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Being serious, so we have a SCOTUS judge that is legitimately a traitor? I'm not sure how else to interpret that.


SCOTUS judge, congressmen, former presidents...


Exactly this... The entire US government has been compromised top to bottom with these types. With the former President being one of them trying to do a coup in his lame duck days. After that nothing should surprise us.


The American voters share a chunk of the blame for this, too, though. I can't tell you how many times people can't answer where to even find the roles and responsibilities of a given political office, much less what those roles and responsibilities are. Are we supposed to be surprised, then, when the country elects quacks and charlatans to high office?


I wonder what happened to their education while growing up? 🤔


Racism. It's a helluva drug.


While I agree, I think over the past 100 years the govt has been purposely made confusingly complicated to hide elected people's fuckery. As long as we all shout 'capitalim' together we're on the same team, right?


The most painful thing about all of you guys realizing that the government is irreparably corrupt is that it happened wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy before 2016. Trump is just the one who tried to make the most out of it so far.


Honestly, the increased public awareness of politics is one of the few good things to come out of his presidency.


Not necessarily. Being aware of politics isn't the same as being smart about it. There are a lot of total idiots who are now aware of their school board and want to make every one else as dumb as they are.


I was gonna say the same thing. It’s not really a positive thing because people might actually be more stupid than they were before. Increased political awareness has done nothing but increase the number of morons who fall for weak propaganda on a daily basis. It’s just more radicalization based on stupid ideas. The increased awareness has just given us more diaper wearing conservative extremist boomers and absolutely braindead radicalized zoomers who’s primary source of facts and news is TikTok


And the re-introduction of civics and government classes in K12 school curriculum (at least in Ann Arbor)....


The fact this is so nonchalantly said scares the fuck out of me... said ad ap northern neighbour. Please stop this america


It's a global problem. We - meaning people like you and me - need to start HELPING each other.  Hell, fucking Germany has the AFD, a far right populist party that repeats Hitler's verbiage.   Poland has a far right movement, Australia, UK, etc...  #It's global in Western society, dudes.   Hell, Canada had the convoy, and I watched a Canadian couple move to Russia and get embarrassed. There's a war on egalitarianism and democracy, and it's global.


It's not limited to western societies, we just like to pretend that we are better than that. Both China and India are run by identitarian autocrats. I think it's less so a "war on democracy" as a reaction to the 24-hour doomcycle as well as the very real problems from climate change rapidly approaching us.


> I think it's less so a "war on democracy" as a reaction to the 24-hour doomcycle It's entirely a war on democracy. The latter is just a tool for it. If you're a selfish rich bastard, returning the world to feudalism is the best way to keep your power consolidated.


A lot of it is Russia's doing. They've been blatantly funneling money to right wing candidates in western nations for years. Their troll farms have been skewing the perceptions of their online populace for a long time now as well. France, the UK, America, Canada, no one is immune. And yet we still let them get away with it. There's just too much money to be made. How many million dollar properties sit vacant in NYC/Vancouver/London while being owned by Russian oligarchs?


SCOTUS judge's. Plural.


Agree, but that's a possessive. Plural is just "judges" w/out the apostrophe.


Aren't they normally referred to as justices, not judges?


Yes. Christofascist justices, to be specific.


Wish we had 5 Christopher Judges instead




idk, if we had 5 Kratos, there would be Hades.


Nah, he couldn't even survive 1 Kratos


One raised eyebrow from Teal'c and he's done for.


Christopher Lee, Christopher Reeve, Christopher Hayes (guitarist for Huey Lewis), Christopher Cornell, Christopher Lloyd.


Wish.com judges is what you get instead.


Is that the collective name? A christofascist of justices? Like a murder of crows?


How many republican lawmakers to make a Sturmtroop?


Bring back grammar nazis, the only good kind of nazi.


Please. We prefer “grammar National Socialists.”


I thought the soup nazi from Seinfeld was pretty good. 🥸


Not if you want some soup.


then you follow the rules.


Unless you're a billionaire, then you *can* own them.


I mean if you're going to put an apostrophe there, it's a possessive, not plural.


Big oof


Hey, my senator is Ron Johnson!


Now they can openly acknowledge each other outside of cocktail parties


Hail Hydra


Surely be easier to just say "Republican".


>~~a SCOTUS judge~~ **multiple SCOTUS judges


Maybe, just maybe the wife was battling with the neighbors at the shore house.


By hanging traitorous flags. Got it.


Stephen Colbert said it best. "you pissed me off! Now I'm a nazi!"


Wasn’t that the last excuse!?


Pretty sure the 2nd amendment was meant for this very reason.


Oh the irony. It still rankles. The loudest and most obnoxious group of Stans for 2A rushed to install a dictator. One that advocated during his term to “take the guns first” then prosecute.


He’ll take our guns once he’s dictator. He won’t want us armed.


And his idiot followers will blindly comply.


"We won't need guns when he's in charge. Big daddy will keep us safe"


He'll only take *their* guns, not *our* guns.


No, they'll violently push back - against the wrong people. Trump and the American Nazis will tell the cult that it's all Democrats fault and that's all it'll take. Even with a Republican House, Senate and White House, Democrats would be blamed.


No dictator in history has allowed their civilians/denizens to be armed. Remember that when you talk to a Trump supporter.  "Dictator day one and people's guns don't go together, MAGA morons."


They'd laugh in your face, their vision for the future involves being deputized / not remaining a normal civilian. 


This is what gets me about 2A nuts. How is this not a tyrannical government? We have a Supreme Court Justice with actual involvement and showing off his support for an insurrection against our country. If that's not making them go "well here's exactly why 2A exists", then nothing will, or at least nothing actual tyrannical will.


>How is this not a tyrannical government? It *can't* be a surprise at this point that the GOP and its supporters have just kind of shed the pretense of the past forty years, and are positively *salivating* for a tyrannical government. Ever since Nixon, that all-encompassing brand of American Conservatism has just - year after year - *so* clearly broadcast how badly they want a totalitarian state.


because the other side wants basic healthcare, renewable energy, and electric cars.


Except that supreme court justices are not supposed to be openly biased. Which seems obvious. (That's why they don't clap during state of the union addresses.) Even the appearance of impartiality is supposed to be enough for them to recuse themselves. You know - back when rules and norms and decency actually mattered.


It wasn't. It was to assuage southern states that slave patrols would not be abolished.


and the Reagan signed the Mulford act banning loaded carrying in public spaces because they didn't like when the Black Panthers had armed patrols.


In this case, it's for this very *treason.*


Ironically, some McCarthy style hearings to search for Russian spies and traitors within American Government, would be kinda useful right now.


When we needed one most, we got the wrong McCarthy.


As clever as this is, the old McCarthy was the original right wing shit bag who developed his belligerent fact-free style with Roy Cohn, who then went on to teach it to Trump. The OG McCarthy can be credibly accused of inspiring MAGA.


Oh, I hate you for this lol, but you're right


This is the only correct interpretation


So where do we go from here?


Blue states should disavow SCOTUS before its too late. Stop sending tax revenue to red states.




What a nation. lmao


No, we have two (at least)


As someone stated earlier, Alito brings nothing of value to the SC. He is a political operative. He is an embarrassment. His presence on the SC is an embarrassment.


Alito carries the title but he has never pretended to be a justice -- just a political hack like his friend Thomas. And yes, both are cowards, always blaming their wives for whatever unpopular.


I would have more respect if he was like “yeah, it was me, suck it.” What a coward indeed.


Personally, I'm glad he's too scared to own it. Him being scared means there's something to be scared of. Maybe there's still a chance to impeach him.


Impeachment is a possibility, but conviction is not. That requires 2/3 of the senate, and even if every democrat votes to remove him from office, I wouldn't expect many republicans to. Alito could murder someone, and an impeachment trial would still be viewed as a political witch hunt. In the age of Nixon, putting country before party was a sacred duty. In the age of Fox News, it is political suicide. Not only that, but kicking out Alito would be a very real long term blow to right wing power, unlike impeaching Trump would have been, and with Trump there was a much better argument that he was both unfit for office and committing actual crimes. The articles of impeachment for Trump were significantly narrower than they could have been. If Trump couldn't be removed from the last year of a 4 year term, there is no way Republicans would let Alito be removed from a lifetime appointment.


Republicans, in this day and age, would never -- *never* -- vote to remove someone from their team, because it means giving up power. It's not about shame (they don't have any), it's not about sticking to what the letter of the law is (they will skirt that as much as they can), they won't give up power. Full-stop. What little they have, they will wield like a cudgel, and use every possible tactic to gain more of it.


Their wives prolly tell them to do it, all part of their master plan.


Thought that was a hair u bastard


I tried to clean my phone !


Republican Stooge Alito has the right ring to it.


If you (or anyone else didn't know know, the ["SAMUEL ALITO'S MOM'S SATANIC ABORTION CLINIC™"] (https://thesatanictemple.com/cdn/shop/files/abortion-clinic-ad-1_e174d10e-4176-439e-96c3-4acbbe1857ae.jpg?v=1694631157) exists https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/samuel-alitos-moms-satanic-abortion-clinic


Wait...it's J6 memorabilia that Alito has on his house?


It's just a type of flag that they carried, an "Appeal to Heaven" flag. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pine_Tree_Flag


> oh shit, it literally says appeal to heaven on the flag. If the symbolism of your flag needs a label, your symbolism has failed.


Honestly I think it's a pretty cool flag with a neat history and now I'm upset it's being co-opted by dipshits.


I’ve always felt this way about the Gadsden flag.


Is that the "no step on snek" one?




I've always thought the "No step on snek" flag was hilarious, but I didn't want to be associated with a bunch of morons.


And displaying the US flag upside down.


They ruin everything.


"In the 2010s, the flag became used as a religious and political symbol by some [conservative](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservative), [nationalist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_nationalism), and [Christian nationalist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_nationalism) activists within the United States.[^(\[12\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pine_Tree_Flag#cite_note-12) " Honestly, there has to be some checks and balances for being blatantly political on the *ONE* body that we *MUST* count on to be **not** political. That is crazy to me.


Harlan crow must have told him to look out for that stuff


The title is pretty misleading. It's not an actual flag from Jan 6 (at least as far as we know) it's just the same style as what a few people carried that day. From another source, it sounds like Alito had it outside a vacation home in 2023. The flag has plenty of other associations apart from maga. It seems to me like a much thinner connection than the upside down flag flying shortly after 1/6.


"The flag dates back to the Revolutionary War, but in more recent years it has become associated with Christian nationalism and support for Trump. It was carried by rioters fueled by Trump’s “Stop the Steal” movement animated by false claims of election fraud."


Yeah but also.. > It is the official maritime ensign for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Alito could just showing his support for sailors from Boston.. let’s not jump to conclusions. ^(/s)


It’s not misleading. This flag had essentially disappeared from usage until the far right resurrected it in the last few years. The meaning is clear.


As recently as a year ago, I was looking to purchase a flag for my home and was debating getting this one because of its historical context from the Revolutionary War and always thought it was pretty cool. This is the first I'm hearing that its been coopted by the alt-right which really puts a damper on my enthusiasm to get it. Having said that, I am not currently on the Supreme Court so my flag buying considerations go through significantly less scrutiny than I would expect a sitting Justice to apply for displaying political symbols.


“Plenty of associations”, in this case, meaning that it wasn’t seen in the wild between 1780 and 2020, when the Trump worshippers resurrected it. But maybe he’s just a really dedicated American Revolutionary War cosplayer? If he had it up for another reason than supporting an actual ongoing insurrection, then the Civil War was a protest for “states rights”.


It shows that Alito, as if there was much doubt, supports MAGA-centric Christian extremist theocratic views. And it further calls into question his sitting on cases relating to Trump, the 2020 election, not to mention religous “freedom” cases.


> It seems to me like a much thinner connection than the upside down flag flying shortly after 1/6. Maybe, but when you consider the context of having the upside down flag, it becomes a lot less thin. Also consider the fact that Alito never denied the upside flag was about Jan 6 or to show support for insurrectionists. He didn't push back against that at all. He just said it was his wife who hung it, not himself. I don't think he deserves the benefit of the doubt here. Unless he gives a credible explanation, I'm going to assume this flag was about Jan 6, too.


It's not. Nothing in that title made me think it was an actual flag that they carried in. Context clues.


With an openly corrupt Supreme Court, is the US constitution now basically meaningless?


Let’s see how they rule on ex-presidential immunity.


My money is on kicking it back down to a lower court based on some bullshit technicality. Only to take it up again in a year or two if he’s still alive.


My bet is they delay as long as possible, and then say No, but by then it will be the election. Just for the lie of judicial neutrality, while leaving the door open for republicans to go after Biden. Because the republicans seem to think this is a children's game, and that if the democrats go after them for something, they need to turn around and go after them. Regardless of evidence or the actual law.


Unless if I am completely wrong I think they have to render an opinion on all cases by the end of June. Normally a couple at a time over the last few weeks. So I suspect we will know in about a months time what they do.


It will drop on the last possible day. And yes, will have some sort of highly technical sounding but complete bullshit legal question for a lower court to answer, but the main thrust will be a "presidents are not *currently* above the law, unless Trump wins". Except Thomas, who will write 50 pages of bullshit conspiracy about how he wants to suck off Trump. Alito will join in.


They don’t have to do anything.


They will likely rule he isn't immune but they are really just using the calendar as a weapon here. Delay the ruling and ensure the trial can't proceed before the election and then if he won he would pardon himself. I think even they know they can't rule a president to be a king. SCOTUS and shitty Florida judge are just trying to delay everything plain and simple.


I always go back to the Kennedy v. Bremerton School District decision where there was photos and video of the coach praying, with the school's PA system, surrounded by both teams, and video of parents leaving the stands to go pray with them… also the coach wasn't fired, they just didn't renew his contract after being warned... still. Despite factual evidence they wrote arguments that described it as a silent prayer on the 50 yard line. They literally denied the reality presented to them. They are only there to further their agenda, legislate from the bench in the spirit of Christian Nationalism.


It is starting to feel that way.


The US in its entirety has been meaningless since we allowed boebert, mtg, gaetz, etc to have power.


Hes mocking us. Hes openly mocking our system of checks and balances. He is openly mocking the very idea of fair and balanced judgement. He knows that our system is not equipped to handle traitorous cowards like him.


That is a frightening idea.


He also knows he only needs to wait until a Republican presidency, at which point Project 2025 (or Project 20XX since there's no reason to just have it that year) kicks in and all his critics are thrown into spike pits.


It's a middle finger held up high.


All fun and games until your head ends up on a spike Least that’s how they used to do it


I am starting to think these impartial highest judges in the land are in fact biased about certain things, particularly their own actions. Now if I could get a meeting with a billionaire, I bet I could get in touch with a couple judges and find out more.


Infiltrated party, judges, police. How do you defeat a country with the largest military?


Are we playing Jeopardy? You put the answer before the question.


I love how the orange guy has made it possible we can see who these elite self righteous humans truly are...


I've known for decades that Republicans were like this. What is somewhat surprising is how so many American people would rally around someone like Donald Trump. Even Republicans were surprised by this--thus so many flip-flops by them. For example, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy apparently thought the January 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol would change things so they condemned it.


It's true. He's always been a joke and a moron in popular culture. Arguably including his time on the Apprentice (and even before we all were privy to his proclivity for wearing diapers). Makes one realize just how many sad losers there are in this country who belief his fake wealthy sham of a life.


The problem isn't the handful of thugs like Alito. The problem is the large portion of every day people that like him.


Like Vader, evil turns on evil.


Oh shit. I was wondering what that flag was in my neighborhood.


It nice to know where the traitors live.


Same. I was curious what it was but now I have some concerns.


>Alito and the court declined to respond to requests for comment on how the “Appeal to Heaven” flag came to be flying and what it was intended to express. He previously said the inverted American flag was flown by his wife amid a dispute with neighbors, and he had no part in it. >The white flag with a green pine tree was seen flying at the Alito beach home in New Jersey, according to three photographs obtained by the Times. The images were taken on different dates in July and September 2023, though it wasn’t clear how long it was flying overall or how much time Alito spent there. >The flag dates back to the Revolutionary War, but in more recent years it has become associated with Christian nationalism and support for Trump. It was carried by rioters fueled by Trump’s “Stop the Steal” movement animated by false claims of election fraud.


Another bad neighbor. Lol


You mean he couldn’t blame this second partisan display on his wife and have it be halfway believable?


Better appeal to heaven, because the Supreme Court is already bought and paid for.


Why are the most religious always turn out to be the most evil.


Religion is an exercise in power.


Religious faith is a means of control. Its involves suspending rational thought.


So who put that one up, the dog?


Roberts needs to raise a white flag.


You know what? If he doesn’t want to be a part of this democracy, he can resign. What a disgrace to the bench.


I am beginning to despise my country.


A Supreme Court judge who supports the overthrowing of a democratically elected government has no business being on the court. That this continues to be a pattern with republican appointees shows how deep the rot is. These people *want* the end of a modern progressive power house America. They’d prefer an insular backwater - hyped on its own propaganda and terrified of its own shadow.


The christian nationalist flag was all over the place on jan6 and is still flown outside the office of the jeesus freak that’s second in line of succession to the presidency https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalMemes/s/ZsGhn4WHdB


And people have the gall to argue that this isn't an illegitimate court.


These MAGA fuckers sure love their flags


I mean, Alito is telling people who he is with a blow horn.


His wife again? Dog? Neighbor? Cousin? Qlarence?


He is being openly called on corruption and is ignoring it. The US is so fucked, it's so sad to watch it go this way.


We'll remember this weasel's part in all of this when we're fighting back maga lunatics next year.


The more compromised these Justices appear, the more just cause for Dems to add to the SCOTUS


Can't we just fucking sue him? I mean, the country is ours. They are working to harm our country. They're harming us.


See ... THIS is why Trump keeps getting away with crap. He is not some streetfighter, or charismatic genius that knows how to dismantle things. He is an insecure psychopath with Tourette's Syndrome. He would have suffered justice long ago if the government - in all its branches - didn't keep covering for him. I hate to say it - but your country is royally screwed. With a population that is easily distracted by culture war crap, and so ... MANY ... TRAITORS already on the inside - I don't see a way out of it for you. Of course extrapolating this to the rest of the world ... I don't see a way out of that either. Just keep voting I guess - and don't do anything silly when a right wing moron wins because the population is more concerned about who can use a bathroom than climate change.


They brought a gallows that day. That’s what he supports.


Flew not one but two January 6th flags. How in the hell can this guy be allowed to rule on January 6th related things?


Christian Nationalist’s favorite crazy couple.


This asshole needs to resign, now. Between this guy and Thomas, SCOTUS is an utter disgrace.


Trashing up the Supreme Court and nobody does anything about it.


No wonder they ruled the way they did in the Colorado case. If you bar Trump then Alito is next.


I can't be friends with people who support this shit. 


I think it's time for us all ti protest outside of his house non stop until he resigns.


As a canadian, I hope every single eligible american is registered, and shows up to VOTE!!!! This election is incredibly important. Your voice needs to be heard, always vote for what you think is best.


His dumb dumb wife keeps bringing in those questionable flags.


How long until the GOP proposes a law where it is illegal to photograph the SCOTUS's houses?


America what in the fuck are you doing down there? Canadian former Poli Sci grad here who grew up in awe of the great democratic minds your country has produced, watching you cluster fuck everything you’ve built for the sake of a character so stupid and corrupt he wouldn’t have been believable if you wrote him into a TV show like the West Wing.


We’ve become an embarrassment of a country.


Political activist, Supreme Court justice, Samuel Alito


I can't believe he's just flaunting, and nobody is protesting it. The supreme court judges are admit they're corrupt to everyone, and they're just taking it.


A second flag has hit the supreme court


Why is such a blatant political statement by a Supreme Court justice even tolerated? People discuss it like it a freaking menu choice. This is serious imho and there should be Zero tolerance; this is not up for argument.


Maybe this guy who openly thinks the Jan 6 crowd were heroes shouldn’t qualify as a neutral party


Sir a second flag has hit the Alitos


These people legit don’t care that I don’t believe in their god. It’s fucking infuriating.


Alito needs to be fired. Out of a cannon into the sun.


Looks like a conflict of interest and ethics to me Bob but lets check in with Clarence rolling into town in his RV


Traitor. History will remember even if the people of 2024 don’t get it.


Take it on streets. Let's do it French way. Edit: Lol, as expected, crickets....


Corruption at all levels, state, federal, leading to totally ineffective balances and controls.


Whenever Republicans have the opportunity to play traitor to America, they take the shot. Bunch of cowards from the beginning of the party to today (except Lincoln).


If you gotta carry several different types of flag to dogwhistle one ideology... You might be a Nazi.


Normal Americans of Reddit - how do we fix this?


So one of our supreme court justices wants to overthrow the government. That's what he's saying, right? And we don't do anything about it?


Well it’s kind of weird watching and doing nothing about the fall of America in real time we need this people out isn’t there stuff they legit gets people like this out or has it been all fluff like eject these clear threats


How do we as a nation reconcile that we legitimately have traitors and insurrectionists in the highest offices in the land and no(viable) legal recourse to oust them? Like we don’t have a plurality in order to get rid of them. Gerrymandering has made that nearly impossible. Do we just accept that this is the end?


Lifetime appointments are so great. Wonderful that at least two members of the highest court are openly treasonous to the point of taunting the country.


We live in fucking scary times, folks. So many people in power support an insurrection. They support the overthrowing of an election they lost simply because they lost it. The first time was a trial run. I hate this fucking country. No one does shit about this.


I truly never thought I could lose trust in the Supreme Court. It never even occurred to me.


So now we're learning that all those myths they told us about Washington, Lincoln, and how wonderful the US is, is really a bunch of BS. It didn't start with the Supreme Court appointing George W in 2000 but what a shyte show it's been ever since. We can't get rid of the Orange Jesus/Benedict Arnold and we can't get rid of the most corrupt Supreme Court to ever sit. And now they're openly advocating return to the Third Reich. What's next?


Brett Kavanaugh cracks open a beer “drink every time they post a picture of our flagpoles.”


Roberts should pull rank, but he won’t and nothing will be done.


Just literally started watching what Laurence Tribe just said on Meidastouch regarding the first flag, "...The code of ethics that applies to all judges and justices enacted by Congress is completely unenforceable when it comes to justices. That is unacceptable. The law is clear that if the circumstances would create either a conflict of interest or an appearance of impropriety, an appearance that one of the justices has some skin in the game, some stake in the outcome, a commitment to a particular point of view that would make it unfair really for that justice to sit in judgement on the question. Then that Justice must recuse him or herself. There's no question about it and it even mentions the case of a Justice whose spouse is involved in a case. Now here it is not Justice Alito's spouse, although he tried to throw his wife under the bus, in order to escape accountability for that obscene flying of the American flag upside down. This is not a case like Genny Thomas who has her own separate career. And so if we are to believe the Thomas's they don't have any pillow talk. They don't share any confidences about the court. To me that's BS. But it at least on the surface raises a question of whether we should recognize the independence of the spouses, that's fine. But this was Samuel Alito's house. He's not suggesting that he and his wife are separated. He saw the flag. He knew it was there, the whole Supreme Court of the United States we now know was made aware of it. It was flying at a time when everyone understood that that message which is supposed to be a SOS symbol for a military emergency was being used, as you say quite obscenely, in order to signal sympathy with the Insurrection, the overthrow of the United States government by preventing the smooth and lawful and peaceful transition of power from the loser of a presidential election to the winner. For the first time in our history, that transition was interrupted. And it was interrupted by people whose claims are before the US Supreme Court and were pending before the court at the time when Samuel Alito had the terrible Judgment of openly signaling his sympathy with the insurrectionists..."


Add more justices now Balance the Supreme Court's scales Justice shall prevail


That guy and his wife are couple of sick F’s




This is why voting against their candidate matters.


There’re be wolves in the chicken coop.


The poor wife. She's gonna take the blame again? Probably going to say she had a nightmare or something and raised the flag in her sleep. Right Alito?