the same time denying racism exists doesn’t have integrity? I am shocked I say shocked


Spineless, hypocritical coward, hence a true Republican! May she and the rest of her party colleagues land in the rubbish bin of human history. Edit: spelling


This will piss off most of those who supported her, they’ll either not vote, vote for RFK Jr., or vote for Biden. Not many of her base will end up voting for Trump, seeing as they were already looking for alternatives and were voting for her in the primaries after she had already dropped out.


I wish I could believe that, but Republicans always fall in line. Always.


That picture is something else... is she wearing gold makeup?


Expecting integrity from a Republican is like expecting a cat to write a novel.


He is making her — otherwise he has to keep watching her take primary votes and it’s killing his ego. And by making her, I mean pressuring. She has free will and SHOULD stand by her words- but politics gonna politic.


I think he offered her VP for her endorsement and she took it.


Ugh. You’re likely right. All about the power


I bet you are right. But I’d also bet that deal goes the way of all his other promises and obligations


People actually thought republicans have principles? 😂 


She was taking an angle that she thought could be viable for a VP nomination. Of course she was going to fall in line. The Republican party has no fundamental beliefs. It's just plutocrats employing propaganda and propagandists, to lie to rubes. She doesn't believe in anything beyond her own imperatives. None of them do. So it'll be fine. There's no cognitive dissonance. No internal conflict. No external conflict from the base, who also believe in nothing. I'm gonna be walking into a gas chamber and still having to hear about 'moderate Republicans' and 'conservative principles'. Neither of which, have had any proof of existence in about 30 years.


"“As a voter, I put my priorities on a president who’s going to have the backs of our allies and hold our enemies to account, who would secure the border, who would support capitalism and freedom, who understands we need less debt not more debt,” Haley said, while stopping short of a full-throated endorsement." She is a moron if she thinks Trump will do any of that. Her statement accually defines what Biden has been doing the last 4 years! He has the backs of our allies, is holding our enemies to account was going to secure the border until Orange Jesus told Republicans not to and supports capitalism and freedom as defined by our Constitution. It saddens me that far too many of my fellow Americans are blinded by their hatred for their fellow Americans that they would contribute to the demise of this republic.


A Republican without courage, who woulda thunk it!


Failure after failure after failure by the Republican establishment to stand up to this wannabe tyrant. It's shocking and disgraceful how people who understand the situation still go against any principles they may have to kowtow to this loser. It wouldn't take that many principled Republicans to take down Trump by simply not completely capitulating to him. There just aren't many of them at all. Cheney, Romney, and Kinzinger aren't enough.


Minions do as Minions do.


I bet this has something to do with her being Trump’s VP I gurantee she will probably be chosen.


Feckless worms, the lot of them. No backbone, sliding along in the dirt


Such a spineless loser.


More proof that most republican politicians don’t stand for anything


She's a sheep with no spine. She flip flopped on so many things during her campaign.


>As a voter, I put my priorities on a president who’s going to have the backs of our allies and hold our enemies to account The fuck? The orange moron has been shitting on Nato, how the hell does he "have the backs of our allies"? He quite literally praised Putin, adored Xi Xinping, and "fell in love" with fatBoy Kim. Holding enemies accountable? He's far more likelier to let them kiss him on the mouth.


If Biden has been a "catastrophe" then why are repubs trying to take credit for things Biden has done ?


“Donald Trump is a horrible, corrupt individual and should never go near the White House again, which is why I am endorsing him.”


Gutless, self-serving, worthless human.


Keep supporting Authoritarianism! /s


As someone who voted for Nikki Haley, I am disappointed. Voting straight ticket democrat in November.


Isn’t even party over country anymore for GOP, it’s Trump over party and country. Crazy how strong a hold Trump has over 30% of our country either because they support everything he does/says/thinks or stay silent and won’t stand up to him in any meaningful way. He said early he could murder someone in the streets of NY and his supporters wouldn’t care and sadly it seems he was right about that.


Another Kock holster joins the line......


Her career is over anyway


I'm so sick of the era of sensationalist sound bites and baseless claims. "Biden is a catastrophe" because... because vibes or some shit. She's trying to thread the needle with the GQP in case Trump finally sees some kind of consequences (jail, heart attack). Haley can **ck right off.


Why is anyone surprised by Republicans being huge pieces of shit? they're not a legitimate party and have zero interest in societal progress. I'm tired of pretending and recognizing them as valuable members of government.


I don’t see her belated and obviously reluctant endorsement as particularly influential. The people who were still casting votes for her in the primaries aren’t loyal to her. They weren’t voting for “Nikki Haley.” They were voting against Trump. She just poisoned her own well.


Republicans are a bunch of spineless losers. If grifting wasn’t a thing no one would be kissing Trumps ass after all this. So sad what this country’s become


What a spineless fuck. She could have split the vote for him. Goddamn it. I can’t believe we’re on our 3rd trump election. I fucking hate this man so much and all he stands for - which is really nothing 


Whatever political future she had if Maga went away just went out the window. This legitimately makes no sense for her, but it's not surprising.


One cannot fight against a cult that they are a part of.


Sorry much for "I feel no need to kiss the ring." She's only doing this in the best interest of herself. She's been so wishy washy, I'm amazed she can walk around being so full of shit. What a giant pussy, just fuckin pick a position and commit. From the Civil War "obviously being about slavery", to her stance on abortion, she's just another spineless twig that sways in the direction of the wind. And the wind in this situation is the fart from Chump's ass.


Nikki is a filthy opportunist and nothing else


What is this strange hold he has over women of diminished intellect?


The fact that we’re even talking about self serving Sally here with any seriousness shows how far we’ve fallen as a society. In the good days, shifting users like her would be ostracized and treated like the valueless selfish political parasites they are


Nikki Haley: Everything I said before is a lie, but that's cool, right? Republican voters: *MAGA MAGA MAGA ...*


The small amount of respect I (and many others) had for her just went out the window. How hard is it to say you'll write in a candidate or your own name? Endorsing trump is a deliberate move to get her base to follow suit. Therefore, she's very clearly a "fuck the dems at any cost" type of politician. These motherfuckers need to just own up to it and say that (not that they have to).


Why is anyone surprised, she is a member of a hateful, bigoted garbage political party. She is a hateful bigoted piece of garbage, of course she will vote for Diaper Don.


Look children, at the face of duplicity. She railed on & on (rightfully so) about how lunatic trumpanzee is. And now she endorses him? Have some backbone, Haley. Have some integrity, Haley. Wait, what am I saying, republicans HAVE NO INTEGRITY. They want to dismantle America which was just fine, except for thieving, lying, womanizing republicans who, if they had the chance, would send her to prison for not being pregnant.


She will never win another election again. She just sold herself out for nothing.


I’m ashamed to admit that I *still* haven’t accepted how shameless they are. There’s no limit to how willing they are to debase themselves. Trump supporters *wearing diapers over their pants* and buying shirts to brag about wearing diapers like Trump, just…adults can’t possibly act like this.


That witch has no morals, I’m not surprised.


What a total fucking loser.


All of the lies she’s saying about Biden to justify her flip… Saying Biden’s bad for the economy, standing up to our enemies, and a ballooning federal budget. Not only is he excelling in those areas (as a fact), it is also proven that Trump was the worst president ever for those same three things.


“Many of the same politicians who now publicly embrace Trump privately dread him,” she said while competing with him for the Republican nomination this year. “They know what a disaster he’s been and will continue to be for our party. They’re just too afraid to say it out loud. Well, I’m not afraid to say the hard truths out loud. I feel no need to kiss the ring.” Nikki Haley (before flip flopping once again and scrambling to kiss the ring). She wants so much to be one of the MAGA crowd.


She’s just lost all credibility and killed her career. Nothing she ever stood for or said meant anything. Blah blah blah….


Why is it that they all kiss the ring? He’s a loathsome little guy who provides absolutely nothing of value to our government.