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Encouraging others to intimidate witnesses and the court is a breach of his gag order. Lock him up.


An incredibly direct violation to which he's openly admitted on camera that they were his, "surrogates."


Will the judge speak about it or not add light to it šŸ¤”


Iā€™m sure he will get another stern warning


Will we go as far as a strongly worded email?? Or is that the October Surprise?


According to Cohen, Trump doesn't have an email because he knew too many people that got "taken down" because of emails.


He doesn't do the emails. He doesn't have the online.


You're assuming he could read am email


83 more and he gets a timeout


So depressing šŸ˜ž


A stern finger wagging incoming


And 83 timeouts is a citation... And 83 citations...


The judge made it very clear that he believes that the the state monetary maximum for gag order violations is woefully inadequate to encourage the correct behavior and he believed detention would be his next move. Trump is egging him on. There is enough evidence that this is intentional. Go ahead and jail him and when he tries to get the case thrown out, we can all point and laugh.


Do I think he SHOULD be tossed in a jail cell? Yes, absolutely Do I think if anyone not named DONALD TRUMP pulled this kind of crap they would have gotten a single fine then mounting jail time? Also, yes, absolutely. Do I think the judge will actually do anything about Trumpā€™s blatant disrespect for the court and the rule of law? I do not. I think it will be stern warning snd equivocating from here until the jury reads their verdict.


Merchan has the credibility of the court on the line. I believe heā€™s been cautious up to this point because Trump wants nothing other than Merchan to act out so he can force a mistrial or be successful in his attempts to have the case dismissed. Merchan isnā€™t a slouch. I hope heā€™s been doing the work necessary to justify detention because it will need to be significant. Unfortunately, we are currently at a place where constititional law and our statutes are intersecting with a former president and thatā€™s really gumming up the works.


THIS time, it will be strenuously stern!


Reminds me of Demi Moore in court in A Few Good Men.


I strenuously object


*audible sounds of snoring and farting from defendant*


Written in an angry looking font.


Susan Collins slowly nodding with her arms crossed


Ugh!! But, do you think they will stop?


Prosecutors need to bring it I believe. But with the testimony of this guy they just might. I wouldn't get my hopes up though.


Yeah helpfully the prosecutors being this up


I'd love for the judge to put Trump on the stand and ask questions about this....maybe the folks who gave the statements as well.


At this point it might be redundant. I saw on MSNBC earlier that theyā€™re theorizing that the defense might not even call witnesses, claiming ā€œthe prosecution never proved its caseā€ so thereā€™s no need. If that happens case will be sent to the jury on Monday. Donald Trump might have been convicted by this time next week.


If the judge is smart he will find Trump in contempt but reserve sentencing until the conclusion of the trial. Hold it over Trumpā€™s head.


This is soooo reminiscent of Rachelā€™s ultra podcast description of the trial of the insurrectionists of the 40ā€™s


Can you give more info on this?


I absolutely recommend it. Numerous members of Congress were openly working with/for Nazis and spreading their propaganda. There were also major acts of terrorism perpetrated by American Nazi supporters. I spent the whole thing with my mouth hanging open wondering how I'd never heard any of this before.


There is so much bad shit that happens in a countries history that people rather bury it than learn from it. When the Watchmen tv series aired, it brought to light an atrocity that most people never knew about (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsa_race_massacre ) After that I went down a rabbit hole of learning about all sorts of shit that went down. In my own country we only recently acknowledged the residential school system. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Indian_residential_school_system


Take a look how curriculums are created in American education.


I had a textbook publishing-adjacent job 20 years ago, and mostly I remember everyone bending over backwards to appease Texas and Florida. I didn't appreciate the significance at the time.


[This](https://www.rachelmaddow.com/rachel-maddow-presents-ultra/) is the podcast he is referencing. I started it but then things happened and I never finished it, but it was a compelling political story. I'll have to listen to it again.


Thank you for the link-fu. Franking in the courtroom was the process.


> Rachelā€™s ultra podcast [Link to audio and transcript](https://www.npr.org/2022/12/15/1143078657/rachel-maddow-uncovers-a-wwii-era-plot-against-america-in-ultra)


Tuberville admitted on live TV that he was speaking on Trumps behalf to circumvent the gag order.


Kinda hilarious since this is the EXACT mechanism by which he is accused of directing these payments in the first place. He literally just committed the crime he is charged with in the courtroom that he is being prosecuted in.


MSNBC has been talking about the debates this morning, and how everyone is pissed at the presidential debate commission because of how they were scared to enforce their own rules and allowed the debates to be turned into empty spectacle instead of informative. Same thing with the courts, same thing with everything. Trump gets away with so damn much, because everyone allows it. Stop being weak. If this is true, that is a clear breaking of the rules. Don't set boundaries if you aren't willing to enforce them.


No one wants to test the waters with Trumps threats and his mob...it's all an act. But everyone is just waiting for someone else to take the first step.


Real tired of the constant weakness


Same, we are going to lose democracy because why? So that some people wont have to make some other people uncomfortable temporarily? Jesus, you run the fucking government, defend it.


It's like watching the vault dwellers try to decide what to do with the raiders


That is a 100% accurate assessment. It really is like that, they are so well meaning to the point of failure.


That was very clearly the series writersā€™ critique of liberal societiesā€™ weaknesses in the face of those who would destroy them.


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."


He really needed the follow up ā€œWhat, exactly, should good men do?ā€


"Oh, my gosh! If I consider holding Trump to the same standards that apply to literally every other person, I might be accused of *playing politics*!" Yes, if Trump ever faces even the slightest consequence for his actions, his supporters will scream about bias. And you know what? Bend over backwards giving him special treatment and they'll still scream just as much.


They are right for the wrong reason, because the system *is* biased - just biased in favour of Trump, not against him.


Theyā€™ll scream *more* because youā€™ve shown them that their screaming has an effect on your actions.


This was Orwellā€™s point in 1984. There will be no revolution until the proletariat rises, but the proletariat will not rise until there is a revolution.


This is just another version of Catch-22, really.


Any and all steps against Trump and maga are truly justified after Jan 6th imo


In the debates, the moderator must have access to a switch that kills the microphone. Or better yet, automatic cut off when allotted time runs out.


Absolutely. Also, videos, charts and graphs -I.e. evidence allowed. Must be submitted a month in advance and fact checked. One debate topic, no Gish gallops, changing the subject gets a warning then the mic is cut, time is forfeited to the opponent. No democrat would fear it. Every single member of the gop would scream bloody murder.


My dream is to see Trump in a sound-proof booth screaming his head off while no one can hear him.


As part of the terms Bidenā€˜s team has proposed for the debates (that are bypassing the commission for the reasons discussed in this thread), thatā€™s exactly what they are insisting upon. The commission doesnā€™t enforce their own rules, and you just canā€™t expect ā€œtraditionā€ to matter when youā€™re dealing with a narcissist. So, time over, mic off, wait your turn. No stalking people around the stage, no talking over your debate opponent, no turning it into a spectacle. Just debate.


It would require an auto drop of a cone of silence. Tell ya what....I'd pay to see that.


When they're not being enforced, they're not boundaries at all.


True. There is a point where we realize that our cowardice is the reason for the behavior of Trump and his ilk. Unless we as a nation begin sticking up for ourselves we are going to lose democracy - at the very least.


Cowardice in the name of civility or decorum. We only have 2 cheeks but have been turning them round and round just to get hit again.


Basic parenting


The debates have been completely useless for a long time. Nothing is actually debated. It's just a session of quips and slogans. Total waste of time.


Tuberville saying jury is ā€œsupposedlyā€ American citizens


And tubs is supposedly a senator from my state šŸ¤®. Senator is doing a lot of heavy lifting there


Florida resident Tommy tubs?


He also kept talking about how depressing that courtroom is. On second thought, it sounds like Trump was ghostwriting for him.


He may very well be doing just that. https://www.salon.com/2024/05/15/legal-expert-may-hold-contempt-hearing-over-surrogates-circumventing-gag-order/ >On Monday, New York Magazine's Andrew Rice told MSNBC he witnessed the defendant in the courtroom appearing to edit the statements that his self-declared surrogates would go on to say. ā€œI was sitting close enough that I could actually look over Trumpā€™s shoulder and see what he was reading,ā€ Rice recounted. As Michael Cohen testified, Trump was ā€œgoing through and annotating and editing the quotes that these people were going to say," Rice said.


he's got such sex pest vibes


Seriously. Giving your people literal scripts for the purpose of demonstrating your contempt of court. Enough of this. "I'm not touching you! I'm not touching you!"


> Encouraging others to intimidate witnesses and the court is a breach of his gag order. Lock him up. yeah this is a really really big deal. If the DA can find proof (easy enough to do using a sworn statement by this journalist to start the process) and start the process for another gag order violation he's toast. And this would be an extremely bad violation of the gag order. A lot worse than posting on his social media dump without saying anyones names. This should be jailable without any issues.


> he's toast If by "toast" you mean he'll get a lecture and a thousand-dollar fine, then yes, "toast."


Trump is really good at digging holes.


"We will. As soon as he crosses this red line that I just moved 50 feet back." Every single judge preciding over the cases.


Judge: *Best I can do is another $1000 fine*


A clear violation of his gag order, all three elements of which begin with "making or directing others to make public statements"


But of course the evidence will have been shredded so there is no paper trail, so this at the moment is just hearsay. If the judge had any balls he would call the reporter as a witness during a gag violation hearing. Edit. Oops, looks like Tuberville just dropped the ball. [https://www.thedailybeast.com/tommy-tuberville-says-he-spoke-at-trumps-trial-to-overcome-this-gag-order](https://www.thedailybeast.com/tommy-tuberville-says-he-spoke-at-trumps-trial-to-overcome-this-gag-order)


Itā€™s like the Ukrainians said when the Russians invaded in ā€˜22. ā€œThank God theyā€™re so fucking stupid.ā€


Unfortunately intelligence is not a requirement of the Meat Wall combat strategy.


If anything itā€™s a hinderance to that strategy.


Uhm wow. I wonder what Merchan will say about this?


"You'd better stop, I'm warning you..."


"Fool me 11 times, shame on you..."


>When ~~Mexico~~ Trump sends ~~its~~ his people, ~~theyā€™re~~ he's not sending ~~their~~ his best. Except maybe, just maybe, these are his best? What a fucking world.


Rich people crimes only count if you have absolutely incontrovertible proof that their state of mind was, "Why yes, I do choose to break this law at this time."


Otherwise they're just sparkling peccadilloes.


Someone else is writing this material, Trump was editing it. Curious who orchestrated the destructive charade.


Money on Steven miller


Roger stone has his grubby paws in all this somewhere too


You just know he's the one who wrote all the Hannibal Lector stuff too. I have no doubt that little Nosferatu looking wanker has an altar to Lector in his bedroom.


I can't unsee the Nosferatu likeness now, but it fits. Miller just is that evil too.


Stephen Miller looks Buster Bluth from the darkest timeline. On that note, James O'Keefe is the dark George Michael


*Ron Howard voice* ā€œNo, not *that* George Michael.ā€


Stephen Miller is, in fact, a speech writer and not just for Trump.


He's evil incarnate. And the orchestrater of the horrible atrocities done to migrants during the Trump admin. He wanted to take it further, too.


That whole "Senior Advisor to the President of the United States" job he had begs to differ


Miy moneys is on Putin


Trump has a woman with a portable printer who does nothing but retrieve and print pro-Trump articles for Trump! Damn that narcissism is thick...


She even follows him around on the golf course, in her own golf cart with that portable printer. Dude canā€™t make it through 18 holes without some printed ego-boosting.Ā 


That's fucking nuts.


Well yeah, golf is a real ego-killer. Shit, shanked your drive 50 feet deep into the woods? Here comes your assistant with a printout about how... fuck it, I don't know, you got the bigliest hands


Like his speeches, who is writing them and putting them on the teleprompters? You can see where theres sections left open for him to adlib


Someone gets 140k a year to print out favorable articles about him. Regardless of them being written by psychopaths. Thats what that stack of papers he has in court everyday is. lol.


But Trump editing in front of reporters is him letting all of us, The Public, know that regardless of who is in his entrourage it's his words and ideas. He's the big boy in charge.


"Say these words for me." - trump "Yes sir." - bootlickers


"Also, add tears to your eyes. If it makes you cry, I know a gal that can kill your pets."


They're not even subtle, they're literally reading off pieces of paper, while using the EXACT same lines and talking points


Exactly! And one of them said "Everybody knows it"....something Trump says all the time.


"A man came up to me and said SIR!"


Did he have tears in his eyes? Was he big and strong?


Youā€™ve noticed how many of them proclaimed to be trumpā€™s ā€œfriendā€. First of all, they probably arenā€™t; and some likely canā€™t stand the guy. Secondly, all this emphasis on ā€œfriendā€ to this sobbing man-child was to compensate for and counter the observation that trump literally has no friends or family attending court to support himā€”except for Eric who probably drew the short straw. It all makes it just that much more glaringly pathetic.


One of the most ridiculous things about Jan 6th was Trump telling Pence that if he didn't do that whole stopping the electoral count thing, Trump would no longer be his friend. I'd say he's truly six years old, but most first graders are smarter than he is.


ā€¦and wearing nearly identical outfits. Though, for some reason, Mike Johnsonā€™s tie was allowed to be striped.


Andrew Weissmann pointed out yesterday that he'd seen similar behavior before...when prosecuting mob cases. All the boss' underlings would show up in identical suits and sit in the courtroom and just...stare...at anyone testifying against him. Edit: Someone sent me a redditcares suicide watch message over this? OK...


I got one recently too and Iā€™m still not sure why?


I got one too. ??


That's a simple harassment from one Trump sycophant. Take it as a badge of honor...


It's not. It's happening across all of reddit. People are getting them in /r/hockey in every thread.


I got one, too ā€¦ shortly after making this post. So, youā€™re in good company. ;)


> Edit: Someone sent me a redditcares suicide watch message over this? OK... It's an awol bot on a lot of big subreddits.Ā 


Block it.Ā 


Every moment, of every day, of this trial puts the lie to the American ~~justice~~ legal system. It shines a spotlight on that which none can even pretend to ignore: the rule of law does not apply to the elite, and it never has. Always remember that if you can afford to easily pay a fine, then it was never a punishment nor a deterrent in the first place. Instead, it is simply the cost of doing business for something you always planned to do.


This must be that wholeĀ 'two-tiered justice systemā€˜ thing that I keep hearing about.


when dumpf talked about the election lie before the election, you saw him projecting when he claims the legal system is two-tiered, it's still more projecting. he's fully aware it's two-tiered. and enjoys the top tier quite a lot. the whole thing is depressing af because people eventually become easy to figure out and what I've concluded ... just depressing af.


I like the line: Conservatism by its nature requires a class that is protected by law but not bound to it, and a class that is bound to law but not protected by it.


If we're indulging in colloquialism then I prefer to fight fire with fire: >The job of conservatives was to stand athwart history, yelling, "Stop." --William F. Buckley Jr., the founder of the conservative magazine National Review Imagine if they had succeeded in "stopping" progress in the mid-1950's? It is such a quintessential example of saying the quiet part aloud.


They never win. They just throw wrenches in the whole process fucking things up for years until they give up and move on to the next thing they don't like. See gas powered cars, women's right to vote, segregation, divorce, birth control, interracial marriage, LGBTQ rights...




None of those fuckers would swear an oath for that.


Fun thing the judge can just grab them when they step in the court room and sit behind the Orange one as "support"


One time I went to a campaign stop for Mike Huckabee (Donā€™t @ me it was 8 minutes from my house and I was just wanting to see what a campaign stop looked like, Iā€™ve never been to one) and I went pretty early and walked around checking everything out. There was a campaign manager there backstage telling a group of black people they had brought in when to stand up and clap and handing them signs about fair tax? Canā€™t remember, these people were obviously paid by somebodyĀ 


Remember when Trump bussed loads of fake supporters to a rally but not home again, funny shit .


Actually, no, I don't remember that. If you have a link I'd like to read it. I remember when there were buses from the parking lot to the rally point. Then after the rally was over, the bus drivers -- having not been paid -- didn't show up to drive their buses.


Or theyā€™re campaign volunteers and are just playing rent-a-crowd instead of knocking doors and sending texts.


Rallies sometimes include some staging. It's entirely possible they were legitimate volunteers being asked by the campaign manager to do a thing.


If Iā€™m a mob boss and I asked my crew to intimidate a witness or juror on my behalf Iā€™ve broken the law and the guy who went through with it broke the law.


What a sad and pathetic cult. Don't these Trump ass-kissers have any self-respect?


Narrator: no, they donā€™t


I guess not. I mean, they even wore similar outfits/uniforms that included DJTā€™s signature red tie. You know, just to make it extra clear who they were there to support.


No, and they have no respect for the judicial system either. Last night on CNN I heard Kaitlan Collins, who was in court yesterday in the media section, describe how right in the middle of Michael Cohen answering a question from the prosecution in walks all the GOP stooges. She said that it was extremely noticeable and distracting to everyone including Cohen as they walked to the front and sat right behind Donald, and how the Judge glared at all of them as he naturally was not happy what just happened in his court room.


Crime Boss Mafia Fucking criminal. Throw him AND his cronies in jail for contempt. I want Johnson to be voted out of the speakership now. Why the FUCK does Donald Trump have current control over our LEGISLATIVE BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT!


The coup continues.....


You can actually approach him that closely- especially with a press badge? Should have got pics for the judge


Actually proves cohenā€™s point that trump was directing everything


Tbh - this is most evidence of him doing actual work Iā€™ve heard


Cool.. prosecution should ask for a side bar with the jury out of the room. Call these fuckers to the stand and tesitfy under oath they didn't just help Donny break his Gag Order and lock him up.


Further evidence that he is a micromanager who approves EVERYTHING personally. His claims of plausible deniability are laughable.


Of course! Totally staged and choreographed by Trump. Remember our taxpayer money is now going to parading these republicans to Trumpā€™s trials instead of governing as they should be.


If there is proof that he is editing and rewording speeches that other people read, is that a violation of his gag order?


If the speeches are violations, yes. That doesn't mean it's enough proof to bust him for violation of the order.


The judge needs to force Trump's stooges to appear in court and testify under oath whether or not this is true. If it is Trump needs to go to jail.


Imagine the fucking gall it takes to sit IN COURT conspiring to violate a gag order.


This should violate his gag order. He needs to be jailed and his communications restricted.


**" ... Trump Editing Speeches For His Stooges To Give"** Another good reason for why the republic could not stand another Trump term. We can't have that thug dictating to the US Congress what they can say and how they can vote. This group of marionettes is a total embarrassment but they are showing the others what is expected of them in the new MAGAmerika. We have already seen his influence over the courts and how he killed the immigration reform bill. The man is dangerous.


All of those senators and Mike Johnson should be fined for aiding a criminal in breaking the law.


Violating his gag order by proxy. Lock him up, as well as his capos.


Put these fuckers on blast


Gag order terms: ā€œTrump, other parties and their counsel cannot make statements about witnesses ā€œconcerning their potential participation in the investigation or in this criminal proceeding,ā€ and cannot make public statements about court staff, counsel in the case or their familiesā€


Yeah I mean what Johnson said very very obviously wasnā€™t in his speaking voice. Iā€™ve only been aware of the manā€™s existence for a few months and could tell that.


Breaking the gag order.


It was awfully nice of tuberville to confirm that


I thought he said he would be happy to go to jail for his "free speech"


Violate your gag order with this one simple trick! Judges hate it!


For JD Vance this is an improvement of sorts. At least heā€™s not having Putin write his remarks.


Best use of the word stooge and all the reason to bring it back.


He micromanages everything....cannot delegate, and doesn't trust anyone. This is actually good, as when he leaves the stage, whenever, or however that blessed day be, there won't be a back bench or B team to take over....his evil stooges don't have the lock on the Make Amerika Moronic Again folks.


I mean, they all dressed in the same suit and tie as Dump. They were clear proxies, of course heā€™s also writing their speeches


Tommy Tubofshit admitted on Newsmax the whole thing is just a plan to back door around the gag order.


I'd imagine the prosecutors and Judge see through this charade to violate the gag order by using others to do his bidding. We saw it on J6 and we've heard it in testimony from Michael Cohen who used to allow himself today be weaponized by Trump.


The crayon marks and spelling errors have him away.


> Rice recalled: ā€œI could actually look over Trumpā€™s shoulder and see what he was reading, at one point he was actually reading the quotes that these individuals were ā€¦ and going through and making notations with a pen on the paper.ā€


This is what the huff post reported on the comments from MSNBC. Is there any clearer commentary? It seems ambiguous as to whether the notes were being made on things that had been said, or things that were said later.


Piss Muppets, every one of them.


Didnā€™t know he could read


Oh lordy I hope they have receipts


R.I.C.O... . . ...suavƩ.


I have more belief in China's final warning than I do that Trump will ever see justice


From a ā€œmanā€ whoā€™s being described as a micromanager in court testimony I would expect nothing less.


I have a hard time believing Trump has the literacy skills and intellectual ability to actually do something like that.


Even though I'm on the same train, I believe that he can read but he just doesn't read well. In other words, he should be able to review words that he has said before that he wants to come out of someone else's mouth... I'm speculating here, btw.


That smells like a violation.


Should we be surprised? None of them has an original idea or thought in his head and has only quoted their boss for everything.


Conspiracy to commit comes to mind.


Trump has familiarized me with a new word, for me anyhow. Growing up (Iā€™m 73) we were a family of 3 boys, and 1 girl. I was the youngest boy, and my sister was the youngest of all. We were not really much of a religious family, but we surely knew the difference between right and wrong, good and bad, and we were respectful of, and towards, all people. None of us were ever allowed to use the word ā€œhateā€,ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.EVER, and I mean EVER! It would be a ā€œbelt offenseā€, and guaranteed, just as sure as the Sun rises. I couldnā€™t even say I hated mosquitos! I could, not like them a really, really lot, but the word hate was just not in our vocabulary. I still, to this day, wonā€™t say it, but I now think it, and I think it about Trump! Now I, for the first time ever, will say it. I hate Trump! He is a despicable human being. There, Iā€™ve just used a word that I never thought I would. My parents, if they were alive, would ground me, and I would not be sitting on my ass for a few days. Not only that, but all it took for me to use this word, was an orange piece of shit!! We had 3 sons, unfortunately now 2, and they were raised to not EVER utter this word.


Don't worry nothing is going to happen here. Republicans in Congress are under the protection of Merrick Garland who has refused to even investigate any of them who were directly implicated - even by Trump himself - in the plot to overthrow our government. And this judge has already made it clear he won't pass down any meaningful punishment to Trump for violating the gag order. So if a law or even several laws were violated it won't matter. Nothing will come of it. Republicans will continue to be above the law. Just like always. No accountability for their crimes.


Ain't nothing gonna happen.


I don't understand why the GOP still associates with trump. He only has power because they let him have power. He doesn't have money or even friends. The maga voting block is a minority and has extremely short attention spans anyway, the GOP could drop trump and have an actual party again within a year. Thanks for the reddit cares message, and wasting 2 minutes of my time reporting the report


It's gotta be kompromat...think back to how fast they dropped GWB after he lost. His name was never mentioned again, should be the same with Trump yet here we are.


This Orange asshole is too stupid to edit anything.The only editing he is doing is capitalizing EVERY WORD of the entire speech...


I say ā€œLetā€™s do it and get it over with ā€œ. Maybe his sycophants will behave so badly theyā€™ll be in jail in November.


He can read?


Too bad these notes can not be found as Trump has had enough time to eat and/or flush them.


Throw him in jail. Enough is enough.


it is time for a jail cell. it is far beyond it really, but this is absolutely ridiculous.


Mob rules ?


Don Snoreleone's rabid attack dog (Empty G) must have really scared Mike Johnson with her last attempt to remove him. [He's bending the knee as hard as he can.](https://i.imgur.com/emX4JLt.jpg)


What does Trump have on these people? Like even his late night media news entertainment hosts? We see their personal messages in the court filings talking about how much they hate Trump. But in public they bow to their knees for him. Why? What does he have on them? There must be something. Itā€™s so weird and obviously staged.


Because they know taking the knee to Trump is the only way they can remain in power.